
ESN Albania brings a taste of Netherlands to Albania through Food, Quizzes and Music!

Cooking Challenge for Sustainability-Food brings us together

ALF member, Erasmus Student Network in Albania (ESN AL) hosted the intercultural event ‘Cooking Challenge for Sustainability-Food brings us together’, with the support of the representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania. The event was organized in the framework the International Cultural Weeks, an initiative of the Ministry of Culture in Albania.

H.E. Mr. Reinout Vos, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, Mrs. Meri Kumbe, Deputy Minister of Culture, and Mrs. Lutjona Lula, Co-founder and National Representative of ESN AL highlighted the importance of preserving traditions that promote sustainability among young people. Dr. Jonila Prifti, lecturer at Faculty of Architecture, University of Tirana  thankfully took part in the cooking challenge jury. The event followed with a Trivia Quiz on Dutch-Albanian relations and cultures.

ESN AL remains committed to intercultural dialogue, internationalization of education and cohesion of Albanian and European values for youth and by youth.

The event was moderated by Judoris Merkaj, with special participation of DJ Amer Doux.  

European Movement Albania

National Network

Rr. Milto Tutulani, Nd.1, Ap. 4. (Dora D’Istria)

00355 (0) 44 104 247
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 68 20 86 578
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

European Movement Albania is an independent, non-profit organization, combining think tank and advocacy instruments. EMA was established in February 2007, in response to Albania’s increased efforts at speeding up the process of preparing for EU accession. EMA regards European Integration as largely beneficial but recognizes that in many respects the process does not work well. Therefore we aim to promote new ideas for improving the policy development process. EMA has its organizational structure located in Tirana, and Local Coordinators in the main cities of Albania, such as Vlora, Shkodër, Elbasan and Korça. EM Albania has more than 500 young members registered as EMA’s Supporters. EMA is a member of European Movement International (EMI)

Mission and Objectives

EMA is a forum for exchange of views on political, economic and social challenges that Albania is facing. It is devoted to encourage and strengthen the present democratic experiences, by promoting democratic values during the policy making process, analysis and implementation of public policies in the country. It attempts at making the policy-making process more transparent and open, and responsive to the public interest, offering alternative suggestions based on evidenced research. EMA’s objectives are: 1. To improve the quality of the public debate on the European Integration process. 2. To promote new ideas for improving the policy development process in order to respond to the citizen’s needs. 3. To encourage and strengthen the present democratic experiences, by promoting democratic values during the policy-making process, analysis and implementation of public policies in the country. 4. To make the policy-making process more transparent and open, and responsive to the public interest, offering alternative suggestions based on professional research and surveys.

Main Projects / Activities

Considering the needs and challenges of the Albanian society in this transformation process, as well as EMA goals, its work is focused on:

-policy research, analysis, advice and advocacy;

-capacity building and training;

-public debates and policy forums;

-developing monitoring indicators on certain issues of significant importance for the public.

Activities fall under one of these program areas:

– Promotion of European values and European Integration process of Albania - activities aim in increasing capacity building of CSOs and other non-state actors in national and local level and to promote the cooperation of governmental and civil society sector with the aim to strengthen capacities and capabilities in order to be able to meet all the criteria of the EU integration;

– Democracy and good governance - implementing activities focused on rule of law; strengthening of democracy; human rights; assessing the legal framework; and EU accession negotiation process; accelerating the local democracy; inclusion of all sectors of society in the policy-making process

– Economic and social dimensions of EU integration - various activities and projects on migrants and asylum seekers; consumer protection; environment protection; agriculture; employment and four freedoms of movement; socio-economic impact of EU Integration;

