
Municipality Velingrad

National Network

35 Han Asparuh blvd.

+0359 359 5 05 85
+359 359 5 43 41
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Municipality Velingrad has 116 employees of which 44 are working in the general administration and 48 in the specialized administration. It’s yearly budget is 8,5 000 000 EUR. It’s sources of funding are the republic budget, local taxes and outer sources like national and european programs. In the municipality’s staff, there is a ‘European Programs and Projects Directorate” which is dedicated to development and implementation of projects funded by grants from the European Commission. It has projects in the fields of ecology, infrastructure, social activities, etc. The municipality has partners among the civil society, business, regional and national authorities.
Mission and Objectives

Municipality Velingrad in the heart of the Rodophes will become a developed and established region for international tourism and balneological treatment with clean nature, quality life standard, preserved spiritual and material values with high grade of education and knowledge and equal chances of all of it’s regions and social groups.
The general objectives of the development of Municipality Velingrad for the period until the year of 2013 are improvement of life quality, growth of incomes and employment and transformation of Municipality Velingrad in an environmental-clean vacation territory with well established living, resort and business environment by increasing it’s attractiveness as a major leading balneological centre.

Main Projects / Activities

The European Programs and Projects Directorate has developed and implemented many projects funded from the European Commission. It has experience in the development of projects, applying in calls for proposals, budget allocation and project implementation. Some of the past projects are “Protected House” – social establishment for handicapped people, building of waste-water purification plant for the municipalities of Velingrad and Sarnitza and projects for energy efficiency of various buildings on the town’s territory.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgy Ianchev
Head of the organisation
Ivan Lebanov
Contact (2) Full Name
Radka Ruseva

Muzeiko Foundation

National Network

6 Maliovitsa Str.
1000 Sofia

00359 896 710 803
Telephone (other)
00359 2 90 20 000
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

With a team of 6 scientists, educators, communication and management staff, Muzeiko works to inspire children for knowledge by sparkling their interest in science, technology and art. The Foundation supports the activity of Children’s Science Center" Muzeiko" - the largest science museum for children in Eastern Europe, and specializes in organising interactive spaces, interdisciplinary educational formats, training of teachers and educators in formal and non-formal education. We enjoy high visibility and good relationship with central and local authorities, academia, civil society and corporate sector in Bulgaria. Our membership with ECSITE (the European network science centers & museums), Hands On! International Association of Children in Museums and the Association of Children Museums (USA) gives us access to vast expertise and resources in science, education and work with children. Muzeiko has a free platform for parents and teachers MyMuzeiko with child-friendly articles related to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM) topics and lesson kits linked with the educational content for primary age children. The foundation supports interactive travelling exhibitions “Black Sea Map” and “Inventions” (Discover America), thus providing access to educational information and inspiration for children, parents and teachers nationwide. The organization's annual budget hovers around 210-270,000 euro and is secured through: project grants, renting out spaces, sponsors and donors.

Mission and Objectives

Muzeiko works to inspire children and young people to explore the wonders of science, technology and art; to provoke them to think, ask questions, experiment, create and learn (through encouraging educational strategies based on play, experience, hands-on activities, object and enquiry- oriented instruction). Believing that every child has the right to humane, high-quality and inclusive education, Muzeiko is dedicated to making the world of science and knowledge attractive and accessible to all. We aim to: - inspire children for knowledge by excitement of their interest in the world, science and art through self-directed complex play; - work for improving the quality of education in Bulgaria by supporting communities working in this field; - create conditions for improving the well-being of children, by reviving their curiosity and their interest in the educational process; - support the high academic achievements of students; - establish methods for prevention early leaving the education system; - encourage the creativity and thinking of children and create better opportunities for them in the future; - positively influence the early development of the youngest (0 to 3 years old) by providing protected environment learning and playing space; - support the process of creating the right environment for kids, which takes into account their specific needs in order to have a special place to express themselves in their early childhood; - support the process of establishing this place as a center for creative meetings and discussions between parents and specialists dealing with the issues of early childhood development and support its potential by creating conditions for a positive change in thinking about early childhood; - influence the local economy, infrastructure and cultural development as a catalyst for economic development in the city; - motivate public engagement, to provide families with a unique place to share their talents and perspectives, to be a starting point for action by social groups in Bulgaria and around the world towards problems in the sphere of education and child development; - be a catalyst for the convergence of social groups by encouraging and supporting the process of exchanging ideas for the creation of an enlightened, healthy and prosperous living environment.

