
PsyArt Biz

National Network

6, Buzludga Str., Plovdiv 4002 - Bulgaria

+359 2 826 55 69
Telephone (other)
+359 32 64 10 41
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 888 763 304
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 898 794 069
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
"PsyArt Biz" is an educational and research centre including 25 number of staff - administrators and trainers. Budgetary resources available in a year are for about 200 000 BGN/100 000 EUR/. Sources of funding - projects funded by private companies. Modalities of action includes: - educational and research projects - interactive business training for private companies, psycho-dynamic trainings developing multicultural awareness and acquaintance, e-learning as a part of the lifelong learning; - trainee exchange programs with "Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin", Germany and The New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria; - practical seminars - ice breaking conference, conflict management in inter cultural environment based on the emotional intelligence and using games, drama activities and art. Our main partners involved in the activities are "Astrea" http://astrea-bg.com/index.html and "Veles" http://www.veles-bg.com/.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create projects to encourage the personal and professional realization of the Bulgarians in the country and abroad using all scientific, technical and educational achievements and to strengthen the civil society values. "PsyArt Biz" creates solutions, while at the same time puts into this process uniqueness, creativity, flexibility, energy and positive thinking. Our striving is to improve the interaction between individuals, companies and communities at all levels thanks to the already proved humanitarian and business strategies and processes.
To achieve our goals we organize seminars and trainings, conferences and meetings, issues and distributes educational materials, co-operates with the non government, public, economic and science institutions in the country and abroad. Amongst the main activities of "PsyArt Biz" is the establishment of career counseling capacity in education and to help the professional orientation and realization of the young people, women and ethnic community members.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment we are working on an inter cultural project where the target group includes young people in age between 12 and 18 years. Plovdiv is multicultural city where live together representatives of different ethnic groups. The largest one is the Bulgarian which lives together with the Turkish, Armenian, Greek, Jewess and Roma ethnic communities. The project aims becoming well acquainted with their own community at first and simultaneously with the others in order to involve them in a culture of dialogue and critical thinking to face common challenges as they represent a human and cultural bridge among the cultures of the area of Plovdiv. As a result the students have to generate ideas for common events based on the school activities, games, art, cultural diversity. They have to make event program and realize it. The whole staff, trainers and consultants of "PsyArt Biz" are volunteers in this project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vessela Kalacheva
Head of the organisation
Radost Milusheva
Contact (2) Full Name
Radost Milusheva

Pulse Foundation

National Network

2 Sredets street

+ 359 76 60 10 10
Telephone (other)
+ 359 888 57 77 61
+359 60 10 10
Mobile Phone
+359 888 57 77 61
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information

The team of PULSE Foundation consists of psychologists and psychotherapists, social workers, lawyers, family consultants, outreach workers, an administrator and an accountant. Ekaterina Veleva – Psychotherapist, Chairperson of PULSE Foundation Yana Katsarova- Psychotherapist, Executive chairperson of PULSE Foundation Mariyana Evtimova- Lawyer, Coordinator of Protected Home Programme Kalina Yordanova- Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist Borislava Metcheva- Family therapist, Coordinator of Family Support programmes Veselina Georgieva- Consultant, Coordinator of Crisis Unit Programme Miroslav Naumov- Consultant Aksiniya Stoimenova- Consultant, Project coordinator Vyara Oreshkova- Social worker Gabriela Boyanova- Administrator Lyudmil Iliev- Outreach worker, Coordinator of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Among Young People Programme- Component 7 of the Programme of the Bulgarian Ministry of Health Kristina Sergieva- outreach worker, Coordinator of HIV/AIDS/TB Prevention and Control Among Intravenous Drug Users Programme - Component 4 of the Programme of the Bulgarian Ministry of Health Yuliya Andonova – outreach worker Kristiyan Hristov – outreach worker Eleonora Ignatova- accountant Partners Municipality of Pernik Child Protection Department- Pernik Social Assistance Directorate- Pernik Regional Police Directorate- Pernik District Court- Pernik Regional Inspectorate in Education- Pernik Regional Inspectorate for Public Health Control- Pernik KABKIS (Room for Free and Anonymous Consulting and Examination of HIV/AIDS)- Pernik Bulgarian Youth Red Cross Animus Association Foundation BAG FORSA (Feminist Organization against Sexual Aggression), Germany Zene za Mir, Serbia Youth club The Youth club “Let Us Be Friends” has been functioning since the very beginning of the organisation. Many young people have participated in the club throughout the years, some of them already grown-ups with jobs, families and their own children. Presently, about 30 young people meet regularly on a voluntary basis every Friday for two hours and discuss issues like good relationships with peers, violence in society, family models, domestic violence, couple relations, trafficking, etc. They take part in the prevention activities of PULSE among school students.  http://2bfriends.hit.bg

