Defence for Children International/ Palestine

National Network

Sartawi Building, Sateh Marhaba, Al Bereh, Ramallah Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
     Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP) is committed to securing a just and viable future for Palestinian children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. For more than twenty years, we have supported and advocated for this child population: investigating and documenting grave human rights violations, holding both Israeli and Palestinian authorities to account, and providing legal services to children in urgent need. We will continue to demand national and international bodies enact stronger measures to safeguard this vulnerable demographic of Palestinian society. Since DCIP’s inception in 1991, we remain the only Palestinian human rights organization specifically focused on child rights. Our highest value is the pursuit of each child’s best interests. To this end, we are guided by the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), as well as other international, regional and local standards.
Mission and Objectives

Our work is divided into two broad programs: Accountability and Child Protection. Both include direct services and advocacy components. The Accountability Program focuses on child rights as they intersect with Israeli military and legal systems, while the Child Protection Program addresses Palestinian children’s rights inside the Palestinian legal framework and mobilizes children within their own communities.

Main Projects / Activities

    We defend children’s rights three ways: offering free legal aid, documenting violations of international law, and advocating for greater protections. More:

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Quzmar
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation

Shorouq Society for Woman

National Network

Bethany East South of Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
 The Shorouq Charitable Society for Women is a Palestinian non-profit organization that is committed to bringing Palestinian women into the public sphere. Open to all Palestinian women regardless of their religious or political beliefs, Shorouq helps women build a better future. It does this through a range of activities designed to: Improve the status of women and allow them to play an active role in society Empower women to initiate positive change at home and within the broader Palestinian society Integrate women into the economy as a way to enhance their status and influence Specifically, Shorouq seeds and cultivates independent, women-owned micro and small businesses, located in Al-Azaria, Palestine. The center conducts training courses, mentoring programs and on-the-job instruction for Palestinian women. A center is also a safe place for women to meet and engage in a range of general empowerment and enrichment programs in areas including education, health, and culture, among others.   Shorouq is actively building a partnership with ATS pro-Terra Sancta and Mosaic Centre throughout Palestine and abroad and is also working in conjunction with the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry for women’s affairs in Ramallah
Mission and Objectives

Economic Empwerment for women            
-Suporting Palestiane Women in all round  Jerusalem with information and Education Public  Health 
Promotion and Development for Leader women in Palestine

Main Projects / Activities

    Hospitable Bethany: Sustainable Tourism
in Support of the Local Community
Shorouqis located in Bethany (al Azariya in Arabic), few kilometers from Jerusalem, along the eastern slopes of the Mount of Olives. Today, Bethany has nearly 20,000 inhabitants.
Bethany has an extraordinary and unique asset: the empty tomb of Lazarus, where the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus happened according to Christian tradition. The tomb has attracted the devotion of the faithful from the beginning of Christianity. Since the 4th c.  the place became an important center of pilgrimage and is still welcoming thousands of religious tourists.
Shorouqand its partners strongly believe that cultural heritage can be a dynamic element capable of feeding peacebuilding strategies and prevent conflicts and that sharing historical and cultural roots can alleviate ethnic, religious and social tensions. Individuals who know and understand their own roots, culture, and history can better interact with others and their beliefs and practice inter-religious and intercultural dialogue.
Thanks to the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation AICS, Shorouq Society, together with ATS pro Terra Sancta and Mosaic Centre, is supporting the production of homemade body care products, natural soap and essential oils, following the tradition of Mary, sister of Lazarus, who here in Bethany anointed Jesus with the Nard oil.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Faroun
Job Title
Chairperson of Shorouq Society
Head of the organisation
Bethany East South of Jerusalem

Burj Alluq luq Social Center Society

National Network

Old City,Bab Hutta
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Youth
General Information
      Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society was established in the year 1991 and has been servicing the Jerusalem community within the Old City Walls for almost 21 years.  It is named after governor Luqluq from the Mamluk period and is built on almost 9 acres of land owned by two Palestinian families.  In 1989, this area was threatened by Israeli presence with the desire to build a new settlement on the site.  The inhabitants of the Old City were determined not to allow this to occur.  This was the only piece of open space inside the Old City which was safe for their children to play and for adults to enjoy the outdoors.  They formed a committee which right away declared the area a sports and social club upon which activities were started right away.  Therefore, our Center has remained an integral part of society in the neighborhood called Bab Hutta.  The Center is registered both with the Jerusalem municipality and the Union of Charitable Organizations in Jerusalem. Our Message: We aspire to have a positive impact on the economical, cultural and social level for the local community.
Mission and Objectives

