
Center for Economic and Social Initiatives – Tundzha

National Network

Str. Graf Ignatiev 40-b-34

Mobile Phone
+359 899 33 08 32
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Center for Economic and Social Initiatives - Tundja is a nonprofit organization registered under the Law on Legal Persons with non-profit company case № 9 of 2009 of Yambol District Court.1 chairman of the board and 12 members of the board. MIG-Tunja
Mission and Objectives

Sustainable development of the Municipality of Tunja. Conservation, multiplication and mobilization of resource potential of the area. Civil society development and social inclusion of young people, women and disadvantaged groups.

Main Projects / Activities

"CESI-Tundzha" is an organization which has now involved as partners in the realization of project "Development Opportunities", contract № BG2006/018-343.10.01-1.43, performer who is Hegra LTD-Yambol. Participate in the formation and operation of MIG-Tunja (MIG Tunja created under the program for rural areas, Axis 4 Leader for the development and implementation of the Strategy for Rural Development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sevelina Ilieva
Head of the organisation
Tatyana Ilieva

Center Immigration and Integration

National Network

5 Bulgaria Boulevard

+359 887 915547
Telephone (other)
+359 2 9815526
+359 2 9815526
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 887 915547
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Center Immigration and Integration is a non-profit organization in public benefit, registered with a donation by its founders. The organization does not have paid staff. Its founders and affiliates work on project basis and are supported by a circle of volunteers. CII incorporates representatives of the immigrant communities as well and believes in their inclusion in initiatives and debates of issues that affect them.
Mission and Objectives

CII's mission is assist the policy making process for the immigrants in the country and their integration into the Bulgarian society from the perspective of respect of human rights and social inclusion.
CII pursues the achievement of the following objectives:
(i)development and introduction of complex, innovative and interdisciplinary educational, scientific and cultural programmes, related with the advancement of the civil society in Bulgaria and increased civic participation in the policy-making process;
(ii)study and assistance of the social integration and personal realization of young people and persons in vulnerable socio-economic condition, including ethnic minorities, refugees and migrants;
(iii)development and implementation of contemporary forms and approaches for protection of the human rights of refugees and migrants, fight against racism and xenophobia, development of intercultural dialogue and integration;
(iv)study of the polices related to the cross-border migration of persons and provision of asylum; development of concepts, strategies and models for their updating and upgrading in line with the world processes and the membership of Bulgaria in the EU;
(v)organization and coordination of cooperation initiatives between European organizations in the context of the common EU policy for asylum seekers and migrants;
(vi) methodological, technical and expert exchange of knowledge and information.

Main Projects / Activities

"Support for the inclusion of immigrants in the Bulgarian society", co-financed by the European Fund for Integration of Third Country Nationals, "Integrated grant scheme for the implementation of activities, aiming the introduction into practice of the Common Basic Principles of the policy for integration of immigrants in the EU", creation of a methodology for the progress, building the necessary capacity".
LinguaINCLUSION European models and good practices for linguistic integration in primary schools with young immigrants

Contact (1) Full Name
Tihomira Trifonova

Center of Legal Aid - "Voice in Bulgaria

National Network

ul. Triaditza 5B, fl, 2, office 226
1000 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information

CLA has an executive board and about 15 staff members - lawyers, communication expert and a fundraiser . We are project based financially covered, mainly by EPIM program. Some other source of financing are small international or national funds. Projects we work currently are focused on alternative on detention, regularization of migrants and refugees, providing legal aid for those seeking asylum in our country . We have seminars and educational modules for administration actors working on the field, 1st line, from Migration service, detantion centers and alike. CLA have elaborate very steady partnership net as we are very recognized in the sector. Our main partners are national authorities, NGO -s from the sector. One of our international partner is International coaltition of Detention, PICUM , EPIM , MsF and we are constantly extending the net.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to guarantee the respect of the human dignity of migrants, refugees, foreigners, and to contribute to their empowerment and independence. Our mission is to promote and defend the rights of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and other vulnerable groups on the territory of Bulgaria, by providing legal aid and conducting advocacy.

We provide pro bono legal consultations to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, as well representation in administrative and judicial proceedings at the national and European levels.

We provide free legal consultations and hold group information sessions for foreign nationals held in detention in Bulgaria.

We conduct advocacy campaigns and activities aimed at establishing institutional and judicial practices, as well as legislation, that are in accordance with international and European standards, and at changing of public attitudes.

