
Me'maryoon for Development

National Network

University St.

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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Me’maryoon For Development Company (MFDC) is a Non-Profit company and it’s the first company in the Middle East working on developing Architecture and Urban Planning fields. It was founded by a group of young people, aspiring to develop Architecture and Urban Planning fields in Jordan; through developing and enabling students and professionals in the fields.      
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives:
Vision: Architectural society based on cultural foundation; providing innovative and creative ideas and solutions for its community serves the human and his environment.
Mission: Providing various projects and programs designed to improve architects and enabling them academically and intellectually
- Enabling Students and the workers in architecture and urban planning both academically and intellectually. Improving the culture of local architecture.
- Connecting local and international architects with young students.
- Establishing a national association for architects.
- Improving architectural resources.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities:
- Bonyan Concourse
- Bonyan Competition for Architectural Design BDAC
- Jordanian Architects Directory JAD:
The first program of MDO, The program contains registered members in MDO who plan and organize our projects. The current projects of the program are:
- Bonyan Concourse for Architecture and Urban Planning
- Bonyan Competition for Architectural Design
- Bonyan for Restoration
- Bonyan Expo
Architecture Students Association ASA:
The Second program of MDO, The program contains every Architecture and Urban Planning student in Jordan. It aims to make a community through connecting the students together to make a Peer-to-Peer education and connecting them with us and our projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Sharing the knowledge and experience with the students and community
- Helping the network organizing and sharing its programs 
- Helping the network in researches
- Sharing our knowledge about the country 
- Sharing our knowledge about Architecture and Planning
- Connecting the network to our partners and relationships

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Contributing in changing the world for better
- Gaining knowledge from creative and innovative resource
- Gaining experience from professionals and experts in varies fields
- Sharing our developmental vision 
- Sharing our culture and learning from others

Contact (1) Full Name
AbdulRahman AlZubaidi
Job Title
Chairman and CEO
Head of the organisation
AbdulRahman AlZubaidi
Contact (2) Full Name
Haitham Abdalla
Job Title (2)
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer


National Network

Barakat al-Khresha street
Dahyet al-Amir Rashed

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MEDA - Mennonite Economic Development Associates - is an international economic development organization whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty. Founded in 1953 by a group of Mennonite entrepreneurs, we partner with people living in poverty to start or grow small and medium-sized businesses in developing regions around the world. We work alongside our partners and clients, funded by both private and institutional donors, to help: Alleviate poverty Support sustainable business growth and livelihoods Women move into more valued and equitable roles in their economies Businesses and small entrepreneurs gain access to financial services including investment, adopt clean technologies/climate-smart approaches, and minimize their environmental footprint Improve local economies
Mission and Objectives

We seek to create, sustain and innovate.
We treat clients, colleagues and partners with respect and dignity.
We promote justice for the poor by helping them develop entrepreneurial skills and seize economic opportunity.
We value partnerships with the poor and others regardless of gender, race, class, ethnicity, nationality or religion.
We carefully manage human, financial and environmental resources by emphasizing accountability, discipline and sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

around the world
East Africa | Expanding Access to Supply Chain Finance for SMEs in East Africa (EASE)
Ethiopia | Agricultural Transformation through Stronger Vocational Education (ATTSVE)
Ethiopia | Value Chains for Economic Growth in Ethiopia (VCEGE) / Ethiopians Motivating Enterprises to Rise in Trade and Agri-business (EMERTA)
Ghana | Farmers' Economic Advancement Through Seedlings – FEATS
Jordan | Jordan Valley Links: Enterprise Development for Women and Youth in the Jordan Valley
Kenya | Equitable Prosperity Through Private Sector Development (EPTPSD) / Maendeleo Sawa (M-Sawa)
Libya | Libya Economic Empowerment
Myanmar | ADVANCE Myanmar
Myanmar | Improving Market Opportunities for Women
Nicaragua | Techno-Links+
Nigeria | Youth Entrepreneurship and Women's Empowerment (WAY)
Pakistan | Partnerships and Value Expansion for Inclusive Seed Systems (PAVE)
Senegal | Adaptation and Valorization of Entrepreneurship in Irrigated Agriculture (AVENIR)
Tanzania | Building an Economically Sustainable Seed System for Cassava in Tanzania (BEST Cassava)
Tanzania | Commercializing rapid-multiplication technologies, and new models that drive private sector investment into banana seed systems
Tanzania | Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise (ENGINE)
Tanzania | Strengthening Small Business Value Chains (SSBVC) / Kuza Biashara Sawia
Uganda | Commercializing rapid-multiplication technologies, and new models that drive private sector investment into banana seed systems
Ukraine | Ukraine Horticulture Business Development Project (UHBDP)
Worldwide | INNOVATE - Adoption of Agricultural Innovations through Non-Traditional Financial Services
Worldwide | Trading Up
Yemen | Themar - Approach for Development Finance Enhancement

