
Albanian Society in Development

National Network

Kashar, Tirana, Albani

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information

ASD Albania was established in March 2000 with the initiative of a group of young activists. Our members are young people 14 – 35 years old. We want to make dreams become reality for the youth of our country. “The youth should have a role in decision making and a definite role of participation in our society” We have been working under Youth in Action program and now Erasmus Plus which is our main focus. We have 5 Board members that are elected from 3/5 of the total number of members. The Board elects the Executive director and Secretary. Right now we have a total of 200 active volunteers. There are mainly high schoolers and students. An important part of our volunteers are young people from rural areas that we try to make active part of civil society . A valuable asset are also the High School students that have been proposing interesting ideas about projects regarding youth empowerment and human rights . Healthy lifestyle and promoting projects especially about women health are the medicine students that have been ready to take part in voluntary projects. Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, Study visits, Workshops are some of our activities.

Mission and Objectives

The aims and purposes of ASD Albania are to develop the civil society in Albania; make awareness to maintain human, national, democratic and cultural values. Promote human rights giving special emphasis to youth and children. Encourage youth participation in decision making processes and in local and regional life. Cooperate and coordinate the activity with international organizations with similar nature on local and center levels, which take part or propose national and international projects in the field of human rights and freedom. Stimulate the gender equality (sensibilization of the society for the role of everyone in the society, empowering of the individuals rights in particular, the questions of minority group, social inclusions and woman rights are issues that we are keenly aware of, and seek to promote in our work.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our recent activities in the last 5years are:

✓Food and exercise for a healthy life (FEEL) - Cyprus 2020,

✓ Silence is not Gold - Georgia 2019,

✓ Silence is not Gold - Bulgaria 2019,

✓ Make me Technopreuner -Turkey 2018,

✓ Draw to Change Reality - Georgia 2018,

✓ Eat Cook and Love - Poland 2017,

✓ Erasmus and Youth - Albania 2017,

✓ Achieving Communication Excellence (ACE) - Malta 2017

✓ Bringing Bigger Smiles to Albania - Albania 2017

✓ Social Entrepreneurship for Youth Lifestyle - Romania 2016

✓ Peace Building Initiatives - Georgia 2016

✓ Youth on the Radio - UK 2015

✓ We are not victim of modern Technology - Slovakia 2015

✓ Social Entrepreneurship for Youth Lifestyle-Rumania 2015

✓ Our Common Heritage: Traditional Clothes-Turkey 2015

✓Youth Voice - Turkey 2015

✓ ICL-it - Georgia 2015

✓ Youth in Migration - Malta 2015

✓ Youth and Non Formal Education - Albania 2015 We have also realized WomenvsBreastCancer, a national campaign aiming women empowerment. Earlier in time we have organized study visits, meetings with local authorithies, establishing of a community center in collaboration with 'Association for Youth Socio-Cultural Development' for rural youth, Vocational training for unemployed rural youth (computers courses, English courses, sewing courses etc.), EVS projects etc. Some of them are:

✓Round table with local authorities, religious, political and NGO representatives on the risk of trafficking of human beings, Albania 2000

✓Organising of the Short Study Visit: “Raising awareness on gender balance amongst youngsters in Europe” in collaboration with youth organizations from France, Portugal, Macedonia and Albania 2001

✓Training Course on Youth Partnership–Building and Project Management, 2004 ✓Short Study Visit: “South Balkan YOUTH Dialogue” in collaboration with ICYE International Participants 2005

✓ 1 EUROPE - 1000 IDENTITIES, Spain/EYCI, 2005

✓Workshop “The European YOUTH programme: Possibilities for participation and future perspectives” in Tirana, Albania. 2005

✓Information Day on YOUTH Program, in collaboration with the MTCYS- 2006

✓Mid-term Evaluation Joint mid-term meeting and issue seminar titled “Young people as agents of change in Civil Society” for EU EVS in SEE - 2006

✓Exploring the Potential of Volunteers in HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention, Birmingham, UK 2006

