
Friends of Development and Investment Association (FDIS)

National Network


00962 795836736
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Friends of Development and Investment Society / Jerash was founded in February 2007 by the authorization of the Ministry of the Interior. Its members are a number of experienced and active people in the public work. The society took into account that among its members a multitude of degrees in various science disciplines in order to enable the Society to participate in the planning of strategies for overall development in the governorate of Jerash in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Since the development of health is the pillar of the overall development, the society has included a number of specialists in many areas of health in its membership (doctors, public health professionals),and its members have many previous experiences in the areas of health education on a wide range of health issues such as meningitis, hepatitis, AIDS and others ...). The society and its members have also experience in organizing conferences workshops, coordination and networking with various institutions of civil society. Because the society realizes the integrated relationship between health development and the overall sustainable development, health issues are a priority in our future strategies, in order to make it a public concern rather than a burden on the health workers only. • 6. Balance between development and investment projects on the one hand and the preservation of cultural and popular heritage of the communities on the other. 7. Promote environment friendly tourism projects as the next era tourism and an important source of income for local communities, while maintaining the biodiversity and the preservation of nature and the environment. 8. Work to attract the awareness and training programs for the rehabilitation of local communities in all areas to deal positively with the development and investment projects and spread culture of development among the members of the community, and work on integration and communication between local communities and the investment projects, on the other. 9. Spread and clarify the concepts of development and investment, to help the community adopt these values, and concepts, and involve in the formulation of policies in the context of sustainable development for local communities.
Mission and Objectives

General objectives:
The society works to achieve the following objectives:
1. Work with the popular and official bodies in all possible and legitimate ways in order to create the environment to be attractive for investment, and supportive of the national economy in line with the royal visions, and to highlight the modern image of Jordan as a model of democracy and state of institutions.
2. Cooperation with all governmental and quasi-governmental and civil society institutions concerned with the overall sustainable development and to communicate with the Arab and international bodies and forums on the economic prospects for the detection of investment and development.
3. Work to involve local communities in development projects in all its aspects and give a chance to look at and participate in the formulation of development policies and investment to ensure that opportunities for increasing income, and gaining the support to them through a package of economic and social benefits.
4. To provide opportunities for women's gender through awareness, training and rehabilitation programs and to give them the proper role they deserve as they represent 50% of the community and including them in the core targeted groups.
5. Active participation in health development and involvement to make the task of the health concern a public one, and not a burden on the health workers only.

Main Projects / Activities

establishing FDIS’s Resiliency and Life Skills International School as the first of its kind in Jordan, and it will:
 Teach youth the necessary skills to resist social (peer) pressures to smoke, drink, and use drugs
 Help youth to develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence
 Enable youth to effectively cope with anxiety
 Increase their knowledge of the immediate consequences of substance abuse
 Enhance cognitive and behavioral competency to reduce and prevent a variety of health risk behaviors

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by sharing the information with our partners & counterparts

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to expand our Internationale network and enhance the cooperation with our European neighbors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ghadeer Nassar
Head of the organisation
Muna Alalul
Contact (2) Full Name
Muna Alalul

Friends of Jordan Festivals

National Network

24 Ibrahim Ayoub Street
Amman 11181

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The organization was established in 2010 and comprises a board of 4 persons.
It has an employed staff of 8 persons.
It relies on funding from the private sector and/or donors.
It manages concerte cultural projects and festivals since 2010 (see attached file)
It has collaborations with the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and the Jordan Tourism Board and the Petra Authority for Development and Tourism.

Mission and Objectives

· Implement His Majesty King Abdullah’s vision in promoting Jordan as a touristic, cultural and economic destination
· Position Jordan on the International Cultural and Entertainment Map endorsing the country’s heritage sites
· Create and sustain a festival of Culture and Arts to enhance tourism in Jordan and develop the cultural awareness within all ages and tiers of the Jordanian society
· Promote cross cultural interaction and diversity, social coherence, well-being and tolerance and contributing to sustainable social development and peace
· Create sustainable job opportunities and boost the local economy
· Promote and encourage young Jordanian talents and preserve Jordanian cultural identity
· Make the festival’s performances accessible to all and achieve social inclusion

Main Projects / Activities

Jordan Festival 1st Edition - 2010

·         Pink Martini

·         Il Divo

·         Shaolin Monks

·         Amal Maher Tribute to Oum Koulthoum

·         Raphael Amargo Flamenco Show

·         Kathem Al-Saher

·         Mercan Dede

·        Palestine Youth Orchestra
·        Rim Banna & Jadal
·        Itar Shame’ – Omar
·        Faqir – Aziz Maraqa
·        Talal Abu Ragheb & Zohrab

