
Association For You

National Network

157 Makedonia street

00359 52600765
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00359 898 819160
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Association FOR YOU is a non-governmental organization registered under the Bulgarian law. The organization exists since June 2009 and has no branches. At the moment in the organization work 9 persons - economists, social workers, IT specialists, psychologists and students. FOR YOU raise funds by applying for national and international projects, by providing social services for people in disadvantage situation as well as donations. Due to the short existence of FOR YOU its funds are still very low. Most important projects of the organization are the international projects SATURN and “Bridges of good neighborhood” , aiming at prevention of illegal migration and volunteer return of migrants from Russia and CIS countries residing on the territory of Bulgaria, Germany and Poland. Association FOR YOU work together with NGOs and institutions in Bulgaria as well as the German organization AWO , SWIP in Poland , “Hope and Help” NGO in Armenia etc.

Mission and Objectives

Association FOR YOU oriented towards the problems of socially disadvantaged people. Our mission is to work for and to support socially disadvantaged people , especially people with disabilities, their families and organizations. We believe in the equal rights and opportunities of everyone for a worthy life. Our main objectives are :To support the integration of people with disabilities; To promote democratic practices and development of civil society; To support the artistic, cultural and spiritual expression of people with disabilities; To encourage youth participation in public life; To draw on youth development issues; To contribute for solving the issues of socially disadvantaged people; To work for solving problems and respecting the rights of children and youth; To cooperate and work towards achieving lasting contacts and cooperation between NGOs and state authorities; To mobilize civil potential for solving issues of socially disadvantaged people

Main Projects / Activities

Project SATURN - an abbreviation for "Social Advice, Return and Support Networking Project for the Ukraine" as are the tasks and objectives of the project. The implementation of its task was realized in cooperation of Ukraine and four European partner countries: Germany, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. This project is addressed to Ukrainian immigrants who legally or illegally reside in the four countries mentioned above and who wish to return to their country of origin. Project 'Bridges for good Neighborhood' . The goal of this project is to prevent illegal migration from Russia and in Russia, and to improve opportunities for legal migration. The basis for achieving this objective is to establish a network of Euro-Asian non-governmental organizations, developing and covering different aspects of the migration management. The European Community assists to this project under the program "Cooperation with third countries on migration and asylum”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elina Raynova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Antonina Atanasova
Contact (2) Full Name
Elina Raynova

Association Forum Science

National Network

127, Rakovski Str., Floor 3, Office 301, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Association Forum Science is a nonprofit non-governmental organization originated in 2011 by several people with familiar interests in the field of education, science, culture and youth activities. The co-founders may be just a few but we have worked with many volunteers in our projects. We cherish working with different people from various background and tha is the way we manage most of our projects. Our members attend different types of activities in order to improve themselves and to develope their own ideas. Our partners have been: Training Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,Program “Space Challenges”, Union of Physicists in Bulgaria,Festival of Bulgarian Education,Sofia Festival of Science,Publishing “Colibri” and many others.
Mission and Objectives

The Forum Science Association's missions are to spread and popularize the novelties of science and culture mostly among young people.
Untill now our organisation's attention has been concentrated mostly in the field of science and the different ways of popularizing it. Now we would like to turn to culture and the arts, participate and manage more projects and activities acknowledging the connection between arts and science in order to promote a more holistic perception of the society

Main Projects / Activities

These are some of the activities in which our members have participated and/or managed:
- Festival of Bulgarian Education - 2009, 2010 and 2011
- Participation in the organization of the first to Bulgaria “Sofia festival of science” – 2011 and 2012
- Paticipation in the organizationpoetry reading under the “festival of Bulgarian education” – 2011
- Paticipation in the organization in Space education program “Space Challenges“ - 2010 and 2011
- Participation in youth exchange "Reconcilg our differences"- Donegal, Ireland,2010
- Participated in Q4Q training course in Estonia, 2011

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We feel that the time has come in Bulgaria to work for improving the intercultural and interfaithial communication. We have been doing researches on minorities in Bulgaria and on the Balkans. This is very painful topic in our area and it is very difficult to sustain calm and positive relationship establishing that Diversity is Richness but we feel that it is something we should work on. So, for those of our future projects we think that it would be useful if we could call ourself part of the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network would be very helpful to our organization and hopefully to many others too because it is a great place for finding fellow thinking people from various countries and backgrounds exploring so many areas of interest. We believe that in such thriving diversity it would be easier for us to find partners and to expand our minds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Georgieva, g.iva.georgieva@gmail.com
Head of the organisation
Rosen Teodosiev
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosen Teodosiev, rosen@nauka.bg

