
Individual member: Mr. Dick Douwes, Erasmus University

National Network

PO. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam

+31 104082487
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Erasmus University Rotterdam has been in existence in its present form since 1973. Its history, however, dates back to 1913, the year in which the Netherlands School of Commerce was founded through private initiative with broad support from the Rotterdam business community. The statutory recognition of higher education in commerce and economics as an academic discipline resulted in 1939 in a change of name. The NHH became the NEH or Netherlands School of Economics.

Mission and Objectives

The principal tasks of Erasmus University Rotterdam are the generation and transfer of knowledge proceeding from a high degree of social engagement. To this end, the university pursues knowledge in an inquiring, critical, investigative and flexible manner, with a strong international orientation and based on the values of professionalism, teamwork and fair play.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Dick Douwes
Head of the organisation
Dick Douwes

Individual member: Mr. Han Bakker

National Network

Egelantiersstraat 167
1015 RA Amsterdam

00 31 6 11 36 16 40
00 31 20 625 84 72
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Han Bakker is a consultant working in the field of international cultural relations. Han Bakker was part of the program staff of Rotterdam Cultural Capital 2001, was responsible for the international cultural program of the Netherlands EU Presidency 2004 and is currently responsible for the development of the House of Cultural Dialogue in the Netherlands, which from September on, gradually will develop into a national and international program. It’s main source of financing are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture. Organisation, budget, project are currently under discussion.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Han Bakker
Head of the organisation
Han Bakker

Individual member: Ms. Jeanneke Den Boer

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Jeanneke Den Boer
Head of the organisation
Ms. Jeanneke Den Boer

Individual member: Tom van der Geugten (Fontys University of Professional Education)

National Network

Prof. Goossenslaan 1-01
5022 DM Tilburg

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
I work at the Fontys teacher training college (Lerarenopleiding) in Tilburg, where there is interest and posibility for international activities by teachers and students, like seminars and e-mailcontact.
Mission and Objectives

I want to learn more about the role of culture and religion in historical and present daily life in Euromed region and about ways to use and spread this knowledge through my teaching and writing.

Main Projects / Activities

As a teacher trainer in history and civics I teach my students about the history of cultures in the Mediterranean area, about the history of the multicultural society in the Netherlands, how to teach about these subjects and how cope with diversity by themselves. As a (not unimportant) textbookwriter I also want to learn these things to write about in my books for teaching history.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tom van der Geugten

Inholland University of Applied Sciences

National Network

Wildenborch 6, P.O. Box 261,Diemen
1110 AG Diemen/Amsterdam

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are the Amsterdam-based branch of a public university of applied sciences which has branches in the main cities of the NL. The total number of students is approx. 30,000. Our core business is educating students to bachelor level and we are also involved in a variety of (inter)national activities & collaborations with a global network of partner institutes covering a wide number of areas. We carry out research, run a training academy for professionals and are involved in a number of community-based projects. We receive government funding.

Mission and Objectives

This description applies specifically to the Creative Business Department in  Amsterdam/Diemen. We aim to create a learning community in which the synthesis of cultural, social & religious identities result in a fruitful environment for developing the skills, knowledge & attitudes necessary in dynamic metropolis. Hence diversity, internationalisation, flexibility and cross-cultural communication take a central position in our programmes and pedagogy.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from projects in Senegal, Ghana, China, Indonesia, & Mongolia we are also involved in a number of projects in the EuroMed area. Most of these projects are centered around the theme of cultural tourism and involved collaborative research. We have worked in Istanbul with Yeditepe University, in Alexandria with the High Institute for Tourism, Hotels and Computer El-Seyouf and the Alexandria & Mediterranean Research Centre at the Library of Alexandria.  Since many of our students have a Moroccan background we have a keen interest in Morocco and have been working with various institutes and running study trips since 2007. Most of our projects are short-term and involve both students & staff exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Philippa Collin
Head of the organisation
Bart Combee

Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation

National Network

Laan van meerdervoort 70
2517 AN

The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The IHJR is governed by an Executive Committee (EC), which consists of at least three and at most seven natural persons. Currently, it is comprised of a Chairman, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The IHJR is advised by an eleven member International Advisory Board that includes eminent jurists, scholars, human rights experts, and intellectuals. The Advisory Board provides guidance on project development and implementation. The IHJR is an organization that has two FTE's and one 0,8 FTE, pro-bono regional advisors, consultants that are hired on a project basis and 2-3 interns for a period of three months each. Budgetary resources available in a year: between 380,000 and 500,000 approximately Sources of funding are: governmental and private funding Projects include: Israel Palestine, Turkey-Armenia, former Yugoslavia, and Kenya Main partners are: Kayit 6 Production, Versus Studio, Brandeis University, Heinrich Böll, Bernhem Foundation, IPSO, Euroclio
Mission and Objectives

The IHJR seeks to promote reconciliation, tolerance and understanding in divided societies by dispelling public myths surrounding disputed historical myths. To this end, the IHJR engages respected scholars and public opinion leaders from opposing sides of conflict to work together to create and disseminate shared narratives that provide reliable facts and commentary as a basis for public debate and discussion. Through these collaborative efforts, the IHJR also seeks to develop networks of engaged citizens from academia, civil society and the media that work together to confront and prevent the misuse of disputed historical legacies.

Main Projects / Activities

The IHJR brings together CSOs, artists, media to create shared narratives. These shared narratives can take the form of publications, exhibitions and publications. The outcome of the project is disseminated and presented through public debates, roundtable discussions, media coverage and educational materials.
In the Middle-East:
4 publications on historical legacies in Israel & Palestine: 'Zoom In, Palestinian Refugees of 1948, Remembrances', 'Two Sides of the Coin: Independence and Nakba 1948', 'Haifa Before & After 1948: Narratives of a Mixed City' and 'Sacred Sites in the Holy Land: Historical and Religious Perspectives'
In Former Yugoslavia:
1 publication on political myths in the former Yugoslavia
'A Myth factory: Political Myths in Former Yugoslavia and Successor States'
In Armenia & Turkey:
'Ani, Kars and Gyumri: Journey Towards Understanding'
A project with 3 subprojects, consisting of an exhibition, publication and a documentary

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The IHJR is uniquely positioned at the crossroads of academia and advocacy and committed to promoting reconciliation, tolerance and understanding in historically divided societies. The IHJR can contribute to the Network with its expertise in helping communities deal with their past, with its innovative methodology of shared narratives to engage key stakeholders and with its experience and networks of civil society organizations, scholars, universities in its areas of operation. The IHJR is always open to explore synergies with civil society organizations working on similar subjects. In that way, the IHJR can contribute to the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The mandate of the Anna Lindh Foundation to bring together civil society organizations to overcome misunderstandings and stereotypes in order to restore trust in dialogue and bridge gaps in mutual perceptions is closely related to the mission of the IHJR. The IHJR seeks to bridge different perceptions, promote dialogue and debate about shared historical legacies, to lay the groundwork for reconciliation and sustainable peace.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catherine Cissé-van den Muijssenbergh
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Kiebert
Publication Illustration

Intercultural Education in the European context

This book offers a comparative analysis of the intercultural theories and practices developed in the European context. Bringing together work on the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, The Netherlands and Sweden, it examines specific approaches to intercultural education...

International Foundation Manifesta (IFM)