We conduct research in the area of migration and migration policies and their implementation.

A guiding principle in our work is the supremacy of ALL human rights and the respect for them, and non-discrimination on the basis of nationality, religion, ethnicity, gender or other characteristics.

In carrying out our mission we are independent from any political, state, religious or corporate interests and influences.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing legal aid for migrants, refugees, those seeking asylum and humanitarian protection; Working on introducing alternatives to detention of migrants and vulnerabe people crossing the border in search of pretection, advocacy human rights and dignity as well as access to legal work for migrants being in a "limbo" position (regularisation), campainging and working for ease the procesures for recieving status of those leaving in procedures.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a partner for promoting cultural diversity, as a partner in providing and advocating for protection, access to education and normal living condition fo kids and youths from migrant families, as a chanel for AnnaLindh values

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share common vision for the need of constand education and advocacy of human right , diverity and cultural exchange. We see these as a constant activity for promoting positive change at the society and state actors regarding the vulnerable groups.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Zornitza Getcheva
Job Title
Co mmunication expert
Head of the organisation
Diana Radoslavova
Contact (2) Full Name
Diana Radoslavova
Job Title (2)
Founder and a laywer


National Network

1 Knyaz Boris I Str., N 15, fl.2
Petrich 2900


+359 2 856 94 52
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 897 980385
Mobile Phone (other)
+421 904 836 477
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Foundation is a non-profit juridicial person,according to the Bulgarian law, for execution of non-profit, socially useful activities. At the moment the staff consists of two persons. The team of the foundation participated in the preparation of projects with Greek and Italian partners under the Programme INTERREG B III CADSES. The team of the foundation cooperated with the applicant in the development and some part of the implementation of previous projects, as follows : - “ Balkan Public Folklore and Songs”, ref.number BG 2002/000-624-05.17. - “ Communication strategy implementation “ 2004 The Foundation participated as a partner to the applicant Municipality of Petrich under the program Phare TBC Bulgaria-Greece in the project “Crossborder cooperation for implementation of sustainable tourist product in the crossborder area of Municipality of Petrich, Bulgaria and Municipality of Seres, Greece, ref. number BG 2004/016-782. Main partners involved in the organization's activities are the founder and the two members of the Board of Directors. We have partner relations and reccomendations by the NGO "Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development" with it's chairperson Anna Lalkovska.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation's objectives are: stimulating development of Crossborder cooperation in the fields of regional development, culture, education, ecology and trade associations; stimulating civil pdrticipation in the process of regional economic development and attracting investments for execution of projects of social significance; adapting and applying business practices; assisting development and consolidation of sector of non-profit juridical persons; boosting the capacity of the particular organisations and the sector as a whole; icreasing professionalism and applying successful practices and transparensy of the organisations' activities and dissemination of mechanism, which guarantee the execution of the will of the founder and donors; informing about the activities of the sector and creating a favourable social climate; optimising the legal and taxation environment of the sector; improving coordination and joint activities in the sector; stimulating civil activity in the establishment of regional security in Southeastern Europe; adapting and disseminating democratic mechanisms and practices from the countries with developed democrasy; encouraging dialogue and cooperation between the non-profit juridical persons, the profit organisations, the State and the local self-government upon solving problems with social importance.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation's activities are: organizing and conducting studies, work meetings, seminars and conferences; organising different training initiatives; collecting and disseminating information, related to activities carried out by Bulgarian and foreign donors and programmes, as well as activities in the field of regional development, culture, education, ecology and trade associations; providing legal, financial and organisational consultancy; building up and developing partnership with universities and research centers; publishing and distributing print and electronic material, related to the Foundation's activities;forming expert opinions; organizing discussions and providing proposals for changes in the normative order; organizing studies and conducting research projects; providing technical aid; publishing activities; providing consultancy services; preparing analyses; creating and distributing electronic products; exercising rights upon intellectual property.

