
Brainstorm Organisation

National Network

Fakulteti i mjekesise, tirane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Brainstorm Organisation was established in march 2013. It began as an informal group of medical students but it got stronger and bigger so it had to become something more serious, an organisation. There are more than 500 students included in differents departments such as research, youth exchange, activities, IT, human recourse,etc. There is a executive bord, staff and simple members. The organisation gets funds by the university and different sponsors. We work with a yearly calendar of activities which are really various such as medical schools throughout Albania and abroad, conferences, workshops, campaign, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of the organisation is strengthen the social spirit of students , help them discover their talents and create a bond between them and the society, and finally help them become better and grwat doctors.

Main Projects / Activities

There are some several activities which are organised each year, such as medical sciences conference, winter and summer school, workshops with different topics, breast cancer, ovar cancer, HIV AIDS campaigns,etc. every year more and more activities get organised thank s to the sponsorships as well.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We help our country by educating the society, by helping different parts of it (the poor, cleejing the city, educating people, etc) and finally by becoming better doctors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because it can help us with our mission, to help kore and more students making their dreams come true.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matina Çobo
Job Title
Medical student
Head of the organisation
Gentjan Asllanaj

Building Bridges One Byte at a Time: Fostering Intercultural Dialogue Among Youth between Lebanon and Albania

Lebanon-Albania joint initiative

The Head of Network in Albania, in collaboration with AICA's Netizen's Digital Lab (NDL) from the lebanese ALF Network and Udhëtim i Lirë from the albanian ALF Network, embarked on a unique project titled "Digital Bridges for Intercultural Dialogue." This initiative was undertaken in the framework of NES II and aimed to empower young people from both countries by fostering digital literacy and promoting intercultural understanding.

The project started off with two engaging online workshops, each led by dedicated experts. The first workshop was mainly focused on equipping participants with essential digital literacy skills for safe and responsible online behavior. It also explored the world of slang and cultural expressions in both Lebanon and Albania, highlighting the cultural nuances.

In the second workshop, participants explored advanced digital literacy topics like online privacy and responsible content creation. Additionally, they honed their communication skills by learning about the importance of nonverbal cues, cultural sensitivity, and active listening in a cross-cultural context.


Digital Content Challenge: Unleashing Creativity and Celebrating Diversity

Following the workshops, the project ignited a creative spark with the launch of the "Digital Content Challenge." Divided into teams, participants were tasked with creating original digital content that reflected their diverse cultures and perspectives. The challenge encouraged inclusivity and understanding within the community, prompting teams to explore formats like videos, social media posts, blog entries, or even infographics. All 10 creative submissions that were recieved and reviewed showed the richness and beauty of cultural heritage.

The network leader extends its congratulations to the winning team of Carole Melhem and Sandy Massri ! Their captivating video explored the cultural phenomenon of Fairuz, the iconic Lebanese singer, while incorporating subtitles in both Arabic and English, ensuring their message transcended language barriers.

This initiative serves as a testament to the power of collaboration in fostering intercultural dialogue and digital empowerment among young people, by equipping them with the necessary skills and fostering a space for creative expression.


Here you can find the link to the video:


#weareALF #LebaneseNetwork #AlbanianNetwork #EuroMed #AICA #UdhetimiLire #InterculturalDialogue #networking #JointinInitiative #DigitalLiteracy 

Call for Activities: Network Members in Action

Call for Activities - ALF Albania

In the framework of the Network Engagement Scheme, Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Albania announces the call for conduction of activities in the thematic areas of culture and intercultural dialogue, media, youth, gender equality, environment and climate change.

This is an exclusive call for the Network members and the proposed activities can be workshops, competitions/debates, awareness rising/educative campaigns, multimedia productions, etc. that are in line with one of the thematic areas of this call.

It is encouraged that the proposed activities may have as main beneficiaries other network members of the ALF network in Albania that with the intention to strengthen the interaction between members.

The activities will be implemented throughout the period January – March, 2023.  In total 10 activity proposals will be rewarded with a lump sum of 250 EUR per activity/organization.

The proposals will be evaluated on the basis of quality and there will be a geographical distribution of activities to cover the whole country, depending on the applications that will be submitted.

To submit the activity proposal, fulfil the form:  by January 9, 2023, 5:00 p.m.

Call for joint proposals: Members of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania-Morocco-Luxembourg-Lebanon and Denmark

Call for proposals

Within the framework of the "Network Engagement Scheme II", the Head of the Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania, following the online networking sessions, launches the call for proposals for the implementation of online activities, in the following thematic areas:

a) Culture and intercultural dialogue;

b) Education & Media

c) Euro-Med youth engagement

d) Diversity (including gender)

The call is exclusively for members of the Networks of Albania, Luxembourg, Morocco, Denmark and Lebanon, and priority will be given to participants who attended the two online networking sessions organized in December by the respective networks.

