
People To People International - Bulgaria

National Network

5, 11th August Str., 4000 Plovdiv - Bulgaria

00359 887 584 054
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
PTPI is an international network of chapters that is dedicated to enhancing cross-cultural communication within each community, and across communities and nations. Tolerance and mutual understanding are central themes. PTPI supports the basic values and goals of its founder, President Dwight D. Eisenhower. People to People International is a voluntary effort of private citizens promoting international understanding through direct people-to-people contacts. PTPI Plovdiv Chapter is pro-European non-governmental organization which promotes the idea of the united Europe and its values, such as democracy, pluralism, tolerance and human rights. PTPI Plovdiv Chapter was founded in May 2005, now it has up to 120 members and a long different project experience. Main activities of the organization are organizing regular meetings for its members, seminars, camps, lectures, discussions and street actions, tea evenings with discussions, Europe Week celebrations, encouraging young people to become active citizens of Bulgaria and European Union. Organization's staff consists from elected board of 7 people. PTPI Plovdiv Chapter work with the projects, that are mainly organized by the board and supported by approximately 30 young volunteers very active in the organization, participating in meetings and daily work of the office. Target group is students of high schools and universities, age group 15-25, which corresponds to the age group of active members of PTPI Plovdiv Chapter. Average annual budget, approximately 140 000 BGN. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activitie - 32 member chapters in Europe and 12 other partners.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
The purpose of People to People International is to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures. It will cooperate with any and all other organizations which are of similar nature and purpose.
•We believe that greater understanding between individuals and peoples, worldwide, reveals universal values and aspirations.
•We believe international educational and cultural exchange among youth further ensures long-term friendship and understanding.
•We believe we all benefit from sharing different approaches to solving common problems.
•We believe that individuals can often be more effective than governments in promoting human relationships and world peace.
•We believe if people can better understand other cultures, they are more tolerant and accepting of differences.
•We believe that citizens of all countries need personal contacts with other peoples and cultures.
•We believe we need to ensure the enduring legacy of People to People International.
•We believe that People to People International is inspirational!
•We believe in people!
•We believe in Peace through Understanding!

Main Projects / Activities

-European wide action week against racism;
-Participation and network activities of youngsters Dissemination of information
«YouthEu » Virtual Youth Network;
-Understanding the Europe! Active citizenship, learning identity and culture, Sheki, Azerbaijan;
-Training course « Religion, Culture & Society »;
-From Strasbourg to Brussels: a route to promote the European Parliament,Strasbourg, France;
-Training of Trainers Human Rights Education with Young People;
-Photographic competition and Exhibition "Art against Racism"(Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary and Poland);
-Drug education in schools;
-Protection and integration of roma youth and children;
-Leadership seminar -« Volunteers for intercultural learning »;
-"Religion and religious diversity in youth work";
-Training for youth trainers on intercultural sensitivity;
-"Initiatives for anti-discrimination";
-Training course on Active Youth Participation & Empowerment;
-Upcycle all you can-tools for creative methods in intercultural youth work;
-„European Federation of Mentors for Girls and Young Women";
-"Promotion of children's rights and the protection of children from violence";
-"For Diversity. Against Discrimination".

