Bosnia and Herzegovina

Association for the Care and General Rights of Children "Naša djeca" Zenica

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maršala Tita 22
72000 Zenica
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Naša djeca” Zenica/Our Children Zenica is an Association for the Care and General Rights of Children, existing and working in Zenica since 1992. It is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and non-profit organization that works with children and young people. In total, Our Children has 150 active members. Its goal is to offer a platform where children and young people can make their ideas happen. We are supporting youth to give ideas, accomplish personal goals, write and realize their own projects, make music, movies, and similar content and by doing that be active in the local community. Some of our donors are USAID/IOM, EU and WESTERN BALKANS FUND. Three members of our staff are full-time employed and five members are part-time employed.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to offer a platform where children and young people can make their ideas happen. We are supporting youth to give ideas, accomplish personal goals, write and realize their own projects, make music, movies and similar content and by doing that be active in the local community.

Main Projects / Activities

Association is an idea under which name the following activities operate: RadiYo Active Zenica, Children's Parliament, Production studiYo, Agora City Debate Club and Budi muško klub/Young man Initiative. On the international scale we implemented “Youth for Free Media” EU-funded project in 2017. together with partners from Cyprus, Bulgaria, Serbia and Poland. Our RadiYo is also a member of CMFE – Community Media Forum Europe, network of community media for organizations from Council of Europe member states. Besides that, Children's Parliament meets every week in our premises to learn about child rights. Also, we celebrate Children's Day and Children’s Week every year and try to remind our city and state that they are obliged to take care of the children. Our Children is a member of Network of NGOs for children in Bosnia and Herzegovina Stronger Voice for Children. It is a nation-wide network of almost two dozen non-governmental organizations brought together in 2009 by the need to have a systematic, effective, evidence-based impact on the processes affecting children rights in Bosnia. Besides that, we are exclusive partner from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Pestalozzi Foundation. We organize an intercultural exchange with Pestalozzi Children's Village in Switzerland where we take 40 children from Zenica twice a year for the last 3 years. Throughout this, 20-day long exchange, children get totally different perspective about learning and they get to meet 40 kids from other country, since every exchange includes at least two countries. With this, we give them a chance to travel, learn and experience and learn about discrimination, their rights and identity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Having a community radio as a part of Association, we can contribute in promoting the Network and its ideas. Also, we took part in projects that advocate against extremism and radicalism in the past two years. By joining the Network we bring new ideas and a different perspective and with that we can contribute to the future projects and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network would provide us with new experiences, new opportunities and a great number of contacts and cooperation with other members of this network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ernad Bihorac
Job Title
Head of the Association
Head of the organisation
Ernad Bihorac
Contact (2) Full Name
Adna Kepeš
Job Title (2)
Facilitator of the Children's Parliament

Association of Citizens Against Tolerance of diversity - ToPeeR

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 53 205 370
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
ToPeeR is organized and worked through the whole organization: Youth Forum (working with and for marginalized groups), Consumer Protection Forum, the Forum for gender equality (women) and the Resource Centre to develop and support civil society organizations. Has 165 members. 2 people are employed for an indefinite period and 7 per contract agreement. ToPeeR is one of 23 Friendly Youth center in Bosnia and Herzegovina The organization is sustainable because it has permanent contracts with the Ministry of Trade and Tourism and the five-year partnership agreement with the Association XY (Global Found). The annual budget depends on the organization of projects that applied, and the average of the last three years is 65.000 KM. In the period of 2009 - 2012. sources of funding are the EU, the Global Fund and the Italian government UG ToPeeR operates through projects and community work through the principle of development with community participation. The main partners of our association XY Sarajevo, Human Rights Office Tuzla, Sarajevo and the Mosaic Foundation, CSPC Sarajevo; Municipality Doboj, Kindergarten Doboj , Centre for Social Work Doboj
Mission and Objectives

VISION: Improving Life in the community, civil society development, democratic relationships, life worthy of human beings with the right to work, education, health and social care, environmental protection and sustainable development, humanity.
The mission of our organization is acting in the affirmation and creation of the regulated community whose members have equal opportunities for social inclusion, economic justice and environmental responsibility.
The objectives of the organization are:By an own activity to affect on the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to contribute to the process of democratization and national reconciliation at the local and wider level and involvement in all forms of struggle to accelerate the process of democratization of the whole society.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Maximize coverage of effective HIV prevention and care among most at risk populations – Global Found
2. The culture of living – financed by the CHF.
3. Dialogues II – in the partnership with the organization the Bureau for the Human Rights Tuzla – financed by the European – promotion of the work of the selected representatives of the national minorities and advocating activity on the amendment of the law that regulate this area.
4. MAIM Alternative measures to the institutionalization of the minors without a parental taking care and support and support to the young in the special state of the poverty and neglect – financed by the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Republic Italy (the project in three phases: campaign and advocating the provider families and monitoring).
5. Initiative for the protection of the waters in the basin of the river Spreča – CLEAR MIND FOR CLEAR WATER – financed by the Europe Union and in the partnership with the Centre for Development and Support from Tuzla - advocating for making a Regulation Plan for arranging the bed of the drainage basin of the river Spreča.
6. Advocating for making the Law on Social Protection.
7. Anti-Corruption Program for Youth "Jolly Ambassadors

