
Dar Aleghwan For Studies and Research

National Network

Jordan-Irbid- Aydoun - P.O.Box 29

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
DARALEGHWAN DARALEGHWAN for Studies and Research, registered at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Jordan, and is licensed by the Department of Press and Publications since 2009 under the number (211448). Our goals: 1. Help spreading science and knowledge through scientific research. 2. Achieve the goals of education, knowledge-sharing and cultures between different individuals and bodies. 3. Contribute to the development of scientific research based on sound planning and success in various ways of life. 4. Contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of scientific research, in collaboration with universities and research institutions and centers of Arab and foreign. 5. Provide national service to conduct studies and research related to various community issues, to contribute to the solution of problems, and proper planning for a promising future for generations. 6. Contribute to the development of scientific research, and to upgrade and standardize concepts, and cooperation with universities and research centers in the arbitration of research, and the development of a unified framework for indexed and published in order to preserve the intellectual property rights. Vision: Science; basis of life, and is available success, and has measured the success of nations, and it depends proper planning, it is right, and its level of creation teams; preferred to the world on others; and its Tool is reading; The reform; starts from the self, and stems from religion and values and ethics stones, and research sober and scientific way to achieve this. DAR ALEGHWAN For Studies& Research establishments at 2009, from 5 Good Experiences Researchers we look to approved the Research work, and to: 1. Assist the deployment of science and knowledge through scientific research. 2. Achieve the goals of education, knowledge sharing between individuals, cultures and different bodies. 3. Contribute to the development of scientific research based on sound planning and success in various ways of life. 4. Contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of scientific research, in collaboration with universities and research institutions and centers of Arab and foreign countries. 5. Provide the service of national studies and research related to different social issues, to contribute to solving problems, and proper planning for a promising future for generations. 6. Contribute to the development of scientific research, promotion and standardization of concepts, and collaboration with universities and research centers in arbitration research, and to develop a unified framework for indexing and dissemination in order to preserve intellectual property rights.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Who reads the neighborhood and who does not read the dead and that cropped up in the veins of life; Let us hasten to publish a proper reading to explore the facts, and to be a balance of cognitive help us in the conduct of scientific research effectively, harness the capabilities and capacities to gain access to the grounds, and propose possible solutions to solve our issues different, and have our planning properly for the future promising.

Main Projects / Activities

The nature of the work of the Foundation are the studies and research, and the most important achievements:
1. A study applied field orientations of citizens toward parliamentary elections in 2009 covering 10 provinces Balmemklh.
2. Work with the National Center for Human Rights on a program of political reform and democracy in Jordan, and see us for the National Alliance for political reform, which represented 45 institutions from various provinces in addition to associations and organizations and individuals, and lasted for two years, resulted in the National Congress for the reform of the electoral process, was taking the recommendations of the committee that has the constitutional amendments and the establishment of the Independent Commission for Elections .. etc.
3. Supervising the electoral process and evaluation in cooperation with the National Center for Human Rights for the parliamentary elections in 2010. Where he was to report violations and detailed observations were addressing many of the issues through the report.
Supervise the municipal elections were stopped after follow-up the registration process due to the government's decision to stopping them, which resulted in her arrest because the law of our recommendations which are gaps, and registration is not satisfactory Vtm stopped him the first month of registration and preparation.
4. A descriptive study about the reality of the elderly in Jordan and that was the call through the results of a survey of the reality of the elderly.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jordan resides in more than one hundred different research institution, which alone is weak, and strong partnership with each other, one of our goals and strengthen the relationship with Acharakae.
Just as our main objectives summarize the development and the development of means of scientific research.
The state does not depend very much scientific research to plan a way you will not be planning a success.
And Jordan, a country with scarce resources is located in the heart of the various crises, and influenced by a need for more empirical studies to guide planners in order to improve the life chances of the human person, and access to real development that lead to human well-being and the realization of individual rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We hope to be collaborating with all partners, research institutions, and organizations that support democratic and constructive dialogue between the sons of Adam, peace be upon him.
And look forward to develop ourselves and develop our expertise with the participation of major institutions with expertise and capabilities, to learn from it and benefit from their experience and benefit from the exchange of experiences in the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Naelah Mihdawi
Head of the organisation
Hussein MahmoudAlshgairat
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatimah Alghafly

