
Civil Society Development Center Durrës

National Network

Lagja 11, Rruga e Dëshmorëve, Pall. 260

+ 355 52 232440
+ 355 52 232440
Mobile Phone
+ 355 68 2629527
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 692157921
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
CSDC was created in 2001 as a joint project of the OSCE Presence in Albania and the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV). The NNCSDC has managed projects funded by donor's contributions as: British, German and Norwegian Embassies in Tirana,SIDA, European Commission,Carter Center for the period 2004 -2007. CSDC Durres has implemented different projects supported by: American Embassy in Tirana, Peace Corps in Tirana, Partners Albania, World Learning etc. Since 20010 CSDC is implementing a project on "Improving Citizens participation in decision making" Durrës and Fushe - Kruja, supported by Olof Plame International Center. Many national and international organizations have also used the center services and coordination including: American Embassy, Partners/Albania, UNDP, Red Cross, Terre des homes, Institute for Democracy and Mediation etc..
Mission and Objectives

CSDC Durrës strive to contribute to an articulate and vocal civil society by giving free space to community to meet, discuss, debate, learn and to improve the co-operation between civil society and Local Government for the benefit of all involved.
1. To increase the capacity and the awareness of civil society actors (Non Profit Organizations, Community Based Groups, Community Business).
2.To support and activate the networks of the civil society through projects implementation. 3.To strengthen the relation of the center with LG institutions

Main Projects / Activities

1. "Improving citizens participation in decision making" Durrës and Fushe - Kruja 2010 and 2011- Olof Palme International Center
2. The Durres Youth Human Rights Promotion Campaign in 2010 - UNFPA
3. Bringing Back Albanopoli - American Embassy
- Internship – students volunteers” 2006 – ‘07, Peace Corps funds
- CS monitoring the Millennium Developments Goals and National Strategy of Social and Economic Development” 2006 –’07 , UNDP funds
- Fostering religious harmony in Albania” 2006 , World Learning funds
- Anti corruption week at school” 2005-06, Partners/Albania funds
- Strengthening Albanian civil Society actors (2001 - 2008) etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirjam Reçi
Head of the organisation
Mirjam Reçi
Contact (2) Full Name
Valmira Greca

Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development

National Network

Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tirane - Durres, Km.5,
Kashar, KP 2995

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 696089130
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
General Information
Co-PLAN is a non-profit organization that has contributed to sustainable development by enabling good urban and regional governance, tackling key environmental issues, developing civil society, impacting policies, and promoting community participation knowledge-making since 1995. The organizational structure of Co-PLAN is expertise-oriented, whereby each expertise is developed and supported by individual teams. The activity of Co-PLAN is built upon four expertise areas: namely Spatial Planning and Land Development, Urban and Regional Governance, Urban Environmental Management, with Research constituting a cross-cutting, shared feature by all three teams.
Mission and Objectives

At the core of Co-PLAN’s activity is the work with people and institutions, to foster tangible social transformation and positive change on the ground by inducing change-driving knowledge in our society for smart management of our habitat. Co-PLAN fulfils this mission through means of pilot activities and advisory services financed by national and international institutions and direct involvement with communities, local government units and other non-governmental organizations in the field of urban and regional management, environmental management, and municipal finance.

Main Projects / Activities

Co-PLAN has a long-standing experience and an extensive research portfolio in matters pertaining to our thematic areas, particularly in the realm of environmental assessments, territorial management, preparation of strategic plans, and development strategies; preparation of urban regulatory plans; local government service provision; informal settlements integration, etc. The projects, in which Co-PLAN has engaged over the years and continues to date, have been its own designed projects, or projects in which Co-PLAN has acted as a key local counterpart for major donor funded projects on development work. Over the years, Co-PLAN has acquired significant experience with numerous Funding Agencies and institutions, e.g. the European Commission, UNDP, USAID, the World Bank, the Dutch Government, the Austrian Development Agency, Open Society Foundation, and has successfully collaborated with them on a number of projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Trusted Partner; know-how exchange;

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have successfully implemented an ALF funded project in the past, and through that managed to nurture valuable partnerships. We would be pleased to be able to exchange in a wider network of organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Ciro
Job Title
Strategic Communication Expert
Head of the organisation
Dritan Shutina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ledia Lika
Job Title (2)
Office Administrator

Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development

National Network

Str: Bylis, 12, Kashar, Tirana,Albania

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The organizational structure of Co-PLAN is expertise-oriented, whereby each expertise or theme is developed by individual teams. The activity of Co-PLAN is built upon four expertise areas: namely Urban and Regional Development, Municipal Finance Management, and Urban Environmental Management, with Research constituting a cross-cutting, shared feature by all teams.

