Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosniac Institute - Foundation Adil Zulfikarpasic

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The Bosniac Institute – Foundation Adil Zulfikarpasic is a private non-profit foundation, found in 1988 in Zurich and in 2001 in Sarajevo, by Adil Zulfikarpasic. Board of directors (11 members), director responsible to the Board, and 13 staff members. Yearly budget cca EUR 400.000. Source of funding is 99% our own resources. 1. Culture: exhibitions, photography: ‘Muslims of New York’, ‘Auf der Suche nach Atlantis’ etc.; fine arts: Franjo Likar ‘Mersad Berber’, etc.; documentation ‘Dusan Karpatsky’, ‘Faginovic’Calligraphy, etc. 2. Research projects: ‘Monograph on S. Selmanagic’, ‘Scientific portal of B&H diasporas scholars’, etc. 3. Conferences and seminars promoting and developing heritage: MELCOM (Middle Eastern librarians specializing in manuscripts), ICSL (Conference of Slavic librarians), historical like. ‘Fatih and Bosnia’, etc. 4. Humanitarian and community development: BHCrafts, Children Home DUGA, Awareness of cervical cancer, etc. Partners: cultural, scientific and educational institutions in B&H and abroad (national libraries, academies, national galleries, Sarajevo Art, etc., diplomatic missions).
Mission and Objectives

• Contribute to understanding of cultural heritage of B&H and region by selecting, collecting, documenting, preserving, and making it accessible.
• Seek to make available any and all information bearing on the historical interpretations of B&H society at large.
• Reconstruction and development of B&H science, history, culture, art, languages and religions of its peoples.
• Support and encourage cultural, creative, humanitarian and comunity development projects.
• Public awareness-building activities for heritage
• Develop local and international partnership with other cultural institutions
• Support of cultural, historical, linguistic, religious research projects
• Affirmation and promotion of cultural heritage
• Promote dialogue between cultures in cooperation with local and international partners.
• Development and affirmation of B&H and regional humanities

Main Projects / Activities

The Institute contributes to development of culture of B&H in regional and European context, and is used for a wide variety of cultural activates: art, humanities, cultural and historical heritage, and cultural tourism of B&H and the region.
• library and archive: collection, documentation, presentation, preservation, services, scientific portal, information accessibility – online catalogue, digital library, digitalization of various collections.
• art: presentation of own collections (B&H artists), setting up art exhibits that are engaged in social changes and development, and encourage intercultural understanding.
• development of partnership:
a) cultural projects aiming at
-intercultural and inter-religious dialogue,
-rebuilding modes of coexistence and mutual respect in B&H society,
-nurturing and respecting various identities
-presenting other cultures, their art and history.
b) inter library and archive cooperation - exchange, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, study visits, research.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are willing to take part in Anna Lindh Foundation activities in B&H and elsewhere, to promote the Foundation in ways applicable and compatible to our activities and mission. We can offer a partnership in creating projects that would develop and improve inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, and that would enhance understanding and presentation of art and culture. In addition, it would be beneficiary to exchange variety of information with the network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop partnership with other members of the Foundation organizing cultural, research, humanitarian and community development projects.
The Bosniac Institute – Foundation Adil Zulfikarpasic as a private non-profit foundation is looking for partnership with other organizations and foundations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad that will provide support through calls for projects, seminars, trainings, workshops, donors and similar activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Narcisa Puljek-Bubric
Head of the organisation
Amina Rizvanbegovic Dzuvic

Bosnie Herzégovine

Bosnian Network Group photo

Le but du Réseau bosniaque de la Fondation Anna Lindh (BiH) est de créer un réseau régional dont la totalité des membres sont acteurs de la construction, des activités et de la prise de décision. De même, au sein du Réseau, les conditions nécessaires à la coopération, l’ouverture, la coordination et la satisfaction des intérêts des membres sont créées, le tout en accord avec la mission de la FAL.

Les forces du Réseau bosniaque de la FAL résident dans : sa diversité, son interdisciplinarité et sa représentation relative dans toutes les régions de la Bosnie-Herzégovine.

Le Réseau a à son actif plusieurs réalisations, parmi lesquelles : la continuité de son travail depuis sa création en 2009, une structure bien établie (Chef de file, Comité de direction, Assemblée, membres permanents), des documents structurels du Réseau bien conçus (Accord de coopération).

Les actions et les règles du Réseau tendent à : développer et renforcer la coopération et le réseautage internationaux, et avoir un impact sur les individus, mais également sur les communautés locales et régionales, et sur les institutions gouvernementales.