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have the experience, human resources and a developed sense of fairness and honesty

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The principle of UG ToPeeR development with community participation, and our aim is to give our contribution to improving mutual understanding, respect and tolerance among different cultures and nations. As a member of the Network would have the opportunity to exchange experiences and establish cooperation with organizations in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Snezana Seslija
Head of the organisation
Snezana Seslija
Contact (2) Full Name
Jusuf Makarevic

Association of families of children/persons with disabilities "Give us a chance" (Dajte nam sansu)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Trg medjunarodnog prijateljstva 8
Obala Kulina bana 28
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Association “Give Us a Chance” is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded by the parents of the children and people with disabilities out of necessity to work united in creating better social conditions for the more comfortable life of their families and children. Our association is the first of its kind in B&H – it unites families of children and persons with disabilities, regardless of age, level or type of disability. Association was registered on March 24, 2011, as a product of recognition of the common problem – securing a place in the society for the families of children/persons with disabilities, worthy of human dignity and guaranteed by human rights. The association employs 15 people. Sources of funding are grants from local, and federal agencies, and private donations like: • USAID (2018-20120) - 125,178 BAM (63,000 euros) • Diplomatic bazaar - 20,000 BAM (10,000 euros) • Grants (local and federal) -  80,000 BAM (40,000 euros) • Private sector donation - 20,000 BAM (10,000 euros) The main long-term project (from 2014 to present) is Service Centers “Give us a chance” in Sarajevo that supports families of children and persons with disabilities. Association “Give us a chance” transfers the “Service Center model” through training for NGOs across Bosnia and Herzegovina. So far, following our model, service centers have been opened in Republika Srpska (Banja Luka and Foca) and the Federation of BiH (Tuzla and Zenica).  We also offer educational training and lectures for stakeholders (government representatives, students, teaching staff, NGOs, local community, media) on issues that families of children and people with disabilities are facing in BiH. We are also engaged in advocacy work, finding possible solutions. We are creating initiatives to amend the legislation that's affecting this population. Cooperation has been achieved with numerous partners, most significantly with USAID, Novi Grad municipality, Stari Grad Municipality, Sarajevo City; Ministry for Education, Science, and Youth of Sarajevo Canton; Ministry for Work, Social Politics, Depopulated People and Refugees of Sarajevo Canton; Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton, schools (all levels), health institutions, NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Vision: An Empowered Society that recognizes the needs of families of children and adults with developmental difficulties and solves them systematically, respecting their dignity, diversity, and opportunities.
Mission: "Give Us a Chance" is a non-profit organization operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using innovative models, through direct work, we provide support to families and children/adults with disabilities regardless of the type and degree of disability. We influence the community's awareness of educational and inclusive activities, and we also influence the changes, additions, and implementation of relevant laws.
• To continue providing free support to families of children and people with disabilities through service centers
• Expand the model of the service center to as many municipalities in BiH
• Promote the need for service and day centers, as well as amending the laws related to the same
• Become a reference center, for families of children and people with developmental difficulties and profession

