


La Fondation de l’Université de la mer Noire a été nommée Chef de file du Réseau roumain de la Fondation Anna Lindh par le ministère des Affaires étrangères et cette décision a été approuvée par les membres à la fin de l’Étape 5.

Par l’intermédiaire de ses actions, la Fondation de l’Université de la mer Noire tente de répondre aux besoins urgents de la région, notamment en ce qui concerne le renforcement de la paix, la prévention des conflits, l’amélioration de la gouvernance et la restructuration des économies.

Son objectif est de renforcer la communauté universitaire et la société civile, surtout dans la zone de la mer Noire : la Fondation a créé le Centre national pour le développement durable, le Centre d’études de la prévention de conflit, ainsi que le Réseau des universités de la mer Noire.

Les membres s’intéressent notamment à des sujets qui présentent un intérêt particulier pour la région, comme le développement durable, les sciences économiques et de gestion, l’écologie et la protection de l’environnement. Ils se penchent également sur les sciences avancées, à savoir les sciences appliquées, les relations internationales, la prévention des conflits et la négociation, l’étude des crises et des risques, les études supérieures innovantes, les droits humains et la démocratie, la tolérance et la capacité à travailler sur des projets communs, la cordialité et les partenariats régionaux, la réduction de la pauvreté, l’égalité des genres, l’identification des valeurs et des modèles des minorités, et la promotion du dialogue interculturel.

Governance Structure


Barometru de Securitate a României

CCSL Larics Sociological Research Center, in partnership with ISPRI - Romanian Academy and Anna Lindh Foundation Romania launched the Security Barometer of Romania, November 2022 edition. The event moderated by the president of Anna Lindh Foundation Romania, Prof. Univ. Dan Dungaciu took place on November 7, 2022 at the Library of the Romanian Academy. The event brought together special guests from academia, the Presidential Administration, media representatives and diplomatic officials. The barometer measured Romanians' trust in the main institutions of the state, after two years of the pandemic and in the context of the war in Eastern Europe.

The purpose of the survey is to raise awareness of public opinion on energy security and environmental protection. ALF Romania wants to attract as many NGOs as possible as well as civil society in the debate on energy security and clean/green energy.

The recording of the event can be watched by accessing the link below:

The results of the Security Barometer of Romania can be consulted here:

Station Europe

National Network

Zorilor 137
115200 Costesti

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Station Europe is an NGO that believes in the power of creativity and is committed to creating a portfolio of ready-to-scale solutions, encouraging people from all backgrounds to connect with nature, respect diversity, and acquire new digital, resilience, and green skills. Station Europe's organization model targets sustainability, ensuring that our projects benefit the economy, society, and the environment. All our products, services and projects aim to empower our target groups to develop new skills and knowledge about the surrounding environment. They would then be able to use what they learned further to do good in their local communities while having a long-term and sustainable approach that would be beneficial for the next generations. Annual budget: 250K Euro 60% Erasmus+ funds 25% Civil society partners 10% Educational training services 5% Media production services We received a series of funding grants totaling over 700,000 EURO from partners such as Romanian United Fund (USA Diaspora), Robert Bosch Stiftung (Germany), Erasmus+ (EU), TechSoup Europe (Poland), Schwarzkopf Stiftung (Germany), and others. Our team consists of 4 full-time persons and 51 volunteers. Our action plan: we test ideas at the local level, and once our projects are validated, we extend them to other countries through our partners' networks. We aim to become competitive in Europe through international partnerships and collaborations to increase the impact and reach of our organization's programs and initiatives.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that everyone has a role to play in the future of their communities. We proudly represent the voices of youth in Europe 💪 through creative projects and initiatives that bring out a fantastic mixture of tech & digital knowledge, creativity, resilience, and green skills. 💚 Station Europe's mission is to give young generations the power to bring useful ideas and initiatives to life, create stories that celebrate diversity, and inspire communities to act for a sustainable and democratic future. We imagine a world where creativity, the environment, innovation, and social impact go hand in hand. A world where the next generation of European leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs are inspired and supported to bring their bold ideas to life, creating a sustainable and equitable future for all.

