Bosnia and Herzegovina

Youth network in B&H monthly bulletin No. 299

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Dear friends,

Attached is the monthly newsletter of the Youth Resource Center (ORC) Tuzla and members of the Youth Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina for APRIL (number 299).

Read what's new in the world of BH youth activism, as well as calls for projects and activities.

You can find this newsletter at the link:

And all previous newsletters at:

Best regards and enjoy reading!

ORC Tuzla team

Youth Resource Centre (ORC)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hadzi Bakirbega Tuzlica 1
75000 Tuzla
Bosnia & Herzegovina

00387 35 258 077
00357 35 258 077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00387 61 194 304
Mobile Phone (other)
00387 61 168 929
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Omladinski Resursni Centar Tuzla (Youth Resource Centre Tuzla, ORC Tuzla) is an organization for and led by young people, focusing on peace-building, reconciliation, the prevention of violent extremism and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

In January 2004, the inaugural assembly of the ORC Tuzla took place. Prior to 2004 and since 1995, we were a part of the international organization Helsinki Citizen’s Assembly (hCa), specifically of its branch operating in Tuzla. ORC Tuzla is coordinating the Youth Network in BiH, an ongoing project since 1997, which was started in 1997 on initiative and coordination of the hCa organizations from Banja Luka and Tuzla.

Mission and Objectives

The decision to found and register this centre was made based on the neglected needs of youth. Most of the NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina had been working in cooperation with international organizations or institutions, but youth organizations were left to themselves. Most of them did not know what to do in that situation and had to close their offices. This was a common scenario for youth organizations in smaller communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were not able to fulfill basic needs of young people without adequate help. ORC Tuzla will offer support and help to all youth organizations in need of assistance.

The lack of contacts and cooperation between the youth organizations in BiH has also motivated us to start with this initiative. Special attention was directed towards young people that live in small communities and cities in BiH, a mission that still lives on to this day. Since 2004, ORC Tuzla has continued with this project and has made it a trademark of sustainability for youth projects in BiH.

Main Projects / Activities

We are regularly publishing our monthly newsletter and sending it to over 5.000 email addresses each month. This has been an ongoing project since 1999 and we have published 248 editions of the monthly bulletin.

For the past several years, ORC Tuzla is actively working on including digital and online tools in youth work. In addition, as we are witnessing a rapid rise of violent extremism and spread of extremist narratives on social media, we have made prevention of violent extremism one of our top priorities in BiH and in the rest of Europe. We have started an online initiative, Citizens Against Terrorism (CAT BiH) as an answer to extremist narratives directed at young people in BiH. CAT BiH is now the largest youth-led internet initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our initiative promotes alternative and countering narratives, creating opportunities for young people in online and offline spaces. We currently have 6 active local teams in different communities in the country. CAT local teams are coordinated by youth leaders from the targeted communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Miralem Tursinovic
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Miralem Tursinovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Emir Sejranic

Youth Theater DIS on tour in Bulgaria

DIS Theatre Banja Luka is playing its new theatre performance “AEI” – The circus of evolution at the International Youth Theatre Festival in Vraca, Bulgaria.

DIS Theatre Banja Luka is playing its new theatre performance “AEI” – The circus of evolution at the International Youth Theatre Festival in Vraca, Bulgaria.

“The circus of evolution” is contemporary, entertaining, educational play by Nenno Harlekin (co-production of Harlekin Theatre Postojna (Slovenia) and Dis theatre).

DIS Youth Theatre (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a well-established group from Banja Luka, with rich experience in regional cooperation and reconciliation efforts through theatre. It has considerable memberships of young theatre creators, both young professionals and non-professionals (young adults, students, high school students) who partake in exploratory theatre work. The long working record of DIS Youth Theatre comprises numerous national, regional and international projects and exchanges, involving a large number of young participants who have thus developed a significant level of intercultural sensitivity and skills.