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we work through local partners to ensure the sustainability of all efforts. The network will benefit from our experience and also we will be able to take back any experience to partners and beneficiaries. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am interested in exchanging knowledge and experiences, learning new approaches, participating in debates and benefiting from updates of other projects. I have vast experience working with women and youth, promoting gender nd economic empowerment, inclusion and raising women's voice. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anwar Al-Halh
Job Title
Environment Advisor
Head of the organisation
Ahsan Ul Haque Helal
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Media and Music for Peaceful and Inclusive Society

With the aim of creating new channels of dialogue for civil society The Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies, Head of the Anna Lindh Foundation Jordanian Network held a series of capacity building activities on the topic of Media and Music...

Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Médias et musique pour une société pacifique et inclusive

Dans le but de créer de nouveaux canaux de dialogue pour la société civile, l'Institut royal d'études interconfessionnelles, responsable du réseau jordanien de la Fondation Anna Lindh, a organisé une série d'activités de renforcement des capacités sur le thème «Médias...

Mediterranean for Developing Arts (MedeArts)

National Network

Khalaf Al Sa'ad Building/ Al Hashmi Street
Irbid 21141

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The relationships between people and nations are not only regarding the political and commercial interests, but also the cultural and artistic issues are playing a very important role in making people to accept each other and to fill the gaps between them. Our projects and programs at Mediterranean for Developing Arts are always supporting the empowerment and improvement of institutions, communities, and activists and to connect them with the cultural and artistic areas. This work can be manifested through the existing of a special body of experienced people in counseling, financial and executive managing, and the units of empowerment, development, communication and media.  The work expenses will be covered through the payments and salaries which our crew will receive from the required projects that our institution has to conduct in different countries and regions. Our institution manages the activities concerning with the cultural and artistic projects ( Organizing film, theatre, cultural or artistic festivals, in addition to organizing the projects which aim at empowering amateur people in the fields of culture, art, and media). Our Partnerships: • Jordan Ministry of Culture through Irbid Art Theatre Troupe (one of the first troupes in Jordan, established in 1986). • C:NTACT (Danish Theatre Organization).
Mission and Objectives

• Developing arts and cultures.
• Helping people to accept each other and to fill the gaps between them.
Our Goals:
• Empowering and supporting institutions and activists in the areas of art and culture.
• Defining the concepts of art and culture as means to defend human rights and to solve the social problems.
• Gathering the activists in art and culture under one umbrella to make them exchange their experiences in the field.
• Providing administrative, consultative, and training services to the people who are interested in the fields of art and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Previous projects and activities:
1- Providing the project of Youth Theatre in Jordan with administrative, consultative and artistic services.
2- Managing “Bayt Najm Aldeen”, which is the first old house which became an artistic house, Irbid, North of Jordan.
3- Providing Administrative and consultative services for Irbid Art Theatre Troupe, (one of the oldest Jordanian Troupes which follows to the Ministry of Culture).
1-  Media for development.
2- Training program for managing and organizing the artistic and cultural projects.
3- Arts and culture activists network.
Mohammad Sammour: Med Forum 2016 participant

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through providing an important base of activists in the artistic and cultural fields, in addition to providing a talented youth people who are able to manage and organize the artistic and cultural projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our ideas and methods to a larger extent of our working areas. Also, to receive consultations and information which we need during conducting our activity in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Safi Sakran
Head of the organisation
Safi Sakran
Contact (2) Full Name
AbdulRahman Al Zubaidi

Mediterranean Network for the development of local communities

National Network

Postal address: P.O .Box 852710 Amman 11185 Jordanmman - Al Rabia - Street Al Sharif Nasser Bin Jamil - Building 37
Amman 11185

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
(MNT) is a newly established non-profit organization. It was founded in Amman, Jordan in early 2011,Network is formed of three members, three local and regional partners in Beirut, Iraq and Egypt in addition to the two consultants
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To contribute to social, legal and political reform to end discrimination, violence and disparities through advocacy, education, outreach and empowerment programmers, We work on national and regional levels and we seek to contribute to achieving equity, equality and social justice in all their forms and at all levels. Strategic Objectives: • Foster a culture of equality, democracy and human rights • Strengthening the struggle for gender equality and the abolishment of all forms of discrimination • Empowering women to be selected and elected to decision-making positions. • Building coalitions and partnerships among civil society organizations and NGOs.