Main Projects / Activities

Here are some: Creators for Change – a vibrant and inclusive group of young activists committed to using the latest digital platforms to create impactful campaigns that raise awareness on climate justice; We lead the Alliance for Education and Society, which unites 24 Romanian educational partners. We created a women-led group of trainers as part of Understanding Europe, a non-formal education network that activates in 14 European countries, which delivers 80+ workshops yearly to 2470 students; We created Reality Lab, a centre for inclusive digital innovation and creativity. This is where we explore and build new inclusive-first educational products. Our solutions are available in 8 European countries and reach over 6000 students annually; It's Time – gathered 30+ youth worldwide to form a Youth Council to fight against air pollution and biodiversity loss; Blooming Schools wishes to bring a touch of green activism into schools from 4 European countries by investing in the creation of wildlife gardens. Station Europe is in the Digital working group of the European Commission in a 3-year mandate.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Station Europe can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Romania by promoting intercultural dialogue, empowering youth, building capacity for other NGOs and social actors, and developing new participatory and environmental solutions. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with other members of the network and work together towards creating a more sustainable future for our communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Station Europe wants to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network because we believe it offers a unique platform for collaboration, access to resources and expertise, and opportunities to amplify our impact, all in alignment with our mission and values. We are excited about the prospect of becoming active network members and working with other social actors to promote dialogue, foster youth empowerment, and contribute to positive social change in our region and beyond. ALF Network is our step further in creating long-lasting social impact in society.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Alin Gabriel Gramescu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Station Europe

STEP - Surf the Earth Project

National Network

Bacau, street Muncii, nr 19A, jud Bacau, Romania

0040 740251518
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
0040 740251518
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
6 members and a dozen of volunteers stand behind the activities of this organization. The organization is non-political, non-govemmental, non-profit association, promoting civil society values, and stimulating personal development through sport and creative expression. Based on multi cultural and youth exchanges, training, equal chances, culture, sport activities, training, youth initiatives, travelling, volunteering, as well as sustaining the interests of the youth. Although we are a young NGO we are planning to spread our ideas and multiply our believes in different countries under a common goal and name, therefore we are planning to create a strong network of young professionals through out the European continent. We are creating seminars, youth exchances, training courses and meetings, supported with the help of European Comission and individual sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

Involving young people in non-formal education projects on a variety of topics , organizing national and international projects , workshops , seminars , trainings , camps, volunteering , festivals and other activities
* Supporting young people to become active citizens of society today
* Supporting and encouraging youth creativity
Promoting and implementing the principles of non -formal learning and intercultural learning through experience
* Supporting young people about the choice of the form of education, a career and financial independence
* The organization of leisure activities for young people
* Promoting volunteering among young people
* Support international cooperation between young people from Romania and young people from other European countries and beyond
* Implement activities that support and promote the observance of human rights and child
* Social integration and support disadvantaged young people

Main Projects / Activities

The activities of the organization are being focused on the youth and their development. STEP is implementing events and activities that are very actual and that are in close conection with art, environment and psyhical activities.
We are the initiators of the 2nd biggest streetball tournament in Romania -Bacau Streetball Challenge with 4 editions
1st ever Speedcubing tournament in East part of Romania+Rep. Moldova - Moldova Speedcubing Open
and several Training Courses, financed by the European Comission and the Youth in Action Programme
TC: Peer Education as a Youth work tool, Forest is our ally, How your European Volutnary Service should look, STAS- Solidarity through Art and Sports,
YE: Rise Above

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would share and disseminate the results of our activities on our network, together with our website and facebook page, that currently hits more than 2000 fans. During the event or project the visibility of the network and foundation will be made by all the meanings. We benefit from our expertise in coordinating grants.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that ALF provides a good range of funding oportunities and the perfect environment to design new projects with the other members. The networking opportunities that are provided through this network are the biggest resource. Our members and volunteers will put their effort in co-operating on the all networks activities in order to make the cooperation successfull. They will share ideas, thoughts, skills and experiences gained from previous exchanges to create environment which all participants can feel satisfied in. Moreover, they are looking forward to meeting new people so as to gain knowledge of their cultures, traditions, customs, languages, and cultural heritage, too. Besides, they will also offer the other participants opportunity to learn about our culture, traditions, customs, cultural and natural heritage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Codrin Cobzaru
Head of the organisation
Bondalici Razvan

