

Budapest Parliament

Le Réseau hongrois de la FAL compte actuellement 66 membres, parmi lesquels des organisations de la société civile, des fondations, des associations, des musées, des écoles, des universités et d’autres institutions qui travaillent dans le domaine du dialogue interculturel ou dont les valeurs sont similaires à celles de la FAL. Les membres du réseau répartis dans le pays dans les villes de Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Kecskemét, Szolnok, Nagyvázsony et Nyíregyháza, et enrichissent par leur travail acharné la société hongroise. Les principaux domaines d’activités des membres sont la jeunesse, l’éducation, la recherche et l’art sous toutes ses formes : la danse, le théâtre, les films ou encore les arts du spectacle.

Depuis son élection en 2013 par les membres du réseau, la Palantír Film Fondation tient le rôle de Chef de file. Le Réseau vise à améliorer la coopération et le soutien mutuel entre les membres nationaux et internationaux de la société de la FAL. 

La force du Réseau réside dans les actions collectives menées, comme le festival « Art as a Medium Festival » qui a eu lieu en 2014 et en 2016, pendant lequel des programmes scolaires conçus en tandem avec des conférences universitaires ont fourni une opportunité aux personnes de tous les âges d’en apprendre plus sur le travail et des résultats de récentes recherches d’organisations travaillant dans le domaine du dialogue interculturel. À part l’action collective, les membres du Réseau sont actuellement très actifs aux échelles locale et internationale au sein de la FAL, et ils sont également impliqués dans d’autres projets, comme le programme Erasmus+.

Le Réseau hongrois est un réseau ouvert qui accueille tous les membres de la société civile et tous les partenaires internationaux afin de collaborer ensemble.

Hungarian Heritage House

National Network

1011 Budapest
Corvin tér 8.

(+36 1)225-6049
Telephone (other)
(+36 1)225-6079
(+36 1) 201-5017
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
1. The Heritage House is a public institutionm with 140 employees. 2. Budget in a year 714.100.000 Ft. We are budgetary institution 3. NKA, Ministry of Education and Culture, Appertus Foundation, Szerencsejáték Zrt 4. Hungarian State Folk Ensemble performances, adult education, productions for schools, conferences. 5. Ministry of Education and Culture, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Musichology, Etnographical Museum, Hungarian Institue for Culture, Fonó Music Hal
Mission and Objectives

The Hungarian Heritage House was founded for cultivating and promoting the folk tradition of the Carpathian-basin. Its aim is to quest, preserve, interpret, systematize and open up the traditional communication systems (folk dance, folk music, folk poetry) and the values of folk art maintained by oral tradition. Its mission is to arouse and to keep alive the internal and external interest in folk traditions, popularize the material and non-material values of folk art. The institute would like to attain that the folk traditions of the Carpathian-basin (including the folk traditions of minorities living in the Hungarian language-area) be organ part of our everyday culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The elementary activities of the Hungarian Heritage House:
dance and music concerts in Hungary and abroad,
presenting on stage the authentic dance and music heritage of the Carpathian basin
productions for schools, developing international relations, the organization of foreign productions
developing a Folklore-Archivation System (FAR),
coordination of the folklore researches
organization of lectures accompanied by audio and visual illustrations
digitalization of audio records, video cassettes, photos.
library activities
constructions of database, the database of the Martin Media Library
organizing handicrafts programmes, courses in teaching folk games and folk crafts
folk dance, folk music, folk narratives, educational programmes,
participation in contests, jury works, organizations and works of conference and exhibitions
embroidery, costumes exhibition
training of the trainers, teachers' further training
Young Master of Folk Arts contest
organisation of regional symposiums
operating the Applied Folk Art Advisory Board
operating of the Hungarian Applied Folk Art Museum
publication of books, CDs DVDs, maintenance of the institutional website

Contact (1) Full Name
Melinda Tóth (Program Manager)
Head of the organisation
László Kelemen (General Director)

Hungarian Multicultural Center, inc.

National Network

Tamasi Aron u. 34.

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The HMC opened in 1990 as an artistic, educational institution.  We are invited more than 800 artists, writers, film makers who play an active part in the field of contemporary art.  During the residency period, we hold exhibitions, through creative activities, presentations, workshops, and lectures by the artists.

Mission and Objectives

The HMC set up shop in both the Texas and in Hungary, programming across borders, languages and cultures, as a sort of dual citizenship for artists’ communities.  Managing a double identity in the US and abroad reflects the HMC commitment to celebrating and understanding both the intersections and divergences between cultures, through the art, artists, and local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

From the start, HMC was conceived as an international meeting place for artists and intellectuals, fostering a lively transatlantic exchange in literature, the visual arts, performance and multimedia.  While most of the arts programming—including the residency—takes place in Budapest, Hungary, the Dallas location continues to serve as the administrative hub, and host to exhibitions, film screenings, and offers a variety of other programming, in addition to the residency.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Invite artists to our residency program and exhibitions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization is interested to meet with different cultures and artists, hope through ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Beata Szechy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Beata Szechy

Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.

National Network

2503 Costa Mesa Dr. Dallas, TX, USA
1124 Budapest, Tamasi Aron u.34. Hungary


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.® (HMC), 501(c)(3) non-profit, cultural organization. HMC is dedicated to promoting international art and the understanding of world cultures, through high quality art exhibition, ArtFilmFest, residency, seminar, artist talk, cultural exchanges and related educational programs. Based in Dallas and Budapest, the organization operates throughout the world. Founding from membership, grants and public support. Partners: US Embassy, Budapest; Medosz; Jokai klub; City of Balatonfured, Vizivarosi Gallery, Ferencvarosi Gallery, and other organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The AIR-HMC’s mission to bridge cultural, geographic, and linguistic divides by bringing people together through the arts in order to foster a greater understanding of world cultures. The mission at the AIR/HMC, Budapest, Artist In Residencies are inspire, renew and sustain artists and community through education and outreach.

Main Projects / Activities

HMC's principal focus is an international residency program to which artists from around the world are invited. The goal is to provide a supportive community with uninterrupted time to work. The residencies offer participants to interact with other artists representing a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Accepted applicants are expected to speak and understand English. Approximately 6 artists are invited for each session, 6 session per year. The residence offers shared room/bath as living quarters. Studio, room, workshop, exhibition, seminar, Artist Talk and gallery tour.

Contact (1) Full Name
Beata Szechy
Head of the organisation
Beata Szechy

Hungarian Museum of Trade and Hospitality

National Network

H-1051 Budapest
H-1036 Budapest, Korona tér 1

00 36 1 3756 249
00 36 1 269 5428
Mobile Phone
00 36 20 5996456
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Our museum is fully sponsored by the government with a staff of 11. We moved to new premises last year and we will rebuild it during the next few months with the plan to run a multicultural arena on museum basis. Main partners are other museums/cultural institutes and non-governmental associations of the kind of our field. Would like to co-operate with potential EUROMED partners.
Mission and Objectives

To collect and reserve the tangible and non-tangible material that belong to our scope with the intentions to arrange exhibitions of all kinds.
To develop our museum to a multicultural agora that is reflecting the past and connecting the present to the possible best future.
To serve as a research centre of the field we are responsible for.
To act as a mediator for the agents of business /trade and hospitality/ we are dedicated to.

Main Projects / Activities

We plan to open our first temporary exhibition, “Tale-Book of the Street” on the outdoor ad in the first half of the last century.
Recently we have a travelling exhibition in Hungary under the title: “Soda water, a Hungarian cult drink”.
We have the first open air exhibition in Budapest on an ad pole since last July.
In February 2007 we will open an exhibition of Caffee Renaisssance
in Hungary during the last 15 years.
We have a special library of about 15000 volumes

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mr. Imre Kiss, Director

Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Education and Culture, Department of International Coordination

National Network

H-1055 Budapest
Szalay u. 10-14.