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ASD Albania was funded in 2000. We have a rich background of projects in Human rights, Youth projects etc. Within Youth in Action and now Erasmus + we have realized several activities. We have served as Contact point for Youth in Action from 2006-2009 and had different accreditations. Right now, after the reorganization of our structures we have started working with the same enthusiasm as before, Volunteering is being accepted widely in Albania so it is easy to find volunteer that make true all project ideas or even give new ideas. Being part of ALF would be a great opportunity to share all our experience and also learn from others. I think that the mos important are to let people know about it. It is important to have a register of Albanian NGO that are working within the field of mutual cooperation and one of our contributes can be by promoting ALF to them. Promoting your projects as well as contributing in new ones is of mutual benefit. We share the same values as ALF does and therefore promoting ALF is also promoting our shared values. If NGO or individuals unite and try to make wide cooperation’s by sharing their best practices, we can be more able to succeed in our projects within our countries and in the same tine in our region as a whole. ASD right now has more than 200 volunteers and has demonstrated during her existence with all the successful projects that can be reliable and worthy to work with. We really hope that our application will be considered appropriate for ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as an organization would appreciate very much the possibility to be part of the network; the idea of being part of a common space for NGO across Mediterranean is very attractive. It looks as a great way to get to know NGO working within the Region. Civil Society is facing almost the same struggles in all our countries so it is very important to share our work with each other. This network offers the possibility to get in touch with NGO with the same profile and can give links for future cooperation. We have been collaborating with some NGO that are already part of ALF; this was the way how we found out about it. They all recommended this network since for them has resulted very useful. ASD Albania is going to launch several peace building capacities projects for which we need NGO partners especially from Balkans. It is not easy to find reliable partners but within this network is much more easy to find them. Reading about ALF has strengthened our aim to join it since we have realised to share same values. Bringing people together, as well as respecting each other cultures or differencies is a fundamental part of our work. Human rights and fighting against any kind of discremination its what our projects aim. From experience we now that taking advices from people doing the same as you do and especially with ones who share the same environment and problems can be much more productive than working alone. The network unite NGO, Civil Society and people together and being part of it can only bring positive results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Blerta Guxha
Job Title
Head of the Organization
Head of the organisation
Blerta Guxha
Contact (2) Full Name
Ornela Nela
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank

National Network

Rr."Ismail Qemali", Pall.27/1 Shk.2, Apt.13, P.O. Box 1506

+355 (4) 2258 171
+355 (4) 258 171
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00355 69 20 95 495
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 69 20 73 732
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
ASET represents an experienced resource of providing expertise on projects to socio-economic policies, awareness, dissemination and education of their targeted groups. ASET is primary focused on elaborating, analyzing and evaluating economic and social policies, improving the exising capacities in formulating, correlating and implementing these policies. ASET staff is represented by local and international experts with different expertise, including 5 full-time staff and more than 15 experts contributing part-time. ASET has implemented more than 45 projects without or with the collaboration of other institutions like: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agriculture, Albanian Development Fund, SOROS Foundation, World Bank (WB), International Finance Corporation (IFC), International Development Association (IDA), Southeast Europe Enterprise Development (SEED), International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Global Development Network (GDN), US Embassy, Brookings Institution, International Organization for Migration, United Nations Development Fund for Women, Development & Training Services, Inc. (dTS).
Mission and Objectives

ASET’s goal is to promote economic development and social welfare through contributing to the creation and permanent development of a climate for dialogue on economic policy issues, improving the coherence, public acceptance and implementation of the reform policies.
The focus of ASET is addressing acute problems encountered in the course of development during transition, with a particular attention on economic progress and social welfare, namely:
 Sustainable economic growth; Advanced banking and financial sector; Developed private sector, especially SME-s; Better-quality health and education services;
 Social care and welfare; Functional infrastructure; Urban and rural development;
 Protected environment; More efficient & transparent government practices;
 Coordinated and shared authority from central to local government;
 Increased participatory role of stakeholders in drafting, implementing, and monitoring public policies.
 Research activity on economic and social issues;
 Broadening of the rational and informed public dialogue by organizing public debates;

Main Projects / Activities

ASET projects: 1999-2001 - 5 projects; 2002 - 6; 2003 - 7; 2004 - 6; 2005 - 7; 2006 - 6; 2007 - 5; 2008 - 6; 2009 - 6.
• ALBANIA – GPRS, Government of Albania
• DHP SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT, Devolli Hydro Power via VEVE Group

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Fatmir MEMAJ
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Fatmir MEMAJ
Contact (2) Full Name

Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank - ASET

National Network

Rr Dibres, P 487

++355 4 2258171
++355 4 2258171
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
++355 69 20 95 495
Mobile Phone (other)
++355 69 20 73 732
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

ASET Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank, set up in 1999 as a Non-Profit Organization, is a think-tank that undertakes programmes, projects, and consultancy, publishing and training activities related to economic and social development. ASET represents an alternative to offer the proper expertise on the issues related to stimulation of the improvement of the whole economic and social mechanism, by extending the consciousness of the different levels of the society in this process.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide objective economic analysis and to promote constructive solutions to the challenges of transition, reform, integration and development in order to improve the socio-economic well-being of societies. Objectives The focus of ASET is addressing acute problems encountered in the course of development during transition, with a particular attention on economic progress and social welfare, namely: • Sustainable economic growth; • Advanced banking and financial sector; • Developed private sector, especially SME-s; • Improved legislative framework, from drafting to implementation; • Better-quality health and education services; • Social care and welfare; • Functional infrastructure; • Urban and rural development; • Protected environment; • Recognized country cultural and tourism attraction; • More efficient & transparent government practices; • Coordinated and shared authority from central to local government; • Increased participatory role of stakeholders in drafting, implementing, and monitoring public policies.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Project Title: Environmental Impact Assessment for Exploratory Drilling, Onshore Panaja Block, Albania INA-Naftaplin September 2000

2. Project Title: Designing and implementing a MADA baseline survey and collected data analysis accomplishment, Client Name: Mountain Areas Development Agency, 2001.