Mission and Objectives

Our mission: • To build healthy relations in the Bulgarian family • To foster an attitude of intolerance to violence in Bulgarian society, respect for personal dignity and suffering • To create accessible community services tailored to users' needs • To enhance professionalism and standards in the field of psychosocial care Our goals: The priority of PULSE Foundation is to create and affirm effective regional care programs for children, adolescents, adults and their families who have suffered or are at risk of violence. The service offers two types of activities- prevention and rehabilitation. The first one refers to the existing attitudinal and institutional biases in cases of domestic violence and child abuse, and adopts an educational approach and planning for community facilities; The second one refers to identified cases of violence and adopts an individual and family approach. We consider the importance of providing crisis help in cases of acute violence before providing any family or individual care and treatment of trauma. In this connection, in 2008 PULSE opened a Crisis unit for emergency accommodation of clients after experiencing violence, and a protected home for a longer-term accommodation for clients on the way to change their life situation. An emphasize in our work is providing legal consultations and defence. We would like to facilitate the effective application of the Child Protection Act, the Domestic Violence Act and the Law Against Human Trafficking in Bulgaria.

Main Projects / Activities

Current projects: - Violence Prevention and Rehabilitation Program for Children, Adolescents and Their Families funded by OAK Foundation, Switzerland - Protected Space and Reintegration of Children, Victims of Violence funded by Financial Mechanism of the European Economic space. - Initiative for Youth Creativity funded by Social Assistance Fund at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy - Services for Women, Victims of Violence – Partner project together with Bulgarian Aliance for Defence Against Domestic Violence funded by OAK Foundation, Switzerland - Maintaining Low Level of AIDS/ HIV Among Intravenous Drug Users funded by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the Bulgarian Ministry of Health - Improving Control of Tuberculosis among Intravenous Drug Users funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the Bulgarian Ministry of Health - HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Young People funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the Bulgarian Ministry of Health

Contact (1) Full Name
Borislava Mecheva
Head of the organisation
Ekaterina Veleva
Contact (2) Full Name
Gabriela Boyanova

Radio "Reaction"

National Network

Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 49 Moskovska Str.

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Radio "Reaction" is an online radio, which consists of around 30 students. We are still not registered as an NGO, but we are trying to do this now. The last 2 years we were financed by projects we applied in front of the NGO "Open Society". The main idea of Radio "Reaction" is to give young people the ability to practice in a real media environment. We work with many other Bulgarian organisations, media, artists and musicians.
Mission and Objectives

We want to create an environment of free speech, bright ideas, young and passionate journalists. In the world we live in, it is hard to find an independent media. That is why we decided to create an online radio that will not be influenced by the mainstream media. We have what to say and now we have a place where to say it in front of the public. The radio is also a good platform for youngsters to practice in a real functioning media.

Main Projects / Activities

The radio has a daily program, which includes radioshows of various topics - culture, music, arts, politics and social issues, sports, etc. We also have a nice selection of music, when there are no shows on air.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are young, energetic and hard-working people. We have fresh ideas and experience in doing radio.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is crucial to help and support each other and to contribute the way one can, as we live in such complicated and specific region as the Euro-Mediterranean one.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stela Mihaylova

Reconstruction and Development Union

National Network

3 Odrin Str.
9 Pirin Str
6300 Haskovo

00359 888 653 146
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 889 462 665
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The RDU  was registered on 3 Oct 1997 and involves three companies: BIT LTD,  STAMBOLOVO ESTEJT  LTD  and  INIMEX LTD. NGO managed by a Board consisting of three members: the Chairman and two Vice Presidents who managed together or separately. It employs about 10 people on average labor and civil relations. In 2014 RDU had budgetary resources available 141 900  levs. Sources of funding by projects, economic activity and membership fees. Since its establishment has successfully implemented more than 20 projects, quite diversified and ranging from entrepreneurship and innovation, to sustainable local development, environment and protection of animal species, to biological agriculture and urban planning.  RDU provides the following services: organization of seminars, conferences, courses, round tables, workshops, debates and discussions. Prepares and publishes training materials, manuals, brochures, CDs, informational materials, video materials and more.  Key partners of the RDU project are: municipalities, schools, universities and other NGOs.