Main Projects / Activities

Problems that families with children/persons with disabilities deal with on a daily basis led us to start with concrete support, by the project – Service center “Give Us a Chance”. Services that our professional staff and volunteers provide at Association Service center “Give Us a Chance” are available to all families residing in Sarajevo Canton that have a family member with disabilities – regardless of medical diagnosis, age, and level of disability. Services are free of charge.
The first service center was opened on May 28, 2014, with support of USAID and Novi Grad Municipality. The center officially started working on June 2 of the same year in Alipašino polje, Novi Grad Municipality. In December of 2017, the Service center “Give Us a Chance 2” was opened in Stari Grad Municipality, Sarajevo, at “Obala Kulina Bana 28”.
What makes us different from other NGOs are:
- free service for all users
- we do not discriminate on age, type, and degree of difficulty
- our existence is long-term - we are not a one-off project, we are here to stay
- we are not only focused on children/persons with disabilities - we support the entire family, which is the only way to give the right support effect. Only a strong parent, a strong family as a unit, mentally and physically, can be able to provide his or her child with the disadvantages of whatever is necessary for a long time. 
- at the Sarajevo Canton level, we are the only organization that provides a full set of these specific types of services
The Service Center hires relevant experts such as OT therapists, psychologists, lawyer, nurses. We also educate volunteers of related professions and auxiliary staff.
Main services
• Psychological support
• Short break service
• All-day-stay service
• Developmental assessment of children in case of possible disability
• Mobile team – support at family’s home address 
• Mobile team – transport service by specially adapted van
• Information and legal support
• Crisis situation support
• Workshops for typical siblings
• Work Saturday (once a month)
• Help with finding teaching assistant
• Education (schools, technical staff)
• Inclusive activities
• Little volunteers
Service centers “Give Us a Chance 1 and 2”, located in Sarajevo, have provided 40000 services, free of charge, to 600 families that have been registered so far (2014 – 2019).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We became subject matter experts in our field and we can provide training at multiple levels to all interested organizations, schools and government bodies. At the same time, we can provide cross-promotion to other BiH ALF network members while participating in joint activities and initiatives. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF family is a family of 42 countries and our Center reached the stage in its development of creating partnerships with similar and complementary organizations within the country, from the region and from the wider ALF network. We would like to benefit from other experiences while sharing our knowledge and experience. We would like to be partners in upcoming projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ines Kavalec
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ines Kavalec
Contact (2) Full Name
Arnela Mujakić
Job Title (2)

Association of Parents of Handicapped Children and Youth - Leptir

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
056 440 080
056 440 080
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
065 203 613
Mobile Phone (other)
065437 450
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
General project activities Organization’s structure: President, secretary, accountant, Assembly, Steering Board, volunteers and associates hired for certain projects. Number of employees is 10, and those are: president, secretary, accountant, speech therapist, defectologist, physical therapist, trainers for Art therapies and gesture language. One of the above mentioned team is a person with disability. Our association is funded through awarded projects proposals by international donors. Sources of funds are as well self sustainability through sale of creative items created at Art therapies. Funds received from this activity are used for purchasing of diapers, vitamins and material for workshops. One portion of our sources is funds from memberships. Our association will also receive 2500 KM which will be used for travel to sport competition within Special Olympic Games in B&H. All our activities are subordinated to our goals from Statute, achieving them through rehabilitation, different educations, retraining, employment, campaigns and seminars which help children and youth to integrate into community and wider. Our main partners were international organizations, which funded and supported institutional strengthening of Leptir through different kind of educations. Those organizations are CARE, UNDP and CNF-CEE više for more than one year.
Mission and Objectives

Association of disabled children and youth “Leptir” is non-governmental, humanitarian, non-political, and non-profitable and multi-ethnic organization established and registered on 14/09/2010.
Goal of the organization is providing of the complete rehabilitation of children and youth disturbed in development, with all kinds and levels of disturbances. In cooperation with donors, Municipal Authorities, and with support of membership fees and networking with other NGOs from Srebrenica, Bratunac, Milići and Vlasenica, these goals are being achieved through realization of concrete project activities, such as education, humanitarian activities, and provision of medicine, legal, social and other help to families which have disabled children.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
Project funded by Council of Ministries B&H in amount of 59,000.00 KM – “Treatments for education and rehabilitation for disabled children and youth”.
Through implementation of above mentioned project, we wanted to provide rehabilitation and education for socialization to children and youth with special needs. Therefore, we organized treatments for education and rehabilitation for disabled children and youth.
During the project we organized education for parents of the mentioned children, so they could help them better in rehabilitation and socialization in a community.
Aiming at improving health condition and problems our beneficiaries and their families meet, we organized speech and defectological therapies, psychiatrist treatments, ART therapies, educative workshops for children and youth with special needs, their parents and teachers. Subjects were related to raising and education of children with special needs; on workshops they learned Gesture language, needed for children with hearing impairment and mental disbursement.
* CNF – CEE “Treatments for rehabilitation and education for disabled children and youth”
Project extension was in 2009, with budget of 26,000.00 Euros.
This project comprised 62 children and youth, disturbed in development and with all kinds and levels of handicap: light, medium and hard mental retardation, with hearing, sight and speech impairments, motor control and with combined disturbances (different syndromes: SY West, SY Down, SY); and which live in Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milići municipalities. We provided treatments for education and rehabilitation (which our institution are not able to provide) for these beneficiaries.
This project in total comprised 186 members, which are their parents, brothers, sisters, school friends, teachers and medicine workers.
Association “Leptir” is the only one dealing with problems of this target group. And the target group is children and youth with psycho and physical disturbances, their parents, teachers, school friends, social and medicine workers.
Main activities were:
• Treatments for rehabilitation for 75 beneficiaries
• Physical therapies for 43 beneficiaries
• Creative workshops – ART therapies for 20 beneficiaries
• Education of parents
We have planned to implement all above mentioned activities equally in Srebrenica (for children from Srebrenica and Bratunac) and Milići (for children from Milići).
*CPCD – Improvement of living conditions for children and youth with disabilities – 5,000.00 KM
* “Improvement of living conditions for children and youth with disabilities” – Center for Promotion of civil society.
The project has been implemented in municipalities of Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milići. Within this project implementation out of received funds, we purchased food, vitamins and clothes for our 45 most vulnerable beneficiaries. There were 21 volunteers hired from three municipalities, Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milići.
We hired 15 volunteers for collection of hygienic items in front of the bigger stores, and 6 volunteers for cleaning of houses and preparing wood for heating.
Implementing this project, we wanted to present to the municipal authorities from Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milići, and national authorities, in which socio-economic conditions of living children with special needs live.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vesna Stjepanović
Head of the organisation
Željka Katanić

