
National Network

Hälsingegatan 49
11331 Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Order of the Tea Spoon, in the legal form of a foundation, has a prestigious board where Amos Oz has accepted to be an honorary member of the board. We are three employees and a couple of volunteers. Our main sources of funding are institutions and foundations. A minor part is private funders.
Mission and Objectives

Our values are based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The Order of the Teaspoon’s values are based on the conviction that all people have equal value and equal rights, that children have special rights and that States have specific obligations to ensure and protect these rights.
The Order of the Tea Spoon’s work is based on the motto: For tolerance Against fanaticism. We work to prevent people from being discriminated because of political or religious beliefs, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

Please find attachment

Contact (1) Full Name
Lovisa Fhager Havdelin
Head of the organisation
Camilla Nagler
Contact (2) Full Name
Camilla Nagler

Living Bridge Foundation / Fundacja Żywy Most

National Network

Puławska 114/12 Street
02-620 Warsaw


+48 535 927 599
Telephone (other)
+48 698 015 709
Mobile Phone
+48 535 927 599
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 698 015 709
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International
General Information
The organization was established in August 2012 by a notarial deed and officially registered by Polish court in 2013. 4 members of a Management Board are: Boaz Yardeni (chairman of the foundation), Yosef Erez, Dominika Zakrzewska (project manager of the foundation), Vera Korsonsky. We also have an agreement with certified accountant specialising in regulations according non-governmental organizations to keep an order in accounting books of the Foundation. During the exact projects Foundation employ other staff members according to needs. We apply for a grants from municipality, governmental founds, foundations, European Union projects and European Commission programs as well as looking for private sponsors. Depending on a program we apply alone or with our partner organizations from Poland and abroad. Last year even we just started we were engaged as a partner organization in Polish-Israeli cultural exchange for students and leading two weekly seminars for Israeli teachers and educators in Poland. We also organised family intercultural workshops "Family happiness of winter eves" which goal was to teach about catholic and jewish eves taking place in winter and as well inter-generation integration thanks to participation of people between 3 to 76 years old under facilitation of highly-qualified educators and psychologists. Right now we are on a process of preparing Israeli Folk Dance and Culture Workshops in Poland which is planned to take place in May 2014 and several intercultural and leadership programs for students and educators from Poland, Israel and other countries from Europe, Africa and Middle East. Until now main partners of the Foundation were Association Friends in Culture from Gdańsk in Poland, Sparkpro Organization from Israel, Socio-Cultural Association of Jews in Poland, Academy of Special Education in Warsaw. We also have a patronage of Prime minister Chancellery in Poland, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Polish Banks Association, Polish Embassy in Tel-Aviv - Israel. Even the Foundation is very Young, people who work in it have a several years experience in education and facilitating intercultural projects and programme management.
Mission and Objectives

Our main mission is to create a platform of developing friendship and understanding between people coming from various cultural, religious and social background. We want to promote a dialog,cooperation and democracy as a way to achieve better standars of life. We find it very important to work with people who have the biggest influence on youths like teachers and educators because we believe that the attitudes they present play a crucial role in raising children. We also find it important to strengthen leadership skills of young people, give them opportunity to develope competences in social communication, conflict management, expressing emotions in socially approved ways etc. One of our roles is as well fighting stereotypes and preudices by giving people a chance to learn and experience contact with representatives of other cultures under a suprvision and support of qualified facilitators.

Main Projects / Activities

Our two main projects carried out every year are:
- Cultural exchange for students from Poland and Israel (including also representatives of Polish and israeli minorities like: druze, arabs, beduins, gypsies). Participating in a project taking place for a week in Poland and a week in Israel gives them possibility not only to experience and discover the richness of other country culture but also to establish friendship relations with people from their country representing other cultural or religious background, learn from each other, exchange opinions and points of view.
- Seminars for Israeli teachers and educators in Poland- This project is extremely important because of a long and rich history of coexistance of Polish and Jewish nation and its tragic end during Second World War. Its aim is to deeper knowledge of Israeli teachers and educators in the field of 1000 years of Polish-Jewish common history, Polish-Israeli relations and contemporary Poland. ne of the most important things is to give them possibility to meet Polish students, teachers, volunteers, employees of non-governmental organizations. To establish person to person relations and discover real people after the wall of stereotypes and prejudices and see the reality that is often not exactly what participants imagine before. The project helps to establish also cooperation between educational, cultural and research centres and institutions from both countries.
Other projects:
Intercultural projects - we are planning to establish a series of workshops dedicated to families aiming to show culture of minorities in Poland and give possibility to meet its representatives.
In our closest plans is also preparing intercultural communication seminars for people from Israel (Jesh and Arabs), African, Middle-eastern and European countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be happy to share the experience of our educators and facilitators and cooperate as a partners or supporting organizations with other organizations from ALF Network.
It is important for us to extend our knowledge and competences to support the society and other organizatins.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Anna Lindh Foundation share the interest in values that we were created to promote, like education with special interest in young people, culture, intercultural dialog which importance is growing with bigger and bigger tendention of migration around the world and what it leads to- the need of coexistance of people from different cultural and religious backgrounds, active citizenship and networking.
Because of that we find it very important to become a part of AF network to look for a new partners from various countries, share experience with other organizations, look for an inspiration in creating new and more effective programs that would be beneficial for the society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dominika Zakrzewska
Head of the organisation
Boaz Yardeni