The proposed activities can be: workshops, training, networking events, contests/debates, educational/awareness campaigns, multimedia productions, etc. in each of the above topics. The activities should be implemented online, considering the limited financial support and the component of cooperation between members of different ALF networks.

The proposed activities must include as a partner, at least one member of the ALF network in Albania, in cases where the proposal is made by an organization from other countries participating in the networking session, namely Luxembourg, Morocco, Lebanon and Denmark, this to strengthen partnerships between Albania and other countries in the region.

The activities will be implemented in the period January – March 15th, 2024.

In total, 7 proposals for online and/or hybrid activities will be supported in the four priority areas of this call, and the financial value that will be offered for the winning proposals will be 500 EUR.

Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of quality and there will be a geographical distribution of collaborating organizations according to the North + South formula: at least one member from the South and one member from the North of the Mediterranean.

Deadline to submit proposals: January 17th, 2024, 5:00 p.m CET. Applicants are required to send their applications in the following form: 

Announcement of winners: January 19th, 2024

Online meeting with winners: January 22nd, 2024

Implementation: January – March 15th, 2024

Call for participants: Networking Session for members of Luxembourg-Albania-Morocco

Call for participation

The Head of the ALF Network in  #Albania- in the framework of the Network Engagement Scheme II- in cooperation with the Head of the ALF Networks in #Luxembourg and #Morocco, are organizing an online networking session for the members of their network.

The #networkingsession will take place online, via Zoom, in December 18th, 3pm CET.

The purpose of these sessions is for the network members to explore the richness and diversity of the ALF members, with whom they can organize events/ write proposals afterwards.

After the online networking session, a call for the organization of online events will be launched to further strengthen the cooperation between members who participated in the online networking sessions.

The members themselves will organize such events in cooperation with other members from the selected networks. Typology of activities includes workshops, debates, cultural days or any other format as might be suggested by the members.

Up to 7 proposals for online activities will be supported under this call and each on the value of 500 EUR, lump sum. The formula of the awarded proposals will be one + one (North and South).

Please register for the networking session, by fulfilling the form here: no  later than December, 14th, 4pm CET.

hashtag#WeareALF hashtag#NetworkingSession hashtag#Albania hashtag#Morocco hashtag#Luxembourg

Call for participants: Networking Session for members of Denmark-Albania-Lebanon

poster about a call for participation

The Head of the Network in #Albania, in the framework of the Network Engagement Scheme II, in cooperation with the Head of the Network in #Denmark and #Lebanon, are organizing an online networking session for the members of their network.

The #networkingsession will take place online, via Zoom, in December 20th, 4:30pm CET.

The purpose of these meetings is for the network members to explore the richness and diversity of the ALF members, with whom they can organize events/ write proposals afterwards.  

After the online networking session, a call for the organization of online events will be launched to further strengthen the cooperation between members who participated in the online networking sessions.

The members themselves will organize such events in cooperation with other members from the selected networks. Typology of activities includes workshops, debates, cultural days or any other format as might be suggested by the members.

Up to 7 proposals for online activities will be supported under this call and each on the value of 500 EUR, lump sum. The formula of the awarded proposals will be one + one (North and South).

Please register for the networking session, by fulfilling this form here :  no later than December 16th, 4pm CET.


#WeareALF #NetworkingSession #Albania #Denmark #Lebanon


Call For Participation : A Webinar on Diversity !

Call for Participation: A Webinar on Diversity

We invite you on 20th of February, at 2 PM CET, via Zoom platform, to join us on this experience, hosted by CSDC Durrës (member of the Albanian ALF Network), Lebanese Spotlight (member of the Lebanese ALF Network) and Radio ARA (member of the Luxembourg ALF Network), supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation. We aim to talk about diversity and its different aspects, targeting youth between 15 – 29 years old, but not limited to that.

Diversity encompasses a multitude of dimensions, from ethnicity and race to gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, and beyond. The focal point of the discussion is the recognition and appreciation of the diverse tapestry of humanity, recognizing that it is our differences that enrich our collective experience. Through engaging dialogue and insightful analysis, this webinar aims to shed light on the various types of diversity that exist within our global community, highlighting the importance of inclusivity and acceptance in fostering a more harmonious society.