Les principaux domaines d’intervention dans lesquels l’expertise du Réseau se reflète sont la culture, la coopération et l’échange interculturels, ainsi que le partage de son expertise avec les autres réseaux dans le domaine du dialogue social, culturel et interculturel.

À l’avenir, le Réseau tend à multiplier les coopérations régionales et les activités de projet avec les réseaux de la région. Les caractéristiques distinctives du Réseau résident principalement dans sa collaboration dans le milieu du théâtre et de l’art (salon du livre, Sarajevo Winter), et du Peace Festival (festival culturel de jeunes créateurs peu connus en Bosnie-Herzégovine), qui devrait se consolider et s’étendre dans la région, au sein du Réseau de la FAL.

La devise du Réseau bosniaque de la FAL est la suivante : « Goûtez la Méditerranée. »

Governance Structure

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Srebrenica Youth School

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) Sarajevo

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) Sarajevo

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Srebrenica Youth School

This July, as part of the program marking the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, in cooperation with the Srebrenica Memorial Center, the Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) is organizing the fourth edition of the Srebrenica Youth School in Srebrenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The school will bring together 30 young people from the Western Balkans, Europe, and the world to learn from regional and global experts about transitional justice, memorialization and historical narrative building, human rights, and prevention of genocide and mass atrocities during a seven-day program (July 7 – 14).

The school will include a series of lectures and panel sessions aimed at presenting innovative approaches and techniques, and best practices for working on the issues of genocide and mass atrocity prevention, transitional justice, and human rights. During the first three editions of the school, speakers and lecturers included Emir SuljagićTanya DomiSabina Čehajić-ClancyDino AbazovićMehnaz AfridiMatthew HollidayDenis DžidićMarijana TomaPaul Lowe, as well as representatives of OSCE Mission to BiH, United Nations in BiH, TRIAL International in BiH, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), Youth Initiative for Human Rights, and many others.

The school is designed for 30 students and researchers from all over the world (aged between 18 and 30) who have an interest in the areas of transitional justice, memorialization, and mass atrocity prevention. The working language of the school is English. The costs of accommodation, transportation, food, and materials for selected participants (citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia) will be covered by the organizers. Selected international participants are expected to cover their transportation costs to Srebrenica and pay a 100 € fee for accommodation, food, and materials.

Selected participants are expected to fully attend the program. If you are interested in participating, fill out the form you can find here and send it to The deadline for applying is June 16, 2023.



PCRC Sarajevo - BiH

Dear civil society representatives, colleagues, and friends, 

The European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with the Post-Conflict Research Center is conveying the first ‘State of Peace’ Youth Academy from August 18 – 31 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro will take part in a cross-country program with 15 + activities in 4 locations, travel across the country and enjoy their summer break in Bosnia! Program will consist of a two-week youth academy taking place across Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, Vitez, Tuzla, Brčko) and the Academy's official working languages are Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian/Montenegrin. All participation costs (travel, accommodation, meals, and workshop materials) are covered by the organisers.

We would like to invite you to support our school and share the call for applications with your young colleagues, researchers and students. The call for applications can be found here and here, and the deadline to apply is August 11, 2023.



VELMA ŠARIĆ, President

Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) | | @pcrcbih | #PCRCBiH


Centar za izgradnju mira (CIM, Center for Peacebuilding)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 61 443 988
Telephone (other)
+387 62 795 532
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
CIM is made up of two full-time staff, a youth volunteer club with around 30 members, a 5 member board of trustees, and a 10 member assembly. CIM's budget is around 11,000 USD annually. 10,000 USD come from a grant from an international NGO called Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), while the remaining 1,000 USD come from private donations (local and international) and participation fees for foreign language classes. CIM uses a variety of models for action: workshops, seminars, and dialogue groups bringing together diverse individuals; intercultural lectures and films; and intercultural exchanges.
Mission and Objectives

CIM's mission is to rebuild trust and foster reconciliation among the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks, and others - as well as support peace processes in other countries that have suffered from violent conflicts.

