
Good Practice
Swedish Jordanian Dads

Jordanian and Swedish Dads

Jordanian and Swedish Dads is a photography exhibition and a joint project by the Swedish Embassy in Amman and the women's rights organization SADAQA. The project highlights the importance of engaged fatherhood in creating a stronger society and improving women's...

Good Practice
Swedish Jordanian Dads

Jordanian and Swedish Dads

Papas jordaniens et suédois Il s’agit d’une exposition de photographies et d’un projet conjoint de l'ambassade de Suède à Amman et de l'organisation des droits des femmes SADAQA. Le projet souligne l'importance de la paternité engagée dans la création d'une...

Jordanian Commission for Democratic Culture (JCDC)

National Network

Amman- Alaibdah- Fouad Saleem St.
Amman 11191

+962 776 401 624
Telephone (other)
+962 796 662 840
960 6 4561454
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Jordanian Commission for Democratic Culture (JCDC) was established in the year 2002 as an initiative of a group of Jordanian writers, activities in media fields, parliament deputies and many people who are concerned in Political development, general popular work, as well as human rights defenders. JCDC was licensed by the Jordanian Ministry of Culture. JCDC is a member of many Jordanian and Arab networks. It has a strong relations as well as common programs of work with many civil community institutions (Jordanian and Arab ones). JCDC dedicated a special division of its institutional structure for youth and supervises its various programs. Activity in this field has been crowned with the formation of what is called now: "Youth Initiation for Democracy in Jordanian Universities and the Whole Community". JCDC partners: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), International Media Support (IMS), Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CIDA), Alfred Mozer Stichting (AMS), Freedom Form (Denmark), Adalah Center for human rights studies.The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, New Jordan Center for Studies , Jordanian Ministry of Culture , King Abdullah II Fund for Development AND Arab Ray. Art & Media.
Mission and Objectives

1. Developing Democratic Culture and spreading it in the society, confirming the political and ideological plurality in an atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect. 2. Encouraging Dialogue and openness as well as other's acceptance, rejecting violence, fervent biased concepts, closed mindedness, extremity, and discrimination. 3. Opening ways and opportunities of knowing about others' cultures and knowledge's, supporting intra – peoples, multi - religions and cultures` dialogue. 4. Asserting on and fostering values of coexistence, security, and justice for all peoples. 5. Spreading and strengthening concepts of citizenship, equity, equivalence of chances and transparency under the rule of law and institutions state. 6. Developing a democratic electoral culture on local and national levels and developing awareness and comprehension of rights, duties, and the necessity of participation in civil community institutions and promoting popular interest in general concerns. 7. Stress upon the cultural background of efforts in the process of economic, social and political modernization. Spreading of judicial, constitutional and parliament culture. Supporting the role of youth and women in participation

Main Projects / Activities

1. Training the member of Student Council in the Jordanian Universities about their duty and how they manage the election campaigns supported from AMS at 2010-2011. 2. Training for women that will participate in the municipality elections supported from AMS at 2010-2011. 3. Puppet theater project gender equality between children supported from CIDA at 2009-2010. 4. Monitoring Media project supported from IMS AT 2010. 5. "Towards Encouraging Youth To Participate In Political Development "supported from FES 2009-2010 6. Holding of the first National conference of the initiation of: "Youth for Democracy”, “Democracy and secularism” and regional conference for “Youth and political participation in Arab World" 2005-2006-2007-2008. 7. Youth and student exchange with Denmark foundation “ Freedom Form” 8. Youth Camps for Cultural Democracy held in 2004 with the support of Ministry of planning and Ministry of Political Development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of the status represented by Anna Lindh, and for one of objective for JCDC building alliances between civil societies towards to democracy .