Contact (1) Full Name
Zinaida Lyubenova

People&Borders Foundation

National Network

1 Baikal Str.
2900 Gotce Delchev,

+ 359 751 62651
Telephone (other)
+ 359 2 9437681
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 359 898 556 832
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 897 918616
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
People&Borders Foundation is small NGO recently established by activists in field of Human Rights, gender equality and cultural relations. The Board consists by 3 persons - PR expert, journalist and sociologist - 2 women and 1 men. The decision are taken by the Board. In 2009 the Foundation was selected as a national coordinator of Global Media Monitoring Project 2009-2010 the largest and longest study on the representation of women in the world’s media). The budget resource for this Project, provided by GMMP was 520$. In addition the Founders of the organisation, which are members of the Board, made donation for the establishment of organisation - 1000 Euro. The amount of 1000 Euro spends for covering office and communication expenditures for 2009 - 2010. Organisation is involved as partner of Project implemented by Macedonian Helsinki Committee for HR (MHCHR) for developing indicators for measuring discrimination of women and girls at local level. The amount provided by MHCHR - 330 Euro. In its short period of existence People&Borders Foundation managed to create informal group of women for discussing main problems faced by women and girl from the region. The Foundation is starting dialogue with representatives from municipality on possibilities for establishment of women forum group as an advisory group in the municipality. Main partners of People&Borders Foubdation are NGOs working in field of Human Rights, Equality between women and men, cultural initiatives from Bulgaria and abroad like Center for tolerance "Amalipe", Women's Association for Equal Opportunities, Macedonian Helsinki Committee, etc.
Mission and Objectives

People&Borders Foundation is established in South-West part of Bulgaria, where population is multi-ethnic (Bulgarians, Roma, muslim minorities). The situation of women in the area is characterised with strong patriarchal model, especially for women from muslim minorities. There is lack of sensitiveness, knowledge and understanding of gender issues not only among citizens but also among authorities. As a result women and especially women and young girls from from minority groups are not representing in decision making bodies, Gender mainstreaming policy does not exist at local level. This situation reiterates the patriarchal stereotypes and the voice of women from different minority groups is not part of the agenda of local parliaments. Problems like VAW, incl. DV, Trafficking in women and girls, early marriages, early school exclusion, discrimination on the labor market, etc. are still exists and some of them are among the hidden phenomenon and undiscussed topics.
People&Borders Foundation is the only NGO in the region working in field of gender equality and Women's Human Rights. One of the main objective of organisation is to create favorable condition for achieving gender equality and support women and girls from all groups to achieve Women's Human Rights and economic independent through education, advocacy campaigns, networking and civil dialogue with authorities.
We work for raising sensitiveness and understanding on equality between women and men and to initiate the implementation of gender mainstreaming policy at local level. The aims of the Foundation is to breaking stereotypes on positions on women and men and to eradicate Gender based Violence through ensuring equal participation of women in decision making process, advancing women’s sexual and reproductive rights, developing civil dialogues, increasing women’s and girls’ access to education.

Main Projects / Activities

Global Media Monitoring Project 2009-2010 - National Coordinator - http://www.whomakesthenews.org/2010/2010-preliminary-report.html
The Project aimed to study gender in the world’s news media and People&Borders Foundation made monitoring and research at national level. As a national coordinator the organisation also used GMMP "Who makes the news" as advocacy initiative on changing gender representation in the media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iliana Stoycheva
Head of the organisation
Iliana Stoycheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Atanas Balabanov

Pnevma LLC

National Network

Sofia, Lyulin district, bl. 724, entr. G, fl. 3, ap.96
1324 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

PNEVMA LLC is based in Sofia, Bulgaria and is an educational and research organization. Our organisation more specifically is focused in the field of training and education and specializing in research and development.
By promoting and developing active participation in research and education, PNEVMA LLC’s main vision is to be an international reference point. Our mission is through cutting-edge research to respond and adapt to the complex and changing world needs for new information, ideas, knowledge and technologies, but also to give a new dimension to education through ground-breaking teaching methods and professional development programs

Mission and Objectives

PNEVMA LLC is based in Sofia, Bulgaria and is an educational and research organization. Our organisation more specifically is focused in the field of training and education and specializing in research and development.

Our Team
Our excellent team is made up of experienced and skilled researchers, practitioners, academics and volunteers with each and every one having a different educational background and professional experience. They all are committed at fostering social innovation that can bring positive change to local, national, regional and global levels.

Vision and Mission
By promoting and developing active participation in research and education, PNEVMA LLC’s main vision is to be an international reference point. Our mission is through cutting-edge research to respond and adapt to the complex and changing world needs for new information, ideas, knowledge and technologies, but also to give a new dimension to education through ground-breaking teaching methods and professional development programs.