Mission and Objectives

Co-PLAN is a non-profit organization that has contributed to sustainable development by enabling good urban and regional governance, tackling key environmental issues, developing civil society, impacting policies, and promoting community participation since 1995.Co-PLAN has a long-standing experience in the realm of good governance and decentralization in Albania and in the wider region, through knowledge exchange activities and direct consultancy services. The projects, in which Co-PLAN has engaged over the years, have been its own designed projects, or projects in which Co-PLAN has acted as a key local counterpart for major donor funded projects on decentralization. The organizational structure of Co-PLAN is expertise-oriented, whereby each expertise, or theme is developed by individual teams. The activity of Co-PLAN is built upon three expertise areas: namely Urban and Regional Development, Municipal Finance Management, and Urban Environmental Management, with research constituting a cross-cutting, shared feature by all three teams.

Main Projects / Activities

Co-PLAN has a long-standing experience and an extensive research portfolio in matters pertaining to our thematic areas, particularly in the realm of environmental assessments, territorial management, local government service provision, informal settlements integration. Over the years Co-PLAN has implemented projects ranging from 10,000 USD 1,500,000 Euro all implemented with the same dedication and accountability. For more detailed information please visit our website:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our 18 years of experience and know how on matters of habitat; at Co-PLAN we are passionate about driving urban change to further improve and develop where we live. Over the years we have engaged in numerous projects on urban city planning as part of a spatial development reform.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we share common objectives with one of your programme goals, which is Urban Spaces and Citizenship.Co-PLAN has encouraged the development of a regional citizenship. Also,Co-PLAN is interested in networking and developing Partnerships with member organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dritan Shutina
Head of the organisation
Dritan Shutina, Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Aida Ciro

Colombo Children's Book Society

National Network

No 84,
Lesly Ranagala Mawatha,
Colombo 08, Sri Lanka

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Hi, we are from Sri Lanka.
Mission and Objectives

Make perfect persons through them lives

Main Projects / Activities

Art competitions
Dancing/ Drama/ Music competitions
Environmental Programs
Literary programs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have about 900 students clubs around the country. Every month we have plan for students competitions. All students gather for that all.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are attend more international exchange works. In each an every month we estabkish many events for children. We would like to present them with your competitions too.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dhammadeaha Ambalampitiya
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. D. Ambalampitiya
Contact (2) Full Name
Erandi Saubhagya
Job Title (2)
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Congregation of Don Orione Shkoder

National Network

Kisha Katolike Shen Rroku Shiroka Shkoder

00355 682032026
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Congregation of Don Orione has many years of expertise and experience to bear on the initiative. On both the staff and board, successful high tech entrepreneurs provide a command of cutting-edge technologies; while leaders from the community contribute a strong understanding of and credibility within the constituency we serve. This team created the ground-breaking Microentrepreneur Project, which has supported technology activities and secured employment for over 60 low income high school drop-outs from most vulnerable and at risk districts of Shkoder, and was awarded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Office and Lombardia Region for its achievements. With the backing of the funding community, the same team will pilot two projects focused employment training models that generated genuine, future-oriented businesses and job opportunities for low income communities.

Mission and Objectives

Our organization, established in 1998, is serving the most vulnerable communities in semi urban and rural areas of the province of Shkoder in the North region of Albania with our services: pastoral activities, vocational training and basic education projects, health and food assistance, microenterprises support.