Association International Initiatives for Cooperation

National Network

Ekzarh Yosif Str. Razlog 2760 . P.O. Box 37
2760 Bulgaria

00359 898 522 414
00359 747 80691
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” (IIC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 2003. The association is working on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, having its head office in the town of Razlog. The mission of the association is to develop and build up the capacity of the civil society in Bulgaria through designing and implementing different projects, activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the cultural, social and economic development of the country and respectively of the municipalities on its territory. In order to achieve its mission the association has directed its efforts in the following fields: YOUTH WORK: The organisation invests a lot of resources in building up the capacity and the potential of young people in various aspects of their personal and professional development. The young people that take part in the activities of the organisation and that collaborate on initiatives and projects grow up into conscious multipliers of the best practices and the philosophy of the organisation and spread the common human values in their communities. With the support of the association the volunteers develop, implement and take part in a number of projects such as seminars, training courses and youth exchanges related to different topics. They promote active citizenship and sustainable development through organising various initiatives and proposing alternative forms of behaviour and attitude towards community problems.  SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The association engages different groups in addressing and solving community issues. The members of the association provoke citizens’ critical thinking and help them elaborate tailor-made appropriate solutions to local community problems thus giving them the active role to build their own personal, social, cultural, political and economic life in the community. The organisation creates ad-hoc groups to tackle issues of concern for the local development. Also, there are voluntary teams of different age, interests and nationalities who support the local development proposing multidisciplinary, multifaceted and multicultural approaches. CULTURE Since 2007, association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” is the Head of the Bulgarian Network of “Anna Lindh – Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures”. Since then the organisation has been implementing a number of activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the intercultural dialogue among the civil society in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Med region. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Since its very beginning IIC is developing and implementing a number of activities aimed at creating equal opportunities, improving the quality of life of people with fewer opportunities, fighting discrimination and xenophobia and promoting tolerance among members of the civil society. Some of the most significant activities in this field are the construction of a sheltered home for elderly people, establishment and development of a resource center for young people, reducing juvenile delinquency, surveys and researches concerning the roots and manifestations of racism and xenophobia and methods and approaches to fight these manifestations. TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION Since 2003 IIC have been implementing a number of activities related to the improvement of the transparency and accountability of the state administration. The most significant projects in this field consist of the delivery of trainings related to good and transparent governance and the delivery of quality services to citizens by the municipal officials and people working in the judicial system. FUNDAMENTAL CIVIL RIGHTS The association has been actively involved in providing services to citizens both with the purpose of encouraging their active participation and building awareness about their rights as citizens of Bulgaria and Europe. Researches have been made, trainings have been delivered and information has been regularly provided to certain vulnerable groups. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IIC also works towards the promotion of economic development. The most significant activity in that field is a project financed by “6th Framework Programme” which aims at providing services and support to companies working in the field of renewable energy production. IIC has already made a step towards developing and implementing projects and initiatives related to alternative sustainable tourism and offering consultancy and logistic support to SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in the process of European integration and the implementation of projects financed by the European structural funds.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organisation is to support the sustainable social, economic and cultural development of the local communities. The main objectives of the Association are:  Development and strengthening the spiritual values and the civic society on the basis of the principles of democracy; stimulating the civic participation in the local self-government and the decision-making process and the process of establishing relationship and respect towards civic rights and responsibilities; contributing to the development of a national and local capacity that will stimulate and support the social and economic development of the country and the target region including the stimulation for developing industry, agriculture, trade, services, tourism in all its forms (cultural, historic, religious, business and congress, rural, medical, ecotourism, etc.), intellectual labour and others, also through assistance to attract funds and implement projects; supporting the family business, small and medium-sized enterprises; development and implementation of measures to fight poverty; socialization of the disabled, the poor and those that need help in their personal realization; development of education, health services and sports; enrichment of culture with European values and the culture of different ethnic, religious and social groups, living in the country and the region through activities for interethnic and intercultural integration, communication and acceptance of differences; harmonic co-existence with the different ethnos and religious tolerance; assisting the institutions, the local authorities and the non-profit making organizations to solve conflicts that arise on the basis of everyday life and age differences, social, economic and ethnic reasons; protection of the environment and the biological development; active cooperation with the other non-profit making organizations with the purpose to increase the capacity and the role of the civic sector in public life; improving the image of the country abroad as well as the image of Mesta Region and all municipalities on its territory in the country and abroad; Development and implementation of activities for youth development and application of local, national and international (European) policies and strategies.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth in Action, Action 4.4 2009-4774/4004-001 IIC youthNET 4 News Europe for Citizens 2010-1909/001-001 IIC PEACE Youth in Action 3.2 2010-3420/001-001 IIC Steps4 NGOs Youth in Action 3.1.2 BG-11-A3.1.2-296-R2 IIC Building Euromediterranean Cooperation through EVS Anna Lindh Foundation ALF-CFT/2012/01 IIC NSDS Step 5 Youth in Action 2 BG-11-A2-532-R5 IIC Make a Difference Nepal “MaD Nepal” Justice JUST/2012/FRAC/AG/2722 PAR Association, Portugal Community of Citizens: EU Youth sharing their values Justice JUST/2012/FRAC/2868 National Institute for Social Integration, Lithuania The Address of Human Rigths Journalism Europe for Citizens 2011-3875/001-001 IIC MOViE Youth in Action 3.2 2012-3239/001-001 IIC Steps In Youth in Action 2 BG11/A2/532/R5 IIC WINNEVS Operational Programme Trasnational and Interregional Cooperation BG051PO001-7.0.01-0066 IIC MOST Youth in Action 2 2012-5376/001-001 IIC Make a Difference-Mexico “MaD Mexico” Youth in Action 1.1 BG13/A1.1/101/R1 IIC Cultural MIsh-Mash Youth in Action 2 541521-2-BG-2013-R1 IIC WINNEVS2 Youth in Action 2 2013-5292/001-001 IIC Make a Difference- Vietnam “MaD Vietnam” Anna Lindh Foundation ALF-CTF/2013/17 IIC NSDS_Step 6 Erasmus + Capacity Building 2014-1124 / 001-001 IIC STEPs4LIFE

