
Dogasinda Dogum Dernegi / Inherent Birth Society

National Network

Taspınar Mahallesi 2908 sokak
No:27/A Golbasi
06830 Ankara/

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Inherent Birth Society (IBS) is one of the first registered NGOs that is led by women and based in Turkey.The professional team includes obstetricians, gynecologists, midwives, healthcare experts, social sciences specialists, sociologists, consultants, instructors, and committed voluntary mothers. The main funders for the current fiscal year are Koru Hospital and Johnson & Johnson Co. The amount of the grant received from Koru Hospital is € 920 and the amount of the grant received from Johnson & Johnson Co. is € 1283. We will potentially work together with Yüksek İhtisas University, Ministry of Health Public Health Agency of Turkey, Koru Hospital and Johnson & Jonhson Co. We plan to provide free trainings to the pregnant women who have limited budgets and disabilities. We also wish to generalize all these training programs that promote better reproductive health conditions and justice for women not only in one city but all over the country.
Mission and Objectives

We, as IBS, aim to advance women’s reproductive health conditions, provide support during their prenatal and postnatal processes. First of all, we primarily believe that having the reproductive justice of a woman is one of the basic human rights. Hence, we strive for sustaining women’s reproductive justice and raise the awareness of their physical and mental capacities and strength to give birth. We, therefore, plan to work toward training programs that guarantee the necessary recognition and knowledge of women to maximize her gifted abilities. In order to flourish this atmosphere, we not only attempt to seek a support for women, we also wish to support and acknowledge her partner how to help her during the pregnancy and postpartum periods by means of these training programs/workshops. Moreover, we cooperate with the public and other institutions that share the same context with us to improve the policies and practices for women’s sexual and reproductive rights. It is crucial that this cooperation will ultimately ensure the expected structural change and necessary support to the women to challenge social, medical, political and economic barriers and stereotypes that they face during pre and postnatal periods.