·        Macadi Nahhas
·        Farida & Iraqi Maqams

Johann Straus Orchestra (Amman, Dead Sea & Aqaba)

Cirque du Soleil

9 days of Christmas

Cirque de Glace

Opera Cosi Fan Tutte

Amman Citadel Festival 2013 :

·         Julio Iglesias

·         The Sound of Music

·         Marcel Khalife

·         Tribute to Abdel Halim Hafez Khaled Selim

·         Hani Mitwassi & Linda Hijazi

·         Blessed Cecilia the Choir of London

·         Mohammad Assaf – Farah Youssef

·         Palestine Youth Orchestra

Amman Spring Series

DJ Ravin from Buddha Bar Paris

Series Amman Jazz Festival

Gala Flamenca

Music Hall

Mamma Mia Smash Hit Musical

Peter Pan On Ice International

Taj Express – the Bollywood Musical

Amman Citadel Festival 2016:

·         Marcel Khalife

·         Yanni

·         Fire of Anatolia

Snow White on Ice

Palestinian Sinatra Omar Kamal

The Palestine youth Orchestra

Andrea Bocelli

Classical Concert Cycle:

·         Eduard & Jiri Kollert

·         Guillaume Effler&Kanae  Endo

Amman Piano Festival

·         Yasmin Alami

·         Antonio Di Cristofano

·         Muraad Layousse and Bank Al Etihad String Quartet

Jordan Festival 2018 (*) featuring:

·         Pianist Ghadeer Abaido & Bank Al Etihad String Quartet

·         Soprano Dima Bawab&Baritone Rudi Fernandez& Pianist Murad Layousse

·         British Pop singer Tom Odell

·         Tunisian singer Emel Mathlouthi

·         Tribute to Umm Kalthoum: Egyptian Reham Abdel Hakim

·        Coldplay

A full calendar of events is lined up for 2023.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our experience and important network in Jordan, we can contribute in spreading awareness about the ALF in Jordan, and helping it in implementing its mission, mostly empowering the youth through Arts and Music, as well as supporting civil society and influencing the policy makers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation to be part of the Dialogue Between Cultures, and be part of its network of civil society organisations dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region.

We believe that our mission align with the Anna Lindh Foundation mission and we can be an added value to its network.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Souha Bawab
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mr Issam Salfiti, Chairman, Mrs Souha Bawab, Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Issam Salfiti
Job Title (2)

Future Makers Center مركز صنّاع المسبتقبل

National Network

Maan City center Wasat Al Balad
Palestine Street, Opposite of Minsitry of Education
Ma'an, POBox 262

962 3 2136902
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
962 777302344
Mobile Phone (other)
962 776652274
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information

مركز صناع المستقبل - معان مؤسسة ثقافية تعمل على تفعيل دور الشباب في مجتمعهم وأكساب الخبرات والمهارات اللازمة.   جمعية "مركز صناع المستقبل" هي جمعية ثقافية تأُسست بتاريخ 10\5\ 2010 تحت الرقم التاسيسي (150\هـ ) وتتبع لاختصاصات وزارة الثقافة ومقرها الرئيسي محافظة معان وتمارس نشاطاتها في نطاق المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية , ويبلغ عدد اعضائها المسجلين رسميا 12 عضو ويشغل منصب نائب الرئيس فتاة , بينما تجاوز عدد المستفدين والمشاركين في نشاطات الجمعية بشكل مستمر ما يقارب 150 شخص .       وجاء تأسيس الجمعية بناءا على مبادرة قادها مجموعة من الشباب في محافظة معان شعروا منهم بضرورة وجود كيان لهم يستطيعون من خلالة التعبير عن انفسهم والمشاركة في الحياة الاجتماعية بشكل مجدي ومؤثر .

Mission and Objectives

ورسالتنا  التواصل الفعّال مع الشباب الاردني والعمل على رفع كفاءاتهم وخبراتهم وجعلهم أكثر انتاجا وتأثيرا في مجتمعاتهم , واعداهم للانخراط بمختلف مجالات الحياه العامه . ومن أهم اهدافنا : 1 – تفعّيل مشاركة المجتمع المحلي في الحراك الثقافي وقضايا التنمية المستدامة وتطوير معرفة الشباب بأهمية السلام وحوار الاديان والحضارات والثقافات المختلفة. 2 – تنمية روح العمل التطوعي والجماعي بين الشباب والتشبيك وبناء شراكة مع المؤسسات الرسمية والاهلية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني لدعم وتطوير قدرات المجتمع المحلي. 3 – تبني مشاريع ثقافية وشبابية تساعد في تنمية قدرات المجتمع المحلي وبلورتها على أرض الواقع مع توفير الدعم اللازم لها. 4 – تقوية الحس الوطني والانتماء لدى الشباب الاردني وزيادة مشاركتهم في مجالات الحياه العامه. 5 – الاهتمام بحاجات الشباب والمجتمع وتطويرها وابرازها بما يتلائم مع التنمية الديمقراطية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية للاردن. 6 – الاهتمام في قضايا حقوق الانسان ونشر وتعزيز الوعي العام في الواجبات والحقوق وخصوصا ما يتعلق بالمرأة و الطفل والفئات المستضعفة الاخرى. 7 – الاتصال والتعاون مع كافة الجهات والمؤسسات المحلية والاقليمية والدولية التي تشترك مع الجمعية في اهدافها وفق احكام القانون.  

