
Center Children Today

National Network

Qendra "Femijet Sot"
Rruga "Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit"
Tirana, Albania


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Center "Children Today" (QFS) is an Albanian non-for profit organization founded in May 2007. QFS aims to bring lasting improvements in the lives of the Albanian children & youth. Under this vision, the center is completely engaged to cooperate with local, regional and international child & youth focused actors. We believe children are the present of the Albanian future and we understand children as capable agents of development in our society. Thus we work towards their active participation in issues affecting their interests and rights. QFS works with priority with children experiencing poverty and or vulnerable situations. Our statutory objective is to work for a world where children and young people can realize their full potential. Our Values and Ethics QFS was created as a joining of the minds and hearts of people to contribute to the construction of a decent, healthy and safe environment where children can participate and develop. We merge talents and resources with respect, commitment, optimism, integrity, and joy. We rely on teamwork and cooperation as the main pillars in the realization of our mission.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission and Vision:
Our Mission is to lead Albanian society toward a conscious engagement with Children’s Rights and the value of children’s participation in constructing a sustainable and joyful future.
We envision having Albanian children recognized by adults and by themselves as active agents in history. We wish to see children in our country who live with dignity and have guaranteed rights, who are respected and live in freedom. We wish to see Albanian children living healthy and enjoying proper levels of nutrition. Our vision is to have children who have access to education, leisure, culture, and who enjoy the right of access to every sphere of life and to equitable professional opportunities that would bring sustainability to society and the planet.
- Our Objective:
Our statutory objective is to work for a world where children are capable of realizing their full potential. To reach this goal, QFS will work through:
a) contributing to the realization of children’s rights; their education, health, physical and psychological well-being, as well as their normal development
b) increasing their participation in decision making for issues concerning them and empowering their role in the family and in the community
c) raising the awareness of society toward children’s needs, rights, and their importance as the future of the country
d) pushing for the drafting and implementing of public policies that have the child at their centre

Main Projects / Activities

Children’s Rights
The center works to promote children’s rights. Such work is focused both on children who must recognize their rights and be aware of how to realize them, as well as on the society as a whole, which also must recognize and respect them. Only in this way is the complete realization of children’s rights possible. Within the framework of this program, we aim to undertake actions such as monitoring the media and governmental actions to evaluate their commitment to addressing children’s rights. Thus, we aim at improving qualitatively the media’s recognition of the social value of children and their rights in Albania, and we offer a recognition certificate called the “Visible Child Prize” yearly to constructive media exposure on topics concerning children’s rights.
Further, QFS will monitor governmental actions to assess whether children’s rights commitments are actually being delivered and pressures through positive advocacy being made so that concerns are actually addressed. In each administration we aim to pressure governmental involvement in drafting and implementing public policies serving to improve the situation of children and youth in Albania. QFS’s goal is to have an influence in drafting policy directed at vulnerable children such as those in the Roma community.
It’s my right to live with rights
Project aimed to assist isolated children as a result of blood feud phenomena, faced mostly in Shkodra district.
Quality Education for Children
Through this program, QFS contributes to the continued improvement of education, addressing problematic issues for the country such as school children enrolment and attendance (including work on statistics), access to proper infrastructure and learning methodologies, as well as suitable didactic materials. QFS works to provide school equipment and well trained teachers, at all levels of public education to children and youth. The program seeks close collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Albania in order to improve public education at the community level. The program aims to guarantee that children are heard and their input considered in this process. The program also advocates for an increased educational budget for the maintenance and improvement of schools.
Environmental education is an important part of this program. QFS promotes the creation of a clean and healthy environment for children and everyone else. Campaigns on the engagement of children into anti-pollution and recycling activities within their families, schools and society will also take place in the framework of this program.
QFS will work on increasing children’s knowledge of fields which are important to development, such as technological and computer knowledge. In this way, children are pointed towards the digitalized world (the access to and knowledge of IT and
communications). The program aims to amplify the opportunities of children for access to Information Technologies and Communications and their learning of its use, allowing the youth to seek professional skills in this field as well.
The program aims at promoting the traditional forms of Albanian arts and culture. This is considered an educational approach that guarantees the survival and appreciation of all in a cooperative, participatory and creative way.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marsida Cela
Head of the organisation
Eralda Methasani
Contact (2) Full Name
Elma Tershana