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Kostadinka Todorova
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Ms. Kostadinka Todorova
Contact (2) Full Name
David Raigal
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator

Association International Management Institute (IMI)

National Network

3 Bulgaria Str
9300 Dobrich


+359 58 655 628
Telephone (other)
+359 58 655 620
+359 58 605 760
Mobile Phone
+359 885 398 676
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Association "International Management Institute" (IMI) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1993. It is managed by the Chairman of the Managing Board with a contract for management and additionally employed administrative personnel in the position of director and assistant. IMI is represented by its Chairman. Founders and members of IMI are the Municipality Balchik and the Dutch high school in tourism Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht. Its members count 222 towards December 2006, among them are prominent economic structures, scientific workers, students, managers in the tourism industry, etc. The Association is founder of one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Bulgaria - International College Albena which is a private high school, created under a project of Hoge Hotelschool Maastricht, Netherlands, as part of the Dutch Government Program for collaboration with Central and Eastern Europe and the bilateral agreement for collaboration between Bulgaria and Holland from 1993. The full-time staff of the International Management Institute consists of 13 persons. However its activities are implemented by the members of the High School International College Albena - 50 persons full-time staff, International College Ltd.- 26 persons full-time staff and the team of the Accountancy Company "Inter" - 3 certified accountants.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of IMI is to work toward establishment of effective community environment for development in Bulgaria through innovating and improving the quality of education together with the quality of living.
Some of the strategic objectives of the Association are:
- Development of the higher education in tourism, management, marketing and other business related qualifications and their implementation in practice;
- Improving of the regional tourism potential;
- Improving the quality of living in the north-east region of Bulgaria by encouraging the development of tourism and other business spheres traditional for the region;
Development of strategies for human resources management and consultancy in human resources development;
- Supporting the development of civil society in Bulgaria and promoting the education in Europian citizenship through trainings, consultancy and other activities;
- Facilitation of the integration of young people in the community by encouraging their initiativeness;
- Stimulating the integration and implementation of innovative approaches in the tourism sphere by more intensive use of communication and information technologies;
- Supporting community integration of minority and vulnerable groups by supporting NGOs and other organisations engaged in working on their issues through providing consultancy and opportunities for qualification and pre-qualification of their members.