DIS has been among pioneers in regional reconciliation youth initiatives, establishing projects, research activities in the field of culture, long term cooperation with relevant Ministries and stakeholders at all levels, organization of festivals and other programs of a multicultural profile since the mid 90-es and having developed by now an extensive and vibrant network of collaborative relations youth theatre groups from across B&H and Europe.

Currently, DIS has almost 130 members both professionals and non-professionals.

Dis - Pozoriste mladih Banja Luka

Žene Za Žene International BiH

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00387 33 770 022
Telephone (other)
00387 33 770 070
00387 33 770 011
Mobile Phone
00387 61 526 799
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The organization Women for Women International in BiH represents the Bosnian branch of the international network of the Global Organization Women for Women International, whose headquarters is in Washington. The Organization aim is to provide social and economic support to the women of Bosnia and Herzegovina troughs trainings in various fields of women’s human rights and vocational skills. In addition beneficiaries (participants) receive sponsorship money (individuals from US every month send pocket money for those women who are in program). Program lasts 12 months. We have 30 people full time employed and additional 30 that work part time. In cooperation with local women’s association, local municipal officials, various institutions we implement our program in 20 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mains source of funding are sponsorship money from USA and various donors, most of them are from USA donors (private and institutions). Women for Women (Global Network) is winners of the Conrad N. Hilton Prize for 2006, the most important humanitarian award worldwide.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Organisation is to provide assistance to women during the post-conflict period to help them to rebuild their lives. The organisation Women for Women International provides moral and economic support to women to enable them to become financially independent and strengthened, and to underline the importance of their role in the family, the community and Society as a whole. Many of these women have, with our help, found the courage to start their own businesses and to employ not only members of their families, but also members of the local community.

Main Projects / Activities

- Sponsorships
Provide sponsorship/funding which also means emotional support by joining our women with a sponsor sister from the United States
- Education
Education is in the field of women's human rights is aimed at raising women's awareness of their rights. We promote women's human rights and leadership roles in the local communities.
- Technical skills
Training in traditional and non-traditional technical skills are organized in order to give value to those skills that women already possess and which allows them to gain new knowledge which in turn, will help them improve their position in the labor market.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adnan Džano
Head of the organisation
Seida Sarić
Contact (2) Full Name
Džemila Džanić

