

National Network

Blloku "50-vjetori", pas ish-Ekspozitës

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

AMAD is a non-government, non-profit civil society organization registered with court order 1303, on 24 October 2018, and validated by the European Commission with PIC 887201577 and OID E10304226. Since its creation AMAD has actively worked on projects and initiatives regarding empowering youngsters and advocating gender equality, breaking down traditional stereotypes to empower women on equal rights, having a special focus in marginalized group inclusion for equal opportunities, raising awareness towards antidiscrimination, promoting human rights, and combating hate speech face-to-face and online. AMAD Center aims on inspiring and sharing values about democracy, human rights, empowering those with less opportunities, advocacy, fighting discrimination and vulnerabilities, and empowering people through capacity-building, especially for youngsters, women, and marginalized groups. In past four years of activities, regarding its projects implementation AMAD has contracted some of the best national and EU experts in the fields of Law, Communication, Youth, Mental Health, etc. Funding resources are project based. The 2021 annual budget was around 10,000 euros. Our pillars a) Human rights and democracy: Advocacy, awareness, information, lobbying for human rights and good practices of democracy b) Youth empowerment and European integration: Capacity-building, involvement, support, cooperation and pathing the way to EU c) Gender issues and women empowerment: Advocacy, capacity –building, aware-ness, lobbying for gender equality d) Green policies and development: Contributing according to European and Global Green Policies in the environment and rural sustainable development Our project "Reacting on Hate Speech, Improving Mental Health" under the framework of Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 program was one of our 2022 projects with sub-granter Albanian Media Institute. The action of our project was part of our Non-Discrimination campaign in countering hate speech by raising awareness on the impact of mental health especially among the marginalized and vulnerable groups. The stakeholders, the Alliance Against Discrimination in Albania, staff of education institutions, teenagers 14-18 years old, media and other partners will be involved as active contributors in the activities. The moment to act is Right Now. Diversity complements us and makes us stronger. This project is funded by EU in the framework of Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 Infodemia (disinformation, mal-information, bad information, deformation of the freedom of speech is mentally and sometimes physically hurting real life people.

Mission and Objectives

AMAD aims in implementing projects that better serve its mission, objectives and community needs for action. AMAD’s focus areas of activities are: - Strengthening of instruments that guarantee human rights - Empowering through capacity building - Encouraging youth inclusion and motivate them to engage in community social activities - Awareness on Mental health improvement - Contributing to social cohesion process of marginalized and/or vulnerable groups - Encouraging local and regional cooperation between CSOs and institution of a better integrated interinstitutional approach - Countering hate speech and combating every form of discrimination, bullying, and stigma - Contribute to sharing common Albanian-EU values as a contribution to European Union integration. - Encouraging sustainable development, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main campaign is #NukHeshtim (#BreakTheSilence) on the reinforcement of the mechanism against violence, especially gender-based violence (GBV). Also other core action campaigns have been on Discrimination, Mental health, Youth capacity building (special focus for those with fewer opportunities), etc. We are part of the European Solidarity Corps - ESC - when we have been awarded with the Quality Label to send and host international volunteers. We have implemented: a) local and national projects b) international projects, funded/co-funded by EU - mainly under Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Youth, EU4Municipalities, etc. - and other international institutions' calls for proposals that are on the way. AMAD is the lead organization (coordinator) in projects under the framework of Erasmus+Youth, with focus on gender issues, discrimination, human right advocacy activities and youth workers capacity building in such issues. Our international partners have been from Austria, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosova, Tunisia, while national partners are the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, Ombudsman, some central and local government institutions in Albania, some Mainstream Media channels, etc. Our PIC number is 887201577. We are your future partner organization in the international/regional/national call for proposals. We have implemented more than 20 projects, initiatives, campaigns and activities. Please find more by checking our website and social media links.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The contribution of AMAD to the Network in my country will be promoting and sharing values of diversity, equity and equality, respect for human dignity, intercultural regional and interregional promotion of dialogue and bridging. In every initiative and project AMAD brings fundamental principals approach in tackling the problems to the root and also empowering active participation of the community and stakeholders (governmental institutions, other CSOs, media, education institutions, etc.) Please find what our partners say about us based on our collaboration

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the network is always a win-win situation in bringing to life better projects, more engagement, better coordinated actions , and shared experience and values. The same reason stands especially on AMAD request to join ALF Network. We are in continuous growth and have implemented several local and nation project in the past, and lately implementing international project as lead organization of the consortium. We have a considered network of volunteers and activists which are an added values to our activism. AMAD stands for coordinated action on different level which also responds to the purpose of acting as a network. On the other hand AMAD and ALF Network share common values and have in focus common issues, activity areas, and objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Voltiza Prendi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Voltiza Prendi


