Bosnia and Herzegovina


ALF B&H International E-Table

1. Cross - network actitiy
2. Round table
3. April 26th. 12:00 - 14:45
4. Civil society response to Covid 19
5. Hot to improve work within pandemic?

ALF Bosnia and Herzegovina joining the celebration of the “Mediterranean day”

ALF B&H Network

ALF Bosnia and Herzegovina joining the celebration of the “Mediterranean day”


Member states of the "Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean" declared November 28 as "Mediterranean Day" - which is dedicated to the common identity, heritage and love of the Mediterranean, while strengthening the bond between its shores. On this occasion, the Anna Lindh Foundation wants to strengthen the creation of a unique momentum for the acceptance of the diversity of regions and the promotion of intercultural exchange through the financing of cultural and musical programs, which will be performed on the same day in 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries.


ALF Bosnia and Herzegovina Network, regarding this day issue a short video.


You may find it at:







KEZA FEST – Optimism Festival 2024 - BANJA LUKA YOUTH HOUSE

We invite you to:



KEZA FEST – Optimism Festival 2024 - BANJA LUKA YOUTH HOUSE

Thursday, March 28 - 8 p.m.

GKM Vitez and HKC Nova Bila, "Pyjamas for six"

Director: Marko Mirković

Text adaptation: Marco Camelotti

Co-production: City Youth Theatre Vitez and Croatian Cultural Centre Nova Bila

About the show:

"Pyjamas for six" is a hilarious comedy that takes us through a labyrinth of love adventures and unexpected twists. The characters are constantly entangled in their web of lies and deception, creating confusing situations that will make you laugh out loud. "Can we blame Bernard for having a lover, Susie, who pretends to be Robert's lover so that Jeanne doesn't know that she is Bernard's lover, when all the time Robert is Jeanne's lover who pretends to be Susie the cook's lover so that Bernard doesn't know that Jeanne has a lover, while Bernard's real lover pretends to be… ?!” How many lovers and lovers should there be in total?!



Slaven Katava

Ivanela Brković

Bruno Grebenar

Iljana Budimir Trupina

Ana Gabrić

Matej Baskarad


Technical support: Svjetlana Križanović

Graphic preparation: Borislav Sučić

Producers: Dragan Đido, Ivan Sajević


Friday, March 29 - 12:00 p.m.

Meeting with members of ALF BiH and other interested organizations

Presentation of activities of the Anna Lind Foundation Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ALF BiH), presentation of international activities, discussion


Friday, March 29 – 8:00 p.m.

BAG Theatre Boljevac - Serbia


Play: "Blacksmiths"

Director: Bora Nenic

Author of the text: Miloš Nikolić


Production: BAG Theatre, Boljevci, Belgrade, Serbia


About the show:

"Blacksmiths" is a comedy written in 1991 that still retains its importance and appeal. This play, which has so far been performed by numerous theatres in the region, follows the fate of "three characters". In a humorous way, it talks about the personal sufferings of cheated husbands, who only after thirty years realize how life played with them, thus opening up other problems present in modern society. Although the play was written at the end of the last century, it is still very current.



Milan Milošević

Janko Maglovski

Bojan Vukenovic

Ana Pavlovic




Hell's strings


In Tuzla, from November 3rd to 5th, and in accordance with the decisions of the Management Board of the Network from Vitez, the first of the three planned joint activities of the ALF BiH network - ALF Days in Tuzla - was held. During this manifestation, two theatre plays were performed, and a meeting of ALF BiH members from Tuzla and potential new members of the network.

This two-day event was organized by the main office of ALF BiH, DIS Theatre Banja Luka and City Youth Theatre Vitez, and with the support of the Centre for Culture Tuzla, Youth Theatre Tuzla, the City Administration of the City of Tuzla, the Forum of Citizens of Tuzla and the hotel "Miris dunja 88" Tuzla .

Members of ALF BiH actively participated in the event (apart from spectators): Youth resource center (ORC – HoN B&H), DIS Theatre Banja Luka, City Youth Theatre Vitez, Forum Citizens Tuzla, Draft Theatre Tuzla, Magic Factory Tuzla (TFF), and organizations that are not yet members of the network: "Guardians of Smiles" Banja Luka, Youth theatre Tuzla and DIS scena Zvornik.