Association of protection of nature, rivers and environment “EKO-PRO”

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 33 232 280
Telephone (other)
+387 62 563 941
+387 33 232 280
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+387 62 563 941
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
“EKO-PRO” is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization based in Sarajevo. Organisation was established on 2006 by unuiversity students and high school students who felt the need to introduce a practical example of changes in the low level of public awareness of citizens and needs to protect the nature and environment.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organization EKO-PRO is to "planning, improve situation and development of the environmental sector" through the development and implementation of various programs and projects that contribute to economic, urban and sustainable development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
• Cooperation with the competent authorities and decision makers in order to propose measures for environment protection
• Cooperation with universities, schools, professional associations and other organizations in BiH and abroad that deal with environemntal protection.
• Gathering and engagement of young people for friendship, protection and improvement of environment, nature and health.
• Organization (alone or in cooperation with other organizations) expert consultation meetings, forums and seminars in order to develop the environmental awareness of members and other citizens
• The engagement of scientific and professional workers to work on scientific, technical and research projects in the field of environmental protection and human health
• The collection of scientific and technical literature in the field of environmental protection and health
• Organization of the departure of its members to attend seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. organized by other associations or self-organization for the purpose of their education to work on projects to protect, preserve and improve the environment, nature and health
• Collaborate with health care organizations on actions and projects related to health and the environment
• Work on the conservation of biodiversity (the diversity of plant and animal species) in the region and protect threatened species
• Encourages the work on projects to protect, preserve and improve the environment, nature and health.
• Initiate assessment of local, social, economic and environmental conditions and needs of all members of society from the individual level to the business and other organizations in order to create a sustainable community development (economic and environmental compliance).
• Encourages cooperation with the sports institutions in order to educate athletes about the environment
• Initiate development of eco-tourism in the region in accordance with the law

Main Projects / Activities

In order to reach mentioned goals and objectives, the Association of EKO-PRO implements activities through a number of areas of activity. There are few of them in environmental sector:
- Support to municipalities and local communities, representing them the European standards for urban and sustainable development
- Participation in planning and defining the principles of sustainable urban development and application of the same
- Active participation in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of certain strategic or development documents, lows etc (on different levels)
- Planning, implementation, analysis and publication of certain research and results related to sustainable urban development, etc.
- Participation in the implementation of activities related to the reduction of waste
- Participation in educational seminars related to waste and adverse impacts of waste
- Enhancing/raising public awareness about taking responsibility and caring for the environment through proper waste disposal and recycling, etc.
- Participation in the implementation of activities related to water protection and water resources
- Participation in educational seminars related to water protection
- Organization of public campaigns on the need to protect water
- Organization of public events, meetings, seminars and other forms of educational events (independently or in partnership with other NGOs)
- Creation, publication and distribution of materials and manuals
- Enhancing public awareness on environment protection
- The initiation and implementation of activities related to cross-border cooperation
- Cooperation with local, cantonal, federal and state governments, other organizations and stakeholders in planning and implementing various environmental programs, etc,
- Cooperation with local authorities in creating the development of strategic documents

