
Collateral Repair Project

National Network

13 Salti al-Ibrahimi St
Hashemi Shamali
Amman 11118

+962775-526666 (Mrs. Amanda Lane, Director)
Telephone (other)
+962777872876 (Ms. Ruba Hattar, Grants manager)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Collateral Repair Project (CRP) is a community based organization in Amman, Jordan.  It is a registered non-profit organization in the United States with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, and is registered as an international organization with the Ministry of Social Development in Jordan. CRP runs an Emergency Assistance Program providing basic needs such as food vouchers and medical referrals to refugees and impoverished Jordanians. CRP offers programs to help refugees to rebuild social ties and develop new skills. Educational and skill-building programs build knowledge and practical skills to alleviate conditions of economic insecurity. Trauma sensitivity in all CRP’s programs helps those affected by violence to process their experiences. CRP is funded through private donations and grants. Annual operating budget is around $1 million.  

Mission and Objectives

CRP assists refugees from Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, as well as impoverished Jordanians.  The majority of refugees in Jordan have been displaced for at least 5 years and are likely to remain in Jordan for years to come. More than 80% of these refugees live in poverty and are unable to legally work in Jordan. They face chronic socio-economic vulnerability and remain poorly integrated with the Jordanian host population. CRP seeks to help these vulnerable people by providing basic necessities first and then offering  education and trauma-relief programming on top of that foundation. All of CRP’s activities take place in the city of Amman in two community centers, one in in the Hashemi Shamali neighborhood and a second in the Amman Downtown.

Main Projects / Activities

Basic-Needs Assistance Program provides assistance in the form of food vouchers to the most needy refugee families. Food vouchers gives refugees some independence and a feeling of control. CRP’s Basic-Needs Assistance Program also includes medical referrals and seasonal aid. For example, in the winter CRP distributes winter clothes, blankets, heaters, and heating fuel. Youth Programs include an after-school program for children 6-12, a summer camp, a special after-school program for girls, and a number of programs for teenagers that cultivate a spirit of community service and leadership. Many refugee children have missed years of school and are behind in their learning.  Our youth programs incorporate varied educational methods to empower them to meet challenges and grow as individuals. Educational Programs and Livelihood Programs for adults deliver practical skills that may help to generate income and build confidence.  These include a robust English language program, computer education, and some vocational training such as repairing mobile phones, men’s barbershop, and women’s beauty school.  Many of these programs are led by either foreign volunteers (English classes) or beneficiaries who have risen to leadership positions and want to give back by sharing their skills with the CRP community.   Leadership Programs such as Women’s Empowerment and Men’s Leadership promote awareness of human rights, issues in society, and seek to reduce the incidence of violence within families and against women. Community members are encouraged and enabled to become advocates for their community and to volunteer at the community centers.   Trauma Relief Programs include psycho-social wellness activities such as sports, yoga, music and art therapy, and teaching relaxation techniques and conflict resolution techniques. Trauma sensitivity is integrated in all of CRP’s programs including those for children.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Collateral Repair Project works to build resilience in the refugee communities we serve.  Our beneficiaries represent a diversity of cultures from Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and other countries.  With our programs we seek to enhance the social cohesion between refugees and the host community in Jordan.   CRP and its dynamic community centers in Amman facilitate dialogue between cultures and a respect for human rights.  We can contribute to the Anna Lindh network in many ways. We have a long track record of community engagement in the Hashemi Shamali neighborhood of Amman and deep roots into the refugee communities there, and now we are working from a new community center in the Amman downtown to build a network that incorporates refugees from Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen as well as Jordanians.   CRP has expertise in data collection, analysis, and monitoring, evaluation and learning as we continually seek to improve the results of our community center programs.  We are interested to work with counterpart organizations and individuals in the city of Amman to improve and enhance the social and cultural environment of the city and to create opportunities for fruitful social and economic exchange between all the people living in Amman.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we believe it will bring more opportunities to our beneficiaries to engage in the Jordanian and regional society.  At our community centers we work hard to offer opportunities for learning and personal development to our beneficiaries of all ages, and we are particularly concerned to encourage refugee families to enroll their children in school and support their studies through the secondary level.  We hope, through the ALF Network, to find more opportunities for our community members and particularly our youth to engage with like-minded others and to be exposed to a diversity of cultural and scientific opportunities for learning. Some of the refugees we serve in Amman will be resettled to third countries, some may choose to return to their country of origin, and some will choose to remain in Jordan.  We want to prepare our beneficiaries for the future by giving them skills, resilience, and hope. We believe that cooperation with the ALF network in Jordan will enrich what CRP can offer at its community centers in Amman, that we can help people to move past mistrust and sectarianism and help both Jordanians and refugees in Jordan to participate constructively in in a larger civil society.  

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Ruba Hattar
Job Title
Partnerships & Grants Manager
Head of the organisation
Amanda Lane, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Amanda Lane
Job Title (2)
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...

Community Media Network (CMN) - راديو البلد

National Network

PO Box 20513 Amman, 142 Arrar Street, Wadi Saqra,

+ 962 6 4645487
Telephone (other)
+962 6 4645487
+962 6 4630238
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

In November 2000 the idea of an independent radio station in Jordan, whether on the internet or on the FM waves, was nothing more than a dream. When Amman mayor Nedal Hadid and UNESCO director Martin Hadlow clicked the mouse to announce the launch of the Arab world’s first internet radio station,, we had no idea where we would be years later. Our pioneering efforts online has produced results in Jordan that are unmatched in nearby Arab countries. Tens of news websites have sprouted up offering Jordanian, Arab and international surfers up-to-date and courageous news and commentaries from Jordan. Our use of the Net to broadcast radio programming was given a boost when a Palestinian radio station agreed to rebroadcast some of our programs that they downloaded from the internet. With no physical boundaries between Palestine and Jordan, these broadcasts were heard in Amman thus allowing our internet broadcasting to de facto break up the Jordan government’s monopoly over the airwaves. Within a couple of years of our going on line, His Majesty the King issued a temporary law allowing the creation of an audio visual commission, which in turn made it possible for terrestrial broadcasting. We applied for and received a ten year FM license in 2005 and have been broadcasting news, alternative music and specialized programming since then. Our challenges with our internet and radio broadcasts are huge. We often find ourselves alone in covering certain sensitive news. More often we see that our efforts are setting the agenda for all other news organizations. We have focused a lot of our work on empowering different segments of society, from high school students to college age youths, from farming women to labor activists and the handicapped. We have encouraged volunteers to use our media operations as a platform to reflect on their own issues and as a way to have a voice in a crowded media field. On the news level we have and continue to work hard on providing high quality news around the clock. We dug deep into certain issues using investigative journalism tools as well as focus on human rights violations. Al-Balad radio staff gained experience and training and have attempted to adhere to our professional code of ethics. Al-Balad radio, our community radio station in Amman, has become a model community radio providing training services and networking opportunities for local, regional and international groups. Internationally, we were the local sponsors of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMARC, which held its global meeting AMARC9 in Amman. Locally we have been a driving force behind the establishment of a Jordanian Federation of Community radio stations that include Voice of Karak, New Maan radio, Yarmouk FM and Farah Al-Nas radio. Our training efforts have and continue to help journalists and community radio activists from most surrounding Arab countries. From Tunis to Iraqi Kurdistan and from Syria to Saudi Arabia we have hosted workshops in areas such as crime of war coverage, humanizing the news and community radio training. We held regional workshops looking for ways to advance the presence of female experts in media coverage. While we enjoy a successful FM radio presence, we have not forgotten that our beginnings were online. We introduced video blogging to our site with impressive results. We organized training and gave video cameras to tens of Jordanians who were asked to record, edit and upload the results of their filming. Our original website AmmanNet has given birth to four additional sites,, and We have also expanded our work in the Arab region. We helped set up the Aswatona ( network which supports community media throughout the Arab region. With help from our donors we have directly helped support seven community radio stations and conducted three regional conferences on community media in the Arab region.;;  

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The challenges with our internet and radio broadcasts are huge. We often find ourselves alone in covering certain sensitive news. More often we see that our efforts are setting the agenda for all other news organizations.   Vision: Al-Balad radio, our community radio station in Amman, has become a model community radio providing training services and networking opportunities for local, regional and international groups. Internationally .

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Daoud Kuttab (Head of Organisation)
Head of the organisation
Daoud Kuttab

Conference of the project “Sustainable Solutions for social cohesion"


On the 3rd of June Al-Hayat Center (RASED), held the final conference of the project “Sustainable Solutions for social cohesion”, under the patronage of Her Excellency the Minister of Social Development and Head of the Ministerial Committee for the Empowerment of Women, and in the presence of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Jordan.

The Project “Sustainable Solutions for social cohesion”, was implemented with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Amman. The conference included a presentation of the project’s outputs, its impact, and the success stories it achieved, as the project worked to establish 3 training centers in 3 governorates to build the capabilities of women who own small businesses.

In addition to building the capacity of 250 women from various governorates by providing grants to 9 local civil society organizations aimed to enhancing women’s capacities and empowering them on a range of topics, how to plan, manage and develop projects, and how to package products, in addition to enhancing their capacities in using social media platforms to market their products.


Conservation of Oasis Ecosystems in the MENA Region under Water Stress

This report explores the challenges that are facing the oasis ecosystem attributed to climate change and unsustainable practices in different countries in the MENA region including Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Oman and Algeria. The report highlights examples where oasis ecosystems...

Creativity Club- Karak جمعية نادي الابداع - الكرك

National Network

karak- marj - main street
karak 00962

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

members of staff  for our organisation employed  Full time   8 Part time  3 and the main board which is contain from seven members and the head of the boared  Funder Name 1: MEPI  48: Percentage % 1   Funder Name 2  : USAID Percentage % 2 :49   Funder Name 3 : Privet Sectors   Percentage % 3:  3   Modalities of action : concrete projects, exchanges  USAID : ADRINALINE project MEPI : I HAVE A DREAM project 

Mission and Objectives

are acting as an incubator for the care of young males and females innovators and creators in early age stage. We provide the necessary facilities, expertise, and environment available which is constantly evolving to match this era's needs. Our activities include the exploration and launching of the creative energies of young males and females and nurturing those who have already unleashed their creativity, through nontraditional methods and clear paths and methodologies, such as practical activities, critical thinking, creative analysis, and teaching science in a creative and fun manner. We are also working to fortify the core of our human values and promote enlightened thought, gender equality and empowering entrepreneurs girls, a culture of dialogue and tolerance in the community in nontraditional ways through various forms of arts. We also work to strengthen cultural and knowledge exchange between young Jordanians to facilitate acceptance, and the availability of cultural and knowledge exchange between Jordanian youth and their international counterparts in a systemic and institutional manner. Additionally, we prepare young people to become entrepreneurs as well as for work in the public and private sectors. Our vision: Innovation, social, and economic progress go hand in hand wherever creativity is found, and an innovative mind is the engine for social and economic progress. Our mission: To promote and nurture the development of young minds to achieve their highest potential in creativity and innovation on a national and regional level,to become the core 

Main Projects / Activities

Our programs: age group 5-11 years: Educational skills programs in nontraditional ways using games based on the idea of "play and learn" through the Thinking Room, which includes fun science programs. Entertainment programs through festivals, carnivals and excursions. Design, installation and programming of the robot using LEGO pieces. Smart electrons program Math using chess Principles of drawing age group 12-17 years: Animation, digital gaming industry and software programming for non-programmers Literary creativity workshops Music workshops Fine Arts workshops Design, installation and programming of the robot for an advanced stage within (Tetrex) program. Courses in life skills (Basic soft skills) Specialized computer courses English language courses Photography courses Voluntary activities to serve the needs of the local community Skills courses for determining vocational and academic path through a specialized program entitled "I Have a Dream" consisting of: basic life skills and training for leadership, financial awareness, entrepreneurship work ethics and the requirements of the labor market. Age group 18-22 years: Robot programs and specialized electronics Computer Programs English language courses Voluntary activities programs Literary creativity, music, fine art and photography courses Courses in the field of entrepreneurial ideas and electronics in collaboration with Intel European license Entrepreneurship courses "Easy Business" which includes accounting, planning, business management and project management Courses in communication skills "I have a dream" program tailored to this age group with two-streams: Entrepreneurship and employability Paid work during the summer holidays in the private sector University scholarships to the most innovative youth. Providing Age group 22+ years (graduates): Entrepreneurship for establishing and managing small enterprises Employability program to qualify graduates to work in the private sector Training with private companies and institutions on the understanding of the labor market Training on writing a resume and how to conduct job interviews Computer software training English language programs Voluntary activities and community service Woman's Program: The empowerment of women through "You are the core of community" which includes courses in basic life skills, mental health, reproductive health and computer skills. In order to support innovators and creators, we are currently working on the development of specific programs that serve our goal in nurturing the innovators through inviting their mothers to attend the same training courses with their children The total number of beneficiaries during the period from 1/1/2011 until 01/03/2016 is 4107( 2271 are females) Recently we supported two girls; Salma Hab. to participate in leadership program at Georgetown University in US, and Razan Sara. participated in in implementation of advanced scientific research in Grenoble Institute of Technology 

Contact (1) Full Name
hanin fuad abuhijleh
Job Title
Director of Programs
Head of the organisation
Husam Mostafa AL-tarawneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Khalid Gazi Burqan
Job Title (2)
Director Manager

Daem for Media Center

National Network

Rasheed Area

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
General Information
Daem for Media Center is a non-governmental organization established in Amman 2012 to develop the media sector throughout providing training and continuous education to journalists in their skills, rights and conditions. The Administrative of Daem (7 persons) are former administrative in TV stations, Radio producers, owners and publishers of electronic news sites, creating TV programs & campaigns, staff of Daem are media specialists holding BA from universities in media and journalist. Daem working on several projects with UNISCO, EU, USAID to develop media sector.
Mission and Objectives

1. Provide internal and external professional training courses to journalists.
2. Disseminate cultural and educational awareness within media outlets in Jordan.
3. Implement the activities of advocacy in support of the reform process and information along with decision-makers and general public.
4. Work and cooperate with relevant sectors to support the democratic freedom, fighting hate speech in media and accepting minorities' rights.
5. Expose lines of cooperation with various Arab and international institutions concerned with the affairs of media.

Main Projects / Activities

-Training courses for media sector to cover elections 2013 in coordination with US Embassy in Amman.
- Implementing the rights of access to information project with UNISCO 2013-2014.
- Developing women parliament Members role in Media project with MEPI 2013-2014.
-  Raising Awareness of Digital Broadcasting in Jordan project with OSF 2014.
-  Enhancing provinces Youth awareness in info sources with King Abdullah II Fund/ Tamkeen Demoqrati 2014.
- lobbying to change article 308 in the Jordanian law founded by Netherland government 2014_2016.
- Empowering sport TV reporters 2016 founding by king Abdullah fund.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdel Fattah Al Kayed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdel Fattah Al Kayed

Daem for Media Center

National Network

Rasheed Area

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Daem is a non-governmental non-profit organization established in Amman – Jordan early in 2012 concerned to enhance the freedom environment by directing media sector attention on development subjects. The stockholders of Daem are experts in civil society and media transactions as the administrative of Daem are ex-administrative in TV stations, Radio, owners and publishers of electronic news sites, creating TV and radio programs & campaigns. The 7 full time staff of Daem are media specialists holding BA and Master Degrees from universities in media and journalism. Main Previous Projects: -Training courses for journalists both sex to cover elections 2013 in coordination with US Embassy in Amman. - Implementing project "the rights of access to information" project with UNISCO 2013-2014. - Developing women parliament Members role in Media outlets with MEPI 2013-2014 -  Raising Awareness of Digital Broadcasting in Jordan project with OSF 2014. -  Enhancing provinces Youth both sex awareness in info sources with King Abdullah II Fund/ 2014. - Lobbying and campaigning to cancel article 308 in the Jordanian law (Exclusion punishing the rapist in case of marriage the victim) supported by Netherland Embassy 2014-2016. - Developing Government spokesmen in media skills supported by US Government 2016. - Empowering 11 both gender sport TV reporters 2016 supported by king Abdullah fund 2016. - Organizing "Rethinking women Journalists" for 25 European and Mideterainian women Journalists in partnership with International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) 2017. - European Union visual awareness production 2016 & 2017. - Empowering Women Members of Parliament in Social Media 2017-2018 supported by JWC. - Media Influence program for Yemeni women with EU- Delegation 2018.
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to the consolidation of the concepts of human rights; support the media and the right of access to information. We seek to develop our media sector, through the provision of training and continuing education for media People, and contribute to the process of political, social, economic and legislative reform, support freedom of the media and journalists, and provide specialized legal aid to them in media Cases and issues.
1. Training media Personnel and journalists.
2. Implement the activities of advocacy in support of the reform process and information along with decision-makers.
3. Working with relevant sectors to support democracy, the freedom of information.
4. Open lines for youth to express thoughts and raising voices to do change.
5. Legal defense of journalists and media organizations. 

Main Projects / Activities

Main Previous Projects:
-Training courses for journalists both sex to cover elections 2013 in coordination with US Embassy in Amman.
- Implementing project "the rights of access to information" project with UNISCO 2013-2014.
- Developing women parliament Members role in Media outlets with MEPI 2013-2014
-  Raising Awareness of Digital Broadcasting in Jordan project with OSF 2014.
-  Enhancing provinces Youth both sex awareness in info sources with King Abdullah II Fund/ 2014.
- Lobbying and campaigning to cancel article 308 in the Jordanian law (Exclusion punishing the rapist in case of marriage the victim) supported by Netherland government 2014-2016.
- Developing Government spokesmen in media skills supported by US Government 2016.
- Empowering 11 both gender sport TV reporters 2016 supported by king Abdullah fund 2016.
- Organizing "Rethinking women Journalists" for 25 European and Mideterainian women Journalists in partnership with International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF).
- European Union media activities video producer 2016 & 2017.
- Empowering Women Members of Parliament in Social Media project supported by UN Women.
- Signed a memorandum of understanding with Radio and Television Corporation in order to develop the content and exchange expertise and held trainings for radio and TV staff.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can establish new chances for International organization to work in Jordan and to be a good partner for them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking to build relations with International organization to enhance our capacity building and open new lines for cooperation.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Abdel Fattah Al Kayed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Abdel Fattah Kayed
Contact (2) Full Name
Shahed Deebajah
Job Title (2)
Operation Manager

Daman Al Ma'refa Academy for Education and Training - أكاديمية ضمان المعرفة للتعليم والتدريب

