
Good practices

Good practices

This handbook is a compilation of good practices from our work over the years in the field of non-formal education with various representatives of local communities

Green Light in Bulgaria

National Network

Trakia 5 str., en.E, f.4, ap.83

+359 43178247
+359 43183601
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 898348030
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The organization "Green Light in Bulgaria" consists of small grоup of young people. The organization doesn't have solid year budget. We transform our ideas into projects, which include the budget we need. Main partners: Municipality Counsil, Kazanlak, Bulgaria; Europe Direct, Kazanlak, Bulgaria; Spirit of Freedom, Belgium; Belgian Embassy in Bulgaria.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is involve the youth into the social life of their own civil society. To show young people that they are the ones to decide their own future and life.
There are some of our priorities for 2010:
Establish Young Ombudsman or Young representative in Municipality of Kazanlak;
Proposal for creating a fund in the Municipality's budget for 2010 to finance part of the first expences of the participants of Municipality of Kazanlak in the program of EU "Youth in Action";
Present a project proposal for realization of training course in Municipality of Kazanlak in EU program "Youth in Action";
Set up room for Youth club in Municipality of Kaazanlak with the posibility to gether in it
groups of interests, youth music groups, hold entertainment meetings, with corners for computers and different games;
Creatinng a small sport base and popularization of the informal games, which are used against aggression among young people.

Main Projects / Activities

"Euro Bridges" , August 2008, Belgium- youth exchange;
Youth exchange in Sweeden, August 2009;
"The Power of the Future", September 2009, Kazanlak, Bulgaria - youth meeting, with belgian guests;
Project for town twinning between Municipalities of Kazanlak, Bulgaria and Steenokkerzeel, Belgium;
Diploms for people, who work with youth and for youth! , December 2009, Kazanlak, Bulgaria;
Easter meeting, April 2010, Kazanlak, Bulgaria - Meeting between the youth, lockal authorities,lockal business and non-governmental organnizationns;
Visit of group of belgium scouts, July 2010, Kazanlak, Bulgaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivaylo Epitropov
Head of the organisation
Mincho Baykov
Contact (2) Full Name
Yonka Gesheva
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Hope Association

National Network

35 D, Tzar Ivan Assen Str.

+359 885 815085
+359 38 669045
Mobile Phone (other)
+359 885 815085
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
HOPE Association is a non-governmental organization , established in 1996, working with and in favour of young people, schools, civil society organisations, people from different ethnic and social groups. Organisation is founded at 15.08. 2005 , in the basis of civil group- “Commission for multicultural understanding in Haskovo municipality”, founded in 1994. The association was registered in 1995 at Haskovo regional court It has experience in implementing projects improving the social environment and actively participated in elaborating strategies and plans for stable development on local level; the members and the volunteers of HOPE Association work in the filed of education, culture, social work, youth work, civil society in the Haskovo region and South central region of Bulgaria. Members- 8 Sources of funding- projects, voluntary work
Mission and Objectives

It has experience in implementing projects improving the social environment and actively participated in elaborating strategies and plans for stable development on local level; the members and the volunteers of HOPE Association work in the filed of education, culture, social work, youth work, civil society in the Haskovo region and South central region of Bulgaria.

Main Projects / Activities

1994-1995- Partner /as a civil group/ in the project of CDR- Associates-USA for intercultural understanding.
1996- Partner and Implementatot for Haskovo of a project of Foundation for negotiations and conflicts resolution – Sofia for training on acquiring of skills for conflicts resolution with participants – active people from different ethnic groups and building of intercultural structures for conflicts resolution, funded by the Democracy Network Program
1997- 98 Responcible for Haskovo region of a project of CDR- Associates-USA “Institutioning of multiethnic participation and democratic decision making in Bulgaria.
1996-2001- Partner and responsible for implementation of long-term program “Give peace a chance” – summer camps for peace and intercultural cooperation with children and young people from military regions – Georgia, Abhazia, Osetia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, with participation of children and youths from different ethnic communities.
1997- 98 Partner in the project of Center Open World association “Together for democracy”/ Increasing the citizen activity of the different ethnic groups in Haskovo town/, funded by PHARE – Democracy Program
2000- 2001 - leading organization of the project “Establishing of a model for effective integration of minority communities in the municipalities of Haskovo, Madjarovo and Stambolovo” – Haskovo region.
2000-2002- Partner of a project “Social capital in the small town” of Coalition “Democratic citizenship”. Funded by Democracy network program/PDM/- 2 /training and support of NGO and civil groups from small communities/.
2002-2003 Leading organization of the Project “Youth council for multicultural understabding in Haskovo”, financed by Foundation “Multietnic initiative for human rights”- Sofia, Bulgaria.
2003-04 – Leading organization of the project “Town of the happy craftsman”Град на веселите майстори
2005-06 Participation with the trainers on the project “Cognizant young parents”- Youth Program, Action 3- Network between Bulgaria, Estonia, Malta
2006-2007 Participation with the trainers in he project of Seniggalia Municipality, Italy “Improving the intercultural skills in music and dance teaching”, financed of Grundtvig Programme
2008- Partner in the project of Primary School “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Haskovo “Football for Tolerance”
2008- 2009 Participation with the trainers on the project of Open education centre “Parents for common future”- Operational program “Human Resource Development”

Contact (1) Full Name
Krasimira Damyanova
Head of the organisation
Mrs Totka Ruseva

Hope for Blagoevgrad

National Network

2 Ivan Shishman Str.

+359 888 778842
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
This is a youth organization run by founding members and volunteers. Currently available approx. 1000 Euro in membership fees and donations. Main actions - "Be a Leader - Pass It On" (youth project), partnerships in projects run by International Initiatives for Cooperation. Main partners - municipalities, district administration, NGOs
Mission and Objectives

To work for the constitution of civil society, democratization and transparency in local and central government; To support, initiate and develop the ideas of young people and implementation thereof; To create conditions for development and conduction of artistic, educational, scientific and cultural forums of adolescents and young people.

Main Projects / Activities

"Be a Leader - Pass It On" - project funded by the State Agency on Youth and Sports at the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria; partnership in projects managed by IIC and other NGOs in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefan Savov
Head of the organisation
Krum Palapuov
Contact (2) Full Name
Krum Palapuov

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