Main Projects / Activities

CIM's main projects include:
1. Annual Peace Camp: This peace camp brings together Bosnian youth from different ethnic and religious backgrounds to foster trust and reconciliation, while equipping youth with skills in nonviolent communication and conflict resolution.
2. Intercultural Exchange: Partnering with different international academic institutions and programs, CIM hosts three international delegations annually.
3. Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP): As part of a network of trainers throughout BiH, CIM staff implement AVP trainings for local educators and others to teach individuals how to respond nonviolently in potentially violent situations.
4. Interreligious Dialogue: Since March 2010, CIM has been working with Sanski Most's local religious leaders to form an interreligious council and conduct dialogue workshops to promote trust and cooperation between Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Muslim communities in Sanski Most.
5. Intercultural Lecture and Films: CIM organizes intercultural lectures and films followed by dialogue for citizens of Sanski Most.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vahidin Omanović
Head of the organisation
Vahidin Omanović
Contact (2) Full Name
Matt Harms

Cinema for Peace Foundation in Bosnia-Herzegovina

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 (0) 33 / 21 83 97
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
The Cinema for Peace Foundation office in Bosnia-Herzegovina works to contribute to local and regional reconciliation and justice through the creation of the Genocide Film Library. To successfully implement the project Cinema for Peace has a team totaling 13 individuals (8 full time staff, 2 part time staff, 1 project consultant, and 2 interns) and a yearly budget of approximately 400,000 Euro. Cinema for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina currently receives support from Foundation’s Headquarters in Berlin, the German Foreign Ministry under the auspices of the Stability Pact, and the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Turkey. Each day the staff films 8–12 interviews of Srebrenica survivors, which are later edited, organized, and subtitled to be used for educational purposes. Cinema for Peace also collaborates with like-minded regional organizations on outreach and educational events, including the International Commission on Missing Persons, Sarajevo-based Gallery 11/7/95, and the Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial Center.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of the Cinema for Peace Foundation’s Office in Bosnia-Herzegovina is to, over a five-year period, create the Genocide Film Library Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Genocide Film Library will incorporate 10,000 first-hand testimonies from Srebrenica genocide survivors and serve as an educational and historical resource that supports the prevention of future genocides.
Cinema for Peace has four major objectives with the Genocide Film Library: (1) Educate a variety of audiences – both domestic and international – by offering 10,000 factual, first-hand testimonies about the lives of individuals who survived the Srebrenica genocide. (2) Enhance the capacity of institutions (universities, museums, etc.) to educate students and visitors about genocide. (3) Empower genocide survivors as educators and encourage a paradigm shift in which individuals are not viewed as “victims,” but rather as “survivors.” (4) Contribute to the reconciliation processes in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the region through providing “truth telling” with the testimonials and surrounding activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Cinema for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina currently implements one major project, creation of the Genocide Film Library. This project entails a number of activities including working with Srebrenica genocide survivors to prepare them for interviewing, the process of filming testimonies, organizing and editing film footage, working through online outlets to disseminate interviews and related information, and outreach events to educate the public and further engage survivor communities.
Each day we are able to film 8-10 interviews, and over the course of each year we hold a number of outreach and educational events to further engage survivor communities and raise awareness in the general public.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Srebrenica genocide occurred in July 1995 and resulted in the deaths of over 8,000 Muslim men and boys from eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina. Although the Srebrenica genocide has been recognized on an international level, genocide denial continues in BiH and throughout the Western Balkans. In addition to the prevalence of genocide denial within the region, there are no large scale efforts to provide a platform for war survivors to speak about their experiences, both helping them to feel their voices are heard and providing a spoken record of events for future education and scholarship on the region. Therefore, Cinema for Peace’s year-old Genocide Film Library project fills a void in the current social climate. Providing interviews for the project will become a means of empowering survivors as educators for future generations as well as a safe space to process their experiences in a supportive atmosphere. In this way, the project will contribute to the healing and empowerment of genocide survivors in Bosnia-Herzegovina, while also creating carefully crafted resources to be used in educating future generations about genocide and genocide prevention.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cinema for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina strongly believes in creating a platform that empowers individuals and communities to engage in a productive dialogue about the events of genocide in hopes of processing the past for a better future. The main goals of the ALF Network tie directly into our own work as both organizations focus on mutual understanding and dialogue as a means to achieve peace and coexistence. In this way, Cinema for Peace would benefit greatly from being part of a network whose members hold the same values as they work towards social change. As a critical element of our mission is to work with like minded organizations and institution to further educate the public about the Srebrenica genocide, the ALF Network will provide a wide range of potential partners as the project progresses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Selma Hadzic
Head of the organisation
Selma Hadzic
Contact (2) Full Name
Alison Sluiter (