However, the exploration does not stop there. CSDC Durrës is hosting a panel discussion featuring esteemed experts and thought leaders from Albania, Lebanon, and Luxembourg, each offering their
unique insights and perspectives on how diversity manifests within their respective contexts. This webinar represents a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of diversity and its myriad
manifestations, while also fostering cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration. By exploring the diverse experiences and perspectives of Albania, Lebanon, and Luxembourg, the organizers will look forward to inspiring greater appreciation, empathy, and solidarity across borders, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

Join via Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 780 0988 4419
Passcode: 2WECVe


#weareALF #ALFNetworks #Albania #Lebanon #Luxembourg #EuroMed #Diversity #CallForParticipation #Partnership #NorthSouth #InterculturalDialogue #Youth 

Campaign #SafetyStartsWithInformation

Campaign 'Safety Starts with Information' poster

The Albanian Media Institute with the support of UNESCO and European Union, and in the framework of the Project "Building Trust in Media in SouthEast Europe: Supporting Journalism as a public good", held an awareness raising campaign on Media and Information Literacy and  Digital Safety. 

The primary target of the campaign were pupils, teachers and parents whom through the campaign increased awareness on MIL related topics, such as: digital hygiene, privacy, cyberbullying, misinformation, hate speech, Artificial Intelligence, etc. 

To deliver the key campaing messages several content formats were used, including videos, reels, infographics, posts. 

Infographics are available here:, while videos and posts on AMI's social media:

For more information on this campaign please contact the implementing organization at



This assessment was conducted by the National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania, a platform for civil society at the national and local level, in support of strengthening its capacities, promoting and facilitating dialogue in policy-making, and advocacy efforts...

Capacity building: Constructive debate for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue


The two members of the Anna Lindh Foundation network in Albania Center for Education and Social Advancement dhe Qendra Shqiptare për Zhvillimin e Familjes/ACFD will organise two capacity building activities on the topics of constructive debate.

The trainings will take place on February 17 and 22, at the offices of the Albanian Media Institute.

About 15 youngsters will benefit from the trainings. They will learn and practice the skills of constructive debate.

The debating models that young people encounter in media are worrying, as they contain elements of violence, intimidation, violation of the dignity of the person, as well as often hate speech/bullying and attacks on a personal level.

These unhealthy and disturbing models must be challenged and replaced with positive models, as they emphasize social exclusion and discrimination of persons due to culture, origin, appearance, political and/or religious beliefs, etc.

Participants will develop several skills, such as communication, listening and debating, time management and teamwork, which will help them engage in useful and healthy discussions, while promoting social diversity.

The training was supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation through the Network Engagement Scheme, which is implemented by the Head of the Network.

#AnnaLindhFoundation #youthdevelopment #albania #CESA #ACFD #constructivedebate #socialinclusion

----- Albanian ----- 

Trajnim: Debati konstruktiv për promovimin e diversitetit kulturor dhe përfshirjes sociale 

Dy antëtarët e rrjetit të Fondacionit Anna Lindh Shqipëri, Center for Education and Social Advancement dhe Qendra Shqiptare për Zhvillimin e Familjes/ACFD, organizojnë trajnimet për ngritjen e kapaciteteve të të rinjve mbi debatin kontruktiv.

Trajnimet do të zhvillohen në datat 17 dhe 22 Shkurt, tek zyrat e Drejtuesit të Rrjetit.

Rreth 15 të rinj dhe të reja do të përfshihen në këto trajnime, ku do të mësojnë dhe praktikojnë aftësitë e debatit konstuktiv.

Modelet debatuese me të cilat përballen të rinjtë në Shqipëri janë shqetësuese, pasi përmbajnë elemente të dhunës, intimidimit, cënimit të dinjitetit të personit, si edhe shpeshherë gjuhë urrejtje/bullizim dhe sulme të nivelit personal.

Këto modele të pashëndetshme dhe shqetësuese, duhen sfiduar dhe zëvendësuar me modele pozitive, pasi theksojnë përjashtimin social dhe diskriminimin e personave për shkak të kulturës, origjinës, pamjes së jashtme, bindjeve politike dhe/ose fetare, etj.

Pjesëmarrësit do të zhvillojnë disa aftësi, si ato komunikuese, dëgjuese dhe debatuese, të menaxhimit të kohës dhe të punës në grup, që do t’i ndihmojnë ata të përfshihen në diskutime të dobishme dhe të shëndetshme, njëkohësisht që promovojnë diversitetin shoqëror.

Trajnimet do të mundësohen nga mbështetja financiare e Anna Lindh Foundation përmes Skemës për Angazhimin e Rrjetit, që zbatohet nga Drejtuesi i Fondacioni Anna Lindh - ALF - Rrjeti Shqiptar.

#AnnaLindhFoundation #youthdevelopment #albania #CESA #ACFD #constructivedebate #socialinclusion