Bosnia and Herzegovina

SPKD Prosvjeta OO Višegrad

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gavrila Principa 2
73240 Višegrad
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+387 66 321 743
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our municipal board has around 40 to 50 members.  Organization has just president and members. All members working in organization on voluntary basis. Sources of funding - local authorities, state headquarter, public calls.    
Mission and Objectives

Preservation of folk tradition 
Preservation of serb language and literature 
Organization of humanitarian actions
Improving of cultural life in the local community thorugh organization of varoius cultural events

Main Projects / Activities

Humanitarian actions
Fairs of traditional products
Theatre section prepares plays 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We strongly beleive that we can add some new ideas in work of Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

After consultations with some of our partners we realized that we exchange informations and experiences with other Network members. 
We can un-grade our knowledges on workshops organized by ALF Network Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We can spread our activities by making partnerships with other Network members. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Danka Mitrović
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Danka Mitrović

Students association of Srebrenica

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
00387 56 440 402
Mobile Phone
00387 61 408 284
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Member of Association could be each person that poses student status. Honorable member of Association could be a person that had trough his efforts contributed to the improvement of Association capacities and affirmation of Association. Membership is granted base on the, personally filled, handwriting registration card, which also represent application statement. This documentation and applicant photography shall be submitted to the person authorized by the Association Steering board. Budget: cca 15.000,00 EUR Sources of funding (Donate): Municipality of Srebrenica, Ministry of civil affairs BiH, Council of Europe etc. Previous Projects : 1.Improvement and promotion of tourist destination in Srebrenica Municipality 2.Development of Database on youth from Srebrenica that are currently resident in Canton of Tuzla 3.Support of youth returnees in rural regions of Srebrenica Municipality 4.Promotion of return process and animation of displaced Srebrenica population for registration within CBS for realization of their voting right in prewar resident municipality 5. Program prevention minor delinquency in the region of Srebrenica municipality (Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milici); Partners: Municipality of Srebrenica, Faculty of Low in Srebrneica, NGO sector in Srebrenica region etc.
Mission and Objectives

Mission :
Social and economical recovery and enhancement of life standard within Srebrenica youth population, improvement and protection of human rights, enhancement of civil institutions and improvement of democratic processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Specific Goals:
-Creation of democratic civil society founded on liberties, civil rights, BiH Constitution and State Law cohesion;
-Monitoring of overall law and social status within Association membership;
-Provision and improvement of general social security for Association members and provision of conditions for their education;
-Provision of all sorts of material and financial aid within Associations best efforts;
-Promotion of integrity, legality and strengthening of BiH as democratic state with all human rights;
-Counseling aid to the Association membership;
-Development of unification among Association membership trough facilitation of public gathering, round tables, seminars etc;
-Participation within all activities and goals that are projected for a benefit of Srebrenica youth population.

Main Projects / Activities

Previous Projects :
1.Improvement and promotion of tourist destination in Srebrenica Municipality
2.Development of Database on youth from Srebrenica that are currently resident in Canton of Tuzla
3.Support of youth returnees in rural regions of Srebrenica Municipality
4.Promotion of return process and animation of displaced Srebrenica population for registration within CBS for realization of their voting right in prewar resident municipality
5. Program prevention minor delinquency in the region of Srebrenica municipality (Srebrenica, Bratunac and Milici);

Contact (1) Full Name
Almir Salihović
Head of the organisation
Almir Salihović

Successful premiere of the play COMEDY ABOUT GROWING UP (burlesque)

from the premiere

Successful premiere of the play COMEDY ABOUT GROWING UP (burlesque)

Banja Luka, February 5 and 6, 2023

On the stage of the Dis Theater, another of the unusually tailor-made plays was created, which "at first sight" found its way to the hearts of the audience. It is about the author's burlesque reflection on the topic of male-female relationships. In a one-hour game (because what is shown borders on a playful, unrestrained game of curious people).

The play "Comedy about growing up" (Parental attention 15+), introduces us to two wonderful actresses who bare their lives in a one-hour performance.

The show is comical, playful and immensely entertaining and we are sure it will make you laugh, cry and feel life to its fullest.