Contact (1) Full Name
Damir Balukovic

Association of Urban Artists "Manifest" Prijedor

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 52 213 259
Telephone (other)
+387 65 633 229
+387 52 213 259
Mobile Phone
+387 65 633 229
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Society of Urban Artists “Manifest” Prijedor is a non-profit organization registered in 2003. with the Banja Luka Court of Original Jurisdiction. Due to the fact that the organization has more than two thirds of members under the age of 30, Prijedor Municipality registered Manifest as a youth organization. The overview of organizational history is in favor of the latter, so that a brief summary of organizational history would include: facilitation of youth bands (alternative music styles) through Manifest’s audio and video recording studio and rehearsal room facilities, organization of concerts, stage appearances and exhibitions of young artists, and activities related to civil society and strengthening of democracy and diversity, which are frequently “piggybacking” the musical and artistic component. Organizational structure consists of a General Assembly, president of Assembly and deputy president of Assembly. Budgetary resources available in a year are cca. 10,000 EUR. Sources of funding are Prijedor Municipality and non-governmental partner organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Main partners are: Municipality of Prijedor, Republika Srpska Ministry of Education and Culture, UNDP, MDGF, Wired Denmark, Balkan Rock Council
Mission and Objectives

Recent developments in more than a decade long history have put Manifest in the role of artistic collective that provides support and logistics to young artists and bands that do not belong to the musical mainstream in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Within its technical capacities in the rehearsal room and recording studio in Prijedor, made from scratch by Manifest's volunteers and bands, and with the help from Danish organizations «Wired» and «Balkan Rock Council» (from 2002 to 2007), this became the core actitivity in the organization. It largely contributed to the development or urban cultural scene in Prijedor, facilitating the promotion of musical bands in town. Volunteer effort, combined with the help from donors in equipment (stage equipment, mini sound system, audio and video production equipment), facilitated these activities to a great extent and improved the technical conditions in the rehearsal room that Manifest set up in a leased facility, making it possible for a larger number of bands to intensify the rehearsals and appear at manifestations that the organization regularly organizes .
Manifest is also an active member of Prijedor Municipal Youth Council, where it is known for its strong efforts in securing better treatment of youth by local officials.

Main Projects / Activities

Project activities develop in respect to following aspects:
- cultural aspect that includes the production of cultural content for youth component in the local media, that would include promotion of new ideas, tolerance and diversity, in support of youth democracy
- political aspect that includes lobbying with the municipal authorities and communication with general public that can put pressure on authorities in order to achieve better and more responsible treatment of youth issues.
- legal aspect that includes advocacy of compliance with state and local regulations and documents that regulate youth issues, of which the most important are the Law on Youth Organizing and Youth Policy document.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dejan Dejanovic
Head of the organisation
Dejan Dejanovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Dino Mrkalj

Associazione per l'ambasciata della democrazia locale a Zavidovici

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Omladinska 10.
72220 Zavidovici
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation currently has 3 employees and around 10 active volunteers in various activities. The employees are: - Sladjan Ilic, head of office - in charge of organisation represantation, organisation management, overall project management, budgeting, networking, fundraising, and all other aspects of organisation leadership; - Jasna Zvekic, project manager - in charge of project implementation, organisation of project activities, administrative aspects of project management, project drafting, fundraising, specifically asigned to projects regarding citizen participation, human rights and gender equality etc.; - Dino Sinanovic, local assistant - in charge of specific tasks in project implementation, administrative assistance, drafting of various documents and articles, specifically asigned to projects involving youth, education, volunteers etc. - budgetary resources depend on approved projects and vary; - sources of funding are mostly project based, and LDA Zavidovici is a beneficiary of an EU operating grant within Balkan regional platform for youth participation and dialogue. LDA Zavidovici is a member of ALDA, European association for local democracy, a European network which gathers more than 150 members, including local authorities, authorities associations, NGOs, and individuals from more than 30 countries. Basic characteristic of ALDA and her members is promotion of good governance and citizen's participation on a local level.
Mission and Objectives

- Our mission is to support the process of democratization by strenghtening capacities in local NGO, authorities and other target groups, and to improve citizen participation in public life.
- Our vision is to become a resource center for citizens, organisations and authorities, in order to improve harmonization of standards with the democratic EU standards.
-development of civil society;
- encouraging reconciliation and protection of human rights;
- encouraging sustainable local development;
- strenghtening local capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

- decentralized cooperation in different sectors:
- local democracy, environment, local economic
development, social welfare, social, educational,cultural activities, with special focus on women, youth and the protection of human rights;
- organization of twinning between local authorities in Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina;
- organization of sports exchange between Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- youth exchanges, animations of children in rural areas of Zavidovici;
- support and assistance to local initiatives for the fight against domestic violence;
- awareness-raising activities in local communities on the issue of human rights, civil participation and promotion of European integration;
- coordination and hosting of volunteers within the European Voluntary Service - EVS;
- mediation activities and encouraging the construction of civil society at the local level;
- activities of research, analysis and publication of documents on the state of society and social needs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our resources and experience we hope to become a valuable member of the network, maintaining the high standards in civil society engagement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We feel that, by becoming a member of the ALF, we can improve the intensity and quality of our work, thus creating new opportunities for developing our local communities potential.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasna Zvekic
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Sladjan Ilic