Main Projects / Activities

The association is a good example for established successful public-private partnership among different types of organizations with the common purpose to achieve sustainable regional development, increased qualification of human resources, provision of equal access to education for people in unequal social position, elderly people, people with disabilities. The main activities of the International Management Institute are: providing consultancy and management activities; preparation of information materials; selection of professional trainers and experts; training and retraining activities; improving the qualification of the academic staff; preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management; providing training for increasing the qualification; professional training. IMI has long-lasting experience in organizing international forums, seminars and training modules; development of information and advertisement materials; organizing media events, etc. The Association has the know-how and experience in training and education of adults, experience in new methods of education and international image.
Some of the major projects IMI worked on:
"Concepr for methodlogy for horizontal control in the administration"
"Eco and rural tourism - alternative employment in the region of Dobrich and municipality of Antonovo"
"Planning of local economical development in the municipality of Kaolinovo";
"Our enemy is corruption, not the government"

Contact (1) Full Name
Venera Zasheva
Head of the organisation
Associate Prof. Todor Radev

Association Mosaic

National Network

Ivan Vasov Str.12
Kableshkovo 8210

00359 888 666 270
Telephone (other)
00359 878 883 163
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Association Mosaic was set up in December 2012 in Kableshkovo, a small town in the Municipality of Pomorie. The Mosaic Association consists of 15 members. It is managed by a board of 3 members. The main partners of Mosaic are Association d'Éducation Populaire i.PEICC (France, Montpellier), Elvis Platinee (France, Sumene), Bouillon Cube,(France, La Grange), the Municipality of Pomorie, Bulgaria, In cooperation with these partners Mosaic is going to execute its first project funded by Youth in Action Programme, action 1.3. Youth Democracy Projects. In foreseeable future Mosaic plans to organize activities such as volunteering services, youth exchanges, and preparation of local events.

Mission and Objectives

The establishment of the Association was motivated by the idea of increasing the activity and mobility of the young people from small towns and villages through their involvement in youth initiatives and exchanges. The mission of Mosaic is to make a difference in the social life of the young people. The objectives of the Association are: - to support personal and professional development of the young people from geographically isolated villages and rural areas; - to encourage their participation in the life of the community; - to stimulate the exchange of ideas and intellectual values, and the cooperation between the young people - to support the creation and implementation of youth policies.

Main Projects / Activities

The pilot project of Mosaic called JEUNES CITOYENS: A VOUS LA PAROLE starts in June 2013. Mosaic is a project partner of i.PEICC. Public partners of the project are the Municipality of Pomorie, Bulgaria and Department Herault, France. The project is funded by Youth in Action Programme. The project aims to meet young people living in two rural areas of Europe. In the framework of the project these young people will exchange ideas for leisure activities and youth participation in local community life. Through the tools of music and dance the project will contribute for livening up the towns in which it will take place.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Mosaic team consists of highly motivated young people who have a wide range of social and intercultural competencies, plus considerable experience in the creation and management of youth projects and leading youth groups. We would like to work in cooperation with organizations part of the ALF Network (Bulgaria) and to execute common initiatives, to exchange best practices, ideas and experience. We would like to work for increasing the recognition of the ALF Network among the NGOs, young people and community in the region of Burgas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

With its activities Mosaic aims to contribute for encouraging the young people living in small towns in Bulgaria feel a part of Europe and the world as it offers them various opportunities for leisure activities, mobility, inclusion in voluntary services and training courses. Through the participation in the ALF Network Mosaic could find new partners within the network and by this way the organization would be able to increase its range of activities for young people. It is really important for us to offer young people opportunity to explore cultures and traditions of many and different countries as well as encouraging them to present their own country. We also believe that it is important to improve constantly the skills and competencies of the team members through training courses and forums in the field of non-formal education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Gogova
Head of the organisation
Evgeniya Meserdzhieva