Main Projects / Activities

- Development of interactive STEAM educational programs - since 2015 our team and external experts have developed more than 15 thematic programs and 60 workshops for children and family audiences, school groups; it has co-created a four-lingual 75-hour online training GardensToLearn for early childhood teachers and educators with resources, technical and pedagogical advice for developing and using inclusive school gardens; Muzeiko has co-produced resources for distance learning related to ocean literacy (videos, quizzes, presentations, leaflets) through its participation as a partner in the Horizon 2020 SeaChange multinational project; - Support and organization of professional communities in museum education - Muzeiko is a co-founder of the national professional community “Together with children” which has been holding regular meetings since 2014; - Methodological support and advice for educators in formal and non-formal setting - over the past year Muzeiko hosted a national conference on school gardens with 120 educators in November 2019 and a practical workshop in February 2020 with 60 educators; organising training for museum workers and creative companies in design and manufacture of museum exhibitions, conducted by international experts Paul Orselli (POW! / Paul Orselli Workshop) and Joe Cook (Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions), as well as a series of practical workshops for museum educators on interactive methods for presenting academic content and linking primary curriculum with specific exhibitions in their museums. - Work with volunteers (currently we have a network of 40 young persons).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since its establishment in 2014, Muzeiko Foundation has been working to create conditions for improving the well-being of children by reviving their curiosity and interest in the educational process, encouraging their creativity and critical thinking; creating a positive impact on the early development of the youngest (from 0 to 3 years) by providing a safe and stimulating environment for learning and play; ensuring welcoming space for creative meetings and discussions between parents and specialists dealing with the issue of early childhood development; providing families with a comfortable place to share their talents and perspectives. Through fundraising activities and own resources, Muzeiko Foundation aims to give kids from underprivileged and low-income families in Bulgaria and those deprived of parental care an opportunity to approach science and experimentation by visiting the only children science center in the country MUZEIKO, or by participating in its outreach program. Since the end of 2017, free admission to Museiko Children's Science Center has been provided for nearly 3,000 students from poor areas of the country and from social services for children with and without disabilities. Two girls from a center for social rehabilitation and integration received scholarships for participation in the Summer Academy "Games of Science”.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Muzeiko recently embarked on a new challenge to engage deeper around issues of social and cultural inclusion, with the intention of creating a safe and meaningful place for children (and families) of diverse backgrounds. In these pursuits, we are developing an outreach programme seeking to reach out to children from communities that traditionally remain excluded from science due to geographical location (poor rural regions), disability, minority/ migrant origin, status (children deprived of parental care living in social services), self-stigma and self-discrimination. They perceive higher education as an undefeatable stronghold reserved for a group of exceptional people, and rarely develop a self-image of a future scientist or engineer. We would be happy to upgrade our expertise in cooperation with various organizations, and at the same time share our experience and knowledge in multi-faceted partnerships to work on problems of empowerment through science, technology and art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iya Petkova- Gurbalova
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Iya Petkova- Gurbalova
Contact (2) Full Name
Asya Blagoeva
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

National Alliance for Volunteer Action (NAVA)

