
Petőfi Literary Museum (Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum)

National Network

Károlyi u. 16.

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Petőfi Literary Museum (PLM) was founded in 1954, as the legal successor of the Petőfi House, protector of the Petőfi legacy. Today it is a national museum of literature, an exhibition and research centre with one of the biggest and most versatile literary and art collections in the country. Its headquarters and a number of branch institutions – specialised literary and theatre museums – are in Budapest, other branches in the countryside. PLM is the co-ordinator of the Association of Hungarian Literary Memorial Houses reaching over borders to neighbouring countries. PLM is a public cultural institution - with a staff of around 200 people - partly financed by the Ministry of Human Resources, partly from (project-based) funds raised through national/international funding organizations often in the framework of partnerships. The annual budget in 2015 and 2016 amounted to approx.. 1 billion HUF with 80% of this sum coming from the Ministry.
Mission and Objectives

PLM collects, preserves and exhibits cultural heritage, to enrich cultural life and to promote literature and the value of reading on an individual level and in the society to generations of audiences as a means to comprehend and be able to connect to the world around us and to understand one another and each other’s experiences better.
The PLM undertakes/aims to
- process and preserve the inherited collections under modern conditions.
- collect materials of museum value from contemporary Hungarian literature such as writers’ and poets’ legacies, correspondence, libraries, sound and video recordings, photographs, furniture, personal belongings, the documents of the editorial offices of literary periodicals etc. as a basis of conscious, scholarly-founded, ideology-free expansion of the collections.
- play an active role in scientific life both on a national and international level, to foster and support scientific research in literature and (literary) museology and support individual researchers as well as research labs or scientific institutions. We make use of the intellectual value of our collections, catalogues and databanks in critical editions, philological and textological research. Our museologists participate in university education as lecturers, and our volumes of essays and studies appear in the technical literature of cultural research and literary museology.
- present its various collections through exhibitions and online to the widest possible audience. Since its establishment, PLM has organised almost 500 exhibitions and issued more than 300 scholarly and popularising publications and exhibition catalogues.
- offer learning opportunities and well as quality cultural programmes to the widest possible audience and invigorate local (and national) cultural life. The PLM – with its branch institutions - organizes 600-700 events annually for people of all ages, professions and interests. Around 40% of the PLM’s programming is based on partnerships with a variety of institutions from university departments to foreign cultural institutes, publishers or various civil society organizations.
- promote Hungarian literature, encourage reading, support various literary initiatives through partnerships, grants, scholarships and other support programmes.
- work together with all levels of the education system and provide valuable learning experiences to students of all ages in PLM’s buildings and in classrooms.
- promote Hungarian literature internationally through the Hungarian Books and Translations Office providing grants for publishers and translators of Hungarian literary works.

Main Projects / Activities

preservation and acquisition/reception of complex authorial, literary legacies, professional processing, restoration and storage, digitization, critical editions, philological and textological research.
departments: Manuscript Archive, Library, Art and Relics Collection, Audiovisual Library and the Digital Literary Academy
Exhibiting and knowledge transfer, promoting reading, programmes, meeting place
exhibitions and accompanying (scholarly and public) events that promote dialogue, facilitate learning, open up different ways of interpretation and popularize reading while also serve as a meeting place for a growing community of readers
target audience: people of all ages, abilities, professions or economic status
geographical scope: Budapest, the countryside in branch institutions and through the Association of Hungarian Literary Memorial Houses
Hungarian literature abroad
translations facilitated and supported by the Hungarian Books and Translations Office
Residencies, fellowships, mentoring, volunteering
supporting writers, translators, researchers through various programmes, offering ways for scholars and literature enthusiasts of all ages to engage with PLM’s work
International projects
(among others)
Europeana Project /supported by the European Commission
Visegrad Literary Residency Programme /supported by the International Visegrad Fund
Literary Europe Live /New Voices from Europe /supported by the European Commission

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Petőfi Literary Museum is a nationwide organization with 12.000-13.000 people visiting its headquarters and branch institutions each year. The PLM identifies with the values of the Anna Lindh Foundation, it is and has been for decades a promoter and facilitator of mutual understanding. We can bring a diverse and broad audience under the network’s umbrella as well as an active circle of educators and professionals committed to diversity and intercultural dialogue. We believe that the PLM’s cultural activities make local/Hungarian audiences more open and curious to other people’s experiences and more sensitive to issues of injustice and prejudice. We hope that our activities and efforts so far prove the PLM valuable for the Hungarian network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of the Hungarian Anna Lindh Foundation network would allow us to connect with partner institutions and to find allies in working for a peaceful and culturally rich society in Hungary and hopefully would help us find new partners in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
The PLM is engaged in several partnerships already and is keen on finding novel ways to collaborate in interpreting culture and heritage in the broadest possible sense and in bringing value to as many people as possible through literature and the arts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Programms and events coordinator
Head of the organisation
PRŐHLE Gergely/ director general
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Marketing manager

Play Live Alapítvány

National Network

1182 Batthyány Lajos utca 133.

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

This is a private foundation operated by the Board of Trustees. The number of members in the organisation is 5. Our main resources are donations given by companies and individuals. The current supporting capacity of the foundation is approximately 3.000.000 HUF (approx: 10.040 EUR). Our activities include a wide range of art and sport projects, such as: concerts, charity evenings, supporting competitions, workshops, yoga and dance classes.