Main Projects / Activities

لتحقيق الاهداف اعلاه، فان الجمعية تقوم بنشاطاتها المختلفة ومنها :- أ – المشاركة والمساهمة في فعاليات وبرامج مؤسسات المجتمع المدني. ب – عقد الندوات والمحاضرات وورش العمل والدورات والمسابقات الثقافية والبرامج الحوارية واقامه المهرجانات. ج – إصدار البروشورات والدوريات والوسائل الاعلامية واستخدام الوسائل الاعلامية والبيانات والتي تساعد للوصول الى اهداف الجمعية بعد أخذ الموافقات اللازمة وأنشاء موقع الكتروني.. د – المشاركة في اللقاءات والمشاركات ذات الطابع الثقافي والتنموي وعلى المستوى المحلي والعربي والدولي. هـ - اي وسيلة أخرى تتوافق مع احكام القانون وتساعد في تحقيق اهداف الجمعية. برامجنا : 1- مبادرة من أجلك انت التعليمية في المناطق النائية وهي مبادرة تستهدف المناطق النائية بالاضافة الى مناطق المدينة بمجموعة من النشاطات التي تساعد على رفع مستوى الثقافة والمعرفة والوعي وتقليل الفجوة بين مجتمع القرية ومجتمع المدينة . 2- المسرح المدرسي : وهو برنامج يستهدف مدارس التربية والتعليم بمجموعة من المحاضرات والتاهيل والتدريب على الفنون المسرحة بحيث يستطيع الطلاب تجسيد قضاياهم للمجتمع من خلال المسرح ويستهدف الفئة الابتدائية والفئة الثانونية . 3- هذا حقي : برنامج عمل خصيصا لرفع المعرفة والوعي في الحقوق والواجبات القانونية وخصوصا حقوق النساء والاطفال ويركز على المجتمعات البدوية والقروية بالاضافة الى المجتمعات المدينة . 4- قصة حياة : برنامج يستهدف الشباب لاطلاعهم على قصص حياة واقعية وقصص نجاح لاشخاص ناجحين ومؤثرين في مجتمعاتهم بهدف اكسابهم الخبرات العملية لغيرهم من الاشخاص الناجحين . 5-بمجموعة من النشاطات التي تساعد على رفع مستوى الثقافة والمعرفة والوعي وتقليل الفجوة بين مجتمع القرية ومجتمع المدينة . 2- المسرح المدرسي : وهو برنامج يستهدف مدارس التربية والتعليم بمجموعة من المحاضرات والتاهيل والتدريب على الفنون المسرحة بحيث يستطيع الطلاب تجسيد قضاياهم للمجتمع من خلال المسرح ويستهدف الفئة الابتدائية والفئة الثانونية . 3- هذا حقي : برنامج عمل خصيصا لرفع المعرفة والوعي في الحقوق والواجبات القانونية وخصوصا حقوق النساء والاطفال ويركز على المجتمعات البدوية والقروية بالاضافة الى المجتمعات المدينة . 4- قصة حياة : برنامج يستهدف الشباب لاطلاعهم على قصص حياة واقعية وقصص نجاح لاشخاص ناجحين ومؤثرين في مجتمعاتهم بهدف اكسابهم الخبرات العملية لغيرهم من الاشخاص الناجحين . 5- منتدى صناع المستقبل : منتدى حواري شهري يستضيف شخصية وطنية للحديث عن احدى القضايا التي تهم المواطن الاردن مما يسمح بتبادل وجهات النظر وخلق نوع من الحوار في المجتمع . 6- برنامج التبادل الشبابي الاردني الامريكي وهو برنامج يقوم على تقريب وجهات النظر بين الشباب للوصول الى نقاط مشتركة نستطيع الانطلاق لبناء توجهات واحده , ولقد عقد المركز برنامجين الى الان . 7- الحاكمية الرشيدة وحقوق الانسان : برنامج يستهدف التوعية في الحقوق والحريات الاساسية وعناصر الحكم الرشيد وحقوق الانسان . بمجموعة من النشاطات التي تساعد على رفع مستوى الثقافة والمعرفة والوعي وتقليل الفجوة بين مجتمع القرية ومجتمع المدينة . 2- المسرح المدرسي : وهو برنامج يستهدف مدارس التربية والتعليم بمجموعة من المحاضرات والتاهيل والتدريب على الفنون المسرحة بحيث يستطيع الطلاب تجسيد قضاياهم للمجتمع من خلال المسرح ويستهدف الفئة الابتدائية والفئة الثانونية . 3- هذا حقي : برنامج عمل خصيصا لرفع المعرفة والوعي في الحقوق والواجبات القانونية وخصوصا حقوق النساء والاطفال ويركز على المجتمعات البدوية والقروية بالاضافة الى المجتمعات المدينة . 4- قصة حياة : برنامج يستهدف الشباب لاطلاعهم على قصص حياة واقعية وقصص نجاح لاشخاص ناجحين ومؤثرين في مجتمعاتهم بهدف اكسابهم الخبرات العملية لغيرهم من الاشخاص الناجحين . 5- منتدى صناع المستقبل : منتدى حواري شهري يستضيف شخصية وطنية للحديث عن احدى القضايا التي تهم المواطن الاردن مما يسمح بتبادل وجهات النظر وخلق نوع من الحوار في المجتمع . 6- برنامج التبادل الشبابي الاردني الامريكي وهو برنامج يقوم على تقريب وجهات النظر بين الشباب للوصول الى نقاط مشتركة نستطيع الانطلاق لبناء توجهات واحده , ولقد عقد المركز برنامجين الى الان . 7- الحاكمية الرشيدة وحقوق الانسان : برنامج يستهدف التوعية في الحقوق والحريات الاساسية وعناصر الحكم الرشيد وحقوق الانسان .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ويهتم مركز صناع المستقبل ببرامج التبادل الثقافي مع الثقافات والشعوب الاخرى للوصول الى عالم متجانس واحد بعيدا عن اي نوع من انواع التمييز بين البشر .       ولدى مركز صناع المستقبل اهتمام كبير في التعليم حيث سيطلق مركز صناع المستقبل قريبا برنامج " التعلم من خلال اللعب " في محاولة من المركز لتعليم الاطفال بطرق جديدة مؤثرة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We plan to cooperate on any mutual projects we can contribute with our community contact and our halls in Maan (Soouth Governorates) and our offices for any future activities.  ملاحظة  : 1 – لدى مركز صناع المستقبل عدد كبير من النشاطات التفاعلية مع المجتمع المحلي . 2 – للتواصل مع المركز يرجى الاتصال مع السيد عبدالرزاق المحتسب " رئيس المركز " على الرقم 0777302344