Žene Ženama

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00 387 33 219 640
Telephone (other)
00 387 33 214 673
00 387 33 219 640
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 387 61 136 610
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Žene Ženama is a self- organized women's group which contributes to development of civil society through empowerment of women and women's groups and advocates for respect of women's human rights in all spheres of private and social life. The organization's work and activities are based on: Statute of the Organization, Strategic plan and Working regulations. Structure of the organization/ Employees and volunteers: • Advisory Board • Management of the Organization • Working Teams • Administrative- financial service • Supervisory Board • Council of Beneficiary Groups Achievements: • 48 three- day seminars, • 17 local actions, • 614 workshops, • 116 round tables and public lectures, • 2 conferences. • Involved 54 women's organizations from BiH and region in network «Common acting» through the program: «Empowerment of Women and Women’s Groups in Private and Public Life», • Provided honorariums for 296 women and girls based on Contract on labor and voluntary work, • Provided small support funds aimed for sustainability of program activities of 15 women’s and youth groups in whole BiH, • Motivated 12.325 women and men citizens from all over BiH to voluntarily contribute to the goals and activities of the organization, • Printed 22 different publications such as: reports on our activities, manuals, magazines and translations, • (Database: researches, experiences, reports of governmental, international and non- governmental organizations, information form field). Partnerships, Solidarity and Collaboration Žene Ženama and: “Fondacija lokalne demokratije”, “Žene za žene Internacional”, “Unija ŽAR”, “Centar za promociju civilnog društva”, “Obrazovanje gradi BiH”, “Krug 99”, “HCA” and “Udružene Žene” Banjaluka, “Lara” Bijeljina, “Zora” Milići, “Sara” Srebrenica, “Pokret majki enklave Srebrenica i Žepa”, “Žene sa Une” Bihać, “Budućnost” Modriča, “ART” Glamoč, “Udruženje žena Doboj”, “Želja” Skelani, “Demokratski centar” Ljubuški, “Centar za djecu sa posebnim potrebama” Mostar, “Udruženje žena Tomislavgrad”, “Udruženje žena Odžak”, “Žene okruglog stola Distrikt Brčko”, «Privrednik» Stolac, «Oaza» Trebinje, «La Strada» Mostar, CRI Gacko, «Udruženje žena Teslić i Doboj», «Info Centar» Nevesinje, CAM and NORA Šekovići, «Centar za Ženske Studije» Zagreb, «Centar za žene žrtve rata» Zagreb, «Centar za mir» Osijek, «Homo» Pula, «Centar za građansku suradnju» Poreč, «Ženski Centar» Karlovac, «Žene u Crnom» Beograd, «Autonomni ženski centar» Beograd, «Centar za Kulturnu dekontaminaciju» Beograd, «Ženska soba» Zagreb, «BaBe» Zagreb, «Esma» Skopje, Women's group from Slavonski Brod, «BonaFida» Pljevlja, «Zenski Forum» Podgorica, «Sigurna kuca» Podgorica, «Urban-In» Novi Pazar, «Otvoreno drustvo» and «Antiko» Skopje and Gostivar, Kosovo human rights group, Kosovo Women's Network... are members of following networks: • RING • Women Waging Peace • Women Activists’ Cross Border Actions • Women in black • East- West Women’s Network • Women’s Court • V-day- Global movement against violence against women and girls • Daphne • Safe network • Referent Group Tuzla • NGO Council • Work and Succeed Together • NDC- Culture of Peace and Non- violence Network • LIŽ- Network of women members of Municipal Councils in Sarajevo region • “Be seen, be heard”, women engaged in Municipal authorities and women from NGOs create programs for economic and social reconstruction in local communities. • CSN-the establishment of a court support network
Mission and Objectives

BiH society does not recognize women's rights as human rights. Women's NGOs promote women's human rights as a priority and significant element of BiH society in order to point out the state of social women's needs in relation to health protection, social care, employment, health, accommodation, education and non-discrimination.
In BiH the scope of women's human rights depends more on political and economic situation in the country than on legislation based on international human rights documents.
The difficult social context disables realization of rights guaranteed by local legislation and international conventions and declarations. There are many examples of violation of women's human rights.
Most of women are not informed about possibilities that certain laws and institutions can provide.
Žene Ženama has played a very important role in civil society development in BiH in area of understanding of the concept of «democracy» and «human rights».
By working on improvement of lives of women and other marginalized groups and individuals, we recognized disharmony between speeches of politicians about gender equality and their rejection to accept women out of their traditional roles. It stimulated us to reexamine women's approach to human rights and to let human rights be a priority in context of democratic reconstruction.
The model of our approach to women's human rights helped women to get rid of old symbiotic forms regarding male/ female relations determined by culture, religion, state and economic structure, but it also made us different from other groups.
By providing unique creative space for women's empowerment and advocacy in area of education, social rights, security, peace and gender equality, «Žene Ženama» members built an approach that preserves coherency of women's human rights and women's solidarity in BiH.
At the beginning, women establishers of «Žene Ženama» had different motives. Some of them wanted a safe space for articulation of war and post- war experiences; others wished for a creative space in which they will reexamine their knowledge through feminist theory and practice and plan actions in order to make changes in BiH society in area of human rights and male/ female relations.
Methodology and working principles
• Team work
• Feminist approaches in definition of goals and values of the organization
• Good information exchange
• Respect of diversities
• Good communication
• Motivation and voluntarism
• Partnership and solidarity
• Transparency of work and actions
The mission of the organization is a guideline for everyone whose social needs can be satisfied through the organization’s work. It determines the organization’s position in the society.
The mission is everlasting and came as a result of common work on definition of goals, values and future of the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

