
GREAT THE HAGUE (grassroots renewable energy advocate Team The Hague)

National Network

Laurens Reaelstraat 59,
2595 XK The Hague Holland

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We promote awareness on issues of climate change and environment through screening free movies, documentaries or other educational videos in collaboration with climate activists. Attendance is free to community members.  Snacks and drinks is free based on online registration. Attendees are welcome to engage in dialogue regarding the climate change and environmental topics. Dialogues may be recorded for research purposes.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission - Social Developments
We are facilitating a space in whichcommunities worldwide can make their own informed decisions concerning their environment and social development.
Our Vision
To protect and improve the environment worldwide from the grassroots as a valuable asset for the people.
To protect our people and the environment from harmful effects of pollution and strive for fossil free urban life and renewable energy for  communities.
Our special focus is to the food-energy nexus, as an inter linkages between energy access and other Sustainable Development Goals, and the latest trends and developments in bio energy.
To focus on strategic and programmatic direction to help Ojodu grassroot community accelerate deployment of renewable energy, water and sanitation and in doing so, meet climate goals, boost the local economy, and increase energy access and social security. 
To strengthen economic planning and SDG's implementations and steer grassroot communities across the globe towards sustainable development path.
To run programmes in support of grassroot resident co-ordination.
To connect grassroot communities in the European Union with global movement to solve the root causes of poverty, marginalisation, problematic issues of refugee influx and environmental pollution.
To highlight resources rights in food sovereignty, sustainable livelihood and economic justice.
To bring awareness to popular communication trainees, political education and global solidarity on environmental and climate change awareness.
To create the GREAT (Grassroots Renewable Energy Advocate Team) Global community. 

Main Projects / Activities

Lunch and learn Events
We treat attendees to a vegan high tea while our youth engages them in educational presentations about the climate and environmental issues at the same time.
The aim of this initiative is to foster discussions and increase awareness.
Movie Weekends
We promote awareness on issues of climate change and environment through screening free movies, documentaries or other educational videos in collaboration with climate activists.
Attendance is free to community members. 
Snacks and drinks is free based on online registration.
Attendees are welcome to engage in dialogue regarding the climate change and environmental topics.
Dialogues may be recorded for research purposes.
Buddy programs
Youths of different countries come to share with each other, their knowledge and concerns about their own regions through the medium of video conferencing.
The aim of this program is to bridge the gap between youths of different countries from different social and economic backgrounds to connect and together learn about each other’s environment and climate related issues.
Sustainable Lessons
Conducting workshops and developing curriculums and books on importance of environment, climate, sustainability and renewable energy geared towards promoting an eco-friendly way of living.
The aim of this program is to increase the presence of sustainable living and environment related studies in the regular curriculum of the educational institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By promoting and sharing the awareness of the good work of ALF foundation and Or Hosting ALF awareness dialogue in my community. And contribute to uplifling the Good work ofALFfoundation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe in ALF foundation Vissions, Aims, Objectives and Goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olayinka Olajide
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ola Olajide
Contact (2) Full Name
Madhuri Meelee
Job Title (2)
Global project Director

Green Creation

National Network

Postbus 84
9640 AB Veendam

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
General Information

I am an interdisciplinary (e.g. LLM, MA and MSc degrees; worked in private sector, NGO and education sector) independent professional - my objective is a just, sustainable world for all. I focus on projects, assignments which I believe make a positive contribution to the planet's wellbeing, even if at very micro level.

Mission and Objectives

Working for a just green world for all.

Main Projects / Activities

My project work is varied, all pillars contributing to a positive future: research, intercultural facilitation, project management, board membership.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I wish to use my interdiscplinary, international, intercultural knowledge, experience and connections for mutual benefit. Since 2 years based in the Netherlands.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to make a positive contribution, build on the facilitation work (post-debate dialogue sessions) I do for the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rianne ten Veen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rianne C ten Veen
creativity toolbox

Handbook about crisis management

The aim of this manual is to help local communities prepare for potential crises, building on the experience of COVID 19 pandemics. It contains theoretical and practical knowledge on active citizenship and community participation, and presents lessons learned from the...

Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands

National Network

Vijf Werelddelen 69
3071 PS Rotterdam

+31 6 28 49 84 77
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands (HICD NL) is a scientific non-governmental organization which General Committee is formed by local development stakeholders and specialists from various sectors of the civil society and European Member States: academics, NGOs, development agents, association managers, civil servants and social economy companies, as well as European organizations for local development.
To fulfill our purposes, we develop various activities, for example
 The organization of conferences and meetings at national and European level in education, training, culture, research and social innovation
 Conduct dissemination campaigns on the results of the projects carried out by the Association
 Creation and development of content, applications and digital services devoted to the areas mentioned in different languages.
Sources of funding: Participation in National, International and European projects
KEY PERSONS: Ms. Karvouna Christina Eirini, Chairman of HICD NL has years of experience in the field of EU project management and implementation. She is the manager of the deliverables of the projects and an expert in projects financial management. She is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the projects department, developing research proposals and designing the resource planning of the organizations. She conducts searches for partners and business opportunities via international tenders, implements EU funded projects and organizes workshops and training seminars. She holds Degrees of Business Marketing and Management and Shipbuilder Engineering deepening her study in Management of Marine Operations with the use of Remote Sensing for the Protection and Supervision of the Marine Environment.
Mr. Peter van Dam, Senior Project Manager - many years of experience in the field of EU project management. He has wide competences in group management, organization, problem solving and optimization of processes. General coordination in the projects H2020, ESA, Interreg, Regional and National Training Courses and research projects. He is an expert with a solid academic and professional background in Business Administration, European framework policy and financial management.

Mission and Objectives

HICD NL mission is to consistently provide innovative high quality services that improve the economy of regions and the quality of life in urban and rural areas by supporting and promoting experience sharing between its members and partners for sustaining international cooperation, skillful networking and further progress and growth. Our organization’s goals and network come in support of fulfilling our mission.
Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands (HICD NL) is a scientific non-governmental organization which General Committee is formed by local development stakeholders and specialists from various sectors of the civil society and European Member States: academics, NGOs, development agents, association managers, civil servants and social economy companies, as well as European organizations for local development.
HICD NL mission is to consistently provide innovative high quality services that improve the economy of regions and the quality of life in urban and rural areas by supporting and promoting experience sharing between its members and partners for sustaining international cooperation, skillful networking and further progress and growth. Our organization’s goals and network come in support of fulfilling our mission.
The main aim of the Institute is to highlight the values of culture, to promote cooperation and to build mutual trust with the ultimate goal of creating proximity with foreign people - relations that outlive changes in government.

The HICD NL wants to play a significant role in the spiritual and academic life, supporting new and talented artists, and creating a cultural background and mentality capable of motivation.

Our staff members are experienced in implementing local development actions in remote, marginalized and difficult accessed areas. We participate and lead global actions and initiatives that contribute to regional development across the globe.
We contribute to the integration of the whole areas in a more balanced way through economic, social, and environmentally beneficial initiatives in order to extensively increase the population’s quality of life.

Main Projects / Activities

HICD NL operates as a social player in collaboration with local and regional organizations and institutions in the fields of Culture, Environment, Entrepreneurship, Equality (Gender Equality), Cultural Diplomacy, Education through New Technologies activities. Specifically, it provides Non-formal/ Vocational education, ICT education and innovative educational activities Integration of educational solutions into mainstream curricula specialized education for specific groups.

HICD NL fights against the marginalization and discrimination of some special groups of people such as, immigrants, disabled people or patients and addresses their social inclusion. HICD NL aims to support these vulnerable groups through implementing European projects.

By engaging in research and developing the different fields of Cultural Diplomacy, the HICD NL aims to build bridges of trust and cooperation and foster dialogue between different cultures. This contributes to strengthen regional and multilateral diplomatic bonds, improves relations between nations and communicates universal values and principles that only culture can convey.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Is it of our great interest to join the ALF Network for expending our Network and connections and have the opportunity to receive and provide knowledge and experience through cooperation development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Eirini Karvouna
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Christina Eirini Karvouna

Het Grote Midden Oosten Platform

National Network

Entrepotdok 131
1018 AD Amsterdam

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

We are a flexible organisation, meaning that we are a platform with experts that are almost all self-employed. Our board consists of 5 people and we have a supervisory board as well.  We do not have a central office so we have hardly any overhead costs. Other overhead costs (like our website) are paid with the fee of the members of the platform. Yearly budget around 50.000 euro. We partner with other organisations for concrete projects. Main partners are AIESEC, OXFAM Novib and Pax.  We organise activities, we publish articles in mainstream media and on our website, and we offer our expertise as trainers or consultants to (local) government, businesses and civil society organisations.  We have a broad network and we partner with organisationsthat share our values of dialogue, ‘talking with’ (rather than ‘talking about’), being pro-active (rather than re-active), and connecting different sectors of society and building bridges between cultures.

Mission and Objectives

The Greater Middle East Platform (GMOP) is a foundation that brings together a wide range of Dutch Middle East experts. It offers knowledge and expertise about the Middle East to the general public in the Netherlands, as well as to professionals and policy makers. We are experts in a wide range of fields, and we see a painful lack of objectivity and understanding in Western discourse when it comes to the Arab world and Muslims. The Middle East and North Africa are Europe’s direct neighbours, and we share many concerns and challenges. We at the GMOP work towards neutralizing and humanizing the framing and perceptions of the MENA region, and to increase the level of knowledge in our country. We do this because we want our national policies, and the general interaction between our countries, to be based on knowledge and understanding rather than fear.