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelrazzaq Hani Almuhtaseb
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdelrazzaq Hani Almuhtaseb

Future Pioneers for Empowering Communities’ Members in the Environmental and Educational Fields (FPEC)

National Network

Al-Madina Street, Next to Al-Kilo Circle
P.O.BOX 2184 - 11941 Amman


00962 6 5563760
00962 6 5563761
Mobile Phone
00962 79 5404968
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
FPEC is a non profit organization established on March , 2012 5 employees are employed. average available annual budget from different donors = 100,000 Euro Donors: EU/Jordan, British Embassy , UNDP Main activities: capacity building, raising awareness, community development
Mission and Objectives

FPEC is a non-profit making organization specialized in empowering communities’ members to overcome poverty through building their capacities, raising their public awareness, and promoting SMEs in the educational, environmental, health and social fields with special focus on women, youth and marginalized groups.
Although FPEC has been established only on March 20, 2012, it has high aspirations and strong ambitions to accomplish tangible achievements at national and international level. It is managed by experienced board and depends on competent candidates to accomplish its various activities

Main Projects / Activities

1. Strengthening Jordanians’ Civic Engagement In Electoral Reform: Actors of Change
Value : 625,000 Euro (main partner by 44%) , Duration : two years , Donor : EU
Objective: supporting electoral process in Jordan through building the capacities of public in general and women, youth , Disabled People, marginalized groups and their organizations in particular and raising their awareness on issues related to the electoral process and reform, democratic processes, their political rights and responsibilities, importance of civic engagement to increase their participation as voters or candidates in the upcoming elections and to increase their civic engagement as actors of change in the reform.
2. Increasing Voter Awareness in the Jordanian 2012 Parliamentary Election and Municipality (220.000 Euro) , Main Partners by 35% Funded by British Embassy.
Objectives: raise civic engagement in the electoral process and increase voter awareness
of their rights, the voting system and the electoral law and enable them to fully practice these rights on Election Day.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate in spreading Anna Linda message, participate in its activities and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of Anna Linda network, have the opportunity to apply for available grants and be part of its activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Obyda Hummash
Head of the organisation
Ms. Obyda Hummash

Gender Discrimination in Jordan

In the early years of Jordan’s establishment as a national state, women’s integration into the public sphere was recognized as an inevitable and necessary step in the direction of modernity and advancement. This however was not welcomed by all; while...