Contact (1) Full Name
Salman Nagrash
Head of the organisation
Jamil Nimmri
Contact (2) Full Name
Rehab Nimri

Jordanian Institute of Diplomacy (JID)

National Network

P. O. Box 850746 Amman 11185 Jordan
Amman 11185

+ 9626 5934400
Telephone (other)
+ 9626 5934401
+ 9626 5934408 - + 9626 5934411
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+ 962777 936635
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 962777 796991
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1.The Institute is independent in financial & administrative terms. Its structure includes: •A board of trustees, whose main responsibility is drawing up the general policy of the Institute and approving the programs and means of its implementation. •President: responsible for the administration of the Institute: research, training, financial matters, and external relations. The main organs of the structure include: a vice president (currently a vacant post), a council, specialized centers, an advisor for inter cultural dialogue and special tasks, departments of public and international relations, conferences; teaching and training, research, studies and publications, plus other departments, under the supervision of the vice president. The staff number 33. 2.Sources are allocated in the government annual budget. 3.Training programs, studies, seminars, conferences. 4.Training programs, seminars, conferences. 5.Ministry of foreign affairs, government institutions, NGOs, private sectors, Arab & foreign institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Through the development of training and research programs, the Institute is continuing steady efforts to turn its vision into reality; to be a Jordanian Institute of excellence. The tools towards that end include: ? Using advance methodologies in training, research and publications. ? Having positive inter - active relations with similar institutes, research and decision making centers in Jordan and abroad. ? Communicating with its alumni in order to follow up their progress, and to make use of their experiences and ideas to further develop the Institute's programs. 2. The Institute's mission includes: ? Supporting Jordanian diplomacy through training and graduating able diplomats, capable of carrying out their responsibilities affectively, representing Jordan with courage and efficiency, based on their faith in Jordan's national principles, as well as its Arab Islamic identity. ? Contributing ideas, research and studies to assist the decision makers on policy and strategy.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Diplomatic training program for newly appointed diplomats and mid - career diplomats. 2. Expand cooperation with similar foreign institutes, including exchanging experts and lecturers. 3. Develop a network of communication with the Institutes alumni. 4. Develop internet conferences with a selected number of experts, intellectuals and institutions involved in diplomatic training and researches. 5. Diversify the activities of the Institute’s Regional Center of Conflict Prevention. 6. Introduce e-learning activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hassan Anbari
Head of the organisation
H.E. Hussein Hammami
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Abeer Qatanani

Jordanian Leaders Training Forum - الملتقى الأردني لاعداد القادة

National Network

Tla'a Alali

+962 799 047 357
Telephone (other)
+962 77 600 2142
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
079 6424320
Mobile Phone (other)
079 9047357
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
seven administrative staff.funding resources from partners like ActionAid, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit. Actions modalities are seminars, workshops, projects with youth.
Mission and Objectives

Mission:develop and adapt the youth potentials, beside instill the motivation spirit, in order to create a capable youth that can take lead. Goals: 1) Develop and adopt the youth potentials. 2) Prepare intellectually moderate and civilized opened youth 3) Deepen the dialogue, freedom, democracy, and human rights culture in the local communities. 4) Provide the youth with the updated skills and knowledge in leadership.

Main Projects / Activities

1)Amman Debates Initiative:The forum will conduct it on locally level, consists of 6 domains: training courses, workshops, prepare training programs for debating. 2)Violence in universities.Survey will be conducted In Public and Private universities about the violence in the universities in Jordan, lasts 8 months. 3)Increase youth participation in Az Zarqa'a Province in decision Making Process It will be conducted In Az Zarq'a Province in three phases: A) Training (includes 9 workshops for 45 youth B) Prepare 9 reports about the political and developmental aspects in the province. C) Transform the youth needs to the decision- makers in order to solves the problems illustrated in the work sheets 4)Increase youth Participation in the Institutional Voluntary Work:The Forum is writing down a proposal that will be endorsed to the Euro Med Unit in the ministry of political development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it will be a great chance to meet different people across the Mediterranean for better understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Ma'moun Alrfou'
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Emad Abu Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Ayman Qtaishat

Jordanian Network Steering Committee Meeting

Jordanian Network Steering Committee Meeting

The ALF Jordanian Network held a meeting with the steering committee on Tuesday the 29th of November to discuss and update the Networks' Internal rules and membership acceptance criteria.

