
Flavia Nae

National Network

Clucerului 62
011467 Bucharest

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
I have a vast experience in human resources management, in training, international business and NGO sector. I managed for 5 years the national network of Anna Lindh Foundation in Romania, acting as a point of contact for NGOs and different entities in Romania, on subject as multicultural training, migration, integration, environmental protection, human rights, youth and education. As a psychologist, i acted as a career orientation consultant and coach for young people in difficult situation. My expertise in above areas can be an asset for future actions/projects.
Mission and Objectives

Offering support for integration of migrants, gender issues,
Offering consultancy and expertise in trainings, labor market insertion
Build up projects on intercultural premises for increasing the awareness of local entities on issues such as migration, violence, gender inequality, cultural differences, human rights and environmental issues

Main Projects / Activities

Along with Secretariat - the set up of ALF international training in Predeal, Romania -2010
Dissemination of ALF information and built up of the Romanian National Network
ALF National Network meetings in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As my 14 years experience as psychologist, human resources consultant and project manager can prove, i can act as an expert im above mentioned areas, organising trainings and faciliatatind dialogue, awareness in such areas.
My previous 5 years experience in ALF is a valuable asset, for knowing the premises and most of internal procedures in organization

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To help boost the activity of ALF in Romania and facilitate the interaction of local NGOs in regional and international area

Contact (1) Full Name
Flavia Nae
Job Title
Human Resources Consultant & Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Black Sea University Foundation


National Network

street Pandurilor nr.13

+40 255 210532
Telephone (other)
+40 255 220607
+40 255 220607
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
7 staff enployed, 30 volunteers - cca 120 000 euro - EU founding, sponsors,servicies Projects: 1. PHARE Human Resources Development Scheme, with the project ”4 times a woman manager”, throughout which we will provide training and the possibility to exchange experience to women managers in the business sector 2."Art, youth and the city", submitted by an Italian partner to the European Commission’s Call to proposals DG EAC 10/04 has just been approved. The project is currently developing, in May 2005 we will host the first working on-site visit of our partners. 3.Natural and Rural Environment Improvement through Adult Education The project tries to instil in the participants of urban centres the importance of conserving the natural and rural environments through the knowledge and understanding of the zone. The exchange among its members will permit to compare the ecosystems of the zones under study, discovering the differences among them (geographic, climatic, economic, social, etc.).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support the promotion of global open society values in Romania through:
- sustaining the development of an opened and democratic educational system, characterised by competition, transparency, co-operation, encouraging individual initiative and innovation;
- promoting initiatives which aim at the equality of chances through education, training and education focused on the needs of the individual.

Main Projects / Activities

4.PHARE CBC , with project „OUR COMMON FUTURE” (VUC)
The purpose of the project is that of knowing and training the women from the two neighboring countries in order to improve their personal performances undertaking a long period cooperation that should contribute to their personal development and implicitly to a potentially economic development.
Promotion of the project and creation of a data base with the women from the target group; The primary evaluation of the personal development needs; Acquisition of training equipment; Package development course; course evolution; Final evaluation of the target group; implementation of „The local development agent guide”; experience exchange (exhibition with traditional craftsmen products on extinction in the two regions), elaboration of resulted performance and dissemination indicators
5.Erasmus, PREMIO,;2008-2009;eg

Contact (1) Full Name
Potoceanu Nadia
Head of the organisation
Potoceanu Nadia
Contact (2) Full Name
Negroiu Oana


National Network

Bantenilor Street, Fetesti

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Organisation non gouvernemantale, pres des 25 membres, activite principales: education soutenir l'activite d'ecoles, des parents, ausii dans le domainenviromental, education ecologigue, sante civique, etc.
Mission and Objectives

GESSIA FETESTI est une organisation nongouvernamentale roumaine, apolitique, à but non lucratif, dont le but statutaire est de soutenir les enfants, les jeunes et les familles sans-abri, par l’intermédiaire de services intégrés d’assistance sociale, éducatif - formatifs et d’intégration socioprofessionnelle, en accord avec la Convention des Nations Unies à l’égard des Droits de l’Enfants.

Main Projects / Activities

•Mise en place d'ateliers ou clubs annuels où les enfants et adolescents seraient aidés dans l'élaboration d'une action locale culturelle, civique ou humanitaire;

Contact (1) Full Name
Anton Stella
Head of the organisation
Anton Stella
Contact (2) Full Name
Agapie Nicoleta

GEYC: Introducing the Sustainability Guide for Youth NGOs

GEYC action on Green Future

Introducing the Sustainability Guide for Youth NGOs

After over 6 months of dedicated work, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the Sustainable NGOs Guide!