STEP - Surf the Earth Project

National Network

str. Muncii, nr. 19A
600399 Bacau

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organization  is non-political,  non-govemmental,  not for profit  association,  promoting  civil society  values,  and stimulating  personal  development  through  sport and creative  expression.  Based on multi cultural and  youth exchanges,  training,  equal  chances,  culture,  sport activities,  training,  youth initiatives,  travelling,  volunteering, as well  as sustaining  the interests  of the  youth. Although we are a young NGO we are planning to spread our ideas and multiply our believes in different countries under a common goal and name, therefore we are planning to create a strong network of young professionals through out the European continent. The STEP NGO has one other branch in Republic of Moldova. For the current affiliation we base on the experience of our members gained in various projects with other organizations and the knowledge and previous experience in sport related activities. Most of our members are dealing with either sport, artistic and environmental occupations therefore their creativeness will have a major input on the future projects delivery. We have been organising a number of events on a regular basis, so we are well acquainted with the aims and goals of such Youth in Action projects. The members of our organization will take part  in the future projects and they will be directly involved in all the stages of the funding. They will put their effort  in co-operating on the all project´s  activities in order to make it successfull. They will share ideas, thoughts, skills and experiences gained from previous exchanges to create environment  which all participants can feel satisfied in. Moreover, they are looking forward to meeting new people so as to gain knowledge of their cultures, traditions, customs, languages, and cultural heritage, too. Besides, they will also offer the other participants opportunity to learn about our culture, traditions, customs, cultural and natural heritage.  The topic of this project suits our interests and we would like to be an active part in it. Bondalici Razvan Ciprian – President Bondalici Tincuta – Vice president Micu Mircea – Founding member Codrin Cobzaru - Project Coordinator Marius- Andrei Tudor - PR and marketing According to 2013 financial balance, the total income of the organization for the year 2013 was 212670 RON = 47791 EUR We are conducting a wide variety of projects including seminar, youth exchanges, training courses and independent projects. Depending on the particularity of the project we are searching for various sources of funding: event fees, municipal or local funds (Youth and Sports Ministry, Regional governement, Municipality) , European funds (Youth in Action, Erasmus Plus Programme), sponsors or donors. Main partners: European Comission (Youth in Action Programme), Municipality of Bacau city, Romania.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and objectives of STEP NGO
* Involving young people in non-formal education projects on a variety of topics , organizing national and international projects , workshops , seminars , trainings , camps, volunteering , festivals and other youth related activities
* Supporting young people to become active citizens of society today
* Supporting and encouraging youth creativity
* Promoting and implementing the principles of non -formal learning and intercultural learning through experience .
* The development of civil society and encourage the active involvement of young people in the social
* Implement activities that support and promote human and children rights
* Social integration and support of young people belonging to disadvantaged categories
* Supporting young people in order to make the best choice on the form of education, career and financial independence
* organizating leisure activities for young people and citizens in general
* Promoting volunteering among young people
* Support international cooperation between Romanian youth and young people from other European countries and beyond the continent

Main Projects / Activities

We have been organising a number of events on a regular basis, so we are well acquainted with the aims and goals of such Youth in Action projects and the new Erasmus Plus Programme. 
We have developed 5 training courses under the youth in action Programme namely
•   Previews (How your European Voluntary Service should look), (Bacau – Romania), July 2012 (Turkey, Italy, Malta, Holland, Northern Ireland, Romania) International Training Course
•  Peer Education in Youth Work, (Bacau – Romania), March 2013 (Serbia, U.K., Romania, F.Y.R.O.M, Republic of Moldova, Georgia), International Training Course
• Forest is our ally, (Vatra Dornei – Romania), April 2013 (Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, U.K., Romania, Turkey), International Training Course
• STAS Solidarity through Art and Sports (Slanic Moldova – Romania), September 2013 (Turkey, Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Austria, Slovakia)
•  Promote it non-formally (Bucharest – Romania), October 2013 (Bulgaria, Denmark, Lithuania, UK, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Romania)
Regarding the sport activities, we are very proud to say that we are the first group of people that brought to the public attention the art of Speedcubing, and with the help of the Romanian Speedcubing Association we made the first ever competition in Moldova and East part of Romania. We as an NGO already have 4 years of experience in organizing the biggest streetball competition in the East part of Romania named Bacau Streetball Challenge. During the 3 editions more than 150 teams and 700 players have joined and played for a ticket to one of the best 3on3 tournaments in Europe, named Prague International Open. We have written and implemented several projects under the old Youth in Action Programme with the theme of SPORT, namely “Solidarity through art and sport” Training course and “Rise Above” youth exchange, where more then 50 youths from 14 countries were involved.
Another basketball project that our organization is coordinating is the local basketball amateur league where more then 100 players are involved. There is also one team that is representing our city, that is the holder of the last edition title.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would spread the word and disseminate all the information. The most effective promotional strategy includes promoting the project and especially its outcomes to other youth work organizations through partners' web-sites, local media and within the organizations itself on its website and facebook page. All the communication and all the materials that are connected with the projects funded by the Anna Lidth Foundation, will be put on our websites and will be accompanied with the usage of Anna Lidth Foundation logos, alongside with providing links and promoting the other support sites. Whereever the funded projects will be mentioned (webpages, newspapers, local radio stations) the support of the ALF network will be underlined.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

STEP NGO is aiming to join the network in order to broaden horizons in regards with project and networking in different areas of implementation. The fact that now it includes 43 country members, makes the ALF network one important database for networking and development of future ideas and projects. Our acceptance in the network is designed to improve the quality of youth work in our organization and our community and the ALF network will be promoted during the entire period of collaboration. The members and staff would like to learn more about the possibilities of Anna Lidth Foundation programme emphasizing the possibilities to include peer-learning with the other organizations from our community. All these will be done directly linked to the themes of the following projects we are aiming to submit or be involved as partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bondalici Razvan
Job Title
President- Trainer
Head of the organisation
Bondalici Razvan - President
Contact (2) Full Name
Codrin Cobzaru
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Support for next generation of young professionals