– Regional cooperation - activities focused on regional cooperation on matters like EU integration process of WB; IPA and absorption capacities, regional cohesion, connectivity, strengthening of democracy in WB; - Activities including Youth aiming their empowerment and inclusion in policy-making process like Europe Day Project; Jean Monnet projects; Various Erasmus projects (KA1; KA3) etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EMA will take part and play an active role in initiatives and activities that the Network will implement in Albania and outside the country. Moreover, as it has a wide and various network of collaborators and partners, EMA will share the relevant information with our network and motivate them to be engaged. EMA is eager to contribute with ideas and suggestions in cases when this is needed and requested, in order to strengthen the network in Albania or for future activities and collaborations the network may take.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the ALF Network is important for our organization for several reasons: 1) To get informed and to be able to take part and to be engaged in various initiatives, open calls and activities organized within the network 2) To establish new partnerships and bridges of communication with NGO-s and other institutions in all the countries of the ALF network 3) To contribute with ideas, suggestions and feedback in order to make the network more dynamic and more consolidated.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gledis Gjipali
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Gledis Gjipali
Contact (2) Full Name
Nirvana Deliu
Job Title (2)
Policy Researcher

Exhibition "The Square of Men Without Honor" - H.A.N.A


On March 8th, the member of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania, "Hand in Hand Against Nation Apathy (H.A.N.A) was in the center of Lezha with an exhibition on the situation of Albanian women and girls, lost, violated and oppressed. This exhibition is a tribute to these women and girls and an opportunity to share with the public, curious about our installation in "Besëlidhja" square, about the position of disadvantage from the beginning of the life of girls Albania.

In those 2 hours, we tried to bring upfront the importance of revisiting gender role perceptions. We are no longer caring about the common people and so they have found refuge in the "wings" of indifference or as easy prey for the Albanian vanities of the evening screens. This is why this exhibition is of relevance.

We exposed the hate speech that flows freely on social networks from the perpetrators hiding at large; we exposed the patronizing that is done to girls and women who dare to step outside the expectations of the chauvinist society; we exposed the numbers of murders and tortures against our sisters all over Albania and we tried to educate the visitors with the main terms of the battle for freedom and justice for girls and women.

Our installation exhibition has returned to the base, in our center, to welcome some of the visitors at the square, to sit cross-legged with us in a hearty and necessary conversation.

The center's continuous efforts in dealing with gender issues enjoy the support of @EEDemocracy, while for the exhibition activity in particular, H.A.N.A thanks @ Anna Lindh Foundation - ALF - Albanian Network for the support.


Bonne pratique
Women in fair

Femmes artisanes

Lors d'une cartographie initiale réalisée pour le projet Artisan Women (Femmes artisanes), les bénéficiaires ont exprimé le fait que leurs principaux défis étaient les suivants: Comment attirer plus de clients pour les produits artisanaux? Comment communiquer virtuellement avec des acheteurs...

Fondacioni Femijet te Paret (Children First Foundation)

National Network

Bulevardi Gjergj Fishta

+355 4 24 27 816
Telephone (other)
+355 68 20 32 171
+355 4 24 27 816
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 68 20 32 171
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

“Children First” foundation {CFF} is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious, social and humanitarian, organization. CFF operates without race, sexual, politic or religious discrimination to contributing to the development of the country through it programs focused on human rights. “Children First“foundation was registered in the Albanian Republic Court as a nongovernmental organization on 26.01.1999.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: “Children First “foundation main focus is to support communities in need through it’s programs developing solutions, promoting people's well being, enabling them to live in their homes and communities with dignity and independence. Vision: Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach him how to fish, he will eat for a lifetime. “Children First“ foundation operates in these fields: - Support with technical and financial aids in the rehabilitation of schools and kindergartens; provision with equipments, teaching aids and formative training. - Provision with basic education especially for those who have been deprived of this service illiterate children and children of the streets. - Education and professional development for all group ages; - Psychological assistance and social integration for children’s with disabilities. - Psychological assistance for traumatized children who have witnessed wars and armed conflicts ; - Conflict resolution and promotion of ethnic coexistence; - Medical assistance in other countries for those children with rare diseases who can not be treated in Albania; - Rehabilitation and provision with equipments of health centers and formative training for medical staff; - Direct interventions in the environment and environmental education for improvement of the quality of air/life in all Albanian territory; - Capacity building and support to Local Government.