Mission and Objectives

With our main goal being to support the art of live music and, at the same time, inspire people to live a fulfilled and healthy life, we believe that music is able heal the soul and relax the mind. The sound of the acoustic music instruments is inimitable and is a tool to communicate with the audience. In the age of the internet, despite of the overcrowded societies, people become alienated easily; a live music event is able to entertain, teach and build a community. The idea of a healthy, sustainable life is also important for us. Dance and yoga classes are among the projects supported by the Play Live Foundation.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our projects: Dobfesztivál (Drumfestival): 2013 (world music festival) Competition for supporting a live music event: 2013 (Among the winners: sound therapy for disabled children, musical games-project for children with instruments made of ordinary subjects, jazz festival etc.) Yoga classes: 2013- Dance classes: 2012- Talent show for world music bands: ongoing project Competition for organising sports events: ongoing project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The audience includes a wide range of people and we would like to show them the beauty and depth of live music. Towards the traditional music genres we support (world music concerts, festivals, talent contest etc) we would like to build a community where the role of cultural diversity is essential. We are looking forward to work with other organisations and help to keep the dream alive.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We view our goals as missions and would very much like to find partners to work with. With fellow contributors, we could increase the effectiveness and the number of projects. Finding participants and communicating between the foundation and public would be made far easier if we were involved with your network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Varga-Bancsi Orsolya
Head of the organisation
Miklós Dávid

Pro Jugendstil Art Foundation

National Network

Kupeczky u. 8.,
1st floor 4.a.

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Non-profit foundation, supporting young artist, organizing projects, exhibitions etc. There are two members in the advisory board, Krisztina Pataki, the head of the foundation, and Krisztina Fazekas. The foundation is financially based on offerings and scholarships.

Mission and Objectives

The aim is to support young artists, contemporary art, organize cultural event, make the cultural life of Budapest intensive and rich. We would also like to widhten our activities to fields, where art can take useful part, for example drug problems etc. Our other important goal is to make good partnerships with foreign organizations and organize succesful projects.

Main Projects / Activities

1998 „Wo ist der Man?” - a Maria Mancini Company's show at Pepsi Sziget Festival
2000 "UCCASZALON" ("Streetsaloon") - Complex Art Festival, Spring Festival, Budapest, Hungary
2001. Fashion Box Show- textilshow a Spring Festival, Budapest, Hungary
2002. Fashion Box Show at Pepsi Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
2003. Textil-performance, Plein-Art V. Contemporary Fine Arts Festival, with the students of the University of Fine Arts, Bucarest, Romania
2003. Fashion Day, "X&X, turning-points of the XX. century, fashion theatre", Merlin Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
2004. Publishing and propagation of the Firts Hungarian Jewellery Catalogue
2004. Contemporary Jewellery Exhibitons, Budapest, Hungary
2010 Shop-window exhibition, Gozsdu Garden, Budapest
2010 Art Charity Shop, Gozsdu Garden, Budapest

Contact (1) Full Name
Ágnes Simor
Head of the organisation
Ágnes Simor

Reach Out

The aim of the REACH-OUT project is to improve competences of youth workers to specify unique needs, challenges and strengths of immigrant young migrants and refugees and provide necessary training for integration of them into society through NFE personal and...

Refugee Mission of Reformed Mission Centre

National Network

Alag Str. 3.

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Reformed Church provided aid to ethnic Hungarians arriving from former Jugoslavia or Romania since the collapse of the Communism, so helping asylum seekers and refugees has a long history here. In Central Europe, Hungary receives the second most asylum applications, according to UNHCR (4672 in 2009.), the majority of the refugees arrives from Serbia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the Refugee Mission, which is part of the Reformed Mission Centre, is to provide assistance, comfort and fellowship to any asylum seeker in need regardless of nationality, race, religion or social position. Our overall vision and strategy is to assist Hungarian society in "welcoming the stranger" and accepting "newcomers" as future citizens and neighbors. We have main target themes: housing, education and employment, in these fields we seek to provide long term assistance by professional staff members.