Mission and Objectives

The RDU’s mission is to work towards a functioning market economy and democratic civil society in the district of Haskovo. RDU has identified as its target groups and beneficiaries to be the young people, the small business and the municipal administrations in the district of Haskovo OBJECTIVES  Improving the economic and the social environment in the region.  Uniting the efforts of the businesses, NGOs and the authorities for local economic renovation.  Preparation of the young people for successful social and professional realization.  Raising the capacity of local businesses and its competitiveness.  Creating public-private partnerships and democratization of social and economic processes.  Raising the awareness, knowledge and skills of the people and of the representatives of the business.  Raising the level of qualification and professional preparation. Strategic planning and coordination on local and regional level.

Main Projects / Activities

1.  Upgrade and modernization of telecommunications on the territory of Mineralni Bani Municipality - The project encompassed a series of trainings for the local community on economic re-structuring, development of various project ideas, selection of the best project idea for local economic development and it’s financing. The project was funded by the Pledge Program of the Department of Labor of USA. 2. Entrepreneurship and market economy - The implementation of the project was focused on the territory of Haskovo Municipality, the project aimed to support the local entrepreneurs in the period of transition to market economy. A number of trainings and publications were the core activities of the project. The following were published: Marketing Profile of Haskovo in Bulgarian and English, Lending and Lending Schemes, Marketing and Marketing Research. 12 training seminars and 18 working meeting brought together more than 420 participants. The project was funded by the Democratic Commission of the US Embassy in Sofia. 3. Together for Economic Renewal - Implemented on the territory of Mineralni Bani Municipality, the project was focused on creating a network of local partners, including representatives of the municipality, the businesses, tour-operators, and the young people. Within the project a Strategy for Development of Local Tourism was elaborated, as well as a Tour Guide and a film presenting the tourist sites on the territory of the Municipality. The project was funded by the British Embassy. 4. To protect our right to work - The target group of the project was the young graduates from the high schools. The project was focused on training the young people on their rights to labor as well as to present the opportunities for their professional and social realization. The project activities spread over four municipalities from the district of Haskovo, namely Dimitrovgrad, Mineralni Bani, Krumovgrad and Haskovo. The project was funded by the European Youth Foundation. 5. Youth Centre for Business and Innovation - The project was funded by the US Agency for International Development, and was focused on capacity building among the young people on the territory of Haskovo Municipality in the area of business planning, e-commerce, IT and team work. 6. Local community for strategic planning and coordination of planning instruments - The project was focused on the Municipality of Stambolovo, the district of Haskovo, and the Municipality of Yablanitsa, the district of Lovech. The project activities encompassed training on strategic planning, project management, organization of public consultancy workshops, development of Strategy of Tourism, Programme for Environment Protection and Municipal Development Plan. The project was funded by DIFID. 7. Flight over the Borders - The project was supported by Phare CBC Bulgaria – Greece Program. It was focused on the protection and management of natural resources, aiming to ensure sustainable development through increasing the capacity of local and regional institutions for cross-border cooperation. The project was implemented on the territory of Stambolovo Municipality. 8. The attraction of the Stone Monuments in the Eastern Rhodopes -  Under this Phare CBC project a cross border network for development of joint tourist activities was established and the historic monuments in Stambolovo municipality were researched and socialized, thus making the region more attractive to tourists. 9. Teleaccess - Under this project, supported by Interreg IIIB Program, two telecenters were established in the municipalities of Stambolovo and Mineralni Bani. The project was completed in 2008, and was supported by partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland and Croatia. 10. Cooperation for training and management of protected areas among NGOs on the Balkans - The overall objective of the project was to develop the potential of Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish NGOs for taking active part in the formulation and implementation of eco-policy. The project was supported by DG Environment of the European Commission, and was completed in January 2009. 11. The magnetism of the rock monuments in the Eastern Rhodopes - To improve the local economic development of municipality Stambolovo by using the local potential in the field of cultural heritage through the development of cross-border cooperation network in the field of tourism. 12. Cibera - To train managers and employees in telecentres to create conditions for the conversion of telecenters in centers through the services offered opportunities for lifelong learning in local communities.; 13. Strandja-Sakar - kingdom of Eagles - To contribute to the sustainable development of the border region Strandja - Sakar through conservation and sustainable use of its natural resources; 14. Balkan civil partnership for training and management of protected areas - To develop the potential of Bulgarian, Turkish and Macedonian NGOs involved in the implementation of environmental policy; 15. Sorurall - To explore the potential for enhanced lifelong learning offered by the tools and platforms for social networks and how they can help those who live in geographically and socially isolated communities, paying particular attention to innovation and the changing educational process. 16. Resolving conflicts in a non-violent way - To teach young people to resolve their conflicts in a non-violent manner 17. EcoGlobe - To build local capacity for the conservation and recovery of priority species and habitats in the municipality Municipality. To improve public awareness and public measures to protect the species. 18. Green spots - The main objective of the project is to achieve cooperation between the partners to act together to provide a common tourism products of the region, placing sustainability at the heart of their policies, as well as all sectors of the local economy and the entire region, and the application of offensive and based on destination marketing. Objectives: The Making of a local joint tourist product, II) Adaptation of local enterprises to the requirements of the product, III) Create a marketing strategy, IV) development of promotional materials and tools, V) Developing a common structure and a destination management (web platform, information kiosks, green spots). 19. Beyond Borders - To contribute to the protection of the natural resources and ensure sustainable development through building capacity and awareness among local stakeholders for conservation and management of the biological diversity, protected areas and ecological network as a whole. 20. Ombudsman of Nature - To increase the participation of citizens in decisions making that affects the environment in Haskovo and build awareness of conservation.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With experience, good practices and shared resources.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To work in network and to have the support of other NGOs in achieving our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivanka Najdenova Dushkova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Kamelia Andreeva Dimitrova
Job Title (2)
Deputy chairperson

Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe - Bulgaria Country Office

National Network

42A, Tsar Simeon Str., 1st flore, app. 2

+359 (0)2 9834817
Telephone (other)
+359 (0)2 9835217
+359 (0)2 9835217
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe - Bulgaria was established in 1993. Currently 3 people are working at the Bulgarian Country office - Gerasim Gerasimov-director; Veselin Drobenov-project manager and Julia Dencheva-project and technical assistant. The foundation is well known among environmental NGOs. We have been cooperating effectively with the government, local authorities, companies in the environmental sector, private and state institutions. Sources of funding: Mitsubishi Fund for Europe and Africa, SGP of GEF, FM of EEA Grants, EU LIFE Program and ect. Main partners involved in our projects/activities: Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, Bulgarian Society of Bird Protection - Birdlife Bulgaria, Time -eco projects and ect.
Mission and Objectives

We assist in the environmental problem solving on local level throughout combining the experience of our team, international support from REC HO and Bulgarian partners. We are part of regional projects and international initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

REC for CEE - Bulgaria promotes NGOs, private and state sector and other stakeholders in the environmental field for the implementation of their role within a democratic and sustainable society. REC for CEE - Bulgaria implements projects in the following fields:
* Environmental capacity building
* Environmental information dissemination
* NGO support
* Business and environment
* Local initiatives
* Public participation
* Environmental policy
* Environmental education
* Environmental law
List of recent projects:
“Education for NATURA 2000 - introducing the ecological network in the Bulgarian schools”, financed by the NGOs fund of the Financial mechanism of the European Economic Area (the EEA grants), 2009 – 2010;
“Osogovo, Ograjden and Belasitsa for kids”, financed by the Mitsubishi corporation fund for Europe and Africa, 2009 – 2010;
“West Balkan Mountain for kids”, financed by the Mitsubishi corporation fund for Europe and Africa, 2007 – 2008;
Strengthening trans-boundary cooperation mechanisms in the Western Stara Planina region, follow-up of the project “Trans-boundary Cooperation through the Management of Shared Natural Resources”, 2002 – 2008;
‘Tourist Trail West Balkan – Ecotourism for the Benefit of People and Nature’, GEF Small Grants Program, 2007 – 2008;

