
DW-RS producties

National Network

Meer en Vaart 290
1068 LE


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Stichting DW-RS producties was founded in 2004 as the production foundation of Bureau Barel, an art producing company in Amsterdam. The first years of its existence, few activities have been undertaken. In 2007, the foundation became active for the first time as the producer of the Sjoerd Vollebrecht show, a festival show by Joeri Vos. The following year DW-RS productions produced another festival-production. In addition, DW-RS was the founder and main producer of the Confronting Cultures Festival. In 2009 and 2010 DW-RS was responsible for organizing the Sloterplas Festival in Amsterdam Nieuw-West, a festival in which the creative participation of the inhabitants of the western boroughs of Amsterdam was of main importance. The current policy of producing festivals and performances will be intensified next years.
Mission and Objectives

In its work, DW-RS is always looking for crossovers between art-disciplines and between cultures. Stressing the importance of stimulating creativity and the power of art in developing a society is the main objective of the foundation.

Main Projects / Activities

The focusses on producing high quality performances for the Dutch Market and organizing international co-productions in the field of performing arts and community related art projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing of nowlegde about projects in the MENA region,mainly in Morocco and Israel

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of the projects in the MENA region

Contact (1) Full Name
Arjen Barel
Contact (2) Full Name
Yassine Boussaid

El Hizjra

National Network

El Hizjra Louwesweg 6G
1066 EC Amsterdam

+31 6 2422 4563
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

El Hizjra is a Dutch, Amsterdam-based non-profit foundation advocating the rich Arab cultural heritage of (the children of) migrants in the Netherlands and its impact on society since 1987. El Hizjra’s core business deals with discovering, stimulating and supporting talented young and unknown writers with a bicultural background. The foundation is currently financially supported by the Dutch 'Letterenfonds'.

Mission and Objectives

Since its inception, El Hizjra initiates and facilitates lectures and debates on contemporary Arab themes. After three decades, we can only conclude that this mission still appeals to current issues within the Netherlands, also with regard to the Arab world. El Hizjra is also known for (inter)national projects, master classes for aspiring writers and workshops for pupils of primary schools and high schools. The annual El Hizjra writing competition, initiated in 1992, has become an acclaimed stepping stone to a successful (inter)national career for talented Dutch writers with a bicultural background.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2016, El Hizjra embeds the award ceremony of this writing competition within her ‘Night of Arabic Literature’ (Dutch: Nacht van de Arabische Literatuur): a festival celebrating literature, poetry, spoken word, storytelling, film and photography at De Nieuwe Liefde, a renowned venue in Amsterdam.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Mahdi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Mahdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Nabil Taouati
Job Title (2)

EUROCLIO - European Association of History Educators

National Network

Riouwstraat 139
2585 HP The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EUROCLIO is an umbrella organization (NGO) of over 60 History Teachers Organizations from over 40 predominantly European countries registered as legally as a foundation. Concrete actions are the organization of an annual international training conference on history and history education, Long term projects on the innovation of history education (including seminars, workshops, textbook development). Sources of funding are project based. Our main sponsors are amongst others the ‘European Commission’ (DG EAC), the ‘Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (MATRA-program) and the ‘United States Institute of Peace’. Main partners are the Georg Eckert institute, Koerber Foundation, Council of Europe and EUROCLIO members.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: EUROCLIO - supports the development of an innovative and inclusive approach to History and History and Citizenship Education. - promotes collaborative values, critical awareness and mutual respect, peace, stability and democracy in society. - contributes to prevention and reconciliation of inter- and intrastate conflict Objectives: - to improve the Quality of History and History Education and the Quality of the Professional Group. - to enhance History Teachers’ Organizations and Civil Society - to cooperate, Communicate and Network - to fortify Professionalisation and Sustainability of EUROCLIO Target groups: Historians and History educators including history teachers, history teacher trainers, textbook authors, curriculum developers, inspectors, advisors and local authorities on the learning and teaching of history.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: - Regional/National: multiple year projects in cooperation with EUROCLIO members and other partners aimed at the innovation of history and history education. - European wide: organizes seminars and other activities open to all who are interested. - Annual Conference and Professional Training Development Course On the average 130 participants from over 35 countries. The General Assembly is part of the conference. Hosted by one of the EUROCLIO members. - Dissemination of Information EUROCLIO publishes six newsletters and two bulletins annually and maintains an up-to-date website. - Lobby EUROCLIO lobbies on a national, regional and European level for the innovation of history education in a way that it promotes peace, democracy and critical thinking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Steven Segers
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Steven Segers

