
Çerkezköy Kadınlar El Ele Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği

National Network

Gazi Mustafapaşa mh. Edip Arıcan sk. No: 11
Çerkezköy - Tekirdağ/

0090 542 3005670
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The structure of the association: one president, a board of directors (5 people) and 90 members, all of them working as volunteers. The budget consists of 11000TRL membership fee and 2000 TRL by sponsoring mostly by Bosch, Siemens & Colins as well as gratuitously support (for example wash- and sewing machines). Main activities are: workshops (traditional handcraft and sewing courses), traditional handcraft stands in festivals, organisation of concerts, dissemination of modern Turkish literature, seminars, theatre & clown shows, women's education as well as poor women's support by washing and sewing. Main Partners are: City Council, local & regional government, KOSGEB, Cultural Centre Çerkezköy, Kagider (Kadın Girişmcileri Destekleme Derneği), Istanbul (an association for women's education).
Mission and Objectives

Strengthen the situation of women in Çerkezköy and the whole region of Tekirdağ in more or less every field: strengthen their rights, their positions in society, in work, in culture and arts by education and common activities. Fighting against domestic violence by information, social and financial help and by creation of a small women's center in the center of the town. Strong aim is the cooperation with women's associations in Turkey and Europe and to create a women's center together with European partners in Çerkezköy with lodging possibility for women suffering from domestic violence and local restaurant. Strong cooperation with KOSGEB (information courses and help for filling applications for states support for professional independency).

Main Projects / Activities

Participation of 150 women in KOSGEB courses (2009/2010)
Professional assistance for filling applications for states support for women's work independency (2010)
Organisation of "Babalar Günü" concert in Çerkezköy Amphityatro (June 2010)
Organisation of "Nurettin Rencber" concert in Çerkezköy Amphityatro (June 2010)
Organisation of "Cevdet Bağca" concert in Çerkezköy Amphityatro (June 2010)
Organisation of a concert with Tuluyhan Uğurlu, popular Turkish pianist in Sirkeci Trainstation, Istanbul (September 2010)
Meslek Edinme Atölye (Career Training Workshop for women; open course & discurs regularily every month) with "Worker Found Organisation" of Turkish Government
Simat Sokaği (Street Arts) (August 2010 Belediye Merkezi Çerkezköy)
Öğrenci Yönelik Çalişmaları (Solidarity Students Events to help students into profession; regularily in school times since 2008)

Contact (1) Full Name
Nurhan Altıntaş
Head of the organisation
Nurhan Altıntaş
Contact (2) Full Name
Aynur Düzgünel
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Community Based Psychosocial Support and Research Association

National Network

Alsancak Mah. Kibrissehitleri cad.
1440 sok. no:7 d:1 Konak
35220 izmir/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Under the leadership of Nevin Kucuk, Community Based Psychosocial Support and Research Association is founded in September19, 2014 in Izmir,Turkey. Founding members are comprised of the experts in the fields of psychology, psychoanalysis, social psychology, social services, economics and telecommunication. A committee comprised of academicians, engineers, a legal expert, a pscychiatrist, a finance specialists and officers from local authorities contributes to the association as an advisory committee. University students, social workers and individuals from every other segments of the society also contribute to the association as volunteers.There are a total of 31 members and 27 registered volunteers. As a freshly founded NGO, Community Based Psychosocial Support and Research Association does not have any source of income yet but it is a promising organization with a great potential and has already begun its efforts to inspire social transformation with the projects called Come out and Play and Sustainable volunteerism project.
Mission and Objectives

Organization’s main goal is to create a sustainable social development and transformation by contributing both national and international policies to create a better world especially for the disadvantaged children, youth, women and people with disabilities. For this purpose the association aims to conduct and carry out viable projects, workshops, training programmes and visibility campaigns to stimulate social participation and sustainability. An other objective is to provide community based support activities. With a scientific stand point, individual and group consultancy practices will be provided for those who does not have access to main-stream psychological support and care services. An other objective is to stimulate and increase youth volunteerism for younger population to participate in various social projects and activities

