
Humanitarian Center

National Network

Amman 11942 Jordan Queen Rania St. P.O.Box 13695
Amman 11942

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are Arab youth who are dedicated to play our part as human beings in this world to alleviate the indescribable sorrows of mankind which have resulted from the evils of injustice, racism and ignorance to the best of our contextual abilities. Our belief in the core rights of man, the dignity of each individual, and in the equity of rights towards all humans, as prescribed in the all divine religions is our drive. We aim to foster welfare and aid in raising the standards of life in our context and beyond it under the light of freedom, justice, education as well as the dignity and respect of the human being.  
Mission and Objectives

We are a non-profit association aimed at providing support in educational matters, human rights and freedoms,, and conflict and crisis alleviation..
Our resources are based primarily on the fundings and grants of organizations and the charity of individuals or groups. As we proceed with our activities, we expect to have developed means to attain sustainable funds.
We are confident in our skills and efforts to attain these goals if we are given the chance.

Main Projects / Activities

For this purpose, our projects are aimed at societal progressing in the spheres of organizational, economic, legal, educational and health-related aspects of the human being.
Furthermore, the key elements of empathy, forgiveness and compassion, as taught to us divinely, will be a part of our mission. Mechanisms to strengthen them shall be incorporated into our endeavors, to embed a stronger sense of harmony and attachment within our community, society and regional and global community. We are committed to employing all proper educational and knowledge tools to enhance those affairs.
Our accumulated efforts to attain these goals have brought us to presenting all the necessary documentation and proceeding with the authorization procedures in order for us to establish the “Humanitarian Center” association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eyad Alsamhan
Job Title
Judicial Assistant
Head of the organisation
Eyad Ayed Alsamhan
Contact (2) Full Name
Muntaha Hijazi
Job Title (2)

I am a Human Society for Rights of People with Disability (Jordan)

National Network

alordon street
rashed baqdones street bilding no 15
Amman 11121

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile: +962 79 5859211
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
I am a human First managed by the chairman and members of an administrative body and the body of the General Assembly with disabilities more than 51% and to be empowered by including people with disability Association. The first association advocates the rights of people with Alaaqh.esid members of the Assembly I am a human its members for more than 2,900 people with disabilities of all types of disabilities and ages and mail and female , of all the provinces Assembly Almmlkh.ammelt with a lot of sectors, including government, civil society organizations and the media, the most important issues Assembly dealt with all the issues of disability as well as the issue of women with disabilities, whether awareness, direction or guidance and securing aids, training and combating violence against women with disabilities and participated in several campaigns in relation to this matter.
Mission and Objectives

our mission Upgrading of educational rights, social, cultural and sports, civic and health, economic, legal and political for people with disabilities
Assembly targets:
• awareness of all the issues related to persons with disabilities.
• integration in the local community and all sectors of the state.
• insurance and medical aids and guidance for medical exemptions.
• building the capacity of people with disabilities under the name of "forum leaders" through train them
Advocacy and advocacy and claim rights and other, whether on a national or international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Empowerment, training and capacity building of persons with disabilities in all governorates of the Kingdom for all the rights and the application of laws and activating

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Promotion of self-advocacy for rights and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities through social networking and web sites.
- Support and empower women with disabilities and make them aware of their rights to claim, and all the issues that relate to their lives.
- Provide statistical database and information for the purposes of conducting the survey and find out the numbers and types and needs of persons with disabilities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To assist in the removal of the negative stereotypes about persons with disabilities through the network members and also spread awareness including respect of persons with disabilities

Contact (1) Full Name
asia abdel mutaleb yaghi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Asia Abdel Mutaleb yaghi
Contact (2) Full Name
shreen hussen
Job Title (2)
Administrative director

I learn

National Network


+962 7 9282 8150
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information

In 2012, I Learn was founded with a small scale academic program and psychosocial programs aimed at giving children and youth a place to express themselves, learn new things, and interact with the large world around them. Ever since, we have scaled our work to reach thousands of young people and parents, and built partnerships on the national and international level. During the proceeding years we reached these numbers ; • More than 1800 children enrolled in the camps held by I Learn and supported by our partners Drosos , Zain Jordan, Women Micro fund. • More than 300 volunteers took part in the activities of I Learn camps. • 30 camps held in different locations in Jordan (Jerash, Zarqa, Baqa’a, Altafileh,Alazraq Kherbet al Souq, Alhashen Alshamali,Alramtha and Deerala) • More than 800 sessions conducted from different subjects (Arts, Life Skills, Language and IT) • 500 Students from 4 public schools in Amman and Jarash engaged in our Activities through a National programme with an aim to building capacity for youth from ages 14-16 ,implemented by the Ministry of Education • 10 CBOs partnered in the implementation of Camps.