Debate Society for Enabling the Culture of Dialogue

National Network

Madineh Monawarah St. #204 3rd floor, Office 311
Amman 11910

Telephone (other)
079 047 6030
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Debate Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2011. We at Debate Foundation work on the promotion of a culture of dialogue and engaging civil society in research, constructive debate and analysis on domestic issues such as economic and social policy, community development, social justice, and political reform. We take a three-pronged approach: - Research - Capacity-building - Dialogue programs
Mission and Objectives

Vision: A society that is informed, engaged, and tolerant Mission: We aim to: Enable political and visionary thinking by promoting a culture of dialogue To promote civic-mindedness and communication To promote volunteerism, teamwork, and leadership

Main Projects / Activities

“Debating Democracy and Social Justice in Jordan”: In Cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert “Dialogue and Democracy in Civil Society”: In Cooperation with Stressman Foundation “Youth House of Representative Project”: In Cooperation with Youth for Youth Association

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Yazan Juber
Head of the organisation
Mr. Basel Al-Hamad
Contact (2) Full Name
Basel Al-Hamad

Debate Society for Enabling the Culture of Dialogue

National Network

Madineh Monawarah St. #204 3rd floor, Office 311 Amman Jordan
Amman 11910

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Debate Society for Enabling the Culture of Dialogue Debate Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2011. We at Debate Foundation work on the promotion of a culture of dialogue and engaging civil society in research, constructive debate and analysis on domestic issues such as economic and social policy, community development, social justice, and political reform. We take a three-pronged approach: - Research - Capacity-building - Dialogue programs
Mission and Objectives

Enable political and visionary thinking by promoting a culture of dialogue
To promote civic-mindedness and communication
To promote volunteerism, teamwork, and leadership
A society that is informed, engaged, and tolerant of all members of society

Main Projects / Activities

“Debating Democracy and Social Justice in Jordan”: In Cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert
“Dialogue and Democracy in Civil Society”: In Cooperation with Stressman Foundation
“Youth House of Representative Project”: In Cooperation with Youth for Youth Association

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Basel Al-Hamad
Job Title
Executive Committee Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Basel Al-Hamad

Democratically Promising Family association

National Network

Amman- Al-Abdale- building Al-Afefe (8)
Amman 11190

Telephone (other)
009624680468 - 009624634464
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Mission: Cooperation with the governmental, private and international organizations to develop the life of the individual of whatsoever ability, religion or perspective. This association belongs to all family members. It embraces their ideas, develop their lives and provides well – informed plans with scientific, educational and social methodology to put our families on the track of success and build a better society. (We would be delighted to have you as active members to have carry out the mission together.) Objectives: The headquarters of the association is in Amman, and it performs its work in all parts of the kingdom and for all members of the family. The association seeks to develop the lives of the youth, enlighten the mothers who are virtuous nursemaids and guide the father to construct righteous families in society. The main objectives of the association concentrate on the following: 1. Contributing in elevating the level of consciousness among the various categories of civil society to realize a society that believes in diversity.  2. Holding different training programs in all the domains that could develop the member of society and guide them to success. 3. Holding workshops and conferences in cooperation with local and international entities to enhance the values of cooperation and intellectual development among the participants. 4. Emphasizing the importance of the youth and women to serve the issues of local society. 5. Fostering the values of civil society based on justice, equality, freedom, democracy and acceptance of the other. 6. Observing various phenomena in society and presenting appropriate solutions in cooperation with the competent bodies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 7. Building the capacity of individuals and institutions and empowering them to create positive changes in society.  
Mission and Objectives

Cooperation with the governmental, private and international organizations to develop the life of the individual of whatsoever ability, religion or perspective. This association belongs to all family members. It embraces their ideas, develop their lives and provides well – informed plans with scientific, educational and social methodology to put our families on the track of success and build a better society.
(We would be delighted to have you as active members to have carry out the mission together.)
The headquarters of the association is in Amman, and it performs its work in all parts of the kingdom and for all members of the family. The association seeks to develop the lives of the youth, enlighten the mothers who are virtuous nursemaids and guide the father to construct righteous families in society. The main objectives of the association concentrate on the following:
1. Contributing in elevating the level of consciousness among the various categories of civil society to realize a society that believes in diversity.
2. Holding different training programs in all the domains that could develop the member of society and guide them to success.
3. Holding workshops and conferences in cooperation with local and international entities to enhance the values of cooperation and intellectual development among the participants.
4. Emphasizing the importance of the youth and women to serve the issues of local society.
5. Fostering the values of civil society based on justice, equality, freedom, democracy and acceptance of the other.
6. Observing various phenomena in society and presenting appropriate solutions in cooperation with the competent bodies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
7. Building the capacity of individuals and institutions and empowering them to create positive changes in society.