Association of Slow Food Convivia in Bulgaria

National Network

9, Pierre Degeytre Str., bl. 3, app. 39

+359 885 432 540
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The organization includes about 80 members. Its board consist of 7 people with different backgronud relevant to the objectives of the NGO. No permanent staff so far. Main partner is Slow Food International based in Italy and NGOs in the Balkans and Europe dealing with protection of local food, traditional farming, sustainable rural development. Main budgetary resources are projects and donations from Slow Food International. Potential sources of funding are various donor programs, structural EU funds. Slow Food Bulgaria implements projects, organizes exchanges of farmers and other relevant stakeholders and seminars for raising the awareness on food origin, quality and fare payment to its producers in Bulgaria. Apart from the organizations from the international Slow Food Network partners of Slow Food Bulgaria are also local authorities (municipalities and mayoralties) as well as the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Sofia University. Agrarian University in Plovdiv, private business entities in the field of tourism and farming.
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the Applicant organization are:
1. To discover, document and restore the rural culture including food traditions in different parts of Bulgaria and promote it as a part of the national heritage and an instrument for sustainable development of local communities;
2. To create partnerships at national, regional (Balkan Peninsula) and transnational (SEE) level thus preserving the existing agro-biodiversity, food culture, rural heritage and to increase the well being of the related local communities;
3. To promote Bulgarian food culture and traditions and related livelihoods at international forums.
The goals are achieved through systematic research of rural areas in Bulgaria, various information campaigns for different target groups, networking with organizations and institutions in the country and abroad in the respective domains, elaboration of legal regulations and action plans for protection of the food culture, consultancy on relevant topics, implementing projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Slow Food movement in Bulgaria exists since 2004. In 2009, on its basis was registered the Association of Slow Food Convivia in Bulgaria (Slow Food Bulgaria). Main activities:
- Research of local food and preservation of traditional knowledge for food production
- Promotion of local food among Bulgarian consumers at festivals, exhibitions, etc.
- Promotion of Bulgarian food at international forums
- Elaboration of legal documents related to on-farm food production and its direct sale
- in 2010 was organized the first regional forum Terra Madre Balkans at which took part representatives from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo. At a discussion forum in Sofia University was discussed how to protect local food and rural heritage in the Balkans. At a parallel Food Market was demonstrated the quality and economic potential of local food to the visitors of the event.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Dessislava Dimitrova

Association on Refugees and Migrants

National Network

6 "Ljulin Planina" 6, Sofia 1606, Bulgaria

+ 359 2 952 01 63
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 896 390 572
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

1. Structure: Board, President, Staff: two part-time employed persons: Executive Director & Accountant; Relevant partners & volunteers, depending on the project 2. Budget: 2009: 12,000 GBP; 2010: 3,500 GBP 3. Sources & Funding: Donor Organizations, Foundations, International Organizations 4 Modalities of action: concrete research projects, exchanges, seminars, national & international conferences 5. BHC; UNHCR; Open Society; ECRE; Bet Debora Network; ISSRPL; Pancho Vladigerov Museum & Foundation; Organization of Bulgarian Jews 'Shalom'; IPhR-BAS;

Mission and Objectives

The Association on Refugees and Migrants–Bulgaria (ARM-BG), is a registered Charity, partnering over the years many organizations, and was established in the year of 2000 as a social innovation and inter-cultural forum, research institute and legal instrument for exploring, communicating and protecting the rights and life space of Bulgarian and EU old (ethnic minorities)and new minorities (refugees & migrants).

Main Projects / Activities

ARM-BG activities: 1. Advocacy & Legal Protection: 2000 & 2002 Open Society and UNHCR sponsored Projects for pro-bono legal protection of refugees & migrants; 2002: Participation in drafting the Asylum & Migration Law of Bulgaria; 2. Publications: 2000- 2002 monthly magazine: “The Refugees Today & Tomorrow”; Articles: "Anpassung an die Asyl-und Einwanderungspolitic der EU", Asyl in Osteuropa: Vor der Festung Europa (Gegen Ost-West Informationen N: 4/2000,Vienna, Dez.2000; “The Adaptation of Bulgaria to the EU Asylum and Immigration Policies”, published in “Asylum in the Countries of the Shengen Periphery, Ljubljana, 2001”; “Challenges and Implications of European ‘Replacement Migration’ Policy”, Berlin, 2007, Irmgard Coninx Stiftung; Book: “The Asylum Door and Migration Window-Subsidiary forms of Protection", Sofia 2002, ISBN: 954 9738-08-6; 3. Conferences: Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2000: “National Round Table on Migration”; Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2000: Organizer of ECRE/ICVA International Conference on “Refugee Issues in South-Eastern Europe; 2009 International Conference on: "Migration, Communication & Home; Jewish Tradition, Change and Gender in a Global Context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Tania Reytan-Marincheshka
Head of the organisation
Tania Reytan-Marincheshka
Contact (2) Full Name
Magie Nazer