Total number of active participants of the event: 26. Of these, 13 participants - members of ALF BiH, 13 participants from organizations that are not members of ALF BiH. Number of audiences at the performances – 250. Number of participants in the ALF meeting – 15 (of which 2 participants from organizations that are not members of the ALF BiH)

Friday, November 3, 2023 at 7:30 p.m

In the Hall of the Tuzla Youth theatre, an event was opened and a co-production performance of the DIS theatre Banja Luka and the Vitez City Youth theatre was played - "THE HELLISH STRINGS ".

"Paklene Strune" is a co-production of the City Youth theatre from Vitez and the DIS theatre from Banja Luka, which boldly explores the limits of human and artistic expression.

This contemporary play, authored and directed by Ognjen Bogdanović, is a completely unusual and innovative stage experience. With his imaginative approach and experimental style, Ognjen Bogdanović succeeds in telling a story about the search for truth and understanding human limits. His text strangely interweaves fantastical elements with realistic aspects of reality, creating an atmosphere that allows the audience to explore different emotional and intellectual layers. Through this game of recognition and opposites, Bogdanović raises questions about the essence of human existence and our ability to overcome internal and external obstacles.

This co-production brought special creativity and strength to young creators to present artistic visions, experiments and unconventional ideas and enables the play "Hell's Strings" to be recognized as one of the most innovative theatre works in modern times...

The audience rewarded the actors and crew from Banja Luka and Vitez with warm applause.

Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 12:00 p.m

A working meeting with members of the network and potential new members was held in the premises of the Tuzla Youth Resource Centre (ORC) and the Tuzla Citizens' Forum. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following organizations - members of the network: Tuzla Citizens' Forum, Youth Resource Centre Tuzla, DIS theatre Banja Luka, City Youth theatre Vitez, Magic Factory (TFF) Tuzla, "Keepers of Smiles" Banja Luka (potential new member), and volunteers of the ORC Tuzla youth group.

The meeting was opened by the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of ALF BiH, Novica Bogdanović, and then the coordinator of ALF BiH Miralem Tursinovic informed the attendees about:

- The activities of the ALF BiH network in the past period.

As part of this, they discussed the activities carried out so far and the communication channels that have been launched, on which news, news, information and announcements are published almost daily: (ALF BiH website) (subpage of ALF BiH on the main page of ALF) (fb page of the network) (fb network group)


- ALF activities in general

Within this, the attendees were informed about the current projects and calls of the ALF:

"ALF in motion"

whose aim is to strengthen the mobility of ALF in European and Mediterranean countries. The deadline for sending applications for this fourth call of the year is November 12

“ALF Hands-on”

This is an invitation to hold online workshops and trainings. The application deadlines for this year have expired, but they will probably be repeated in 2024. You will be informed more about this after the meeting of the heads of ALF networks in Istanbul, in December this year.

Network coordinator Miralem Tursinović informed the attendees that in the coming period (December 2023 and March 2024) he will organize two online sessions for ALF BIH members, in which we will help potential applicants for ALF invitations to make and send their applications more easily.

It was emphasized once again that network members should be active in the exchange of information, and support in possible joint activities.

At the end of the meeting, the members of the network were informed that in the coming period (January and March 2024) we plan to hold two more joint online sessions for members of ALF BIH in which we will help potential applicants for ALF calls to make and send their applications more easily.

Members of the network were informed that in the coming period (January and March 2024) we plan to hold two more such joint activities (Days of ALF BiH) in two cities of BiH and that the invitation to members is open.

Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 7:00 p.m

The play "DIS Scene Zvornik" was played on the chamber stage of the Tuzla Youth Centre - "Morning is smarter than night"

The morning is smarter than the night is a play in which the attitude of modern generations towards history and literature is shown, and the work also showed the impact of technology on modern students who, as a result, devote little time to education and monitoring what they do through the educational program.

The play won two awards at the recently concluded Festival of Youth Theatres of RS: the award for the supporting male role of Zlatko Janjić, in the role of Atila, and the special award for humour.