Main Projects / Activities

- We publish around 12 articles a year - 2 expert meetings per year - 3 events for the general public per year. For 2017:  - conference about Youth in the Middle East, together with Oxfam - podcast series on the Middle East (in Dutch)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a broad network and we partner with organisationsthat share our values of dialogue, ‘talking with’ (rather than ‘talking about’), being pro-active (rather than re-active), and connecting different sectors of society and building bridges between cultures. We also have a lot of expertise on different subjects (gender, law, financing, languages, religion etc). We can offer different speakers, trainers, consultants of networking events.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Great Middle East Platform wants to work with other organisations that want to build bridges and foster good relationships with the MENA region. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sylva van Rosse
Job Title
chair of the Board
Head of the organisation
Sylva van Rosse, Chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Vanessa Lambrecht
Job Title (2)

IDA Innovatie

National Network

Haagsebos 31
2715 XP Zoetermeer

+31 79 35 222 61
+31 79 35 222 61
Mobile Phone
+31 622 529 861
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
General Information
Founder is Abraham de Kruijf. IDA works as a network, has many relationships in The Netherlands, in Chile, Israel, Palestine, USA. In governments and NGO's. Like the network Volunteering for Peace, in the city of Hebron, Palestine/Westbank. We do projects, research, work on location in other countries. The societal activities abroad (Middle East) are payed from the income of the work. There is not yet a separate funding but this is necessary. There is not yet sufficient income in IDA or from other sources to be able to finance the projects.
Mission and Objectives

IDA Innovatie is specialist in change towards cooperation. In business and government organisations in The Netherlands. Clarifying and designing business and societal processes, coliving and coworking, inspired by and taking into account of making (your) values more explicit.
There are projects where values are included and also more traditional projects.
Next to this there are societal activities, see the next box Main projects/activities.
Final objective / purpose / motto: 1) To prevent unnecessary suffering. 2) It can be done! (Het kan wel!, Dutch posterorganisation Loesje.)

Main Projects / Activities

Activities for improving life circumstances:
a) working in Dutch organizations in business, government and NGO's.
b) In Chile we were in 2000-2001 the cofounder of Habitat for Humanity.
c) In Israel and Palestine we work with both governments, citizens, and NGO's to help to change towards peace. This project has three lines. 1) Concrete peace proposal for Israel and Palestinians, called "Peace will come why not now". 2) The project title we print on t-shirts and shawls and offer them to the people as well as the leaders for motivation also via the heart. 3) Clarifying the relationship of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and the secular world. Through an inquiry form that brings people insight and helps to dissolve (pre)judices.
d) Societal / Humane Responsible Globalization (SRG), bottom up, for villages/cities, states, EU, and wider. This is an equivalent for governments who do not have a focus, like there is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the business world. This has been launched in a conversation with Mr Barroso. EU and NL are not yet fully partnering.
e) further development of the content and the practice of democracy, internationally, since 1992.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abraham de Kruijf
Head of the organisation
Abraham de Kruijf

IFA - Integration for All

National Network

Cours st Michel 98

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
IFA’s concept tries to find concrete answers to respond to Giraffe - Elephant situations in ways that minimize the potential negative impact of the elephant experience. Therefore one has to move out of his own culture in order to learn about it. When we put this into practice in our films it is obvious that if we do not see how we behave in the uniforms of our own culture we cannot deal and understand the uniforms of other cultures. The concept will affect fully policy makers, case managers, professionals, teachers, coaches and intermediary people who deal with and work in the immigration and integration field. If these people go through such concrete integration experience themselves, they will be careful in addressing this integration issue and its policy. Once this is done and the professionals are ready to compete and to come out with a healthy integration program, then we can start talking about the End of the Beginning to meet diversity effectiveness. Starting with optimistic assumptions and acting on them will increase the likelihood of turning the elephant experience into a personal and organizational triumph.
Mission and Objectives

IFA’s work is based on a concrete concept and on concrete facts and it has delivered clear, positive and eye opening results that could be used in any integration policy that aims to narrow the gap between the immigrants and the inhabitants of the host country. Our approach contains a serious understanding of how to deal with other cultures and understanding the needs of the immigrants before putting in place a policy or an integration program.

Main Projects / Activities

Grundtvig workshop "The other side of the medal"
Practical training programme, comparable with the regular immigration programmes for newcomers in Europe, carried out in the Turkish mosque in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The programme includes lessons in Turkish as a second language, a home stay with Turkish families and practical work placements at Turkish companies.