1. At the forefront of various educational disciplines, we carry out cutting-edge research to develop new academic disciplines.
2. Promote networking and cooperation between societies in Europe and around the world.
3. Promote next-generation learning frameworks at the national and international levels in Europe.
4. Strengthen the role of civil society, trade unions and democratic processes to bring equality and social justice to all.
5. Promote youth empowerment, awareness and full participation of young people in our society.
6. Use non-formal educational methods to encourage social inclusion (civil integration), as a form of concrete citizen participation of minority groups as immigrants, refugees etc.
7. Encourage the participation of various target groups (students, professionals, adults) in decision-making process.
8. Enable students, adolescents, professionals, and adults to reach their full potential in their career but as well as their personal and social development.
9. Use creative and innovate thinking skills to foster a lifelong learning environment.
10. Foster active participation at all levels of decision-making to people with autism and people with disabilities.
11. Foster female entrepreneurship and innovation competencies to mothers, women belonging to minority groups, NEETs etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus+ VET 2021 2021-2-PL01-KA220-VET-000050880 “Ugly” fruits and veggies…NOT! An innovative educational program towards sustainable consumptionand food waste reduction UNIWERSYTET PRZYRODNICZY WE WROCLAWIU
Youth 2021 2021-2-SE02-KA210-YOU-000048624 Youth as Agents to Negate Global climate change via
visual means Malmö Ideella
Erasmus+ 2021 2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000088097 DigiWell: Digital Wellbeing as a crucial element to excelling
at the workplace in a healthful and sustainable way BGE Ile Conseil
Erasmus+ 2022 2022-1-SE02-KA220-YOU-000086337 “Speak It Up: Youth Public Speaking Skills Development
Towards a Democratic Society in Contemporary Europe” Internationella Kvinnoföreningen
Erasmus+ 2022 2022-1-NL01-KA220-VET-000087087 GreenELEMENT - Green Ecological LEad for sMall and MEdium-size eNTerprizes NEFINIA


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange of good practices, dissemination, networking

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pnevma LLC has established very good contacts with the Mediterranean countries and will further develop that cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Lalkovska
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Mihail Rashkov
Contact (2) Full Name
Mihail Rashkov
Job Title (2)

Pokrov Foundation

National Network

68 Cherni Vrah blvd
ap. 1
1407 Sofia

00359 2 9871655
Mobile Phone
00359 888 801103
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Media
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Pokrov Foundation is a Bulgarian non-profit organization. Its core staff is 12 persons (full-time). The funding is raised mostly through international projects and sales of goods and services. It organizes trainings, youth exchange projects, public debates. It works closely with religious communities of the majority Christian Orthodox Church in Bulgaria.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Pokrov Foundation is to provide support to parishes, social and educational institutions, related to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the development of its cultural and social profile. 

Main Projects / Activities

- The Media Programme develops a group of web sites, fostering mutual understanding between the religious communities.
- The Birdhouse Project organizes a series of public debates on social issues and ethical discourses.
- The Social Programme develops a variety of initiatives to support people in need.
- The Publishing Programme produces books and periodicals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Bulgaria is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country. We hope to bring the experience of the network in our efforts to provide a public space for activists of the different communities in Bulgaria to exchange ideas and to discuss issues of common concern.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to be able to contribute to the development of the multi-cultural aspect of the ALF Network's mission in our local context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Plamen Sivo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Plamen Sivov


National Network

Ul Opalchenska 6a
Veliko Tarnovo

00359 62650931
Mobile Phone
00359 885342364
Mobile Phone (other)
00359 886313017
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
This is a newly-formed foundation, and all members work on a voluntary basis at present. The committee consists of 5 British people (4 live in Bulgaria and one in the UK); between us we have a wide range of skills and knowledge gained in the areas of social care, education and management. Our projects are supported by a large number of volunteers as and when necessary. To date our projects have been small (providing text books for a school, organising Christmas parties for children's homes, etc) and have been funded by private donations and various fund-raising projects which we have organised. As our organisation has grown so has our ambition - we are now interested in partaking in larger projects and will be looking to obtain funding for these from a wider range of sources. Our partners are Izberi Lunata and Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development. We have also forged links with a number of institutions in the Veliko Tarnovo area - Kolio Ficheto school, Balvan Children's Home and The Day Centre for Children with Disabilities to name but a few.
Mission and Objectives

Our main aim is to actively promote and protect the rights of vulnerable people in Bulgaria, regardless of age, sex or religion. On a day-to-day basis we try to meet the basic needs of as many disadvantaged people as possible. On a longer term basis we are hoping to provide sheltered accommodation for young adults leaving the care of the authorities, at the same time time providing them with life skills and training which will enable them to become socially and economically independent

Main Projects / Activities

To date our activities have consisted of providing basic necessities and equipment for various groups of individuals in the Veliko Tarnovo area, and of enhancing the quality of life in several children's homes by financing and organising Christmas parties and presents.
Our next, small scale project will be to organise and finance a camping experience for some of the older youngsters in the care of the municipality.
Our long term project is to acquire and adapt premises so that they are suitable for accommodating youngsters leaving the care of the authorities, and also provide facilities which will enable lifeskills and training to be taught, thus giving the young people the means to become socially and financially independent

Contact (1) Full Name
Christine Fox
Head of the organisation
Christine Fox
Contact (2) Full Name
Christina Anne Campbell

Primary School “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”

National Network

37, Strashimir Str..

+359 38 668288
Telephone (other)
+359 38 669046
+359 38 669045; +359 38 668288
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 885 815085
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Primary school Staff- 3o teachers, 5 – other staff Sources of funding- Haskovo Municipality, projects There are 304 students, 121 of them are at 5-8 grades /age 12-15 years/. The school exists 123 years and it’s situated at the end of one of the residential districts of Haskovo town. A lot of children of our school come from “a classical concrete ghetto” where a lot of families are poor and unemployed. A part of students of our school are in social exclusion and risky groups, from different ethnic and religious groups, where the social structure is low, at the risk of students dropping out. There are 31 children of closed institution- Orphanage home There are 29 students , traveling from distant villages Main partners- NGO’s from Haskovo region
Mission and Objectives

General education of students age 7-15

Main Projects / Activities

“Football for Tolerance”FARE- participation in europan projects network “Football against Racism in Europe”- 2008
Partner in the projects of NGO’s in Haskovo against violence and trafficking- 2006-2009
Participation in the activities of Youth Consultative- information centre- Haskovo- 2008- 2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Krasimira Damyanova
Head of the organisation
Mr Kostadin Kalapov
Contact (2) Full Name
Krasimir Kavalov

Profi LTD

National Network

12 Parva str., Banya 2778, Bulgaria

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The company has 3 main associates. The main sources of funding of the company are related to the organisation of different educational courses for professional qualification and prequalification.
Mission and Objectives

Organizing educational and training courses in the field of professional qualification and prequalification.

Main Projects / Activities

organisation of language courses and courses for qualification and prequalification; translation and legalization of documents; consulting in the field of identifying job opportunities in and outside the country; trade;

Contact (1) Full Name
Nezabravka Korunova
Head of the organisation
Nezabravka Korunova
Contact (2) Full Name
Ivaylo Mitov

Program for the Development of the Judicial System

National Network

5, Stara Planina st.

+ 359 889 888 905
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
There are 12 people working for the PDJS: 7 of them on a part-time basis, the others are volunteers and support the organization mainly in the process of promoting its activities and in fundraising. The PDJS has a large pool of experts who are mostly magistrates and court clerks who are very well familiar with the work of the courts and are more than ready to contribute to the project. In addition, the local resources of almost 50 courts located in different parts of the country and covering all of the five appellate regions in the judicial system, are also used.
Mission and Objectives

is an independent non-governmental organization working to promote the rule of law in Bulgaria and the Balkans.
  Its mission is to introduce new practices that help the judiciary function as an effective and transparent institution which administers justice in a high-quality and predictable manner.
 The goal of the organization is to support the judiciary so that it can receive a deserved recognition for its work at the European level and respond to the high expectations of the Bulgarian citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