To create a safe and healthy play environment for the children and youth of the Old City.
To provide a breathing space for adults from the small and crowded housing units they live in.
To develop educational, cultural, psychological, health, sport and entertainment programs for the youth and adults of the Old City.
To protect the land from any kind of future settlement or confiscation and to ensure it remains open and accessible to Old City residents.

Main Projects / Activities

-Develop the positive behavior of youth and children in the community.
Improve living conditions for people with mental disabilities.
Ensure the provision of services on an ongoing basis and good quality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Muntaser Idkaidek
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

Palestinian Vision

National Network

Rashedst chamber of Comersse building 5Al-
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth
General Information
Palestinian Vision (PalVision, or “Ru’ya”) was created by a group of young Palestinians in 1998. It arose as a response to an urgent need for Palestinian youth to have an outlet through which to express themselves and their desire to build a strong and healthy Palestinian society. The aim was to provide opportunities for young Palestinian leaders to become agents of positive, constructive change within their communities; to give them the space, tools, and training they need for their voices to be heard and taken into account. PalVision quickly filled a social vacuum, expanding to a grassroots membership of over 600. Through this broad network and an all-volunteer staff, PalVision operates training workshops and community service programs that build leadership skills, strengthen self-esteem, identity, and community spirit, and provide positive channels for self-expression. Throughout this, there is a particular focus on empowering young women, and facilitating dialogue and exchange with international youth. PalVision is emphatically independent from political parties and positions – conceiving, instead, of a democratic future in which Palestinian youth serve as community leaders, working to improve and advance their society. The organization was registered in the Palestinian Ministry of Interior in 2000, under the number OR/153/cu. PalVision is one of the few organizations of its kind that continues to be based in Jerusalem. It does so, despite the considerable political and bureaucratic challenges posed by such a decision, in order to best provide services for young people, in particular young people from East Jerusalem. It also extends its services to youth across Palestinian cities, villages, and refugee camps.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision
Palestinian Youth take collective action toward sustainable development of their communities
Our Mission
Mobilize and empower Palestinian youth to achieve their aspirations, preserve their collective Palestinian identity and initiate youth-led sustainable development through volunteerism, social activism, entrepreneurship, lobbying and advocacy, on a local, national, and international levels
Strategic Goals
 1- Youth empowered to engage in sustainable development and contribute to positive change in their community.
2. Youth engagement is strengthened in preserving the Palestinian identity and building community resilience.
3. Youth have enhanced access to quality education to increase their employment opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth empowered to engage in sustainable development and contribute to positive change in their community.
Youth engagement is strengthened in preserving the Palestinian identity and building community resilience.
Youth have enhanced access to quality education to increase their employment opportunities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Naser Eddin
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Women’s Center AlThouri Silwan (AWC)

National Network

82 Al-Ras, Abu-Tur, Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth
General Information
  يعمل المركز على نشر الحقوق الاجتماعية والعمل على توفير فرص عمل بشروط عادلة للنساء وتمكين المرأة اقتصاديا وسياسيا وصحيا وذلك من خلال برامج توعية وبرامج تشغيلية وصحية وثقافية وبرامج تدريبية للنساء والاطفال في سلوان بشكل خاص والقدس بشكل عام
Mission and Objectives

يهدف المركز الى تطوير الفتيات والنساء في جميع مراحل الحياة ، واكسابهن الفرصة لتطوير انفسهن من نواحي اجتماعية ، من خلال البرامج التدريبية المختلفة وورشات عمل نتخصصة .