3. Project Title: Environmental Impact Assessment for Exploratory Drilling, Palokastra-1 Well, Block 4 Onshore Albania OMV-Albania April 2002

4. Project Title: labor markets salary survey design and implementation in Albania, Client Name: Albanian government (Department of Public Administration) and World Bank. 2002

5. Project Title: Economic policies for Tirana district development, Client Name: Ministry of Economy, 2002

6. Project Title: Holding a public debate on improving relations between public administration and the business community, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2002.

7. Project Title: principles of market economy projects, Client Name: US-Embassy, 2003.

8. Project Title: The statistical system and its principal indicators in Albania, Client Name: GTZ, 2003.

9. Project Title: sectorial studies – fuel retail and wholesale in Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development (SEED), 2003.

10. Project Title: Consumer panel survey, Client Name: COCA – COLA Italy & Alpine Division.2003.

11. Project Title: Financial survey elaboration on companies and budgetary institutions depending on the ministry of agriculture and food, Client Name: Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 2003.

12. Project Title: Environmental Impact Assessment for Exploratory Drilling, Kanina-1 Well, Block 5 Onshore Albania OMV-Albania January 2003

13. Project Title: Encouragement and sensibilization of business community participation in the anticorruption initiatives, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2004.

14. Project Title: An estimating survey on the level of receivables financing need of Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development – SEED, 2004.

15. Project Title: Albania: savings, credit and investments in north eastern mountainous areas, Client Name: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 2005.

16. Project Title: Competitive company advantages in Albanian industry: present situation and politics’ influence in their future development, Client Name: Global Development Network (GDN), 2005.

17. Project Title: Beneficiary assessment survey design and implementation, Client Name: International Development Association and Ministry of Finance, 2005.

18. Project Title: Enhancing relationships between NGO-s and Vlore municipality, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2005.

19. Project Title: Regional integration and metropolitan development in southeastern Europe (Thessalonica, Skopje, Sofia, Tirana), Client Name: European Commission INTERREG III B CADSES Program Project

20. Project Title: Marketing distribution ltd – illustrative company profile, Client Name: Marketing Distribution Ltd 2005

21. Project Title: Training sme-s on legal and fiscal aspects, Client Name: Financial Rural Fond, 2005.

22. Project Title: The transforming potential of e-government in Albania, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2005.

23. Project Title: sectorial studies – refrigeratory capacities in Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development (SEED), 2005.

24. Project Title: Harmonization of social and educational policies, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2006.

25. Project Title: Market study – furniture capacities in Albania, Client Name: EBRD Business Advisory Services (BAS) Programme for Albania, SERENA FURNITURE (Albanian Company, 2006.

26. Project Title: Regional report elaboration establishing a regional and national client profile for migrant service centre in Western Balkan countries, Client Name: IOM, Tirana, 2006.

27. Project Title: Brain drain in south–eastern Europe: Albanian case, Client Name: UNESCO-CEPES Romania, 2006.

28. Project Title: Survey on local fees and taxes business operating in Albania, Client Name: Southeast Europe Enterprise Development – SEED, 2006.

29. Project Title: Strengthening understanding of gender dimensions in the labour market–institutional diagnostic, Client Name: Development & Training Services, Inc. and USAID/Albania, 2007.

30. Project Title: accessing information concerning women and elections advocacy support, Client Name: UNIFEM, 2008.

31. Project Title: improving public expenditure effectiveness in the healthcare sector (Case of Albania), Client Name: The Brookings Institution, 2007.

32. Project Title: recycling linkages – technical assistance to government, Client Name: IFC – International Finance Corporation PEP-Southeast Europe, 2007.

33. Project Title: action plan for albpaper company, Client Name: EBRD Business Advisory Services (BAS) Programme for Albania, AlbPaper Company, 2008.

34. Project Title: skills survey to identifying emerging occupations in Kukes and Shkoder regions, Client Name: IOM, Tirana, 2008.

35. Project Title: public perception regarding women participation in elections in Albania, Client Name: UNIFEM, 2009.

36. Project Title: Business Needs Survey in Kukes, Client Name: USAID Local Governnance Programme in Albania; July - September 2008

37. Project Title: Albania – growth and poverty reduction strategy (GPRS), Client Name: Government of Albania, 2009

38. Project Title: Annual 2009 working plan, approved by MOLSAEO and UNICEF, Client Name: UNICEF, 2009.

39. Project Title: Business Needs Survey in Fieri, Client Name: USAID Local Governnance Programme in Albania; July - September 2009

40. Project Title: beneficiary assessment on the mid-term review of project ii (CWP 2) (MTR), community works, Client Name: World Bank via ADF – Albanian Development Fund 2009

41. Project Title: Business migration and socio –economic impact, Client Name: Friedrich Ebert Foundation Tirana, 2009

42. Project Title: Butrinti human activity survey report (Butrinti national park management plan, Client Name: WB, 2009.

43. Project Title: Good governance: transport and infrastructure public policy monitoring, Client Name: SOROS Foundation, 2009.