Contact (1) Full Name
Penka Lazarova Valcheva
Head of the organisation
Penka Lazarova Valcheva

Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage

National Network

Chinar Str. No 1
Bl. 1, ap. 4
1618 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Number of members and structure: five members, including one head of organization (ethnologist, Yana Yancheva), one archivist, one lawyer, one museum curator, one more ethnologist (Zlatina Bogdanova). Fields of Activity: Research and Heritage, Youth and Education, International and Cultural Relations, Advocacy and Community Development. Main goals: Developing and implementing action oriented projects in the fields of culture, education and science; developing cultural programs, public activities and initiatives related to the preservation, socialization and promotion of cultural heritage; promoting international cooperation in the humanities, social and cultural management; providing assistance to ethnic and cultural minorities for preserving and safeguarding their cultural heritage. The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Research in the Area of Cultural Heritage aims to work for encouraging communities’ members to direct their efforts effectively for the preservation and advocacy of their cultural heritage and ‘treasures’, and recognize their potential for the community’s social and economic growth, and realize that each personal involvement has an influential impact on the whole effort. Projects: Our first successful project was related to the participation in the Professional Fellows Program „Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities“ in 2016 and 2017. The program was organized by The Great Lakes Consortium for International Training and Development, financed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and governed by the ECA’s Office of Citizen Exchange. The program aims to transmit the community organizing method to East-European organizations. As a result of its work in the program and using the method of community organizing, The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage assisted the community of the so called Bessarabian Bulgarians in Sofia to establish its representative institution –The Centre of Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria (CBBB). In 2017 the Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage organized two training seminars “Introduction to the “community organizing method” in cooperation with “Creating Effective Grassroots Alternatives” Foundation, and with the financial support of the program “Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities” of the Great Lakes Consortium, Ohio, USA. The lecturer guest was Emily Terrana – a manager and organizer in the American organization “PUSH Buffalo”. The first seminar was held on 24.02.2017 at the Family-Consultation Center in Berkovitsa, whose activities are carried out among the Roma communities of Berkovitsa and Varshets. It was attended by psychologists, social workers and assistants (members of the Roma communities). The second seminar was carried out from February 27th to March 1st, 2017 in Sofia with the assistance of the Center of the Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria. More than 20 participants from 11 organizations took part - Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, CBDC, Center for Women's Studies and Policies, “Open Space” Foundation and other NGOs, including international participation from Italy, Spain, Moldova and Ukraine. The participants in the two seminars were introduced to the different components of the community organizing method: making contacts and recruiting organizers, story-telling, “success story-telling” models, one-on-one meetings, self-interest and leading ladder, a framework for campaign planning and its implementation, “community congress model”. In her presentations, Emily Terrana included many examples of her experience, demonstrations, practicing basic skills and exploration games. Sources of funding: National, US, EU funds and programs.

Mission and Objectives

Developing and implementing action oriented projects in the fields of culture, education and science; developing cultural programs, public activities and initiatives related to the preservation, socialization and promotion of cultural heritage; promoting international cooperation in the humanities, social and cultural management; providing assistance to ethnic and cultural minorities for preserving and safeguarding their cultural heritage. The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Research in the Area of Cultural Heritage aims to work for encouraging communities’ members to direct their efforts effectively for the preservation and advocacy of their cultural heritage and ‘treasures’, and recognize their potential for the community’s social and economic growth, and realize that each personal involvement has an influential impact on the whole effort.

Main Projects / Activities

Our first successful project was related to the participation in the Professional Fellows Program „Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities“ in 2016 and 2017. The program was organized by The Great Lakes Consortium for International Training and Development, financed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and governed by the ECA’s Office of Citizen Exchange. The program aims to transmit the community organizing method to East-European organizations. As a result of its work in the program and using the method of community organizing, The Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage assisted the community of the so called Bessarabian Bulgarians in Sofia to establish its representative institution –The Centre of Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria (CBBB). In 2017 the Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area of Cultural Heritage organized two training seminars “Introduction to the “community organizing method” in cooperation with “Creating Effective Grassroots Alternatives” Foundation, and with the financial support of the program “Sustaining Civic Participation in Minority Communities” of the Great Lakes Consortium, Ohio, USA. The lecturer guest was Emily Terrana – a manager and organizer in the American organization “PUSH Buffalo”. The first seminar was held on 24.02.2017 at the Family-Consultation Center in Berkovitsa, whose activities are carried out among the Roma communities of Berkovitsa and Varshets. It was attended by psychologists, social workers and assistants (members of the Roma communities). The second seminar was carried out from February 27th to March 1st, 2017 in Sofia with the assistance of the Center of the Bessarabian Bulgarians in Bulgaria. More than 20 participants from 11 organizations took part - Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, CBDC, Center for Women's Studies and Policies, “Open Space” Foundation and other NGOs, including international participation from Italy, Spain, Moldova and Ukraine. The participants in the two seminars were introduced to the different components of the community organizing method: making contacts and recruiting organizers, story-telling, “success story-telling” models, one-on-one meetings, self-interest and leading ladder, a framework for campaign planning and its implementation, “community congress model”. In her presentations, Emily Terrana included many examples of her experience, demonstrations, practicing basic skills and exploration games.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our expertise in the fields of heritage preservation, community development, museum presentation, youth education and intercultural relations. We are skilled field researchers who are trained in working with various cultural groups. This gives us the opportunity for providing analyses and consultations in the above mentioned spheres. We would like to cooperate with other organizations in Bulgaria, and further develop joint initiatives and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope that by joining ALF Network we will come in contact with professionals and partners useful for developing our ideas. The Network will help us improve our visibility and stimulate our creative development as a team of researchers and experts. Most of all we hope to find partner organizations and funding for developing intercultural projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zlatina Bogdanova
Job Title
Assistant Professor
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Yana Yancheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Yana Yancheva
Job Title (2)
Assistant Professor
Name of Organisation
Centre for Cultural Initiatives and Researches in the Area o

