
Robert College, Istanbul

National Network

Kurucesme Cad. 87 Arnavutkoy 34345

0090 212 359 2222
0090 212 2575443 / 287 0117
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
05379 778698 (Marc Wilks)
Mobile Phone (other)
0533 470 1029 (Joe Welch)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Robert College (RC) is a private Turkish high school, with a student body of approximately 1,000 and faculty and staff of approximately 100. Certain clubs that are involved in international projects are the Model United Nations and European Youth Parliament clubs. Others include WINPEACE and Destination ImagiNation. Some clubs are allocated about $1,500 for events such as conferences. This funding is provided by the school. RC also provides travel funding for students who represent the school at events in Turkey and abroad. Approximately 20% of the RC student body are scholarship students.
Mission and Objectives

Robert College seeks to graduate young men and women with the skills, insights, and determination to function as leaders and contributing citizens in a wide range of social and cultural roles, both locally and internationally. It seeks to develop in students the desire and ability to communicate openly, candidly and constructively, and to foster in them a broad international outlook.

Main Projects / Activities

Model United Nations, European Youth Parliament, the WinPeace
(Greece-Turkey) initiative, Destination ImagiNation, Junior Achievement

Contact (1) Full Name
Marc Wilks
Head of the organisation
Mr. John Chandler
Contact (2) Full Name
Joseph Welch

Roma Youth Association

National Network

Atac-1 Sokak No: 1 / 12 Sihhiye

+90 312 433 90 95
+90 312 433 90 95
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
RomaYouth, was established in 2009 by a group of Roma youngsters in Ankara. Since its establishment the association has been realizing local and international level projects. Its main target group is Roma youngsters and non-roman youth. So we are an youth NGO, working on cultural and intercultural dialogue as well as fighting against discrimination, racism through the Roman people.
Mission and Objectives

RomaYouth aims;
•to increase the capacity of roman youth and roman youth initiatives, on combating against all kinds of discriminative policies and implementations,
•to motivate roman youth to have leadership roles in social and economical life,
•to enable Roma youth to participate fully, equally and actively in social, cultural and economical life
•to improve the coordination between youth related organizations and institutions in order to enable them share experience and know-how
•to implement researches on the problems of young people and to make youthful policies,
•to participate in decision and policy making processes about youth,
•to provide space for the participation of young people in national and local level youth policy making processes,
•to increase the personal, social and cultural capacity of the young people in order to enable them to participate actively in social and economical life
•to raise awareness on human rights, democracy, peace, brotherhood and solidarity among young people

Main Projects / Activities

RomaYouth is the partner of a large scale project run by Spolu. The project started on December 15th 2009 and lasted until June 15th 2010. The aim of the project is to support inclusion of Roma young people into society deeply by organizing various activities. During the project RomaYouth brought together the personal stories of young people and disseminate them on various ways, implement regular guidance and information work towards the youth, stimulate self organized socialization and team building activities, build and maintain a website to attract youth and students. Our main activities are;
1- Intercultural meetings,
2- Non-Formal trainings for Roman youth,
3- Capacity building activities such as photograph courses,painting,street soccer tournaments between Roman youth and non-Roman youth.
4- Lobbying and advocating of the Roman cultural right,
5- Consultancy to the decision makers for the recent democratic developments in Turkey about Roma people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Selçuk Karadeniz

Roman Gençlik Derneği

National Network

Bayındır sok. 45/9 Kızılay 06640

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Romankara is established by a group of university students of Roma origin in 2007, in order to promote Roma culture and make it understood in a positive way. Romankara has 40 members between the ages of 18-29. The members continue their activities on voluntary basis and the regular source of funding is the membership fees. Romankara also has the regular contribution in kind of many institutions including embassies and other associations. When there is available budget Romankara can provide salary or perdiems to persons in charge of the projects. Romankara's activities have been financially supported in the past by the Embassy of USA and Denmark, as well as the EU Youth in Action programme.
Mission and Objectives

The association advocates the rights of Roma people against poverty, social exclusion and discrimination.The association aims at establishing solidarity between Roma young people in social, cultural and economic fields, to support their participation in social life and to create networks among Roma young people for them to advocate their rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Romankara organizes national and international Roma youth meetings, film screening and other cultural activities, workshops and advocacy trainings and is the reference organization for the scholarships for Roma students.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cicek Sahin
Head of the organisation
Selcuk Karadeniz