Partners online meeting

On 8th of May, the monthly meeting took place with ALF Romania and its members DGT and NEXT project partner.  Our project is meant to offer support for for our young volunteers who are looking for a job. ALF Romania, DGT and NEXT will offer training and counseling for young professionals.
Image removed. The discussions reunited some management aspects, partners shared their plans regarding the implementation and dissemination of the Guide (Project Result 1) and the project sharing and promotion plan.
Image removed. The partners work on piloting the platform (Project Result 2), which should be ready by the end of May.
Image removed. Until then, don’t forget to follow the progress of our project of supporting young professionals on this website: 

Teresa Leonhardmair

National Network

R. Marian, Strada Sf. Vineri 5
Zalau, jud. Salaj

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- individual person, no staff/partners - no budget ressources yet - sources of funding (being asked): Otto Mauer Fonds, Stiftung Kirche und Kunst, Österr. Kulturforum Bukarest, Romanian Embassy in Austria, KulturKontakt Austria - individual performance projects in schools, churches, at festivals, in public spaces, videos; with children and youngsters; with project partners and artistic fellows - projects were supported by different sponsors like the Otto Mauer Fonds, Federal State of Lower Austria or Salzburg, Austrian Red Cross etc.
Mission and Objectives

- integration and recognition of diversity (of nationalities, of ethnic groups like Roma, disabled people)
- the alien as someone/soemthing I can learn from
- participation on art and culture for socially disadvanteged people
- art as a place of experiment and dialog
- evocation of the "creative soul" of everyone

Main Projects / Activities

last project, january 2015: performance "lasse sie sehen: befreiung" in the occasion of a vernissage of a photo exhibition about haunted christians based on a biblical psalm
actual project, beginning planned for october 2015, duration of 1 year: dance performance project with disabled people and non-disabled youngsters in Sibiu/Romania based on theologian topic, located in the Johannis Church in Sibiu, disabled people are a neglected group in the eastern states, art projects with the focus of integration are rare

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- networking
- to offer cooperation
- artistic approach
- integration of disabled people
- social work experience in Romania and Austria (street children, Roma, disabled people, migrants)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am looking for partners/grants for my dance project with disabled and non-disabled people/youngsters in Romania

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Leonhardmair
Job Title
Performance Artist, Scientist, Teacher
Head of the organisation
Teresa Leonhardmair

Terra Ecologica

National Network

str. rascoala din 1907, nr. 11, bloc 16, scara 2, ap, 76, sector 2, 022862

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We have no employees as we have no finace for our projects. However, this year we have received two sponsorships, a total amount of 7000 euros, for our planting trees campaign. We have no other source of funding. we believe concrete action is the solution to environmental problems.
Mission and Objectives

protect the environment
protect the forests
clean the waters
reduce pollution
plant as many trees as possible
protect the animals and their habitats

Main Projects / Activities

Planting trees
we were awarded by the romanin Ministry of Environment, as the romanian NGO to have planted the most trees (45.000 trees on 13 hectare) with over 1000 volunter (in 2007-2008).
We also have actions of collecting pets (last week 7 volunteers of Terra Ecologica picked uf from the Buzau river 250 kilos of pets and sent them to be recicled.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simona Cretu
Head of the organisation
Simona Cretu

The Arman Community from Romania

National Network

91st Teiul Doamnei Street, Sector 2

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: 6 subsidiaries in 6 different cities across Romania;one Executive Bureau (15 members) and one Directory Council (35 members); over 6000 members. Sources of funding: European institutions/organizations; sponsorships, donations, etc. Modalities of actions: theatre plays, youth exchanges/seminars/workshops, books, festivals, plastic art exhibitions, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The Arman Community from Romania aims to develop cooperation between communities in the Balkans & Europe, as well as to support the involvement of young people in the community.
Therefore, projects/activities are focused on developing further the discussion on building
capabilities within NGO sector and intercultural understanding combining discussion with applied work in community.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
- editing books
- organizing youth exchanges/seminars/workshops (with financial support from European Youth Foundation, Youth in Action Program, Ministry of Culture)
- organizing festivals with traditional music&dances (e.g.: "Primuveara Armanjloru" -every spring; "The Arman Cultural Days" - every year, in August)
- organizing theatre plays (e.g.: "Tenda", "The Liar", "The Clouds")
- editing CD's
- producing documentary movies (e.g.: Calea Eschibaba)
- organizing plastic art exhibition
-organizing photo exhibitions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Florentina Costea
Head of the organisation
Samara Stere