Gender, climate and cohesion

Women in Jordan are particularly impacted by climate change facing disproportionate economic, social and cultural challenges, and exposure to climate-related social tensions. Furthermore, women and girls can be at increased risk of gender-based violence (GBV) despite these compound challenges, women...

Generations For Peace

National Network

Al Hussein Youth & Sport City, Gate 6,
Haroun Al Rasheed Street, Shmeisani,
Amman 11196

+962 6 500 4600
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Generations For Peace is a leading global non-profit peace-building organisation with its headquarters in Amman, Jordan. We are dedicated to sustainable conflict transformation at the grass roots in communities, by promoting youth leadership, community empowerment, active tolerance, and responsible citizenship.  We are a volunteer movement, empowering, mentoring and supporting volunteers to be change-makers to create a better future in their own communities. Since 2007, we have trained and mentored more than 8,920 volunteer leaders of youth in 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. With our support, their ongoing programmes address local issues of conflict and violence, and have touched the lives of more than 229,020 children, youth and adults.  Our annual budget is approx $4M. As well as funding from the governments of Norway, Belgium, the United States, and the European Union, we have excellent partnerships with several UN agencies and NGOs, within the Olympic Movement (Generations For Peace is the only peace through sport organisation officially recoigbised by the International Olympic Committee), and with corporate partners including Samsung (our partner since 2008), Orange and DHL Express. Our Generations For Peace Institute has partnerships with Georgetown University, the University of Oxford, and University of Western Cape.  Founded by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan and Sarah Kabbani in 2007, Generations For Peace is currently ranked “#32 in the Top 500 NGOs in the World" by Global Geneva (making us the second-highest-ranked peace-building NGO, and the top-ranked Jordanian NGO). Their ranking is based on an assessment of innovation, impact, and sustainability.  

Mission and Objectives

Generations For Peace is dedicated to sustainable conflict transformation at the grass roots in communities, by promoting youth leadership, community empowerment, active tolerance, and responsible citizenship.  We are a volunteer movement, empowering, mentoring and supporting volunteers to be change-makers to create a better future in their own communities. We use sport as an entry point to engage with youth, and our carefully-facilitated sport-based games provide a vehicle for integrated education and behaviour change. Generations For Peace is the only peace-through-sport organisation officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee. In addition to our sport-based approaches, we have also developed arts, advocacy, dialogue, and empowerment activities to support conflict transformation with children, youth, and adults in different contexts. Generations For Peace has developed a unique curriculum and cascading model for training carefully-selected volunteer leaders of youth, and mentoring and supporting them to implement sustained activities for children, youth and adults to address issues of cultural and structural violence in their own community.  Contexts include: inter-tribal, inter-ethnic, and inter-religious violence; gender inequality; post-conflict trauma response, reconciliation and reintegration; exclusion of minorities including IDPs, refugees and people with a disability; and challenges of integration in multi-cultural societies. Conflict sensitivity, and the full participation and empowerment of girls and women, are integrated into our approach. We are committed to robust measurement and evaluation of our programmes to support our learning and innovation, to identify best practices, and to demonstrate impact and sustainability. Our Generations For Peace Institute has partnerships with Georgetown University, the University of Oxford, and University of Western Cape. The research evidence shows programme outcomes and impacts which include: reductions in different forms of violence; increased capacity to manage conflict in non-violent ways; strengthened ability to break-out of cycles of violence; changes in attitudes and shattering of stereotypes; greater understanding, respect and trust between different tribes, ethnic groups, religions, genders, and minorities; strengthened social capital and social networks; empowerment of girls and women; greater volunteerism, youth engagement, and responsible citizenship. Our work can be seen as directly implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 2250 (recognising the positive role youth play in building sustainable peace, and the need for governments and other stakeholders to support the participation of young people in conflict transformation, peace building and countering violence) and 1325 (on the pivotal role women should and do play in conflict management, conflict resolution and sustainable peace).