Main Projects / Activities

Recent past activities: 2004 2006 Vocational training Project (financed by Italian Ministry of Foreign Office and Lombardia Region) 2006 2007 Training for Teacher and Tutors od public and provate vocation schools (financed by European Union Cards Programme) 2008 - 2011 Project for Vocational education, microentrpreneurship programme, microcredit activities financed by Italian Ministry of Foreign Office and Lombardia Region) Present Projects 2012 - 2013 Vocational education training (financed by Italian Episcopal Conference) 2013 Education in semi urban areas of Shkoder (financed by Renovabis)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Congregazione dell’Opera di Don Orione Shkodra has a deep experience in the training of disadvantaged young people and in the methods of integrated education and training by having a close personal look at the everyday activities of the local vocational training centre Don Orione- Bardhaj. Past activities have improved the chances for social inclusion of the disadvantaged through motivation of youngsters in gaining market-oriented and marketable vocational training and qualifications, achieving suitable jobs for these qualified young people. Thanks to vocational training, the chances for social inclusion of the disadvantaged are certainly improved; so – on the beneficiary level – it will be enhanced theirs skills with personal insight and forging personal vocational training.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To enable the local communities to help themselves, bringing innovative ideas focusing on health entrepreneurship and education, but always making sure that they could be implemented at a local level, in order to reduce poverty and to improve health, education and the opportunities of disadvantaged children and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppe De GUglielmo
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe De Guglielmo
Contact (2) Full Name
Rolando Reda

Consulting and Development Partners

National Network

Rr.Gjuhadol, 23

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
RadioPulla Communication and Development RadioPulla Communication and Development (hereinafter RCD) was established on July, 26, 2012 through Tirana Court Decree no.3380 and registered in the Registry of NGOs (General Directory of Taxes) under NIPT no. L027002191W. RCD was established by 5 young people and with support of Acli Ipsia, Kolping International and Women Center “Hapat e lehte”   and offers its services to more than 120,000 inhabitants of the Shkodra. Its headquarters are located in the city of Shkodra, Rr Gjuhadol, 23. However the activities are not limited only in Shkodra, but RCD can and offers its services in a national bases. RCD is composed by different professional young people, which agree on the strategies and initiatives aimed at improving and utilising local resources contributing to a sustainable economic development. The organization provides assistance to communities, young people, public and private institutions and local governments and SME-s. RCD aims to enhance social and economic conditions in SHKODRA, promoting employment opportunities for young people, civil society development and acces to media. Within this scope, the core objective of RCD is the identification, analysis and implementation of initiatives favouring the creation of employment opportunities for young people, different disadvantaged people within a framework that combines poverty reduction and the promotion of an integrated and sustainable development of the territory. RCD undertakes project preparation and implementation; it supports institutional capacity building activities and organizes several events that mobilize public opinion as well as disseminates knowledge and innovative approaches in sustainable economic development. RCD aims to promote the professional and creative growth for young individual through training and access to media. One of the main objectives is the creation and implementation of an innovative media, structured and presented in a way to play a decisive role in strengthening the colaboration and exchange between public institutions and civil society Future Challenges New challenges are in RCD near future. RCD aims to establish a social centre for young people, including a incubator for social enterprises, in order to provide comprehensive services to young people with particular reference to improve the access of the most disadvantaged young people into the labor market, economic circuits, social services,
Mission and Objectives

Within this scope, the core objective of RCD is the identification, analysis and implementation of initiatives favouring the creation of employment opportunities for young people, different disadvantaged people within a framework that combines poverty reduction and the promotion of an integrated and sustainable development of the territory. RCD undertakes project preparation and implementation; it supports institutional capacity building activities and organizes several events that mobilize public opinion as well as disseminates knowledge and innovative approaches in sustainable economic development. RCD aims to promote the professional and creative growth for young individual through training and access to media.
One of the main objectives is the creation and implementation of an innovative media, structured and presented in a way to play a decisive role in strengthening the colaboration and exchange between public institutions and civil society

Main Projects / Activities

Summary of the activities of RCD
Currently (in 2013) RCD is also involved in implementing different projects:
• Innovative social media at the service of community " funded by RENOVABIS – Germany
a. Creation an FM radio transmission , including different programs with different social themes.
b. b .Creation of an interactive website  and a monthly newsletter as an information tools for the community,  (the young, the young disabled, disadvantaged group with the social problems of the area) with the intention of connecting with people in need , share ideas, future prospects, promote and disseminate information.
c. Creation of a youth community center including the radio station and recording studios for the promotion of new artists and young talents. The center will be used as a tool for the creation of the community network , including different disadvantaged young people.
d. Vocational training courses: information technology, training courses for technical production , photography and photo editing, promotion activities for new / young artists , having on focus the employment of young people from different disadvantaged groups.
e. In cooperation with Acli IPSIA in Albania are organized various photographic competitions with the aim of stresing social issues and raise awareness by involving them in the various social issues. As a tradition of the best photos are sold to a social auction and the revenues are donated to a social reality related to the theme of the competition.
• Consultancy and assistance to different SME
In framework of the cooperation with BAS Programme, financed by ERDB, RCD is providing consultancy to different SME in marketing campaign, branding, web based finance programs , webpages etc.There are three companies assisted until now in abovementioned topics.
• RCD organises the photography competititon ”Shkodra though lenses”.
Until now there are organised 4 editions. The fourth edition was  titled   „Innovation” and was organised in cooperation with of Youth Adrinet Project implemented by Shkodra Regional Council, financed by IPA Adriatic Programe , Acli – Ipsia in Albana and Renovabis. The next one is going to be organised October 2013. The competition theme is „Roads and Journeys” and is going to be organised with different partners. This competitions involvels a lot of young talented photografphers not only from Shkodra. Also the social aim of donating the revenues from photo auction involves different actors and Sme-s that donate for different causes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