Main Projects / Activities

1. برنامج التطوير للمرأة
2. برنامج تنمية وتعزيز النواحي الاقتصادية للمرأة والشباب
3. مشروع نساء من أجل غد أفضل
4. برنامج تأهيل النساء والشباب لتطوير مهارات الاتصال والتواصل باللغات الاجنبية
5. برنامج الدعم النفسي للعائلة
6. برنامج التوجيه الديني للفئات المختلفة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا في المركز النسوي الثوري سلوان باعتبارنا مركز مجتمعي يقوم بتزويد الخدمات للفئات المختلفة بالمجتمع المحلي المقدسي فاننا نعتقد ان العلاقات المختلفة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بفلسطين ستقوم بتوقيد العلاقات مع الشبكة الوطنية بفلسطين ونحن كمركز نسوي نعتقد اننا قادرين على ان تزود القائمين بالمعارف والخبرات الضرورية باطار توقيد التعاون الدولي اعتمادا على الثقافات الموجودة يوجد عندنا شبكة من العلاقات الفاعلة مع المؤسسات المجتمعية بالقدس والضفة الغربية وهذه العلاقة المهنية للمركز النسوي ستطور عمل الشبكة الوطنية بشكل كبير من حيث القدرة على التأثير للشبكة الوطنية والمساهمه بالتغيير الايجابي .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نعتقد بالمركز النسوي ان مؤسسة انا ليند والشبكة الوطنية هي من المؤسسات الريادية على المستوى العالمي الذي يحث على احترام الثقافات وتعزيز الدور المجتمعي لمختلف الثقافات بين اواسط الفئات المختلفة عموما والشباب على وجه الخصوص نعتقد ان المؤسسة تمت من الخبرة والمعارف ما يمكنها حتما من المساهمه الايجابية لبناء المجتمع بالشكل المهني السليم نرغب كمركز نسوي من الانضمام الى الشبكة لاننا نؤمن بأهمية الدور الذي تلعبونه ولاننا نعتقد بأن هذه المؤسسة هي المنبر التفاعلي بين الاعضاء وهو منبر لتبادل الخبرات والمعارف الضرورية ونتوقع الكثير من الفوائد المتراكمة التي سنجنيها لقاء انضمام مؤسستنا الى مؤسستكم العريقة .

Contact (1) Full Name
Abeer Zayyad
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

Palestine Association for Education and Environmental Protection ( PAEEP)

National Network

Amro ben Al-Ass street –Northern Remal –Gaza ,Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
General Information
PAEEP is formally registered since 1999 as a Non-profit organization under registration number: 7191 by the Palestinian Ministry of Interior (MOI).  
Mission and Objectives