Mission and Objectives

Youth Support Through innovative educational approaches we  seek to establish a mentality that fosters intellectual  growth and strengthened agency of disenfranchised  youths. Through increasing the capabilities of local  youths they in-turn can affect their communities on a  larger-scale as future leaders and role models. Community Engagement As I Learn engages the most targeted members of  the local communities, we fill a critical deficiency by  providing personal agency through legal education,  cultural enrichment, and entrepreneurship.  Increased outreach and recruitment campaigns bring  together participants with volunteer educators,  role models, and our partners in a environment that  allows them to affect their communities from within. Child Development By educating children in a creative and safe  environment we encourage diversity and critical  thinking that forms the foundation for their  continued growth. We employ innovative educational  approaches that includes art and digital knowledge,  which supplements formal education and allows the  children to reach their true potentials

Main Projects / Activities

A. Approach I Learn’s local initiatives are grounded in the needs of the local community. By consulting the community’s youth  we are able to identify their specific needs and then to develop tailored steps to increase the capabilities of the  communities to realize those needs. At the same time consulting the community help expand our outreach and  build lasting networks. Our programs are especially tailored to the needs of the community, in particular for students that are at risk  of or have lost faith in formal education as well as underachieving students. Our curriculums encourage self- learning and respects the student’s natural psychological and social development. A wide range of workshops beside informal educational techniques are employed outside the classroom to  build valuable life skills such as communication, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking. These capabilities are  then reinforced through recreational activities and youth-led collaborative projects that influence the wider  community and increase the participants’ self-esteem. B. Components 1. Academic Support: Through our visitor volunteer program and with the help of local educators we supplement the  formal education of the youths at secondary and higher-educational levels. Our curriculum is tailored to the youth’s’  specific needs and includes teaching subjects such as english, mathematics, and accounting. 2. Informal Education: Programs that employ informal teaching methods that include workshops and collaborative  projects teach valuable life skills such as entrepreneurship, creative thinking, and other skills that aid the youth in their  personal endeavors. The programs are an ongoing process that continuously reinforce and develop these crucial skills,  which are also integrated into our other programs of academic support and community building. 3. Volunteerism : Mutual support between the partners and participants of I Learn foster knowledge sharing and the  continued involvement of alumni of our youth programs as future role models and volunteers. This culture of supporting  the community builds the foundation for the eventual creation of independent self-sustaining entities, whereby the  central organization of I Learn assumes a mentorship role. CHILD DEVELOPMENT A. Approach The children of disenfranchised communities are often its most vulnerable members. One of our core principles are  innovation, meaning that we employ teaching methods that nurtures self-esteem and creative self-learning that allow  access to the basic rights that children should enjoy. With the help of volunteers and caregivers from the community, we are able to, through our informal education, form a  safe and creative learning environment. Our methods include elements of teaching through art, recreational activities,  and academic support. These methods influence the self-esteem and confidence in the value of education of our participants by showing that  knowledge can indeed be reached by fun and creative means. Further meaningful life skills are also attained while  greater psychosocial well-being is promoted within the safety of our learning environment. B. Components 1. Language through creativity: Our interactive teaching methods focus on teaching english through the use of art,  dance, and music, among other things, that foster a fun and collaborative environment. Not only are the methods more  effective but also values the inherent creativity of children while promoting psychosocial well being. 2. Programming: In a rapidly modernizing world, I Learn aim to fill the gap of formal education by teaching children  the skills necessary to succeed in the future. In collaboration with our partners we offer digitalized courses that teach  valuable skills within STEM subjects in a creative and innovative way. 3. Art: By bringing facilitators with artistic backgrounds through our Visitor Volunteer Program we are able to host  workshops and projects that teach design and creative thinking. The workshops allow the children to express their  emotions in a safe and responsible environment that promotes their mental and physical well-being.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

nastatie 'an nasila lieadad shabab bishakl kabir wasarie fi mintaqatina. lidaem alshabab watadribihum washarkhm  عرض المزيد We can reach a large and fast youth population in our region. To support and train young people and participate in most activities in the institution and share their ideas and give them opportunities in obtaining technical and logistical support. In building their projects and initiatives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to be a member in order to exchange experiences with other institutions, support young people in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and develop and promote education