Association Bébés Du Maroc

National Network

Rue Bachir Ibrahimi, Résidence Ayoub I, 4ème étage n° 14

+212 6 62 70 63 70
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+212 6 61 23 47 35
Mobile Phone (other)
+212 6 00 63 52 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
l'association Bébés du Maroc compte 3 pôles d'activités : Kafala, Santé et Education les sources de financements sont composées des cotisations des membres et du sponsoring des actions les principaux partenaires : Ministère du développement Social, la Fondation CDG, la Fondation Omar Tazi, le groupe Echo Medias, radios, TVs,...etc
Mission and Objectives

Vision : Etre le principal réseau de citoyens Marocains défendant les intérêts des bébés et des enfants au Maroc.
Mission : Créer des changements positifs dans la vie des bébés, enfants et parents Marocains.
Objectifs :
-Développer la prise de conscience et l’acceptation des responsabilités du citoyen Marocain vis-à-vis des Enfants en détresse (privés de leurs familles, malades, handicapés,analphabètes,….etc )
-Organiser tout type d’actions ou d’événements visant la contribution à la réalisation des objectifs du millénaire.
-Promouvoir la Kafala des enfants privés de leurs familles 
-Organiser des sessions de formation et de sensibilisation sur tout thème en relation directe ou indirecte avec la vie de la famille : santé de la femme (cancer du sein et du col de l’utérus,…) et de l’enfant
-Mener toute action de communication et de promotion visant l’information de l’opinion publique sur le programme des actions des autres associations oeuvrant dans le domaine de la protection de l’enfance au Maroc
-Mener toute action visant à créer une synergie entre les différents acteurs oeuvrant dans le domaine de la protection de l’enfance (société civile, institutions gouvernementales,…)
-Coopérer avec toutes les associations, organisations et établissements intéressés par les affaires de l’enfance et des parents, sur le plan local, national et international.
-Développer des compétences relatives à la programmation, l’exécution et le suivi des projets de développement aussi bien au niveau national qu’international
-Créer et/ou contribuer à la création d’espaces et d’activités de distraction pour les enfants et les parents
-Editer et/ou la diffuser tous documents et supports d’informations concourant à l’objet et aux activités de l’association
-Mener toute action en relation directe ou indirecte avec l’objet de l’association.

Main Projects / Activities

Activités – Pôle Kafala :
Conseils sur la procédure de la Kafala en partenariat avec des avocats- Conférences sur la procédure de la Kafala
- Promotion du parrainage des enfants privés de leurs familles
- Organisation du Salon de la Petite  Enfance et de la kafala
- Organiser une compétition pour les associations dont les trophées seront remis lors du SPEK 5
- Combattre le travail des petites bonnes
- Ateliers Parents animés par des médecins 
-Constitution d’un réseau de médecins volontaires qui peuvent s’engager sur un nombre de consultations gratuites
-Campagnes médicales au profit des femmes (cancer du sein, du col,...), des enfants (circoncision) et distribution de médicaments, couches, vêtements aux nécessiteux
-Campagnes de sensibilisation  - Hygiène- Maladies sexuellement transmissibles
- Prévention des maladies infantiles
Sensibilisation sur les problèmes de l’environnement
-Aide à la pré - scolarisation des enfants
-Contribution à la généralisation de l’enseignement dans les zones rurales et la réduction de l’abandon scolaire
Formation des bonnes et assimilées
- Implantation des crèches d’entreprises

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

participation à des projets lancés par les membres du Réseau et appel à participation dans les projets de l'Association Bébés Du Maroc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour promouvoir les droits des enfants de la région de la méditerranée et nouer des partenariats avec d'autres associations sur des projets d'envergures internationale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asmaa Benslimane
Head of the organisation
Asmaa Benslimane
Contact (2) Full Name
Loubna Benslimane

Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV)

National Network

Bankalar Caddesi Minerva Han No. 2 Kat 5 Karaköy
34420 Istanbul /

+90 212 243 83 07
+90 212 243 83 05
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy
  2. Research
General Information
1.TÜSEV is a network organization for the nonprofit sector formed in 1993 by Turkey’s leading foundations. The TUSEV network is comprised of over 100 Turkish foundations and nonprofit organizations. TUSEV employs 5 full time and 3 project based professionals. It has 11 board members and 1 tax consultant on retention. 2. In 2008 the yearly budget was approximately 720000 TL (approximately 480000 USD) 3. The foundation’s main sources of funding are approximately 35% from donations of network members, 20% from interest gains on endowment, and 45% from project funding (other foreign donors). The foundation currently has no income generating activities. 4. The Foundation’s modalities of action are organizing meetings, seminars and conferences, providing training sessions and conducting in depth research on the legal framework, philanthropy and the third sector in Turkey. 5. Among TUSEV’s international partners are European Foundation Centre (EFC), International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), World Alliance for Citizen Participation (CIVICUS), International Center for Not for Profit Law (ICNL), European Center for Not for Profit Law (ECNL) and Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).
Mission and Objectives