Association Regional Partnership for Sustainable Development -Vidin (RPSD)

National Network

Bulgaria, 3700 Vidin j.k "Vasil levski" blcok 5, entr. "V",app.33

00 359 898 929297
00 359 94 621 664
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The association' s structure consists of Board members - chairpreson, secretary and member, as well as controll commission. The annually available budget is up to 50 000 euro.The sources of funding is secured by project based initiatives under different programmes and private donations. The project endorsed for funding and implemented are related to cultural trainings and organzing of festivals , environmental education, cultural exchange. The main partners are cultural institutions and organziations, municipalities, NGOs and others at national and international level.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is to assist the democracy and comunity development local, regional, national and international. The objectives of the association are related to securing support for defending dignity of people and promotion of economic and social cohesion between regions through promotion of different cultural intitiatives, support for tourism and environment.

Main Projects / Activities

The association RPSD has extensive experience and high proffessional experts available for project design and implementation. Experience under European programmes Phare - "Social inclusion beyond the stereotypes" -promoting cultural dialogue between majority and minorities. Endorsed for funding project under Territorial cooperation programme between Romania and Bulgaria 2007-2013 "E-79 Cultural dialogue between Romania and Bulgaria". The association implemented project as partnering organziation in the sphere of environment portection and tourism development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miglena Todorova - Secretary
Head of the organisation
Rosen Tvetkov - Chairperson

Atr gallery Sliven

National Network

Tzar Osvoboditel 13
8800 Sliven

359 44622083
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Art Gallery "Dimitar Dobrovich" is an authoritative, cultural, artistic and educational centre in regional and national plan. The Gallery has been founded in 1905. It has four separate buildings with a total expositional area of above 3000 square meters and above 2000 square meters for storage areas. Eighteen people work in the Gallery – director, three curators, a fund-keeper, a decorator-exhibitions, a maintenance worker, two restores, and seven informants. The curators, besides their fund activity, perform all technical activities related to the preparation and exposure of the exhibitions, participate in the preparation of the cultural calendar of the gallery and the carrying out of inventory, prepare the main documents related to the funds. The tour-guides are in charge of the advertisement activity, the maintenance of the site, facebook account and the twitter page of the Gallery. The funding of the Gallery comes from the Municipality of Sliven with a voted annual budget. It has also been funded by different projects which the Gallery applies for, own resources, tickets, concerts and others. The Gallery works with all galleries in the country for the dissemination of the Bulgarian Art. It spreads out foreign culture with the cooperation of the cultural institutions and embassies. It organizes children's forums, creative workshops, competitions and concerts. It attracts young creators belonging to elementary, high-schools and higher educational institutions and also the children from various art schools. The Gallery organizes art forums, round-tables and university conferences, aiming to give the chance to young authors present their art. Annually the Gallery organizes thematic, genre and style exhibitions of national importance. The Gallery is a holder of the following awards: 2014- Award of the Bulgarian Association of the Employers in the Sphere of Culture for Work with Young People, 2013- “Golden Muse” Award of the Russian Cultural-information Centre-Sofia, 2012 – “Sirak Skitnik” honorary plaqueс of the Bulgarian National Radio, 2011- Diploma for high professionalism-Sofia.
Mission and Objectives

•  Preservation, conservation and dissemination of the cultural inheritance
• Attracting and educating the young people in the spirit of the art
•  Validation of the Gallery as a regional, national and international cultural centre.
• Work for European programs and initiatives. 
•  Widening the contacts with similar structures and cultural institutions, with the European Union countries, Balkan countries and international organizations.
The Gallery has three separate buildings that are being developed and accessible, suitable for the organization and carrying out of cultural events. Each of the buildings has an individual architectural shape as the separate premises create an atmosphere of spirituality, giving on the one hand a chance for the arrangement of different thematic expositions and on the other hand creating the necessary atmosphere for perception of the visitors. This is a result of the targeted policies developed by the Gallery as the visitors have increased from 4 704 people in 2008 to 11691 people in 2014. Out of them 3867 have been children. The events in the halls of the Gallery in 2008 have been 15 in number and in 2014-63 in number. The sensitive increase of the attendance is a result of the atmosphere of hospitality- a consequence of the many projects with the participation of children, young people, representatives of ethnic minorities and others, organized and carried out by the Gallery. Exhibitions and events with ethnic character for different ages, educational expositions and concerts have been presented.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Gallery “Dimitar Dobrovich” has limited resources in terms of the realization of many activities, having direct relation to the Gallery’s policy for its establishment as a cultural centre for young people, authors and community. The development and realization of different projects, performed by the Gallery, create real preconditions for improving the expert capacity of the team, the quality of work and realization of a series of cultural events and activities at the local, regional and national level. Last but not least the implementation of different projects gives the Gallery a chance to form itself as a loyal partner and a beneficiary, having a capacity and an established name among the cultural and financing organizations and institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Gallery has a site and a Facebook account with a sub-page of the Summer Art School. They are supplied daily with new information, photo materials, messages for upcoming events and coverage of already opened exhibitions. To ensure the wider coverage of events, organized in the Gallery, its team collaborates with local and national journalists via a press-list.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Gallery would like to participate in the creation of common projects with similar organizations, both to present Bulgarian arts to the international arena and host international arts in Bulgaria. We would like to participate in projects related to cultural exchange, work with partners to create international network of cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Nencheva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniela Nencheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Hristina Dobreva
Job Title (2)

Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development (BASD)

National Network

p.b.138, 1680 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development (BASD) is an international non-governmental organization for the promotion of knowledge-based economy, sustainable development, civil society and social inclusion throughout the world. Its’ headquarter is located in Sofia, Bulgaria. BASD is a part of a wide network of non-for-profit and research organizations, regional agencies, governmental and other institutions in all Balkan and European countries, and in Central Asia and Middle East. At present, BASD has eight permanent collaborators (social scientists, economists, engineers). A network of external experts and selected partners is being involved in concrete projects. • Budgetary resources available in a year – BASD is newly established (in June 2009) • Sources of funding – Donations or grants. • Modalities of action - BASD specializes in complex implementation of and consulting on project cycle management focused on raising subsidies from European Union and other development funds. • Main partners – RDA Senec-Pezinok, Slovakia, Public Health Association, Bulgaria, Union of Macedonian women – Macedonia; Union of women entrepreneurs – Albania;Union of Bulgarian Journalists; International Academy of Architecture;

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: • Assisting local communities, governmental institutions and international organizations implement programs that directly support sustainable development initiative, especially in the field of education • Strengthening capacity for sustainable economic and social development • Providing economic opportunity and life long learning • Make business more socially aware and responsive to the needs of society in the international arena • Creating opportunities for exposure and interaction between people of different cultures and nations • Scalability, through partner organizations and networks • Influencing policy decisions at all levels • Addressing discrimination in all its forms • Encouraging a high level of cooperative reflection on the integration of ecological principles and traditional values in the economic planning and legal framework of developing economies. Values: • Activating Commitment • Demonstrating Integrity • Living Diversity • Enjoying Participation • Striving for Excellence

Main Projects / Activities

BASD is operating in the following scope of interventions: • Socio-economic development, coherence to EU and national policies of to achieve the objectives of the Lisbon agenda - a knowledge-based economy, sustainable development; • Applying, implementation and management of programs and funds financed by the European Union or other sources, including Technical assistance; • Consulting SMEs, Women's Entrepreneurship; • Energy efficiency and energy renewable sources; • Architecture; • Activities related to development of the labor market; • Activities related to development and preservation of human resources and policies in this area, demographic trends protecting human rights; • Education and lifelong learning, development of education and training; • Arts and Culture; • Social inclusion, social economy, social and health services; • Regional development, cross-border, transnational, interregional cooperation; • Tourism, Rural Development; • Fisheries and Aquaculture

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lalkovska
Head of the organisation
Anna Lalkovska
Contact (2) Full Name
Neli Lalkovska