National Network

Rruga. Luigj Gurakuqi, Pall 89/A, kati 10

+355 42452100
Telephone (other)
+355 42275658
+355 42275658
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+355 (0)692207146
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 (0)695176098
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
LIST OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD Mr Andi Tepelena Executive Director Mr. Enzo Shijaku Board Member Ms. Sofia Kalo Borad Member Mr. Ilirian Hamzaj Board Member Mr. Fatjon Dragoshi Board Member Mr. Andrea Bonifacio Board Member HQ Staff: recruited and based in Headquarters (located in Developed Country) Expat Staff: recruited in Headquarters (located in Developed Country) and based in Developing Country Local staff: recruited and based in Developing Country The financial source of the revenues of our Organisation provided by the Ministry Of Culture of Albania, Private sector and International Cultural Organizations Amount in 2008 26685 Euro Amount in 2009 24994 Euro The working methods we use to realize the objectives of the project are as follows: Planning the activities, where (place), when (period), environment (social context), with who (partners) Cultural project (selection of artists and their work) Organization of HR and distribution of responsibilities. Fundraising from public, private and foreign subjects Cooperation with local institutions for the public services Cooperation with associations, foundations for exchanging services Effective cooperation with the media. The solution of logistic aspects (reservation, accommodation, local transports etc). Communication aspects (publicity, public relation, promotion, merchandising)
Mission and Objectives

ArtKontakt emerged from the growing demand for establishing a dynamic and contemporary cultural scene in Albania. We foresee to be a primary actor of this scene through the promotion and implementation of cultural exchanges and artistic initiatives in various fields, such as: history, art, environment, tourism and archaeology. ArtKontakt will also assist interested bodies in improving and furthering the field of art management in Albania. To achieve its mission, ArtKontakt collaborates with various public cultural institutions, foundations and associations.
ArtKontakt aims:
to organize national and local activities in the fields of art and culture;
to create a international cultural circuit that is characterized by the common exchanges and initiatives in cultural and art promotion;
to promote the Albanian cultural heritage;
to promote the cultural debate in Albania through the organization of conferences, meetings, round tables;
to co-produce films no commercial & artistic documentaries

Main Projects / Activities

Events 2007
International Art Festival in Porto Palermo Castle(South Albania)
Photo exhibition in the Historic Museum of Tirana entitled “There was me too”
Events 2008
Rock concert with drummer of Deep Purple, Ian Paice
Concert with Dervish, from Gjirokastra to Prishtina
International Art Festival in Lekurs Castle(Saranda)
Events 2009
The project “Krossing” -ArtKontakt Pavilion in Biennale of Venice
The Festival of Art “Memories & Dreams” in Bashtova Castle (Dyrrah)

Contact (1) Full Name
Enco Shijaku
Head of the organisation
Andi Tepelena
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Kalo
Bonne pratique
Women in fair

Artisan Women

During an initial mapping for the project, the beneficiaries estimated that their main challenges included: How to attract more customers for artisan products? How to virtually communicate with potential buyers; How to choose clients and how to keep a continuous...

Artisanship, the thread that connects the women of the Mediterranean

women artisans

Artisanship as a connecting thread between Mediterranean women, but also as an opportunity to express creativity: one joint project of two non-governmental and non-profit organizations, AMAD from Albania and NAHNOO from Lebanon brings together Albanian and Lebanese women.

Within the Network Engagement Scheme II, with the financial support of the Anna Lindh Foundation, member organizations of the Albanian and Lebanese ALF Networks produced a video featuring the women artisans and their experiences, more similar than different.

This initiative simultaneously served as a way to convey the art, culture, values ​​of the tradition that in addition to the features of national identity, have elements that unite us in human values. Artisans of both countries see the handiwork as a source of income, but also as an activity through which find inner peace, especially for women who are of retirement age.

The video was released on International Women's Day, March 8th , to promote and celebrate the values ​​of artisan women, the protagonists of the said video.


To see the full video and behind-the-scenes footage, click the links:


#weareALF #AlbanianNetwork #LebaneseNetwork #AMAD #NAHNOO #artisanship #euromed #culturalheritage #womenartisans #jointactivities #internationalwomensday

Association Chrysalide

National Network

15 Avenue Claude Debussy
16000, Alger


00213 (0) 21 23 58 92
Telephone (other)
00213 (0) 21 74 58 49
00213 (0) 21 23 58 92
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00213 (0) 772 648 520
Mobile Phone (other)
00213 (0) 773 460 281
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Depuis sa création en 2000, Chrysalide se consacre au soutien, à la promotion et à la diffusion des dif¬férents arts. Créée et dirigée encore aujourd’hui par des auteurs et réalisateurs, elle constitue pour eux un moyen de se concerter et de se doter de structures susceptibles de les aider dans leurs démarches. Chrysalide défend du point de vue de la création, la recherche sur des axes multidisciplinaires en mêlant cinéma, théâtre et arts plastiques. Elle entend encourager, plus particulièrement, les démarches d’écriture et de création contemporaines, les installations et l’art vidéo, sans perdre de vue les approches pédagogiques. C’est ainsi que s’est imposée l’idée de mettre en place un espace d’échange et de formation pour artistes créateurs. Un tel espace, proposé en une attitude ouverte, à des artistes, permettrait de libérer des savoir-faire et des talents, tout en ouvrant des pistes de réflexion multiples sur l’art contemporain en Algérie et dans le monde.
Mission and Objectives