Main Projects / Activities

“School Regeneration Continuous Program” Actually, CFF is implementing the fifth phase (27 Dec’08- 27 Dec’10) of School Regeneration Program in Dajçi and Velipojë Communes of Shkodra region and respectively in two united schools called “Nikollë Zagoriani” and “Dajç”. The first and second phase of The Program SRP (Feb’00-Apr’01 and Nov’04-Nov’05) were implemented in 7 (elementary, secondary and middle schools) of Muhur and Maqellare communes in Dibra region. Shkodra city was the location of the third phase of The Program SRP (Feb’06-July’07) project beneficiaries were the schools with the biggest number of students in city “Ndre Mjeda” and “Deshmoret e Prishtines”. In April 2009 ended the forth phase of the 18 month project implemented in three schools “Dom Mikel Gjergji”, “Harku i Berdices” and “Federik Gjoni” of Berdice commune, Shkodra region. School Regeneration Program in all phases has been funded by AECID (Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo) through RESCATE (Spanish NGO). Beneficiaries of the projects in these five phases have been 14 schools, more than 230 teachers, 5000 students and 10 representatives of Education Directorate in the two regions. The selection of the schools was based on the priority list of Regional Education Directorates in the selected areas. CFF has build good collaboration with Local and Education authorities during all phases of the program in order to smooth the implementation of program activities. The aim of the program is to improve the quality of education according the philosophy of Children Rights Convention, providing community support and establishing mechanisms for improving teaching approaches, education environment and creation of substantial material basic for teaching and learning. Program objectives are: - Improvement of physical infrastructure and learning environment of the schools; herewith CFF has worked with community members to prioritize rehabilitation activities using transparent and efficient procurement practices in a short period of time. - Involvement of parents, students, school teachers, representatives of LA and ED to participate actively in school related issues. Through training organized by CFF, they learned to organize and design activities for school maintenance and school based activities, and upgraded the capacities of students’ government and school board to collaborate with Local Authorities and other state structures in order to sustain the maintenance of their school. - Improvement of quality of teaching in the schools. CFF based on the national strategy for education approved by MoE and according the needs of school teachers select topics of teacher training and conducted teacher-training session on new methodology such as: child centre approach, critical thinking, interaction in the classroom, multiple intelligence in the classroom, class management ecc. For further improvement of education quality in schools, CFF established Resource Centre’s furnished with professional literature, artistic books, didactic materials and assets that will help school teachers, students and community to build professional capacities and organize meetings and extracurricular activities shaped on their needs. - Increase community awareness on Children Rights and Child Trafficking issues. CFF established in the project schools Task Forces with the active participation of students’ government and teachers and community members. Task Forces have been the promoters of the campaign in their community. Training for capacity building on children rights and child trafficking has been organized by CFF for students’ government and teachers and social worker. A comprehensive awareness campaign involving TV spots, distribution of posters and leaflets, exhibitions and sport activities was organized in each site of the program implementation with purpose dissemination of information in these areas. Beside these activities a considerable number of community members had the opportunity to participate in summer camps and community based courses such as: hand craft, tailoring, cooking, electrician, computer and English language courses. “Peace building in Kosovo” Another project funded by AECID through RESCATE is being implemented in Kosovo. The 24 month project “Peace building in Kosovo” (Sep’08-Sep’10) was preceded by a 6 months identification phase which started in September 2007. The project in being implemented in Istog where are living different ethnic groups. The goal of the project is to create a peaceful and stable framework (which makes feasible a prevention of conflicts) in Istog Community, through the protection of Vulnerable People (especially Children with Special Needs). Part of the project consisted in the construction of a center named Ludoteca which is designed for several activities with children from Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian and RAE communities; using different approaches, Ludoteca will offer special services for children in need (from different ethnic groups) in this area such as: psychological assistance for traumatized children and rehabilitative activities for children with disabilities. A personal file collecting data on children clinical history and progress will be created and an Individual Education Plan will be elaborated for all beneficiaries of Ludoteca services. A minibus called Ludobus is travelling all over Istog area organizing activities in the villages with children who for different reasons can’t benefit from Ludoteca. Beside this awareness activities to promote coexistence between Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian and RAE communities are being implemented during the project. CFF is organizing trainings for teachers, social workers, parents and students designed and conducted by experts in the field of conflict resolution, coexistence and children rights. Sportive activities, role plays and exhibitions will support the elaboration of the messages delivered during training sessions. Radio and TV spot campaigns leaflets and posters will involve all the community of Istog during the project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Flamur Gorica
Head of the organisation
Flamur Gorica

