
Jeunes Francophones en Action ( JFA)

National Network

Maison 7, L-6836

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Notre organisation se compose entre autres d'un comité de 9 jeunes francophones à travers le monde et regroupe tous les anciens jeunes de parlements francophones de jeunesse soit 300 jeunes environ à travers la francophonie. NOus organisons des formations par des jeunes pour des jeunes, des séminaires sur les thèmes des droits de l'homme, vie citoyenne, diversité culturelle et développement durable sachant que nous proposons régulièrement nos projets aux instances européennes chargées de soutenir les organismes de jeunesse. Nous travaillons surtout avec le Parlement francohone des jeunes et les Parlements nationaux de jeunes. Enfin on essaie de créer une vraie cohésion entre notre organisation et les Parlements nationaux de jeunes et le Parlement francophone des jeunes.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de l’Association est de promouvoir la démocratie, la citoyenneté, les droits de l’homme, la diversité culturelle et le développement durable et d’encrer ces valeurs chez les jeunes. Il s’agit d’un réseau d’échange entre les jeunes de ce monde avec priorité aux jeunes francophones ayant participé au Parlement francophone des jeunes ou étant membres des Parlements nationaux des jeunes ou équivalent. Par les moyens d’éducation formelle et informelle, l’Association vise au meilleur épanouissement des jeunes et à la sensibilisation de leurs entourages sur les thèmes les préoccupant.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons 3 axes principaux:
- L’inter culturalité et l’esprit de groupe : Ce domaine a pour but de valoriser « l’esprit de groupe ». Trop souvent la cohésion du groupe, la compréhension à travers différentes cultures et modes de vies ne sont pas pris en compte dans le déroulé d’un projet mais la réussite de celui-ci tient bien à l’entente qu’il peut y avoir entre les participants. Notre but est donc de créer une atmosphère de partage.
- La vie démocratique et citoyenne : Un vaste sujet essentiel pour nos participants. Au programme : simulation, rédaction de résolutions, partage d’expériences personnelles. En d’autres termes, vivre et comprendre la démocratie.
- Le développement durable et écologique : Ce thème est fondamental pour notre génération. Le but est de partager sur le sujet et de sensibiliser chacun. Chaque jeune francophone a la possibilité, face à ce défi, d’être un acteur majeur pour changer la donne et promouvoir un avenir vert.

Contact (1) Full Name
Melle Anne SOISSON
Head of the organisation
Melle Anne SOISSON
Contact (2) Full Name
Melle Manon LOISON

La Charte de la Diversité Lëtzebuerg

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La gestion des émotions

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Law on intercultural living together

On 20 July 2023, the Chamber of Deputies passed the law on intercultural living together and amending the amended law of 8 March 2017 on nationality. This vote marks a paradigm shift: "We no longer distinguish between different statuses of...


Living Libraries - by Formation et Sensibilisation Luxembourg

On 27 March, the FSL association invites visitors to their living library - an event where people get to learn personal stories and ask questions. In our interview on the breakfast show, Haythem Badawy explains all about the event. The...

Living Library - by Formation et Sensibilisation Luxembourg


On 27 March, the FSL association invites visitors to their living library - an event where people get to learn personal stories and ask questions. In our interview on the breakfast show, Haythem Badawy explains all about the event.

The event is taking place at the Youth Hostel in Esch on 27 March, at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7pm. The discussions take place in English or French. Registration is required for this event via email or tel.: 2754-5910.

tags: living libraryEschLuxembourgBreakfast Show



Luxembourg Network

The Anna Lindh Network of Luxembourg and the Greater Region currently welcomes around 30 Member Organisations from within and around Luxembourg. Members consist primarily of associations and civil society organisations active in the fields of intercultural dialogue, culture, active citizenship, youth, inclusion, and informal education. The network also includes high schools, educational foundations, and institutions founded by municipalities.

The network meets around every two months, organising capacity building events for civil society, intercultural public dialogues, transnational cooperation projects, youth exchanges, and cultural events. Members mutually support one another in their activities and design new joint projects in the field of intercultural dialogue. Members also aim to strengthen cooperation between all networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation by designing and implementing projects which benefit from transnational cooperation.

Historical Background of your Network

neimënster (Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster) has been the Head of Network since 2009, when it was first appointed by the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture. Since then, the cultural centre has been re-elected by its members every three years. In 2017, the association Our Common Future was elected as head of network acting in cooperation with neimënster.

The Luxembourgish network has always been a small network, gathering around 10 members who work closely together on a variety of projects including cultural weeks, youth exchanges, forums, conferences, theatre plays and more.



Luxembourg Network

Le Réseau luxembourgeois et Grande Région de la Fondation Anna Lindh accueille actuellement autour de 30 organisations membres venant du Luxembourg et de la Grande Région. Les membres sont principalement des associations et des organisations de la société civile actives dans les domaines du dialogue interculturel, de la culture, de la citoyenneté active, de la jeunesse, de l’inclusion et de l’éducation informelle. Le réseau comprend également des lycées, des fondations pour l’éducation et des institutions fondées par des municipalités.

Les membres du Réseau se rencontrent environ tous les deux mois à l’occasion d’événements de renforcement des capacités en rapport avec la société civile, les dialogues publics interculturels, les projets de coopération transnationale, les échanges de jeunes et les événements culturels. Les membres se soutiennent mutuellement dans leurs activités et conçoivent de nouveaux projets communs dans le domaine du dialogue interculturel. Ils visent également à renforcer la collaboration entre tous les réseaux de la Fondation Anna Lindh en créant et en mettant en place des projets qui profiteraient de la coopération transfrontalière.

Luxembourg School of Contemporary Etiquette

National Network

avenue Joseph Sax
2515 Luxembourg

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

I am an entrepreneur. I am the founder of Luxembourg School of Contemporary Etiquette. I work in collaboration with coaches and trainers from Luxembourg, Belgium, France, the Netherlands.

Main source of funding - earnings and personal savings. The project is no yet on a full go, a yearly budget is very modest. This year I am looking for funding from local and international organisations to support in development of my project

Mission and Objectives

The initial idea of my school is to educate people in mutually beneficial ways of communications and building relationships based on the most important principle - respect. My project is now developing and currently I have created a Youtube channel to present influencers from Luxembourg to the world. It's a cultural & educational project . The goal is to promote diverse international community of great people from various countries and cultures living and working in Luxembourg .

Main Projects / Activities

My project is now developing and currently I have created a Youtube channel to present influencers from Luxembourg to the world. It's a cultural & educational project . The goal is to promote diverse international community of great people from various countries and cultures living and working in Luxembourg .

A few video interviews are already produced and published.…

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By creating video interviews with influencers living and working in Luxembourg for my Lux Etiquette & Service cafe YouTube channel, I aim to courage, support and inspire people by great examples of diversity and inclusion presented through true live stories of my guests.

In the form of a conversation we exchange ideas on real serious questions the answer to which could be very burning and practical for the audience. My guests are representatives of a local multinational community. By sharing their opinions, they raise such valuable issues as tolerance, self confidence, ways of enlarging our perspectives, defining our individuality, speeding up personal development, supporting vulnerable people.

Some of the topics of such interviews could be pluralism, cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, rule of law and fundamental freedoms. Influencers are invited from various areas - education, politics, religion, etc.

The format of visual art helps making the idea sharing process accessible for people locally and globally as the world is becoming smaller now. Sharing videos on YouTube and other social media allows to cover great international audience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to be of help to the community and direct my efforts to the right direction. I support and share the main principles of ALF Network. It allows me to think that my ideas might also be of use for this community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angela Domasova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Angela Domasova