Chrysalide souhaite accompagner les auteurs, réalisateurs, plasticiens Algériens dans leur travail d’artistes.
Ceux-ci, en résidence dans le pays profond, mêlés à d’autres artistes de régions et de pays divers, confrontés aux réalités politiques, sociales et culturelles du monde, seront à même de libérer leur imagination et de poser là, une proposition artistique d’excellence
Un espace de formation et d’échanges excentré est avant tout un lieu de « méditation ». Il ne peut que s’avérer fructueux de placer un artiste dans cette forme d’isolement propice au travail et à la réflexion.
Enfin, Chrysalide souhaite développer, à travers ces chantiers, un vaste réseau de partenaires nationaux et internationaux.

Main Projects / Activities

. Ciné club
• Musique
• Résidences artistiques
• Création théâtre et cinéma
• Évènements pluridisciplinaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Djalila Kadi-hanifi
Head of the organisation
Mme Djalila Kadi-hanifi
Contact (2) Full Name
M. Karim Moussaoui

Association for Development of Cultural Tourism - ADCT

National Network

Rr.Dora D'Istria, Nd.5, H.3

++ 355 42222213
Telephone (other)
++ 355 4 2273680
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
++ 355 69 4018618
Mobile Phone (other)
++ 355 69 21 18618
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

ADCT was established on December 2009 according to the Albanian law for non-profit organizations, as a professional organization focused in development of the cultural tourism and tourism in general, through the preservation and promotion of the cultural and natural heritage. Council Board: ADCT is managed by the Council Board composed by three members. The role of the Board is to design and to adopt the ADCT long-term governing policies and strategies, to lobby to the international and national institutions and to provide funds for the Association. ADCT currently has a full-time employee, and involved external experts in various projects and activities. Also ADCT has a group of 10 volunteers who are students Cultural Heritage, Archaeology and Tourism from several public and private universities in Albania.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: The ADCT mission is to enhance the social sensitivity towards the heritage values through the education, intercultural communication and cooperation between all stakeholders. As ell To contribute for the development of cultural tourism for the promotion and preservation of the cultural and natural heritage in Albanian and abroad. Vision: ADCT aims to create a new vision for the development of cultural tourism and to create premises for a sustainable tourism in Albania, region and abroad through education, intercultural communication, cultural-tourism activities and cooperation between all stakeholders. ADCT has cooperation with many national and international organizations that operate in the field of tourism and cultural heritage. Since 2011, ADCT is a member of Europa Nostra, SEE Heritage Network, as well as an active member of the local networks of tourism and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The ADCT main activities based on three important pillars; I. Education through specific programs and courses; On Cultural Heritage included;  Museums,  Archeological Sites,  Historic Centers,  Industrial Heritage,  Food & Beverage Tradition,  Handicrafts On Tourism issues  DMO (Destination Management Organization)  Marketing  Promotion  Public Relation (International and National level) II. Organization of Cultural and touristic events aiming the revitalization of intangible and tangible cultural heritage and growing the number of tourists through the; Promotion of;  Cultural heritage resources (Intangible and Tangible Heritage)  Natural resources  Tourism resources Organisation of;  Cultural Events  Tourism Fairs  Handicrafts fair  Traditional food exhibition III. Research and Analyses

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ADCT will use its human resources and institutional tools to be an active member of Anna Lindh Foundation in national level as well as in international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be the member of this wide network means to have more relations with cultural associations, more collaboration and a integrated approach towards the culture, heritage and communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Armada Molla
Head of the organisation
Armada Molla
Contact (2) Full Name
Amilda Ballata

Association for media development

National Network

Unaza e re, Rr: Aleksandri i Madh, Pll: Everest

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Association on Media Development (AMD) consists of a group of professional journalists and lawyers, environmental and economic specialists etc., whose values are recognized in their professional areas and therefore their ideas are supported by society and the people in the areas they carry out their activities. AMD is able to bring the best specialists of the field and approach the public through the media so that they can serve each other and collaborate to the best mutual interest. AMD was established by Court decision no. 2241 dated April 18, 2008 Its core focus as described in the Articles of Foundation and Articles of Association the active promotion of the best and most effective practices for the protection of environment, biodiversity, forests in support of tourism and economic development. The purpose of AMD is to raise public and state and non-state institutions awareness for supporting youth, cultural heritage, tourism and environmental protection and activating communities in order to achieve this, also in interest of the economic progress in these communities. The Board of AMD consists of 5 persons. Our team includes 4 journalists, 1 cameraman, 1 video editor, and 2 experienced IT professionals in the field of media. The AMD consists of a group of professional journalists and lawyers, environmental and economic specialists, etc., who are recognized in their respective fields.