44. Project Title: DHP social impact assessment, Client Name: Devolli Hydro Power 2009-2010

45. Project Title: Competitive company advantages in Albanian industry: present situation and politics’ influence in their future, in collaboration with American University USA. Client Name: University of Delaware, USA, 2010.

46. Project Title: Off-Grid generation Survey – Clean development mechanism CDM, Project supported by Energy Ashta and DHP, Tirana 2010-2011

47. Project Title: Consultancy service (QBS) LOT 6, Client Name: Mountain Areas Development Agency,

48. Project Title: CDM project. Client name: VEVE Group 2011.

49. Project Title: promise: municipal property management in south-eastern cities, Client Name: Community Initiative: South East Europe: Transnational Cooperation Programme, 2011-2012.

50. Project Title: Sopoti – business plan, Client Name: VEVE Group

51. Project Title: Business community stimulation and awareness creation on fiscal education, a benefit to all the community, Client Name: World Bank, Tirana Country Office,

52. Project Title: Towards an open and accessible government at the local level in Fushe Kruja town, Client Name: Local Governance Program in Albania – LGPA (USAID), 2009.

53. Project Title: Book translation “lessons and improvement recommendations: cee public administration and public policy”, Client Name: NISPAcee Slovakia, 2008-2009.

54. Project Title: Book translation “public management reforms in Central and Eastern Europe”, Client Name: NISPAcee Slovakia, 2009.

55. Project Title: Book translation “transitional countries, fiscal decentralization and grant transfers: a critical perspective”, Client Name: NISPAcee Slovakia, 2009-2010.

56. Project Title: Volunteerism – an element of social partnership, Client Name: SOROS Foundation.2007.

57. Project Title: “responsible youth entrepreneurship: creating a culture of anti-corruption in private sector”, Client name: YES Foundation, Macedonia.2010.

58. Project Title: To emphasize the problems regarding professional education in Albania, to draw the conclusions and relevant recommendations about this category of education. Client name: SOROS Foundation.2011-2012.

59. Project title: The effort to encourage and promote the export businesses in the area of medicinal and aromatic plants in Albania. Client name: ABC Foundation.2011-2012.

60. Project title: Supporting artisan women to engage in private enterprise as a sustainable activity. Client name: SOROS Foundation.2012.

61. Project title: To verify and assess the social inclusion regarding the state objectives of national strategy. Client name: UNICEF. 2012.

62. Project title: To develop the inclusive instruments and methods for an efficient management of municipal real estate. Client name: PROMISE Project, University of Thessaloniki, and Greece.2011-2012.

63. Project Title: Towards an inclusive society through the integration of vulnerable groups in the governance of municipality unit no.4 in Tirana. Client name: SOROS Foundation. 2011-2012

64. Project Title: Regional Development Plan for Gramsh District, 2012, Client name: Devolli hydropower SA. 2013

65. Project Title: PROMISE: Municipal PROperty Management In South-Eastern Cities South East Europe Local partner Client name: Tempus project

66. Project Title: The Karavasta Lagoon: a lot of potential for tourism but still sleeping, Client name:ABC foundation 2013

67. Project Title: Education: a strong weapon for the future of the Roma community. Client name: AMSHC, 2014

68. Project Title: Surveys for businesses in Albania Client name: Eurocost international S.A., Luxembourg, 2014

69. Project Title: Roma in health care: Equal or otherwise? Client name: Soros foundation, 2014-2015

70. Project Title: Social welfare for children in Albania public expenditure review, Copartner Client name: UNICEF, 2015

71. Project Title: Open Budget Survey 2015: Client name: International Budget partnership, USA 2015

72. Project Title: Study on higher education provision and labour market opportunities in the western Balkan” local coordinator, Client name: LSE London UK, 2015

73. Project Title: The Open Budget Survey 2015 Team leader, Financed by International Budget Partnership, USA January – November 2015

74. Project Title: SELDI 2015-2016: Survey on corruption pressure and involvement, and their perceptions of the level of corruption and anticorruption efforts. Client name: CIPE, USA

75. Project Title: Consultant of the "Portal of municipal financial data - open governance and total government" December 2016, January 2017 Client name: COPLAN in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance

76. Project Title: “Perception survey on investment climate in Albania”, April 2017 Client name: OSCE project

77. Project Title: “The national context of the 16 SG goal targets “, February – June 2017 Client name: REC Tirana office project PC 33369-1277

78. “Labour market and the needs in Tirana district “, May July 2017 Client name: SOS Fshatrat e femijve, Tirana

79. Project Title: The Open Budget Survey 2017 Team leader, Financed by International Budget Partnership, USA November 2017- April 2018

80. Project Title: Consultant for Management structure of National Park Divjaka Karavasta, REC, Hungary, May –September 2018