Citizen's Educational Center (CEC)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
063 961 621
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Research
General Information
The Assembly is the highest management body of the Association and consists of all members. President of the Assembly of the Association and Executive Director of the Association elected by the Assembly on mandate period of 4 years. President and Executive Director responsible to the Assembly. The objectives and tasks of the Association, provided the following: - The fees paid by members of the Association; - Voluntary contributions and gifts of public institutions, individuals and legal entities, both foreign and domestic, in cash, services or property of any kind; - State grants or contracts with the state, public institutions, individuals and corporate entities, both domestic and foreign; - Income from interest, dividends, profits, capital, rents, fees and similar sources of passive income; - proceeds through the achievement of goals and activities of the association, as defined by the Statute.
Mission and Objectives

Association CEC was established in Tuzla. We want to act both locally and globally in order to animate people to participate in social life in order to promote civil society through programs of promotion of values on which members of associations and others can build their moral development and the integrity of general education, education through formal teaching and training staff and informal learning and the creation positive habits in all categories of citizens in terms of active attitude towards social events.
Association „Citizen's Educational Center“ seeks to become a relevant educational factor in order to improve civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

Operate and animate citizens to participate in social life in order to promote civil society through prgrame as:
General education in order to create conditions for job creation and employment.
Participation in the development of preventive programs healthy society.
Education through formal teaching and training staff as well as informal learning, encouraging creative, productive development and conscious citizens.
Create positive habits among all categories of citizens in terms of active attitude towards social events, and creating positive habits in the use of free time.
Organization to help poor and disadvantaged, and help disabled people.
Promotion of the values on which members of the association and others can build their moral development and integrity.
Developing all aspects of Educational work, education - pedagogical and informative activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emir Vildić
Head of the organisation
Prof. Emir Vildić - Executive director
Contact (2) Full Name
Antti Tepponen

Citizens association „Something more“ (Nešto više)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone (other)
036347296 (Mostar)
033 788 741
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association currently employs seven full time employees. Association also has an outside contractor, accountant, network of 15 consultants whose services are used as needed, and a network of 51 volunteers. Current donors: The Whalen Family Foundation Oakland USA, European Commission, USAID, Centers of Civic Initiatives (CCI), Dutch Development Agency, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Austrian Agency for Technical Cooperation (ADA). Main partners are CRP from Tuzla and OKC from Banja Luka. Both organiztions are from BH. More about concrete projects you can find in attached file. Buget for next fiscal is about 270 000 EURO.
Mission and Objectives

Our vision:
A Bosnian Herzegovinian society that is morally responsible and tolerant and promotes competency, safety and togetherness through mutual care of the individual and community.
Our mission:
“Nešto Više” motivates positive changes in society by offering opportunities to individuals and groups for formal and informal education, networking, work, joint experiences and helping others, all in order to make competent and responsible leaders who, by believing in themselves and others, foster openness and belonging to their society.
Our goals
Connecting people from BiH with people from the rest of Europe and the world and providing opportunities for exchange of experiences,
Extinction of prejudice and closed systems of values in BiH,
Professional advancement,
Work with students and improvement of studying conditions,
Providing information and resources for postgraduate study in BiH and abroad,
Protection and improvement of mental health in BiH,
Improvement of socio-economic living conditions in BiH,
Providing various forms of assistance to the disadvantaged in society,
Collaboration with European and world associations with similar program orientation,
Institutional strengthening and development of the Association through constant education of employees, introduction of contemporary methods in work, involvement of high quality external collaborators and creation of partner network,
All those goals determined by Association bodies, which are in accordance with law.

Main Projects / Activities

Get employed by volunteering – volunteer to get employed (2010-ongoing): Project contributes to the decrease of unemployment of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening their competitiveness in the work market, and by advocating for adopting and improvement of the volunteer law in BiH.
Employment of youth in rural areas (2010-ongoing): Citizens’ Association “Nešto Više” will in the partnership with GOPA mbH – Youth Employment Program (YEP) ensure employment of 3 young people 18 to 30 years of age as well as temporary employment of minimally 20 other individuals of the same age group in the areas of three rural communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ACCORD: Development of agricultural cooperatives (2010-ongoing): In partnership with Center for Development and Support Tuzla, NV will focus on internal development of seven agricultural cooperatives and their agricultural producers with an aim to increase competitiveness at local and regional market place. In the fruit/vegetable sector, two cooperatives will be certified and operational by HACCAP standards, while seven cooperatives and 200 already operational farmers will be certified and operational by GLOBALGAP standards.
Building capacities of adaption to drought in agribusiness (2010-ongoing): In partnership with Center for Development and Support Tuzla, project will serve at least 10000 farmers in north-east Bosnia and Herzegovina who will get an opportunity to implement adaptive solution in fighting with drought through measures of support that will be adopted by state, entity, cantonal and local institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Djermanovic
Head of the organisation
Aleksandar Bundalo