National Network

28 A "Petko Karavelov" street

00 359 32 625-197
00 359 32 625-197
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 359 898 331-904
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The National Alliance for Volunteer Action (NAVA) in Plovdiv has been established as a non-profit organization in public benefit in May 2000. The framework of NAVA comprises two programs: the Volunteer Centre and the “Big Brothers/Big Sisters” Program. NAVA has a headquarter in Plovdiv and 26 volunteer centers in Bulgaria.The main activities of the organization are: recruitment of volunteers for different social directions, training of volunteers in skills for communication with different groups with special needs, motivating and supervising volunteers and maintaining the network of Volunteer Centres around Bulgaria. The sources of funding come from findraising and project management.
Mission and Objectives

NAVA’s main purpose is to serve as a mediator between NGOs and people willing to volunteer. National Alliance for volunteer action has the following main goals:
• To create, maintain, and support the administration of comprehensive methodology for volunteers management.
• To create, update and maintain effective system for monitoring the public confidence and necessities of Bulgarian society for volunteer issues. To identify fields of business and alternatives to volunteer.
• To be an active mediator between organizations/institutions working with volunteers and the people willing to be volunteers.
• To create, endorse and distribute positive models of coordination between children in need (children with communication deficits) and their social environment.
• To enrich and enlarge the youth’s knowledge of skills to volunteer, problem solving related with communications arisen at child age.
• To assist and support for the legality of volunteerism in Bulgaria

Main Projects / Activities

In 2004 NAVA was awarded by the District Governor for its entire contribution in the civil society development in the whole region, as well as was honored by international jury with award for Best project of the 2006 Year.
In 2005 NAVA, in partnership with other Bulgarian NGO’s has created and managed the most impressive Complex for social services for children and families support. Some of the following services have been provided since its functioning: “Primary prevention”, “Deinstitutionalization”, “Supportive programs for children with disabilities”, “Specialized support”,” Mother and a child”,” Center for street children support” and etc.
In 2007 the National Alliance for volunteer action created and promoted Regional resource center for social services for children and families” located in Plovdiv, that ensure support to all Community-support centers in the relevant Municipalities ,develop the social services’ methodology, programs for individual and group work with clients, policies and standards for provision of social services to clients, as well as permanent supervison and evaluation of local teams , working with children and families in the Municipalities.
In 2009 NAVA expanded its National Network to 24 Regional and Local Volunteer Centers at the territory of the country, that are hosted by partner organizations. That appears to be the largest National Volunteer Network in Bulgaria as a whole. Each Volunteer Center, as well as NAVA, gained long-term experience in the development and management of projects, directed to young people and children.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that Network cooperation is the most successful way for all NGO's to develop their strategies and ideas better. Exchanging of experience, sharing difficulties and successes, team working, and elaborating of common projetcs and initiatives affords organizations to "survive" in the complicated financial and social crisis. NAVA may contribute to the National Network's development through provision of experts in different spheres of the community-life, volunteers aged 15-75,involvement in projects of the organization and involvement in trainings, provided by the National Training Center of NAVA.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

“National Alliance for volunteer action” Foundation has been working with volunteers at the territory of the whole country for more than 10 years. Volunteers’ labor appears as one of the most active form of civil participation. We are permanently searching for new opportunities and forms of gratuitous labor giving for the development of civil communities. We truly believe that joining ALF Network will strengthen our capacity develop and participate in programs on international level, and gain experience and new ideas from the other members of ALF. The National coordinator of ALF for Bulgaria is a member of our National Volunteer Network, so we perfectly know all young people working for the "International Initiatives for cooperation" Association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina Hristoskova
Head of the organisation
Reneta Paountcheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Vera Kirilova

National Forum Alternatives, Practice, Initiatives

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
•Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners 1 full time employed,2 part time workers; 10 volunteers •Sources of funding: EU grants •Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Youth trainings, projects on European Citizenship, HRE and inclusion •Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities ALDA, Youth organizations from all over the Europe
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of National Forum API is to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures

Main Projects / Activities

NGO established in 2002 National Forum ALTERNATIVES PRACTICE INITIATIVES (NF API) initiates and organizes projects in the field of European Citizenship, Youth, and Human Rights Education in Bulgaria and abroad, promotes Bulgarian artists and stimulates the exchange of ideas and professional information.
The purpose of National Forum is to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures
NF API provides both, youth and adults, with an international quality educational, cultural and humanitarian programming with multiple opportunities to experience face-to-face contact among peoples.
National Forum API is a pro-European non-governmental organization, which promotes the idea of the united Europe and its values, such as democracy, pluralism, tolerance and human rights. NFAPI, founded in September 2002, has 120 members and a long different project experience. Main activities of the organization are organizing regular meetings for its members, seminars, camps, lectures, discussions and street actions, Europe Week celebrations, encouraging young people to become active citizens of Bulgaria and European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name

NC Future Now 2006

National Network

Bulgaria, Smolyan district, Gudevica village 4792

+352 896 756 267
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+352 896 756 267
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NC Future now team includes 6 members of the board and 45 members of the organization. Annual budget is average - 75000 euro. Sources of funding - ESF on Human Resource Development Programme, EEA Grant, CEE Trust, GEF, Youth in Action Programme, LLLP, local grants (M-tel Eco grant), company donations. Main activities are youth work, non-formal education and personal development for children and youth, social integration of disadvantaged young people, Eco, Civic and HR education. We conduct trainings on national and international level (Youth in Action and Euro-Med IV programmes), EVS projects, children camps, trainings for teachers, extracurricular activities in schools. NC Future now is member of networks CEEweb for Biodiversity, Rückenwind - Support of young people with fewer opportunities, International Award for young people. Main partners - local organizations, municipalities, Ministry of education, National Youth Forum, International networks (Ruckenwind, YEU), Youth organizations from Meda countries (ILE, Jordan; SDA, Egypt).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to develop community of people who create with smile.
Through dedicated work with children and youth we help to reach positive change, we want to see in the world! To achieve this goal NC Future now organizes trainings, EVS projects, summer and winter camps, adventure trips, workshops and festivals in which children and young people accumulate a lot of useful skills and experience while having fun.
Our dream is to make the world more colorful, more sunny and closer, more harmonious and good.
NC Future now unites team of young professionals and enthusiastic people. We are interested in extensive development of programs for non-formal and extra-curricular trainings and education of children and youth in the following areas: personal development, respect for nature and civic education with care for the community.

Main Projects / Activities

2006-2012 - Work and play with children - Training course for teachers
2007-2012 - International Award for young people
2008-2009 - Future Friendly - civic education - ESF Grant.
2007-2010 - Nature ambassadors - Eco education - EEA Grant.
2011 - Ruckenwind on the field - Training for youth and social workers - YiA Programme.
2011-2012 - Ruckenwind for our future 1 and 2 - STEVS - YiA Programme.
2012 - Can Ya Makan: Human Rights 1 and 2 - Trainings for youth workers - YiA and Euro-Med IV Programme.
2012 - Еnchanting garden - Cultivating of herbs and protected plants - M-tel Eco-grant.
2012 - Different but equal or once upon a time - Children rights and intercultural learning - FRGI.
2012-2013 - Face to success - Roma integration - LLLP.
2012-2013 - Step by Step - Prevention of early school dropping - HR Development Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are ready to contribute by our connections on national and international level. By our experience in international cooperation and expertise in the fields of non-formal education, Eco, Civic and HR education. We can support creating local projects and initiatives and involving other partners in National Youth Program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

From 2011 our organization starts to develop international partnerships in the field of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. The member of our team - Ognian Gadoularov - took part of SALTO EuroMed TOTEM (Long term training course Training of trainers for EuroMed, 2011 - 2012). In that time our organization implement two projects (Can Ya Makan: Human Rights 1 and 2) in partnerships with youth organizations from Meda countries - ILE, Jordan and SDA, Egypt.
So this partnerships and projects give us motivation to expand our organizational field of work and to enter Euro-Mediterranean youth cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ognian Gadoularov
Head of the organisation
Teodor Vasilev
Contact (2) Full Name
Teodor Vasilev