81. Project Title: SELDI 2017-2018: Survey on corruption pressure and involvement, and their perceptions of the level of corruption and anticorruption efforts. Client name: CIPE, USA September 2018-May 2019

82. Project Title: Challenges and Promotion of circular economy as a modern and future economy Client name: and Co-PLAN May- November 2019

83. Project Title: Promotion of caves tourism in Tropoja Municipality Client name: ReLOaD June 2019- January 2020

84. Project Title: Promotion of caves tourism in Vlora Municipality Client name: Agency for the Support of Civil Society AMSHC July 2019- March 2020

85. Project Title: ALBA-2019-015 - Development of budget briefs for Health, Education and Social Protection programmes Client name: UNICEF October 2019 - March 2020

86. Project Title: Youth Labour Market Study Client name: RisiAlbania October 2019- January 2020

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Though sharing our expertise with other NGOs. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is profitable to share experiences and find collaborators

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatmir Memaj
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Fatmir MEMAJ
Contact (2) Full Name
Eglantina Zyka
Job Title (2)

Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners

National Network

Rruga Bylis 12

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Albanian Union of Architects, Urban Planners and Planners – AUA was founded as a response to the need for a full representation of the community of architects, urban planners and planners in Albania. This young and growing community, having a contemporary vision of urban and spatial developments in the Albanian context and believing in the cultural importance of design, needs to be represented in the current situation.

Mission and Objectives

The Albanian Union of Architects, Urban Planners and Planners – AUA aims to provide a democratic platform for discussion as we believe that development is achieved through constructive debate and synergies. The main areas of thought and action of AUA are the following: Supporting excellence in architecture and planning as powerful instruments to transform and improve reality. Encouraging the professional activities of Albanian architects who constitute one of the most energetic sources of further development of our country. The creation of a serious and efficient network between architects, planners and the main economic actors of the Albanian scene. This approach should result in the creation of concrete opportunities as real changes can only happen through the dissemination of knowledge and practices.
Recognition of the essential importance of the Albanian territory in terms of the landscape, the presence of infrastructure and settlements. These factors should be understood to convey Albanian specificities in the European debate on the future of cities and territory. Based on the above principles, AUA remains open to engage in joint efforts and activities with all actors who wish to contribute to constructing a new and integrated culture of design and construction in Albania and the European Union.

Main Projects / Activities

From 12 consecutive years, AUA is partner in organizing Tirana Architecture Week and Tirana Design Week. AUA delivers annually the Albanian Prize on Architecture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by promoting the activities of the Network parallel to our activities. We can help organizing joint events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share common values with the network and we think that the association with the network will help us bring forward our mission for youth empowerment and influence policymaking

Contact (1) Full Name
Ledian Bregasi
Job Title
Head of the Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners
Head of the organisation
Ledian Bregasi

Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners

National Network

Rruga Bylis 12

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Albanian Union of Architects, Urban Planners and Planners – AUA was founded as a response to the need for a full representation of the community of architects, urban planners and planners in Albania. This young and growing community, having a contemporary vision of urban and spatial developments in the Albanian context and believing in the cultural importance of design, needs to be represented in the current situation.

Mission and Objectives

The Albanian Union of Architects, Urban Planners and Planners – AUA aims to provide a democratic platform for discussion as we believe that development is achieved through constructive debate and synergies. The main areas of thought and action of AUA are the following: Supporting excellence in architecture and planning as powerful instruments to transform and improve reality. Encouraging the professional activities of Albanian architects who constitute one of the most energetic sources of further development of our country. The creation of a serious and efficient network between architects, planners and the main economic actors of the Albanian scene. This approach should result in the creation of concrete opportunities as real changes can only happen through the dissemination of knowledge and practices. Recognition of the essential importance of the Albanian territory in terms of the landscape, the presence of infrastructure and settlements. These factors should be understood to convey Albanian specificities in the European debate on the future of cities and territory. Based on the above principles, AUA remains open to engage in joint efforts and activities with all actors who wish to contribute to constructing a new and integrated culture of design and construction in Albania and the European Union.

Main Projects / Activities

From 12 consecutive years, AUA is partner in organizing Tirana Architecture Week and Tirana Design Week. AUA delivers annually the Albanian Prize on Architecture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by promoting the activities of the Network parallel to our activities. We can help organizing joint events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share common values with the network and we think that the association with the network will help us bring forward our mission for youth empowerment

Contact (1) Full Name
Ledian Bregasi
Job Title
Head of the Albanian Union of Architects and Urban Planners
Head of the organisation
Ledian Bregasi



Une part essentielle de la mission de AFALC est de mettre en valeur le patrimoine de l’Albanie et la cohabitation harmonieuse des différentes communautés religieuses, d’identifier et de présenter au public certains problèmes, dans le contexte mondial de la relation existant entre le monde musulman et l’occident. AFALC agit conformément aux principes généraux énoncés par l’Alliance des Civilisations de l’ONU.