Fondacioni Se Bashku

National Network

Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Blloku "Gintash" , Objekti nr.2, Zyra nr.14 - Tiranë

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We are an organisation that promotes the rights of persons with disabilities in Albania. We are founded by group of young people with disabilities. We rely on funding from donors to carry out a democracy such as training and advocacy. Our main donors are UNDP, USAID and other international organisations

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote the rights of persons with disabilities at a local and national level, in compliance with the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with a special focus on: Supporting and raising the capacities of local disability organisations in order to strengthen their influence and activism in the communities Working with local and central government for the enforcement of the rights of persons with disabilities Using the media for raising awareness on disability issues Contributing to an inclusive approach of the Albanian society towards persons with disabilities.

Main Projects / Activities

We focus mainly on the right to accessibility for persons with disabilities, the right to Independent living and other rights

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We aim to bring the perspective of persons with disabilities to the network in Albania and to contribute for a more inclusive and accessible society for persons with disabilities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to learn from the experiences and contributions of the other members of the network and we want to grow our experience in intercultural dialogue in Albania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suela Lala
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Suela Lala

Futuré Center

National Network

Rr.Vaso Pasha, nr.7, Tirane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

1. Futuré Center is a non-governmental organization founded in January 2010 in Tirana, Albania. Its management consists of 2 entities: The Board of Directors (3) and the Executive Staff (2), AADF and OSCE. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year is 30.000 €. 3. Donors are the main source of funding. 4. Modalities of action o Lead Albania – 7-year training programme which provides young Albanian professionals with first-hand experience in the process of governing Albania, such as: Prime Ministry, Office of the President, Ministries, and Municipality of Tirana. o Albanian Macroeconomic Indicators Report (2009-2015) o Strategy of Human Resources; Action Plan and Administrative Reform in the Albanian Assembly o Training in Youth empowerment in the promotion of gender equality 5. Our partners: AccaInternazionale della Dieta Mediterranea Italiana; The HeadHunter; Association Européenne des Référents; Union of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Albania; Regione Liguria; UNIONE CAMERE ESPERTI EUROPEI;

Mission and Objectives

Future Center aims to contribute to the development of the country through a multidisciplinary approach, which combines research, analysis and studies, with action-based projects, initiatives and other promotional activities in various fields, including but not limited to the economic, social and political realms of the Albanian society. We help to build trust between institutions, organizations and community – a task we feel is crucial for conditions of our commonwealth, also we add value to our society.

Main Projects / Activities

• Trainings: Design and delivery of training modules and revision of administrative guidelines for social administrators on the scoring formula for NE for pilot areas • Projects: Provisional of technical assistance to the government of Albania for the development of a methodology on the stock & flow analysis of the children resident in all public and non-public institutions in Albania • Studies: Futuré Center implemented various projects in collaboration with the Executive Staff, Scientific Committee and External Experts. • Research: It has conduced several researches in the field of

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Futuré contributes to the economic, social and political development of the country in cooperation with economic operators, governmental and non-governmental institutions, and international organizations, through comparative analysis, studies, surveys, trainings, publications and promotional activities in all areas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To facilitate linkages in the Mediterranean as well as to develop more effective and innovative projects in the specific fields that ALF and Futuré operate commonly. Additionally, to support region-wide initiatives and campaigns in the fields of youth, education, media, culture, gender and intercultural research. And since our strong weapon is advocacy through dialog, we strongly believe we could make a beneficial cooperation.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Iris Murati
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Arben Shkodra