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2007, we have trained and mentored more than 8,920 volunteer leaders of youth in 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. With our support, their ongoing programmes address local issues of conflict and violence, and have touched the lives of more than 229,020 children, youth and adults.  In any community, we use selected combinations of five "vehicles for change": Sport For Peace: rather than pure sport activities following an official sport code, we use specifically-designed sport-based activities, games and drills which integrate peer-group peace-building education, because our objectives are peace-building outcomes rather than development of sporting skills or competitions. GFP Sport For Peace activities therefore harness the same energy of sport play, and the power of team dynamics and joint effort towards achieving a goal, but with the aim of changing attitudes, behaviour and relationships of the participants. Arts For Peace: carefully facilitated art-based activities (such as painting, drama, and music) to foster positive behavioural change and to encourage the Generations For Peace Expressions of Change: specifically building acceptance, fostering cooperation, ensuring inclusion, developing respect, taking responsibility, and building trust within target groups. As with sport, art is used as an entry point for peace building. The purpose of Art For Peace is not for art itself, but rather the means through which to convey conflict transformation objectives. Art For Peace actviities are a powerful way to surface issues of conflict and vioence that need to be addressed, to support community acknowledgement of these issues, and to generate commitment for concrete collective actions to address them. Advocacy For Peace: an ongoing advocacy campaign or regular activities sustained over a period of months, through print or broadcast media, social media, rallies, marches, demonstrations, parades, or other means, to promote messages for behaviour change and conflict transformation. Dialogue For Peace: a particular approach to dialogue is set out, following the principles and practices of “Transformative Dialogue”. Transformative Dialogue is a type of facilitated Dialogue that views conflict as a crisis in human relationships. The aim of Transformative Dialogue is to transform the quality of interactions between people, from destructive to more positive and constructive. The goal is not necessarily to reach an agreement or reconciliation, but is to support a transformation in the relationships between the parties. Empowerment For Peace: activities that provide capacity building for youth and adults who are trapped in a conflict as a result of their lack of power, influence, or status. These programmes offer participants new skills to help them break out of a cycle of destructive conflict. Generations For Peace's unique curriculum and cascading model supports trained volunteers to lead change in their own communities, implementing carefully selected activities for a precisely selected target group, with activities being sustained over an average of 44 contact hours to ensure lasting behaviour-change impacts.  To see our work in action, please visit our YouTube channel, and be sure not to miss: • Introduction to GFP: • How we work:    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Generations For Peace has its headquarters in Amman, and majro programmes in schools, in community centres, and youth centres across the country. But Generations For Peace also supports volunteeers and programmes in otehr countries acorss the Middle East and North Africa, within the scope of Anna Lindh's "Euro-Med" territorial focus. We believe Generations For Peace can play roles as: local implenenting partner for youth-led conflict transformation programmes in these countries provide training in our unique Curriculum and Cascading Model support research through our Generations For Peace Institute host international trainings at our Conference Centre and Auditorium faciities at our Headquarters in Amman

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Any partnership, and any network, thrives when it is founded on shared values. We believe that we share with Anna Lindh Foundation a passionate belief in: the untapped potential of youth to lead change in their communities; the importance of grass-roots bottom-up change that supports exostig strengths and assets in communities, local prioritisation of issues, local ownership of programme design, implementation and evaluation; and the importance of a rigourous focus on innovation, quality, impact and sustainability. We believe Anna Lindh Foundation Network is a tremendously effective network across many countries and territories in which Generations For Peace is already working, and this network can offer Generations For Peace so many important opportunities for sharing and exchange and for partnership on programme acions, and research.   

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark Clark
Job Title
Chief Executive Officer
Head of the organisation
HRH Prince Faisal Al Hussein, Founder and Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Jadranka Stikovac
Job Title (2)
Board member & Director of Generations For Peace Institute

Generations for Peace Jordan continues its support to women & youth in partnership with IRC and other Jordanian Ministries


Generations For Peace (GFP) Jordan and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) have established a new partnership under the “Provision of sustainable health and protection services to refugees and vulnerable host communities in Jordan” Programme, in strategic partnership with the Ministry of Youth (MoY) and Ministry of Education (MoE) in August 2023.

For its role in the two-year Programme, GFP will implement a series of trainings, activities, and awareness sessions to MoY staff and MoE teachers, youth volunteers, adolescents, and mothers, at youth centers and schools in Ajloun and Al Ghour. 

Integrating its Sport and Arts For Peace curriculum with IRC’s Women Protection and Empowerment (WPE) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) interventions, GFP will provide support to 2,040 Syrian and Jordanian beneficiaries, particularly women and girls in host communities, to enhance their safety, protection and access to support. 

The “Provision of sustainable health and protection services to refugees and vulnerable host communities in Jordan” Programme, implemented by IRC and partners, integrates health services to improve community access to Non-Communicable Diseases and secondary obstetric health services to ensure that women and girls are safe and receive support. These activities will reach 33,994 direct beneficiaries, including women, girls, men, and others at risk of Gender-Based violence (GBV) and survivors of GBV.

Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD) - INGO

National Network

Dahyet Al Rasheed, Al Wefaq St. Villa No.61, PO. Box: 963339 Amman 11196 Jordan.

+9626 5151133
+9626 5153513
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD) - Amman office established in 2012, it is a branch for the Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD), is an International NGO established in June 2008 with the aim to enhance and support both human rights and development by adopting new strategies and policies for real change. The GNRD Head Office is situated in Stavanger, Norway and its branches are located in Austria, Belgium, Jordan, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Zambia. GNRD – Amman office consists of 8 staff members and the sources of funding is from GNRD head quarter in Norway. To these ends, GNRD as a neutral and impartial organization concentrates on: • enhancing cooperation and partnership between the private and public sector in the academic, technical and political spheres; • providing technical and humanitarian assistance in developing countries; • promoting social justice, conflict mediation, and the application of the rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To reach its objectives, GNRD works in three main ways 1.    Engaging the UN through advocacy during conferences, with a special focus on the Human Rights Council. 2.    International cooperation, humanitarian assistance and contribution to development, including promoting technology transfer programs. 3.    Conferences, workshops, formal and informal platforms of dialogue facilitation and moderation worldwide on the discourse of peace, human rights, humanitarian aid and development. GNRD uses the synergy of public-private cooperation and all relevant actors to build sustainable development in post-conflict and developing areas.
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement
During this time of globalization and fluidity in communication there is increasing human activity and interchange of worldviews, products, ideas and cultures. It is becoming imperative to ensure the positive utilization of globalization and make it fully inclusive and equitable. GNRD plays the role of catalyst by extracting the best of today’s international discourse and engaging the United Nations and other relevant international institutions, for the benefit of the most vulnerable groups and people suffering from crises.

The GNRD objectives are:
• to contribute to the collaboration of all relevant stakeholders, establish cooperation and partnership between the private and public sector, in the academic, technical and political spheres to promote and protect human rights and development.
• to support and protect the most vulnerable groups and individuals suffering from humanitarian crises by taking all measures within our power to ensure their well-being and rights to equal opportunities.
• to empower youth by means of diverse programs and training, along with supporting the specific GNRD Youth Groups;
• to help alleviate the suffering of individuals trapped in conflict by providing mediation support when needed from the perspective of just and lasting peace in accordance with international law and United Nations Standards.

Main Projects / Activities

Global Network for Rights and Development, GNRD: Amman Office- Jordan
Activities, from January 2015 to November 2015
Activities 2015   
25 January – to acknowledge the definition of the Human Rights and Development activist, to highlight the main topics related to Human Rights and Development issues in Jordan and to increase awareness on the importance of being an activist, GNRD- Amman office continued its Interview Series with Human Rights and Development Activists with an interview with Dr. Suleiman Sweiss:

14- 17 February – GNRD Amman office participated in  GNRD's international conference, ” Balancing Counter Terrorism and Human Rights – Challenges and Opportunities” : , , , , ,

March – to support the right of education, GNRD Amman made a renovation and furnishing for a hall in University of Jordan.

8 March- On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Women, GNRD Amman office participated in” Women’s Access to Justice Prospects and perspectives” conference.

15 April - to raise awareness of youth and citizens about the importance to have a good health physically and mentally and to encourage all to protect their Health as much as possible since having a good Health is one of the fundamental rights to live, (GNRD) Amman office launched the workshop “Meditate to Eliminate the Stress” in cooperation with “Meditate to Regenerate” NGO.
16 April – GNRD Amman office participated in GNRD hosting panel discussion on Water Management Reforms in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region at the World Bank Civil Society Policy Forum in Washington, during the 2015 Spring Meetings:
25 May –to increase awareness of children rights and protect them, GNRD Amman made a video of Children Rights to highlight their fundamental rights.
31 May - to advance the rights of persons with disabilities in society and development, to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities, GNRD Amman office launched the “White hands for White Flowers” event; a marine excursion for disabled children in the southern Al Aqaba governorate:
12 June - to raise significant global awareness through its commitment to child protection by using play-based learning to fight against child labour and foster youth empowerment and children’s rights around the globe, GNRD Amman office participated in GNRD joining the worldwide movement against child labour and upholds the World Day Against Child Labour:
25 June – GNRD Amman office signed internship program agreement with the University of Jordan.
2 July - to encourage and highlight orphaned children and provide all possible ways to support them to help them cope with the absence of their parents and as a part of GNRD’s programme of caring for orphaned children as a way of highlighting and protecting their rights, GNRD Amman office continued its Ramadan campaign begun last year, “Ramadan brings us together”,  by launching its second annual Iftar event for orphaned children:
5 August – to protect and promote human rights in Jordan, GNRD Amman office participated in ”Civil Society forum on Human Rights”:
5- 6 August – to discuss new prospects for economic cooperation between Jordan and Africa the Global Network for Rights and Development organized a meeting between the Secretary General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Global Network for rights and development on the one hand, with His Excellency the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply of Jordan, followed by  another meeting with the Prime Ministers of Jordan:

16 August - GNRD Amman office participated in a Jordanian Civil Alliance meeting aimed to reinforcing practices related to sustainable development:

18 August- to raise awareness of the importance of education, good hygiene and health for both children and their families, GNRD Amman office launched “I Have the Right to Go to School in Good Health” project for 50 children in need in the Ma’an governorate:
25 August – as GNRD's global programme puts great emphasis on disabled people welfare, making them enjoy all the human rights and putting them at the centre of development and removing all the barriers they face, GNRD Amman office showed that Mahmoud is a good example for all the persons with disabilities to not give up their life and dreams:
28 August - to increase awareness of the incidence of cancer and the importance of fighting the disease in the community through psychological and therapeutic practices, as well as to encourage people of different ages to engage in a variety of sports to live healthier lives and to promote and support charity organizations, GNRD Amman office participated in the “Cycle for Hope” Cycling event organized by the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Centre (KHCf):

7 September - Challenges and opportunities for women in the legal processions dominated discussion at an international conference attended and supported by GNRD Amman office representatives:
14 September- 2 October – GNRD Amman ofiice particpated in the 30th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the particpation included reading many oral statements and attendance of GNRD side events: , , , ,
15- 29 October- GNRD Amman staff participated in the Joint Election Observation Mission (EOM) to Egypt to observe first phase of its Parliamentary Elections which are scheduled for 18-19 October 2015 and the run-off in 17-28 October 2015: , 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization, Global Network for Rights and development gladly would like to join Anna foundation since the foundation is gathering almost four thousand civil society organizations, playing the role of a facilitator to bring people together, promoting dialogue between cultures, nurturing shared universal values, supporting the participation of citizens in building open and inclusive societies and fostering the human dimension of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

As well as we would like to submit a proposal for the YOUNG MEDITERRANEAN VOICES YOUTH DEBATE CLUBS Call , which requires to be a member of one of the 5 ALF National Networks in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia and the deadline for the call will be 29 December 2015.

We are looking forward to be a member of your network,

Thank you in advance,

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Majida AlSHoubaki, Tel: +962796089406, Email:
Job Title
Projects Manager Assistant
Head of the organisation
Dr. Loai Deeb
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Ali Alananzeh, Tel: +96279551553 , Email: amman@gnrd,net
Job Title (2)
Regional Represenative for GNRD

Habaq for Human Rights Training and Development

National Network

Almadinal AlMunawwarah Str.
Amman 11134

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Habaq for Human Rights Training and Development is a non-profit company registered in September 2015 with the Jordan Ministry of Industry and Trade under number 200150040.
Vision: Working towards a future where people live in dignity and justice

Habaq was co-founded by two individuals (two female partners). The founders have extensive experience in development with national and international organizations (more than 27 years of experience). supported with group of professional and youth volunteers to support project activities as needed. Habaq hires professional consultants and staff according to the needs of new projects.
Annual Budget range (100,000-120,000 Euro)
source of funding : main donor GIZ and embassies
modalities of action : concrete projects
partners : local CBO's , Ministries and GIZ

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Contributing in the protection and promotion of human rights through applied human rights methodology and working to support sustainable development in accordance with human rights principles
General Objectives of Habaq:
• Implementation and development of training programs in the field of human rights
• Implementation and development of legal programs, legal regulation and tools of good governance.
• Implementing social and economic empowerment programs based on community participation and social responsibility.
• Conducting self-empowerment programs based on managing thoughts and feelings, relations, and conflicts transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

1. GIZ (162,240 Euro) 2017/2018 Capacity building and projects for youth groups/ CBOs in Palestinian refugee camps
2. GIZ (669,076 Euro) 2019/2021 Enhance youth social participation and civic engagement in their societies
3 GIZ (187,450 euro) 2022/2023 Participation, Leadership, Economic and Social Support for Palestinian refugees
4 Greater Amman municipality 6,460 Euro 2022 Awareness campaign for stopping violence against women

5. Australian Embassy /DAP project (27,000 Australian Dollar) Build the capacity of organizations and centers working with persons with disabilities to change their scope from charitable into Human Rights based approach
6 Habaq own funding / 2016-2023 On going Awareness sessions and workshops on Human Rights issues for local communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Alia Bushnaq
Job Title
co-founder & projects advisor
Head of the organisation
Dr. Abeer Brim
Contact (2) Full Name
Abeer Brim
Job Title (2)
chair person