Strategic objectives:
PAEEP aims to contribute to:
 Upgrading educational thinking, environmental awareness and consolidating and disseminating community involvement and responsibility towards preserving the natural wealth.
 Providing the society with the environmental information means.
 Improve health care quality and safety through support care in the community and at home.
 Contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation and working on reducing the environmental contaminants
 Contributing to the formulation and development of environmental laws and legislation
 Rehabilitating and empowering human resources in protecting the environment and motivating them.
 To facilitate the empowerment of farmers/producers through assistance for mobilization, organization into associations, cooperatives etc. for their increased participation in planning, marketing, technology dissemination and agro-processing etc.
Improving the Children's Environmental Learning in Al-Shijaia District" funded by United Palestinian Appeal (UPA) November 2014
Improving the children's environmental learning in Al-Shejaiia after the war” project that implemented in the East Gaza in Gaza Governorates. The project was aiming to restore normal life to children of Al-Shejaia KGs after the Israeli offensive on Gaza Strip that resulted nearly 2,200 deaths including nearly 500 Palestinian children that reported children experienced heightened distress.  In addition, this project improved the educational attainment of children through the distribution of recreational and educational tools for the use of children in kindergarten.  This project targeted nearly 970 children (530 male and 440 female) in three Kindergartens who are mostly in the age between 3 to 5-year-old and 38 KGs teacher.
Support affected families" funded by Norwegian People's Aid, October 2014.
PAEEP distributed cooking utensils to 285 families in need in North and Gaza Governorate to support families who were affected by the July 2014 war on Gaza Strip.
PAEEP distributed clothes for 600 children from the Gaza Strip from the families who had their home destroyed in the Last war on Gaza Strip, as part of a project of Gaza Emergency Relief
Reducing Food Insecurity through Food basket Assistance extremely to vulnerable and conflict affected older people headed" funded by United Palestinian Appeal (UPA)
To ensure that 45 food insecure older people have provided the basic needs in Ramadan to food and better nutritional status through distribution a food basket.
Strengthening civil society as a means of poverty reduction for vulnerable older people in the occupied Palestinian territory
The action aims to increase the productivity and scope of the livelihood’s activities of 250 older people and their families to increase their household income. It will do this in two main ways: (a) Livelihoods training and (b) Provision of assets/inputs for earning income: the action will provide poor older people with additional assets to expand their opportunities for future income and food for their own consumption. The assets/inputs will include bee keeping, poultry, sheep and vegetables and will vary according to the local economy and individual household priorities
Enhancing food security conditions of marginalized communities in WB and Gaza" funded by Norwegian Peoples Aid
The project was aiming to improve and sustaining agricultural activities, resource management and food security of 274 families in Gaza and WB. The project has three main activities in Gaza: 1) Planting 191 dunums of seasonal crops for 45 farmers ( 34 M, 11F)   2) Land Rehabilitation of 49 dunums for 8 farmers (7 M, 1F)  3) Creation of 925 workdays for 23 (18M,5F) unemployed agricultural field supervisor and worker, and 5 main activities in WB: 1) Establishment of 15 water harvesting cisterns for 15 farmers(11M,4F) and recharged each with 50 m3  2) Rehabilitation of 30 damaged cisterns for 30 farmers(23 M,7F) and recharge each with 50m3 3) Planting of 90 dunums with olive, citrus& almonds for 24 farmers(17M,7F)  4) Rehabilitation of 36 green houses for 29 farmers (19M, 10F) 5) Creation of 775 workdays for 10(4M,6F) unemployed agricultural field worker and supervisor. The project period extended one more month to end in 28 Feb. instead of 31st of Jan 2014 which was an emergency relief to the affected farmers in Tulkarm by the last storm of cold and rain in December 2014 .The extension activities in Dhinnaba Tulkarm 1) Distributing nylon of damaged green houses for 45 farmers (29M, 16F), open fields crops for 45 farmers(35M,10F) and compost  for the same 90 farmers 2) Leveling of agricultural road in Ertah Valley 3) creation of 75 workdays for 3farmers (2M,1F)  unemployed agricultural field supervisor.
Youth engagement in civic society to increase the environmental awareness (Environment Guardians)"Funded by USAID in partnership with Catholic Relief service
It aimed to develop the grassroots Palestinian youth skills who are engaged in environmental awareness to boost their community participation and increase the awareness of Palestinian public in Gaza Strip on critical environmental issues. The project has three main activities: 1) Opening Workshop 2) Life Skills Training 3) Celebration of the Arab Environment Day on 14 October. The project period has been extended one more month to end in 30 Nov. instead of 31st of Oct. 2013.
The actual main activity of awareness and planting campaign was held at Gaza Community College for Tourist Studies, Gaza Training College (UNRWA), and Gaza University. After a deep coordination with AlAzhar University and AlQuds Open University, the midterm exams were the biggest problem for those universities to accept the participation in our project activities. On regards to the activities that were canceled, there were two activities: design and publish the three websites and the laptops purchase, these were canceled upon the new amendments to extend the project one more month, according to the approval of CRS's supervisor.
Rehabilitation of agriculture land and cultivated with mature plant and job creation program
The project aims to support the agricultural sector through rehabilitation of damaged lands, and to provide employment opportunities for poor and marginalized farmers in Gaza and the North Governorate. About 160 dunums was rehabilitated and planted with mature trees in Gaza and North Governorate.                                                                                                                  
Rehabilitation of 160 Greenhouses Destroyed by the Israeli in Gaza Strip 2008-2009
The PAEEP proposes through this project to rehabilitate and maintain 160 greenhouses and in the targeted area. Wire mesh installed in each greenhouse.
The rehabilitation of the greenhouses includes the use of iron props and nylons and the plastic sheets that are needed to cover the greenhouse skeleton. Wire mesh installed at the rehabilitated greenhouses.
PAEEP will select the beneficiaries according to the set selection criteria and in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture
Installation of 30 water desalination units at Kindergarten, Schools and Clinics
This project aims at improving the quality of water for drinking purposes at the proposed schools and enhance the environmental awareness through Providing (30 RO units) in the targeted KGs, schools and clinics with the production of 200-300 lit/day as sensitive targeted group with suitable water for drinking/domestic use, which will improve the health condition among children in the 30 targeted KGs, schools and clinics
“Improvement of potable water quality and enhancement of environmental awareness in and Khan Yunis schools through installation of five water desalination units at the elementary schools
This project aims at providing the Primary, girls/boys schools in (5 units) five units for the schools with the production of 1000 lit/day as sensitive targeted group with suitable water for drinking/domestic use which will improve the health condition among school children. Ten declination units (RO) will be installed at the five schools as recommended by the Ministry of Education. At the same time, this project will provide a campaign of public awareness activities for both the children as well their teachers. In addition, a workshop focusing and highlighting the clean environment as a basic issue of human rights will be conducted at one of the targeted schools just to attract the attention of people ion decision-making to consider this issue in the future projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing community services and improving environmental infrastructure.
Economic empowerment of vulnerable families in the Gaza strip
To protect the environment from environmental pollution risk.
To reinforce the resilience of the Palestinian society at emergency and disaster.
Mitigating the psychological and social effects of poor economic conditions and difficulties in the Gaza Strip