Bosanski centar za dramski odgoj (Bosnian Centre for Drama Education)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387/36/558 485
+387/36/558 486
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
CENTRE FOR DRAMA EDUCATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA became a member of IDEA – the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association – on the 27th March 1997.The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a member of IDEA, enjoys co-ordination with this association. With member associations representing more than 50 countries around the globe, the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association aims to promote and advocate drama/theatre as part of a full human education and to provide an international forum for those working as drama/theatre educators throughout the world. Members of each member association are automatically accepted as members of IDEA by virtue of their organization's status as a member association. IDEA's activities include publications, projects, international congresses and meetings, the dissemination of research and the international exchange of drama/theatre workers. One of our International work is co-operation with the National Association for the Teaching of Drama. NATD is the professional association for Drama Teachers in the United Kingdom, and worldwide. The members of NATD are teachers from all phases of education, including specialists and non-specialist teachers who have Drama as one part of their remit, Theatre in Education Companies, Teacher Trainers and Trainee Teachers. NATD was established in 1974 to "draw together and provide support for all those concerned with Drama-In-Education in all forms and at all levels." It is working to develop a new, humanising, child-centred curriculum and has a committed Internationalist perspective. Since 1999, The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is involved in the Art for Social Change programme of the European Cultural Foundation. Through this Programme, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina realised several Projects, which are addressed to the young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the first programme - Play Against Violence 1 - created a network of professionals established in South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia). The member of the Centre can be any individual and/or organisation which deals with drama in education and theatre in education. The managerial bodies of the Centre are: • The Assembly, • The Presidency, • The Supervisory Board, • The Court of Honour. The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, participated in the second programme - Play Against Violence 2, in the Projects: Network, Steps and To stay or to go, DELTA, The Power of Drama against Juvenile Violence, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Educational drama uses a group of methods for teaching and learning which employ drama expression. Drama expression means a way of expression in which real or imagined events are explored by unperformed role-play or performed improvisation.
The primary aim of drama education is to educate for life. It is meant for children and young people of all ages.
Drama education does not aim at training for professional work with drama arts.
The CENTRE FOR DRAMA EDUCATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA was formed with the aim of developing drama education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- The furtherance and development of drama education work, learning from the experiences of drama pedagogy in BiH;
- The furtherance and development of speech culture and culture of public events;
- The development of the methodology of drama education;
- Help in the work, and additional education, of teachers and educationalists for drama education work;
- Cooperation with educationalists and drama schools;
- Helping to promote drama-talented students;
- Preventing young people from any forms of addiction;
- Protecting the reputation and expertise of its members;
- Using drama education work in dealing with, and releasing, the consequences of trauma.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina was founded, there have been several projects which of regional cultural co-operation. One of the biggest projects was "The PAX Project", which was implemented in partnership with CARE International. It was set up as a key component of CARE's civil society programme in July 1997, and has continued until March 2000 as a peace-building and social reconstruction project focussing upon young people out of school and children in schools with their teachers.
There have been two principal strands to the PAX Project's work:
1. promotion of multi-ethnic peace-building work with youth theatre groups;
2. development of a participatory learning approach for classroom peace-building work.
The PAX Project’s goal has been "to foster a sustainable local environment of peace and multi-ethnic tolerance across all three main communities that comprise Bosnia and Herzegovina".
This work has been conducted on a national basis. In addition, the Project has been continually linking work done within Bosnia and Herzegovina with inter-Regional work (especially with Serbia and Croatia) with the same focus on peace building and reconstruction. The pre-war network of theatre artists of former Yugoslavia has been to a small, but significant degree, maintained and reconstructed on the axis Zagreb-Mostar-Belgrade. There is now a firmly established tri-partite co-operation between CDOBiH and its two sister organisations in Croatia, HCDO (Croatian Centre for Drama Education) and in Serbia, CEDEUM.
The "productive distraction" of the work has aided the quality and pace of peace-building in all its different aspects: trauma healing, breaking down barriers between those previously on opposed sides, conflict resolution, the development of mutual respect and understanding, reconciliation and social reconstruction.
In the last 10 years, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in co-operation with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, has been organising and leading various numbers of workshops in all Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the region of South-East Europe. Attendance at the national and international workshops and conferences has been sought, almost invariably successfully, from all the 'groups' or 'communities' of B&H. This was achieved by setting up local "separate" workshops in the first place, then by inviting participants to the next national workshop. On other occasions the fact of a workshop, conference, or festival being international has 'given cover' to people from the different 'groups' to attend. The presence of guests from Croatia and Serbia (as well as other Balkan states) has been particularly important in this respect. The focus of these activities has been cultural or educational. This has prevented a situation where people feel manipulated into 'peaceful coexistence' or 'reconciliation' on someone else's terms or agenda.