Center for a Contemporary Roma Vision

National Network

Rr. Isa Boletini, Nr. 14

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

For a Contemporary Roma Vision Center - is an Albanian local Roma organization established by a group of Roma intellectuals in Albania. Since its foundation on 17 November 2005, the Center “For a Contemporary Roma Vision” has played an important role in promoting new Roma intellectuals and in the educational, cultural, economic and social development of the community. The public opinion has been stimulated in a systematic way about respecting human rights particularly those of the language and education of the new Roma generation. Six years since inception means a very difficult journey for us because the problems that are borne by this community are big. For this reason, the staff of the center “For a Contemporary Roma Vision” has tried to solve these problems in an institutional way and to draft projects for this purpose. The organization has received support from potential donors that operate in Albania which have financed various areas such as education, employment, healthcare and culture. UNICEF, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education, Terre des Hommes. etc

Mission and Objectives

CSDRrom is an Albanian NGO with its mission the empowerment of Roma Community through Culture, Education and Development. Main objectives of the organization are: to give voice to educated Roma students and professional and to increase access to all levels of education of Roma community members; to preserve Roma cultural heritage and Roma Language and promote its development; to empower roma community through social and economic projects; to promote Roma integration in Albania.

Main Projects / Activities

Access to public education activities for Roma pupils, entertainment and cultural activities with artist from Roma community, Publications, studies, awareness campaign, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CSDRrom can contribute to the network through including there the voice of Roma Community in Albania, sharing experiences and best practices; be active in promoting the ALF network objectives within our activities and incorporating there the result of CSDRRom inter-cultural dialogue with other minorities and the majority in Albania

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of ALF network will help the visibility and access to our activities; will help us be updated with activities in region; help us to find partner and regional activities to participate and help our organization to achieve objectives through having best results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arben Bastri
Head of the organisation
Arben Bastri
Contact (2) Full Name
Alma Kaca

Center for Bridging Communities

National Network

Rruga: Albanopoli, Pall Alfa, ap 38/5, Tirane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Center for Bridging Communities, Albania is a civil society organization established in 2018, as an initiative of a group of researchers and experts in the areas of youth, gender and good governance. The main purpose of the organization is to contribute in the achievement of sustainable development by empowering the community; protecting the rights of the marginalized groups; promoting and supporting the initiatives that encourage inclusion, social integration, intercultural dialogue. For the fulfillment of activities Center for Bridging Communities carries out awareness-raising campaigns, capacity building, consultancy services and research.

Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the organization is to contribute in the achievement of sustainable development by empowering the community; protecting the rights of the marginalized groups; promoting and supporting the initiatives that encourage inclusion, social integration, intercultural dialogue and advocating for the benefit of the community. Center for Bridging Communities, Albania contributes toward community inclusion through joint programs in these main areas: Youth empowerment Our focus remains on young people with fewer opportunities, with the scope to offer them a chance for empowerment and to be active citizens of the community where they live. Gender Equity Protect the rights of marginalized groups as women in remote area to affect positive changes and reach their full potential. Good Governance. We believe that working closely with local authorities and other local stakeholders we can bring positive change in the community. For the fulfillment of activities Center for Bridging Communities carries out awareness-raising campaigns, capacity building, consultancy services and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities: -Organizing social and educational games with young people, target groups of students from 16-24 years old. When using team-based tactical games, we asked players to role-play in order to facilitate discussion around the topics of diversity, environmental change, gender issues and extremism. In order to promote solidarity and democratic values as well as affirm them beyond our tradition, it is crucial to get acquainted with interculturality and diversity. - The engagement of young people from 14-18 years old on debate groups on the issues of human rights and gender issues. For this we have been using the youth-led participatory approach and non-formal learning tools with High Schools students of Tirana, Has, Kukes, Librazhd, Shijak. - Organizing online campaigns against hate speech in cyberspace, online awareness-raising campaigns on gender equity and human rights, you tube talks, summer camps etc. These online campaigns are run by young volunteers at our organization. Center for Bridging Communities holds accreditation for hosting and sending role within European Solidarity Corps Programme. We believe in youth activism as essential components in order to promote change and progress the development of the community. We have implemented a series of projects in the field of youth empowerment, good governance, gender issues, which are supported by donors such as European Commission; BACID (Building administrative capacities in the Danube Region); Erasmus plus; European Solidarity Corps; Konrad Adenauer, Tirana; Mediterranean Women's Fund, France; Ministry of Culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through sharing good experiences and our ideas with other partner organizations of AFL network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to empower local communities through partnerships and exchanges. In this context, it is profitable to join ALF Network because we share common objectives. Also, we would like to collaborate, to find partners and networking with other organizations in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonida Naska
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Executive Director