Main Projects / Activities

We voluntarily work together as women having different social and educational backgrounds. Some of the members of our association are professionals who are obstetricians while some of us focus on midwifery, social  sciences public health, and some of us are voluntary committed mums who wish to share experiences to the other girls and women. Therefore, we have enough experience in our own professional backgrounds and we highly motivated to employ this experience to make a better touch to our sisters’s lives.
Supporting women’s right with disabilities and/or women who have limited budget is the core  passion this group. In order to ensure this goal, we technically and empirically intend to plan, develop, implement and follow-up a project upon a  “Need Recognition”  and “Case Analysis” of the whole process and the program.  A guideline will be designed according to the  needs which were established during the development of the program. The guidelines will be composed by designating the training content according to the required subjects stated at the current case analysis. At the guideline there will be prepared an instructive direction to be used before, during and the post period of the project.
Afterwards, the purpose  of the training   and the goals of the education, the content of the training, materials, methods, the measurement and the evaluation  of the training will be prepared with the all partners contributions. We are also planning to use pelvic scale model, foetus model, birth atlas, breast models and new-born baby models, at the real weights and appearance and  to be used at the simulations, training programs and the workshops, will be used firstly by us regarding other training programs operating in Turkey at this field. The interactive methods will be preferred by choosing the suitable training methods and techniques to the knowledge, manner and skill training goals. The principles for adult training will be prioritized within the content and the methods of the training program. Upon completion of the program, pamphlets that include handy and practical information will be provided to the attendants. In order to have the measurement and evaluation of the training program, the feedback forms will be prepared intended for the attendants, trainers and the project developers. Implementation of the program to the pregnant and her partner will include 100 women and/or couples.
The training will be directive through the necessary information desirable for the participants. Within the context of this program, a good communication among parties and with  health staff, ways to stop violence,  vaginal birth process, how to decrease the anxiety before the birth, baby-care, breastfeeding, maternal issues at prenatal and postpartum period will be provided to the women with disabilities and limited budget.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We fundamentally desire to change and advance the current conditions for women at pre and postnatal periods in our country. We believe that if the woman and her partner will have the opportunity to be empowered with the essential comprehension, consciousness  and proficiency to have better reproductive health conditions at these pre/postnatal processes, we will have both physically and physiologically  healthier families and generations. Secondly, we also would like to empower the activities that will decrease the rates of births by caesarean sections. The c-sections birth rates are quite above the acceptable %15 level of WHO. It is already above 50% in Turkey while it is over 30% in most European countries.  This rate is mostly the consequences of the barriers that women face socially. Women are addressed as weak, dependent and hesitant beings against risks at vaginal deliver especially at the contemporary ‘women at work’ image. Therefore, women somehow are deprived of their own traditional  capabilities to give birth at the natural process and they in advance are fear of giving a vaginal delivery.  It is empirically and scientifically clear that if the women, who have this fear of giving vaginal birth and who lack the necessary acknowledgement, get the training programs, simulations and workshops, we will certainly lower the rates of c-sections delivery. While decreasing c-sections birth, we will also increase the rate of breastfeeding, which already has fallen to 4.7%, at least within the first six months, as well.  Let alone this, we will remind the women of their own strength, so will empower them by providing above mentioned programs. Overall, if we can success to increase the level of vaginal birth delivery miracle of women population we will definitely  promote the better health conditions for both the baby and the mother regarding the scientific researches. It is known that there are either very limited training options in just a few cities and hospitals or very expensive training programs for pregnant women all over the country. Especially women who have disabilities and limited budget are deprived of having these training programs due to lack of tailored programs for the mentioned disadvantaged groups  and advertising.  Thus, from that point of view, we mainly would like to focus to provide free training programs for the women/couples who are with disabilities and/or women who have limited budget.  Then, we also would like to ensure better advertising options and solidarity to reach at our target group. We would like to  push a better and mother friendly atmosphere by optimizing the facilities at the hospitals, health centers and the delivery rooms. Within this framework, we aim to raise awareness of target group for available free training programs through media, social media, public service broadcasts and voluntary mother team spirit. In addition to these, after experiencing the first group training successfully in the capital city of Turkey, we then wish to generalize these training options for the mothers and their partners in other cities of our country. What is more, we would ultimately like to  share our experience and proficiency  at this field with our international partners to promote the delivery conditions and reproductive justice for women living in other countries. This is why, we traditionally inherit a medical, technical and social background that have higher vaginal delivery rates and a woman network to promote a women-friendly atmosphere during prenatal and postpartum periods. Finally, we ultimately desire to expand training programs of the trainers at both national and international level so as to extend the capacity of women by giving her to be a trainer at this field and by giving her economic and social justice at a better interdependency platform.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to participate ALF since we believe that we have common objectives on a bilateral basis. We,as an NGO operating in mediterranean, will enhance a mutual conception through empowering women's reproductive health as well as developing a solidarity between other members of ALF.
Inhrent Birth Society's one of the main missions is to overcome  the stereotypes for women which will bring us together through the shared goals between ALF and us. Last but not the least, we are eager to share our framework for democracy, diversity and equality with ALF network to sustain a better intergovernmental, international and national social organisational relations.⁠⁠⁠⁠

Contact (1) Full Name
Aydan Asyali Biri
Job Title
Head of the Organisation, Founder Member, Associate Professor
Head of the organisation
Aydan Asyali Biri
Contact (2) Full Name
Melike Alp
Job Title (2)

Doğaya Dönüş Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Derneği

National Network

Yayla Mahallesi Mektep Sokak
39020 Merkez/Kırklareli

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

50 members Budget resources around 30.000 euro in a year Motivated volunteer capacity and cooperative NGO partners Nature Education, Training camp, Conservation projects, youth trainings European Green Belt, GoFor, IYNF formal partnership

Mission and Objectives

Association of Back to Nature is a youth organization that offers a realistic perspective over the struggling problems of environment and youth rights, which tackles ecology, human rights and livelihoods simultanously, in order to make a sustainable life possible for all living beings. Our Organization provides support for youth initiatives in education, culture and outdoor sports, as well as to attract professionals in various fields for implementation of youth projects.

Main Projects / Activities

To implement the aim, the Organisation organize thematic events and camps for young people, culture- and education events, after-school activities for young people, nature education and outdoor sport activities with disabled young people, tours, including the international ones, an international voluntary services, study visits and seminars, information activities and to cooperate with the other youth organizations and support and implement all these functions at the local level and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Selçuk Aslan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Selçuk Aslan

Domestic and National Project Competition

Domestic and National/Original Project Competition

The Istanbul Branch of the Informatics Association of Türkiye (TBD) in November 2023 will organise the IT Stars 2023 Competition with the theme of “Domestic and National  Project Competition”. The Informatics Association of Türkiye (TBD) is an institution that closely follows the latest developments in the field of informatics in Türkiye. Additionally, it is leading the way in the spread of the information culture. The competition is held throughout Türkiye. The competition covers the private sector, companies with R&D centers, universities, technopark and technopolis companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs); implemented Domestic and National  Project applications and project ideas from local governments.