TUSEV’s main objectives are to:
- Promote a legally and fiscally enabling environment for nonprofit organizations,
- Encourage strategic and effective giving,
- Facilitate partnerships across the public, private & third sectors,
- Support and engage the international community in learning about and collaborating with the Turkish third sector,
- Conduct research on the sector's role, needs and dynamics to serve as a basis for civil society strengthening initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

TUSEV’s programme areas are as follows:
• Civil Society Law Reform: TUSEV is enabling Civil Society by informing and updating on legal and fiscal issues for the Turkish third sector, promoting mechanisms to increase CSOs participation in the policy making process, conducting independent policy analysis and advocating for reform, analyzing and monitoring of reform implementation and supporting implementation/capacity building for CSOs and governments in adapting to new legislation and processes
• Social Investment: TUSEV seeks to inform stakeholders (existing and potential donors) about strategic and effective practices, help create a more enabling infrastructure for social investment and philanthropy in Turkey, introduce and support the establishment of new mechanisms that enable the flow of resources to CSOs, such as community foundations and advise new donors and foundations on creating effective giving strategies under the Social Investment Program. TUSEV also promotes the community foundation model in Turkey and acts a community foundation support centre.
• International Relations and Networking : TUSEV is seeking to create common platforms to exchange best practices and to facilitate cooperation between Turkish civil society organizations, their international counterparts and donors. The Foundation is continually increasing its network of international partners. Most recently, TUSEV and Turkish foundations hosted the 20th Annual General Assembly and Conference of the European Foundation Centre in 2008. In 2010, the International Society for Third Sector Research Biannual Conference will be hosted by TUSEV in Istanbul.
• Research and Publications : TUSEV aims to undertake critical research initiatives on issues regarding the third sector and generating useful data and reports that will help to inform practitioners and promote dialogue among all stakeholders. TUSEV has conducted several research projects in cooperation with international partners the Ford Foundation’s “Philanthropy for Social Justice in Muslim Societies” and CIVICUS Civil Society Index Country Report for Turkey (2005 and 2009).

Contact (1) Full Name
Liana Varon
Job Title
Deputy Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Ustun Erguder

ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies (ZAK | Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale)

National Network

Rüppurrer Str. 1a, Haus B

+49 721 608-44812
+49 721 608 44811
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy
  2. International
  3. Research
  4. Youth
General Information
ZAK │ Centre for Cultural and General Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) The ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies is a central facility of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), headed by Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha.
Mission and Objectives

The ZAK’s concept is based on three pillars: interdisciplinarity, applied research in cultural studies, and public science.
In particular, the ZAK’s objectives include the promotion of interdisciplinary teaching, and the interdisciplinary collaboration of teachers and researchers; promotion of scientific, social and economic dialogue; promotion and improvement of relationships and cooperation between the KIT and the citizens of Karlsruhe and the region of in terms of scientific and cultural exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

The main subjects of the ZAK´s research and project activities are the fields of globalization, cultural change and technology and intercultural communication. Thus, the ZAK contributes to scientific reflection and the shaping of developments in society and culture. Main areas of research are: Interdisciplinary teaching and integrative studies, internationalization and globalization, teamwork and leadership competence in intercultural projects and urban integration of immigrant groups on a European scale. As a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation the ZAK covers the fields: democracy and community development (e.g. Karlsruhe Dialogues), international/cultural relations and research (e.g. International Forum; Days of Culture of the City of Karlsruhe; European Integration and Institutional Studies - Jean Monnet Program EURIIS; Internationalization and intercultural decision-making and responsibility INTER-ACT).
Since March 2012 the ZAK, together with the Goethe Institute, coordinates the German network of the Anna-Lindh Foundation as well as the Common Action, a collaborative, Germany-wide Event series of the network with the subject “Migration and Flight”.
In 2010 the ZAK hosted the German launch of the Anna-Lindh-Report on EuroMed Intercultural Trends accompanied by a panel discussion in the castle of Karlsruhe. An evening with Arab independent short-films framed by the curator’s explanations was the ZAK’s contribution to the ALF-series of events “Mittelmeer vor Ort” in May 2011.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha
Job Title
Head of the Organisation
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha
Contact (2) Full Name
Swenja Zaremba
Job Title (2)
Research Fellow

Association of Civil Society and Development Institute

National Network

Organize Sanayi Bolgesi, 7. Cadde no: 15 Cekicler Odunpazarı

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy
  2. Environment
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International
  7. Media
General Information
Association of Civil Society and Development Institute is organized by academician and other for civil society and development. Asssociatian has management board and auditory board. It has own resources and having international funds for projects. It participated international projects. ASSDI ‘s members are following: Universities academics staff Medical doctors Teachers Students
Mission and Objectives

The Association is set up for developing civil society, developing society in social, culture, health and local development, supporting European Union membership etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities and purposes of Association are following:
- Creating project for development of civil society and local development.
- Creating project for EU and related topics,
- Organising courses, conferences, etc.
- Creating documentation centre and collecting books etc.
- Printing books, newspaper other materials
- Having grants internal and international institutions.
- Creating enterprises or participate created enterprises.
- Participating, EU other, projects.
- Creating platform, website etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Necdet SAGLAM
Job Title
Head of Organization
Head of the organisation
Dr. Necdet Saglam