This resource is designed to empower the youth sector and youth organizations to enhance their sustainability practices. By using this guide, you can make a positive impact on the environment and society, contributing to a more sustainable and mindful future.

But that's not all! As a part of the same project, we've developed the Carbon Footprint Calculator (CFC) specifically tailored for youth NGOs. This tool will allow NGOs to assess their environmental impact and explore sustainable alternatives.

The Sustainable NGOs Guide and CFC are currently in a testing phase, and we need your feedback to make them even better. We invite all users to provide comments and suggestions as you explore these resources.

Join us in our mission to create a more sustainable world! Download the guide today and let's work together!

Green Travel Policy

Green Travel Policy brainstorming

GEYC has launched an updated Green Travel Policy! 
From now on we strongly encourage you to become more and more sustainable and eco-friendly 💚 Tap the link below to find out all the new details!

Elaborating the GEYC's travel policy is part of the System development and outreach activities as part of the Erasmus+ Youth Accreditation, 2022-1-RO01-KA151-YOU-000064796.




Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC

National Network

str. Mr. Alexandru Campeanu, nr. 29, Sector 1
011235 Bucuresti

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
GEYC is organized in 6 departments including a number of 36 employs and partners. GEYC has a project organization structure that facilitates the coordination and implementation of projects and it fosters interactions among team members. The budgetary resources available for spending in 2013 were around 50 000 euro. The main sources are individual funding and European funding.  Modalities of action include: - Educational, intercultural (youth exchanges, study visits) and research projects. - Seminars – such as “Say NO to drugs, say YES to life”; - Campaigns – “Be the change for Romania”, “Black and white are not colors! Choose what color you want to be!”, “Wipe out online hate”; - Workshops on: communication, youth involvement, interculturality, social media. GEYC is a member of Advisory Council on Youth of the Ministry of Youth and Sport. Other partners: European Commission, Council of Europe, Chamber of Deputies, European Parliament Information Office, CERC, Salto Youth, UNITED.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower young people to make a positive change in their community. We believe that young people thorough their imagination, enthusiasm and dynamism have the potential to disrupt inertia and be the most creative forces for social change.

We are striving to meet our mission by supporting formal and informal education at local, national and international level; promoting social networks and new media technologies for personal and professional youth development; defending human rights in general, especially of young people at local, national and international level; stimulating individual and organizational social responsibility; encouraging entrepreneurship among young people; developing educational programs especially for young people at local, national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

We believe that a change could be done only by action. We are involved in different projects that could make an improvement and boost the knowledge, creativity and confidence of young people. 
Our permanent activities are:
1. GEYC’s Resources center – a free online platform offering multimedia and social media resources for individuals and nonprofits.
2. GEYC’s facebook page – an informative portal for young people providing valuable content in the following fields: news, education, entrepreneurship, human rights, Romanian culture and civilization, cultural and intercultural dialogue and entertainment.
3. GEYC community – a community of young people from Romania, collaborating, sharing information and working together.

Current GEYC projects are:S.M.A.R.T.E.R. – Social Media Academy – Raising Teen Employability Resources, is an intensive 9 days training course for 34 participants from 14 countries (Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey). The project will take place in Bucharest, Romania from 22th to 31th of August 2014.  The project aims to empower the participants to implement employability projects at local level by using social media tools and it will be based on non-formal education.  Project objectives are: enabling participants to use social media tools for the communication, promotion and management of their projects, aiming to raise employment of young people; stimulating participants to share their personal and professional practices in using social media in youth work through teamwork and networking; raising the employability of the participants through improving social media skills and through personal branding; promoting the European cooperation in the youth field by the use of social media. 