Main Projects / Activities

Come Out and Play (Oyun Sokakta) is the first social awareness project of the organization. The purpose of the project is reanimate the  traditional and forgotten childhood games to bring a breath of fresh air to the urban children who are stuck indoors and overwhelmed with computers, game consoles, smartphones, tablets and other technological tools. It is obvious that the children, especially in the urban areas, are increasingly became less physchially active and so to speak have forgotten what is to be a children. We believe that the children should be running, jumping, climbing trees and spend more time playing outside than they do at home. In this way their cognitive, physical and social development will be way more healthier. From this point of view, the project aims to create social awarness especially for the families, run visibility campaigns via posters, brochures, social media and internet. For the time being the project is at the research phase.  A survey regarding most popular outdoor games is completed and a list of the games posted on our social media channels. The next steps of the project will be; publishing a booklet of most popular traditional outdoor games and  public awareness and visibilty campaigns regarding outdoor childhood games. One of the outputs of the project will be a map shaped Turkey puzzle representing traditional outdoor games of each province respectively. The project’s essence and the puzzle model can be applied to any country as a good example.  The final step of the project is to establish a mobile toy atelier. In this way specific days of the week kids will get together with their parents and under the supervision of artisans, they will desgn and make their own toys out of wood,plastic, metal and other materials. 
An other project that we are currently involved is the Sustainable Volunteerism Project. By means of  The Youth and Volunteerism project that we are going to initiate, young individuals will undertake responsibilities in foundation’s main activities and project management with respect to their qualifications and competencies. They will go trough a set of trainings, orientation programmes and monthly motivation meetings. In this way they will earn the neccessary experience and skills to take part in social projects and events. Eventually they wil form and manage their own social responsibility projects and create a chain of volunteers.
The last but not least, a work group comprised of our social and clinical psychologists, social workers, legal advisor and contact persons from local authorities is formed to work on a social project that involves with meeting the fundemental needs and prevention of the prejudice towards the Syrian refugees whom their number is rapidly increasing in Izmir area. Currently this project is at the inception phase and the first roundtable meeting is completed.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First of all, our association focuses on social and cultural issues from a community based perspective and as far as we know none of the NGOs and/or organizations in ALF’S Turkey network are embodies proffessionals from field of clinical and social psychology. In this respect we can bring a whole new point of psychological view to the social events and can contribute to the sociological research and analysis of any given sitiuation. As a matter of fact, amongst all the psycology-oriented NGOs, our association is one of a kind that solely focuses on community based sociological issues since other psychology-oriented NGOs only occupied with related seminars, workshops, training and education of their counterparts. Furthermore we believe that we would be a valuable partner when it comes to field applications of psychology for any social project that involves with social change and making a difference. Furthermore among our psychologists, we have disaster response and crisis management specialists who were formerly worked with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Turkey and are planning to develop social projects that involve with disaster management and disaster prevention practices. Finally, our  founder and psyhcologist Nevin Kucuk is a scholar at TUSEV’s pilanthropy and Sabancı University’s Social Invesment Programme. Needless to say these are the first  two programmes that will train the Turkey’s pioneers in this field and we believe that having one of the 10 individuals in Turkey that is trained in this specific area falls under our umbrella is an asset and we would be more than happy to bring this expertise to the field for a brighter future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF’s vision of supporting inter-cultral transactions, harmonization of different backgrounds and belief systems and most importantly contribution of intercultural strategy development, influencing decison makers and related institutions in Europe and Mediterranian region, displays significant similarities with our association’s objectives and goals.
Furthermore, given that our association’s programmes are focusing on social dialogue, education and youth, culture and art, peace and collaboration, morality and spirituality as well as cities and immigration; it’s cruical for us to be able to find and collaborate with partners and stakeholders from ALF’s network whether/or follow up  the good examples in various social projects and actions. 
As a side note, our founding member and project officer Doruk Yucel and our Youth and Volunteerism supervisor Atakan Avci has already participated in ALF’s PCM training and Individual Resource Development for NGOs training at TUSEV in September and October 2014 respectively, without being a member of the national network. We would like to benefit more from such opportunities to contribute our capacity building and work more efficiently for social change and transformation in return.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nevin Kucuk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nevin Kucuk
Contact (2) Full Name
Doruk Yucel
Job Title (2)
Learning Activity
Connecting with nature in Bodrum

Connecting With Nature in Bodrum

Learning Objectives; 1-Contribution to social life 2-Educational participation in society 3-Cooperation with other networks and creation of a joint activity Purpose; Activecitizenship

Connecting With Nature in Bodrum

Connecting with nature in Bodrum

From the 16th to the 26th of January, two volunteers from System and Generation Association, the coordinating association of the ALF network in Türkiye, went to Bodrum to take part in a women empowerment project conducted by The Artemis Association. In the scope of the Project, volunteers were helping Elisa Gelewski, the coordinator of The Artemis association in various tasks such as building a doghouse for stray dogs, gardening, and building a washhouse. The project was beneficial and productive for both of the organisations. Volunteers had a chance to feel closer to nature, learn more about gardening, explore the area of Bodrum, hike, learn Yoga, gain experience, and create unforgettable memories.