Grundtvig partnership "Building a house of diversity"
Project with partners from 8 EU countries who will organise a one day integration programme in a non European organisation. The participants will be filmed and the project results will be put one a DVD which can be used as an educational tool in each European Organization dealing with intercultural and integration issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Image Pictures

National Network

0000AA N/A

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information

I am a self employed freelance producer, writer, director, storyteller, coach and teacher in film and theatre. I focus on projects that create dialogue between the east and the western world and are told from a humanitarian perspective. I try to create impact with educational projects in both regions. I have worked with partners from Lebanon and Palestine.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create impact and set up intercultural dialogue through film, content, art and education between the West and the Arab world.

Main Projects / Activities

Producing, writing, storytelling, directing film, content, arts and education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Create educational projects that have impact and can build a dialogue in the region. I produce content, film and arts projects. This way we can collaborate with other partners in the region and tell the stories that have to be heard.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I have joined the network because I want to create intercultural dialogue and impact between the two regions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Randa Nassar
Head of the organisation
Randa Nassar

IMOVE Foundation

National Network

Kinderdijkstraat 60 HS
1079GM Amsterdam

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The IMOVE Foundation focuses on the mental, emotional and psychical health of disadvantaged and displaced women and youth. Through offering dance sessions in combination with body awareness and mindfulness sessions, IMOVE aims to heal children and women from their traumas, to provide them with tools to take charge of their emotional reactions, to improve their concentration to learn and to enhance their mental resilience. Improving the mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing of children are fundamental to their education, social relations, major health outcomes as well as growth and academic achievements.   Beneficiaries: - Displaced and disadvantaged children and women who suffer from stressful events, traumas, are victims of war and conflicts. - NGO staff, animators, staff working at education and cultural centers who work with the target group.
Mission and Objectives

IMOVE helps children and women to recover from their traumas, to provide them with tools to regulate their emotional reactions, to improve their concentration and to enhance their mental resilience and enable them to grow.
Improving the mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing of children are fundamental to their education, social relations, major health outcomes as well as growth and academic achievements.
IMOVE envisions a society in which children and women are safe, free of any harm caused by conflicts and violence and are empowered to realize their full potential and desired academic achievements in a sustainable way in harmony within the community.
- Boardmembers 3, operating voluntary 
- Two dancers and yoga teachers in the Netherlands

Main Projects / Activities

Key activities:
- Providing dance and yoga sessions in combination with mindfulness techniques in education centers as well as cultural centers.
- Organizing workshops and trainings in which social workers can get an introductory knowledge on yoga, mindfulness and movement sessions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Highlighting the necessity to address the mental health needs of displaced people that has often been neglected in response plans.
Providing advice and informing decision makers and donors to address the needs of children and women in need.
Giving capacity building training sessions to ngo staff, teachers, people working with refugees.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute to empowering the youth and mainly female youth.
To improve the future prospects of children and women through non-violent communication and expressing their emotions, needs and decires. 
To promote dialouge and cultural exchange at the local as well as global level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina Shahbazi
Job Title
Founder, managing director
Head of the organisation

Individual member: Neil van der Linden

National Network

Anjeliersstraat 89 IIIa

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
I work as a general consultant and project organiser for cultural exchanges between the Netherlands and other parties in the EU and North Africa and the Middle-East. The area ranges from Morocco to Iran and from Turkey to Sudan and Oman. This includes music (the most part), theatre, visual arts, and sometimes film and sometimes literature and dance. It includes grassroots projects with local artists and arts students, community projects and small scale representations, up to projects like a performance of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio with the Orchestra of the XVIIIth Century and the Netherlands Chamber Choir Xmas 1999 just before 2000, the Bethlehem year and Bach’s commemoration year, at the Nativity Church in Bethlehem.
Mission and Objectives

Widening horizons on both sides and creating opportunities for people to enjoy arts and culture in all diversity and creating opportunities for arts and culture in all their diversity to continue.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently I work on a large international music festival, together with Ibrahim Tidjani, representative of the Tidjani Sufi Brotherhood from North-Africa, Ahmed Maghraby of the Mazaren organisation in Cairo, Toufic Kerbage musicologist in Lebanon, Mohammed Reza Beladi from Busheir in Iran, Nitin Hrsh from Jodhpur Rajastan India and Siddharto from the Sacred Music Festival in Bangalore India.
I am a also staff member and project researcher for Music in Me, a charity that reaches people who would otherwise be deprived of music due to war and poverty, in Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, in the field of music education to schools and young professionals, music heritage, music therapy and relief work and support of aspiring professional institutions.
I am advisor to the Festival of Sacred Music in Fes, Morocco.

Contact (1) Full Name
Neil van der Linden