Mission and Objectives

The Association on Media Development (AMD) is an organization founded with the aim of advancing and fostering development within the media sector. Its mission and objectives encompass a range of goals that are aligned with the expertise and values of its members, who are professionals in various fields such as journalism, law, environmental studies, economics, and more. The overarching mission of AMD is likely to promote media development, uphold journalistic integrity, and facilitate collaboration among professionals from diverse backgrounds. This is achieved through various objectives: Advancing Professionalism: AMD seeks to enhance the standards of professionalism within the media industry by promoting ethical practices, providing training and resources, and advocating for fair and unbiased reporting. Legal Advocacy: With the inclusion of lawyers among its members, AMD likely engages in legal advocacy to safeguard press freedom, protect journalists' rights, and advocate for policies that support media development. Environmental and Economic Focus: Given the presence of environmental and economic specialists, AMD may focus on issues related to sustainable development, environmental conservation, and economic progress, aiming to raise awareness and promote informed discourse through media channels. Public Engagement: AMD aims to engage the public through the media, raising awareness about critical issues, providing information, and fostering dialogue to encourage active participation and informed decision-making among the populace. Collaboration and Networking: By bringing together experts from various fields, AMD facilitates collaboration and networking opportunities, enabling professionals to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and work together towards common goals for the betterment of society. Court Recognition: The fact that AMD was established by a court decision suggests its legal standing and recognition, which may bolster its credibility and influence in advocating for media development and defending journalists' rights.