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Around 20 years of working within the Palestinian community of large network of civil society organizations in Gaza strip and the West Bank, built trust and confirmed gender and protection mainstreaming in working in the humanitarian context in Gaza Strip. PAEEP is working on providing affected people with required assistances to meet their needs in the form of money and conditional helps. Additionally, relief and emergency, environmental protection, capacity building and development, and economic empowerment programs.  PAEEP builds bridges with the community by targeting different categories; youth, farmers, graduates, teachers, PWDs, elderlies, women, and other people at various sectors. PAEEP establishes development programs that focus on those categories based on the area of need. Intensive power is given to people to discuss, and make a difference, to young people voices, and for those who lead initiatives

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Kuhail
Head of the organisation

association de cooperation culturelle et soutien handicaps anx de safi

National Network

Maison des jeunes sidi ouassel
46152 safi

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy
  3. Environment
  4. International
General Information
Association de coopération  culturelle et soutien des handicapés  de safi  Association à 3 partenariats  avec 3 ONG française 
Mission and Objectives

Soutien au pauvres de monde rurale 
Soutien aux handicapés 

Main Projects / Activities

Aide les handicapés  par recherche des dons pour  eux 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
abderrahim zine
Job Title
Head of the organisation
abderrahim zine
Contact (2) Full Name
Laila marouan
Job Title (2)


National Network

Barbaros Bulvarı İBA Blokları No:42 Balmumcu-İSTANBUL
34349 Beşiktaş/

+90 212 213 05 56
+ 90 212 213 05 59
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International
  5. Research
  6. Youth
General Information
As a peace and dialogue initiative, Marmara Group Foundation continues its efforts since 1985. Marmara Group Foundation as a possessor of civil thought philosophy is a force that strives to produce common solutions to common problems through creating campaigns to pressure decision making organs. Accordingly it is one of the new geopolitical actors of globalization. Furthermore, it is an institution that is widely recognized by the international civil initiative realm and it is an important part of the international relations system and the today's geopolitical structure This evaluation might be a little exaggeration but the fact that civil society organizations are amongst the important geopolitical actors in today's world is beyond doubt. With a broader assessment Marmara Group Foundation regards participation as an important intellectual area of social transformation. We believe participation is the main principle of globalization and democracy. As Marmara Group Foundation we also believe that global thinking creates an intellectual sphere within the values of civil society. Therefore, the existence of civil society, combined with globalization has now become one of the tools of sustainable democracy and economic development and hence the progress.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation is: To think about and discuss Turkey’s problems such as economy, democracy and security and to share ideas with public opinion by finding rational and scientific solutions.
In this direction, Marmara Group Foundation conducts researches and implements projects with Middle East, Balkans, Eurasian Countries, national and international think-tanks.
To promote economic and democratic development of Turkey in the direction of contemporary values in the world.
To analyze effects of transformations and developments seen in the areas of science, technology, economy, democracy and their reflections on our social and political life.
To support Turkey EU membership and promote the relevant transformations and gender equality within the framework of EU criteria.
To support the transition from traditional to modernity in order to enable society and individual to be a part of democracy in our country.