Main Projects / Activities

Our housing project assists families by providing them with a full rent subsidy for one year and an incrementally decreasing subsidy for 6 months, helping them to leave the refugee camps, accompanied with the direct assistance of our social workers.
Those most at risk as refugees or foreigners in a new country and culture are children and women. Women are at risk for being taken advantage of and remaining isolated, unemployed. Our employment program provided refugee women with intensive Hungarian language instruction and skills training, like pre-school assistance or nurseries securing long time employment contracts for the participants. This was a one time program that we seek to repeat as the need and success rate was quite high.
The education program secures the access to education for refugee youngsters, we provide intense Hungarian language instruction, school supplies, books and tutoring to youth between the ages of 6 and 22, helping them with the successful integration into the Hungarian school system. We organize one-on-one lectures, in and after school classes, home work assistance, pre-exam preparation, lobby for accelerated learning programs as many young refugees loose so many years due to the journey and the lack of school papers. Community development is also crucial, for this purpose the mission set up cultural and sports activities, common celebrations. On staff or among our volunteers we work with people with a migration background who are an enormous support in partnering with the families of refugee youth or who can much better relate and provide practical and emotional support to unaccompanied minors as well.
In the education program we seek to empower our students with basic life skills just as advising on career development paths and basic citizenship lectures in class and during field trips. Cross-community programs are a structural part of our activities: on school holidays we organize field trips and exchanges in and outside of Hungary. In an Action 1.3 Youth Exchange program we participated with a mix of Hungarian and refugee student’s group with a very positive experience and the recognition of the need for more opportunities like these.http://misszio.rmk.hu/menekultmisszio/index.php?p=1

Contact (1) Full Name
Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy
Head of the organisation
Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy
Contact (2) Full Name
Enikő Virág

Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)

National Network

9-11 Ady Endre út
2000 Szentendre


+36 26 504 000
+36 26 311 783
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 20 474 2285
Mobile Phone (other)
+36 30 46 333 94
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The REC was established in 1990 by the United States, the European Commission and Hungary. Today, the REC is legally based on a Charter signed by the governments of 29 countries and the European Commission. The REC has its head office in Szentendre, Hungary, and country offices and field offices in 17 beneficiary countries, which are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey. The REC actively participates in key global, regional and local processes and contributes to environmental and sustainability solutions within and beyond its country office network, transferring knowledge and experience to countries and regions. The REC is fully project-funded. Among our major partners, we cooperate with Venice International University, Central European University, Agroinnova, and universities in Turkey, Syria, Egypt, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is an international organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems. The Center fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision making. The REC actively participates in key global, regional and local processes and contributes to environmental and sustainability solutions within and beyond its country office network, transferring knowledge and experience to countries and regions.

Main Projects / Activities

- Green Pack Educational Tool introduced in about 14 countries
- Junior Pack Educational Tool
- Training for Young Environmental Leaders
- Sustainable Development Course for Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Targeted group: 20-40 senior level specialists, government representatives.
- Sustainable Development Course for SEE and Visegrad countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo as defined by UNSCR 1244, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia. Targeted group: 20-40 representatives of capital cities and local authorities, associations of towns and municipalities.
- Sustainable Development Course for SD for Black Sea countries: Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Turkey, and Ukraine. Targeted group: 20-40 senior level specialists from central government, local authorities, businesses and the private sector from the Black Sea region who are engaged in development activities such as energy, fisheries and agriculture.
- Sustainable Development Course for Kazakhstan

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariadne Abigel Kemele-Vandlik
Head of the organisation
Marta Szigeti Bonifert

Robert Manchin

President and Managing Director of Europa Nova think tank and consulting organization. Manchin began his career at the Institute of Sociology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences after finishing the Karl Marx University of Economics and the Ferenc Liszt Academy...


Robert Manchin

Président et directeur général du groupe de réflexion et de conseil Europa Nova. Robert Manchin a commencé sa carrière à l'Institut de sociologie de l'Académie hongroise des sciences après avoir terminé l'Université d'économie Karl Marx et l'Académie de musique Ferenc...

RomNet-Media Foundation (RomNet-Média Alapítvány)

National Network

Teleki László tér 3.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
We are a small NGO in Hungary. We don't have full time team mates, because everybody are volunteer work. We operate our foundation money to tender. This year's budget is U.S. $ 25,000
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the RomNet-Media Foundation is to provide information to societies via the internet, in electronic and printed format, and to present the cultures of Hungary and of other countries. By presenting the situation of the Roma and poor people of Hungary and Europe, and in particular of Central and Eastern Europe, the Foundation’s staff is making a protest against the exclusion and branding of Roma and every social group, as well as drawing the attention of society and of legislators to the need for change.
The aim of the RomNet-Media Foundation is to help the work of those organisations and professionals who represent the interests of the excluded, and who are working for the improvement of the situation of disadvantaged people. Thus the RomNet-Media Foundation helps these various organisations to communicate and cooperate with one another.

Main Projects / Activities

Our major projects wwww.romnet.hu for Roma news website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Csaba Báder
Head of the organisation
Csaba Báder
Contact (2) Full Name
Bernadett Bóni

SHAM Cultural Public Foundation

National Network

Budapest 1111
Bartók Béla út 6.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Foundation: Advisory Board (3 ps),director, vice-director, supervisory board ( 3 ps) 2. Not fixed 3. Sponsoring and tenders 4. scientific and cultural, mainly archeological research projects 5. Pazmany Peter Chatolic University, Hungary; General Directorate of Archeology and Museums, Syria; French Institute of the Middle East
Mission and Objectives

SHAM = Syro-Hungarian Archeological Mission : Study and preservation of the archeological and cultural heritage of the Syria region

Main Projects / Activities

Excavation works of the Crusader heritage on the Syrian coastal region, especially the exploration of Margat castle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Ilona Bánki
Head of the organisation
Mr. Balázs Major