The IT Stars e-Transformation Competition is held in order to better introduce different web projects that have transformed on the Internet or moved their business structure to the Internet environment and to increase the interest in e-transformation. This competition has been independently organized by TBD Istanbul Branch since 2009. In addition, it is also one of the most respected and prestigious competitions in the industry.
The competitions are promotional and important in order to encourage good examples and develop better projects. This competition will also contribute to the development of Local and National  examples and high-quality applications in informatics. It is also believed that the competition will contribute to raising awareness in society about Domestic and National applications in informatics.

For application you can visit the website:https://gpkcs4k0.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fbilisimyildizlari.org.tr%2F2023%2F/2/0102018991eee04f-39dedaa9-0c28-4080-9541-9a5f67c00f50-000000/wgkhTDQ0WUKsEHMBAjMPps476CM=332


National Network
Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Murat Daltaban – Director
Contact (2) Full Name
M. Esra A. Aysun

Douzan Art and Culture (Düzen Kültür ve Sanat)

National Network

Bey, Eyüpoğlu Cd. No:14
27010 Şahinbey/Gaziantep

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Douzan Art and Culture is a non-profit association, has established by a group of Syrian and Turkish artists and cultural workers. We believe in Douzan Art and Culture in the importance of culture and arts in the life of societies especially in difficult times and crises, and their role in supporting these societies to face the social and economic difficulties. We work to provide these communities with the tools and spaces needed for free and creative expression, empowering them and building their capacity to express themselves to preserve their cultural identity and build bridges of communication and cultural dialogue with the surrounding communities to promote the values of freedom, equality, and non-discrimination.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision is enabling Syrian refugees to enjoy and exercise their cultural, artistic and social rights without discrimination. Our mission is to provide the opportunity for Syrian refugees into practice and enjoy their cultural, artistic and social rights, to increase the Syrian and host communities' cultural and artistic capabilities, to help these communities to connect with each other as individuals and institutions and to support them to face the social and economic difficulties by providing them with creative tools. Our strategy focuses on the following aspects: • Art and culture for positive change. • Promoting independent culture and community participation. • Support human rights and the values of democracy and equality. • Strengthening the role of youth and women in society. • Spreading and practicing culture in partnership with society. • Supporting institutions, initiatives, and artists and providing them with services.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of our foundation are divided into three sections Section I: artistic and cultural support capacity building and training Section II: support artistic production and performance Section III: Supporting institutions, initiatives and artists and providing them with services

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our work on how to discover a new art and culture model for refugees and host communities, through mixing the art and culture of both communities by doing experimental music, visual arts, and performing arts. In addition to distributing all of this knowledge through our projects in different cities, which could help to build in art and culture for both communities and renew and save their cultural heritage. We have determined social inclusion as one of our main focus areas. Thus, we believe that the outputs of our projects have presented a good example for any initiations and efforts who would like to increase participation, advance freedom of expression of immigrants via arts and culture. Also, our projects aim to break down the barriers between artists and creative individuals, by indicating that art as a tool is useful to wipe out prejudices.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our work in Art and Culture built on sharing and partnership, and joining the ALF network will be a great opportunity to share our values and work, with our colleagues in the network and learn from them, and to partner together to create new creative methods in the work to rich the art and culture in our region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rami Magharbeh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rami Magharbeh