New Media Ambassadors (NMA) is a complex practical 3 months internship with both professional and personal objectives. New media ambassadors are voluntary young people from all around the globe working together to develop the content of GEYC Resources Center, to raise new media skills, to improve communication, PR and social media skills, to develop sense of initiative and creativity skills. NMA has now reached its fifth generation, and it involves young people from Argentina, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey, Croatia, Pakistan, Greece, Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
GEYC is also a partner in the following upcoming projects:
- “Babylon Reinvented – how to approach intercultural learning”  training course in Lviv, Ukraine
- “Youth initiative for social engagement” training course in Perea, Greece.
- “Wave project: surfing for environment, sustainability, health in the Atlantic Ocean”- youth exchange in Aveiro, Portugal.
- “Wall on the high tide” – youth exchange in Gdansk, Poland.
- “Facts and dreams” – training course in Isparta, Turkey.
The full report for 2013 is available at: 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GEYC can be an active contributor by supporting and promoting Romanian National Network interests on: ecology and environmental protection, human rights and democracy, tolerance, gender equity and intercultural dialog. In this respect, GEYC will carry on the results of previous campaigns and projects in the fields of: antidiscrimination and tolerance (“Black and white are not colors! Choose what color you want to be!”, “Wipe out online hate”, “Combating discrimination towards migrant and Roma minorities”), environmental protection (“What can I do for a clean environment?”, “Triad resources – recycling – reconditioning in future perspectives”), intercultural dialogue (New Media Ambassadors). Also, GEYC will work on developing new projects on this sensible topics, in order to raise awareness and to stimulate young people to take further actions toward changing our society for the better.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see joining an ALF Network as an opportunity for meeting other young people with interests in similar fields with us, in order to develop intercultural projects. We believe that together we can reach a wider audience and we can build better projects according to their specific needs. The Mediterranean space is colorful and very reach in different cultures so we believe that it is important to approach this differences from an individual level so that everyday young people can understand, accept and cherish the uniqueness of every culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albulescu Maria
Job Title
External Affairs Responsible
Head of the organisation
Brezoiu Gabriel

Hellenic Foundation for Culture

National Network

Bd. Pache Protopopescu, Nr. 7 CP 021403, Sector 2, Bucureşti, România

004-021-310 4990
004-021-310 4888
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Aim of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture is to promote the Hellenic culture and to disseminate the Greek language all over the world. Since its founding in 1992, the HFC has created Branches in Odessa, Alexandria and Berlin. It operates Offices with representatives in London, Vienna, Brussels and Washington. During the period 2007-2009, the HFC has founded Centres of Hellenic Culture in Trieste, Belgrade, Bucharest, Tirana, Sofia and Melbourne. The Foundation offers Greek language courses, organizes cultural events, publishes books and operates lending libraries in its Branches, open to the public. The Library of Greek culture is housed in HFC's Head Office premises, in a building designed especially for this purpose. The Library is getting organized this period. The building will include a guest-house to accommodate temporarily scholars, researchers and honorary guests of the HFC. The Hellenic Foundation for Culture is head of the Greek network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Dialogue between Cultures, and is a member of the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). The Centre in Bucharest have 2 employers. The main source of founding is the central Foundation in Athens.
Mission and Objectives

Aim of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture is to promote the Hellenic culture and to disseminate the Greek language all over the world. Since its founding in 1992, the HFC has created Branches in Odessa, Alexandria and Berlin. It operates Offices with representatives in London, Vienna, Brussels and Washington. During the period 2007-2009, the HFC has founded Centres of Hellenic Culture in Trieste, Belgrade, Bucharest, Tirana, Sofia and Melbourne. The Foundation offers Greek language courses, organizes cultural events, publishes books and operates lending libraries in its Branches, open to the public.
The Library of Greek culture is housed in HFC's Head Office premises, in a building designed especially for this purpose. The Library is getting organized this period. The building will include a guest-house to accommodate temporarily scholars, researchers and honorary guests of the HFC.
The Hellenic Foundation for Culture is head of the Greek network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Dialogue between Cultures, and is a member of the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC).

Main Projects / Activities

Aim of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture is to promote the Hellenic culture and to disseminate the Greek language all over the world. Since its founding in 1992, the HFC has created Branches in Odessa, Alexandria and Berlin. It operates Offices with representatives in London, Vienna, Brussels and Washington. During the period 2007-2009, the HFC has founded Centres of Hellenic Culture in Trieste, Belgrade, Bucharest, Tirana, Sofia and Melbourne. The Foundation offers Greek language courses, organizes cultural events, publishes books and operates lending libraries in its Branches, open to the public.
The Library of Greek culture is housed in HFC's Head Office premises, in a building designed especially for this purpose. The Library is getting organized this period. The building will include a guest-house to accommodate temporarily scholars, researchers and honorary guests of the HFC.
The Hellenic Foundation for Culture is head of the Greek network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Dialogue between Cultures, and is a member of the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC).