National Network

Mafraq - Jordan

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
أكاديمية ضمان المعرفة للتعليم والتدريب: مؤسسة تعليمية أردنية تسعى لمواكبة المنحى الحداثي في تدريب وتطوير الموارد البشرية في القطاعين العام والخاص أردنيا وعربيا ،لتلبية الاحتياجات التنموية الشاملة ومتطلبات السوق المتصاعدة،من خلال تميزها باعتماد احدث المناهج التعليمية والتدريبية واستخدام أفضل الوسائل والطرق والكفاءات والتسهيلات وتوظيف أدوات تكنولوجيا المعلومات وبناء الشراكات في تنفيذ برامجها لتحقيق النتائج المنشودة.
Mission and Objectives

رؤية الأكاديمية:
الوصول لبيئة تعليمية متميزة تساهم في إيجاد موارد بشرية منافسة
رسالة وغايات الأكاديمية
تستند ممارسة الأكاديمية في عملها إلى استراتيجيه واعية ومتميزة ومتقدمة علمياً ومهنياً وتقوم على أساس:
• الإيمان والثقة المطلقين بأن الإنسان الأردني قادر بالتأكيد - إذا أتيحت له الفرص - على النهوض والارتقاء والمنافسة المهنية مع أمثاله في الدول المتقدمة.
• مأسسة وتأكيد التوجه الوطني المتمثل في أن استثمار الطاقات والقدرات والخبرات العلمية والمهنية والفنية الأردنية المتاحة هو البديل الأمثل للخبرات الأجنبية.
• الإسهام في تأهيل الكوادر الإدارية والفنية وتنمية مهاراتها وتوجيه سلوكها وصقل قدراتها ليساعد على تحقيق فعالية مؤسساتنا الأردنية واستثمار مواردنا المتاحة بأفضل الطرق.
• تكامل الخدمة التعليمية و التدريبية وذلك بشمول الدورات وورش العمل والمؤتمرات في كافة الجوانب المتعلقة بالتنمية وذلك من خلال شبكة واسعة من الخبراء الاختصاصيين لديها.
• تهيئة وإيجاد البيئة التعليمية والتدريبية المناسبة والمنافسة.

Main Projects / Activities

عقد المؤتمرات والندوات التعليمة وتقديم الاستشارات

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلل اقيام بانشطة وتنفيذ مشاريع تتوافق مع اهداف الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتواصل مع المنظمات الاعضاء ولاكتساب الخبرة وتبادلها
امكانية المشاركة في نشاطات تساهم في بناء قدرات اعضاء الشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonia Al Fares
Head of the organisation
Sonia Al Fares

Dana and Qadisiyah Local Community Cooperative جمعية أبناء ضانا والقادسية التعاونية

National Network

66666 municipalty street, Dana

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+962 77 6767716
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Established 1994 by the local youth of the 2 rural villages; Dana and Qadisiyah 200Km south to Amman. The general assembly involve 89 members including 3 organization member. It has seven member elected board of directors (volunteers). It depends mainly of donations from community members or national and international organization to fund its work. It has started youth work since 2001 by participating in Marhaba EVS a seminar conducted by the national coordinator of the EuroMed youth Program in Jordan. Then it participated in several Euromed events in UK,Italy,France, Turkey, Austria, Egypt, Germany,Tunisia,..etc. Some of our partners: Jugendzentrum Perg-AUSTRIA, Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo- Italy, UNGt resurscentra i Eksjö/Youth Service Centre, EMYB- European Mediterranean Youth Bridge, Toucan Europe,…etc.
Mission and Objectives

Working for the comprehensive development of the local community through mobilizing youth to participate actively in the community. Invest in Ecotourism and sustainable development, preservation of cultural and natural heritage of the community . Involving more and more youth in the community.

Main Projects / Activities

- Information Technology and community service center; a station for training and knowledge using internet and computer tools. In addition to seminars,lectures and public awareness programs. - Support students at school and university. - Revival of cooperation tradition and introduce regular (committed) voluntarism. - Empowerment of local community through human rights and law education. - Establishing subgroups to deal with different issues and challenges that face the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khalid Khawaldeh
Head of the organisation
Amer shadeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Yahia Alkhawaldeh