Main Projects / Activities

MNT activities: Ever since its creation in 2011, MNT has actively participated in a number of activities aimed at enhancing democracy and human rights in general, and the reform of laws with direct impact on rights and freedoms, in particular. MNT members are active members of the Jordanian Alliance for Freedom of Association (JAFA) and the Jordanian Alliance for Electoral Reform (JAER). Moreover, MNT members are active members of the Arab Network for Tolerance (ANT) and the Arab Coalition for Freedom of Association (ACFA). They are leading trainers in human rights, capacity building, fundraising, and networking among CSOs and they have trained a number of CSOs on the different topics and produced rich training literature. ''MNT'' was able to cope with the fast growing international women’s movement that stands against gender disparities, violation of peoples’ rights and the exploitation of women and children.'' MNT'' has built relations and partnerships with the international women’s movement through participation in International conferences and effective Networks

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to supported the Mediterranean organization to improve mutual respect between cultures. and action across fields impacting on mutual perceptions among people of different cultures and beliefs,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

'm interested to candidature for the EC, to support and publicise the universal principles and standards of human rights in the whole of the Middle Eastern region within the framework of the Barcelona process and EU- Arab cooperation frameworks. facilitate development of human rights mechanisms,.by promoting expertise on promotion and protection of human rights in the region and cooperation and development of partnerships between human rights NGOs, activists and wider civil society in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amal Shawahneh
Head of the organisation
Amal Shawahneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Eliana Nano

Middle East Center for Culture and Dev

National Network

Al Lidd Street
Amman 11183

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
IMAN M. AL HINDAWI --M.A./Arts Management/Performing Arts --Columbia University, New York-USA Is a renowned personality and an experienced professional in the field of arts, arts administration, cultural management, events creation, management and organization of global live events.  Al Hindawi’s professional life reflects on her Odyssey into the Ever-Expanding World of Arts and Culture over the past twenty-five years.  Spanning across the United States, Europe and the Arab world, her journey has been marked with extraordinary accomplishments and achievements. Al Hindawi has been awarded the privilege to establish and lead world class performing arts organizations and manage several arts institutions such as the Spring of Culture in Bahrain, the Royal Opera House Muscat (Muscat/Sultanate of Oman), King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, ARAMCO/Saudi Arabia, the Middle East Center for Culture and Development (MECCAD) in New York/USA and Amman/Jordan, Institute for Cultural Enterprise (ICE) in New York/USA, Abu Dhabi Festival, Abu Dhabi, UAE, The Latin American Cultural Market, Salvador de Bahia/Brazil, The African Cultural Market, Los Angeles, USA. 
Mission and Objectives

Promoting the Arab cultural and artistic expression worldwide to combat stereotype images of Arabs in Western media
 Management of Not-for Profit Organizations | Arts & Cultural Management | Strategic Management & Partnerships | Artistic Planning –Performing Arts | Events Management Expert | International Relations | Philanthropy | Development & Fundraising |

Main Projects / Activities

Souk Ukaz; An International Cultural Market in Jordan

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing experiences, empowering the field of not-for profit arts and culture organizations anad representign Jordan and the region on global platforms

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am an expert in the field of arts and culture whose contributions to the field in the Arab world have been marked with extraordinary achievements.  My expertise in the management of arts and culture not-for profit organizations can benefit the Network as well as my dedication to reflect the reality of the Arab artistic heritage worldwide through arts and culture can be most beneficial to the ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Mohammad Al-Hindawi
Job Title
Arts and Culture Expert
Head of the organisation
Iman Al Hindawi

Ministry of Education

National Network

Jordan-Mafraq 25110
Mafraq 25110

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
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Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Teacher at Ministry of Education

Mission and Objectives

Prime Minister

Main Projects / Activities

Complete studying

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Saqr Al Khazaleh
Job Title
Head of the organisation