Les migrations, la jeunesse, l’éducation et les médias sont les quatre activités prioritaires de l’organisme. Ces dernières ciblent la formation des opinions et la mise en place des politiques, à travers les points suivants:

  • Mettre au point des scénarios pertinents et rédiger des politiques concernant le dialogue interreligieux et interculturel.
  • Construire/faire se rejoindre/former des groupes d’intérêts communs, à l’échelle nationale et internationale, visant à promouvoir le respect des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales, au niveau interculturel et interethnique, et à soutenir la laïcité.
  • Faire apparaître les stéréotypes et les contradictions existants dans les débats prenant place entre l’Islam et le monde occidental.
  • Créer les cadres pour une cohabitation réussie, envisageable politiquement et réalisable du point de vue pratique, basée sur le modèle albanais.
  • Faire se rencontrer des responsables politiques, des experts, des membres de la société civile venant d’Albanie et d’ailleurs, afin de mettre au point des stratégies et des plans d’action permettant de surmonter les préjugés et d’échanger les points de vue là où ils s’avèrent erronés.
  • Encourager la promotion d’une nouvelle génération d’hommes politiques dotés du bagage culturel nécessaire, de capacités de communication et de liens internationaux solides, en mesure d’encourager la mise en place d’une société basée sur la bonne information, la paix et la justice.
  • Etablir des partenariats avec d’autres organismes similaires à l’échelle régionale et mondiale, ainsi qu’avec des instituts d’éducation prestigieux, concernant la mise au point de programmes éducatifs à l’attention des jeunes, servant de catalyseurs pour le progrès social.
  • Faciliter/Jouer le rôle de médiateur dans le dialogue ‘Euro-Islamique’ dans la région et en Europe.
  • Se rapprocher de différents représentants des communautés religieuses, en se basant sur le modèle albanais.

Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres

National Network

St. Currila, No.1, Durrës, 2001
New University Campus, St. Miqësia, Spitallë, Durrës, 2009

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 69 54 470
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information

University "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës (or UAMD) stands as a tribute to the country's dedication to advancing higher education and broadening intellectual frontiers. Founded in 2005, the university reflects the institution's commitment to fostering creativity and innovation. Since its inception, UAMD has rapidly expanded, evolving into a modern institution that offers a diverse range of programs and courses, characterized by its innovative approach to higher education and its commitment to academic excellence.

As a relatively young university, UAMD has quickly distinguished itself through its diverse range of programs and disciplines, offering bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees across faculties such as Business, Information Technology, Education Sciences, Political and Law Sciences, and Professional Studies. UAMD counts nearly 20,000 students in all three study cycles for a total of 97 study programs. UAMD has distinguished itself by adopting a multidisciplinary and practice-oriented education approach, aligning academic theory with real-world application. This educational philosophy is aimed at equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in their chosen professions and adapt to a dynamic global job market. As the largest higher education institution in the region, UAMD serves as an academic hub attracting students from all over Albania and beyond, providing an inclusive and stimulating environment for learning and research. The university's campus boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped laboratories, a library with extensive resources, and a range of student services designed to support academic and personal development. A research-driven environment nurtures critical thinking and innovation among students. UAMD is widely recognized for the quality of teaching (about 518 teachers) and the effectiveness of scientific research.

UAMD is actively involved in international collaboration, engaging in various projects and partnerships with European universities, which enhances the academic experience through exchange programs and joint research initiatives. This international outlook is designed to provide students and staff with cross-border academic exchange opportunities and research collaborations, enhancing the university's profile on the global stage. The University promotes short-term exchanges for academic staff and students with foreign institutions of higher education as a partner country within the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. UAMD is a major partner in three of the CBHE projects. UAMD has 190 cooperation agreements, of which 117 are signed with foreign HEIs.

University of "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës remains committed to its role as an educational leader in Albania, dedicated to nurturing the intellectual and professional growth of its students while contributing to the socio-economic development of the region. With its strategic initiatives and inclusive educational approach, UAMD is poised to continue shaping the minds of future generations and uphold its vision of being a gateway to international academic excellence.

Aleksandër Moisiu University’s recent award as a full partner in the European University Alliances “strategic Alliance for Regional Transition(STARS EU), represents significant progress in its internationalization and academic cooperation efforts. Participation as a full member of the STARS EU Alliance not only amplifies UAMD's stature among esteemed educational entities but also signifies a major leap forward in its mission to foster international collaboration and excellence in higher education. As a full partner in the alliance, UAMD is set to engage actively in the exchange of knowledge, research initiatives, and best practices with fellow esteemed institutions across Europe. The alliance is instrumental in creating a unified, innovative educational framework that transcends national borders, facilitating a seamless collaboration landscape for students and faculty alike. Through this alliance, UAMD is poised to offer its students enriched, diversified educational pathways and research opportunities that are in lockstep with European standards of excellence. Furthermore, this development aligns with the university's strategic vision to craft an academic environment that is both internationally attuned and locally relevant, fostering a new echelon of graduates equipped to navigate and contribute to the dynamic global landscape.