a link between the territory where we accomplish our mission with the network. Important contribution of all initiatives that the network will implement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of common initiatives, to cooperate,  to be an integrative part  of the sustainable development of the Shkodra and Albanian society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjan Lukani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marjan Lukani

Cooperation and Development Institute

National Network

Rr. Sulejman Delvina, Pall. Moskat, Shk.8/64

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Executive Director and board of management are the two bodies of the CDI. CDI has 3 internal staff units and several external collaborators. Budgetary resources are depending on the projects portofolio awarded, which also constitute the main budget origin. CDI partners are international institutions such as World Bank, United Nations Programmes, European Union, Soros Foundation, College of Europe, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Albanian Government, local authorities and albanian NGO-s, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Since its creation in March 15, 2000, CDI has been focused on socio-economic and public administrative development issues affecting Albanian path towards market economy in a democratic society.
CDI has produced economic & business environment assessments, sector-specific policy analysis, strategic research for business actors, has provided its expertise to third parties in building partnerships, provided consulting and advisory services, project design and implementation.
CDI has also a department focused on back-office and human resources through services in secretariat and network management, as well as training and capacity building.CDI activities are focussed on local development, private sector development, social policies and health sector.
A very important component of CDI work is the regional angle of policy implementation especially in the South Eastern Europe, and the cross-border impact and effectiveness of its activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities cover the following fields: regional development, social policies, health and economic development. Full list is concultable at www.cdinstitute.eS

Contact (1) Full Name
Krisela Hackaj

CSDC Awareness rising and cleaning campaign in Durrës


Civil Society Development Center (CSDC) Durrës, in the framework of the Network Engagement Scheme, organizes a cleaning action on the pine area at the Youth Sector, in Durres on 18.02.2023, at 10:30.

The aim of the activity is to clean the pine area in the Durres Youth Sector. Based on the studies carried out by the environmental organizations working in the Durres Municipality, as well as on the waste management plan of the city, it results that this area is constantly polluted, due to the carelessness of the people who frequent it, but also live around the aforementioned area.

The purpose of this activity is to make the young participants aware of the importance of preserving ecosystems and the impact that human footprints have on the environment.

The activity will start with a workshop in the premises of the organization, to explain the terms and concrete steps that must be taken for the preservation of ecosystems and the importance of the environment as an intermediate sector between health and economy, and will conclude with the cleaning of the area and the placement of signs with awareness inscriptions for keeping the environment clean.

The cleaning of the area will be done in cooperation with Durrës Municipality, in particular one of the subordinate institutions in the municipality responsible for city cleaning.

For all those who want to contribute, the departure will take place from the offices of CSDC Durrës at 10:00 am.

The youth of the Durrës Local Council and civil society activists will be provided with the necessary tools for cleaning, gloves and bags. After the cleaning is done, the bags will be collected and then transported by the municipality staff.

----Albanian ---

CSDC Durres, në kuadër të aktiviteteve të financuara nga Skema për Angazhimin e Rrjetit, organizon pastrimin e zonës së pishave në Sektorin Rinia, Durrës në datën 18.02.2023, ora 10:30.

Aktiviteti synon pastrimin e zonës së pishave në Sektor Rinia Durrës. Nisur nga studimet e kryera nga organizatat mjedisore qe punojne ne Bashkine Durres dhe nga plani menaxhues i mbetjeve te qytetit rezulton që kjo zonë është vazhdimisht e ndotur, për shkak të pakujdesisë së njerëzve të cilët e frekuentojnë, por edhe banojne rreth zones se siperpermendur.