Reserve your seats as soon as possible, because for this performance, tickets will be asked for more

excel in the play:

Anja Banjac and

Jelena Lena Marković

and the direction and adaptation of famous human and acting experiences is signed by: Novica Bogdanović

for those more curious…..

Burlesque is a type of comedy that engages in parody or exaggeration of reality for laughs. The goal of burlesque is to criticize social norms, politics or culture through a humorous approach. Like all burlesques, ours is distinctly and inexplicably caricatured and satirical in that it wants to tell you everything you were not allowed to ask about theater, emotions, love and the environment in which we live...

Dis - Theater Banja Luka

+387 51 92 55 99

+387 60 360 2111

Teatar Ubuntu

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 65 604-573
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Theater Ubuntu is NGO that has its president, art board and parliament. No employees because we are non-profit organization based on volunteer work. We do not have regular year income from city budget, we finance our NGO from projects, sponsorships and tickets. Yearly we do 3-4 projects worth about 4 000 euros. Field of our action is mainly theater plays, so projects we do are connected to art. Theater "Ubuntu" also organize educational seminars for teens.Main partners are cities Cultural Center, Ministry of culture and education, Ministry of sport and youth, City of Bijeljina, Swedish Institute, PRONI Brcko etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make theater and cultural manifestations available to everyone in our city (Bijeljina) and in our region. Nearest professional theater in our Republic is 100 miles away and nearest amateur theater is 30 miles away. City of Bijeljina has 100 000 citizens and lowest investments in culture in region, for example city of Bijeljina invest 0.07% of cities budget into culture which is shameful. Theater Ubuntu has objective to make professional theater in our city and make first steps in cultural rebirth of our citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Theater plays: "Virus" by Sinisa Kovacevic, directed by Ljiljana Blagojevic;
Kafina, girl fine" by Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj, directed by Sonja Knezevic;
My best friends wife" Branislav Nusic, directed and adapted by Sonja Knezevic;
Poos in boots" by Igor Bojovic, directed by Sonja Knezevic;
Cajkaca" by Milica Konstantinovic, directed by Ljiljana Blagojevic;
Projects: Culture to respect diversity in cooperation with "PRONI" Brcko sponsored by UNDP
Dare to ask" in cooperation with "Festic" Belgrade (Serbia) sponsored by Swedish Institute

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Theater Ubuntu can contribute in art, education and youth projects of connecting people and their synergy. When we share experience with people with similar problems in our neighborhood we can solve our problems much easier and make some solutions for others. In the end we can make our country better place for others to visit and for us to live in it.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Main reason is to connect with people in region and whole Europe and make creative and positive steps forward in our environment using our field of work and competence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivan Petrovic
Head of the organisation
Ivan Petrovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Danka Zugic Ignjatovic

The "Wartime Love" - invitation

Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures

Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures


The "Wartime Love" project was conceived as a project that, through culture and various artistic expressions, shows wartime Sarajevo through the love and freedom of couples who immortalized their love during the war in the period from 1992 to 1995.

Image removed.

In Sarajevo, concerts, exhibitions, plays and films were spiritual food that diverted citizens' thoughts from everyday horrors and created a positive environment in which they met, socialized and fell in love.

Thousands of people in the period from 1992. to 1995. put their hands on their hearts and recited the love hymn "yes", daring to go into the unknown and face the coming storms together, expecting a rainbow after the rain.

And after so many years, we fondly remember those beautiful moments that changed our emotions during the war, when we found happiness in misfortune, shared fear and uncertainty, a litre of water, a cigar, a warm brick under the quilt, lentils, beans, macaroni, canned food, " lunch" packages and tabasco. We shared love.

Courageous marriages in Sarajevo were the inspiration for many texts, sung songs, written books, untold stories that we will experience again at your exhibition. This is an opportunity for your love and brave story to be told and turned into an exhibition, marked by the music of that era. We believe that each story is different and special, and will enrich the collection of stories that celebrate the power of love.

Your stories*, as well as scanned photos from the 1992 – 1995. Period.

You can send via email to the address:

until February 15. 2023, in order to participate in the magnificent exhibition and event in May 2024! We are delighted to have the opportunity to hear your story!