National Network

Laurierstraat 185

+31 (0)20 6721435
+31 (0)20 4700073
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+31 (0)6 54718063 (mobile Hedwig Fijen)
Mobile Phone (other)
+31 (0)6 24567785 / +357 99 517029 (mobile Mariek
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The aims of Manifesta, European Biennial of Contemporary Art are: -providing Europe with an international platform and programs for contemporary artists and art professionals ,experimenting with new curatorial methods and developing new audiences for contemporary art. 1. Permanent staff employed by the International Foundation Manifesta: 2 persons full time, 1 person part time, 3 permanent international trainees. 2. 350.000 euro for the permanent structure, 2.0 million euro average for Manifesta, European Biennial of Contemporary Art. 3. International Foundation Manifesta is funded by grant-aid from the respective Host Cities where each edition takes place. 4. The International Foundation Manifesta is the initiator and co-producer of Manifesta, European Biennial of Contemporary Art. 5. For Manifesta, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, every two years the IFM is intensively working with a new European host organisation in a different country
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the International Foundation Manifesta : - develop and maintain a support structure for all art professionals involved , stimulate Manifesta’s European network as a medium for person to person contacts, - stimulate the flow of information between parties involved in Manifesta through different activities, such as publications , workshops ,symposia and colloquia, - ensure the maintenance of working contacts between previous, current and future host cities, make such skills and information widely accessible to professionals and the general public, through servicing the various branches of Manifesta; promoting and stimulating interdisciplinary initiatives and in-depth research in all branches of creative endeavor, with particular reference to the field of European contemporary art; and developing, in the medium, to long term an exemplary, IT orientated, pro-active information resource centre, -initiating and co-producing all Manifesta activities and projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Manifesta, the European Biennial of Contemporary Art, is not the sole initiative carried out by International Foundation Manifesta which aims to integrate European countries and individuals on a cultural level. Since 2002, IFM is developing its existing role as the central nucleus of an open network and as a platform for both the research, identification and development of ideas that prove to be key issues within the current cultural field, and the build-up and reinforcement of artistic relationships, encouraging both ideological and physical exchange among interested individuals and organizations. In addition to its regular biennial exhibitions and projects, the IFM facilitates and develops closely related co-productions with various European partners, interconnecting bodies active in the cultural field. Manifesta’s Network Program creates and develops an ongoing relationships between international art professionals through joint in-depth research on contemporary artistic and curat

Contact (1) Full Name
Hedwig Fijen (Executive Director)
Head of the organisation
Hedwig Fijen
Contact (2) Full Name
Marieke van Hal (Foundation Coordinator)

International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP)

National Network

Laan van Meerdervoort 702517 AN
The Hague

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The INMP is a non-profit organisation since 1992, and associated with the UN-DPI in New York. It has a general coordinator, 10 Executive Board and 12 Advisory Committee members. Its secretariat (since 2010) is maintained by one part-timer. The annual budget consists of membership fees from some 80 members, plus donations made by corporate sponsors. Scholarships have stopped. Additional funding is project-based, which for 2013-2015 includes Hague projects (international symposium and travelling exhibition for Peace Palace centenary) with partners Carnegie Foundation, the municipality, and local museums. We are also partner in a European Peace Trail project with 6 other cities and funding from the Education and Culture - Lifelong Learning Programme. Other main activities include international conferences of museums for peace (Korea, 2014), publications and the exchange of travelling exhibitions (A Picture for Peace as most recent), mainly between network members, but with cooperation of other Hague NGOs and museums.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the INMP is to contribute to world peace by means of promoting and enhancing the work of museums for peace. The network aims to reach this mission by: - creating links between peace museums, related institutions and individuals worldwide - organising international conferences and other activities - releasing publications in the form of books, articles and newsletters - encouraging the exchange of information, material and exhibitions - setting up joint exhibitions to spread know-how - encouraging the creation of more peace museums in other parts of the world The INMP seeks to finance its goals with annual fees, donations, yields from activities and funding.

Main Projects / Activities

2014: 8th International Conference of Museums for Peace, in Korea. 3-5 days and up to 200 participants. Will resolve in publication in 2015. Sept 2013: Symposium on Peace Philanthropy in the Peace Palace, to celebrate its centenary. With leading (peace)philanthropists from over the world. Aug-Sept 2013: Travelling exhibition on Peace Philanthropy - Then and Now. Will travel the world after its opening in The Hague. 2013-2015: Peace Trail in The Hague, with publication, website and guides, as part of European Peace Trail project. 2013: A Picture for Peace Travelling exhibition is still travelling worldwide. Another main activity is the publication of newsletters. Twice a year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For starters by promoting the ALF on our website and in our newsletter, by participating in activities and building partnerships with more ALF members in The Netherlands.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For its interesting activities. We are very familiar with a number of your members (such as Euroclio and Fondema), who often mentioned the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nike Liscaljet
Head of the organisation

Ismahane Ben Smail

National Network

Kanseliersplein 93
5223 Lv Den bosch

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

1 person = ownerMasterclasdes/ language mediation and thatching groups or individuals
No partners involved

Mission and Objectives

Empowering through knowledge sharing

Main Projects / Activities

Trainings en training design

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Facilitate multicultural dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To meet collegues and share our knowledge to grow and be better people
And serve our community

Contact (1) Full Name
Ismahane Ben Smail
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ismahane Ben Smail