Dr. Gizem Gürbüz

National Network

34770 ./

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

As a doctor, I would like to use my skills and knowledge to help people to overcome diseases and health barriers allowing them to achieve the highest possible quality of life. Throughout my studies, I had been present in an international organisation called European Medical Students Association (EMSA). There, I took parts in various events and seminars which mainly aimed to raise the public health awareness. During my first year in EMSA, I became the Public Health Coordinator. Therewith, I volunteered in ‘Health Screening Tour of Black Sea’; a project concerning health issues caused by welfare gap. I also was a volunteer, then the leader, of the ‘Teddy Bear Hospital’; a project which educated children on common health knowledge. The year after, when I became the EMSA’s Internal Vice President, I participated in a Leadership Training Program which highly broadened my understanding of organisational management as well as it improved my leadership skills. Being in contact with well-known NGOs and being a member of EMSA and Rotary led me form a strong desire to learn more about organisational development and management. My summer internship at Assos Pharmaceuticals enabled me to see companies from an inner perspective, hence, improved my understanding of the relation between work place and employees’ health. Lately, I formed a strong desire to top my studies with another subject that I am highly interested in, which is organisations. However, finding a combination of health and organisational management was a great obstacle. Also, all the experiences I had in various countries and international platforms opened my eyes on diversity. Thus, as my admiration for the Scandinavian, more specifically Swedish, culture reached its peak; continuing my studies in Sweden would be nothing but a dream come true. With the experience I have gained in working at the emergency department, I see myself emerging as a natural leader and controller of the hardest situations. Leaders are those few who do manage to balance the use of their “lever and fulcrum”. The building of a successful lever has only just begun for me. There is still so much that I have not seen or done. Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences which will aid me in becoming the best doctor and scientist I can possibly be.

Mission and Objectives

As a doctor, I would like to use my skills and knowledge to help people to overcome diseases and health barriers allowing them to achieve the highest possible quality of life. Throughout my studies, I had been present in an international organisation called European Medical Students Association (EMSA). There, I took parts in various events and seminars which mainly aimed to raise the public health awareness. During my first year in EMSA, I became the Public Health Coordinator. Therewith, I volunteered in ‘Health Screening Tour of Black Sea’; a project concerning health issues caused by welfare gap. I also was a volunteer, then the leader, of the ‘Teddy Bear Hospital’; a project which educated children on common health knowledge. The year after, when I became the EMSA’s Internal Vice President, I participated in a Leadership Training Program which highly broadened my understanding of organisational management as well as it improved my leadership skills. Being in contact with well-known NGOs and being a member of EMSA and Rotary led me form a strong desire to learn more about organisational development and management. My summer internship at Assos Pharmaceuticals enabled me to see companies from an inner perspective, hence, improved my understanding of the relation between work place and employees’ health. Lately, I formed a strong desire to top my studies with another subject that I am highly interested in, which is organisations. However, finding a combination of health and organisational management was a great obstacle. Also, all the experiences I had in various countries and international platforms opened my eyes on diversity. Thus, as my admiration for the Scandinavian, more specifically Swedish, culture reached its peak; continuing my studies in Sweden would be nothing but a dream come true. With the experience I have gained in working at the emergency department, I see myself emerging as a natural leader and controller of the hardest situations. Leaders are those few who do manage to balance the use of their “lever and fulcrum”. The building of a successful lever has only just begun for me. There is still so much that I have not seen or done. Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences which will aid me in becoming the best doctor and scientist I can possibly be.