Main Projects / Activities

Eurasian Economic Summits are annually organized with the active participation of national and international decision makers and experts in the fields of economy, politics, energy, sociology and security. The purpose of these Summits are to bring our country's businessmen, politicians and academics together and help them to cooperate in the fields of economy, democracy and security. 

Marmara Group Foundation attaches great importance and supports Turkey's EU membership and accordingly watches and evaluates the change in our country with regards to the EU criteria. It implements joint effort with other pro EU NGOs. Implements campaigns in order to establish European values within the thought system of the society. Again within the same framework, it implements projects that promote gender equality and human rights.

We continue to proceed studies related to inter cultural and religion both national and international level for 20 years via conferences, seminars, panels.

As Marmara Group Foundation for almost 6 years we continue studies on One Belt- One Road Project with national and international meetings.

We attach great importance to gender equality and make studies for it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a civil society inititative, Marmara Group Foundation contribute to the promotion of Turkey on abroad. Especially with the studies about peace and dialogue Marmara Group Foundation named as "the bright face of Turkey".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

If we can find opportunity, we wish to cooperate and make common works together for peace and dialogue. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Lamiya Valiyeva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Akkan Suver

the rabbit hole

National Network
United Kingdom

49 Canal Building
135 Shepherdess Walk
United Kingdom

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International
  3. Research
  4. Youth
General Information
Founded in 2008, the rabbit hole is an international creative collective - comprised of artists, visionaries, philosophers, academics, among others - handpicked and numbering 2000+ in 56 countries. The collective seeks to stimulate new ideas about the self and other and to challenge culturally constructed limits and borders. Their subject of interrogation include understanding mobility, transnational communities, particularly focusing on the Mediterranean.  They are an international artist residency, a philosophical think tank, basing their research on deconstruction. They have also created live happenings around the world: New York, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Barcelona. Structure: 4 partners.  Samina Virani Nico Iliev Don Rodrigues Maike Paul Budget: This comes to us according to the project and the sponsorship we get for the project.  Sources of funding: Brand sponsorship, private donations.  Concrete projects Partners: Academic institutions: Fondazione Morra, MIT Senselab, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. 
Mission and Objectives

The rabbit hole seeks to stimulate new ideas about the self and the other, and to challenge culturally constructed limits and borders. To support this goal, a traveling residency program was established in 2012, aimed at the deconstruction of myth, storytelling and the essential notion of pilgrimages.
Artists from any discipline can apply to participate as one of the 5 selected wandering wonderers. together they embark on a pilgrimage traversing 7 locations - across lands ands seas - for a total of 21 days. applications are adjudicated by our academic advisory board.
The residency is specifically designed to create a means for artists to explore the magical realism of archetypal journeys, while relying on wit and the power of improvisation to reconstruct new narratives.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2012, they launched a program called "the crystal express" - a 14 day train journey from Barcelona to Tel Aviv, where 7 artists travelled across Western and Eastern Europe and the Middle East, strategically stopping for 2 days in 7 cities. Their task was to explore connectivity across borders, countries and cultures, and to generate individual responses to the following question: what happens when we deconstruct all the paradigms, open all the borders and explore connectivity using our most powerful technology…..the senses?
As part of their platforms, they have launched an international residency program in collaboration with Fondazione Morra in Naples, for April 2020. The subject, "The art of remembering."

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to be a platform to stimulate ideas and build new narrative. We can use our base country as the UK as a way to bring in local artists from here into the Network's objectives and goals. We can also create events in the UK HQ - a loft in Angel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Collaboration; a chance to exchange ideas; a chance to share our networks; also to apply for funding for projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Samina Virani
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Samina Virani
Contact (2) Full Name
Nico Iliev
Job Title (2)
Associate Director


National Network

06543 ANKARA/

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation