

Barometrul vieții religioase, ediția a III-a, ALF România

The Larics Sociological Research Center (CCSL) and the Anna Lindh Foundation Romania organized the presentation of the Barometer of Religious Life in Romania. The event took place in the Aula of the Romanian Academy, on December 14, 2022, starting at 10:00 a.m. The barometer indicates that in Romania the Orthodox Church, respectively Orthodoxy, are not in contradiction with the European or Euro-Atlantic integration projects.

The event aims to encourage the partner members towards a future dialogue regarding the perception of religion in the different regions of the country, as well as active involvement in the creation of a country report on the role of religion at the societal level.

The recording of the event can be viewed by accessing the link below:

Find the full survey report below.

The Discovery of Knowledge: The Transformation of the Nicolae Bogdan School Library

The Discovery of Knowledge: The Transformation of the Nicolae Bogdan School Library

The Humanact Association carried out a campaign with the objective of improving the collection of books in the library of the Nicolae Bogdan Secondary School in Vascau. Through donations from the Oradea University Library and the Silviu Dragomir Interdisciplinary Studies Center, more than 140 books were added to the existing collection. These volumes, together with the 40 acquired from other financial donations, cover a varied field of knowledge, including literature, general culture, biology, geography and history.





The Dobrogean Magazine

How good is the framework of minority rights in the countries in the Western Balkans and how well can minorities use these rights to preserve their identity, culture and language? FUEN‟s Minorities in the Western Balkans conference proposed to answer...

The empowerment of Romanian Female Expertise in the 21st century

Empowering Women Initiative

Anna Lindh Romania and the Black Sea University Foundation, in collaboration with the Commission on Human Rights, Equal Opportunities, Religions and Minorities of the Romanian Senate, organized a book launch and a debate about women's in society.

The volume The 21st century under the magnifying glass of the experts is an editorial project written only by women, experts in diplomacy, foreign policy, strategic communication, security, law and economics. The purpose of this project is to promote female expertise in Romania and transform adversity and aggressive conversations, making them more relaxed and polite.

The event was attended by Her Excellency Therese Hydén, the ambassador of Sweden in Romania, Mr. Christian Plate, Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy, Mrs. Mihaela Manoli, Deputy Head of Mission, Republic of Moldova Embassy, Alina Inayeh, Senior Fellow at German Marshall Fund , Anca Dragu, former president of the Romanian Senate and current Governor of the Republic of Moldova National Bank, professor univ. Dan Dungaciu, FUMN President, and Mr. Dumitru Prunaru, the only Romanian cosmonaut. The event was moderated by the coordinator of the volume, the Executive Director Anna Lindh Foundation Romania, Dr. Ioana Constantin-Bercean. The event was attended by members of Romanian civil society, diplomats, politicians, members of the academic community and many other friends of our project.

The GreenACT Project

Young people between the ages of 16 and 25 showing interest in Green Policy

The GreenACT project is a KA2 YOUth type project dedicated to young people, being financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program, coordinated by the D.G.T. Association, and aims to cultivate the interest of young people between the ages of 16 and 25 regarding several aspects related to the environment such as: environmental problems, a much more caring attitude towards what surrounds us, actions organized through a consortium international composed of the countries: Romania, Cyprus, Portugal, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Lithuania. During the project, both a series of materials were designed to help young people change their lifestyle, but also a series of activities: two mobilities (one dedicated to youth workers, the other to young people) and the GreenACT School organized in all partner countries.

For more information, you can access the project website: or the facebook pages: and instagram: greenact_project


Barometru Securității Energetice

Anna Lindh Foundation Romania in collaboration with the its national members, LARICS and INSCOP Research, organized on December 7 the presentation of the 4th edition of the Energy Security Barometer. The event took place in the Council Room of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest. The details and conclusions of the report were presented by prof. Dan Dungaciu, president of the Anna Lindh Foundation Romania and director of ISPRI - Romanian Academy, university professor Darie Cristea, vice dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance and Remus Ștefureac director of INSCOP Research.

The recording of the event can be watched here.

The full report can be read below.

The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies

National Network

Valahia University of Targoviste, The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies, Carol I Ave., No. 34

(004) 0727 748556
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(004) 0724 403094
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has been established in November 2008 to promote dialogue, research and knowledge between Romania and the Baltic and Nordic peoples. For now, the budgetary resources consist of monthly subscriptions of its members, allowances from different Romanian and foreign organizations or private companies in exchange for expertise being envisaged. The organization consists of some 25 members from Romania, Finland, Lithuania, France etc., the majority of whom are Romanian citizens. The association will organize seminars, conferences, publish its own yearly magazine and apply for grants from European institutions. For now, our main partners are the Finnish Embassy to Bucharest, the Lithuanian Embassy to Bucharest and the Romanian - Finnish Chamber for Commerce and Industry.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of The Romanian Association for Baltic and Nordic Studies is the promotion of research activities in the field of Baltic and Bordic studies, the encouragement of knowledge in public benefit regarding this geographical area, including by the means of education, especially of higher education, the cooperation with similar institutions and associations from Romania and abroad, the promotion of the dialogue and cooperation on the axis the Baltic Sea – the Black Sea.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects for the year 2009 are:
- organizing an international conference in September;
- editing the magazine Revista Romana pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice in December;
- participating in the Baltic Conference of Kaunas in June and in Aleksanteri Institute of Helsinki University Conference in October;
- applying for a European FP 7 grant in cooperation with other European universities;
- establishing ourselves as a recognized body in the dialogue between South-Eastern and North-Eastern and Northern Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silviu Miloiu
Head of the organisation
Silviu Miloiu, Ph.D. History, senior lecturer
Contact (2) Full Name
Oana Laculiceanu