Since 1999, each February, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is organising the International Conference. Until now, we realised the International Conferences under the following titles: “The causes of violence amongst young people and the role that theatre and drama can play in dealing with them”; “The role of theatre and drama in protecting children’s rights”; “Theatre and boundaries”; “The healing power of theatre”; “Where are we now?”; “Multicultural dialogue: chance or problem?”.
Since 1998, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina has established an international award called the “Grozdanin Kikot” - award for five individuals/organisations who have made significant contributions to the development of drama education. Some of the laureates of this Award are: Eugenio Barba, Denmark; Augusto Boal, Brazil; Josef Krofta, Czech Republic; Linna Atel, Jordan; Nicos Govas, Greece; George Soros, USA; Guy Williams, UK; Vladimir Milcin, FYR of Macedonia; Gradimir Gojer, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Vladimir Krusic, Croatia; Ljubica Beljanski Ristic, Serbia and Montenegro; Stig Erricson, Norway…
Since 1999 the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina prepares and publishes the only magazine for drama, theatre and education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Throughout these years, this magazine became a regular Magazine for theatre, drama and education workers in this area, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. Apart from the editing board from Bosnia and Herzegovina, our co-operators are also Vlado Krušić (Croatia, HCDO), Jelena Sitar (Slovenia, director), Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić (Serbia, CEDEUM), Milan Mađarev (Serbia, theatrologist) and many others.
The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in co-operation with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, is organiser of the International Festival of Authorial Poetry in which, until now, have participated individuals and groups from all continents. This Festival is a place of meeting of important world theatres, artists and young people who are beginning their work in the world of theatre. On the “Alternative Academy”, which is a part of the Festival, some of the most important one-week workshop leaders have so far been: Katcura Kan, Japan; Marcos Martinez, USA; Julian Boal, France; Zigmunt Molik, Poland; Ana Wolf, Argentina; Marco Lully, Italia; Julia Varley, Denmark; Roberta Carerri, Denmark; Charles Renault, Netherlands; Victor Goultchenko, Russia; Jelena Sitar, Slovenia; Zeljko Vukmirica, Croatia; Ferid Karajica, Serbia and Montenegro…
Since 2003, each year in April we are organising the BH Festival of secondary schools’ theatre groups. The duration of each festival is one week and all festival participants are present all the time in the festival. Usually on each Festival are 8 groups with approx. 100 young people – participants. Also, during each organization of this festival, 15 leaders of these youth theatre groups and 5 theatre artists are participating in discussions about performances, as well as leading workshops for participants and group leaders.
Since 2001, each May the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is organising the Festival of Children’s Theatre groups. This Festival is taking place in Gračanica and it is 3 days long. The children of 10 theatre groups from all Bosnia and Herzegovina are present during all festival time. The group leaders and the school teachers are holding several workshops, in which they present how they work in schools using drama and theatre as a tool for education.
The main aim of these events is to stimulate drama education and its systematic introduction in schools as a part of the future school curriculum.
In November of each year CDOBiH is organizing a Forum of Drama Writers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Jury chooses 5 new drama texts and 5 youth theatre groups with 5 directors are invited on a period of one week. Together with the writers, they work to create stage readings of drama texts. After this one-week work, there is a presentation of all 5 groups to a public audience. This joint work aims to help young writers, but also directors and young actors. This work provides them research for new ideas and the opportunity to check ways of continuing to the final product – to the performance.
The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a member of IDEA, enjoys co-ordination with this association. With member associations representing more than 50 countries around the globe, the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association aims to promote and advocate drama/theatre as part of a full human education and to provide an international forum for those working as drama/theatre educators throughout the world. Members of each member association are automatically accepted as members of IDEA by virtue of their organization's status as a member association. IDEA's activities include publications, projects, international congresses and meetings, the dissemination of research and the international exchange of drama/theatre workers.
Since 1999, The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is involved in the Art for Social Change programme of the European Cultural Foundation. Through this Programme, the Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina realised several Projects, which are addressed to the young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the first programme - Play Against Violence 1 - created a network of professionals established in South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia).
The Centre for Drama Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the Mostar Youth Theatre and the Network of Independent Theatres, participated in the second programme - Play Against Violence 2, in the Projects: Network, Steps and To stay or to go, DELTA, The Power of Drama against Juvenile Violence, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sead Djulic
Head of the organisation
Sead Djulic
Contact (2) Full Name
Izida Sakic