S&G System and Generation Association

National Network

Necatibey Caddesi No:19 Daire:21
06430 Ankara/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy
  2. International
  3. Youth
General Information
“S&G” systemandgeneration has been founded with two aspects such as SYSTEM and GENERATION by gathering of leading civil society institutions, various sectors of the society, EU experts, youth, youth workers, youth trainers, university representatives and artistic societies in 2008. S&G Youth Centre To promote and inform youth about activities undertaken through the way of membership of Turkey, both inside and outside the country, and to coordinate and lead the different YouTHere Activities with a view to ensure a civil participation in the integration process, to establish platforms and necessary new institutions, both inside and outside the country, in order to cooperate and join forces, through the integration process, with civil society institutions, public and private sector, various organizations and enterprises, member and candidate state representatives; *to encourage youth by establishing partnership and trans-national exchanges, preparing a common environment for Turkish and European youths to inform and support for running European Projects, *to promote young people’s active citizenship; *to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion; *to foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries; *to contribute development in the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations in the youth field. *To increase the awareness of youth, NGOs, universities on project management, preparation, execution and assessment. *To inform youth about initiatives and realise activities encouraging youth in entrepreneurship. Youth Caravan is on the road to Europe and Turkey S&G is an accredited NGO for EVS for sending+hosting+coordinating 2008-TR-30 Works in collaboration with Ankara Culture and Association, CESIE, Italy www.cesie.it , EUROCIRCLE http://www.eycn.org/  and Many National and EU Level Associations. BOARDS OF THE ASSOCIATION 1-The General Assembly 2-Board of Directors 3-Supervisory Board Staff employed: 2 Volunteers:200 EVS Volunteers: 9 For 2015 S&G Revenue (in EUR): 260.610 euro S&G total balance sheet 260.610 euro The main financial sources of your organization: X EU Commission X Private Sector X Member's fees X Other (i.e. National Institutions, please specify): Local Authorities…………… COMMENTS: We are supported by Media and Local Companies MAIN PARTNERS: EUROCIRCLE_ FRANCE CESIE_ITALY FONIX DANCE_HUNGARY EU ACTIVITIES CENTRE_TURKEY EU INFORMATION CENTRE_ISTANBUL&ANKARA TURKEY TURKISH POLICE RADIO_ ANKARA TURKEY
Mission and Objectives

to enable the defragment of youth with society and community, to cranck up their entrepreneurial spirits and abilities, to help them to maintain information, ability and efficiency, to meet the youth from different cultures, to strengthen the understanding, comprehension and tolerance between youth, to enhance the solidarity and to make youth to make and have their own politics, to countanence the Europian Union at youth area, to build up cooperation and collaboration between international firms. This association serves from a point of view and in a frame to improve the inventiveness and creativeness of our people and to combine and contact these creativeness especially starting from the youth, with the systems, created in European Union, that are objected and created from the productivity increase of economic development in which this productivity increase is used for furnishing the efficiency and sustaining the productivity, to considering the socio-economic needs of sustainability and analyzing the problems well in a good way of planning and preparing a project and with a belief that is coming from this good way of planning and preparation of projects, and in addition being aware of the team work culture’s being one of the most effective tool in a way of reaching these targets and aims.
 To create an awareness between youth, NGOs and universities; on the topics of project evaluation methods, project preparation and project management.
 To induce youth’s active citizenships, in general.
 To strengthen the perception, to enhance the interdependence and to induce complaisance and tolerance between youth in order to strengthen the social congruity at Europian Union.
 To inform the entrepreneurs about entrepreneurship and to perform the applications that will encourage the youth about entrepreneurship.
 To make a collabortion and operations at yourth area with Youth National Agencies, Education-Visual-Audiovisual and Culture Implementation Agency, Salto Source Centres, Eurodesk Network, Youth Area Commision and Europian Council.
 To furnish services about Europian Union services, oriented to Eurodesk Network youth; and these services are;
- To answer the questions,free of charge- with telephone , by visiting, by e-mail and fax, etc.
- Sugessions and helps to the owner of the questions;
- Publications and sources;
- Activities,conferences and seminars, etc.;
- Network access to Europe information;
- Education and support services;
- Soru sahiplerine öneri ve yardım;
 To make collaborations and collective works with associate and candidate countries‘ representative offices through the purposes of association’s aims, in order to enhance the dialogue between Europian Union corporations and associate countries and Turkey.
 To be the transfer center of international firms , to make colobarations with these firms and to be the represantative of the firms – that are already established or will be established- which are preparing projects, making evaluations,educations etc with the funds provided by domestic and abroad youth, intrapreneurship, our country, EU, World Bank, UNDP and other sources.
 To conduct and drive evaluation and information works that are about the effect of integration procedure on community, society, SMEs, NGO’s.
 To follow up the Turkey – EU deliberations and consultations and to define the areas to which are probable of furnishing an assistance and to work on this topic,
 To make necessary advertisings and presentations and information works, in our country and abroad, on the way of Turkey’s membership and with this aim, to provide orientations and make coordinations of the activities of association and association offices in the country and on abroad,
 To follow up the programmes of our country, EU, World Bank, UNDP and other donations that are related with youth, NGOs, SMEs, civic governments and to prepare projects about these subjects and to participate in the projects related with these topics, as a participant or a partner,
 To prepare regional and zonal improvement and development projects and to participate in the projects related with these topics, as a participant or a partner,
 To make colaborations with domestic and abroad organizations such as technocities,universities, industry and commerce accomodations; for the improvement and development projects and to asses these colaborations to a protocole.
Methodology to achieve the aims and objectives
 To make research and meetings, conferences, seminars, panels, open sessions, symposiums , abroad educations and adult(?) educations,
 To reseach for improvement and activation of activities,
 To provide action and social conditions by meeting the domestic appertainings, related with EU, of the NGOs, private sectors, publics( Parliament and Ministerial Offices, associations and firms)
 To organize culture and art activities,
 To make a colaboration with and/or to be an associate to related domestic and abroad community/public establishments, universities, NGOs, real and legal people, international establishments and firms with similar purposes ( associations, foundations, charities, platforms, corporation networks, etc),
 To make regional and sectoral research, to make scientific and academic research or make someone to do research, and with this aim, to prepare protocoles and to sign them,
 To make time-bounded and trasient actions in the country and on abroad related with every written printed press, internet, computer programmes etc and to make a web site and to establish a communication center,
 To make or to make someone to do surveys and gallup pools,
 To buy/ hire/ rent/sell the chattels and demesnes that are needed by the topics/subjects of purposes and activities,
 To make actions at international area that are suitable to related rules.
 To take up testaments, to accept and devote any kind of donations and aid, suited to related legislation.
Working Areas
The Association shows activity about social, cultural and scientific areas. It makes the activities informed above by the authorised people and related establishments.