Center for Bridging Communities, Albania

National Network

Rruga: Mine Peza, Pall 242, ap 14

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Center for Bridging Communities, CBC is a civil society organization established in 2018, as an initiative of a group of researchers and experts in the areas of gender, youth and good governance. Center for Bridging Communities contribute toward community inclusion through joint programs in these main areas:

Youth empowerment

Our focus remains on young people with fewer opportunities, with the scope to offer them a chance for empowerment and to be active citizens of the community where they live.

Gender Equity

Protect the rights of marginalized groups as women in remote area to affect positive changes and reach their full potential.

Good Governance.

We believe that working closely with local authorities and other local stakeholders we can bring positive change in the community.

For the fulfillment of activities Center for Bridging Communities carries out awareness-raising campaigns, capacity building, consultancy services and research.

Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the organization is to contribute in the achievement of sustainable development by empowering the community; protecting the rights of the marginalized groups; promoting and supporting the initiatives that encourage inclusion, social integration, intercultural dialogue and advocating for the benefit of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

As regular activities of Center for Bridging Communities we can mention:

- In close collaboration with Austrian partner, SUPERWIEN we are initiating a long - term initiative which include series of training in some municipalities in Albania to build capacities of the staff on dialogue oriented urban planning using participative urban tools.

- The engagement of young people from 14-18 years old on debate groups on the issues of human rights and gender issues. For this we have been using the youth-led participatory approach and non-formal learning tools with High Schools students of Tirana, Has, Kukes, Librazhd and Prrenjas.

-Organizing social and educational games with young people, target groups of students from 16-24 years old. When using team-based tactical games, we asked players to role-play in order to facilitate discussion around the topics of diversity, environmental change, gender issues and extremism. In order to promote solidarity and democratic values as well as affirm them beyond our tradition, it is crucial to get acquainted with interculturality and diversity.

- We organize online campaign against hate speech in cyberspace, online awareness-raising campaigns on gender equity and human rights, you tube talks, summer camps etc.  These online campaigns are run by young volunteers at our organization.

Center for Bridging Communities holds accreditation for Quality Label ESC 52 from European Solidarity Corps Programme. We believe in youth activism as essential components in order to promote change and progress the development of the community.  By participating in European Solidarity Corps, we are aiming to encourage young people to develop their personal skills and competences which will be useful in the labor market, to widen their perspective about other cultures and develop their social sensitivity because

We have implemented a series of projects in the field of good governance, gender issues, youth empowerment which are supported by donors such as European Commission; BACID (Building administrative capacities in the Danube Region); Erasmus plus; European Solidarity Corps; Konrad Adenauer, Tirana; Mediterranean Women's Fund, France; Ministry of Culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through sharing good experiences and our ideas with other partner organizations of AFL network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to empower local communities through partnerships and exchanges. In this context, it is profitable to join ALF Network because we share common objectives. Also, we would like to collaborate, to find partners and networking with other organizations in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonida Naska
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Jonida Naska
Contact (2) Full Name
Erjola Cullufe
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Center for Development of Transferable Skills

National Network

"Zayed Business Center", Rruga "Andon Zako Çajupi", afer Sheshit Willson, Njesia Administrative Nr.5, Tirane

Telephone (other)
+355 69 701 8629
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 69 701 8629
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Centre for Development of Transferable Skills is a non-profit organization which is located in Albania and operates in Albania. Our main mission is to promote transferable skills as a good way to fulfil the gaps in job markets, protect the environment, support human rights on capacity building, raise awareness, etc. Also supporting start-ups, youth initiatives, VET education, and training, promoting soft skills as a good way to develop the businesses, supporting high school students with career consulting, sustainable development and rural development, tourism agrotourism, and agribusiness are our main focus.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to develop and promote transferable skills and to build youth capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre for Development of Transferable Skills (CDTS) is established in April 2021. Since that we have implemented a couple of projects. CDTS has implemented for the first time in Albania, Kangaroo Linguistic Competition. Kangaroo Linguistic is an English exam separated into six levels which are accessible for pupils from first class up to twelve class. Participants gained certificate (participation certificate and winner certificate). As a first year we had more than 220 participants in the competition. Also, in cooperation with the Albanian Mathematics Association, we have Math Kangaroo. CDTS also will organize the Kangaroo Science competition for the first time in Albania on November thirteen. The Kangaroo science consist on three subjects, Biology, Physic and Chemistry

