
Ara City Radio - Local Matters: Happy Earth Overshoot Day

ara city radio - overshoot day

On 1 August, we reached earth overshoot day. According to Greenpeace Luxembourg, the Grand Duchy could make a major impact to improve the situation worldwide. To get all the details, listen to this week's Local Matters.

Photo: Anaïs Hector/ Greenpeace Luxembourg

tags: Local Mattersclimate changefinanceenvironmentGreenpeace

categories: Local Matters




The project ARTinclusive-22 is organised by FSL with the support of the Service national de la jeunesse and the European Solidarity Corps (Erasmus+).

#ESC #ErasmusPlus #FSL #theatre #youth #inclusive #Luxembourg

Image removed. 02-19 Oct 2023

Image removed. Luxembourg

Image removed. EU resident aged 18-28?

Image removed. Passionate about inclusive arts?

Apply by 21 Aug 2023:


The aim of the project is to provide young people with diverse perspectives, inspiration, and knowledge on human rights and related subjects, including social inclusion, participation, and diversity. Through the medium of art, particularly theater, cinema, and music, the project seeks to alter attitudes and establish inclusive social platforms for young individuals.


Young people from the social/cultural/language minority groups, willing to participate, learn and contribute to this project and the public performances; Young people involved in educational theatre and performance arts, active in working with young people with special needs on promotion of the human rights; Young people interested in developing their competences as promoter of the inclusive theatre; Young people that have willingness to disseminate project results among their organizations, communities and countries; Aged 18-28 (exceptions are possible); Committed to attend the full duration of the project; Are able to work in English.


Association Luxembourgeoise pour le Dialogue Interculturel

National Network

21A, rue de la gare
8229 Mamer

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The association was created to manage EU project in 2013. As coordinator for Luxembourg we participate to several European Youth Events (EYE). Since few years, we are developing more local projects around youth, cultural and social rights. We are also working with a partner LIFE asbl on social issues like the housing in Luxembourg and providing solutions by developing colocations. Current housing crisis is a real challenge for young people and we now have 30 houses with different concepts (monoparental, youth colocations) with the support of Housing Ministery. Other topics we deal with is all around the sustainable development. In the housing project, we are looking to develop ecological and sustainable way to living and also the values that are important for us : autonomy, solidarity, ecology, inclusivity.
We are also supported by Council of Europe to develop Youth projects and initiatives.
We have only volunteers for the moment but looking to hire one person. We are partner with LIFE asbl and Maison des associations. We received funding for Erasmus + projects with 8 others partners on a project "Find the Fake". We investigate how to develop exchanges for youth people.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to improve youth social rights and awareness of their rights.
We have a participatory approach and they directly take the decisions within the working projets of the projects.
Our objectives are to guide them, to give them the tools and the time to realize things. We also work to recognize their competences (Youthpass and "validation des acquis")

Main Projects / Activities

- participation and/or organisation of cultural activities
- Erasmus + project : Find the fake
- Trainings (exchange of competencies, conferences)
- Games, discussions, presentation, workshops (for example we have a project on democracy)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to create a youth worker network to improve collaboration and exchange of competencies.
We think we can create bridges between the different actors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To benefit from others, experiences, advices and to collaborate.
In our development we always look for the best practice and proved methods.

We also want to show to young people that they are important and listened and that they need to involve themselves.
Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic and its bad effects of youth health and social life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabrina Benfriha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sabrina Benfriha
Contact (2) Full Name
Zohra Benfriha
Job Title (2)

ASTI asbl. (Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés)

National Network

10-12, rue Auguste Laval, L-1922 Luxembourg

00 352 43 83 33
Telephone (other)
00 352 48 02 71
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives

L'ASTI met en pratique des projets de vive ensemble et réalise des projets socio-culturels en partenariat. Ces deux pratiquent alimentent la réflexion et les revendications politiques au service des objectifs de l'association, à savoir une société dans laquelle tous les résidents auront des droits égaux en solidarité avec les frontaliers.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets de vivre ensemble - Information migrant - Agence interculturelle - Travail social communautaire - Maison de Jeunes

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Marc Piron
Head of the organisation
Mme Laura Zuccoli
Contact (2) Full Name
M. Serge Kollwelter

AVICENNE Pôle Europe

National Network

5 allée des Pervenches

Mont Saint Martin

+352 621 213 273
Telephone (other)
+33 6 20 80 90 65
+33 3 82 23 52 55
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
L'Association Avicenne est composée d'un Président, d'une Vice-Présidente d'un Directeur, d'un Conseil D'administrations de 6 membres et de nombreux bénévoles. Les ressources Budgétaires proviennent de la Politique de la Ville, du Conseil régional de Meurthe et Moselle, de la Région Lorraine, de partenaires publics (CAF, VVV, etc.)et des partenaires privés et même de l'Union Européenne. Les subventions sont allouées suite aux actions élaborées suivant les projets dans le cadre de cahiers des charges bien définis, d'échanges de jeunes dans le cadre du programme "Youth in action" de l'UE.
Mission and Objectives