Main Projects / Activities

We have been participating actively to several EU Youth Programs at national and international grounds for years, the following are the ones closer to this action.
Project 1
Project title: Kick our racism and violence
Object and results of the action: Kick out racism and violence » is a European youth exchange project (Youth in Action programme) on the theme of the fight against racism and violence in the stadium. www.kickout.eu This project is supported by the DG EAC, the Préfecture des Bouches-du-Rhône, the Conseil Générale des Bouches-du-Rhône and the Fondation de France. The young Europeans participated in the preparation of an anti-racist action already planned in the programme: a giant tifo (12,700 boards) showing the logo of the project and a 30m long streamer with the name of the exchange: « Kick Out Racism and Violence »! First of all, the participants assisted in the preparation of the tifo (in the organisation and installation of the boards) and secondly they unfurled the tifo in the « Ganay » tribune on Sunday 6th April 2008, during the football match between Olympique de Marseille and Olymipique de Lyon at the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille.
Location: Marseille, France
Target group: Youth
Duration of the action: 3rd to 10th April 2008
Total cost of the action (in EUR):
Amount contributed by the Donor(s) (in EUR):
Role of your organization: Leader X Partner
Project 2
Project title: Power of partnership – Youth vision for 2020
Object and results of the action: The major goal of this project was to increase the involvement of young people without experience in Youth Programme in an international projects by means of creating a better understanding of possible opportunities and positive impact of opening the local communities which leads to tolerance and open mindness in local society. Fostering inter-cultural dialog among youth to improve the quality and competence in partnership collaboration among youth, youth NGOs and local authorities. To foster inter-cultural dialogue between the participants and learn on other cultures by using different methods, To rise participants' awareness on cooperation and partnership cultures of other participants and knowledge of Euro-med. To contribute in reduction of inter-cultural prejudices and bias in the countries involved in the project. And to contribute to the ability of young people to engage in collaboratively and encourage social exclusion, multi-cultural awareness and inter-cultural toleration. Youth from Turkey, Italy, Jordan, Israel, Czech Republic and Egypt increased their knowledge on other cultures and collaborative partnership possibilities and techniques by discussing and using different methods, aiming to foster dialogue and deliver message for peace and tolerance. -Advancing cooperation between the participating cities throughout the Mediterranean region and Europe.
Before we start the project we planned to organize a small competition to elect successful youth to participate a Training Course and also training course for youth from Turkey and Euro-Med Youth III Programme Countries in Ankara with the cooperation of Municipality, NGO’s and youth including activities that aim to rise participants’ awareness on different cultures, and increase their knowledge on other cultures by discussing and using different methods, aiming to foster dialogue and deliver message of peace and tolerance and to exchange ideas on prejudices.
We prepared a poster and gave these posters to the group leaders during the preparatory meeting held before the project started. It was reallt amazing what kind of interesting and inter related outcomes, such as music, paintings, graphs, presentations, etc obtained from each country and each individual participant selected to particicpate in this project. They were even had difficulties to decide who should participte in this training course due to excess of the applications. There fore some of the countries bought one extra participant to our project.
After the training course; We planned to facilitate both long-term and short term objectives for European and Mediterranean youth leaders, objectives that closely mirror the aims of mobility and participation as outlined by the Euro-Med YOUTH programme itself These goals include:
-Providing a Training Course in which leaders from varied societies can freely interact;
-Building specific and thematic skills necessary for the instillation of peace and the resolution of conflict;
-Encouraging and supporting youth leaders;
-Raising awareness of socio-gaps that exist within societies;
-Introducing and furthering the activities of the Euro-Med YOUTH programme, making it available to a wider base of potential participants;
-Creating a joint identity by establishing common future visions and goals;
-Promoting cultural exchange and understanding, and encouraging interfaith dialogue;
-Facilitating interaction between youth leaders hailing from peaceful nations and those still living in conflict, such that each can pass essential lessons on to the other;
-Instigating cooperation between communities following the Training Course;
-Heightening awareness of the benefits of peace, and conflict resolution;
-Reducing misconceptions and breaking down extant stereotypes;
-Educating youth about democratic processes, rights, and self-determination, as well as about the functionality and role of local government;
-Establishing a political spectrum to contribute to comprehensive peace efforts; Engaging male and female youth leaders on an equal level and in equal numbers to promote both the notion and the practice of equality