The Romanian Association for Debate, Oratory and Rhetoric

National Network

Șos. Iancului, nr 10, bloc 114B

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure and employees: ARDOR is a federation of five regional member associations: ARDOR Transilvania, ARDOR Muntenia, ARDOR Banat, Disputa, AES. ARDOR’s Board of Directors comprises the president of ARDOR and the executive directors of the regional associations. ARDOR has only one permanent employee (the accountant), others are employed under various projects. Income in 2012 (partial): 48 000 EUR (until Sept. 2012); Income in 2011 - 28 665 EUR; Income in 2010 – 39 486 EUR. In addition to this budget, each regional association has its own income. Sources of funding: Open Society Foundation, Roma Initiatives, European Commission, Ratiu Foundation, CeeTrust Modalities of action: Annual high school and university national championships, annual regional competition, periodic open competitions and various other projects (read below under Main Project/Activities) Partners in the last years: The Mnistry of Education, Research, Youth, and Sports; Policy Center for Roma and Minorities; Center for Independent Journalism; Asociatia Pro Democratia
Mission and Objectives

ARDOR’s mission is to use academic debate as a non-formal educational tool that encourages argumentative dialogue and critical thinking. In Romania, there are approximately 50 debate clubs in high schools that function as extra-curricular activities, under the approval of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports. Also, debate was recently recognized as an official elective for the high school curricula.
Our objectives are to engage the youth in educated, skillful argumentation and public speaking, to elevate their exigencies regarding the standards of public debates (political, in the media etc), to collaborate with the formal education system in order to maximize our impact, to collaborate with other associations whose causes could be supported through dialogue and quality debates.

Main Projects / Activities

Closer to Oxford ( –online debates, argumentation and public speaking trainings, public debates with experts taking place in Universities; the project was awarded best educational project in 2011 (… ( –ARDOR and 5 European countries encourage youth to debate online and offline on European topics.
Debate in the Neighborhood ( – alternative education for disadvantaged youth
The Youth Debates – a national program implemented with the Ministry of Education, Research,Youth, and Sports
IDEA Wiki - an online debate encyclopedia in ten national languages. ARDOR managed the Romanian content.
Youth against discrimination –a series of national debates on sensitive motions regarding discrimination, supported by The National Council for Fighting Discrimination.
IDEA Youth Forum - Annual participation of Romanian teams, coaches, judges, trainers at the global debating event for high school debaters organized by the International Debate Education Association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ARDOR is the only association in Romania specialized in academic debate as an educational tool. With 14 years experience in organizing debate competitions, organizing and moderating public events, delivering trainings in debate formats, argumentation, public speaking, critical reading, composing debating curricula and establishing debate clubs, ARDOR could share its expertise with any Romanian NGO who needs a partner with the above qualifications. Also, ARDOR managed to build a strong reputation over the years (in 2011 it was awarded the best educational NGO - and has a community of excellent debaters performing at an international level and alumni who are currently great professionals. This gives us the credibility and legitimacy that many associations might look for when searching for partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We look forward to learn about associations in the Euro-Med region and collaborate with the ones that share our values and objectives. As a debate organization, we are energized by intercultural dialogue and new perspectives and ideas, and we hope we can find partners to work with to in order to improve our running programs but also to initiate strategic projects together.
Besides finding individual partners, membership to the ALF network gives our association more visibility in Europe and other Mediterranean countries. This facilitates a consortium of partners interested in enhancing capacities in civil societies through cross-sharing of best practices, developing donor relations and a platform for strengthening multi stake holder cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Mocanu
Head of the organisation
Monica Mocanu
Contact (2) Full Name
Bianca Dragomir

The Stories of Exclusion and Discrimination through Media Lens!

Young generation of journalists fighting against discrimination

The goal of this project ‘The Stories of Social Exclusion and Discrimination through Media Lens ’ was to contribute to inclusive growth by advancing the competences of youth workers to use media as tools for addressing social exclusion and discrimination.

The project provided youth workers an opportunity to increase their knowledge and understanding on the concepts of social exclusion and discrimination, to experience several media tools uncovering the process of social exclusion and discrimination and the impact of media on shaping our beliefs and opinions especially towards groups such as refugees, migrants, homeless people, drug users or people with different intellectual, mental and psychical disabilities.

Moreover, youth workers have increased their competences to build a constructive dialogue and interaction between groups facing social exclusion and discrimination and young people as essential steps in building socially inclusive societies. 

Main goal of the project is to advance the competences of youth workers to use media as tools for addressing social exclusion and discrimination.

The training course has targeted youth workers and educators (18+) that are strongly motivated to work on development and improvements of their competencies in tackling issues related to social exclusion, discrimination, building socially inclusive societies and using media tools to address the issues of social exclusion and discrimination and to engage young people in the process of building socially inclusive societies.


Check out some pictures from the Training Course “The Stories of Exclusion and Discrimination through Media Lens!” 09.11.-17.11.2022 in Gerrards Cross, London, UK! Image removed.

If you want to know more and are curious, you can find below the article and the booklet from this project, so feel free to read them!Image removed.

Link to article:

Link to booklet:

Stay tuned to find out more about other projects and work our team has done!

Monitorul Strategic

The Strategic Monitor

Historically, the Black Sea has been a major stake in the competition of great powers and an area of conflicting strategic interests. The relevance of the Black Sea can be exemplified in at least three ways: it provides the connection...