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudiu Sfirschi-Lăudat
Head of the organisation
Georgios Babiniotis


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are small NGO of 20 persons. We work as volunteers, only one person is employed. The source of funding is donations. Our project is a center of education for children.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of “Holistic Education” Association is to contribute to physical, social and moral welfare of society, providing informational, social and moral assistance to those in need.
Its objectives are to organize educational activities for young people so as they participate in community life, to be involved in youth policies, to have private initiative in fighting discrimination, and to promote volunteerism, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, values, principles and practices of democratic Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

- Social activities: volunteer in community service
- Educational programs - mentoring for children
- Thematic Camps
- Campaigns against smoking, drug, for promoting a healthy lifestyle

Contact (1) Full Name

Hope 4 Humanity Association

National Network

str. Mihail Kogalniceanu, nr. 19
720014 Suceava

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Hope 4 Humanity is a youth NGO from Northern Romania co-founded by a youth worker, a primary school teacher and a nurse, aiming to help the local community and promote volunteerism. It has no employees but 70 volunteers- teenagers and young adults, all being united by their willingness to help the other ones. It is a very young organization, therefore it has scarce resources (both financial and non-financial), most of the income coming from a very small membership fee and other small sponsorships. Most of our activities are done in partnership with other organizations (Creativities, Bucovina Institute, County Youth Federation) or local authorities (Police, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava).

Mission and Objectives

Our main mission is empowering the young generation to develop their civil spirit and be active in the society. We aim to be helpful in the educational and health sector, but also be active in philantropy.

Main Projects / Activities

Shoe Box- national philantropic campaign and we are the local representatives, under the guidelines of Bucovina Institute Volunteering activities whenever if have an invitation - national campaigns (Antitrafic, Generatia Vot), feast days, etc. Educational workshops, seminars, webinars (last one Arta sanatatii - Health Art, a series of online and offline events on mental and physical health) Promoting local, national and international opportunities for youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Having a community of 70 volunteers, we can hold any kind of international activity at a regional level as part of dissemination in the local community. We have volunteers with different talents and interests, so that no matter the domain, we will for sure find people willing to help and learn.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We heard about the ALF Network from GEYC, one of the greatest partners from the country. We think that being part of this network would be beneficial for both sides, as we could learn a lot from such a big community, and we could also share our knowledge, experience, workforce and enthusiastic spirit within ALF network. We would be very happy to hear the good news :)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioana Tatarciuc
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Youth NGO
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariana Boca
Job Title (2)

Humanact Association

National Network

Ep. Roman Ciorogariu nr 11, ap 12
410000 Oradea

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Humanact Association relies on a volunteer-based structure, engaging a dedicated team of volunteers working in collaboration with strategic partners. Our organization operates with an budget , predominantly sourced from donations and sponsorships, which fluctuate based on the nature of our volunteer-driven activities.

Our dynamic modalities of action, facilitated by passionate volunteers, encompass diverse projects. This includes engaging in Erasmus initiatives, participating in international election observer missions in Egypt, organizing charity campaigns, and conducting educational programs on human rights, active citizenship, and UN mechanisms. Volunteers also play a crucial role in executing awareness campaigns, particularly those focused on breast cancer prevention and charity campaigns.

We value our partnerships with key organizations like Maat for Peace and Development, ICG, Partners for Transparency who actively contribute to and support our endeavors. This collaborative approach amplifies our impact, emphasizing our commitment to education, human rights, active citizenship, and health awareness within the community.

Mission and Objectives

Humanact is an organization that aimes to identify and implement social development policies by designing, organizing, promoting and carrying out activities and projects for social, cultural , educational and economic development in different areas of interest, locally, nationally and internationally ,as well as other specific ways.

The Association promotes the values related to equality of opportunity for community members and also promotes the combat of social exclusion.

The purpose of the association is nonprofit with educational informational, cultural , philanthropic character.

Main Projects / Activities

Humanact Association engages in a diverse range of projects and activities, strategically designed to promote human rights, civic engagement, and societal well-being. The schematic overview of key initiatives includes:

Human Rights Council Meeting in Geneva (June 28 to July 2):
Invitation: Attended at the invitation of partners.
Participation: Members engaged in UN meetings and debates, led by the CEDAW commission and other experts/NGOs, focusing on human rights.
Learning: Acquired knowledge on UN mechanisms and human rights.
Dissemination: Shared gained knowledge through subsequent educational projects in the home country.

Mission to Observe Electoral Process in Egypt (2020):
Role: Humanact representatives served as international observers.
Activities: Monitored 100 polling stations across various governorates.
Objective: Ensured the electoral process adhered to legal provisions, noting any deviations or violations.

Personalities Who Marked History (November 2018):Commemorative Initiative: Conducted in honor of the centenary celebration.
Individuals with significant historical impact.

Breast Cancer Prevention:
A focused initiative addressing awareness and prevention.

Training Course: Principles of Human Rights:
Educational program aimed at disseminating knowledge on human rights principles.

Erasmus Project "K(no)w Extremism":
International collaborative initiative addressing extremism through education.

Charity Campaign - "A Merry Christmas" (2016):
Christmas-themed campaign emphasizing the impact of small acts of generosity.

Christmas Charity Campaign "With One Gift at a Time, We Can Make Heaven" (2018 and 2022):
Ongoing charitable efforts emphasizing the collective impact of small contributions.

Active Citizenship Voluntariat (Ongoing):
Focused on promoting active citizenship through volunteer engagement.

These projects collectively reflect Humanact Association's commitment to education, human rights, civic responsibility, and philanthropy, showcasing a holistic approach to societal development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Humanact Association is actively engaged in various initiatives that align with the core values and objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Our projects encompass a broad spectrum, including participation in the Human Rights Council meetings, international election observer missions, educational programs focusing on human rights principles and intercultural exchange. We also run charitable and awarness campaigns, embodying our commitment to societal well-being.

Common Ground with Anna Lindh Foundation:

The intersection of our activities with those of the Anna Lindh Foundation is particularly evident in our shared commitment to fostering intercultural understanding, promoting human rights, and actively participating in democratic processes. Both organizations emphasize the significance of knowledge dissemination, be it through educational projects or international forums like the Human Rights Council.

Intercultural and Democratic Education:

Humanact Association places a special emphasis on intercultural and democratic education. Through projects like Erasmus initiatives , we contribute to enhancing cultural exchange, democratic values. These initiatives serve as a foundation for fostering inclusive and participatory societies.

Contribution to the Network in our Country:

Humanact Association is poised to contribute significantly to the Network in our country through:

Educational Programs: Conducting workshops and seminars on intercultural understanding, human rights, and democratic principles.
Collaborative Initiatives: Partnering with local organizations and institutions to create a network of shared resources and expertise.
Information Dissemination: Actively sharing insights and experiences from our diverse projects to contribute to the collective knowledge pool.
Community Engagement: Involving local communities in our activities to promote grassroots participation in the Network's mission.

Our dedication to democratic values, intercultural exchange, and active civic engagement positions us as a valuable contributor to the Network, aligning with the Anna Lindh Foundation's vision for a more inclusive and interconnected society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Humanact Association seeks to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network driven by a profound alignment of values and objectives. The foundation's commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue, promoting human rights, and building bridges across diverse communities resonates deeply with our organization's core principles. By becoming a part of the ALF Network, we aspire to:

Amplify Impact: Joining the ALF Network provides an opportunity to amplify the impact of our initiatives. Through collaborative efforts and shared resources, we can contribute more effectively to the collective mission of promoting understanding and cooperation among cultures.

Knowledge Exchange: The ALF Network offers a platform for rich knowledge exchange. By connecting with like-minded organizations and individuals, we can access a wealth of insights, best practices, and diverse perspectives. This exchange is instrumental in enhancing the quality and effectiveness of our programs.

Strategic Partnerships: Participation in the ALF Network opens avenues for forging strategic partnerships. Collaborating with organizations that share our vision allows us to undertake more comprehensive projects, expanding our reach and influence.

Global Perspective: The ALF Network provides a global perspective on intercultural relations and human rights. Engaging with a network of diverse entities allows us to gain a deeper understanding of global challenges and opportunities, informing our approach to local and international initiatives.

Capacity Building: Being part of the ALF Network offers opportunities for capacity building. Access to training, workshops, and shared resources equips our team with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of intercultural dialogue and human rights advocacy.

Community of Support: The ALF Network creates a supportive community where organizations with shared values can collaborate, share experiences, and collectively address challenges. This sense of community fosters a collaborative spirit that strengthens our resolve and impact.

In essence, our desire to join the ALF Network is rooted in the belief that through collaborative endeavors, shared knowledge, and a collective commitment to fostering intercultural understanding, we can contribute meaningfully to building a more inclusive and harmonious world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Veisa Mihaela
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Veisa MIhaela- President
Contact (2) Full Name
Veisa Ioana Liliana
Job Title (2)
Founding Member