
"Professor John Atanasov" Foundation

National Network

Sofia 1000, 11 Dondukov Blvd., fl. 2

+359 (2) 987 33 05
+359 (2) 987 33 05
Mobile Phone
+359 885716168
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The managing bodies of the foundation are the Board of Trustees and the manager. The Board of Trustees with 3 / three / years’ term mandate, consisting of: PETYA ANGELOVA GEORGIEVA – DONOVA, KIRIL NIKOLOV ZHELYAZKOV, PETAR ALEKSANDROV STOYANOV. The chairman of the Board of Trustees: KIRIL NIKOLOV ZHELYAZKOV. The manager of the foundation: PETAR ALEKSANDROV STOYANOV. The Foundation is represented by the Manager and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees jointly and separately. The sources of funding are mostly based on the trainings that the foundation organises and funding from international progammes. The modalities of action are the following: Conducting working meeting, seminars and conferences; Organizing various forms of training; finding and disseminating of information related to the realization of Bulgarian and international programmes in the field of Information Technology; Providing organizational, financial and Legal advice; Creating role models that provide conditions for the realization of the individual; Creation and distribution of printed and electronic publications; Publishing reports and other papers, related to the activities of the foundation; Elaborating of expert opinions and analyzes, organizing debates and proposals for legislative changes; Organizing research and implementation of research projects; Rendering methodological and technical support. Main partners involved in the implementation of activities are Institute for programmes and projects management, Foundation for transparent regulations, People's roots foundation, The faculty of Physics, Nish University, Serbia.
Mission and Objectives

The foundation is founded in 1995 in Sofia, Bulgaria to work for achieving the following goals:
• strengthening the reputation and position of Bulgarian IT experts as well as the professional realization of people in a new and dynamic work environment
• stimulating civil society activities in the context of Bulgaria’s membership in the European Union through economic and behavioral models
• promoting dialogue and cooperation of civil society with state and local authorities as well as economic entities in solving issues of public importance such as education, local governance and democracy.
The Foundation was established with the aim of providing opportunities for cooperation on a vast territory throughout Bulgaria and abroad. In response to the increasing penetration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in our everyday life and the pursuit of the ambitious goals set by the Bulgarian government in the area of information society, the Foundation established a reliable platform for territorial cooperation not only within the Republic of Bulgaria but also abroad. This conception is bolstered by the very nature of ICTs – they transcend national borders and contribute to globalization. The projects carried out by the Foundation in Bulgaria and Ireland are good examples of territorial cooperation in the area of information and communication technologies and emphasize their increasing importance.
Areas of expertise: information and communication technologies; overall project coordination, management and administration; conducting trainings and seminars, information and publicity activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Project experience:
Programme: Administrative Capacity Operational Programme, co-financed by the EU through the ESF
Project title: Strengthening the Capacity of the Prof. John Atanasov Foundation, 2008-2009
Short description: This project aimed at contributing to developing the capacity of civil society organizations and improvement of information exchange, best practices and cooperation between civil society and local governance. It consisted of elaboration of training programmes for civil society structures, organization of three local forums for exchange of information, publication of reference book on development, application and management of EU-funded projects, organization of summer project management academy.
Programme: Leonardo da Vinci Programme
Project title: Professional Practice Mobility for ICT Recruits, 2004-2005
Short description: The project was developed for persons passing primary vocational training at leading vocational secondary schools for information and communication technologies (ICT), with proven interest in creation and introduction of hardware and customized software solutions in industry. It provided the students passing primary vocational training of programming, hardware development and creation of networks with the opportunity for practical training in countries such as Great Britain and Germany.
Programme: CBC Bulgaria - Serbia IPA
Project title: Energy efficiency in households – a long road or just a step away, 2011-2012
Short description: Overall project objective:encouraging sustainable development and improving local well-being by creating pre-requisites for enhancing household energy efficiency.Specific objectives:To explain the meaning and the core concepts of energy efficiency;To raise awareness on energy efficiency and clarify the relations with energy consumption, protection of the environment and sustainable development; To clarify the outstanding obligations by law for ensuring energy efficiency that affect households; To educate household energy consumers with energy saving tips;To clarify the measures for improving energy efficiency in buildings;
To enable an affordable, intelligible and user-friendly tool for calculation of energy efficiency for households;Project Activities: Survey of the existing energy efficiency situation in both countries; Software development for household energy efficiency calculator;
Testing of the model calculator in Bulgaria and Serbia Development, activation and administration of common web site for energy efficiency in the households; Elaboration of bilingual brochure on energy efficiency in households and handbook with good practices;
Seminars on energy efficiency in the households. Project Results: Energy efficiency calculator;
Handbook with best practices; Educative bilingual brochure.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JAF can contribute to the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Values.
JAF members will share personal and organization experience and information. They will provide personal expertise for the benefit of the network activities, when it is needed. The foundation will pay respect and tolerance towards the other and strive to accomplish conscientiously the undertaken commitments and obligations. The foundation will be active and responsible in the processes of decision making and problem solving. In all activities JAF will respect the methods for achievement of significant goals. JAF will support and recognise Anna Lingh Foundation’s values through promoting and implementing its objectives and activities. It will strive to build sustainable partnerships in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Mediterranean region. JAF will propose interpellations and suggestions for the activity of the Network and its management structure and participate in the common initiatives of the Network. Furthermore, JAF will colaborate in order to help achievement of the missions and objectives of the National Network; actively disseminate information for the activity of the Network and to involve potential members in its activities and maintain the trust and tolerance between the Network Members. All engagements will be implemented conscientiously. Through implementaion of projects JAF will strive to contribute to the AFL network and National network objectives by realising specific aims at the fields of training, education,partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"Professor John Atanasov" Foundation (JAF) totally accepts, supports and encourage the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. They are basic for the development of human society. Becoming a member of ALF Network will give a chance for JAF to contibute to sustainable development of Euro-Mediterranean Region through mutual respect of the abovementioned values. JAF has interest in being a part of an organisation that affects the capacity for individuals and groups to share values and live together in the region. JAF also wants to contribute for further maintaining the dialogue between cultures, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in a long-term strategy to address the true causes - political, ideological and social - that have deepened and radicalised the human gap between the two shores of the Mediterranean. Moreover, JAF wants to be a member of ALF Network, because the Anna Lindh Foundation is addressing the ‘clash of ignorance’ between people living across the Mediterranean. ALF's causes are shared and supported by the 43 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Foundation can bring together the civil society of the region for intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future and that is the main reason for JAF to become a part of this organisation. The resourses of JAF can be of use for the following fields of action of the programme: Education and Youth; Values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petar Aleksandrov Stoyanov
Head of the organisation
Petar Aleksandrov Stoyanov

"Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley"NGO

National Network

71 General Kartsov Street

00359 888 054 233
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are a non-profit non-governmental organisation working at local, national and international level for the empowerment of youth. We are mainly project based with an annual budget of about 60 000 EUR plus the support of the Municipality of Karlovo which is our co-founder. Our NGO manages the Youth Information Centre of Karlovo in partnership with the municipality. For our international projects we have had partners from all European countries as we have partnered in more than 90 international projects since our establishment in 2007.

Mission and Objectives

Among our key priorities are: raising young people’ s awareness of the aching problems of our world, integration of socially disadvantaged and disabled people, fostering human rights, gender equality and intercultural dialogue. This we do through different initiatives such as: awareness raising campaigns, organizing local events, seminars, conferences, carrying out surveys, polling citizens’ opinion on different issues, taking part in intercultural youth projects.

Main Projects / Activities

We are very active in the "Youth in Action" programme as since our establishment we have hosted 6 multilateral youth exchanges, 2 training courses,2 seminars. Besides, we are an accredited SOHO for EVS. So far we have had 5 hosting and 4 sending EVS projects and we continue applying with new EVS projects. We have also partnered in three 1.3 Youth Democracy projects carrying out local research and initiatives as well as taking part in study visits abroad. Besides "Youth in Action" Programme we have worked under "Europe for Citizens" with three partner projects, the European Youth Foundation. We also get fuinding from various other national and international programmes such as the National programme for youth, "America for Bulgaria" Foundation, "Bulgarian Women's Fund" just to name a few.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our experience in non-formal intercultural education as well as with promoting the network and its opportunities among our many international partners and all the other networks we are members of.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF network so as to broaden the intercultural dialogue for our youth with partners from the EUROMED region.We were among the first Bulgarian NGOs who participated in the statutory meeting of the Bulgarian ALF network in 2009, signing all the internal network's documents.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsvetina Zaharlieva
Head of the organisation
Tsvetina Zaharlieva
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariya Chonlova Minkovska

*VM* Taste the Language #1

A series of Cross-Network activities has been organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation Head of Networks of Turkey, System and Generation Association, Association of Civil Society and Developm


*VM* Taste the Language #2

A series of Cross-Network activities has been organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation Head of Networks of Turkey, System and Generation Association, Association of Civil Society and Developm

14th National Youth Meeting in Gorna Oryahovitsa, Bulgaria

The topic of this year meeting will be „A Step in the Future”

„A Step in the Future”, our partners and friends from the Gorna Oryahovitsa Youth Parliament, which is part of the “Youth Tolerance” association from Gorna Oryahovitsa, invite you to the 14th National Youth Meeting on the theme “A Step into the Future”. The event will be held in the town of Gorna Oryahovitsa from 07/04/2023 to 09/04/2023. The main topic during the three-day forum will be the place of young people in the modern world and their activity and volunteer work in the name of their own future.