Main Projects / Activities

1. AMD starting from March 1, 2009 until December 30, 2009 has been developing the project "Roma community, an essential part of cultural integration". The project was supported by the program "Arts and Culture Network Program", Budapest Soros and OSI-ZUG Foundation in the amount 5,000 USD. The project focused on cultural activities performed by children, at the end of which was provided and prices. Roma and Albanians participated in joint activities which were featured in the program for children Television. The project was conducted in collaboration with Time Television. 2. "Prevention of genetic disease" is a project that was implemented in the period 01.07.2010-31.12.2010. This project was supported by OSFA, Open Society Foundation for Albania, amounting to 8,150 USD. The purpose of this project is the recognition and prevention of genetic diseases; increase the professional skills of doctors for early diagnosis of genetic diseases, ranging from general practitioners, gynecologists and until they advisory. Another aim of the project was to raise awareness of young parents to make genetic analysis. The project was divided into two phases. The first phase was in the amount 11,150 USD, while the second phase 7,000 USD. 3. "Knowing Mat Valley and Arbëri Road resources" a project that was implemented in the period 05.05.2011 up to 05.11.2011. This project was supported by the Agency for the Promotion of Civil Society (ASCS). Purpose of this project was to introduce the media and through them the entire public with the natural tourist resources of the Mat Valley and Route Arbëri that is under construction. Activities consisted of several trips of some journalists on the Road of Arber and Mat Valley. Meetings were held with the community, and there were some newspaper articles, news stories and television shows. The amount that was awarded for the implementation of the project is 530,000 lek 4. AMD has developed the project: "Development Plan of Eco-tourism in the Municipality Ulez". This project was supported by ALCDF, Foundation for Local Capacity Development, amounting to 505,000 lek. The purpose of this project was to increase the local capacity of the municipality to welcome the tourists, drafting a development plan and strategy, bi eco-tourism in the area. Several meetings were held with residents, trained teachers and staff of the Municipality regarding tourism. The device with a development plan of the municipality helps, not only to protect, but also to develop the tourism potential of the area. 5. AMD has developed the project: “Preparation of the project for carbon sequestration in Xibri commune, Mat”. That project was financially supported by the ALCDF, Local Capacity Development Foundation, amounting 500,000 ALL. Time frame for the project was 01.09. 2012-01.05.2013. 6. AMD has developed the project "Historical Album describing values, ethnographic, cultural and natural tourism service Lis- Derian- mountainous Macukull Municipalities, supported by ASCS, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.02.2014 -01.06.2014. 7. AMD is developing carbon project, the Municipality SUC worth 3,750 Euros, supported by ALCDF. Timing of implementation is 01.02.2014-01.09.2014. 8. AMD developed the project "Capacity building and enhancement of communication skills for forest users' associations and pasture for the district of Tirana" amounting to 2,500 Euros. Timing of application was 01.01.2014-01.04.2014 9. Introduction of GIS monitoring system in "Lura National Park" supported by ALCDF worth $ 2,000. Time limit for implementation June 2013 to August 2013. 10. AMD has developed the project "Protect my environment, protect my future”, supported by ASCS, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.02.2015 -01.10.2015. 11. AMD has developed the project "To love nature”, supported by Municipality of Tirana, 800,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.01.2017 -01.10.2017. 12. AMD has developed the project "Student’s masenger”, supported by Municipality of Tirana, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.05.2018 -01.11.2018. 15. Starting from 2008 AMD has participated in several activities, cooperating in organizing various conferences and training. So has cooperated in the organization of several conferences Foundation for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Center for the Protection of Human Rights against Torture Rehabilitation Center, SNV, CNVP, and National Federation of Forests. 1. AMD starting from March 1, 2009 until December 30, 2009 has been developing the project "Roma community, an essential part of cultural integration". The project was supported by the program "Arts and Culture Network Program", Budapest Soros and OSI-ZUG Foundation in the amount 5,000 USD. The project focused on cultural activities performed by children, at the end of which was provided and prices. Roma and Albanians participated in joint activities which were featured in the program for children Television. The project was conducted in collaboration with Time Television. 2. "Prevention of genetic disease" is a project that was implemented in the period 01.07.2010-31.12.2010. This project was supported by OSFA, Open Society Foundation for Albania, amounting to 8,150 USD. The purpose of this project is the recognition and prevention of genetic diseases; increase the professional skills of doctors for early diagnosis of genetic diseases, ranging from general practitioners, gynecologists and until they advisory. Another aim of the project was to raise awareness of young parents to make genetic analysis. The project was divided into two phases. The first phase was in the amount 11,150 USD, while the second phase 7,000 USD. 3. "Knowing Mat Valley and Arbëri Road resources" a project that was implemented in the period 05.05.2011 up to 05.11.2011. This project was supported by the Agency for the Promotion of Civil Society (ASCS). Purpose of this project was to introduce the media and through them the entire public with the natural tourist resources of the Mat Valley and Route Arbëri that is under construction. Activities consisted of several trips of some journalists on the Road of Arber and Mat Valley. Meetings were held with the community, and there were some newspaper articles, news stories and television shows. The amount that was awarded for the implementation of the project is 530,000 lek 4. AMD has developed the project: "Development Plan of Eco-tourism in the Municipality Ulez". This project was supported by ALCDF, Foundation for Local Capacity Development, amounting to 505,000 lek. The purpose of this project was to increase the local capacity of the municipality to welcome the tourists, drafting a development plan and strategy, bi eco-tourism in the area. Several meetings were held with residents, trained teachers and staff of the Municipality regarding tourism. The device with a development plan of the municipality helps, not only to protect, but also to develop the tourism potential of the area. 5. AMD has developed the project: “Preparation of the project for carbon sequestration in Xibri commune, Mat”. That project was financially supported by the ALCDF, Local Capacity Development Foundation, amounting 500,000 ALL. Time frame for the project was 01.09. 2012-01.05.2013. 6. AMD has developed the project "Historical Album describing values, ethnographic, cultural and natural tourism service Lis- Derian- mountainous Macukull Municipalities, supported by ASCS, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.02.2014 -01.06.2014. 7. AMD is developing carbon project, the Municipality SUC worth 3,750 Euros, supported by ALCDF. Timing of implementation is 01.02.2014-01.09.2014. 8. AMD developed the project "Capacity building and enhancement of communication skills for forest users' associations and pasture for the district of Tirana" amounting to 2,500 Euros. Timing of application was 01.01.2014-01.04.2014 9. Introduction of GIS monitoring system in "Lura National Park" supported by ALCDF worth $ 2,000. Time limit for implementation June 2013 to August 2013. 10. AMD has developed the project "Protect my environment, protect my future”, supported by ASCS, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.02.2015 -01.10.2015. 11. AMD has developed the project "To love nature”, supported by Municipality of Tirana, 800,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.01.2017 -01.10.2017. 