National Network

Osmancık sokak No 12 34710 Istanbul
34744 ISTANBUL/İstanbul

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The association was established to raise awareness on social innovation, sports, entrepreneurship, technology and environment. It aims to produce solutions to social issues such as disasters, immigrant and refugee problems and to create social impact. It creates a route and takes action by determining the needs of the field for the productive, difference-making, participatory and sharing young generation, women and society. We have a lot experience receiving volunteers from abroad and involving them in a lot of interesting projets: work-camps, youth exchanges, ecology, voluntarism, peace, gender, human rights, teaching languages, integration of immigrants working with handicapped people etc... There are 20 active young volunteers within our association. They are young people who have previously volunteered in the fields of Technology, Social Enterprise and Advocacy. Since our association is newly established, it does not have any experience in Erasmus projects. The general areas of activity of the association are as follows. - To produce solutions to social problems at local, national and international levels, to raise awareness, to carry out training, support, research and projects for young people and women, - Developing projects and activities before and after the disaster, - Developing projects to integrate immigrants and refugees and find solutions to their problems, - Organizing entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship training and mentoring programs, - Developing projects in the fields of environment, climate change and sustainable development, - Encouraging young people and women to do sports, - Developing solutions to social problems with technology and innovative ideas, - To guide young people in developing production and design-oriented projects, - To inform young people about European opportunities and values. Support full filling of general objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme and insure protection and safety for its representatives during project implementation. - ensure the visibility of project and the Erasmus+ Programme in local community supporting dissemination and exploitation of project results. - be responsible to insure respect of anti-discrimination measures during selection of participants.
The board of directors of our association is as follows; Mechanical Engineer Sinan Asmalı (42), Software Engineer Muzaffer Şen (41), 3D and Designer Büşra Yeşil (25), Social Worker Kübra Enuştekin (35), Muhammet İlkan Erçelik (Physical Education Teacher-Sports Instructor)23, Muhammet Fatih Öztürk (26) Medical Faculty Graduate-Doctor. The key staff member of the project is Kübra Enuştekin, the Eurodesk contact person. The Association's contribution to the project will ensure that the curriculum will be software based. Digital materials will be developed to increase the widespread impact of the project.

Mission and Objectives

Rota Social Innovation Association is an association that operates to solve social problems and create positive change in society. The goals of the association include supporting sustainable development, improving the quality of life of disadvantaged groups and ensuring social justice. Its mission is to create positive impacts on society by developing innovative projects and programs. In this regard, the association organizes training programs, supports social entrepreneurs and aims to raise awareness in society. The vision of Rota Social Innovation Association is to build a sustainable future and encourage social change by touching every segment of society.

Main Projects / Activities

Some examples of activities that the association can organize for young people and disadvantaged groups are as follows:
Educational Programs: The association organizes educational programs for young people. These programs aim to provide young people with knowledge and skills regarding environmental technology, social innovation, sports and other areas of interest.
Sports Events: The association organizes regular sports events to introduce young people to sports. It organizes volleyball and skating tournaments every week.
Social Responsibility Projects: In order to develop young people's social responsibility awareness, the association has organized projects such as environmental cleaning and sapling planting. These projects can strengthen young people's sense of social responsibility and are intended to benefit society.
Technology Workshops: The association organizes technology workshops to enable young people to gain new skills in the field of technology. Subjects such as robotic coding, web design, and mobile application development may attract the attention of young people and have increased their interest in technology.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can provide support in the areas of dissemination and advocacy of the network's activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to be part of such a big network. Being a part of an institution where organizations with different visions and missions come together will strengthen my institution.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kübra Enuştekin
Job Title
Social Worker
Head of the organisation
Kübra Enuştekin

Rumvader (Rum Cemaat Vakıfları Destekleme Derneği) - Association for the Support of Greek Community Foundations in Turkey