UAMD's goal is to become a leading player in international class education and research, while providing a comprehensive, focused learning experience for students from around the world, while also supporting a collaborative, authentic, and grounded multidisciplinary research environment.

Mission and Objectives


The mission of University "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës (UAMD) is to nurture intellectual growth and professional development in our students, equipping them with the competencies and ethical grounding necessary to contribute effectively to society both within and beyond the borders of Albania. We strive to create an inclusive academic environment where diverse ideas and perspectives are valued and exchanged, thereby enriching the educational experience. UAMD places a strong emphasis on international cooperation and partnerships, which are pivotal in our pursuit of academic excellence. Through strategic partnerships, UAMD aims to continuously expand its impact and reach, creating an environment where every student and faculty member is empowered to excel and contribute meaningfully to society's advancement. By embedding European and global dimensions into our curriculum, we aim to prepare graduates who are not only industry-ready but also equipped to navigate and succeed in an increasingly interconnected world. Recognizing the transformative power of education, the university pledges to uphold the principles of academic freedom, inclusiveness, and collaboration, thus positioning itself as an example of progress, dialogue, and opportunity in the heart of the Balkans.

Main Projects / Activities

The UAMD is widely known for its teaching quality and the effectiveness of its scientific research, placing it among Albania’s most important scientific institutions, where students and academic staff are an active part of the community. The university has a recent yet fruitful history as an internationally focused academic institution. It has demonstrated that it can act quickly and flexibly to make the most of international opportunities. The UAMD’s recent success with projects—both as a partner and as a leader—demonstrate that the university is on the right path to gain, distribute, and transfer applied academic knowledge. By seeking mutual benefit for the university, the community, and stakeholders, the UAMD will achieve a pre-eminent position in the field of innovative research. Involving students and partners in these processes increases mutual recognition and appreciation as well as applies the knowledge gained to the development of a single career

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


UAMD shares the same values ​​with other members of the Development Network at the Euro-Med level and wants to contribute to a sustainable future by providing support for cultural and educational exchanges and initiatives for youth engagement and activism. Capacity development in the field of scientific research; expanded partnerships at the Albanian level, but especially with other Euro-Mediterranean partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For UAMD, being part of the ALF Network is important for several reasons including information, participation, and engagement on various initiatives, open calls, and organized activities within the network. Creation of new partnerships and communication bridges with NGOs and other institutions in all countries of the ALF network. Contributing ideas, suggestions, and feedback to make the network more dynamic and consolidated.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorinela Cupi
Job Title
Director at Directorate of Projects and Foreign Relations
Head of the organisation
Prof.Dr Kseanela Sotirofski
Contact (2) Full Name
Ina Lushka
Job Title (2)
Director at Directorate of Administration and Academic Services

ALF Network members from Albania and Malta get together for yet another successful collaboration!

People working together

From August 3rd to 9th, 2024, Youth Rights and Citizenship Initiative (YRCI Albania) and Upbeat Music House Malta successfully implemented a collaborative initiative through the ALF in Motion “Partnership Mobility” program, supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation. This mobility has proven to be highly productive and impactful: they successfully submitted two KA1 project applications, two KA2 project applications focused on upcycling and mental health, and one Town Twinning CERV application.

Moreover, this collaboration laid a solid foundation for future mobilities, with plans to address critical issues such as migration and anti-trafficking. The collaboration underscored the importance of strong partnerships between the organizations involved. Gratitude is extended to the hosts at Upbeat Music House for their exceptional hospitality and to the Anna Lindh Foundation for their invaluable support in making this mobility possible.

EU projects of this nature are essential in fostering positive change and empowering communities across Europe. The organizations are enthusiastic about the potential impact of their projects and look forward to continued collaboration in the future.


Visit the links for more:

ALF network members in Albania share the Sounds of Solidarity

a musical band playing instruments and two conductors

In the frame of the Mediterranean Day, three members of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network
in Albania have joined the initiative to spread sounds of solidarity in their local communities.

The proposals were selected out of ten applications submitted in the call for proposal for the
“Mediterranean Day 2023” launched by Anna Lindh Foundation.

Musical events took place in Tirana, Elbasan and Shkodra at the same time in the early evening.
The implementing members, Center for Education and Social Advancement (CESA in Tirana),
Youth Rights and Citizenship Initiative (YRCI in Elbasan), and Young Intellectuals, Hope (YIH
in Shkodra) shared the message of solidarity, unity and coexistence considering the current
situation that people in Euro-Med region are facing, through orchestrated simultaneous musical performances.

Each of the members organized their musical event in cooperation with local administrations and involved
different artists, with the intention to reflect diversity and unity within that diversity. The events
were livestreamed in Youtube, Facebook and one in Shkodra received television coverage.