Qëllimi i këtij aktiviteti është të ndërgjegjesojë të rinjtë pjesëmarres mbi rëndësinë që ka ruajtja e ekosistemeve dhe ndikimi në mjedis që ka gjurma njerëzore.

Aktiviteti do të nisë me një workshop në ambiente mbi termat dhe hapat konkrete që duhen ndërrmarë për ruajtjen e ekosistemeve dhe rëndësinë që ka mjedisi si një sektor i ndërmjetëm midis shëndetësisë dhe ekonomisë dhe do të përmbyllet me pastrimin e zonës dhe vendosjen e tabelave të pecikllazit me mbishkrime sensibilizuese për mbajtjen pastër të mjedisit. Pastrimi i zonës do të bëhet në bashkëpunim me Ndërrmarjen e Pastrim Gjelbërimit në Bashkinë Durrës, si një nga institucionet vartëse në bashki për mbajtjen pastër të qytetit. 

Për të gjithë ata që duan të kontribuojnë, nisja do të bëhet nga zyrat e CSDC Durrës në orën 10:00.

Të rinjtë e Këshillit Vendor Durrës dhe aktivistët e shoqërisë civile do të pajisen me mjetet e nevojshme për pastrim, doreza dhe thasë. Pas kryerjes së pastrimit, thasët do të grumbullohen dhe më pas do t'i transportojë Ndërmarrja e Pastrim-Gjelbërimit.

Në fund të aktivitetit do të zhvillohet një piknik dhe lojë volejbolli me dhe për të rinjtë pjesëmarrës.

#WeareALF #albaniannetwork #youthinaction #CSDC #environment #civilsociety

Cultural Heritage without Borders–Albania

National Network

Rr. Ismail Qemali, P. 34/1
Kt. 5, Zr. 22

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Cultural Heritage without Borders-Albania (CHwB-Albania) is dedicated to rescuing and preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage affected by conflict, neglect or human and natural disasters. We see our work as a vital contribution to building democracy and supporting human rights.  

Mission and Objectives

CHwB-Albania works with cultural heritage as an active force in reconciliation, peace building and social and economic development. Many political conflicts have cultural and/or ethnic dimensions, and reconciliation efforts are urgently needed for preventing further hostilities and preparing for a life where peoples and communities can live and work side by side again. There is considerable evidence that working with reconstruction, conservation and the development of historic environments can help promote peacebuilding processes, strengthen self-esteem, and contribute towards socio-economic development. Our vision is that everyone has the right to enjoy, have access to, and participate in cultural heritage. Our mission is to promote cultural heritage as both a right in itself and a resource. CHwB-Albania works with civil society and institutions at all levels to strengthen peace building, sustainable socio-economic and democratic development and the realisation of human rights. We want to improve conditions and opportunities to enjoy cultural freedom and cultural diversity, and we are working towards cultural heritage to be increasingly used as a tool to promote human rights, peacebuilding and democratic development. In order to reach these goals, we have three strategic key objectives for the period from 2016 – 2020: The cooperation between the State and the civil society is strengthened Cultural heritage is valued and utilized as a social, economic, cultural and environmental resource for local communities Regional cooperation serves as the platform for building peaceful relations for responsible preservation and interpretation of cultural heritage in the Western Balkans, with effects felt beyond the region

Main Projects / Activities

Please see portfolio document and for more information:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization, we have more than 20 years of experience in the Balkans and 10 years of experience working in Albania. (CHwB-Albania was founded as an independent, local NGO in 2015, but CHwB has been conducting projects in Albania since 2007.) This gives us an institutional knowledge and long-term perspective that can be useful in supporting the fundraising and project activities of other CSOs in Albania. We also strongly support a human rights based approach to our work and will stand in solidarity and support of other actors that support and uphold human rights and democratic principles in Albania. In addition, CHwB has founded of two regional networks in the Balkans: the Southeast European (SEE) Heritag Network and the Balkan Museum Network, both of which are operating today. This experience has been helpful in terms of understanding the kind of engagement and cooperation required to make a network thrive.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network for the same reasons that we are proud supporters of SEE Heritage Network and the Balkan Museum Network. We feel that the work of non-profit organizations is strengthened by exchange and mutual support. And we feel that participating in dialogue around a shared set of values helps to strengthen the impact that we can have in society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Mamani
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Elena Mamani