Main Projects / Activities

As a doctor, I would like to use my skills and knowledge to help people to overcome diseases and health barriers allowing them to achieve the highest possible quality of life. Throughout my studies, I had been present in an international organisation called European Medical Students Association (EMSA). There, I took parts in various events and seminars which mainly aimed to raise the public health awareness. During my first year in EMSA, I became the Public Health Coordinator. Therewith, I volunteered in ‘Health Screening Tour of Black Sea’; a project concerning health issues caused by welfare gap. I also was a volunteer, then the leader, of the ‘Teddy Bear Hospital’; a project which educated children on common health knowledge. The year after, when I became the EMSA’s Internal Vice President, I participated in a Leadership Training Program which highly broadened my understanding of organisational management as well as it improved my leadership skills. Being in contact with well-known NGOs and being a member of EMSA and Rotary led me form a strong desire to learn more about organisational development and management. My summer internship at Assos Pharmaceuticals enabled me to see companies from an inner perspective, hence, improved my understanding of the relation between work place and employees’ health. Lately, I formed a strong desire to top my studies with another subject that I am highly interested in, which is organisations. However, finding a combination of health and organisational management was a great obstacle. Also, all the experiences I had in various countries and international platforms opened my eyes on diversity. Thus, as my admiration for the Scandinavian, more specifically Swedish, culture reached its peak; continuing my studies in Sweden would be nothing but a dream come true. With the experience I have gained in working at the emergency department, I see myself emerging as a natural leader and controller of the hardest situations. Leaders are those few who do manage to balance the use of their “lever and fulcrum”. The building of a successful lever has only just begun for me. There is still so much that I have not seen or done. Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences which will aid me in becoming the best doctor and scientist I can possibly be.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a doctor, I would like to use my skills and knowledge to help people to overcome diseases and health barriers allowing them to achieve the highest possible quality of life. Throughout my studies, I had been present in an international organisation called European Medical Students Association (EMSA). There, I took parts in various events and seminars which mainly aimed to raise the public health awareness. During my first year in EMSA, I became the Public Health Coordinator. Therewith, I volunteered in ‘Health Screening Tour of Black Sea’; a project concerning health issues caused by welfare gap. I also was a volunteer, then the leader, of the ‘Teddy Bear Hospital’; a project which educated children on common health knowledge. The year after, when I became the EMSA’s Internal Vice President, I participated in a Leadership Training Program which highly broadened my understanding of organisational management as well as it improved my leadership skills. Being in contact with well-known NGOs and being a member of EMSA and Rotary led me form a strong desire to learn more about organisational development and management. My summer internship at Assos Pharmaceuticals enabled me to see companies from an inner perspective, hence, improved my understanding of the relation between work place and employees’ health. Lately, I formed a strong desire to top my studies with another subject that I am highly interested in, which is organisations. However, finding a combination of health and organisational management was a great obstacle. Also, all the experiences I had in various countries and international platforms opened my eyes on diversity. Thus, as my admiration for the Scandinavian, more specifically Swedish, culture reached its peak; continuing my studies in Sweden would be nothing but a dream come true. With the experience I have gained in working at the emergency department, I see myself emerging as a natural leader and controller of the hardest situations. Leaders are those few who do manage to balance the use of their “lever and fulcrum”. The building of a successful lever has only just begun for me. There is still so much that I have not seen or done. Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences which will aid me in becoming the best doctor and scientist I can possibly be.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a doctor, I would like to use my skills and knowledge to help people to overcome diseases and health barriers allowing them to achieve the highest possible quality of life. Throughout my studies, I had been present in an international organisation called European Medical Students Association (EMSA). There, I took parts in various events and seminars which mainly aimed to raise the public health awareness. During my first year in EMSA, I became the Public Health Coordinator. Therewith, I volunteered in ‘Health Screening Tour of Black Sea’; a project concerning health issues caused by welfare gap. I also was a volunteer, then the leader, of the ‘Teddy Bear Hospital’; a project which educated children on common health knowledge. The year after, when I became the EMSA’s Internal Vice President, I participated in a Leadership Training Program which highly broadened my understanding of organisational management as well as it improved my leadership skills. Being in contact with well-known NGOs and being a member of EMSA and Rotary led me form a strong desire to learn more about organisational development and management. My summer internship at Assos Pharmaceuticals enabled me to see companies from an inner perspective, hence, improved my understanding of the relation between work place and employees’ health. Lately, I formed a strong desire to top my studies with another subject that I am highly interested in, which is organisations. However, finding a combination of health and organisational management was a great obstacle. Also, all the experiences I had in various countries and international platforms opened my eyes on diversity. Thus, as my admiration for the Scandinavian, more specifically Swedish, culture reached its peak; continuing my studies in Sweden would be nothing but a dream come true. With the experience I have gained in working at the emergency department, I see myself emerging as a natural leader and controller of the hardest situations. Leaders are those few who do manage to balance the use of their “lever and fulcrum”. The building of a successful lever has only just begun for me. There is still so much that I have not seen or done. Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences which will aid me in becoming the best doctor and scientist I can possibly be.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Gizem Gürbüz
Job Title
medical doctor
Head of the organisation

Dr. Goktug Arif Yigit

National Network

Hurriyet district karides street bucak apartments a1/d2
59000 Suleymanpasa/Merkez/Tekirdağ

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information

As being a medical professional personally trying to establish cultural connections between people around world i admire your efforts on human rights and entegrity of youth to the education. That will be a great honour to me to be a part of your foundation.