National Network

Katip Mustafa Çelebi Mah. Meşelik Sokak
No:11/A, 34433 Beyoğlu-İstanbul


0090 212 252 88 94
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Rumvader is the first civic association established by members of the community in 2011 with a view to address the problems governing community life. In detail, Rumvader serves as the only central institution of the community which is responsible for coordinating the activities of the 68 different foundations of the community.Rumvader employs 3 person staff and its main resources are coming from donations of the community foundations. Some of Rumvader's main partners are other Greek foundations, TUSEV, TESEV, Hrant Dink Vakfi, EU.Rumvader is being administrated by an elected management board comprised of 11 members all capable to attain multiplier effects of the benefits of the various actions initiated and implemented in the community.
Mission and Objectives

According to its statute Rumvader is founded in order to provide technical support and consulting to the community foundations in the scope to create the necessary conditions to improve communication and dialogue between the foundations. It also aims at providing material, financial assistance and support to the initiatives intended to solve the most crucial problems experienced by the foundations as well as turn this assistance towards individuals and other associations. In addition Rumvader’s mission is to contribute to the development of foundations in the social, cultural and economic sectors such as health, education, art, culture, sports, environment, women’s emancipation, youth,R&D, science and human rights and to the most effective communication of all these to the public.
Rumvader’s unique competences in assuming a central coordinating role and in bringing together experts from different fields contribute towards the realization of those goals.

Main Projects / Activities

Rumvader manages and coordinates a wide range of activities and actions and provide support to others. Since its establishment it has initiate and coordinate the following:
- Carrying out a European Union Project named 'Minority Citizens-Equal Citizen' which aims at raising Greek community members awareness in civil society and participation and in voicing concerns and demands regarding its minority rights (since January 2013)
- Undertaking of the operation of the nursery school for children of the community between 2-4 years old where a special care is given in the familiarization of the children with the Greek language.
- Organization of a dinner with the participation of the Prime Minister Mr. Tayyip Erdoğan and representatives from all the minority foundations, August 2011.
- Establishment of a new office within Rumvader which is responsible for accommodating demands of Greeks and other individuals regarding their settlement in Turkey and for providing services such as finding jobs or accommodation.
- Organization of a lecture by Prof. of Law Mr. Alivizatos on the topic “The meaning of citizen in modern Turkey” at Galata School. More than 200 people from a wide range of academia, intellectuals, journalists and members of other communities attended the lecture which was conducted in two languages Greek and Turkish. March 2012

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Association as a unique organization of a minority group living in Turkey can contribute greatly with its experience, multiculturalism and diversity in building a union of people around the region of Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to expand our network, participate into a wider community of NGO's and community platforms and participate in different projects not only in Turkey but in the wider Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Drymalitou
Head of the organisation
Andonis Parizyanos
Contact (2) Full Name
Danai Palakoglu

S&G System and Generation Association

National Network

Necatibey Caddesi No:19 Daire:21
06430 Ankara/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

S&G was established in 2008 with the mission to enhance the dreams of young people via mobility by providing empowerment to young people from different cultures by building tolerance, encouraging their entrepreneurial spirit, helping them acquire knowledge and qualifications and by cooperating with international institutions mainly in volunteering activities and social entrepreneurship.

Mission and Objectives

S&G acts to:

  • increase economic growth

  • provide efficiency and increase production

  • facilitate sustainable productivity, in a way that cares about socioeconomic issues by planning and analyzing the problems

  • consider an optimal co-working culture to reach targest in the best way possible

  • support creativity, especially among youth

Main Projects / Activities

To be updated.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Gurkan Akcaer
Job Title
LEAR&President of S&G / Yasal Temsilci&Başkan
Head of the organisation
Mr. Gurkan Akcaer


National Network

Havzan mah. menekşe sok. Meram Konya
42000 meram/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

S.O.S Emergency Aid Association is an international humanitarian aid organization established in Turkey that facilitates access to health services for populations affected by armed conflict, violence, natural disasters, disease, hunger, poverty and social exclusion. Our organization collaborates with partners and key stakeholders in implementing projects that facilitate access to primary and secondary health care services to respond to the medical needs of displaced people. S.O.S is an international association dedicated to meeting the health needs of vulnerable groups.
S.O.S, which intervenes in humanitarian crises from the closest point, builds the necessary infrastructures for long-term and sustainable health services and publishes international academic publications on human rights.