12. AMD has developed the project "Student’s masenger”, supported by Municipality of Tirana, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.05.2018 -01.11.2018. 15. Starting from 2008 AMD has participated in several activities, cooperating in organizing various conferences and training. So has cooperated in the organization of several conferences Foundation for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Center for the Protection of Human Rights against Torture Rehabilitation Center, SNV, CNVP, and National Federation of Forests. 1. AMD starting from March 1, 2009 until December 30, 2009 has been developing the project "Roma community, an essential part of cultural integration". The project was supported by the program "Arts and Culture Network Program", Budapest Soros and OSI-ZUG Foundation in the amount 5,000 USD. The project focused on cultural activities performed by children, at the end of which was provided and prices. Roma and Albanians participated in joint activities which were featured in the program for children Television. The project was conducted in collaboration with Time Television. 2. "Prevention of genetic disease" is a project that was implemented in the period 01.07.2010-31.12.2010. This project was supported by OSFA, Open Society Foundation for Albania, amounting to 8,150 USD. The purpose of this project is the recognition and prevention of genetic diseases; increase the professional skills of doctors for early diagnosis of genetic diseases, ranging from general practitioners, gynecologists and until they advisory. Another aim of the project was to raise awareness of young parents to make genetic analysis. The project was divided into two phases. The first phase was in the amount 11,150 USD, while the second phase 7,000 USD. 3. "Knowing Mat Valley and Arbëri Road resources" a project that was implemented in the period 05.05.2011 up to 05.11.2011. This project was supported by the Agency for the Promotion of Civil Society (ASCS). Purpose of this project was to introduce the media and through them the entire public with the natural tourist resources of the Mat Valley and Route Arbëri that is under construction. Activities consisted of several trips of some journalists on the Road of Arber and Mat Valley. Meetings were held with the community, and there were some newspaper articles, news stories and television shows. The amount that was awarded for the implementation of the project is 530,000 lek 4. AMD has developed the project: "Development Plan of Eco-tourism in the Municipality Ulez". This project was supported by ALCDF, Foundation for Local Capacity Development, amounting to 505,000 lek. The purpose of this project was to increase the local capacity of the municipality to welcome the tourists, drafting a development plan and strategy, bi eco-tourism in the area. Several meetings were held with residents, trained teachers and staff of the Municipality regarding tourism. The device with a development plan of the municipality helps, not only to protect, but also to develop the tourism potential of the area. 5. AMD has developed the project: “Preparation of the project for carbon sequestration in Xibri commune, Mat”. That project was financially supported by the ALCDF, Local Capacity Development Foundation, amounting 500,000 ALL. Time frame for the project was 01.09. 2012-01.05.2013. 6. AMD has developed the project "Historical Album describing values, ethnographic, cultural and natural tourism service Lis- Derian- mountainous Macukull Municipalities, supported by ASCS, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.02.2014 -01.06.2014. 7. AMD is developing carbon project, the Municipality SUC worth 3,750 Euros, supported by ALCDF. Timing of implementation is 01.02.2014-01.09.2014. 8. AMD developed the project "Capacity building and enhancement of communication skills for forest users' associations and pasture for the district of Tirana" amounting to 2,500 Euros. Timing of application was 01.01.2014-01.04.2014 9. Introduction of GIS monitoring system in "Lura National Park" supported by ALCDF worth $ 2,000. Time limit for implementation June 2013 to August 2013. 10. AMD has developed the project "Protect my environment, protect my future”, supported by ASCS, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.02.2015 -01.10.2015. 11. AMD has developed the project "To love nature”, supported by Municipality of Tirana, 800,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.01.2017 -01.10.2017. 12. AMD has developed the project "Student’s masenger”, supported by Municipality of Tirana, 400,000 ALL. Time limit for implementation is 05.05.2018 -01.11.2018. 15. Starting from 2008 AMD has participated in several activities, cooperating in organizing various conferences and training. So has cooperated in the organization of several conferences Foundation for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Center for the Protection of Human Rights against Torture Rehabilitation Center, SNV, CNVP, and National Federation of Forests.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ideas of AMD are supported by society and the people in the fields they are involved in. AMD is able to bring the best specialists of the fields and approach the public through the media so that they can serve each other and collaborate. To contribute to the network in my country, AMD can engage in several ways: Promoting AMD's Mission: We can actively promote AMD's mission and objectives within my professional network and among individuals who share an interest in media development, journalism, law, environmental studies, economics, and related fields. By spreading awareness and garnering support, we can help amplify the impact of AMD's initiatives. Facilitating Connections: As a member of the community, we can help facilitate connections between AMD and relevant stakeholders, including professionals, organizations, government agencies, and community groups. By bridging gaps and fostering collaborations, we can strengthen the network and enhance collective efforts towards shared goals. Providing Expertise and Support: Depending on my area of expertise, I can offer my skills, knowledge, and resources to support AMD's projects and activities. Whether it's providing legal advice, offering environmental insights, contributing to media content creation, or assisting with technical solutions, we can play a role in advancing AMD's mission. Participating in Events and Initiatives: we can actively participate in AMD's events, workshops, seminars, and campaigns, contributing ideas, sharing experiences, and engaging in discussions on pertinent issues facing the media industry and society at large. By actively involving myself, we can help enrich the dialogue and contribute to meaningful outcomes. Advocating for Policy Change: Recognizing the importance of advocacy in driving systemic change, we can advocate for policies that support media development, press freedom, environmental sustainability, economic progress, and other relevant issues championed by AMD. This may involve lobbying policymakers, raising awareness among the public, and mobilizing support for legislative action. Supporting AMD's Outreach Efforts: We can assist AMD in its efforts to reach out to the public through media channels, social media platforms, community events, and other communication channels. By amplifying AMD's message and engaging with diverse audiences, we can help broaden its impact and foster greater support for its initiatives. Overall, by actively engaging with AMD and leveraging my skills, networks, and resources, we can contribute to strengthening the network in my country and advancing its mission of promoting media development, collaboration, and societal progress.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"I am interested in joining the ALF Network because I recognize the value of collaboration and networking in advancing common goals and addressing shared challenges. By becoming a part of the ALF Network, I hope to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations who are committed to promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation across different cultures, societies, and disciplines. I believe that by working together, we can create positive change, foster mutual respect, and contribute to a more peaceful and inclusive world."