Žene Ženama has developed a program which integrates gender perspective in interpretation of human rights, democracy, feminism and non- violent communication using unique and creative model focused on education and activities of women and women’s groups in BiH context.
Program called «domestic concept of women's empowerment» is realized through:
• Education
• Support and
• Promotion
Program activities are education, research, publishing and public work.
Žene Ženama is aware of the current situation and that is why we rationally plan the activities by harmonizing our real goals with personal and organizational capacities as well as with assumptions of the surrounding which gives us possibility to find alternative ways of action which will lead us to the society which respects and realizes women's human rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Memnuna Zvizdić
Head of the organisation
Memnuna Zvizdić
Contact (2) Full Name
Theresa Maria Bešić

إلدار سارايليتش

أستاذ مساعد في جامعة مدينة نيويورك. كان في السابق محرر منشورات ومجلات Pulse of Democracy "نبض الديمقراطية" وStatus "الوضع". يركز سارايليتش في أبحاثه على السياسات المقارنة والنظرية السياسية، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على السياسات العرقية والتعصب الإثني، والديمقراطية، وسياسات ما...

البوسنة والهرسك

Bosnian Network Group photo

تتمثّل رؤية شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند في البوسنة والهرسك في إنشاء شبكة إقليمية يشارك فيها جميع الأعضاء في بناء الشبكة وفي أنشطتها واتخاذ القرار فيها، وحيث يتم وضع الشروط الأساسية للتعاون والانفتاح والتنسيق بين الأعضاء وتلبية مصالحهم، كل ذلك بالتوافق مع مهمة مؤسسة آنا ليند.

نقاط القوة في شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند في البوسنة والهرسك هي: التنوّع وتعدّد الاختصاصات والتمثيل النسبي في جميع مناطق البوسنة والهرسك.

إنجازات الشبكة هي: الاستمرارية في عملها منذ بدايتها في عام 2009؛ هيكلية راسخة للشبكة (رئيس الشبكة، مجلس الإدارة، الجمعية، الأعضاء الدائمون، الوثائق الهيكلية المصمّمة جيداً للشبكة (اتفاق التعاون)).

اتجاهات العمل والمعايير: تطوير وتعزيز التعاون الدولي والتشبيك، وتأثير الفرد وكذلك تأثير الشبكة على المجتمعات المحلية والإقليمية والمؤسسات الحكومية.

يتجلى توجّه الشبكة من حيث مجالات الخبرة والتدخل في المقام الأول في مجالات الثقافة والتعاون بين الثقافات والتبادل، فضلاً عن توفير الخبرة لشبكات أخرى في مجال الحوار الاجتماعي والثقافي والمشترك بين الثقافات.

وتتمثل الخطط والتطلعات المستقبلية في زيادة التعاون الإقليمي وأنشطة المشاريع مع الشبكات في المنطقة. من الخصائص الأساسية المميّزة للشبكة التعاون المسرحي والتعاون في مجال الفن (شتاء سراييفو، معرض الكتاب)، ومهرجان السلام (مهرجان الثقافة للمبدعين الشباب وغير المعروفين في البوسنة والهرسك)، والذي من المقرّر تعزيزه وتوسيعه في المنطقة ضمن شبكة آنا ليند.

تتجسّد هوية شبكة آنا ليند في البوسنة والهرسك بشعار: "اشعر (استطعم) بمنطقة المتوسط"

Governance Structure
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

المياه المتوسطية، بناء ثقافة مياه مشتركة في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط

انطلق مشروع WATERranean / المياه المتوسطية بهدف تعزيز التعايش والتفاهم المتبادل في جميع أنحاء منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط. من أجل تحقيق هذه الأهداف، طمح منظمو المشروع ببناء رؤية مشتركة حول المصير المشترك للمجتمعات البشرية التي تقطن المنطقة الأورومتوسطية من خلال...