+36 1 473 7464
Telephone (other)
+36 1 473 7506
+36 1 331 35 26
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1. Independent Government institution, 5 professionals 2. Coverage of office costs only by Hungarian Treasury 3. Participation Programs from UNESCO, Paris, business and government contributions by project 4. All means used to promote UNESCO goals 5. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Government
Mission and Objectives

Secretariat services to the Hungarian National Commission composed of 50 high level intellectuals, mainly members of academic circles
Promotion of UNESCO goals and objectives
Representation of Hungary in UNESCO, Paris
Network building in UNESCO context

Main Projects / Activities

Man and Biosphere, Ethics of Science (COMEST), Management of Social Transitions (MOST), World Heritage, Preservation of Intangible Heritage, Intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Katalin CSILLAG (officer)
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Ágnes BÍRÓ (Secretary-General)


Budapest Parliament

The ALF Hungarian Network currently counts 67 members, including civil society organisations, foundations, associations, museums, schools, universities, and other institutions working in the field of intercultural dialogue or representing the values of the foundation in their work. The network members are spread nationwide in the cities of Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Kecskemét, Szolnok, Nagyvázsony, and Nyíregyháza, enriching with their hard work the Hungarian society. The main areas of activity among them are youth, education, research and arts in many forms such as dance, theater, film or performing arts.

Since 2013, the Palantír Film Foundation fulfills the role of the Head of Network, as it was elected by the members. Together, we aim to enhance cooperation and mutual support between the national and international members of the ALF society. 

The network's strength is collective actions such as the “Art as a Medium Festival” that was held in 2014 and 2016, where school programmes designed in tandem with an academic conference provided an opportunity for people of all ages to learn about the work and recent research results of organisations working in the field of intercultural dialogue. Aside from collective action, our members currently are very active locally, and internationally in ALF, as well as in other collaborations such as Erasmus+ projects.

The Hungarian network is an open network that welcomes any civil society member joining and any international partner to collaborate.


Inclusive Media Literacy Curricula for Youth

Disinformation impacts our daily lives. It sparks polarization, it acts to confuse us and it ultimately affects our ability to make informed decisions, with direct consequences for our democratic societies. It poses an even greater threat when it weaponizes our...

Individual Member: Zsuzsanna Rózsa

National Network

1011 Budapest
Ponty u. 14.

Mobile Phone
+36 20 325 7838
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
I’m a freelance photographer in Hungary who is very interested in acquainting myself with distant lands and cultures, with a special focus on the Arab World. I have exhibited my works at nearly twenty independent and countless group exhibitions. Some of them with Arabic topic: Al Maghreb, the Land, where the Sun sets (2009) Budapest, Hungary (independent) My Journeys in Arabic Lands (2008) Budapest, Hungary (independent) 100 Reflections on Islam (2008) Pécs, Hungary (group, international) Bedouins in Jordan (2005) Budapest, Hungary (group, scholarship awarded by the National Association of Hungarian Creative Artists with the project) The countries which I have visited in the past are: Jordan: 2004, 2005 Tunisia: 2006 Egypt: 2007 Morocco: 2008 Syria: 2008
Mission and Objectives

My future plans include discovering all twenty-one Arabic countries.
It is my dream that the photographs I have taken in the Arabic countries will be united in a big album one day.

Main Projects / Activities

Many people know the story of Scheherazade and King Shahryar in One Thousand and One Nights. This beautiful, clever and persistent girl healed and inflamed the heart of the king with her love. She told her stories through ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS.
My stories are my photographs. One thousand and one pictures from the Atlantic Ocean through the Nile to the Arabian Gulf. One thousand and one pictures of landscapes, cities and people.
One Thousand and One Arabian Moments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zsuzsanna Rózsa

Institute for World Economics

National Network

1014 Budapest, Orsz?gh?z u. 30

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Staff: 30 researcher Budget: cca. 100.000 euros Source of founding: Hungarian Academy of Sciences + Projects Modalities of action: projects Main partners: Hungarian and international research institutes
Mission and Objectives

The Institute for World Economics (IWE) carries out research and formulates policy recommendations on an objective basis, as part of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Established in 1973, it has become one of the major policy-oriented international research institutes and economic-policy think tanks in Central Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Its main research task is to study the underlying trends and factors behind global and regional economic developments, and to examine their present and future impact on the Hungarian economy. In addition, it sets out to contribute to international research, through cooperation with top research institutes throughout the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tam?s Szigetv?ri
Head of the organisation
Andr?s Inotai