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a new organization established on April 2021, but in this short time we have organized Kangaroo Linguistic competition and we will organize Kangaroo Science on 13th November 2021. Also, the Center for Development of Transferable Skills is a supporter of Virtus Excellence Training Center to hold for the second time the Economy Olympiad. Even though in a short time I think that we have enough experience to share with our colleagues that operate in civil society. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the Executive Director, I am always looking for new opportunities to create a strong and sustainable network in order to develop the organization. I think that joining in such these networks will give to us the opportunity to share the experience and to learn from each other experiences. Anna Lindh Foundation is a huge network of organizations so we can apply together for future projects.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Musa Coha
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Musa Coha
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Center for Education and Social Advancement (CESA)

National Network

Address: Ramadan Kadrini, Nd 45; H, 1; Shkallnur, Rashbull, Durrës

+355 68 582 8214
Mobile Phone
+355 68 582 8214
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Center for Education and Social Advancement (CESA) was funded on March 2022 by a group of young professionals whose lives were changed by education and whom believe that education can change other peoples lives. CESA is a national organization and it's main headquarters are located in Durrës, however the Center will exercise its activity in 12 regions of Albania. The vision of CESA is that "Educated, self-actualized and independent individuals are the cornerstone of a developed society."

Mission and Objectives

The mission of CESA is to contribute to the development of society through education and training of individuals, groups and communities in all fields, including but not limited to media, culture, arts, entrepreneurship, environment, health, etc. We serve all age-groups alike (including children, youths, adults, and elders) regardless of their gender, religion, ethnicity, race, socio-economic status or political beliefs. Our objectives are: 1) To offer accessible, quality and inclusive education to all our beneficiaries; 2) To support individuals, groups and communities through granting access to information and opportunities that would develop their life skills; 3) To increase socio-economic welfare of beneficiaries and the whole society in Albania; 4) To establish partnerships with CSOs, public institutions and donors within and outside Albania with the intention of fulfilling the purpose of the Center; 5) To exercise all duties with higher professional standards, values and principles upon which CESA was funded which are in accordance with the human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center is recently established and as such currently there is no information available for this section. However, the main activities that the Center foresees to involve are: 1) Research for Development 2) Trainings / Capacity Buildings 3) Campaigns 4) Advocacy & Lobbying

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to our Network by being active members; respecting the Network Internal Rules; participating in activities that the Head of Network will organize, and promoting the intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CESA would like to be part of the ALF because the mission and vision of our organization it is fully in line with the values of the ALF. We believe that likeminded organizations can together induce positive change and promote intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Med region.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Lubjana Malaj
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Lubjana Malaj
Contact (2) Full Name
Markelian Hysa
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Center for Education and Sport Skills

National Network

Lagjia Nr.1, Rruga Rinia

+355 69 932 3608
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information

“Skills” education and sports center is a grass root organization focused on youth’s skills development using sports and informal education as a tool to bring together youth.
The center’s goal is to promote the skills of youth into sports activities , orienting them towards the benefits they have from social activation.
Modalities of Action:
1.Grass root organization(football training)
2.Youth empower
3.Informal Education
Main Partners:
Municipality, education institution in county, Football Federation and Leviz Albania

Mission and Objectives

To empower youth through sport activities and informal education

Main Projects / Activities

Organization of football teams for boys and girls in local championships
“Sporti në qytetin tim,fëmijët të parët ,jemi edhe ne.” project to advocate with local authorities for a dedicated budget for youths.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The skills center is one of the few organizations in our country that offers empowerment of young people through programs and sports activities. We also know very well the reality of our community and we believe that this is a strong point to offer effective solutions to any problem.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Center for Education and Sports Skills is a relatively young organization that works in a rural community with major problems as Cerrik municipality is. As a grassroot organization we face every day with various problems which are very difficult to solve with the capacity of our staff. Participation in networks would be a very good opportunity to grow professionally but also to have the greatest possible support for change in our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andi Bibo
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Andi Bibo

