
Sand Glass Foundation

National Network

14, Luben Karavelov str.

+359 2 8708066
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organization operates with highly skilled professional team. The staff is composed of 2 employe with the following qualifications: landscape architects and ecologist. Budgetary resources in a year: 15 000 euro Sources of funding: Youth in Action Programmme, local government, local fundings Actions: seminars, concerts, reserches Partners: Sand glass foundation cooperates with number of institutional and voluntary organizations in Bulgaria and abroad – local councils (Sofia city Council, municipalities), regional authorities (Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water – Sofia, Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria), universities (University of Architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Sofia; University of Forestry, Sofia; University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, faculty of Mass Communication and Journalism) and NGOs. It is the initiator and Bulgarian coordinator of the European Network of Eco-Youth – ENEY.
Mission and Objectives

“Sand-Glass” foundation was created in 2004 to popularize the idea of “Green cities”, sustainable urban management and development. The organization stimulates the social engagement, the mind change and the active civil society actions towards the problems in urban environment.

Main Projects / Activities

The Centennial Trees in the Centennial City. (http://oldtrees.sand-glass.org) - The project aims to popularize the centennial trees in Sofia city as a natural heritage, to organize awareness-raising activities concerning the problems of the centennial trees within urban environment.
Contact making seminar “Youth Programme and the Ecology” - Within the seminar was discussed the establishment of a network of organizations working in the field of ecology - “European Network for Eco-Youth” (ENEY).

Contact (1) Full Name
Boyana Vasileva

Sdruzhenie Yuni Partners/ Association Euni Partners

National Network

jk. Zapad 40

00359/ 889 81 86 07
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Association “Euni Partners” is a non-profit organization that works to promote and expand the cooperation between the academia, the business, the authority and educational institutions. Euni Partners has three full time employees, between 4 and 6 contractual agents yearly assigned with specific missions and nearly 80 members, experts in various fields. The budgetary resources of the organization available for the current year amounts on 35 000 BGN. The organization's main sources of funding are members’ contributions, consultancy fees from local authorities, and funds for the implementation of main project activities. The association’s main project is “European Tales and Legends” aiming at the valorization of the intangible cultural heritage and its exploitation for cultural tourism. The association is member of two international networks – “Route Europeenne des Legendes” (France) and ELSIR (Italy).
Mission and Objectives

Association “Euni Partners” aims to meet the common themes and ideas, the joint projects and the research of scientists, the artists and young people from different cultural, professional, social etc. backgrounds. We strive to develop and implement innovative projects in cooperation with national and international organizations, institutions and professionals. Among our main objectives are: promoting, developing and supporting values in civil society, private enterprises and citizens’ initiatives; promoting social integration, personal fulfillment and protection of human rights; supporting the transnational and cross-border cooperation, good neighborliness and building local, regional and transnational partnerships; promoting intercultural dialogue, exchange of good practices in different areas and directions; developing and disseminating projects in the field of: arts, culture, education, science, sport, tourism, agriculture, environment, regional development, economic, humanitarian, social and other sciences;

Main Projects / Activities

Being a member of the international network “Route Europeene des Legendes”, "Euni Partners" has been implementing the project “European tales and legends” in Bulgaria, aiming at the creation of sustainable thematic tourism networks on local, national and international level. Since then, strategies for the development and marketing of tourism of several municipalities have been concluded, and are now at the stage of implementation. We carry out research and provide professional consultancy for the local authorities of South West Bulgaria. Our team offers consultancy to its members and partners in the field of fund-raising and project building, starting from project idea to actual implementation. Since 2012 we have assisted local authorities in the development and implementation of four projects in the field of culture, tourism and education. We maintain acting and English language school for children where we mainly aim at learning the spoken language throughout interactive games and theater.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that, as our goals are in line with the objectives of the ALF Network, we can contribute to the development of the Foundation's priorities through actions and projects in different fields, aiming at fostering intercultural dialogue and uniting different actors on national and international level. Our interdisciplinary network of experts and cross-sectoral approaches are in the core of the work of the association, which can contribute to the ALF Network with expertise in the fields of academia (archeology, folk arts, ethnography, history, literature, psychology, mathematics, musicology), international relations, journalism, education, culture and the arts, banking and tourism services, youth and democracy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization shares the majority of the values and objectives of the ALF Network, such as: acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms. Our main activities are focused on bringing people from different cultural, religious, social etc. backgrounds together and creating cultural bridges and sustainable cooperation networks and projects. We believe that Anna Lindh Foundation Network will allow us to connect with people and organizations whose ideas and goals are common to ours, will contribute to our activities and will provide us with opportunities for new partnerships. It will also offer to our team the possibility to share and exchange experience with members of the Foundations’ wide network and give us new views and potentials to promote our ideas and objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilina Yakova
Head of the organisation
Ilina Yakova

Senator Association

National Network

61 blvd Vitosha
1000 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Senator Association (SA)has as goals preparation and promotion for the labor market of well trained, dedicated and motivated support staff for people of high and medium levels in the economy and politics - personal assistants, personal drivers, nannies. People at high positions are under increasing pressure and shortage of time and more clearly understand the need for support staff - well trained, professional and responsible who can take some of the personal care and commitment of the government. In labor market persons with high professionalism are not available. SA was established to offer comfort to people at high positions - to provide competent and motivated helpers for their busy day.
Mission and Objectives

High technology besides convenience, create a need for the involvement of people with skills to use them. It is no longer enough staff to obtain discipline and good organizational skills, be professional in what she/he does. You need to have excellent knowledge and skills working with computer, laptop, tablet, phone, camera, and any devices that are part of everyday life of the high manager; be able to quickly get the information needed to analyze and evaluate, take or propose an adequate solution; communication language skills; speech habits in the protocol and the label broad general knowledge, good physical fitness, competence in relation to the security measures which must be taken.

Main Projects / Activities

In job postings often are sought personal assistants for company managers, directors, representatives of foreign companies; demand for nannies with skills and language and personal drivers for different categories of users of this service. Demand far exceeds supply. There are candidates for these positions, but usually require compromises extremely difficult to find a suitable person - with the necessary professional training, and the personal qualities of the candidate to provide excellent support and motivation to help people in high management.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Association Senator will invite the ALF Network Bulgaria to all events we organize in the field of improvements of skills and competences of the young people and their better chances in the labour market in Bulgaria and Mediterranean Area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Association Senator want ro join because we are interested in multicultural dialogue and all activities for youth, women, social inclusion and improvement of the employability of youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivaylo Spasov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Snezhanka Georgieva
Contact (2) Full Name
Bistra Georgieva
Job Title (2)

Social Impact Measurement International Report

The pandemic brought significant changes to our social and cultural life. In this and similar crisis situations, there is an increasing need for cooperation and communities helping each other. In the framework of the “CRESTART - CReative rESilienT leARning communiTies...

Social Research and Policies institute

National Network

30 St. Stambolov Str
2700 Blagoevgrad

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Social Research and Policies Institute is a Bulgarian non-governmental organization working in the public interest. SRPI conducts state-of-the-art research on various topics within the SHH domain, supports and evaluates policies, activities and programs to overcome acute social problems; and supports and aids in developing public and state institutions and actors.

Mission and Objectives

It was established with the mission to contribute to the advancement of Bulgarian society by enriching knowledge on various problematic social issues and promoting and supporting the employment of SSH's new developments in policies. A key to achieving the goals of the Institute is the state-of-the-art research conducted by the scientists and experts from leading Bulgarian academic institutions united in the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

SRPI has grown as a centre of excellence in analyzing current social, economic and political processes and phenomena. SRPI has partnered in the implementation of several projects, among which the most important are: HUMCORE "Humanitarian Corridors Integration pathways: fostering better integration opportunities for people in need of protection through strengthened private sponsorship schemes" (AMIF, ongoing); Project "The Regulatory Reform in Bulgaria - Five Years of Standstill or Development?" (OP "Good Governance"); COVID-19 "Optimizing policies and neutralizing the negative effects of Covid – 19" (Active Citizen Fund).

Contact (1) Full Name
Lyuba Spasova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lyuba Spasova

Society and Safety Foundation

National Network

42 Ivan Vazov Str.
1000 Sofia

+359 879 00 77 76
Telephone (other)
+ 359 2 983 44 45
+ 359 2 983 44 45
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 879 00 77 76
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Society and Safety Foundation is established in 2014 and its founders are the members of Trade Union Federation of the employees in the Ministry of Interior. The reasons for the establishment of the Foundation are:   The founders of the Society and Safety Foundation, PERSUADED that the Bulgarian society needs a serious discussion and more information about security and safety issues, the role of law enforcement in the prevention and detection of crimes, the need to analyze and change our attitudes and behavior in different emergencies and our active participation in the process of decision-making and policy-making regarding our security and safety, MOTIVATED by the need of employees in law enforcement institutions to be involved and to participate actively in civic initiatives and the need to increase their knowledge and skills to work with civil society, BELIEVING that providing security and safety for all can be achieved mainly through more education, training and motivation of the people to participate and improve the security service, UNDERSTANDING the security service as guaranteeing the rights, freedoms, security and welfare of all citizens, society and the state, CONVINCED that in the definition of the "security" must be involved citizens, employees in the Security Sector, institutions and social service providers and the work for improvement of its quality to in partnership with them, ASSUMING that not the state institutions, but civil society organizations have a leading role in this to make people active, to identify problems in the security sector and to request changes which will improve both- the Security Sector and every citizen’s protection, RESOLVED to work to bring different sectors and social groups together, to increase security and safety of citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria and asking all who are sharing our ideals, to join our efforts, We founded the Society and Safety Foundation as organization in public interest.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation is Managed by Board and Director. The Board Members are 5 persons who are working in Ministry of Interior /MoI/ and are guaranteeing the connection with and the access to the MoI's employees for the realization of all activities. 
At the moment only the Director is employed, but it has more than 10 volunteers who are supporting all activities. 
The budget of the Foundation for 2015 is 25 000 lev / 12 500 euro/, but additional financing is expected from donations and projects. 
Main source of funding is Trade Union Federation of the Employeed in the Ministry of Interior / TUFEMI/ which as founder planned in its own budget costs for the period 2015-2016 which is estimated period the Foundation to become indipendent and all financial mechanisms for its sustainability to be developed. The Foundation is focused on development of social services, project development and development of CSR. 
The Foundation's obhectives are: 
1. To raise the  awareness  among the citizens that the quality of "security" service depends on the actions and omissions of each citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria.
2. To create effective institutionalized model that ensures the participation of citizens in the reform of the Ministry of Interior and the institutions that provide the "security" services.
3. To change the citizens' attitudes  towards the Ministry of Interior's workers and to create a relations of mutual trust and partnership.
4. To create social infrastructure at local, regional and national level, allowing communication and partnership between citizens, workers in the Ministry  of Interior and representatives of stakeholders for the preparation and monitoring of local strategies for public order and security.
5. To establish a successful model by which employees who have left the system in the Ministry of Interior to transmit and share their knowledge and skills with the people who are new for the system.
The long-term aim of the Foundation is the Security Sector to be Reformed with participation of the citizens, because they are obliged to provide the security service in accordance with citizens' needs from security and safety.  
The Foundation is working with Trade Union Federation ogf the Employees in the Ministry of Interior, it is selected in program for mentorship of Bulgarian Centre for Non-Profit Law. It is working as well with Global Initiative in Pchychiatry, Smart Foundation etc. 
The Foundation is applying for membership in Forum civic participation and it is expected to be accept as member in 1-2 months. 

Main Projects / Activities

The activities which are realizing are:
1. Measuring the sense of personal security and safety, identifying the models to deal with risky situations and confidence in law enforcement institutions. The survey will allow the attitudes of citizens and local authorities to be compared and a concrete actions to be taken for decreasing of personal insecuriy.
2. Conducting of regional forums on the topic: "Security: shared or misunderstood responsibility?" which aim are to identify good practices at local and regional level for increacing the citizens' safety and work with different groups - minority, disabled, refugees, victims of domestic violence etc. The hidden goal of the forums is the concept for the security service to be discussed and the measures which need to be taken to meet citizens' needs.
3. Representing the concept for security service in European Parliament and discussing the neccessary actions at European level. The presentation was on 15 April 2015 in European Parliament, together with the Iliyana Iotova - Vice - Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, who presented the situation with the refugees and challenges to the Europe, and the President of the European Police Union - Gerrit Van de Kamp  who shared the necessaryty the minimum standarts for police officers' equipment, trainings and payment to be accepted at European level. 
4. Realizing small initiatives for establishment of  good relations between police officers, firefighters, rescuers and citizens  - the first initiative were realized on 31 December 2014 when all flawless drivers recieved gifts from the police officers in 4 regions in Bulgaria- the police officers said to the drivers "Thank you are responcible for your  and our lives". The second initiative were realised on 1 March 2015 when on the Border checkpoint Kalotnina were given traditional souvenirs to all citizens crossing Bulgarian border. The next initiative will be on 1 June 2015 and the brochures and chocolates will be given to all choldren and their parents. The brochures concist with tips to all parents and children  how to be safer and more secure.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Society and Safety Foundation is unique for Bulgaria organization which aim is to meet people's need for security and safety with workers'  point of view and together to change the security sector in accordance with the real needs of citizens, not only of the Republic of Bulgaria and the EU. 
The Society and Safety has access to approximately 7 000 workers in MoI. 400 workers in prisons and oved 25 NGOs.  The concept for safety as need and the neccessarity integrated policies to be accepted is also unique and can be used from all ALF's members. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of the One of the main reasons we want to be part of the network is the ability to work in partnership with organizations from 42 countries and be part of the unique union for the Mediterranean. We believe that the security and safety of citizens is a priority and we want to share our experience and expertise with network members and to hear their views on how to make the citizens of our countries safer and more secure about themselves and their own relatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iliya Kuzmanov
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Iliya Kuzmanov
Contact (2) Full Name
Radostina Yakimova
Job Title (2)