Mission and Objectives

entegrity of immigrants to host countries medical help for people who do not have medical insurance promotion of youth to the education

Main Projects / Activities

local promotions of health services for now with help of local governments

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

medical consultations free medical services as government allows in terms of law

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to share experience to find out the best way to communicate between cultures

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Goktug Arif Yigit
Job Title
Medical doctor
Head of the organisation
Mr Goktug Arif Yigit founder of the firm Areffmedical

Düzce Alfa Gençlik Derneği

National Network

Değirmenbaşı Mahallesi Beyköy No:182
81100 Düzce/Düzce

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

NGO mission is to design and carry out projects that contribute to achieve a sustainable and inclusive development through education, culture and innovation. We try to respond to current social and economic challenges and enable to anticipate and drive the changes needed to achieve future goals and objectives in society.
it is a dynamic non-profit youth organization that initiates and implements local projects of the positive social impact, particularly in the field of social inclusion and whereas young people have a central role. As a fruitful outcome, DAGDER, creates local initiatives aiming to bypass the urban division and provide a fulfilling and productive life for the youngsters.
Moreover DAGDER has a comprehensive list of local collaborators from municipalities, professional schools, agricultural cooperative, universities with the potential of developing socio-educational activities.
Local stakeholders
Düzce Provincial Directorate of National Education
Düzce Governership
Directorate of Immigration
Düzce Youth Center
Schools in the city.

Mission and Objectives

NGO mission is to design and carry out projects that contribute to achieve a sustainable and inclusive development through education, culture and innovation. We try to respond to current social and economic challenges and enable to anticipate and drive the changes needed to achieve future goals and objectives in society.

Main Projects / Activities

NGO has good relations not only with the authorities in Düzce province but also with organizations in all Europea. We work with the educational local authority in Düzce. We have a network of the organizations who works for youth.
To achieve this aim following activities are aimed to conduct:
-Organizing courses and seminars for inclusion of young people especially disadvantaged ones.
-Cooperation with authorities and organizations for solving problems of young people.
-Organizing events for diadvantaged people.
- Organizing international activities and projects to contribute European Citizenship.
We developed many initiatives and projects under the National Programme for Youth. We have participated different kind of projects – involvement of creative thinking in schools, Social inclusion, Active citizenship, entrepreneurship, sport and health, Intercultural Dialogue, disability, Youth empowerment etc. We would like to expand our experience in Erasms+ projects for youth workers and also benefit from other partners’ experiences and knowledge.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association has connection with many different institutions and organizations along Turkey. In this context, we can invite many institutions to develop this network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To meet with new partners
To do new projects

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
İlyas Ayyıldız
Job Title
Head of the organisation
İlyas Ayyıldız
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayşe Betül Bakırcı
Job Title (2)

e-genclik Association

National Network

Karaman Dernekler Yerleşkesi Tuna Cd. Akasya Sk. No:1/39 Karaman Mh. Nilüfer
16200 Bursa/Bursa

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

As an idea, e-genclik.Net Youth Platform was constructed in 2003 and since then the e-genclik.Net team took part in many different projects, works and seminars, and in the last quarter of 2006, e-genclik.Net Youth Platform was established by young people who are experienced in social, cultural and sustainable development projects. In September 2007, The structure of the organization changed and “e-genclik Association” was established.

Our sample projects;
We were partner organisation two European Youth Congress which is in Austuria 2007 and Slovenia 2009,
4th World Youth Water Forum, Gender Journey,
5th World Youth Congress Türkiye 2010,
Alpha Omega Musical, European Volunteer Service,
Action projects-ESC-Erasmus+
Our economic resources;
Grant projects,
Project-oriented sponsorships,
Our association team consists of volunteers. During the activities and projects, the expenses of our volunteers are covered according to the type of the projects.
In this direction, our 3-year budget;
Year 2020: 209.415,67TL
Year 2021: 502.127,67TL
Year 2022: 1.988.301,90TL

Mission and Objectives

Who We Are?
e-genclik Association is an NGO and a local and national network between young people who are working in youth-led development area and aims to encourage young people to create and act in social, cultural and sustainable development projects. Our center is in Bursa, Turkey but our members are in many different cities of Turkey from different universities or different sectors and working in variety of youth-led development projects.