We use this opportunity to thank the representative in the Sarajevo Canton Assembly, Prof. dr. Sanela Klarić for the initiative and the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Sarajevo Canton for their support. Association "Sarajevo meeting of cultures" is looking forward to the implementation of this project and is looking forward to your stories and photos.

*The accompanying text with the photo that you submit to us should not be longer than 700 characters.

#profdrsanelaklaric #vladaKS #ministarstvokultureisport

The 16th Days of Theater in Vitez, B&H began

City youth theatre Vitez

The 16th Days of Theater in Vitez, B&H began: standing ovations at the premiere of the play "Koko at School" by GKM Vitez


The 16th Days of Theater "Vitez 2024" began with the premiere of the play "Koko at School" of the City Youth Theater Vitez on Sunday evening, September 1.

The audience once again filled the theater hall in Vitez, and all visitors, especially the youngest ones, truly enjoyed the school adventure of Koko the clown. "Koko at School" is an interactive clown game for children, which follows the clown Koko Umbrella in his adventure on the first day of school. Koko the clown explores the cheerful aspects of student life through various obstacles, which he more or less successfully solves with his clownish manner.

"We opened another theater day in Vitez in the most beautiful way possible. Our Sunčica shined for the umpteenth time on the boards that mean life, and I congratulate her on this as well. I am overjoyed that we got another play that will be played a lot, to the joy and satisfaction of the audience wherever it appears. Thank you to the audience for the exceptional visit, but also to our patrons, without whom we would not be able to make such a meaningful theater festival. Finally, I especially want to greet all the participants of this year's theater days in Vitez with the message that we are looking forward to them," said Ivan Sajević, head of GKM Vitez.

Clown Koko was brilliantly embodied by Sunčica Strukar, a graduated actress and member of GKM Vitez, whom the audience brought back to the stage several times after the performance with applause and cheers. A large number of the audience, especially the youngest, took the opportunity to send congratulations, but also to take a picture with Koko Suncobrana, who has already become a favorite character of the children at the premiere performance.

Sunčica Strukar plays in the play, who also signs the direction. The executive producer of the play is Ivan Sajević, and Franko Bralo is in charge of the technique. Graphic design is signed by Damir Šakalo.

The performance "Koko at School" is an excellent prelude to the beginning of theater days in Vitez, but also the beginning of the new school year. Minister Bojan Domić, who attended the performance, also sent his congratulations to all who are starting the new school year today, especially first-year students. Also, Minister Domić took the opportunity to congratulate the theater actors from Vitez for their great work and the many successes they are achieving.

The organizers of the 16th Theater Day "Vitez 2024" are the City Youth Theater Vitez and the "Enter" Youth Association, and the audience will have the opportunity to see a total of 16 performances. The patrons of this year's theater days in Vitez are the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth, Culture and Sports KSB and the Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports.

The 48th Mostar Theater Festival begins


The 48th Mostar Theater Festival begins

Tomorrow, August 25th, the 48th Mostar Theater Festival - Festival of Author's Poetics, which will last until August 31st, will begin under the motto "Conquest of Freedom" in Mostar.

At the festival, 8 performances from Zagreb, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Kakanj, Bugojno and Mostar will be performed, and in addition to the performances, there will also be a ceremonial awarding of the award for artistic courage named after eMTeeM's actress Amra Prutina, who died early, and the award "Light Mostar", which is essentially an award for life's work.

The festival program will be followed by an expert jury that will award 5 equal "Mravac" awards, and an award for dramaturgy named after the long-time dramaturg-collaborator of eMTeeM Ljubica Ostojić, and from this year also an audience jury that will award an award for the acting performance of the evening every evening. and at the end of the Festival, declare the best performance as chosen by the audience.

"This year's festival is being held under pressure due to the possibility of losing the stage, because the deadline for paying the remaining rent obligations is the last day of the festival," said the Mostar Youth Theater.