This play is a project of DIS Theatre Banjaluka and Bosnia and Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI), which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation.

On this occasion, we would like to thank all the participants of the ALF day in Tuzla, everyone who supported us, and the Tuzla audience and all the young people who learned from this event.


Analysis of the position of youth in B&H

Analysis of the position of the youth in B&H - by ALF B&H, March 2022.

Analysis of the position of youth in B&H, March 2022., ALF B&H Network

ALF members Dis Theater Banja Luka, City Youth Theater Vitez and Youth Resource Center Tuzla, worked during February and March on researching the position and needs of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The goal was to use this questionnaire (and later focus groups directly) to get answers and possible recommendations, to try to improve the position of young people in B&H with the Bosnian ALF Network activities, but also with the activities of other organisations.

This research served to create a statistic and analysis to all those who deal with young people, including those who should be involved.

Announcement of the 35th International Book Fair in Sarajevo

The International Book Fair in Sarajevo will be held from April 17 to 22

This year's edition of the International Book Fair in Sarajevo will take place from April 17 to 22.

Organized by the KJP Center "Skenderija", this year's fair will be under the motto "Word", and is dedicated to writers, letters and languages of the world and art, education and science, and the participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. and world creators and publishers with special programs for the affirmation of the translation of the works of our authors into world languages and the translation of the works of world authors.

Press on the occasion of the International Book Fair in Sarajevo

More than 150 publishers from BiH, neighboring countries and the world, as well as international cultural centres operating in BiH, will participate in this year's fair. Honorary guests of the fair will be Bosnian writers from the diaspora.

As part of the fair, on April 20, 2024, the International Round Table on "Translation and Authors" will be held in the Ceremonial Salon from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The goal of the International Round Table is to discuss translation as a special scientific discipline, authorship and translation work, protection of translators' copyrights, linguistic and cultural aspects of translation. The round table will be opened by the ambassador of Greece in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Her Majesty. E. Ioanna Efthymiadou.

So far, 29 publishing houses from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia, Holland, England and France have applied for the promotion of publishing houses, authors and works in the "Bosnian House" of the Mirza Delibašić hall. In addition to the 42 promotions registered, 124 authors and 77 books will be presented. An international poetry festival, an anthology of contemporary BiH poetry will be promoted. poetry, children's literature, anthologies, plays, novels, publications, curriculum, stories for children and youth, educational stories.

Also, this year will traditionally mark World Art Day, World Book and Copyright Day, and the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Culture. The expert jury consisting of: Asmir Kujović - president, Marija-Fekete Sullivan - member, Lejla Alimanović - member, Biljana Zarić - member and Aida Gavrić - member, will award the fair's traditional awards for the best achievements in the past year. In addition to the Fair's awards, publishers at the Book Fair will award their traditional awards.

At the fair, in addition to the Mirza Delibašić Hall, the Children's Pavilion will be opened in the Youth Centre, the Amphitheatre and the Dancing Hall, where the presentation and promotion of books for children and youth, workshops and playrooms dedicated to the creativity of the youngest, including theatre, music and film productions and new IT technologies.

JU Library of Sarajevo is the host of Children's City, and the partner is Kašmir promet and Children's Book from Zagreb. The goal of the "Children's City" program is to bring content closer to children in an interesting and appealing way, all with the aim of promoting the culture of reading.

Artists' exhibitions will be organized in the Youth Centre and the Foyer of the Skenderija centre, as well as the Exhibition of books translated into our and world languages by Bosnian authors. Visitors will have the opportunity to visit the stands and associations, cultural and scientific institutions of BiH/NU BBiH, the National Museum of BiH, the Historical Museum of BiH, the Museum of Literature and Theatre Arts of BiH, the Writers' Society of BiH, Pen Centre, IPC and others.

The visual identity of this year's 35th International Book Fair is related to the "Word", applied to a stone - a river pebble hundreds of thousands or millions of years old that aims to bring us back and remind us of our roots when we lived in the Neolithic Age, the first communities, the beginnings real communication that resulted in today's technological level of development. The author of the Fair's visual identity is Samir Plasto, and the video is by Vedran Hamzić.