These specific objectives above mentioned can clearly be seen how was achieved by looking at the programme applied and pictures presented.. And there was great enthusiasm among participants to understand and getting involved in the specific objectives spontaneously. This was also very much challenging for us. S&G took major role in implementation and execution of the project from preparation and final.
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Target group: Youth
Duration of the action: 26 sept – 1 october 2008
Total cost of the action (in EUR):
Amount contributed by the Donor(s) (in EUR):
Role of your organization: Leader X Partner
Project 3
Project title: Balcan youth intercultural dialogue conference
Object and results of the action: The Turkish National Agency is organising the European Youth Week activities for the third year. This year, the themes are Intercultural Dialogue and European Youth Policies.
The activities hosted interested young people and youth workers of youth-related NGOs from numerous Balkan countries, EU Countries and from Turkey, as well as, Turkish journalists, winners of the European Young Journalist Award, scientists, intellectuals, artists and press members. The number of participants was set to be around 120.
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Target group: Youth
Duration of the action: 5 – 7 November 2008
Total cost of the action (in EUR):
Amount contributed by the Donor(s) (in EUR):
Role of your organization: Leader X Partner
Project title: Photograph for Neighbours
Object and results of the action: Aims (50 words)
Help youngsters to think of "neighbour" concept, the same time "other one", "different", in the wide sense "dicrimination", respect to others with help of arts. Art and photograpy will help youngsters to see the concept of other youngsters to the same theme, how people can understand the same thing differently.
We aim to hold photography competition after an exhibition of pictures in Ankara-Turkey (anyone who lives here) which are taken by youngsters for the concept of “dialogue with neighbors” (in the wide sense, neighbor countries, regions etc.). We will ask youngsters to take pictures for, what does “dialogue with neighbors” mean to them, in what kind of actions do they see this concept, take pictures of them. Youngsters could work with youth workers to take their pictures, the pictures doesn’t have to be taken by professional camera or professionally. They will then upload them onto a website to be judged by the general public. On 22nd May 2008 the voting will be over, we will have a big night of Euro-Mediterranean Night where the participants, NGO’s who were involved get together, publish the pictures with an exhibition.
Mostly small NGO’s in Ankara to activate them and get them in contact with others, youth workers who are interested on photography, AFSAD (Ankara Photography Artists Association) (They will help us with publication of the photos and after printing of the photos), ANKSAD (Ankara Culture and Arts Association) (They will provide us the place for the night of 22nd May where we will hold the Euro-Mediterranean Night and publication of the photos.) NGO representatives of Euro-Mediterranean countries in Turkey (Italian Culture Centre, French Culture Centre, German Culture Centre etc.)
"This action is part of the regional campaign "1001 Actions for Dialogue" launched by the Anna Lindh Foundation the Dialogue between Cultures for the enhancement of peaceful coexistence and intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The action was generated with the financial support of the Anna Lindh Foundation"
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Target group: Young people between 18-30 years old, anyone who is interested on youth work, arts and aims to work against discriminationYouth
Duration of the action: 1.5.2008- 22.5.2008
Total cost of the action (in EUR): 5000
Amount contributed by the Donor(s) (in EUR): 2500
Role of your organization: X Leader Partner
Project5 You There Youth Here
Youth Caravan is on the Road to Europe and Turkey
Object and results of the action: The aim of our youth Project “You There Youth Here ” is to act as a media fort the Exchange of knowledge about the opportunities provided by the EU for young people, to increase the awareness of the intercultural dialog, carry the information through the Turkish National Agency, the posters, brochures and CD prepared by the “YouTHere” and they will be further informed about the given opportunities of EU for the intercultural dialog through the different materials, lap-tops, and projector/projection screen which will be available in the caravan.. Especially economically disadvantaged young people who couldn’t benefit from the Youth Projects will be given an opportunity. During this informative work the youth will have the chance to obtain information from A to Z in first place through the outdoor activities of the YIA YouTHere Sen Orada Gençlik Burada Caravan and the PC’s/internet web site.
The YIA Caravan painted with the colours of Turkey and EU and attended by one Project leader and at least three S&G YouTHere Youth Group Project volunteers is going to visit cities (Konya, Eskişehir, Kastamonu, Kırıkkale, Kütahya, Kırklareli, Edirne and Ankara/İstanbul), three or four Universities/METU Vocational schools (Selçuk, Kastamonu, Kırıkkale, Bilkent or Başkent). On the way of the caravan, S&G YouTHere Youth Group will visit three or four EU Youth Projects and participate youth meetings in three districts/provinces. Through the Project which is planned to last 12 months it is intended to contact 1.000 young people directly and 20.000 young people indirectly. During the realization of the Project we wish to benefit from experiences of the Project of our EUROCIRCLE-Marseille partner “our euromobile- on the way to europe” Our partner eurocircle will accompany us for one week on our caravan. At the end or during the Project we have the intention to realize a new Project together with France, Italy and Spain. Within the scope of the Project we wish to share our experiences using the log-book of our Caravan and the short film of the Project we aim to send young people which we are going to choose during our visits as participants of the Project and also to intensive EVS dedicated www.jamonet.eu and www.cesie.orginstitutions for EVS.