Centre for Euro-Atlantic Researches

National Network

3 Cyril and Methodius Str
Stara Zagora

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The bodies of the Association are the General Assembly and the Board. The General Assembly encompasses all members of the Association. CEAR is managed and represented by a Board of Directors. Members of the Board are elected by the GA for a period of 5 (five) years. The Board of Directors is composed of 3 members, who are members of the Association and is headed by a Chair. The project work is supported by external experts and volunteers. The Association mainly applies for EU funding. Partners of the project activities are renowned Bulgarian NGOs and experts in respective fields of work - EU and national legislation, youth and social policies, citizens participation and involvement.
Mission and Objectives

 Modernization of civil society on economic, social and cultural practices based on education, innovation and development of human potential.
 Support primary, secondary, higher and continuing education in Bulgaria. Modernizing and improving the quality of Bulgarian education;
 Encouraging young people as active part in the process of European Development of Bulgaria.
 Support of the population of economically backward areas, giving priority to young people and women, finding alternative sources of income and create conditions for the inclusion of these areas in international donor programs and projects.
 Providing expert assistance in legislative initiatives in the development of normative documents with the laws and nature of governing education, citizenship and youth;
 Development of projects with international participation, conservation, restoration and development environment.
 Transfer of know-how from similar organizations abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

 Youth awareness raising campaigns on EU policies and human rights;
 Youth awareness raising campaigns on environmental protection;
 Analyses of EU and Bulgarian legislation in regard to citizens participation in decision-making at all levels;
 Improvement of the environment for citizens involvement in decision making at local, national, EU and international level
 Enhancement of good governance in Bulgaria

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing assistance and various expertise.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have more possibilities for networking and exchange of experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Zoya Shishkova
Head of the organisation
Zoya Shishkova

Centre for European Intiatives

National Network

29 A Tsar KAloyan str.
Stara Zagora

00359 42979278
00359 42979278
Mobile Phone
00359 887 094124
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
CEI is a foundation working in public benefit. It is not a corportate organization and it does not have membership. The Board of directors involve 3 people - experts in law, regional planning and economic development. Other 2 coordinators are currently working part time on our programs. We organize training courses, seminars, exchanges and study visits. We work in close cooperation with local authorities in South-Eastern parts of Bulgaria and also with local NGOs, community centres, etc. We use innovative approaches like forum theatre. Our annual budget resources depend on financial support by donor programs.
Mission and Objectives

CEI aims to stimulate the citizens participation in the decision making processes on a local and regional level by studying and applying European positive practices and experience. We mainly address our projects to youngsters and disadvantaged women aiming to encourage their self-confidence and motivate them participate in public life.The activities of the organization are focused on youth public discussions, open forums, regional meetings, cultural fairs, training courses for youth workers,etc.