La mission première et fondatrice de l'association Avicenne est l'accès à la Culture d'un public défavorisé. Les objectifs premiers ont été de permettre à des jeunes et moins jeunes, également dans le cadre d'activités intergénérationnelles de participer des projets et de les porter, concernant la Culture dans toute ses formes dans une forme democratique

Main Projects / Activities

-Activités Intergénérationelles (Café des Ages)
-Chantiers CAF et VVV
-Festival International de la Calligraphie

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La contribution au réseau du Luxembourg se fera dans un premier temps par l’échange de l'expertise de ses membres et bénévoles dans tout les domaines de la culture, de l'art, ainsi que de leurs différentes formes d'accès pour un public de plus en plus demandeur.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La participation au réseau FAL permettra à l'association Avicenne de suivre ses objectifs dans un espace international et de diffuser une forme de "démocratie participative" entre plusieurs états, et de contribuer à l'édifice que se propose le FAL de bâtir, notamment dans les échanges Nord-Sud

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachid Bouglime
Head of the organisation
Hamdi Toudma / Rachid Bouglime
Contact (2) Full Name
Hamdi Toudma


National Network

4 rue jean jaures

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
je suis franco-marocain j ai un cursus d etudes medicales  je suis egalement enseignant 
Mission and Objectives

Depuis ma participation active a l organisation de la semaine marocaine a luxembourg; et la decouverte du reseau anna lindh; je suis de plus en plus motivé a participer proposer organiser des nouveaux evenements..pour rapprocher et promouvoir l amitié entre les peuples..

Main Projects / Activities

Aider  proposer et participer aux divers projets du reseau FAL  (luxembourg)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

l experience de  l aide a l organisation de la semaine marocaine m a donné un excellent elan pour des projets futurs...
mon dynamisme et volontarisme sont mes atouts majeurs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

j ai decidé de rejoindre le reseaux anna lindh  car la mission de la fondation me parait tout d abord noble!!
le reseau est une excellente plateforme pour toute personne oeuvrant ou voulant oeuvrer pour le rapprochement et l amitué entre les peuples

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster / Abbey of Neumünster Cultural Exchange Center

National Network

28, Rue Münster
2160 Luxembourg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Neumünster Abbey Cultural Exchange Center (neimënster), inaugurated in May 2004 after ten years of restoration work, is located in the heart of the old quarters, on an itinerary which is classified Unesco world heritage. Located in a spectacular setting, this group of buildings, which have come through four centuries of turbulent history, is now dedicated to cultural projects and is at the same time a marvellous site for grand events. Within its 12.000 square meters, about 700 such events are organized each year on this site which is open to all and which looks to be a place of exchange by allowing “the dialogue of cultures and the culture of dialogue". The names of three buildings which make up the Centre have special significance. This was done within a context of respect for a past which is pregnant with meaning. Lucien Wercollier gave his name to the Abbey’s cloister, Robert Bruch to the criminal building and Robert Krieps to the workshop which then became Tutesall.

Mission and Objectives

To give a spiritual vocation (back) to the site, such was the goal of the founders of the Abbey of Neumünster Cultural Exchange Center when creating the program under the theme “dialogue of cultures, culture of dialogue”. The CCRN hosts concerts, ballets, live performances, seminars and expositions. It is a place of creation and reception. It is open to the general public, to a young public, to associations and to creators. And exchanges, meetings, collaborations, coproductions are the keystone to a unifying program. By associating the majestic setting of the Abbey with a sophisticated infrastructure, technical equipment and the latest multimedia, the Abbey of Neumünster Cultural Exchange Center is also a location of choice for symposia, seminars, conferences, meetings and large business gatherings.

Main Projects / Activities

With the cooperation of Luxembourgish and foreign institutions and cultural associations, the CCRN illustrates the dialogue between cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Ainhoa Achutegui
Job Title
Directrice générale
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ainhoa Achutegui
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Karine Bouton
Job Title (2)
Chargée de projets culturels

Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Luxembourg

centre for intercultural dialogue

Young International Academics, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Postdoctoral Programme, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Deadlines: 30 November 2023 (first call ) and 30 April 2024 (second call). 

The Young International Academics (YIA) Postdoctoral Programme is a career development programme hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies Luxembourg (IAS) of the University of Luxembourg (UL) to nurture early-career postdoctoral researchers to gain momentum in interdisciplinary research. YIA candidates are international talents holding a recent doctoral degree and willing to propose and realise their own interdisciplinary research projects through a bottom-up approach. YIA will welcome 10 postdoctoral fellows with individual fellowships of 36 months each.

YIA is explicitly open to all disciplines and sectors, involving the entire university in the drive towards increased interdisciplinarity, which is considered strategic for UL, for the country and Europe. The University’s rationale is based on the consideration that the world’s challenges are so multifaceted and intricate that they can only be solved through interdisciplinary and intersectoral approaches.

A unique aspect of YIA is its integration into UL’s Institute for Advanced Studies created in 2020 to promote interdisciplinarity and currently hosting 15 Audacity projects and 10 Young Academics PhD projects.