Contact (1) Full Name
Deniz Cupi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Deniz Cupi (Xhoga)

Association for Women with Social Problems

National Network

Lagja nr 2, Rruga "Sefer Efendi"

+355 52 234600
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
355 692103315
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association of Women with Social Problems (AWSP) is a non-profit organization, established on 1999, operating in the Durres Region. It aims to promote the gender equality into society and protect the rights of the marginalised women in this Region.  Domestic violence, gender equality, active participation of women in decision- making as well as the integration of the informal areas’ marginalised communities into the mainstream society, are the main issues in the focus of AWSP. AWSP have manged for 2014, 150.000 euro. The association has a multi-disciplinary team, 3 person full time and 2 person part time. AWSP's staff  provides its expertise in these directions Psycho-social services, Legal services,Professional Capacities Building, Medical services. Main Partners supporting AWSP through 15 years of work, have been KTK (Swedish foundation), EU, SWISS CONTACT, American embassy, The national agency for the development of civil society (AMSHC)
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Equality, Integration and Peace
 To protect women rights as a part of human rights
To increase the women public image as well as her presence in the politic and public  life
To develop the alternatives and possibilities, aiming to strengthen the position of women in community.
Promoting gender equity in society and protection of women rights

Main Projects / Activities

Association for women with social problems has offered various services, consisting of community based services prioritizing training on increasing professional skills among women and youth, information, awareness, promotion and marketing of traditional products and enhancing development of small entrepreneurship.
In this context, the association has been strongly focused in promoting artisan and gastronomical products, as precious elements of tradition and culture.
The current projects implemented by AWSP are, as following:
I. Project “Social Centre for Women and Girls” financed by Kvinna Till Kvinna.
II. Project “The creation and the functioning of the legal – social clinical victims of domestic violence and groups in risk in Durres District” supported from AMSHC”
II. Project “Coaching 4 employment” supported by Swiss Contact.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AWSP aims to enlarge its services in region and provides multi disiplinary services not only in local level but also in the region.
The Association is part also of different networks and these ones serves as resouce for information, partners in joint initiatives and projects and possibilities for projects application. Being in an  network have increased our inner profesional capacities serving better our target groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AWSP aims to work forward in joint projects in the region and enlarge it experience and profesional expertise.
AWSP is part of Anna Lindh Foundation network since 2007.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bajana Ceveli
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bajana Ceveli

Association For Women with Social Problems

National Network

Lagjia 2, Rr. Sefer Efendi , Prapa gjykates se Shkalles se pare

00355 52 234 600
Telephone (other)
00355 52 234 404
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00355 692103315
Mobile Phone (other)
0355 682588991
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Association for Women with Social Problems (AWSP) has a 10 year experience in the field of womens' rights protection. It is a non governmental organization that has extended its activities from the city in the suburb and rural areas of Durres District. Actually the number of staff employed is 4 full time and 7 part time. AWSP is member of the Albanian Network for Women Empowerment, a member of the National Steering Committee of Children Alliance, a member of the Albanian Coalition Against Child Trafficking. Its financial support is made possible by the international donors that are situated in Albania.

Mission and Objectives

To protect women's right To promote women's potential an to raise women presence in the public life

Main Projects / Activities

AWSP is implementing two main projects, the Social Center for Women in Durres ( funded by the Swedish foundation Kvinna till Kvinna) and the Community Center for women and youth in Spitalla (suburb) funded by the EU commission These projects are focused on: a)reduction of domestic violence through direct psycho-emotional,legal and medical assistance b)capacity building of local governors, police officials and community on domestic violence legislation c) advocacy campaign for the opening of gender offices in rural areas Community Center for Women and Youth in Spitalla (suburb) area is focused on delivering services for women and youth such as: a)information on employment possibilities and professional qualifications b)vocational courses for youth c)awareness meetings on topics related to women and youth issues d) social and environment activities e) advocacy for raising women participation in community decision making process f) legal and medical consultancy for women

Contact (1) Full Name
Armela Bejko
Head of the organisation
Bajana Ceveli

Balkan Youth Activism

National Network

Rr.Insan Korca, Lgj.17, Vila 40

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The " Balkan Youth Activism" organization is a representative (non-profit) structure, that coperates with the young people of Albania and beyond.

Mission and Objectives

This organization aims at mobilizing, self-organizing and empowering the role of youth in society, as well as encouraging young people to become part of the integral life of society through: 📌 Human Rights, 📌 Citizen Participation and Democracy, 📌 Education, 📌 Innovation and entrepreneurship, 📌 Employment, 📌 Young people towards art, sports and culture, 📌 Health, 📌Tourism, 📌 Cultural heritage. 📌 Environment, 📌 Training and Multimedia. It is a space where every young finds himself, including young people in rural areas, young people from the minorities, and those with different abilities, young people with social disadvantage, social exclusion, abused persons, and vulnerable groups. Lobbying and active advocacy to support youth issues at the local, national and international level. In addition to addressing youth issues, BYA aims to harmonize different target groups to create a human and peaceful vision for a better future of Albanian and Balkan youth. BYA will be coherent to the implementation of global objectives through two key points such as volunteering and social inclusion, to be able to integrate young people into being an active part of active citizenship in every aspect of it.