Location: Ankara-Kırıkkale-Konya-Kastamonu-Eskişehir-Kütahya-Kırıklareli-Edirne-İstanbul , Turkey
Target group: Young people between 18-30 years old,
Duration of the action: 1.6.2008- 31.5.2009
Total cost of the action (in EUR): 12000
Amount contributed by the Donor(s) (in EUR): 12000
Role of your organization: X Leader Partner
Comments (if any):
We were there with Youth Caravan and exhibited “Photo Exhibition for Neighbours. We were supported by Anna Lindh for Dialogue in Action Programme and represented Turkey in Dialogue in Action Interactive Publication. Some other projects are as follows:
Full Support, PreparedParticipatedExecuted
Project Title Action Target Group Date
Venue, Country
THE Turkey’s Harmonisation to Europe Action 5 Youth Seminar Youth Leaders, NGO Representatives, EU Experts 2006 Ankara,Turkey
TC on Project Cycle Management Action 5 Youth Training Course Project Coordinators, Youth NGOs
2005 Best Pratice Award in Action5 by TNA Ankara,Turkey
A Little Sound for a Great Hope LSGH Action I Youth Exchange Visually Imparied 2007 Ankara,Turkey
TC on Knowledge Management for Youth Organisations Action 5 Youth Training Course Youth Leaders, Computer Experts 2007 Uşak,Turkey
Sport for Youth Inclusion without Racism and Xenophobia Action I Youth Exchange Youth (Caucasus Countries included) May, 2007 Rize,Turkey
Youth in Saving Common Cultural Heritage: Blaundos Antique City Action I Youth Exchange Youth (Caucasus Countries included) 2006 Uşak,Turkey
PRIVATISATION Threats and Opportunities Within the Scope of EU Integration Action 5 Youth Seminar Youth Leaders, NGO Representatives, EU Experts 2006 Ankara,Turkey
Face in Face Action I Youth Exchange Young Artists, Painters June, 2006 Kastamonu,Turkey
Crossing The Bridge Action 5 Youth Seminar Youth Leaders
2005 Ankara,Turkey
Youth Tackling with Leukemia Action 5 Youth Seminar Youth, Young Doctors
2007 Ankara,Turkey
Four Cantons and Common Melodies Action I Youth Exchange Young Musicians,
disadvantaged 2007 Ankara,Turkey
Impact Assessment Analysis of Youth Projects Action III Youth Initiatives Youth
disadvantaged 2006-2007 Ankara,Turkey
Youth House Action III Youth Initiatives Youth
Disadvantaged 2006-2007 Kastamonu,Turkey
Youth Centre Action III Youth Initiatives Youth
disadvantaged 2006-2007 Konya,Turkey
SOS for Youth Action III Youth Initiatives Youth NGOs, Trainers 2007 Ankara,Turkey
The Rthyme of Harput Under EU Sun Çayda Çıra Action I Youth Exchange Youth Folk Dance 2007 Elazığ,Turkey
Struggle Action I Youth Exchange Gender Discrimination 2007 Ankara,Turkey
Project Title Action Target Group Date
Venue, Country
Aspects of Social Tensions in a multi-cultured Europe Action 5 Youth Seminar Youth Leaders
2005 Malta
Youth Vision for 2020 Action 5 Youth Seminar Youth Disadvantaged
2006 Malta
Power of Partnership Action 5
Training Course Youth Leaders, NGO, Local Authorities, Municipalities May, 2006 Czech Republic
Forming The Earth YIA 3.1
Youth Exchange Ceramic Students 2007 Czech Republic
Euromed Gender Connection Action 5 Youth Seminar Promoting Gender Equality 2007 Italy
MOYC – More opportunities for Young Citizens YIA 3.1
Training Course Training Course for Multipliers 2007 Italy
Black and White Action 5
Training Course Youth Leaders, NGO, Local Authorities, May, 2006 Czech Republic
Sustainable Islands Seminar Action 5 Youth Seminar Youth Workers 2006 Gran Canarias, Spain
Project Title Action Target Group Date Venue, Country
Kick our Racism and Violencewww.kickout.eu
Action I Youth Exchange Youth Sport April, 2008 Marseille, France
New Action Model of Youth Partnership YIA 3.1. Training Course Youth Leaders January 2008 Baku Azerbaijan
Youth Tackling with used Batteries and Acumulators YIA 4.3 Seminar
Youth April 2008 AnkaRa,Turkey
GET INVOLVED IN EVS Act4.3 Youth 25th June-1st July 08 Keschemet, Hungarywww.jamonet.eu
JAMO PROJECT TC for EVS Mentors and Volunteers 30th September Eylül-4th October 2008 Sevilla-Spain
Power of Partnershıp Youth Vision For 2020 I Understand… EURO-MED III Youth 26 Sept -1 Oct 2008 Ankara,Turkey
Youth Seminar on An Approach to Youth Policies in all its Aspects Act. 5.1 Youth Leaders, Youth,
Youth Policy Makers 2st-6th November 2008 Ankara, Turkey
TC on Quality EVS, Good Impact Act.3.1 Youth Leaders, youth, EVS Volunteers 29th November – 5th December 2008 Bakurani, Georgia
Balkan youth Intercultural Dialogue Conference Conference Youth 5-7 November 2008 Istanbul. Turkey
TC Human Rights in Action Act. 3.1 Youth 7-13 December 2008 Chisinau – Moldova
Ongoing Projects(Approved)
Project Title Action Target Group Date Venue, Country
JAMO Youth in Action Mobility and Opportunities JAMO en Mobilité Project 2006 – 3328 / 001 - 001 EVS 2007-2009 Mantova, Italy Jaen, Spain Marseille, France Abana, Istanbul Turkey
Photograph For Neighbours Anna Lindh 1001 Actions Youth May 2nd-22nd. Ankara-Turkey
Act 1.2 Youth 1st June 2008 - 31st May 2009 13 CITIES UP TO NOW IN TURKEY
Youth Seminar on SVIÖ EVS Effective+Valuable+Satisfactory Act 3.1 Youth Leaders, youth, EVS Volunteers 19-25 January 2009 İstanbul,Turkey