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerasim Gerasimov
Head of the organisation
Gerasim Gerasimov

Regional Library "P. K. Yavorov", Burgas

National Network

21 Bogoridi str.
8000 Burgaas

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The regional library "P. K. Yavorov" Burgas is the largest library in the region of Burgas. There are around 40 people working in the different departments (education, arts, children's, periodical etc.). It is funded by the state of Bulgaria. The library offers access to a large variety of books, periodicals, music (plates, cassettes, cd/dvds) and educational literature. The library works succesfully in cooperation with the Municipality of Burgas, galleries, museums and other libraries.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the library is to preserve and provide to the public vast data base of all aspects of the human knowledge and serve as a informatianal and cultural centre. Digitalization of the information. Working with people with disabilities. The readers of the library are from all ages and from all strata of society. 

Main Projects / Activities

One of the main activities of the library is centered around gathering, preserving and publishing information about Burgas and its region. Also the library has established traditions working with children, hosting exhibitions and book presentations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to make all our recources available for a wider public as well as seek/offer cooperation in different projects that improve the dialogue between nations and citizens from the different countries of the Mediterranean. The Burgas region historically has been and to a certain extent still is home to different nations (bulgarians living together with greeks, turks, armenians, jews); we want to keep the spirit of dialogue and understanding.
By joining the ALF Network we hope to get more information regarding the intercultural dialogue and possibly search for or become partners in international projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iliya Popovski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Natalia Kotzeva

Regional Library "Stiliyan Chilingirov"

National Network

Slavyanski Blvd 19
9700 Shumen

054/877 332
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The regional public library "Stilian Chilingirov” in Shumen is one of the biggest and richest libraries in the country. It was founded in 1922 as the fourth deposit library in Bulgaria at the initiative of Stilian Chilingirov. The library is one of the few in the country with a specially designed building, constructed in 1980, providing diverse and effective service to its readers. The literary wealth of the library exceeds 750 000 library items. Today the library is community accessible, a depositary and a methodical centre for Shumen district.  It is a member of the Bulgarian library-informational association.  
Mission and Objectives

Over the last years it has established itself as a modern and dynamic developing cultural institution, a partner in various projects and programs on regional, national and international level.  The library preserves processes and provides access to the national publications; it tracks down, investigates and guards our spiritual heritage, its unique collections which reflect the existence and the cultural development of the region.

Main Projects / Activities

The library develops active publishing work that includes printing preparation of bibliographies and other editions, accomplished by the library staff – the catalogue “Incunabula: Literature of the Bulgarian national revival 1806 – 1878”,  the bibliography “Stilian Chilingirov 1881 – 1962”,the  bibliographic index “Duke Boris I”, the books “Tasty art”, “Laugh, laugh little eyes!” and others. In 2007 a new form of methodical work made by Regional libraries in the country was realized –an integrated automated library informational net between the Regional library and the libraries in five national community centers in Shumen: the National community centre “Dobri Voinikov”, National community centre “Todor Petkov”, National community centre “Stilian Chilingirov”, National community centre “Asen Zlatarov” and National community centre “Boyan Penev” was created. Over the last years the library’s staff  has worked on many long-term programs in the sphere of cultural novelties and  children and youth care – “Nobel laureates in literature”, “Save the children on the street”, “Literary itinerary of the Bulgarian national revival”, “Summer children art workshop”, Folklore science promotion to web site aiming to give access to youth, different age groups, and community groups to information on regional history, geography, natural sights, and others. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Rositca Dobreva
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Regional Union of NGOs

National Network

4 "K.Pastouhov" st,
Plovdiv 4000

+359 32641622
Mobile Phone
+359 899144059
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Structure: Regional Union of NGOs– Plovdiv is a registered non-governmental organization founded on 25 July 1995 by ten NGOs in the Plovdiv region. Currently, the Association has 35 member organizations. The Union unites NGOs working in different fields. Its purpose is neither to restrict the autonomy of its members nor to duplicate their priority activities, but rather to provide regional NGOs /not only members/ with information, counsel and technical services, and to initiate activities that are of interest to the nongovernmental sector in the region. Average budget yearly- 20000 -30000BGN The Union has established relationships with the Plovdiv Municipality and the Community Council, and works actively in cooperation with the CSDF, Open Society Foundation and UBFA, as well as with similar NGO centers. Since 1995 the Union has implemented 15 projects for informational and consultation support for NGOs in the region /Central Southern Bulgaria/, TRAININGS on NGO management and marketing, and meetings with local authorities to discuss and solve local problems.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the RU NGO – Plovdiv is to help regional NGOs fulfill their missions by sharing with them our management skills and knowledge, and providing them with information, responsible advice and technical assistance, strengthening the civil society in the Region.
- Stimulate the development of philanthropy in the Plovdiv region
- Defend members’ interests
- Gather and store information data base
- Provide technical assistant and counsel on NGO
- Organize and coordinate regional seminars, conferences and symposia
- Provide regional NGOs with technology and information to facilitate their contacts with local and foreign organizations
- Support the international cooperation between Bulgarian NGOIs and Bulgarian municipalitites

Main Projects / Activities

Plovdiv Volunteer Corps 1998-2000;
Building a Day-Center for Street Children;
Enhancing Third Sector Democracy Practices;
“HELPING OURELVES” – PHARE LIEN a macro project for ROMA communities around Plovdiv/2000-2002/
Training in the area of the fight against Fraud
Results; - Training of 40 NGO leaders, mainly from S.Bulgaria
- Founding of National Anticorruption Network
01.10.2007 – 10.04.2008 г
"Развитие на гражданското общество в граничните райони чрез изграждане на НПО мрежа за застъпничество" /” DEVELOPMENT OF TE CIVIL SOCIETY IN BORDER AND MOUNTAIN AREAS OF S.BULGARIA” - 2005-2007 г. – партньор в коалиция на НПО
CEE Trust (Тръст за Ц. И. Европа) BG-03-04/09.12.2004
финансирано от Европейска инициатива за демокрация и човешки права
- Black Sea NGO Forum -2008
- NGOs and the Municipalities -new joint venture - 2008/2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolay Bliznakov
Head of the organisation
Board and President

Register for Theory of Change Online Workshop!

Theory of Change

Theory of Change Workshop is a online event within Just EU and Me project. You can choose between two alternative sessions, either on Saturday, 25 March 2023 (10:00 - 17:00 CET) or Wednesday, 29 March 2023 (10:00 - 17:00 CET). Both sessions will have the same program and include a lunch break, just register for the most suitable date.

The workshop will teach you how to define long-term goals, identify influencing factors and the conditions that must be met to achieve these goals, design the pathway of change, understand how ideologies, values, preconceptions, and stereotypes influence the way change is meant to happen and how to make these conditions visible, and how to write a narrative to be employed, among others, for advocacy actions.

JUST EU and ME project is funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) Programme (2021-2027). The project is implemented by seven European organisations: ActionAid Italia (Italy), International Initiatives for Cooperation Galicia (Spain), Foundation of Alternative Educational Initiatives (Poland), International Initiatives for Cooperation (Bulgaria), Nordic Diaspora Forum (Sweden), Transitions (Czech Republic) and European Movement International (Belgium).

Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation

National Network

6 Svoboda Square
7000 Ruse

00359 886 00 29 40
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation is established on 15.11.2012 with Resolution № 380 of Ruse Municipal Council. The Foundation’s executive body is its Managing board consisting of a Chairman and 2 members. The Foundation has an Executive Director and 2 permanent positions - Communication Expert and Expert Project and Programmes. The work of the organisation is also supported by experts from European Development Department of Ruse Municipality. The annual budget for 2015 allocated to the Foundation by Ruse Municipal Council amounts to 100 000 BGN. The Foundation also receives donations from private donors. The Foundation supports innovative events and projects that create sustainable and cohesive community ties and stimulates the development of local talents in spheres like science, education, art and culture. The Foundation works in partnership with informal structures of civil society, non-profit organisations – sports, music and youth associations, community centers, cultural and academic institutions; municipal structures; citizens.