Main Projects / Activities

„SETYN: Socially Empowered and Transparent Youth Network“ will enhance the management, governance, innovation capacity and internationalization of youth NGOs in WB and EU. In the same time, the project will establish a network in all WB countries that will cooperate strategically to promote transparent and effective governed organizations in WB. Moreover, the project will boost the cooperation and exchanges between regions, relying on the good practices and European and global experience of Mladiinfo Network composed of organizations from Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovakia and Poland to build the capacities and foster efficient management, internationalisation and leadership of youth NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania and Serbia. Project partners: Montenegro; Mladiinfo Montenegro, North Macedonia; Mladiinfo International;, Bosnia and Herzegovina; BRAVO - Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities, Albania; Balkan Youth Activism - BYA, Serbia; KOM 018 - Club for Youth Empowerment 018 / Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018, Kosovo; OJQ ACCESS, Poland; Mladiinfo Poland and Slovakia; Mladiinfo Slovensko CALL: EAC-A03-2018 Project ID : 608478 Programme : EPLUS „Be the Change : Youth Exchange for Young Entrepreneurs“ The aim of the project is to develop the entrepreneurship spirit among young Roma people and young non-Roma people from rural and remote areas. In details, 40 young people and 8 leaders from Bulgaria, Albania, Belgium, Czechia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia will become acquainted with the concept of entrepreneurship, developing a business idea, starting up a business, and share their own experiences and knowledge on what works best for setting up the business and becoming an entrepreneur in Roma communities or marginalized (geographically or because of discrimination) areas. The youth exchange will take place in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Besides being the sit of Centre Amalipe, Veliko Tarnovo is a region that has proven itself as a cultural and spiritual capital of Bulgaria, where people from different ethnic minorities live in peace and respect with each other and where a number of Roma and Turkish entrepreneurs can serve as successful role models for young entrepreneurs. Another reason to select Veliko Tarnovo is the Local Roma Community Development Centre built by Centre Amalipe which will help in organizing a community visit to meet participants with the local Roma community and get to know the issues local Roma have from the first face. Project Partners Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative - REDI ;Romania , REDI ; North Macedonia , REDI ; Serbia , Kham vzw ;Belgium , Centrum Spolecneho Zajmu ; Czechia, Diverse Youth Network ; Hungary, Balkan Youth Activism ;Albania Call: 2019 – KA1 Project ID : KA105-4D8372D1 Programme : Erasmus+ „Participant Selection Reading Committee for the Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) Program“ The Community Engagement Exchange Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by IREX, Washington D.C. . The Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) Program supports emerging community leaders, ages 21-28, from around the world working at the nexus of public, private, and non-profit sectors to address issues of public concern and improve the quality of community, specifically on issues related to civic dialogue and peacebuilding, open and participatory government, women and gender, resilience and sustainable development, and youth engagement. CEE equips these dedicated visionaries with the expertise, skills, and resources to develop multisector approaches and build healthy and engaged communities in over 100 countries. • Three-month U.S.-based practicum: CEE fellows are matched with nonprofit organizations, private entities, and government offices across the United States where they work with U.S. colleagues on initiatives related to civil society issues they face in their own communities. • Leadership and Civic Engagement Academy: Through the Academy’s blended learning components, fellows will develop and practice leadership skills that are essential for building their individual and collective abilities to lead and address societal challenges. • Community Engagement Project (CEP): The culmination of the fellows’ program is their actionable project in their home country focused on one of the five CEE themes. Alumni also have the opportunity to apply for a CEP exchange with a practicum host or CEE Specialist that will enable them to travel to their home country to further scale their CEP. • Continuing Global and Local Networking: CEE is a network of emerging civil society leaders that will continue to grow through Innovation Hubs that engage knowledge sharing and collaboration with a variety of stakeholders. Periode : 15 December 2022 - 15 January 2023 Programe : Community Engagement Exchange Program (CEE)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since members of organization are young people with different social, economic and educational backgrounds, we expect them to learn, be active during activities and improve their skills and competences. We expect projects to help them find their career path, to motivate them to involve in a civil action or become more active in the local community. Also, we expect them to expand their knowledge in all possible ways, as well as start to think critically. Contributing to the realization of the projects is also the opportunity to build a permanent partnership in different sectors or with different NGOs. BYA team will surely advertise this project on organization social network (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube). You can find the links to our Social Media: Team will publish and shere info's on ( ). Furthermore, association has a good connection with local newspapers and TV station, who will be willing to cooperate. Korca TV Tv Lobi Sot 7 Tv Ect… We like guerrilla activities, so our volunteers will design posters and stickers for the project and place them in the universities, schools, youth centers, clubs. The stickers and posters will contain QR code which will link curious passers-by directly to the project.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through partnerships between organizations, new ideas can also be developed to improve the lives of young people and to focus efforts on action in this direction. Participating in international projects and receiving European funding, as well as cooperation with organizations across Mediterranean , will expand the reach of organization and promotion of its activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gurali Haxhillari
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Gurali Haxhillari
Contact (2) Full Name
Eriekta Kocollari
Job Title (2)
Public Relation