The President of the Program Council of the Sarajevo Book Fair, Ibrahim Spahić, introduced the members of the Program Council and stated that all preparations for the 35th International Book Fair in 2024 had been successfully completed. Spahić invited authors, publishers, readers and media to the most unique and significant holiday dedicated to books at the Skenderija centre and once again pointed out that civilizations are recognized by the word and its original value for communication and understanding between people and cultures of the world.

Working hours for visitors will be from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Association "Tuzla Live"

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kula no.61
75000 Tuzla
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Our organisation was established in November 2000 by young artists (music, theatre, painting), professionals in video/photo/sound production, graphic and web design, ICT design and programming and experienced youth activists and entrepreneurs with professional knowledge in business management and marketing. Our goal is to provide a constructive framework for its members to exercise their rights and pursue their interests towards social and professional emancipation within and for betterment of our society. We enable cooperation between members and partners through projects implemented mainly in Creative Industry sector. Hence our finances stream from a range of services and products, membership fees and donations/grants from domestic and international institutions/organisations, which usually amount to 15-20.000 EUR per year. Association gathers app. 200 members, has no permanent employees but members/partners are temporarily employed in projects. It is run by the management team of five to eight people, responsible to the assembly of members.
Mission and Objectives

In a society still damaged by the social and economic effects of war, our mission is to:
- provide opportunities for young people to fulfil their creative, vocational and social potential;
- promote awareness of and responsiveness to the needs and potential of young people among older generations and statutory institutions;
- build, with our partners, a culturally rich and diverse society for present and future generations.

Main Projects / Activities

Here are three of our main project taking place in the last 5 years:
1. Re:Activete – education, rehearsal, recording, production and promotion of young urban music artists
2. “BRDO” Coworking space – a shared working space that gathers community of entrepreneurs, activists and creative people, eager to help development of local community on the principles of Social Entrepreneurship
3. EXIT Festival – for more than 10 years the official partners of the largest and the most influential music festival in the region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our 15 years of experience in projects implanted with various partners from our region and the rest of Europe, we believe that our know-how and qualified members can greatly contribute towards strengthening of the National ALF Network and its positions in the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that self sustainability and development should spring from inside local communities. Hence, networks of individuals/organisation from different communities can bring about a positive change on a larger scale. Moreover, engaging young people with knowledge, drive and energy, through modern and creative ideas and initiatives, surely is a path worth taking in order to see effective and efficient progress take place in our region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anes Husanovic
Job Title
President, general manager
Head of the organisation
Anes Husanovic

Association for culture and art CRVENA

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 387 61 257 013
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 387 61 257 013
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association for culture and art CRVENA is gathering committed artists, theoreticians, practitioners and project managers with the purpose to initiate the societal changes through affirmation of independent culture and art, on the principles of activism, feminism, ecology, individualism and solidarity. CRVENA is membership based organisation, registered in June 2010, and it currently consists of more than fifteen members with great experience in civil society and arts and culture. The Association is managed by the Executive Directress and five-member Steering Committee that consists of prominent public persons from both Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. CRVENA is member of regional initiatives in the Western Balkans and partner in several projects which are being developed.
Mission and Objectives

CRVENA Association affirms the existing, and creates new free spaces for cultural and artistic creation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world.
Program areas in which CRVENA is active are: women's production, development of public policies, cooperation with governmental institutions, organising events, and publishing. Employed methods of work are research and analysis, awareness raising, coordination and networking,, education, database/digitalization, documenting, counselling/advisory activities, activism, main projects/activities.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Advocacy campaign for the creation of cultural policies on the local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. The Book Club for girls
3. Participation in international exhibitions
4. Monument to Heroines
5. WomenOnlineMediaArtNet WOMAN

Contact (1) Full Name
Danijela Dugandzic Zivanovic

Association for preservation of multiculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Vojvodica put br 3
72000 Zenica
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Organization has 10 members that are working as volunteers and many youth that is coming and joing to different activities. As we are new organization we had just one project and it was teaching bosnian youth English, German and Turkish language. So our budget depends of projects we dont have standard sponsors. We offten give free seminars, workshops. Our member Maja is on Erasmus + exchange. Unfortunetly we can not send still volunteers that is why we borrowed Maja to other organization that she doesnt miss opportunity like this.
Mission and Objectives

Mission is to create inviroment for all youth in Bosnia without any borders, for all nationalities and minorities and to teach everyone about others that are part of this county. The best way to do this is using good examples from other counties. 