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Gurkan Akcaer
Job Title
LEAR&President of S&G / Yasal Temsilci&Başkan
Head of the organisation
Mr. Gurkan Akcaer

Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (Istanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı IKSV)

National Network

İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı Nejat Eczacıbaşı Binası Sadi Konuralp Caddesi No: 5 Sishane 34433

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) was founded in 1973, with the initial goals of offering the finest examples of cultural and artistic production from around the world and introducing new initiatives and movements to arts enthusiasts in Istanbul. Further goals included presenting the cultural and artistic assets of Turkey to the world and turning Istanbul into a major center within the international culture and arts community. IKSV is run by an elected Board and a general manager assigned by the Board. Under the general manager are 7 artistic directors responsable for the festivals and 5 administrative departments. Today the number of full time staff employed by the Foundation has reached up to 80. The Foundation also employs part-time and seasonal staff varying according to needs. The yearly budget of IKSV is around 14 million Euros (in cash and in kind). The main sources of funding are sponsors followed by government and international funds, individual donors and ticket income.
Mission and Objectives

IKSV aims at creating an international medium to promote and feature not only the cultural heritages of Turkish society but also those of other societies in the world by facilitating the sharing of inspiration and creativity among arts and the artists which would lead the peoples of distinct cultural backgrounds towards a better understanding and contribute to world peace by creating a sense of global awareness through the arts.
The general objectives are:
To make Istanbul one of the world’s foremost capitals of culture and the arts.
To create a continuous interaction between the national and the universal and between traditional and contemporary values via culture and the arts.
To actively contribute to the development of cultural policies.

Main Projects / Activities

The first Istanbul Festival ran from 15 June to 15 July 1973 and contributed greatly to the establishment of the concept and phenomenon of the ‘festival’ in Turkey. The Istanbul Festival originally focused on classical music, but eventually included film screenings, theatre and dance performances, exhibitions and contemporary music concerts. Over time, groups of events from different artistic disciplines gradually evolved into distinct festivals. The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, organises the Istanbul Festivals of Music, Film, Theatre and Jazz, as well as the Istanbul Biennial, the Istanbul Design Biennial, autumn film week ‘Filmekimi’, and the Leyla Gencer Voice Competition. Also active on the international stage, İKSV organises festivals in major European cities and has managed the Pavilion of Turkey at the Venice Biennial since 2007.
In addition to organising festivals, biennials and events in Turkey and abroad, the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts works in these fields
• conservation of traditional arts and cultural heritage
• encouraging and facilitating artistic production in diverse disciplines
• cultural policy development

Head of the organisation
Görgün Taner

We Love Sousse

National Network

12 Gandhi Street - Jawhara
4002 Sousse

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy
  3. Environment
  4. Heritage
  5. International
  6. Media
  7. Youth
General Information
il s'agit d'une ONG composé d'un bureau exécutif de 12 personnes et ayant centaine de membres travaille essentiellement grâce a la motivation de ses membres et en se basant sur les subventions des partenaires économiques de la région également elle travaille également sur des projets avec les fondations et institutions internationales nous avons travaillés sur les élections du 23 octobre et la promotion de de la ville de sousse
Mission and Objectives

aider a l'amelioration de la vie culturelle de sousse
promouvoir le tourisme cuturel et les valeurs de la citoyenneté
enrichir le tissus associatif de la ville de sousse
travailler sur le journalisme citoyens et la gouvernance locale
s'occuper des regions defavorisées et assurer des activitées economiques pour les plus dimunis
assurer une activitée de formation dans tout les domaines

Main Projects / Activities

formation d'un groupe d'observateurs d'elections
shoot as you walk
travail sur un projet d'animation citoyenne dans un village tres pauvre de la region de sousse
journées portes ouvertes

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Anis Boufrikha
Job Title
Network Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mr. Anis Boufrikha

Zavod Povod

National Network

Čučkova ulica 3
2250 Ptuj

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Križanič
Job Title
Head of the Organisation