Among the main highlights will be the following topics: healthy lifestyle, prevention of various addictions and fight against aggression, use of digital technologies and identifying fake news. Participants will discuss specific actions to boost engagement and development of the youth civil sector with the resources provided by European Union opportunities. Guests will be able to express opinions and ideas on which priority areas their work as volunteers should be directed to and which actions are effective. During the first day of the event, Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth since 2019, will greet all participants through a video.

Detailed information about the event and a request for participation (in Bulgarian language) can be found on this link

179 School Vassil Levski

National Network

34 Dobroslavsko shosse str
1247 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
179 primary school celebrated 125 years in 2014, specializes in various activities, among which - sports - approved the project "Sport and Health" program of Sofia Municipality for the development of sport in Sofia. Extracurricular activities - working on a project SUCCESS MES - 2012/13 groups "Patriotism - know your country and homeland," "religious holidays and folk tradition," Fairy World "; 2013/14 group" Multiactivity "," Family holidays as game "club" Young Journalist "studio" Fashion Design ". Ecological activity - project for classroom naotkrito. etc. The school educates children from the villages of Sofia region. A major problem is poverty. Students have difficulties because their families cope with difficult economic problems crisis. The family no longer meets the expectations of its role due to the fact that parents are or bezabotni or have to work too manogo and devote the necessary time and attention to their children. Often holidays are received without follow Bulgarian traditions. Our goal is to fill the missing gap and to give our students the knowledge, skills and competences on our cultural heritage, traditions and rituals.
Mission and Objectives

The school is working for many years to familiarize students with the traditions of our country. Hold regular festivals and competitions related to folk songs and dances, crafts typical of our area. Before every major holiday remind students following pollutants are analyzed were the traditions of our ancestors and what sense behind them, and we continue to follow them. Make dramatic reconstructions of rituals. In art lessons are made characteristic of our country martenitzas survachki. To make the connection of students with the third generation healthier organize joint kneading bread, breads, cakes, pies and other Bulgarian ritual breads, accompanied holidays and traditions of centuries. This project enables us to understand how our colleagues from Malta integrate in the curriculum knowledge of folklore and family traditions, what approaches and methods used to revive them and motivate students to engage in life those old and forgotten today practices. We think this is important because it connects us to our roots and where they go in the world, will remain Bulgarians and all will follow the same folk traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

Our teachers of all disciplines work with enthusiasm to build a sense of patriotism in students. We are looking for all possible approaches through educational content in categories to objects by subjects in hours tutor or in extracurricular activities that relate to art, sports, picnics. In our school we are trying to affiliate parents towards the goals we have set. According to our acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of folklore and Bulgarian traditions is unthinkable without the family. This project will enable us to learn how educators to demonstrate a contemporary child the importance of knowledge of our roots in today's globalized

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing events in multicultural dialogie for tolearnce

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our mission and values are similar to ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Hristova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maria Hristova
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Ilieva
Job Title (2)

A Bridge through the Times

A Bridge through the Times

The MAGNA SILVA Association was founded by a group of intellectuals in 2013 with the main priorities of popularising Bulgarian culture and art, restoring ancestral memory, protecting the environment and human rights. Since 2021, the association has been registered as a cultural organization in the Information Register of Cultural Organisations in Bulgaria.

MAGNA SILVA is implementing a very interesting project together with the Episcopal Basilica in Plovdiv (a major cultural and historical site that was opened to visitors 4 years ago). The project is called "A Bridge through the Times" and aims to provoke the interest of young people in the history and cultural heritage of Plovdiv and the Thrace region. The activities are based on the use of modern forms to attract the interest of young people - a computer test game, a board historical game and competitions "PLOVDIV - THE BEST!". Emphasis is placed on Late Antiquity - Early Middle Ages, partly based on the expositions in the Basilica. Up to this point, the following activities have been carried out - the scenario of the historical game-test "PLOVDIV – THE BEST" in its printed version was created, as well as the scenario for the historical computer game. In the month of December, the artistic design of the game and the practical assignment for its production (printing) were completed. The computer game was also prepared, for which test phases were also performed in two secondary schools in the city of Plovdiv. There are many more interesting activities to come, such as training young people to be volunteer guides, competitions and launching the game. We will keep you informed!




Active for Pernik

National Network

Benkovska 2/5
2300 Pernik

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
Entered in the register of legal non-profit organisations in volume V-p. 276, vol. 731 newly established association with the following details: NAME: "ASSOCIATION ACTIVE FOR PERNIK", SEAT AND ADDRESS: Pernik Street. "Benkovski" №2 /5. TERM: The Association is established for an indefinite period. ORGANS: General Meeting, Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board governments. BOARD is elected for a term of two (2) years. Powers of the association - out of Article 17 to Article 24 of the Statute. Rules on origination and termination of membership and procedures for settling property relations in termination of membership - referred to by Article 10 to Article 14 of the Statute.Procedures for determining the amount and method of depositing material contributions referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1, item 6 of the Statute. How to distribute the remaining assets after satisfaction of creditors - Article 28, paragraph 4 of the Statute. REPRESENTATION: The Association will be represented by the President - Vihren MATEV Georgiev, PIN 6105043801, town Pernik, "Benkovska" №2 / 5.
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the implementation of effective FORMS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SOLVING PROBLEMS OF PRIORITY municipalities and regions, to build their capacity for citizen participation in local government; Make a significant contribution in improving the effectiveness of the implementation of legal provisions and practices in the field of social development, decentralization of local government, access to information, e-municipality, etc .; To protect and servе interests of the citizens on the formation and implementation of local and regional policy; TO PROMOTE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, CONTROL AND MONITORING of the local authorities; To contribute to the strengthening of the role of both individual citizens and their voluntary associations to protect civil rights and interests; To assist in raising awareness of population on their rights and obligations, and the forms and methods for their protection; Initiate and coordinate the relationships between local authorities authorities and the population; To introduce to local municipalities cooperative initiatives in favor of citizens, assist in creating events:To attract citizens and business representatives participating in initiatives of public interest; To involve citizens in the exercise of civil control. To conduct citizen monitoring of the highest standards of accountability in obtaining and public spending; To be part of peer levels and civil society organizations in the preparation of regional policy; To initiate the contribution of the competent local and state authorities for regulatory changes facing the region; To support and require the establishment of local authorities and public effective practices and mechanisms for anti-corruption, conflict of interest and other similar practices that hinder regional development; Summarize opinions and recommendations of individuals and organizations and to provide the competent authorities with recommendations for changes in improper practices, to contribute to continuous improvement training of human resources in the civil sector; To promote the experience of other foreign and local organizations with similar objectives and activities addressing common challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in a project, called "Summit on Sustainable Development 2020" as a partner organisation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Development of projects that are consistent with the objectives of the association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join to ALF network in order to be able to add forces together with similar organizations in the achievement of the program objectives of the association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vihren Georgiev Matev
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vihren Matev

Agency East European Development

National Network

Bul. G.Delchev,bl.Detelina,vx.B.,et.1
7001 Rousse

+359 82 824 075
+359 82 824 075
Mobile Phone
+359 884 207 388
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
NGO The Agency East European Development has its own office where highly qualified experts work.These people occupy different positions at state and municipal institutions in Rousse and the region.Over 45 volunteers work in the Organisation realizing various projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main aims of Agency East European Development are:
1. To help the recognition of humanistic and culture values, civil society and encouraging the initiative of society.
2. To work for the stable development of the town of Russe and its geographic and administrative region and at the territory of the whole country carrying out activities in the sphere of the regional development, keeping the environment clean, science, economics, education, culture, tourism, health care at regional level.
3. To support the dialogue between the authorities and business to solve social and economics problems.

Main Projects / Activities

1.”Perspectives”- February,2006 The project’s aim is to enforce following of people’s wrights and the fundamental liberties, guaranteed by he European convention supporting people’s wrights with the use of art resources between organizations for the community and the representatives from the marginal groups of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary
2.”Equality”- March,2006, The project Equality aims at approbating ethnic tolerance in representatives of different ethnic groups (Roma, Turkeys and Bulgarians) using means of art in a series of workshops
3.European citizenship- april,2007, with Municipality of Varvaru de Jos- Romania
4.For better world- October 2007 , with partners from Hungary,Romania,Ukraina and Azarbeijan. The project ‘For Better World’ has а designation to create a steady mechanism about the forming of effective national and international youth policies
5.” Youth development- increasing youth NGO ‘s capacity”-September 2008 with partners from Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Azarbeijan ,Greece,Hungary and Morocco. The project provides the educational activities :

Contact (1) Full Name
Yankova Milena
Head of the organisation
Netzova Lidia
Contact (2) Full Name
Netzova Lidia