Learning Activity
Connecting with nature in Bodrum

Connecting With Nature in Bodrum

Nowadays we are often surrounded by tall gray buildings, countless people we don’t know, and heavy traffic. We often eat unhealthy food, spend lots of time on our computer checking emails, sending documents, always looking for new opportunities, or just...

Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey

National Network

Kadir Has Caddesi


0090 212 533 65 32 / 1219
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0090 533 315 20 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
CSR Turkey has multi-stakeholder governance including persons from NGOs, academics, media, public institutions and public sector. 4 professional, 12 volunteers. Funding are mainly provided with national and international CSR projects. annually 50.000-70.000 euro. CSR Turkey focuses on CSR trainins, scientific researches,CSR advocacy and CSR consultings. Main partners are European Commission, international institutions like UNDP, German Marshall Fund, Embassies, national agencies, etc, NGOs, private sector, CSR Europe, CSR Middleeast, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey was founded in 2005 to help the development of the consciousness of social responsibility, extend the knowledge of CSR in national and international level in its endeavor for sustainable development and social achievement in Turkey.
CSR Turkey creates tools, resources and methodologies particularly for business, so that businesses can mitigate the negative effects on social and environmental level and foster a positive impact on the development of the society and itself.

Main Projects / Activities

CSR Turkey focusses on 4 core areas:
CSR Trainings (Recently; ISO 26000)
Scientific researches on CSR (CSR Report 2010, CSR Report 2008)
Advocacy of CSR (article request to the Turkish Constitution)
CSR Consulting (for more information: info@csrturkey.org )
CSR Turkey annually organizes:
CSR Marketplace in Turkey
Give & Gain Day
NGO Days
CSR Turkey is a member of:
CSR Europe
CSR Middle East
*recently CSR Black Sea

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience, knowhow, network. With its high visibility CSR Turkey can increase the awareness of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To exchange the knowledge and experience, to network, to develop new innovative ideas collaboratively which will increase the positive impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Feride Dogan
Head of the organisation
Serdar Dinler
Contact (2) Full Name
Ali Ercan Ozgur

Çorum Evcikuzkışla Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği

National Network

Meşrutiyet Cad. No:31/8 Çankaya Ankara
06420 Kızılay/

90 3124190319
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Her türlü olumsuzluklara karşın, temel insan hak ve özgürlükleri bağlamında, Dünyanın, ülkemizin, özellikle kentimizin, ekonomik, ekolojik, sosyal, kültürel, toplumsal gelişimine katkı sunmak. Geliştirmek.Bu konularda duyarlılık oluştrumak.

Mission and Objectives

Uluslara arası insan haklarını temel kabul ederek, daha İnsani, yaşanabilir bir çevre. Daha demokratik ve özgür dünya anlayışı için üyelerini bilinçlendirmek.
Özel amacı: Bu ilke ışığında üyeleri arasında ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel, siyasi, hukuki, eğitim ve benzeri konularda maddi ve manevi yardımlaşmalarını, gelişimlerini sağlamak, . Yerel kültürlerin gelecek kuşaklara aktarımını üstlenerek kültürel çeşitliliğe katkı sunmak

Main Projects / Activities

Yerli ve yabancı, özel ve resmi kurum ve kuruluşlar, gerçek ve tüzel kişiler, sendikalar, Odalar, Sivil toplum örgütleri, Birlikler, mesleki kuruluşlar ile uluslararası kurum ve kuruluşlarla işbirliği yapar. Maddi yardım ve destek verebilir, alabilir. Yurt içinden ve yurt dışından yardım toplar, ayni ya da nakdi bağış kabul eder.
b- İhtiyaç duyduğu gelirleri temin etmek amacıyla Türk Ticaret Kanununun hükümleri doğrultusunda bağımsız olarak ya da gerçek ya da tüzel kişiler ile ortaklaşa iktisadi, ticari ve sanayi işletmeler, Kooperatifler, Yardım sandığı kurar, kurdurur, işletir ya da işlettirir, kiraya verir ya da tutar.
c- Eğitim ve öğretim çalışmaları kapsamında, her alanda ücretli/ücretsiz kurslar açabilir, açılı olanlardan yararlanır. Bu kapsamda amacına ulaşmak için başka gerçek ya da tüzel kişilerle çalışır. Yoksul öğrencilere yurt içi ve yurt dışından burslar sağlayabilir.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hürdoğan Aydoğdu
Job Title
Öğretmen, Forograf Sanatçısı
Head of the organisation
Hürdoğan Aydoğdu
Contact (2) Full Name
Sultan Toy
Job Title (2)
Ev kadını