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع تدريب المواطنة وتوعية الشباب يحقوقهم القانونية
برنامج مساعدة الأيتام بشهر رمضان
سلسلة محاضرات التوعية حول الديمقراطية في محافظات الأردن للشباب
عقد مذكرات تفاهم مع رؤوساء البلديات ومراكز السباب في الأردن
توقيع تعاون مع جمعية في جمهورية سلوفينيا
توقيع اتفاقية عمل مع جمعية الشبكة الأورتومتوطية للتربية على المواطنة في فرنسا

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عمل العديد من المشاريع والبرامج الخاصة باستثمار طاقات الشباب التطوعية والتدريبية والابداعية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لما نسمعه عنها من نشاطات واسعة ومتميزة وهادفة لجميع فئات المجتمع وخاصة الشباب 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr.Eman Ameen Al-shamileh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr.Eman Ameen Al-SHamileh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Al-Ofeshat
Job Title (2)

Desert Bloom for Training & Sustainable Development

National Network

Tela Alai
Ghazi Arabiyat Street
AMMAN 11186

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Desert Bloom a Jordanian nonprofit dedicated to unleashing people’s potential to contribute to world’s peace and sustainability. We reinforce global competencies and universal morality to prepare people for an inclusive and sustainable world. Desert Bloom leadership comprise 4 executive staff (GM, Finance Manager, Iraq Rep. and Youth’s Projects Coordinator) and 7 Advisory Board members who provide governance, guidance and financial support (up to JOD 5000 per year). Main Activities: Capacity development and economic empowerment, focusing on: Transversal (Soft) Skills (Interpersonal & Intra-personal skills, Leadership & Management, Global citizenship, Media and Information literacy). Technical (Hard) Skills (English Language, Strategic Management & Business Modelling, Project Management, Financial Management, Filmmaking). Preventing Violent Extremism & Youth Radicalization. Vocational Training (internships & apprenticeships) 2. Intercultural dialogue & culture of peace 3. Voluntary work & humanitarian assistance. Our main partners AL-Qadisiyah College (Educational institution) Service Civil International (SCI)- Volunteering for Peace URI MENA, Jordan   URI Global Network GRENZENLOS Interkultureller Austausch- Austria Adefis Juventud Internacional- Spain. Vision 2020 Leadership Initiative, Manchester, UK COOPERATIVA SOCIALE SHANNARA ONLUS- Italy Seeds of Peace, USA

Mission and Objectives

Desert Bloom mission is: Empowering people and keep them on the cutting edge to thrive and harness their potential, while promoting an increasingly collaborative world where people, particularly youth, have the opportunity and skills to contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world. Our objective is to foster sustainable development through People Empowerment, Intercultural Understanding, Volunteerism and  Global Citizenship Education. We develop community and youth capacity to enable people to take greater control of their own lives and to actively engage in confronting economic, political, social and environmental challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus Plus projects (Youth Exchanges, Training Courses and European Solidarity Corps) Developing Entrepreneurship Competencies Program Preventing violent extremism through education program International and Local Voluntary Work Camps

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing our experience and exchange resources with ALF’s network members. Participating with ALF activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Build up new partnership with like-minded organizations. Explore cooperation opportunities with ALF’s network members to develop new projects. Enhance our visibility Benefit from ALF grants

Contact (1) Full Name
Mamoun Khreisat
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Mamoun Khreisat
Contact (2) Full Name
Samer Kasih
Job Title (2)
Coordinator of Youth Projects
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Diaspora - Awareness about Migrations in the Mediterranean

Both Jordan and Portugal face and deal with the reality of migration – a phenomenon historically rooted in the Euro-Mediterranean region. With these observations in mind, the organisers of Diaspora - Awareness about Migration in the Mediterranean set out to...

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Diaspora - Sensibilisation aux migrations en Méditerranée

La Jordanie et le Portugal sont confrontés à la réalité de la migration et font face à un phénomène historiquement enraciné dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. Gardant ces observations à l'esprit, les organisateurs de « Diaspora - Sensibilisation à la migration...

Dibeen Association for Environmental Development

National Network

Amman - jabal al husain
Jarash - al kita
Jerash Dibeen

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Dibeen Association for Environmental Development (DIBEEN) is an independent public benefit, non-governmental, non-profit association established in 2010 by a group of environmental activists under the authorization of the Jordanian Ministry of Environment. The association is concerned with protecting the environment and conserving natural resources as well as the development of capacities and skills to improve and upgrade the environmental reality and its work includes all regions of the Kingdom. The Association seeks to achieve its objectives within the available resources and support available, and by developing and providing many environmental projects and work to those organizations and bodies concerned, taking into consideration the recent developments and mechanisms of sustainable environmental development.
Mission and Objectives

Provide consulting, research, education and empowerment services in partnership with the public and private sectors and civil society institutions as well as strengthen the cooperation and coordination of efforts to preserve the environment among these stakeholders, which would contribute to the achievement of sustainable environmental development in accordance with international standards, and this is done through:
• Human resources development; skills and efficiency development.
• Effective communication between the Association and the local community
• Optimal exploitation of natural resources
• diverse research
• The involvement of all citizens to benefit from the development results
Dibeen Association for Environmental Development seeks to introduce a new model in the environmental field, especially with the emergence of recent environmental problems in parallel with the development of modern methods and techniques to protect the environment from such risks. Moreover, to convert these solutions to development projects and activities with social and economic effects, represented in the establishment of innovative environmental projects and launch of an online national environmental network.

Main Projects / Activities

A. Project title: 3Rs in schools
B. Donor: Internal financing.
C. Outputs: A project for the introduction of environmental concepts in schools such as waste reduction, reuse and recycling. “Recycling, Reduce, Re-use” project helps children realize the importance of protecting the environment from solid wastes and managing it, as well as creative methods of waste disposal. This ongoing project has helped four elementary schools to be leaders in environmental work.
A. Project title: Apiary project for the production of honey
B. Donor: Ministry of Social Development.
C. Outputs: The association realized the importance of having a productive income-generating project in order to ensure direct funding for the continuity of the various environmental and developmental activities, so it came up with the idea of having a honey production project especially for the Association. The project is currently implemented, and provides work opportunities for youth, in addition to providing the association staff with the experience of managing income generating projects.

A. Project title: Use of solar energy for water heating in houses, a project of solar heaters.
B. Donor: Global Environment Facility (GEF)
C. Outputs: The project aims to make people aware of the importance of clean solar energy use in order to protect the environment from carbon emissions, in order to save on electricity and oil, as they are types of non-renewable energy. In addition to the importance of the use of solar energy in homes to reduce public expenditure where the electricity depletes about one third of the household income. The project is ongoing and includes the following activities: 45 solar heaters were distributed to families using a loan interest-free system, several workshops were held, and publications were distributed to emphasize the importance of clean energy use.
A. Project title: Green Snowball Initiative.
B. Donor: The Bibliotheca of Alexandrina, with the associate with Taking It Global (TIG)
C. Outputs: a youth project carried out by a group of young volunteers to spread awareness on the subject of climate change, in order to increase green space and our partners and volunteers carry out the project activities, a volunteer project primarily, and the most important awareness Society programs of the 2011-till now.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn and exchange experiences in using the related art in the areas of development

Contact (1) Full Name
Hala Murad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hala Murad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Rawashdeh
Job Title (2)
Program manger

Digital Media Diary

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

I would like to update my work platforms on your database and this is my new website that was a supporter of my blog, it's a totally self-financed website and is still in the first steps to be popular.
This website specializes in all aspects relevant to digital media, new media, social networking sites, and media in general in all of its previously existing and current forms. Also, it offers numerous media, advertising, and research services, as well as articles that talks about internet privacy concerns and data storage and usage difficulties.

Mission and Objectives

Raising awareness of privacy issues via the Internet and issues of preserving and using data, and providing various media, advertising and research services.

Main Projects / Activities

Providing media content aimed at raising awareness through various media on issues such as the proper use of social networking sites, positive digital integration with society and the environment, as well as protecting the user from the dangers of the Internet and various social networking sites, such as children's addiction to social networking sites.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

It would be great for me to have membership in this organization, as my interactions with the local and external community will be organized and purposeful in a way that increases my knowledge and increases my experiences.
I have been working in the field of journalism and content writing for 5 years, and my first goal is to educate society about sensitive issues that have strong repercussions on our society as a third-world country.
Through my website and the articles I publish, I will work to spread awareness and articles supported by data and facts that contribute to the development of my country and the Mediterranean region as a whole, the most important of which is the digital media integration of environmental issues, sustainable development, and the protection of society, women and children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network has an excellent reputation and good and practical opportunities that enable me to increase my knowledge of the issues and solutions facing our region, as well as being an international organization that will be a milestone in my practical and scientific career as well, through which I can improve my country and my society.

Contact (1) Full Name
rana alrabadi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rana AlRabadi