Main Projects / Activities

CEI is an organization of young professionals, who have already been involved as a leading or partner organization in international youth activities, supported by “Youth” and “Youth in Action” program /Romania, Greece, Turkey – 2005; Germany, Bulgaria – 2006; Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia – 2007, United Kingdom, Greece – 2008, Bulgaria, Romania – 2009; Bulgaria, France and Luxembourg - 2010/.
The organization also has expertize in forum theatre approach and has developed its own methodology for implementing it in rural communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Krasimira KAmenova
Head of the organisation
Krasimira Kamenova
Contact (2) Full Name
Mincho Serbezov

City library "Paisii Hilendarski", Samokov

National Network

1 Zahari Zograf Sq, flour 3
2000 Samokov

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Paisii Hilendarski Municipal Library serves the citizens of Samokov and the settlements in the municipality. Its structure includes: - Loan for adults - Reference and Bibliographic Department and Local History - Reader - Children's department - Art Department - two branches for adults and children - Department of processing and catalogs - a computer room The Library Fund consists of 141216 registration units. The registered readers for 2020 are 1605 and the visits are 24060. The library documents acquired are 873 and the subscribers are 62. The library has 24 pcs. Computer configurations with Internet access, 12 of which are intended for readers. There is an electronic catalog of books, articles and periodicals that contains 108518 entries and is available online. The priority in the work of the library is: - Encouraging reading and working with children - The application of modern information technologies in library service and improvement of internet access and electronic information about the users of the library - The introduction of new services for the residents of the municipality Since 2011 The library holds free computer literacy courses for users over 55 years. The library is funded by the municipality of Samokov and funds on projects. The budget of the library for 2023 is 227115 BGN

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Provision of information: The Municipal Library strives to be a center where people can gain access to various types of information, including books, periodicals, electronic resources, multimedia materials and other sources of knowledge. Education Support: The library works over this to be a place where people can train and develop, providing resources for self -education, training and cultural enrichment. Culture and art development: The library presents the cultural heritage of the Community through its collections and programs. Social connection and integration: The library creates a space for social meetings and the exchange of ideas, contributes to social connection and integration into the community. Targets: Increasing literacy and education: The library seeks to help increase community literacy and education, providing resources and programs for education for children and adults. Information literacy development: It also sets the goal of developing information literacy habits in its users, helping them effectively develop, evaluate and use information. Support of cultural diversity: The library seeks to maintain cultural diversity and respect for different cultures through its collections, programs and events. Local development support: The library can also work on the maintenance of local development, for example by providing information on local resources, events for local entrepreneurs, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The project "Increasing the knowledge and skills of mayors and technical contractors from the mayoralties of Samokov Municipality for work with sites and administrative and legal programs for electronic services for citizens". The project "Green Idea - Eco Summer", which aimed at forming children of responsible behavior and culture that spares the environment. The library also conducts financial literacy training for children under 14 Since 2019 he has also conducted educational activities with children in programming with robots Finch, provided under the Generation Code project. Since 2022, media literacy training has been conducted for adults. The library also implements a summer program for children from 6 to 14 years of age, a "vacation in the library", which aims to organize the free time of the children, combining entertainment and making new friendships with the acquisition of new knowledge in different fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The library can contribute to the network of the Anna Lind Foundation in Bulgaria by sharing its good practices. Providing information resources and materials for various social and cultural topics. This will help network members to be better informed and prepared to solve social problems and challenges. The library can also organize trainings, seminars and courses to help professionals and volunteers work on the web develop their knowledge and skills. After all, the library can be a place for meetings, exchange of experience and cooperation between network members and other stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The library wants to join the Anna Lind Foundation Network, because this will contribute to the expansion of its capacity, will give it opportunities for cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience. Also, network membership can improve the visibility of the library and help it to establish closer ties with other cultural institutions and organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albena Ihtimanska
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Albena Ihtimanska

Club Friends of Europe

National Network

7 Krakra Str., appt.15

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We do not have at present employed staff in our organization due to the lack of funds this year. The structure is like this we have a chairman- Yani Yanev, former governer of Varna, now MEP. Usually we have funds from members - annual membership and Municipality of Varna, which we use for the cultural projects which we are running. Youth in Action projects, evaluation projects, Municipality of Varna projects varios- European Children's network
Mission and Objectives

Club "Friends of Europe" – Children section was founded as an NGO in December 2002 but we have existed as part of a network of European Bulgarian clubs since 1990. Lobbing for EU policies in Bulgaria and helping with the process of European integration. Most of the members are children and young people, and it has sections in most of the high schools in Varna, the third largest city in Bulgaria, with the scope to help and enable the process of integration in every aspect in Bulgaria regarding integration in the EU.

Main Projects / Activities

Through its teaching process, the organisation enhances the role of the child in society and dwell on the education of the rights of every child. Aiming to protect the rights of children and help them find their place in society and lobby for their rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataliya Nikolova
Head of the organisation
Yani Yanev