Sofia Municipality - District Lozenets

National Network

2 Vasil Levski blvd
1142 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Lozenets has many modern buildings as well as many communist-era apartment blocks. The area is undergoing regeneration with areas experiencing intensive new construction. There are tree-lined streets, and many public parks in Lozenets and the surrounding areas. The area has a direct view of Vitosha mountain. A large new church is under construction. There are many cultural and educational institutes including 13 schools and three reference libraries (Bulgarian: chitalishte). Healthcare infrastructure includes the largest hospital in Central and Eastern Europe "Tokuda" with a personnel of more than 1,100 medics and three clinics. The City Center Sofia mall, European Union Metro Station andJames Bourchier Metro Station are within walking distance of Lozenets.
Mission and Objectives

Lozenets district is located on the hill south of the old city of Sofia and comes down to the northern foot of the Vitosha mountain. Its boundaries are: north - boulevards "Cherny", "Evlogi Georgiev" and "Dragan Tsankov" east - "Peyo Yavorov" and "Simeonovsko Shosse" boulevard to the west. "Black Peak" str. "Kozjak "and to the south -" Ring Road ". Stretches of 9.24 km2 area, which accounts for only 4% of the territory of Sofia Municipality and its average altitude is 588 m. In the territory of the downtown area run two rivers - Dragalevska and Adzhibaritsa and almost 30% of this area (2.7 km2) is occupied of forests. The village, according to data from the 2011 census 53,080 people live. A significant part of the area is occupied by low-rise residential buildings among trees and bushes. One and two-storey houses in yards alternate with three- to five-story buildings. A number of small-area neighborhood gardens as part of the Borisova Gradina meet important public needs and complement the look of the area of the most magnificently landscaped territory of Sofia.

Main Projects / Activities

Education, culture, sports and ecology - OKSE Carry out coordination activities in the field of education, culture and sport in the territory of rayona.Sledi care and maintenance of green areas in schools and kindergartens in the territory of rayona.Uprazhnyava regular monitoring of the quality protection and green space in the area, management of green spaces by citizens, individuals and legal entities. Control and accepts the work of the companies responsible for maintenance of the green space in the area and landscaping.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Regional Information Centre in Sofia City and Sofia Region (JRC-Sofia) will continue its efforts to provide accurate and timely information on the new Operational Programmes (OPs) of all potential beneficiaries. We stand behind the idea to be held information meetings and campaigns for the new programming period 2014-2020, because it is important for every Bulgarian citizen. the new good moments in the Partnership Agreement between Bulgaria and the European Commission, defining the strategy for an optimal use of the ESIS in country areas of application under the new operational programs opportunities for electronic filing and reporting of projects and the pursuit of maximum transparency and speed in application.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Lozenets District will particicipate in a project and will actively implement the acticities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liubomir Drekov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Liubomir Drekov

Sport Orienteering Club "Pirin" - Razlog

National Network

58 "Saint Saint Cyril and Metodius" street

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
7 members and 10 volunteers work in the Sport Orienteering Club. It is funded by the Municipality of Razlog and it applies for funding within national and European youth and sport programs. The members and volunteers take part in local and international youth sport initiatives and contests as partners of the local authorities and NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Training young people and potential trainers in sport orienteering; participation in sport activities in Bulgaria and other European countries.

Main Projects / Activities

The Sport Orienteering Club organizes contests, youth sport initiatives and trainings with the cooperation of it's local and international partners. It has implemented the project "It's Such a Fun to be Together" within Action 1.1 of Youth in Action Program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgi Kiselov

Sports club “Ekoatlet- MC”

National Network

Orfey 35, G

+359 898 865770
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+359 898 865770
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Sports club “EKOATLET – MC” – Haskovo town is a nongoverment organization – independent, voluntary public organization of people who love sports: badminton, basketball,wrestlig, volley-ball, atlethics, sports shoting, football, chess, cycling, petanka, and work for sports affirmation and popularizing it among youths and population of Haskovo municipality. Activities: We engage youths and citizens’ free time with sport so this helps them to grow healthy and asadequate personalities. We take part in championships and tournamentс on each sport. We increase professional training of the trainers, contestants and technical staff ; We popularize sports, described earlier, in Haskovo municipality and we find young talents for creating contestants in the described sports. The sports club worked with people from different ages – from 8 to 20 years old. Children and youths are separated on three different groups – children, youths junior and senior groups. The sports club take part also in tourism, combine cultural activities with tourism, arrange exchanges, seminars and other initiatives, dirrected to the civil and health education of children and young people. Members- 5 Volunteers- 15 Sources of funding- projects, voluntary work
Mission and Objectives

Sports, youth activities, children development, training of teachers, youth and child workers

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation’s volunteers have participated in Youth exchange projects in Italy, Poland, Northern Ireland, Greece, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asen Tomov
Head of the organisation
Mr. Asen Tomov
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristina Tomova