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching about foreign languages and culture of minority groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By working together with other organizations from Bosnia we will be more stronger and we can easily approach our objectives. We have in our organization experts in the field of culture of minority groups in Bosnia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to find partner organizations that allready are working on this field and that we can together with them create some activities and learn something from their expirance. Also we would like to apply to some of ALF calls for proposals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Bajramovic
Job Title
Ensemble president - teacher
Head of the organisation
Taib Bajramovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Taib Bajramovic
Job Title (2)
president - journalist

Association for Social Research and Communications (UDIK)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Grbavička 51
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organizational structure of the association: president and vice president who is also office manager. Coordination Board of the Association are: president, vice president and president of the Assembly. Assembly of the Association are: president and secretary. The Assembly is in session twice a year or when required. The work of the Assembly is defined by our Statute. The President is elected by the Assembly.Since the founding UDIK, UDIK's office in Sarajevo contributes to the development of individual and social process of dealing with the past to build a sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region deepening public dialogue and initiating debate on public policies that encourage dealing with the past, gathering data, publishing researchs about war happenings, war crimes and violations of human rights, promoting peace activism and following trials at local and regional level as a contribution to improving judicial standards and practices in war crimes trials.We have established partnership with many international organizations and several networks.
Mission and Objectives

The Association for Social Research and Communications (UDIK) helps post-Yugoslav societies to establish the rule of law and to accept the legacy of massive human rights violations in order to identify the criminal responsibility of perpetrators, to meet justice and prevent the repetition of such crimes. It is the affirmation of the value of an open civil society, with clearly defined priorities in terms of promotion and protection of human rights, as well as youth involvement in social and political processes through peace activism. Our vision is Bosnia and Herzegovina as a fair, open society of active citizens through respect for human rights with the government that serves the public interest. 

Main Projects / Activities

During our previous activities UDIK organized activities regarding transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a focus to all the victims and to the construction of peace activism.  UDIK is a reform inside of the civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a recognizable brand of acting on the streets of Sarajevo and other cities. Except the office in Sarajevo, UDIK also has office in Brcko, which organizes activities on the streets of this city. UDIK's strength is reflected in the strong connection to activism and the construction of equitable peace and different and better Balkan. Our peacekeeping actions we marked with blackness and silence paying tribute to murdered victims in the war in the former Yugoslavia. These activities of UDIK were very well monitored, brended and recognizable in Bosnia and Herzegovina's society, but also in the Balkan. These activities UDIK was presenting in the public like „The Living Monument“ to all victims of war, with the concept of reconciliation through responsibility. In addition, the activists of UDIK are aware that Bosnia and Herzegovina will never build a unique monument for the civilian victims of war and that is why „The Living Monument“ is the only chance of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to build it on this way. With „The Living Monument“ UDIK for the first time as civil society organization marked many crimes of which citizens and civil society for many years kept silent. We did crimes and violence visible in the community. And with this way we discovered a new way of organizing. Our reform we carried out on the streets of cities across the region (ex-Yugoslavia), through the policy of providing every citizen to join in the activities of „The Living Monument“, watching him through the most emotional aspect of every human being, at the same time warning that the crime was something that should not be forgotten, but nor deny. On this way, UDIK set the level of civil society, which extends through the idea of meeting people with the same objective in order to build a peace. To his activities of „The Living Monument“ UDIK wants to give the opportunity for participation of each of the actual individuals in the construction of peace and distancing from the committed crimes. This is our contribution to a memorialisation and to empathy building for that which everybody in the community are ignored, and that is poverty and the tacit approval of violence and even the denial of crimes.    

Contact (1) Full Name
Edvin Kanka Cudic
Job Title
Head of the organisation