Contact (1) Full Name
Saddam Sayyleh
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Saddam Sayyaleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar Manasrah
Job Title (2)
Volunteer and Project coordinator media information literacy

I-Dare for Sustainable Development

National Network

Amman, Shmesani 93 Queen Noor Street. Iskan commercial bank complex, ground floor
Amman 11121

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

2 full-time staff Community members 15 persons (including full time 6 interns) Europaid, FHI 360/USAID, Euromed youth iv programme. National level: combating online hate speech project and campaign, countering violent extremism, structured dialogue between youth and municipalities, Social entrepreneurship. Regional level: inter-religious dialogue, intercultural dialogue, youth employment, entrepreneurship, sustainable development and other themes. Training courses, youth exchanges, study visits, projects, campaigns...etc Rato ADC, Irenia peace games, Kaleidscope, Finis Terres, Ecos, CCIVS, SCI-Cat, SCI-Belg, and many others.   

Mission and Objectives

Vision I-Dare's vision is to become the medium where youth learn dare lead the transformation of their lives and societies. Mission I-Dare is dedicated to enabling youth to develop & lead the positive sustainable transformation in their communities. Values I-Dare believes in youth as the catalyst for positive sustainable transformation Objectives To integrate social marketing as a vital tool for creating sustainable social transformation To unleash the potential, entrepreneurship and creativity of youth To enhance youth activism in political, economic and social dimension

Main Projects / Activities

Themes Social Marketing (social behaviour change) Youth empowerment and social activism Dialogue: intra and inter cultural/ faith dialogue Creativity and innovation Volunteerism and employability Environment and Sustainable Development Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Social & Business) Current projects on national level:  Jordanian youth to combat online hate speech Establishing structured dialogue between youth and municipalities Countering Violent Extremism International level: Alternative Narratives   Euromed regional level: a number of projects.   More information can be found on our Faceboook page: idareorg1 and website

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Working on the common actions. Improving the situation of the current network. We have extensive expereince in Euromed region so we can bring partnerships to the country. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We beleive in netwirking and we can add to the network. Also, we have rich expereince and network in the Euromed region and we want to capitalise on that.  We also support the mission and the objectives of ALF and the reasons behind founding it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iyad Aljaber
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Iyad Aljaber
Contact (2) Full Name
Suha Ayyash
Job Title (2)
Projects Director

Ibrahim Sorri

National Network

Farooq St.

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
- worked with the police force 2009- 2015 -Journalist 2015 till now -Master trainer 2016 till now - Radio for youth presentor 2019 - Zarqa City President of Zarqa City Council 2016 till now
Mission and Objectives

-spread awareness among the youth
-respect the other
-commoning debating skills 
-media ethical awareness
-against hate speech
-fighting rumors

Main Projects / Activities

Debate skills trainings
master trainings
media and information literacy 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

investing in media relationships, networking with local and international NGO's, sharing my expertise with other network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to be involved with network activities, exchanging experiences, develop my skills. i had good practices with Anna Lindh before, i was a master debate trainer in the Young Arab Voices, and become ambassoder with the Young Mediteranean Voices in Jordan.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Sorri
Job Title
Freelance Journalist and master trainer
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Sorri