Gender Alliance for Development Center

National Network

Rr. "Abdyl Frasheri", P 10/1, shk.1 , ap.3, Tirana
P.O Box 2418


00 355 4 2 25 55 14
00 355 4 2 25 55 15
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 355 68 20 59 301
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Structure: GADC is a women-issues oriented organization, that often involves men in it’s projects in order to achieve gender equality. The center has a staff of 6 women and 1 man and is lead by a woman. The Board is made of three women and two men, taking into consideration that the center is constantly trying to involve more men in the projects, in order to get better results in its efforts to achieve gender equality in Albania. The Board Chair is a woman with a long expertize in Civil Society.7 (seven) full time staff and 4 part time staffAn average of 4 to 5 interns or volunteers support the team. They are mostly students of Social Sciences and are very helpful for the staff. Budgetary resources: Vary from 250000 EUR-350000 EUR Sources of funding: Kvinna Till Kvinna, Cordaid, Austrian Development Agency, Swiss Cooperation Office in Tirana, UNDP, UNIFEM, OSFA, IWP, CCFD, Spanish Agnecy for International Coomeration, European Delegation in Albania, American Embassy etc. Modalities of action: Training, Researches, Experience Exchanges, Seminars, Conferences, summer schools, projects, publications Main Partners: Albanian Network Against Gender Violence and Trafficing, Albanian Women Empowrment Network, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Chances, Directory of Equal Chances,Ministry of Education Faculty of Social Sciences – Gender Studies Institute,National Institute of Statistics,Journalism Department at the Faculty of History and Philology,Centers for Democratic Civil Education: Departments of Education in differnet cities of Albania.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: It aims at creating equal opportunities between the sexes through: gender sensitive information, studies, research, advocacy, lobbying, and training courses under a gender perspective.
• Collecting and processing opinions and views of groups that benefit from the planning, implementation and evaluation of different projects;
• Raising the awareness of different groups on gender issues, while providing them with a new perspective; addressing problems that Albanian women face in different areas, such as: poverty, low participation in decision-making, domestic violence, trafficking, low access for information, etc;
• Gathering, processing and distributing information on social issues;
• Consolidating the network of collaborators all over Albania;
• Studying social problems from a gender perspective;
• Promoting and supporting women participation in decision-making; increasing the beneficiaries’ number (organizations and individuals) through expanding and improving services provided. ‘

Main Projects / Activities

My new book on gender equality; Mainstreaming Gender Equality in High School Curricula
Mainstreaming Gender Equality into the School Curricula
Women's Rights as Human Rights
Domestic Violence on the focus of the Media
Respecting the labour rights of women in Albania as a means to reduce the feminisation of poverty
Increase the capacities of Service providers on offering assistance to trafficing victims
Equity in Governance

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Arqimandriti - Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Valdet Sala - Board Chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Eranda Ndregjoni - Project Coordinator

H.Ali Korça Foundation

National Network

Rr. George W. Bush Nr. 50

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The "Hafiz Ali Korça" Foundation stands as an autonomous, non-partisan, and non-membership foundation established by the Muslim Community of Albania. It is a nonprofit organization aimed at contributing towards the deepening of knowledge and recognition of education processes, post-university qualifications, training in various fields, professional training, inter-institutional cooperation, scientific research methodology, and other related fields.

Mission and Objectives

The H. Ali Korca Foundation manages and supports Beder University, a non-profit higher education institution in Albania. The university significantly impacts young individuals who face economic or other challenges in accessing higher education in Albania and the surrounding region.

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization is committed to supporting young individuals throughout their educational journey by providing essential resources such as housing, scholarships, and other forms of support. We believe that by investing in the education of young people, we can create a brighter future for our society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ornela Kola
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr.Skender Bruçaj