The musical events went beyond the purpose of entertainment and celebration, they were an
expression of the genuine effort to connect people through the universal language of music.


Here are the links to the livestream:


National Network

Rruga "4 deshmoret", nd. 62

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

AMAD is a non-government, non-profit civil society organization registered with court order 1303, on 24 October 2018, and validated by the European Commission with PIC 887201577 and OID E10304226. Since its creation AMAD has actively worked on projects and initiatives regarding empowering youngsters and advocating gender equality, breaking down traditional stereotypes to empower women on equal rights, having a special focus in marginalized group inclusion for equal opportunities, raising awareness towards antidiscrimination, promoting human rights, and combating hate speech face-to-face and online. AMAD Center aims on inspiring and sharing values about democracy, human rights, empowering those with less opportunities, advocacy, fighting discrimination and vulnerabilities, and empowering people through capacity-building, especially for youngsters, women, and marginalized groups. In past four years of activities, regarding its projects implementation AMAD has contracted some of the best national and EU experts in the fields of Law, Communication, Youth, Mental Health, etc. Funding resources are project based. The 2021 annual budget was around 10,000 euros. Our pillars a) Human rights and democracy: Advocacy, awareness, information, lobbying for human rights and good practices of democracy b) Youth empowerment and European integration: Capacity-building, involvement, support, cooperation and pathing the way to EU c) Gender issues and women empowerment: Advocacy, capacity –building, aware-ness, lobbying for gender equality d) Green policies and development: Contributing according to European and Global Green Policies in the environment and rural sustainable development Our project "Reacting on Hate Speech, Improving Mental Health" under the framework of Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 program was one of our 2022 projects with sub-granter Albanian Media Institute. The action of our project was part of our Non-Discrimination campaign in countering hate speech by raising awareness on the impact of mental health especially among the marginalized and vulnerable groups. The stakeholders, the Alliance Against Discrimination in Albania, staff of education institutions, teenagers 14-18 years old, media and other partners will be involved as active contributors in the activities. The moment to act is Right Now. Diversity complements us and makes us stronger. This project is funded by EU in the framework of Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 Infodemia (disinformation, mal-information, bad information, deformation of the freedom of speech is mentally and sometimes physically hurting real life people.

Mission and Objectives

AMAD aims in implementing projects that better serve its mission, objectives and community needs for action. AMAD’s focus areas of activities are: - Strengthening of instruments that guarantee human rights - Empowering through capacity building - Encouraging youth inclusion and motivate them to engage in community social activities - Awareness on Mental health improvement - Contributing to social cohesion process of marginalized and/or vulnerable groups - Encouraging local and regional cooperation between CSOs and institution of a better integrated interinstitutional approach - Countering hate speech and combating every form of discrimination, bullying, and stigma - Contribute to sharing common Albanian-EU values as a contribution to European Union integration. - Encouraging sustainable development, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Our first and main campaign was #NukHeshtim (#BreakTheSilence) on the mechanism against violence, especially gender-based violence. Also other core action campaigns have been on Discrimination, Mental health, Youth capacity building (special focus for those with fewer opportunities), etc. Since our focus as civil society organization is on human rights and gender-based projects, the modality of action are concrete projects and youth workers exchanges. - In December 2022 we have applied for the European Solidarity Corps Quality Label and we are expecting to have it this spring. - AMAD is the lead organization (coordinator) in COL-Colors of Humanity project under the framework of Erasmus+Youth, with focus on gender issues, discrimination, human right advocacy activities and youth workers capacity building in such issues. - Actually for 2023 we have started implementing two other national project on youth capacity building: Empowering Future Leaders on youth inclusion in decision-making and training in project drafting under the framework of EU4Municipalities, and the other project PowerZone: Youth Capacity Building in Rrogozhina Municipality on digital and soft skills. Our main international partners are Vienna goes Europe and YES Bulgaria, while national partners are the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, some local municipalities in Albania, national television in Albania (RTSH), etc. About 20 projects, initiatives, campaigns and activities implemented during 2018-2020 (its establishing and "building-up" phase) can be found all in this link:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The contribution of AMAD to the Network in my country will be promoting and sharing values of diversity, equity and equality, respect for human dignity, intercultural regional and interregional promotion of dialogue and bridging. In every initiative and project AMAD brings fundamental principals approach in tackling the problems to the root and also empowering active participation of the community and stakeholders (governmental institutions, other CSOs, media, education institutions, etc.) Please find what our partners say about us based on our collaboration

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the network is always a win-win situation in bringing to life better projects, more engagement, better coordinated actions , and shared experience and values. The same reason stands especially on AMAD request to join ALF Network. We are in continuous growth and have implemented several local and nation project in the past, and lately implementing international project as lead organization of the consortium. We have a considered network of volunteers and activists which are an added values to our activism. AMAD stands for coordinated action on different level which also responds to the purpose of acting as a network. On the other hand AMAD and ALF Network share common values and have in focus common issues, activity areas, and objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Voltiza Prendi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Voltiza Prendi