Ideal for Developing Cultural and Tourism Routes

National Network

Abdullah Al Azab St.
Building # 38 , 1st floor
P.O. Box 3471

11821 Amman

00 962 (0)6 567 21 46
00 962 (0)6 567 21 45
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 962 (0)79 565 44 66
Mobile Phone (other)
00 962 (0)777 65 44 66
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Component1: Path Development Com.2: Economic and Community Development Com.3: Operations & Jordan Country Director The Budget:120K for the year 2009. Funding sources: • Global Negotiation Initiative, Harvard U. • Dedeman Hotels • Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance • Rockefeller Brothers Fund • Kingdom Foundation (Prince Al Waleed bin Talal) Achievements in Jordan: 80 km of trail mapped  International and local tour groups walking in Jordan Local families are earning income International exchange walks High publicity and newspapers coverage The Jordan team includes the following expertise: • Tony Haward & Di Tyler, • Mahmoud Twisi, • Suhair Ismaiel, • Daniel Adamson, • Josh Weis, • Branwen Cale, • Micheal Fasheh, • Ramez Habash, Our partners and advisors … Our partners include the following: • Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Partner, • Ecodit Lebanon, Consultants and Capacity Building Advisor, • UNDP-Small GEF, Environment Protection Advisor, • Yarmouk University, • Fair Trade Jordan, • Petra Moon Travel Agency, • ‘Aaesha Al Ba’onyyah Forum, • JOHUD, • RSCN, • Ajloun Governorate, • Al Ayoun Municipality, • Some international school,
Mission and Objectives

Abraham Path in Jordan will be established to provide cultural, social, economic, and environmental benefits to the local communities.
Develop the Abraham Path as local and international recognized trail that allows visitors and local hosts to create cross-cultural friendships and enrich and enjoy nature, culture, history and adventure in an authentic, preserved environment, while concurrently creating sustainable economic opportunities for the local communities around the Path.
Strategic Objectives
The objectives can be stated as the following:
to promote economic development through sustainable, responsible tourism
to encourage cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding
to provide a focus for positive media coverage which highlights the unique heritage and hospitable people of this region
to help protect the natural environment and preserve the historic places of the Middle East
to open opportunities for the energy, idealism and creativity of young people from the region and from around the world

Main Projects / Activities

Abraham Path Jordan Country is working on the following projects/activities:
Determine the final walking trail and cultural route of the Abraham Path in Jordan (phase I),
Finalize the Abrahamic cultural, historic and ecological site research and cataloguing phase I),
Develop a final map showing attractions around the walking trail (phase I),
Create a GPS mapping for selected areas of the Path in Jordan (phase I),
Open new segment(s) on the Path.
Engage local communities along the Path (through conducting participatory rapid appraisals in new one or two communities), and or
Build the capacity of local guides and provide local certification program.
Build the capacity of community based organizations towards ownership of parts on the Path,
Hold international and local walks and tours on the Path,
Develop English and Arabic brochures for some areas identified on the trail.
Develop Abraham Path Jordan Marketing Plan,
Develop the network of volunteers and supporters,
Build new national and local partnerships,
Build the capacity of staff,
Fundraising activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suhair Ayyash
Head of the organisation
Ramez S. Habash
Contact (2) Full Name
Iyad Jaber

Identity Center for Human Development

National Network

P.O.Box 5659
Amman 11953

Telephone (other)
+962 6 56 55 926
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+962 79 6666 705
Mobile Phone (other)
+962 77 577 2964
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Identity Center has been working in Jordan and the Middle East since 2009 and is funded by, amongst others, The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, The Embassy of Switzerland in Jordan, Spanish Agency for International Corporation and Action Aid Denmark. The Identity Center currently has seven staff and implements projects by itself and through partnership with local, regional and international organizations. Project areas include: Local democracy and decentralization; Democracy and participation; Political and socio-economic development; Youth; Parliamentary affairs; Civil and political rights and Social and economic rights. Identity Center specializes in research, training, election monitoring and conferences. The Center believes in transparency, collaboration, free flow of ideas and information, learning from other cultures, Gender equality, improved accountability and Social justice.
Mission and Objectives

The Identity Center is an independent institution helping to lead development in the Middle East. The Center empowers people to fully participate in political, economic, and social development through outreach, advocacy, and training.
The Identity Center works toward a world where people are empowered to shape and control their identities and destinies.
The Center empowers people to fully participate in political, economic, and social development through outreach, advocacy, and training.
Transparency, collaboration, free flow of ideas and information, learning from other cultures, gender equality, improved accountability and social justice.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects in Jordan include but are not limited to: Youth Leaders initiative; to create a network of young activists in Jordan, and prepare them to be leaders on local and national level. Jordan Reform Watch; to monitor the progress of the reform process taking place in Jordan and provide reports, analysis and recommendations. Elections Observation; Identity Center is considered as a specialist institution in Electoral issues, including observation and training of observers. Identity will lead a coalition to monitor the 2012 elections in Jordan. If they are in Power; aims to provide Jordanian citizens and stakeholders with clear and detailed information about the political, economic and social programs of the key political parties. Radio Talk shows on National Dialogue and Reforms, to encourage and enhance dialogue, focusing on the issues of the political and socio-economic reform process. Enhance Political Participation among Jordanian People; study into voting trends amongst the Jordanian population.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Identity Center can contribute to the network through the sharing of learning, experience and publications and also through its expertise in training and its catalogue of training materials

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Identity Center would like to join the ALF Network in Jordan to increase it visibility and share experience with like minded NGOs and to be considered eligible for ALF grants

Contact (1) Full Name
Suhad Talabany
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Hussainy
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Mohammed Hussainy
Job Title (2)
Focal Point

Iman Al Hindawi

National Network

allidd street 33, jabal al Hussein

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
General Information
I am an expert of arts administration who have graduated from the university of Columbia in New York, USA with an M.A. degree in Arts Administration.  I have been spearheading the development of arts and culture organizations in the Arab world for the past thirty plus years.  I also have been working on a global level to combat the stereotypes of Arabs in Western Media though Arts and Culture.  In all the years of my expertise I have promoted arts and culture to policy makers in the Arab region for human development. 
Mission and Objectives

Utilizing arts and culture for human development
Mainstreaming arts and culture in the Arab region
Arts and culture for human development 

Main Projects / Activities

1) Souk Ukaz; An International Cultural Market in Jordan
2) Spring of Culture-Bahrain
3) Middle East Center for Culture and Development (MECCAD)
4) Salzburg Global Seminar
5) Arab Foundations Forum
6) Arts Administrations Centers in the Arab region
7) Management of Not-for profit organizations
8) Development and Fundraising

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing experiences with fellow colleagues, brainstorming on future projects that enhance capacity buuilding in cross disciplines, co-creation and co-partnerships with other organizations, promoting the work of emerging artists, presentign the Network globally, regionally and locally

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

My work and my expertise fall directly into the main aims and objectives of ALF.  My expertise in inter-cultural dialogue through arts and culture can add to the valuable projects presented by ALF. I can an agent of change in the Network and can represent my country to other chapters of the ALF Network, thus reflecting the realities of the Arab region in terms of artistic and cultural expression

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Al Hindawi
Job Title
Arts Administration and cultural management expert
Head of the organisation
Iman Al Hindawi

Imdad Media Center

National Network

148 Queen Rania street - 6th flour - office #603
Amman 13076

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
chairman: Dr.Nabil Al Sharif CEO: Manal Al Sharif project coordinator: Eman Al sawahre fundraising officer/project assistant:Hadeel Bdier we have two ways to obtain money to our organization: first through grants and direct AID second through paid courses we make a lot of seminars and workshops and Debates we don't have any partners
Mission and Objectives

Our main goal is to increase awareness of the professional standards of journalism, and to highlight the responsible role of media as a partner in development. we at Imdad Media Center, are committed to providing journalists and media persons with the latest and most up-to-date professional skills and standards to enable them to serve society in the most effective and competent manner.

Main Projects / Activities

workshops: 1-Covering conflicts for Syrian journalists. 2-Media skills for political parties. 3-Media skills for women organizations. 4-The rule of Media in promoting tourism in Jordan. 5-Media skills for youth for youth organization. 6- the graduates challenges in the proses of job searching. Debates: 1- Free media 2- How to Debate for journalists 3- the new law on online publishing. 4-Is the educational system in Jordan promote innovation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By coordinating the workshops and event and we could play the part of intermediary since we have a big communication network here in Jordan which can be useful.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to improve our organization work and to broaden our scope to include the entire Middle East

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr.Nabil Al Sharif
Head of the organisation
Dr.Nabil Al Sharif
Contact (2) Full Name
Hadeel Bdier

Individual member: Afaf Nasarat

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
I want to work with you and I want to make my effort to develop my society and make any changes i have done, and i could do, may be you could help me.
Mission and Objectives

-Petra one of the seven wonder in the world, I meant that we have to develop the way that people living in, we need to train a lot of people who have direct contact with the tourists, like hores boys, employees at the hotels, guides ..etc
may be we could exist an academy to learn these people how to deal with the tourist, also how to deal with animals, especially hores boys, they have to learn them etiquette when they dealing with people.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Nasarat
Head of the organisation
Afaf Nasarat
Contact (2) Full Name
Wendy Botham