Euromed Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue and Exchanges

National Network

Admiraal de Ruyterweg 118/II, 1056 GS Amsterdam

00-31-(0)20-420 83 79
Telephone (other)
00-31-(0)20-779 97 09
00-31-(0)84 712 65 45
Mobile Phone
00-31-(0)65 46 76 121
Mobile Phone (other)
00-31-(0)64 52 02 288
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Six board members, a director and a group of 13 permanent highly educated volunteers. We have no permanent staff but we work with a group of free lancers, experts, project leaders, researchers we hire when funding is available for projects. As an expertise centre for Art and culture around the Mediterranean we also often sell our know how to third organizations (art institutions, municipalities, ministries, TV channels etc.) which have staff to implement the projects. See our web site. Depending on the projects and the form of the partnership. Organizations like ours need an average of € 300.000 a year to carry the same activities. Public and private funding concrete projects, exchanges, seminars dealing with art, women, children and youth. See our web site We have a huge network in the Netherlands and all around the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

Developing awareness in multi-ethnic communities by the use of art, culture, education, dialogue and co-operation through exchanges in the Euro-Mediterranean region. In the Netherlands we use art and culture to unite people, encourage dialogue and transform attitudes towards minorities and their countries of origin

Main Projects / Activities

Consultancy in Euro-Mediterranean issues with specialization in art and cultures from Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Organizing conferences, seminars, exhibitions, festivals, co-productions, concerts that encourage cultural diversity and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region. See web site for concrete projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Mabrouk
Head of the organisation
Nadia Mabrouk
Contact (2) Full Name
Ansella Post

European Cultural Foundation

National Network

Jan van Goyenkade 5
1075 HN Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Foundation has 27 staff members, is managed by a director and a deputy director, supported by a fund developer, communication department, administration department, secretariat, reception. The Foundation further includes two action-lines and one independent project. decision making body is the Board, consisting of 12 members. 2. Approx. 5 million EURO. 3. Dutch Lottery; programme sponsorship 4. Grants; Programmes; Policy Development; Conferences; Publications 5. Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation; Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs; HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation); European Union - Directorate General for Education and Culture; Open Society Institute; Nordic Council of Ministers; UNICEF
Mission and Objectives

We believe in the enriching experience of diversity, and in the power of culture to promote understanding among the people of Europe.
We therefore support cultural cooperation and advocate strong cultural policies.
Geographical scope: EU + accession-, candidate – and neighbouring countries (including southern & eastern Mediterranean)

Main Projects / Activities

Support for cultural cooperation:
Grants for small to medium-sized organizations
Programs in the field of Arts, Mobility, Media
Cultural policy development:
Capacity Building & Participatory cultural policy making
Advocacy work & Reflection on contemporary cultural issues

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Mors
Head of the organisation
Gottfried Wagner/ Odile Chenal
Contact (2) Full Name
Mark Snijder

European Institute for Democratic Participation (EIDP)

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The EIDP is a foundation, with 3 board members and some project managers. The budgetary resources range from 20 to 60.000€ a year. Sources of funding come from YiA, EYF and private donors. The EIDP developes and conducts own projects and exchanges. Seminars are being developed. Main partners are the NJI in Holland and several organisations throughout Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The EIDP sees it as her mission: To support young Europeans in democratic participation To serve as a platform where young Europeans can jointly develop and conduct projects that stimulate democratic participation To promote east-west cooperation To support and develop civil society To promote human rights and social inclusion