Our Mission
• Eliminating the distances between young people in different locations by using the benefits of internet to develop better cooperations and to access eachothers experiences quickly.
• Encouraging young people to be a volunteer and participate into civil society and encouraging them to create and participate in social, cultural and sustainable development projects.
• In the light of our motto,“Think young, create the change...”, turning young peoples’ power into social benefit.
• Creating self confident, enterprising and sensitive generations who seek sollutions to the problems around their living environment.

Main Projects / Activities

To contribute for formation of a youth which is self-esteemed, energetic, sensitive to problems surrounding him/her and tries to find solution to these problems
To ensure participation in social responsibility programmes of NGOs and establish partnerships with these organizations
With our motto “Think young, create the change!” to encouraging youth to participate in voluntary activities and civil society, and
To help young people to develop necessary skills that would prepare them for social and economic life
To bring together concepts of “friendship” and “production” and to facilitate socialization
To produce projects in accordance with the norms of the European Union, United Nations and international conventions

Operating Princples;
Respect of differences
Local participating
Team Work
Education and Training

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think our organizational skills are good. It is because our volunteers who work in the field that strengthen our organizational skills are within the organization of the association.
Our association skills;
Project Management Training
Time Management Training
Risk Management Training
Strategic Management Training
Content Editor Training
Effective Presentation Techniques Training
CV Preparation and Job Interview Preparation Training
Creative Thinking Techniques and Innovation Training,
Sustainable Development Goals Training
Leadership education
Politics – Policy Development
Youth Program Development,
Social Development Policies Education
Organizational Skills Development Training,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an organization that knows the importance of cooperation. Only full-fledged businesses can be stepped in with collaborations. That's why we want our association to be included in this network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Elvan AKAY
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Earthquake Solidarity from S&G Volunteers

Earthquake and solidarity

After the massive collapse of cities in Turkey caused by the earthquake, volunteers from all over Turkey gathered to help the victims and their families. S&G volunteers collected clothes, and first aid materials and went to the sports center of Ankara to help other volunteers donate essential items. People from all over the country were sending medications, food, clothes, and other hygienic items. As volunteers, they unloaded, unpacked, and sorted all the boxes to be shipped to Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Gaziantep, and other parts of Turkey.
Countries System and Generation's volunteers are from, also contributed and helped Turkey in such a tough time.
•Georgia sent a rescuer team of 60 people
•families, universities, schools collected clothes and medicaments and shipped them to Turkey
•Government donated 1mln gel to Turkey. https://www.radiotavisupleba.ge/
The Ministry of Defense of Albania has informed that a total of 53 members of the medical staff and specialists of the search and rescue groups and 7 vehicles have left for Turkey to come to the aid of those affected by the tragic earthquake that has caused thousands of victims. https://shqiptarja.com/lajm/termeti-me-mbi-600-viktima-ne-kufirin-mes-turqisw-e-sirisw-begaj-thellesisht-i-trishtuar-shqiperia-ne-krah-te-familjeve-qe-humben-te-dashurit
Morocco sent urgent medical and logistical aid to Turkey. It is expected that the Moroccan aid will include medical materials, specialized rescue teams and resuscitation units. https://arabic.euronews.com/2023/02/09/aid-from-arab-countries-for-earthquake-victims-in-syria-and-turkey
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued the relevant order, according to which a combined search and rescue team of the State Emergency Service with a total number of 87 people, including 10 members of aircraft crews, will be sent to the Republic of Turkey for assistance in liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake. https://www.ukrinform.net/
Following the earthquakes that devastated Turkey and Syria on February 6th, Portugal was one of the first countries to show solidarity in the face of the tragedy, with Prime Minister António Costa expressing that "It was with consternation that I learned of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria. My thoughts are with the families of the victims and all those affected by the disaster. Portugal is in solidarity and available to help, in coordination with our partners".
The country rapidly provided physical and monetary aid to the affected regions, having sent an operational force consisting of 52 operatives, with skills in search, rescue, protection and relief in collapsed structures, as well as six search and rescue dogs.
The whole country showed their willingness to help the victims of this tragedy, and multiple solidarity initiatives within the civil society emerged, in order to collect goods and money to help in such a devastating moment. Several local organizations have sent vans with essential goods to the affected areas. https://www.jn.pt/mundo/portugueses-resgatam-crianca-de-10-anos-do-sismo-na-turquia-15822921.html