The Program for the Development of the Judicial System (PDJS) is an NGO whose mission is to help the Bulgarian judicial system to develop and implement qualitative, predictable, transparent and effective work practices.
Since its establishment in 2007, the PDJS has supported initiatives in more than 40 courts all over the country with the aim to improve the judicial management and administration, to provide timely and accessible court services to citizens and to enhance the professional development of magistrates and court staff. Our team manages pilot projects on both local and national levels related to improving the management of human and financial resources, the adoption of innovative technologies in the courts’ work, facilitating access to justice and increasing public confidence in the judicial system.
The PDJS is the only NGO in Bulgaria that has the resources and the know-how to develop and apply directly innovative practices which guarantee fast and qualitative services to citizens, easier access to information and well-timed and fair dispute resolution. These practices have been incorporated into the Court Improvement Plan (CIP) which has been approved by the Supreme Judicial Council. They are implemented in more than 40 courts - participants in the Model Courts and Courts in Partnership Program.
The PDJS works to expand the scope of the innovations throughout all Bulgarian courts and to provide sustainability and continuity of the achievements by:
• hosting annual meetings of the chairpersons of all courts within the Program;
• publishing an e-bulletin – Diary of Good Judicial Practices;
• identifying, gathering and presenting courts’ achievements to the public.
As a result of successful partnerships, the PDJS has developed long-lasting relationships with all institutions within the judicial system and an extensive network of courts which consider implementing reforms as an essential part of their business practices.
In partnership with magistrates, court officials, lawyers and members of the Supreme Judicial Council, the PDJS has developed and put into practice the second Court Improvement Plan (CIP 2). The CIP 2 is a strategic document with the potential to enhance the work of all Bulgarian courts and to increase the quality of justice. At present, the CIP 2 is being implemented in 33 courts and is expected to be approved by the Supreme Judicial Council as a national standard.
In the future, the PDJS will continue to work on improving the performance of the judicial bodies and strengthening the rule of law in Bulgaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Verginia Ananieva
Head of the organisation
Velislava Delcheva

Project “Recipe Book”

Project “Recipe Book”

Project “Recipe Book”

The process of learning by doing appears to be a very effective one when it comes to foreign language learning. 5th grade students from St. St. Cyril and Methodius Primary School - Haskovo, Bulgaria, created a Recipe Book in their English Classes.

Students are separated in five groups and are given five different dishes. First, they need to think of a team name and then separate in roles - leader, timekeeper, arbitrator, and recorder. The in-class task is to find the recipe through an online research on the internet. But the most interesting part is yet to come…

The homework task for every group is to cook the given dish. Indeed, it is challenging to cook, but it is an experience, which makes one learn various skills. For instance, creating a shopping list for products, thinking of a budget, cooking skills, etc.

Learning by doing is an effective approach, which is worth implementing in foreign language classes. Thus, a lesson could become an interdisciplinary experience for both students and teachers.

Projects and logistics

National Network

4, Aida Str, fl. 3
6300 Haskovo

+ 359 38 622989
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 899 578500
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 888 426682
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Non Governmental Organization Governing by General meeting; Board of members. Staff: technical assistant 15 volunteers Partners: Public institutions and NGOs 2.7 300 EURO in a year 3. Membership fees; funding by projects and donors 4.Project "Young masters' workshop", financed by Youth Programme; Seminars: Multicultural understanding;Sivil education for young people Partners: Implementing Programme of AIDS/SPIN prvention and control, financed by UN Global Fund; of Social Integration and Rehabilitation Centre "Open world" 5. NGOs;local institutions and public authorities
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Impruving the social and iconomical status of young people
Objectives:educations and trainings;consultations; participating in developing programmes and strategies for young people

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: preparing and execution of projects for young people and risks groups.
Proviging information and consultancy for NGOs - developing and managment
Social activities for groups at risk of social exclusion

Contact (1) Full Name
Cenko Conev
Head of the organisation
Cenko Conev- Chairman of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Irena Grigorova