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars on Social Inclusion, Development, Democracy, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Differences etc. Election Observation Missions throughout Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leander van Delden
Head of the organisation
Leander van Delden
Contact (2) Full Name
Jochem Lindelauf
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Expressions in Dialogue

In the midst of increasing radicalisation and a surge of populist and xenophobic movements along with securitarian policies and the restriction of fundamental freedoms, intercultural dialogue has become one of the most pressing challenges of today's Euro-Mediterranean area. Based on...


National Network

Jekerstraat 26
3521 EG Utrecht

00 31 (0) 30 2992895
00 31 (0) 30 2992894
Mobile Phone
00 31 (0) 6 23816185
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Extravaleren, owned and directed by Ine van Emmerik provides consultancy- services (coaching, mentoring, business consultancy, project management, conflict resolution, research) to organizations, both profit and non-profit. As the name expresses, the consultancy aims to enhance the learning capacities of the clients, thus creating extra value for the organization or person that is involved.
Mission and Objectives

Extravaleren, owned and directed by Ine van Emmerik provides consultancy- services (coaching, mentoring, business consultancy, project management, conflict resolution, research) to organizations, both profit and non-profit. As the name expresses, the consultancy aims to enhance the learning capacities of the clients, thus creating extra value for the organization or person that is involved.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from regular consultancy for several organisations;
Partner in the research program Literacy of women for leadership, Foundation Carin for the Future, Lisbon
Partner in Belieforama, project of Centre Européen Juif d’Information, Brussels
Phd/DBA at the University of Humanistics, Utrecht, program "Humanising organisations" , subject: slow learning of professionals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ine van Emmerik
Head of the organisation
Ine van Emmerik
Contact (2) Full Name
Elly Konig

Faraasha Middle East Training & Advisory

National Network

The Netherlands

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
Faraasha Middle East Training & Advisory is a training and advisory bureau on Middle East affairs that was founded in 2009 by Annemarie van Geel. Annemarie is the owner of (and at the same time the only staff employed by) Faraasha. Faraasha's sources of funding are from its projects and assignments that mainly fall within in the NGO and governmental sectors. Faraasha's partners include the Pax Ludens Foundation for Training & Research in Conflict Resolution, for which Annemarie teaches a course about the Arab-Israeli conflict to university students, and AIESEC's Nour Project, which facilitates internships in the Middle East for students from the Netherlands. Faraasha is involved in preparing the students for departure to the region. Besides her projects for Faraasha, Annemarie is working towards her PhD on gender segregation in the public domain in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, focusing on the perspectives of Saudi and Kuwaiti women themselves. Annemarie often cooperates and exchanges research findings with young researchers from the region at international conferences in the Middle East and Mediterranean (recently in Rabat, Istanbul, and Tunis). For her PhD research, Annemarie interviews (amongst others) young Saudi and Kuwaiti women.
Mission and Objectives

Faraasha Middle East Training & Advisory is a training and advisory bureau on Middle East affairs that aims to further knowledge and understanding of the Middle East. Faraasha does this by means of giving workshops, training and advice about the region to (non-)governmental organisations, universities and companies.

Main Projects / Activities

- Teaching a course on the Arab-Israeli conflict at University College Utrecht (to international undergraduate students, always also from the Middle East and Mediterranean region) - Gender awareness training - Lectures, Workshops, and Roundtable Meetings on Middle East affairs See also

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Faraasha could contribute to meetings where we could share ideas and best practices, or contribute to events such as debates, film screenings, or other cultural events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe the mission of the ALF and Faraasha's mission are very closely related, both aiming to improve mutual respect and understanding, and attempting to overcome mutual misunderstandings and stereotypes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annemarie van Geel
Head of the organisation
Annemarie van Geel