During the meeting the committee worked on developing the methodology and timeframe for the reconfirmation of memberships' process, and went through the pending memberships requests.

jordanian society for the protection of earth and human

National Network

souq street

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Religion
  7. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives

established in 2010
works in 2 projects in this time 
1> local goverments committees
2> solar energy 

Main Projects / Activities

local goverment committees project
solar energy project
Intermittent programs
training projects
Governorate clean
partnership projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we Implemente of previous projects concerned with educating and community development
 for more life issues and we have good experience to do much projects
  we have work team and partnershipin middle and northern government from civil society organizations & media organizations and training centre

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange of experiences
View previous experiences
Implementation of joint projects

Contact (1) Full Name
mohammed aref atallah leho
Job Title
head of non-profit society
Head of the organisation
mohammed aref atallah leho


Amman 4.jpg

En 2010, le Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (Institut royal d’études interconfessionnelles, RIIFS) a été désigné comme chef du réseau jordanien de la FAL. Le RIIFS a été créé en 1994 à Amman, en Jordanie, sous le patronage de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Hassan ben Talal. Le RIIFS est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif, elle offre un lieu d’étude interdisciplinaire des questions interculturelles et interreligieuses, et a pour objectif de désamorcer les tensions et de promouvoir la paix, à l’échelle régionale et mondiale. Le RIIFS se concentre sur la promotion de valeurs humaines et éthiques communes qui contribuent à renforcer la coopération et les relations interconfessionnelles, à éliminer les idées fausses sur « l’autre » et, enfin, à développer ces points communs dans l’espoir de promouvoir une coexistence pacifique. 

Le réseau jordanien comprend 118 membres et vise à promouvoir l’acceptation du pluralisme et de la diversité culturelle, le respect mutuel entre les sociétés, les religions et les croyances, ainsi que la reconnaissance de l’État de droit et des libertés fondamentales dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. Il souhaite également faire participer des publics larges et divers à la promotion de la diversité culturelle et du dialogue interculturel.

Les activités du réseau rejoignent les intérêts et les objectifs du RIIFS ; elles couvrent un large éventail de thématiques traitées selon une approche interdisciplinaire. Celles-ci comprennent notamment le dialogue créatif à travers les arts, la sensibilisation et le renforcement des capacités des jeunes et des femmes dans différents domaines, la citoyenneté inclusive, l’aide à la création de collaborations et de partenariats dans la région euro-méditerranéenne, ainsi que la cartographie des domaines d’intervention prioritaires et des synergies entre les acteurs du dialogue.


Journal of Intercultural Studies (JICS) Conference

In a decade characterised by continual and growing anxieties over diversity and inclusion, there is an ever greater need to discuss the salience and limitations of the conceptual frames that we use

Jubilee School / King Hussein Foundation (JS) مدرسة اليوبيل

National Network

P.O.Box 830578 Amman 11183 Jordan
Amman 11183

+962 6 523 8216
Telephone (other)
+962 6 523 8774
+962 6 523 4231
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

*Jubilee School (JS)is an affiliate of King Hussein Foundation (NGO). JS was established in 1993 to celebrate the late king Hussein's 25th silver jubilee anniversary of accession to the throne. Currently, the number of students is 335. Teaching staff is 50 and has 40 administrative and support services staff. The number of graduates is 1024. * Financial resources include: fundraising, income-generating projects, government support, interest on accounts & parents' contributions. * Students are selected from all regions of Jordan. They enroll on scholarship basis if they meet admission criteria. * JS engages students in local, regional and international programs ans exchanges (academic, cultural, sports, arts....etc). * Partnerships include civil society organizations, international org.& funding agencies & the private sector.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Contribute to the development of future leaders committed to serving their country and capable of addressing global challenges by advancing national and regional educational standards through the development of innovative curricula and quality training programs for students, teachers and administrators in public and private educational institutions. Goals: The Jubilee School aims at achieving the following: · Providing an integrated educational program to its students who are accepted on the basis of competence, capability and exceptional performance. · Achieving educational excellence by means of developing training and educational programs and materials to be later disseminated and utilized by the educational community in Jordan and the region.

Main Projects / Activities

The School is distinguished by its extra and co-curricular activities. All students are exposed to a variety of experiences on both national and international levels. They are offered opportunities to meet and converse with politicians, academicians, economists and social leaders on current issues and future challenges. They are also encouraged to design and implement research studies, projects and surveys. Student-exchange programs, competitions, workshops and seminars, computer networking, camping and voluntary work are examples of our students activities. (Please refer to website for details)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Amani Jouza
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Suha Jouaneh