Mission and Objectives

The identity of the city of Ruse is built on traditions, European spirit and innovativeness. Situated on the bank of the most international river in the world – the Danube, today Ruse is a city which creates its future in the wider context of cross-border and macro-regional cooperation. The mission of the Ruse Free Spirit City campaign is to regenerate the creative power of the city and to turn it into a cultural centre in the Danube region, uniting citizens, cultural communities, artists, professional unions, academic representatives, non-governmental organisations, international partners and the media. Within the campaign we support the realisation of large-scale and innovative events, which create “sense of community” because we believe this is how Ruse can strengthen its image as a port of the free creative spirit. We create international partnership networks and we actively work to promote our city as a cultural tourism destination. Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation is actively working for establishing Ruse as a cultural magnet, contributing to the development of art and creative industries and making them more exciting and appealing for people. Specific objectives: Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation supports the implementation of activities in two main areas: 1. Supporting talented individuals from Ruse Municipality - In 2014 the Municipal foundation created “The Faces of Ruse” fund, which stimulates the development of local talents in the spheres like science, education, art and culture, promoting the city on national and international level with their achievements. 2. Financing local activities - Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation supports and stimulates the implementation of activities which strengthen the positions of Ruse as a city which successfully combines traditions and innovation in the sphere of: civil society development, science, education, culture, historical heritage preservation, cultural tourism development, arts and literature, inventions and high technologies.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2014, the Foundation organised 81 events many of which stood out with their large scale and innovativeness, created a “sense of community”, provided opportunities for dialogue among representatives of different cultural and professional groups, and promoted cross-sectoral forms of cooperation. Among the events that the city of Ruse hosted was Allegra International Summer Academy with the participation of 40 young classical musicians from 18 countries, the Roller fest Let’s roller-skate together in Ruse and Bucharest that gathered more than 100 fans of the roller sport from Bulgaria and Romania, Salsa Weekend Ruse which gathered 200 dance lovers from 13 clubs from the whole country, the large-scale interactive concert Mission Ruse with more than 300 musicians on stage and more than 2000 people audience and many others. 156 creative products were made. The long list of events and initiatives was made possible thanks to the efforts of 30 project teams, 3382 active participants in their implementation, 34 volunteers and 89 partnerships, created during the 2014 campaign. As a result of this, nearly 102,000 local citizens and guests of the city had a dynamic and exciting year of festivals, concerts, creative experimentation and shared emotions. At the end of 2014, Ruse Free Spirit City Foundation announced Call for project proposals. The main objective of the Competition for projects – 2015 was to stimulate the development of cultural life in Ruse and to link different organisations, institutions and artists to work together to establish Ruse as a cultural center. Candidates could apply in the following categories: - Support for talented individuals from Ruse Municipality; - Science, inventions and new technologies; - Funding for local initiatives - communities of interest; - Funding for local initiatives - cross-sectoral and international partnerships. 84 projects were submitted to the Foundation. They were evaluated by the Managing Board of the Foundation in accordance with the criteria in the Methodology for evaluation of project proposals. As a result of the announced call, it was decided that in 2015 Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation will support 7 talented individuals and groups from Ruse Municipality and 21 projects and initiatives in the field of art and culture, inventions and high technologies, science and education. Throughout the year the Foundation will continue to accept applications from talented individuals who promote the city of Ruse on national and international scale.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ruse Free Spirit City Foundation has a successful experience in establishing sustainable and efficient model of collaboration and networking among various municipal, public and non-governmental structures, which has provided useful and visible results. All partnerships established by Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation have a significant sustainability perspective. Sustainable and beneficial partnerships have been established with 89 local, national and international cultural and educational institutions, NGOs, etc. that have participated in the Ruse Free Spirit City campaign. A big number of the events supported by the Foundation in 2014 had another edition in 2015. We believe that with this expertise we will contribute to the development of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Bulgaria.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we would like to expand our sphere of contacts and to create new fruitful and sustainable partnerships with various organisations; to participate in new cooperation initiatives in the fields of arts, culture and education; to implement diverse projects, which will contribute to the development of civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zlatomira Stefanova
Job Title
Executive Director of Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation
Head of the organisation
Mr Strahil Karapchanski, PhD - Chairman of the Managing Board of Ruse Free Spirit City Municipal Foundation
Contact (2) Full Name
Desislava Vasileva