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian Network Group photo

The vision of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is the creation of a regional network in which all its members participate in its construction, activities and decision-making and where prerequisites are created for cooperation, openness, coordination, and satisfaction of their interests, all in accordance with compatibility with the mission of ALF.

The strengths of ALF BiH are: diversity; interdisciplinarity and relative representation in all regions of BiH.

The achievements of the network are: Continuity in its work since its initiation in 2009; a well-established structure of the network (Head of Network, Management Board, Assembly, permanent members, well designed structural documents of the Network (Agreement of the cooperation).

Directions of action and norms: Development and strengthening of international cooperation and networking, individual but also network influence towards local and regional communities and state institutions.

The orientation of the network in terms of fields of expertise and intervention is primarily reflected in the fields of culture, intercultural cooperation and exchange, as well as the provision of expertise to other networks in the field of social, cultural and intercultural dialogue.

Future plans and aspirations are to increase regional cooperation and project activities with networks in the region. The distinctive features of the network are primarily theatre cooperation and cooperation in the field of art (Sarajevo Winter, Book Fair), and Peace Festival (culture festival of young and unestablished creators in BiH), which is planned to be strengthened and expanded to the region, within the ALF network.

The identity of the ALF B&H network is: "Feel (taste) the Mediterranean"

Governance Structure
Historical Background of your Network

In Bosnia and Herzegowina (BiH), the national ALF Network was established in Tuzla at its first meeting on October 1, 2009. The national Network was established at the invitation of the ALF General Secretariat in Alexandria, Egypt, and on the recommendations of prominent individuals from Italy, France and Spain. Based on the invitation, we sent out a call to organizations based in BiH to join the ALF Network, and on October 1, 2009, ORC Tuzla was selected as head of Network and head office by the members.

Today, the ALF Network in BiH connects 47 civil society organizations and institutions from more than a dozen cities and regions in the country.

Out national network is also steered by an executive board consisting of 8 members with a mandate of two years.

In our 11 years of existence, we have implemented the following activities in addition to regular meetings of Network members and participation in the activities of the international ALF:

The "Young - Responsible - Tolerant" campaign covered over 20 cities in BiH and had young activists working to distribute campaign materials (posters, leaflets and stickers) and organizing five street campaigns in Doboj, Bratunac, Brčko, Priboj and Bijeljina;

We promoted "10 Open Cities in BiH" in the fields of coexistence and multiculturalism. Within these 10 cities (Banja Luka, Bratunac, Bosanski Petrovac, Brčko, Derventa, Jablanica, Milići, Priboj, Prijedor and Tuzla), members of the Network organized public debates attended by representatives of the authorities, national minority associations and citizens.

The BiH Network participated in the selection, translation and promotion of stories from BiH for the international literary competition "Sea of words" which was organized by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).

The youth group of ORC Tuzla, within the context of the ALF BiH Forum 2014, has hosted a series of youth workshops titled “Children in the Background”. The workshops aimed at opening interreligious and ethnic dialogues to facilitate peace messages, as well as allowing for the exchange of experiences on peace promotion, diversity and coexistence. However, the main aim was supporting the development and improvement of creative and social skills through encouragement for social activism.

Additionally, we have participated as partners in a large number of ALF inter-Network activities and in activities on project proposals by ALF member states.

Furthermore, the BiH Network is one of the main partners in the international project “Caravan Without Borders” by implementing the DRAFT Theatre Tuzla.

We also participated as partners in an Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation project organized by Combatants for Peace.

We also partnered in ALF inter-Network activities concerned with Education for Intercultural Citizenship (Facebook: ICE: Intercultural Citizenship Education).

In 2017, we participated in the Kimiyya Women Empowerment initiative, including attendance at a conference held in Naples in September 2017.


Bosnia Initiatives for Local Development - BILD

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
BILD - Bosnia Initiatives for Local Development is a non-profit organization, based in Tuzla Bosnia-Herzegovina, registered with the central government of Bosnia-Herzegovina and authorized to implement programs throughout the territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of BILD is to implement practical local-level development projects that will help Bosnia-Herzegovina become a stable, multi-ethnic, democratic and prosperous country.

Main Projects / Activities

BILD's main projects are:
educational programs teaching practical skills to high school students, university students, and business professionals;
local development projects empowering women in eastern Bosnia through practical assistance that will help women harness their collective purchasing power, attain products at reduced prices, and establish sustainable sources of income;
local development projects that help establish income-generating activities at local community organizations thereby helping organizations become self-sustaining.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivana Knežević (061 847 257)
Contact (2) Full Name
Azra Pjanić (062 399 111)