Mission and Objectives

What are we doing?
Due to its geography and current conditions, Turkey is at the center of humanitarian crises that erupted in the region. S.O.S provides protection and health services, builds infrastructure and advocates for the world's most vulnerable people in communities living in conflict zones, refugee camps and rural settlements without health care. However, as S.O.S, we provide psychological support and medical care to Syrian refugees in Turkey and struggle every day to touch the lives of people living at the borders. Health Needs The needs of all immigrant and refugee population, especially Syrians, regarding access to health are very high.
War trauma, exacerbated by the displacement and inadequate living conditions, has increased the sensitivity of Syrian refugees to health risks. Most of the Syrian refugees suffer from mental health and psycho-social problems as well as chronic diseases, physical injuries and/or various disabilities. Inadequate living conditions during or after the conflict and accompanying displacement can adversely affect the psycho-social situation of refugees ─ especially women, the elderly and children ─. Immigrants and refugees often have limited access to health services due to financial constraints, the language barrier and lack of knowledge about available services. In addition to these impossibilities, refugees living in rural areas face even more difficult conditions and almost no access to health services due to distance or financial constraints. S.O.S provides services at RSPSD centers in Hatay, focusing on practices and activities that address the most urgent needs of refugees and migrants.

Main Projects / Activities

Another beer study area, which is as important as health services, is our human rights research center. It publishes analyzes, reports and articles by different researchers and academics from Turkey and abroad on human rights and regions around the world. Our organization is not committed to any idea or community, but aims for academic and widespread influence. Apart from publications, it organizes active and interactive training programs in many related fields such as regional specialty trainings and human rights training. MEDICAL NUTRITION AND HUNGER TREATMENT IN WAR ZONES, REFUGEE CAMPS.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We think that we will be useful in sharing information and experience, as we measure the follow-up on immigration and immigrants in the field. At the same time, we have a team of academicians experienced in EU projects, and we hope that we can get joint funds with you.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have a team of academicians experienced in EU projects, and we hope that we can get joint funds with you. Anna Lind vakfının deneyim ve tecrübelerinden faydalanarak farklı ülkelerde farklı göçmen guruplarına dahada faydalı olabiliriz diye düşünüyoruz.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Miyasenur Atçı
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Expert War Sociologist Zehra Betül Şişman

Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

National Network

Orhanlı-Tuzla 34956

90/216/483 9233
Telephone (other)
90/216/483 9232
90/216/483 9250
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
General Information
Employees Full-time Academic Staff: 190 (Fulltime Faculty: 129) Part-time Faculty: 73 Adjunct / Network / Practice Faculty: 26 -------------------------------- Total Academic Staff: 289 Full-time Administrative Staff: 262 Full-time Academic Staff / Student Ratio: 1:15 Nearly 50% of faculty held industry and corporate positions for an average of 4.3 years. 52 full-time faculty members of School of Languages (SL), with average age 39.8, have 15.7 years of teaching and related activities experience. 40% of these faculty members are native speakers. Faculties Engineering and Natural Sciences (Undergraduate + Graduate) Arts and Social Sciences (Undergraduate + Graduate) Management (Graduate) Academic Programs 12 Undergraduate 3 Minors (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics) 17 Graduate Distinguishing Characteristics Interdisciplinary Design, Absence of Departmentalization Comprehensive Two Year Program before Commitment to Field of Study Broad base
Mission and Objectives

"Creating and Developing Together"
We will be an innovative institution responsive to the needs of all our constituents through a participatory, team-based culture. We will have an interdisciplinary educational infrastructure that will create and disseminate knowledge. Sabancı University aspires to become a global reference point for educational innovation.
"Creating and Developing Together"
Our mission is to develop competent and confident individuals, enriched with the ability to reflect critically and independently, combined with a strong sense of social responsibility; and, to contribute to the development of science and technology, as well as disseminating the knowledge created to the benefit of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

Education and Research

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Alkan (Dean)
Contact (2) Full Name
?nci Ceydeli

Şahin Antakyalıoğlu

National Network

Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Caddesi Number 45/3
06532 Çankara/Ankara

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

End Child Sexual Exploitation of Children (ECPAT Türkiye) Association

Mission and Objectives

End Child Sexual Exploitation of Children

Main Projects / Activities

Lobby, Campaigne, Stratejik Litigiation, Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Şahin Antakyalıoğlu
Head of the organisation
President of ECPAT Türkiye