Next Page Foundation

National Network

60 Ekzarh Iossif Str.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The Next Page Foundation’s main office is based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It works in close partnership with international organizations and local partners in 25 countries. The Foundation is governed by a Governing Board, an executive director and a number of advisory committees. It also cooperates with a vast network of international experts. The Foundation was founded as the first spin-off organization of the OSI Information Program. In the beginning, the Foundation was implementing a strategy largely based on the twofold strategic approach taken by the former OSI publishing programs, that is, to support content provision (e.g. translations) and to create the conditions under which quality content can be published and distributed (e.g. infrastructural projects). Since late 2004, Next Page has began positioning itself and operating more independently. This coincided with the enlargement of its geographical area of activities and entering into a new and challenging area – the Arab speaking region.
Mission and Objectives

The activities of Next Page Foundation are based on the premise that access to knowledge and information is crucial for people’s participation in shaping the societies they leave in, and for promoting intercutural understanding.
The Foundation thus aims at helping the empowerment of underprivileged groups, languages and countries for an equal participation in the global dialogue of ideas. To achieve its aims, Next Page develops cultural programs and projects in the field of books, reading and translations.

Main Projects / Activities

Next Page works in 3 main areas: Arab speaking world (primarily Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan and Morocco), Roma in the world and Eastern Europe/the Balkans. The Foundation develops programs, supporting the translation flows between the languages, left at the “periphery”, prepares surveys on book-publishing and state of translations of contemporary, high-quality literature and implements projects, encouraging the intercultural dialogue through new medias, like graphic novels and comics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yana Genova
Head of the organisation
Yana Genova
Contact (2) Full Name
Pavlina Doublekova

NGO "Pen and and Feather"

National Network

17 Avksenti Veleshki str.
4000 Plovdiv

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The non-profit association "Pen and Feather" Plovdiv was registered in February 2014 by a group of enthusiastic librarians from the Regional People's Library "Ivan Vazov", Plovdiv. It has about 20 members, active members - librarians. The Association's resources are from membership fees and from winning projects and programs. Main directions in the activities of the Association:  Improving the quality of library and information activities and expanding the range of library services for citizens; Encouraging and free exchange of information and ideas with organizations with related activities to realize the objectives of the Association; Development and implementation of projects and programs.  Promotion of the country's cultural and historical heritage by organizing and conducting conferences, workshops, discussions, round tables, publishing activities, etc.; Dissemination of information and promotion of good practices through advertising activity; Active participation in cultural life and creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of cultural initiatives; Improving public awareness and attracting public interest.

Mission and Objectives

Mission of the Association: To support the development of libraries and cultural organizations to ensure equal and free access of citizens to traditional and electronic resources, information and knowledge. To assist the Regional National Library "Ivan Vazov" Plovdiv and other cultural institutions to preserve, digitize and promote the most valuable of the written cultural heritage: cultural values, bearers of historical memory and national identity. The main goals of the Association are: modernization of libraries; assisting state and public bodies to promote best practices in the field of humanitarian initiatives; humanitarian, educational and cultural activity and promotion of the unique Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage;

Main Projects / Activities

NGO "Pen and and Feather" has implemented many projects aimed at promoting reading: for the "Open Arts" Foundation - for Night of the Museums, a project for the National Alliance for Work with Volunteers and the "Charles Stewart Mott" Foundation - "Plovdiv chooses a favorite contemporary Bulgarian author'; project before the National Commission for UNESCO with the Union of People's Community Centers: "The new cultural policies in Bulgaria - opportunities for implementation and participation". Participates in the Program of Plovdiv "European Capital of Culture" with a three-year project "Literary Renaissance in Plovdiv". Competitions were held for translations from German and Italian languages, literature exhibitions in Bulgaria and Macedonia, a round table "The Art of Translation", a virtual competition "European Capitals of Culture" for students, etc. In 2018, the association got involved with a project before the Civic Initiatives Foundation Workshop, financed by SAP: "A fun week of programming with the robot Finch", and in 2020 with two projects for training seminars for fun programming. In 2021 - 2022, the project "Together in diversity - traditions and literature of the ethnic groups in Plovdiv" was implemented, financed by Of "Plovdiv 2019". In 2023, four training seminars were held - "Fun Programming" and "Digitalization in Action", again financed through FRGI.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 "Pen and Feather", through its implemented projects - "Literary Renaissance in Plovdiv" and "Together in diversity - traditions and literature of the ethnic groups in Plovdiv", fulfilled its main goal to introduce all citizens to cultural and literary values, to encourage reading, the dialogue between cultures and to promote the European literary heritage. Art and literature are unifying components of cooperation between different peoples and ethnicities, despite linguistic and religious differences. Therefore, the continuation of the work with an emphasis on the ethnic cultural and literary heritage of Plovdiv, will ensure long-term sustainability in the time.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

NGO " Pen and Feather" recognizes the goals of the "Anna Lind Foundation" to unite and inspire civil societies to build a culture based on dialogue and exchange and to fight the lack of trust and intolerance

Contact (1) Full Name
Vaska Dimitrova Tonovska
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vaska Tonova
Contact (2) Full Name
Angelina Anastasova Stavreva
Job Title (2)
Vice Chairman

NGO "Unity"

National Network

Harmanli, 18, D-r Atanas Chochkov
6540 Harmanli, 18, D-r Atanas Chochkov,street

+359 899 611 051
Mobile Phone
+359 889 415 111
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 887 415 111
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
„Unity" is a non-profit public benefit organization, which works in various fields and efforts to promote and protect human rights and rule of law. It is a voluntary association of individuals and legal entities, united by the mission of supporting freedoms in order to consolidate democratic values and ideas, especially in a country with already a long period of transition and still fragile democracy. The team constitutes highly qualified lawyers, economists, sociologists and engineers actively involved the work of the Association. We are working on issues affecting refugees, their problems and rights. We participate in the development of local, regional and national strategies in all spheres of public life. We provide training to empower leaders, staff development, teaching and corporate training. We organize seminars and trainings to groups of people with common interests and goals. We work and contribute to the development and promotion of spiritual values, best practices in the development of civil society, education, culture, and sport. Part of our experts involved in the drafting of reports in the compilation of national strategies for the Operational Programs of Bulgaria to thematic working groups to the ENRD, respectively, with the participation of experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Culture. “Unity” is financed by funds generated from projects, donations and economic activity. The association focuses on charity events and small projects as well as support for actions taken by other NGOs and international cooperation initiatives in particular.
Mission and Objectives

Protection of democracy and humanism, protection of people's rights. Supporting and promotes the realization of women in economic and social life, strive to learn and strengthen Bulgarian heritage and traditions, supports the social adaptation, actively promoting environmental protection and organizes public events to strengthen traditional values.
The association works for development of civil society and aims to build a national network of people with progressive thinking that could cooperate creative in meeting the challenges of community and social development.

Main Projects / Activities

- Support the development and implementation of initiatives for economic, social and cultural development of the regions in Bulgaria;
- Generates social investments by private individuals, the business sector and various public and private sources of funding;
- Provide technical support to individuals, companies and organizations working to meet the social needs of society at the national level;
- It contributes to the effectiveness, sustainability and diversity of social programs in Bulgaria
- Mediate by providing professional counseling, assessment, monitoring and tracking the implementation of projects and programs;
- Working in collaboration with other civil society organizations at national and local level for the development of social responsibility and sustainability of the civil sector in Bulgaria
- Assists for minority groups, people with disabilities and vulnerable groups;
- Organize and conduct trainings and seminars for enhancing professional qualifications;
- Initiates and participates in the creation of partnership networks with national and international organizations and NGOs;
- Develops and implements programs and projects for the implementation of national operational programs
- Promotes and organizes activities for the conservation and introduction of traditional Bulgarian community events, cultural activities, traditions, crafts and customs, combined with voluntary initiatives to improve the environment or to solve local problems.
At this stage the organization "Unity" has focused its attention on the realization of initiatives for young people with a focus on two of the largest organizations in Bulgaria - "Bulgarian Donors' Forum", which is a member of WINGS - World support network of donors and partner CEENERGI - regional initiative in Central and Eastern Europe for the development of corporate philanthropy, and the "Help for Charity in Bulgaria", which is part of the global network of organizations Charities Aid Headquartered in the UK.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We intend to contribute to the ALF Network in Bulgaria by:
Promoting its objectives and initiatives and the implementation of project activities in areas that are essential for peaceful coexistence between people: intercultural initiatives and trainings for youth and adults, human rights and regional development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

„Unity” Association fully supports the promotion of intercultural exchange rates and joint projects between civil societies. “Unity” fully accepts support and encourages the values of ALF: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, recognition of the rule of law and fundamental freedoms.
Becoming a member of ALF Network, will give a chance to „Unity” to help the sustainable development of the region through mutual respect of the above values. „Unity” has an interest to be part of an organization that has an impact on the ability of individuals and groups who share values and live together in the region. We want to contribute to the further maintenance of intercultural dialogue, which is the roadmap of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the long-term strategy to address the real reasons - political, ideological.
Our Association can unite civil society in the region to intercultural dialogue and to work for a common future and this is the main reason for „Unity” become part of this organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hristina Borisova
Contact (2) Full Name
Zlatka Georgieva
Job Title (2)
Vice Chairman


National Network

Bulgaria, 6450 Harmanli, 18, D-r Atanas Chochkov,street

+359 899 611 051 – Hristina Borisova
Telephone (other)
+359 889 415 111 – Zlatka Georgieva
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Unity "е организация с нестопанска цел в обществена полза, която работи в различни области и усилия за насърчаване и защита на правата на човека и върховенството на закона. Екипът представлява висококвалифицирани юристи, икономисти, социолози и инженери активно участват в работата на Сдружението. Ние Работим по въпроси, засягащи бежанците, техните проблеми и права. Ние участваме в развитието на местните, регионалните и националните стратегии във всички сфери на обществения живот. Ние предлагаме обучение за овластяване лидери, за развитие на персонала, за преподаване и корпоративно обучение. Ние организираме семинари и обучения за групи от хора с общи интереси и цели. Ние работим и да допринесе за развитието и популяризирането на духовните ценности, най-добри практики в развитието на гражданското общество, образованието, културата и спорта. Част от нашите експерти да участват в изготвянето на доклади при съставянето на национални стратегии за оперативните програми на България до тематичните работни групи, които да ЕМРСР, съответно, с участието на експерти от Министерството на земеделието и храните, Министерство на финансите и Министерство на културата. Организацията "Единство" е със средства, генерирани от проекти, дарения и икономическа дейност, финансирана. Сдружението се фокусира върху благотворителни събития и малки проекти, както и подкрепа за действия, предприети от други неправителствени организации и инициативи за международно сътрудничество, в частност.
Mission and Objectives

Защита на демокрацията и хуманизма, защитата на правата на хората. Подкрепа и насърчава реализацията на жените в икономическия и социалния живот, се стремят да учат и да се засили българското наследство и традиции, подпомага социалната адаптация, активно насърчаване на опазването на околната среда и организира публични събития за укрепване на традиционните ценности.
Сдружението работи за развитието на гражданското общество и има за цел да изгради национална мрежа от хора с прогресивно мислене, които биха могли да си сътрудничат креативни в посрещането на предизвикателствата на общността и социално развитие.

Main Projects / Activities

- Подпомагане на разработването и прилагането на инициативи за икономическо, социално и културно развитие на регионите в България;
- Генерира социални инвестиции от частни лица, бизнес сектора и различни публични и частни източници на финансиране;
- Предоставяне на техническа помощ на лица, фирми и организации, работещи за посрещане на социалните потребности на обществото на национално ниво;
- Тя допринася за ефективността, устойчивостта и многообразието на социални програми в България
- Посредничи чрез предоставяне на професионални консултации, оценка, мониторинг и проследяване на изпълнението на проекти и програми;
- Работна в сътрудничество с други организации на гражданското общество на национално и местно ниво за развитие на социална отговорност и устойчиво развитие на гражданския сектор в България
- Съдейства за малцинствени групи, хора с увреждания и уязвимите групи;
- организиране и провеждане на обучения и семинари за повишаване на професионалната квалификация ;
- Инициира и участва в създаването на партньорски мрежи с национални и международни организации и неправителствени организации;
- Разработва и реализира програми и проекти за изпълнение на национални оперативни програми
- Подпомага и организира дейности за опазване и въвеждането на традиционни български общността събития, културни дейности, традиции, занаяти и обичаи, съчетани с доброволчески инициативи за подобряване на околната среда или за решаване на местни проблеми.
На този етап организацията "Единство" се фокусира вниманието си върху реализацията на инициативи за младите хора с акцент върху две от най-големите "Български дарителски форум", който е член на WINGS - - организации в България Световна мрежа за подкрепа на дарители и партньори CEENERGI - регионална инициатива за Централна и Източна Европа за развитието на корпоративна филантропия и "Помощ за благотворителността в България" , която е част от световната мрежа на организации Помощ за благотворителността в централен офис във Великобритания.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ние възнамеряваме да допринесе за ALF мрежа в България, като:
Насърчаване на своите цели и инициативи, както и осъществяването на дейности по проекти в области, които са от съществено значение за мирното съжителство между хората: междукултурни инициативи и обучения за младежи и възрастни, правата на човека и на регионалното развитие.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Сдружение "Единство" напълно подкрепя насърчаването на междукултурните курсове и съвместни проекти между гражданските общества. "Единство" приема изцяло подкрепа и насърчава ценностите на ALF:. Приемането на плурализма и културното многообразие, взаимното уважение между общества, религии и вярвания, признаване на върховенството на закона и основните свободи
Ставайки член на ALF Network, ще даде шанс да "Единство", за да помогне за устойчивото развитие на региона чрез взаимно уважение от горните стойности. "Единство" има интерес да бъде част от една организация, която оказва влияние върху способността на отделните лица и групи, които споделят ценностите и живеят заедно в региона. Ние искаме да се допринесе за по-нататъшното поддържане на междукултурния диалог, който е пътната карта на фондация Анна Линд в дългосрочната стратегия за справяне с истинските причини -. Политическа, идеологическа
Нашата асоциация може да обедини гражданското общество в региона за междукултурния диалог и да работи за едно общо бъдеще и това е основната причина за "Единство" да стане част от тази организация.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Hristina Borisova
Job Title (2)

NGO Vselena

National Network

Street Dimcho Debelianov 7

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organization was created in august 2010. There are 7 members people working there - 1 psychologist , 1 social worker, 1 pedagogue, 1 journalist and 3 students. The organization is just starting his activities and is gathering money from imports of the founders, donations fees and Grants. Partners of the organization are : Municipality of Bourgas, Organization for Democratic education, Association for domestic violence Demetra, Community Library, Alliance of progres Burgas.
Mission and Objectives

Organization for personal development and creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

For the short time it has been working , the organization has finalized one project - "Art vacation for children". Now the organization is working on its second project - weekend atelier away from the city. The other project we are developing is project for people with disabilities. Our basic methods are art therapy and psychotherapy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Desislava Vasileva
Head of the organisation
Veselka Yordanova