The Association of Concentration Camp Torture Survivors, Canton Sarajevo

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Association of Concentration Camp Torture Survivors of Canton Sarajevo, a non-governmental organization (NGO) was established in 1996. Consisting of nine municipal associations and 6000 survivors, 5000 men and 1000 women, association members are Muslim, Croat, Serb and Roma. These highly vulnerable, low income survivors suffered inconceivable torture and extreme violations of human rights during detention in concentration camps. The association has three main tasks: • educate society about the violence and torture committed against humanity in the concentration and detention camps • assist members in creating a viable living environment • assist members in acquiring psychological and physical resources Our organization employees 3 people, all of them were victims of torture during the detention in the concentration camp. The main sources of funding: 1.Ministry for War Veterans'Affairs, Canton Sarajevo 2.United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture 3.The Society for Threatened Peoples International, Germany ASSOCIATION POJECTS  Computer School – Basic and Advanced computer training on Microsoft Office and Windows.  English School – Classes for all levels of language.  Sewing Classes – Classes of basic and advanced for garment construction, use of sewing equipment including sewing machine and construction of household items.  Nature Empowerment Program – One week program for members to learn strategies for healing and relaxation. 
Mission and Objectives

Return as many members as possible to a normal life, so that we too can be participants in civil society and take responsibility for our future.

Main Projects / Activities

 Computer School – Basic and Advanced computer training on Microsoft Office and
 English School – Classes for all levels of language.
 Sewing Classes – Classes of basic and advanced for garment construction, use of
sewing equipment including sewing machine and construction of household items.
 Nature Empowerment Program – One week program for members to learn strategies for
healing and relaxation.
 Human Rights Class – Class to address human rights issues in Bosnia Herzegovina
 Discount bus tickets.
 Support packages (with food and hygienic items) and computers donated and
 Medicine and psychological support in collaboration with the Center for Torture

Contact (1) Full Name
Alisa Muratcaus
Head of the organisation
Asim Zulic
Contact (2) Full Name
Jasmina Brankovic

The Center for Lifelong Learning

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Donje Puticevo Nova Bila
72276 Travnik
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mobile Phone
+38763 899 918
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

About us
The Center for Lifelong Learning is an NGO founded in 2015. It is a place of exchange of knowledge and experience of renowned experts and users who want to improve knowledge and build skills. The Center is a support on the path of development, both business and individual – by developing the personal and business competencies of the individual.
Our vision is to establish a Center of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship and be leaders of the digital age in Central Bosnia who will help companies and individuals to recover / digitize – by offering new technologies.
In recent years, SCU has continuously maintained and implemented education in the fields of IT, entrepreneurship, digital marketing and foreign languages. We have implemented several projects within these areas in cooperation with other organizations from BiH, surrounding countries, as well as the EU.
Structure of the organization
SCU has a president, accountant, project manager and coordinator (assistant) and over 30 external associates with whom it actively cooperates.
Center for Lifelong Learning has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Faculty of Information Technology of the University of Vitez, Travnik International University, Open University Zagreb, Canton of Central Bosnia, Municipality of Travnik, Organic Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Diaspora for the Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Starkmacher e.V. amoGermany, Association for The Economics of Communion from the Republic of Croatia. We would like to point out that we have a good cooperation with the Ministry of Education SBK/KSB, which is familiar with our goals for STEM classroom and it provides support in the form of communication with school principals/principals, in order to animate our future students together.
It is precisely the civil sector that plays an important role in promoting various STEM fields, i.e.
it represents an additional force that can design, initiate and carry out a number of significant activities, and therefore it is necessary to expand their existing capacities and respond to the demands of citizens.
Budgetary resources available in a year - income of own activities (education in the field of foreign languages, IT, entrepreneurship)
Sources of funding - income of own activities and by projects
Modalities of action - concrete projects
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Katriel d.o.o, Faculty of Information Technology of the University of Vitez, BASIC Zenica