Center for Education and Sport Skills

National Network

Lagjia Nr.1, Rruga Rinia

+355 69 932 3608
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information

“Skills” education and sports center is a grass root organization focused on youth’s skills development using sports and informal education as a tool to bring together youth. The center’s goal is to promote the skills of youth into sports activities , orienting them towards the benefits they have from social activation. Donation Modalities of Action: 1.Grass root organization(football training) 2.Youth empower 3.Informal Education Main Partners: Municipality, education institution in county, Football Federation and Leviz Albania

Mission and Objectives

To empower youth through sport activities and informal education

Main Projects / Activities

Organization of football teams for boys and girls in local championships “Sporti në qytetin tim,fëmijët të parët ,jemi edhe ne.” project to advocate with local authorities for a dedicated budget for youths.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The skills center is one of the few organizations in our country that offers empowerment of young people through programs and sports activities. We also know very well the reality of our community and we believe that this is a strong point to offer effective solutions to any problem.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Center for Education and Sports Skills is a relatively young organization that works in a rural community with major problems as Cerrik municipality is. As a grassroot organization we face every day with various problems which are very difficult to solve with the capacity of our staff. Participation in networks would be a very good opportunity to grow professionally but also to have the greatest possible support for change in our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andi Bibo
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Andi Bibo

Center for Equality and Inclusion

National Network

Blv. Zogu 1 , p 55/1, ap 14

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The "Center for Equality and Inclusion" is a newly established organization dedicated to supporting, empowering, and aiding citizens, especially marginalized groups, with a primary focus on women and girls. The structure of organization is composed of three board members and the executive director. Our funding sources include grants, donations, and partnerships. Our activities encompass concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, etc. Key partners in our projects and activities include local NGOs, governmental bodies, and international organizations.

Mission and Objectives

The aim of the “Center for Equality and Inclusion” is Support, aid, empowering of citizens, especially those from the marginalized groups with focus to women and girls from these marginalized groups, aiming their access to public institutions and system, especially to the justice system to be increased, free legal aid, capacity building of professionals, analysis, publications, lobbing, advocacy, information and awareness campaigns, networking etc, guarantying their rights are respecting and equality and non-discrimination is secured through: knowing the international standards on human rights, information, education and legal education on rights and remedies and how to use them, support and empowering in using technology, education and awareness campaign, monitoring of the effectiveness of the system, undertaking legal initiatives in the field of human rights, equality and non-discrimination, advocacy in central and local level aiming the priorities of women and girls from the marginalized groups to be translated in policies, action plans and budgets, capacity building of professionals on the enforcement of the legal framework on the rights of women and girls from the marginalized groups, reports, analysis and publications including reports for international mechanisms of the conventions on human rights and antidiscrimination and networking in all levels.

Main Projects / Activities

The purpose of the organization's activity is to empower citizens, especially citizens from marginalized groups and women from these groups through education, support, assistance legal, monitoring, strengthening the capacities of professionals, analyses, publications, lobbying, advocacy, information and awareness campaigns, networking, etc., ensuring that their rights are respected and equality and non-discrimination is ensured. The main areas of activity of the organization are: Recognition and use of international standards in the field of human rights, equality, gender equality and non-discrimination as real means of change Equality, gender equality and non-discrimination in all areas Social and legal rights of marginalized groups. Free Legal Aid and Support. Prevention of gender-based violence in all its forms and domestic violence Participation in politics and decision-making Technology as a means of change and access.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization is dedicated to supporting and empowering citizens, particularly marginalized groups such as women and girls. We are committed to contributing to the Anna Lindh Foundation network by: 1. Ensuring increased access for marginalized groups to public institutions and the justice system. 2. Sharing our expertise in promoting gender equality, advocating for human rights, and advancing intercultural dialogue. 3. Collaborating on projects and initiatives that promote mutual understanding and cooperation among cultures. 4. Actively participating in capacity-building workshops aligned with the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation. 5. Providing advocacy and awareness campaigns to ensure respect for rights and equality at local and national levels. We hope that our participation in your network will contribute to strengthening the goals and impact of the Anna Lindh Foundation in our community and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as an organization are drawn to the values and aspirations of the Anna Lindh Foundation in promoting intercultural dialogue and human rights in the Euro-Mediterranean region. These are some of the main reasons why we want to become part of the ALF Network: 1.Commitment to Intercultural Dialogue: We deeply believe in the importance of intercultural dialogue and international understanding. As members of ALF, we aim to contribute to strengthening connections between diverse communities and promoting respect for cultural diversity. 2. Increase in Influence and Visibility: Participation in ALF provides us with a powerful platform to increase our influence and enhance our visibility locally and internationally. This will enable us to forge new connections and disseminate important messages about peace and stability in the region. 3. Opportunities for Collaboration and Joint Projects: As ALF members, we have the opportunity to develop joint projects with other organizations in the region. This collaboration not only enhances our capacity to positively impact but also contributes to addressing common challenges faced by our region. 4. Access to Resources and Training: ALF offers access to valuable resources and specialized training that will help us improve our skills in project management, communication, and civic leadership. These resources are crucial for our personal and organizational development. 5. Contribution to Building a Strong Civil Society: Participation in ALF provides us with the opportunity to contribute to the growth of a strong civil society prepared to tackle complex and emerging challenges in our region. We are committed to supporting the capacity and activities of non-governmental organizations in pursuit of justice and peace. As a result, we are fully prepared to engage in the mission and objectives of ALF and believe that our membership will bring significant benefits for us, our community, and the region as a whole.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Çobo
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Nadia Cobo
Name of Organisation
Center for Equality and Inclusion

Center for Gender Justice in Albania

National Network

St. "Medar Shtylla"
B. 26, Ap. 77

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

The Center for Gender Justice in Albania is a new organization established in June 2022 and registered according to the national legislation in Tirana District Court and Tax Offices. The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body of the organization and consists of 3 members with equal voting rights. The Executive Director is the person who legally represents the organization. CGJA has a small staff composed by 3 persons but with wide experience and expertise in the civil society sector. Also, 2 advisors (in the legal and social field) are offering their services pro-bono. 5 volunteers are engaged in the organization’ activities. For 2022 the organization is supported financially by Mediterranean Women's Fund in the amount: 5000 EUR. Currently CGJA is implementing the project 'Make women safe'. In the framework of this project, the organization is building capacities of police officers in 6 district on gender-based violence and domestic violence in order to prevent femicide. Main partners: State Police, Tirana Municipality, The Monitoring Network Against Gender-Based Violence, the Center for Labour Rights, the Center for Civic Legal Initiatives.

Mission and Objectives

The Center for Gender Justice in Albania is a non-profit, independent, non-partisan organization working to empower women and girls, protect their rights and fight gender inequalities. Mission: CGJA contributes to build a society where all women can live a life with dignity, without discrimination and with equal opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Areas of work The Center for Gender Justice in Albania: • Works to promote gender equality, prevent gender-based violence, increase the information level and awareness of the Albanian society about gender issues; • Supports women and girls to increase their participation and influence in the social, economic and political life through the implementation of leadership programmes, building self-esteem programmes, increasing professional skills, etc.; • Addresses the needs of victims of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, through the provision of tailor-made services aiming at their social and economic empowerment; • Increases the capacities of employees of state and non-state institutions that work for the protection and provision of services for women and girls; • Advocates and lobbies for the protection of women's rights and the achievement of gender justice in the Albanian society; • Conducts studies, analyses and researches on gender issues, including gender-based violence and domestic violence.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CGJA has a staff with large experience and expertise in the civil society sector. The Executive Director has 14 years of experience working for women’s NPOs as lawyer, legal advisor, programme manager, project coordinator, administrator. She is very experienced working in the gender field not only in terms of project management, research, legal expertise, but also working in direct contact with vulnerable groups (mainly women and girls), in organizing and conducting meetings with the community in urban and rural areas. The lawyer of the organization has long professional experience in the civil society sector, counselling/legal representation of women and girls and legal gender issues. Working for women’s organizations for a long time, the staff of CGJA is very familiar with the Albanian context in which women and girls live, the challenges they face and the situation of gender-based violence in the country. CGJA can contribute to the network by sharing with other members the expertise gained working on gender issues and bringing the staff experience on women's protection and empowerment strategies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CGJA wants to join ALF Network because it is a dynamic network and a good opportunity to connect with other professionals and NGOs, share information and experiences, and hopefully implement joint initiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adena Vangjeli
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Adena Vangjeli