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is quality education and participants who ultimately aim to be hired or work independently, develop small and medium-sized entrepreneurship.
• Affirmation and development of culture, education and sports.
• Increasing the value of human capital in the country, through improvement of the
educational and qualifying structure of the population of KSB/SBK.
• Support and empower young people, create conditions for young people to prove their
values through lifelong learning and achieve a better social understanding of the
• Reduce the isolation of young people and the unemployed from the rest of society
• Provide artists and cultural professionals with adequate access to public life in
general, educational institutions.
• Enable communication between users of lifelong learning centres.
• Connect artists and cultural workers with people from their background.
• Acquisition and exchange, of all types of goods, as well as the provision of certain
services, which serve to achieve the program goals and activities of the Association, in
accordance with legal regulations.
• Establishing contact with institutions, associations, legal and physical faces that take
care of the development of a society of knowledge, skills and competences, as well as
other civil society organizations in order to raise the competitiveness of society.
• Organizing and developing volunteer work and volunteering programs.
• Meeting the specific educational needs of special and especially marginalized social
• Cooperation with the EU on training programmes for young people and reducing
• Educating the public about the possibilities of affirming an individual through lifelong

Main Projects / Activities

Recent projects:
BY LEAP - "Development of the Youth Entrepreneurial Mentality" December 2021 - August 2022, funded by the European Union
STEM - phase I "STEM classroom - the path to knowledge, science and innovation" September 2021 - December 2022" - donation of Republic of Croatia
ENTREPRENEURSHIP - "Young entrepreneurs - agents of change in the digital age" - funded by US Embassy july 2020 -July 2021
ERASMUS+ "Living diversity 2019" and "Living diversity 2020"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Centre for Lifelong Learning can be the place of activities related to
-foreign languages
and be the partner of other associations, educational institutions and economic entities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like together with ALF Network improve the positive perception among the cultures and communities of the region through forums, educational programs, news and information, culture, civil initiatives etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anesa Spahic
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Anto Bilic
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Bungic
Job Title (2)

The film "Indigo Crystal" by Luka Mihailović is the winner of the 12th Tuzla Film Festival

12th. Tuzla Film Festival

12th. Tuzla Film Festival

The 12th Tuzla Film Festival and the 25th International Documentary Film Festival ended with the jury members sitting and making decisions for the best film in the categories: feature, short, documentary, animated and future generation short films.


The jury for the feature and short film, which consisted of: Dejan Dabić, Mirza Ćatibušić, Maja Lasić and Mirvad Kurić, made the decision to award "Indigo Kristal" directed by Luka Mihailović to „Tuzla Film Festival Fairy“ for the best film.

According to the jury, the best short film is "The North Pole" directed by Marija Apčevska.

For the documentary and animated film, the Jury was composed of: Dragan Marinković, Jasmina Čelebić and Zoran Pavljašević, and the „TFF Fairy“ for the best documentary was awarded to the film "Marija+Toma" by Greta Rauleac, Eluned Zoe Aiano and Alesandra Tatić.

As part of the 25th International Documentary Film Festival, the Miner statue was awarded to the film: "Dosje Labudović-Nesvrstani" by Mile Turajlić.

The best animated film is "Y" by Mate Kovač. Blank Paper depicts the struggle between artistic composition and decomposition as the narrator-protagonist's voice recalls her tumultuous relationship with an ex-girlfriend.

In the Future generation short films category, the Jury was: Marijan Vujović, Damir Mahmutović and Igor Toholj, and made the decision that „TFF 12.Fairy“ belongs to the film "Let it be quiet" by Sara Horvatić from Croatia.

Also as part of the 5th Kids Tuzla Film Festival, the children's film Cvrčak i mravica, directed by Luka Rukavina and Dino Krpan (co-director), was shown. It is the first Croatian 3D animated film inspired by the famous Aesop's fable and Jean de La Fontaine's fairy tale, The Cricket and the Ant.

In addition to film content, workshops with film professionals were organized as part of the "Tuzla City of Film Culture" project, which can be viewed on the Tuzla Film Festival Facebook page:

Films that were not shown at the Tuzla National Theatre, about 400 of them, will be available for viewing for free in the next month on the platform

The festival is organized by Magic Factory in cooperation with the organizations Eventus and Human, and was supported by the Federal Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth. Foundation for Cinematography Sarajevo, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth TK, City of Tuzla, Tourist Board of City of Tuzla, JKP Vodovod Tuzla, Central Heating Tuzla, National Theater, Radio Kameleon and BIT Center.

Photos can also be downloaded from the Tuzla Film Festival Facebook page: