
Be an ESC volunteer in Hungary!

centre youth

The Centre Youth Association in Hungary has vacancies within their current European Solidarity Core projects where young people between 18-30 aged can teach their native language in Hungarian high schools, run conversational clubs, cultural evenings, promote ESC and Erasmus+ as well as realize their own mini projects.

The shortest period is 6 months, the longest period is 12 months and they can start their project as soon as they want.

All expenses, including flights, accommodation, meals, and insurance are covered, along with a monthly allowance. 


If you are interested find attached the infopack and apply with a CV and motivation letter. Make a lasting impact and experience personal growth while volunteering in an unforgettable adventure!

In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact the ESC coordinator of the Association, Szabolcs Kiss (kis.szabolcs@kozpontegyesulet.hu)


BOCS Foundation

National Network

Jókai u. 18.


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Decision making body is the Board of Trustees. Day-to-day activity is implemented by 5 permanent employees and a pool of approx 40 volunteers, supervised by the president. Budget: Yearly budget of approx 150000 EUR composed by EU (mostly EuropAid) and national funds. We implement global education in formal, informal and non-formal frames, that means lectures and workshops in schools, conferences, education of teachers, youth programs in camps, trainings, educational materials, computer animations, email newsletters, media etc. We have permanent major partners from Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, and we work with many other partners from all around the world (see memberships).
Mission and Objectives

The BOCS Foundation was created in 1975 and was formally registered in 1994. It has been working on the Hungarian speaking areas (Hungary, and among Hungarian minorities in Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Slovakia), in India (help schooling of poor village girls in Gujarat since 1977) and Africa.
Its work is aimed at international development cooperation, global education (first of all peace and environmental education, development and human rights education), rights of future generations and women.
BOCS Foundation implements strong lobbying activity and is one of the most represented NGO’s in the Hungarian politic scene. BOCS Foundation is the delegate of the Hungarian Green Movement in the International Development Cooperation Consultative Board of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2003.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2008 BOCS Foundation started to focus on Africa. BOCS partnered with international organizations to launch the “Africa's Demographic Challenges” (http://afrika.csaladtervezes.eu), the "From Poverty to Prosperity" (http://www.poverty2prosperity.eu), the "Action for Wide Awareness Raising in Europe" (http://www.awareproject.eu) and the “Save Women's Lives” (http://hu.mutternacht.de) EU-supported, 2-3 years long projects. These projects aim to raise awareness among political leaders, decision makers, the media and the public about the global megatrends and their effect on the Hungarian society.
BOCS is the Hungarian member of:
EuroNGOs (The European NGOs for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Population and Development), since 2006. (eurongos.org)
IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation), since 1995 (ifor.org)
BOCS is founding member of:
Hungarian Green Movement, since 1991.
Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid, since 2003.
BOCS is a member of:
Network for Rights of Students, since 2009.
Hungarian Africa Platform, since 2010.
CEEweb for Biodiversity, since 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are ready to share and bring our global education package to basically any kind of activity or for any target group. This is a pack that is relevant whether we discuss democracy, gender, environment, human rights, or any development topic.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to get involved in EuroMed projects, to implement global education programmes with the partnership of Med countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gyula Simonyi
Head of the organisation
Gyula Simonyi

Café Babel Budapest

National Network

1148 Budapest, Kalapacs u. 11./A
1148 Budapest, Kalapacs u. 11./A

+36 20 3291752
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 70 2040444
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Budapest editorial office is part of the Europe wide network of the first European online magazine called cafebabel.com. There are 15 volunteer members currently at the Budapest team and 3 partner organizations. Our annual budget is limited to the partners financial and project orientated support. Our main partners: Pillar Foundation, Hungarian New Atlantic Initiative, Foundation for the European Values. Concerning the activities, the Budapest team writes articles to the online magazine and organizes local or European debates on actual European issues.
Mission and Objectives

Aiming to break down the barriers created by national media, cafebabel.com is the first online magazine of its type. Published in seven languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Polish the site presents its readers with an insight into European current affairs from a trans-national perspective.
At a time when the European Union is expanding and playing an ever more important role in our everyday lives, the evolution of a European identity is still in its beginning stages. As a forum for reflection and analysis, cafebabel.com encourages its readers to think as Europeans, bringing European politics back to the people.

Main Projects / Activities

Cafebabel.com revolutionizes European media through participatory journalism, providing a unique platform of expression for all citizens. Café babel.com’s aim is to stimulate and develop European public opinion through two distinct but closely related missions. The online magazine – cafebabel.com – offers every week analyses of current affairs from a unique, European perspective. Secondly, at grassroots level café babel’s network, actively promotes this perspective through debates, conferences and other events organized in towns and cities across Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haller Dora
Head of the organisation
Linda Mézes
Contact (2) Full Name
Balla Borbala

Call to be a ESC Volunteer in Hungary!

Call for ESC Volunteers


Be a volunteer in the exciting cities of Debrecen or Nyíregyháza, Hungary. Stay for 4 to 11 months and get involved in the community to make a meaningful difference.

Focusing on diverse areas such as education and training, culture, youth, and active citizenship, this program allows volunteers to contribute to projects that align with their interests and passions. 

Volunteers in this program receive a range of benefits to support their journey. 

Firstly, they are provided with a monthly ticket that grants access to public transport. Additionally, participants are equipped with a Hungarian SIM card. If needed, a mobile phone is also provided.

Moreover, they receive a monthly pocket money of 150 EUR, which can be used for personal expenses or cultural activities. Additionally, participants receive 120 EUR for food, ensuring they have access to nourishing meals.

Travel costs to and from the program location are covered by the project. Furthermore, volunteers are provided with comprehensive insurance coverage for the entire duration of their stay.

Each volunteer is assigned to a mentor who offers guidance and support throughout the program. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to take Hungarian language lessons, enabling them to communicate effectively with locals.

Accommodation is arranged in private rooms, providing volunteers with a comfortable and secure living space during their stay.

Overall, this program offers a remarkable opportunity for individuals to contribute to meaningful projects.

Learn more about the call here:

Webpage: http://www.kozpontegyesulet.hu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kozpontegyesulet



Devenez volontaire dans les villes passionnantes de Debrecen ou Nyíregyháza, en Hongrie. Restez de 4 à 11 mois et impliquez-vous dans la communauté pour faire une différence significative.

Axé sur divers domaines tels que l'éducation et la formation, la culture, la jeunesse et la citoyenneté active, ce programme permet aux volontaires de contribuer à des projets qui correspondent à leurs intérêts et à leurs passions.

Les volontaires de ce programme bénéficient d'une série d'avantages pour soutenir leur parcours.

Tout d'abord, ils reçoivent un billet mensuel qui leur donne accès aux transports publics. En outre, les participants sont équipés d'une carte SIM hongroise. Si nécessaire, un téléphone portable est également fourni.

De plus, ils reçoivent un argent de poche mensuel de 150 euros, qui peut être utilisé pour des dépenses personnelles ou des activités culturelles. Par ailleurs, les participants reçoivent 120 euros pour la nourriture, ce qui leur permet d'avoir accès à des repas nourrissants.

Les frais de déplacement vers et depuis le lieu du programme sont couverts par le projet. En outre, les volontaires bénéficient d'une couverture d'assurance complète pour toute la durée de leur séjour.

Chaque volontaire est affecté à un mentor qui lui offre des conseils et un soutien tout au long du programme. De surcroît, les participants ont la possibilité de prendre des cours de hongrois, ce qui leur permet de communiquer efficacement avec la population locale.

L'hébergement se fait dans des chambres privées, offrant aux volontaires un espace de vie confortable et sécurisé pendant leur séjour.

Dans l'ensemble, ce programme offre une opportunité remarquable aux individus de contribuer à des projets significatifs.


Webpage: http://www.kozpontegyesulet.hu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kozpontegyesulet

Centre Youth Association

National Network

Erdei Ferenc utca 16.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Organization of the association which was founded in 2001: the association is governed by 5 board members, and the leader is the boss of the association. The association employs 2 fellow workers, who control the operation of the office of Debrecen. The main members of the Human Recourses are volunteering High School & University Students. Important to point out, that we have 19 trainees in our Internship Program. The association has a broad network connection, in which there are educational institutions, municipalities, NGO’s, companies, etc. In special emphasize we maintain contacts with nearly 150-200 educational institutions as a regional organization. The association also has European Partnership; one of these is the European Voluntary System, in which we are an accredited sending and host organization. The other is the “Portal of good news” international project. The association generally had about 10-12 million forints revenues and outlays, which are from sponsors and from calls. Moreover, it has personal incomes from the services and organizations.

Mission and Objectives

Our association’s targets are people from age 10 to 30. Those, who want to do something to their community by themselves. We ensure the space and time for them to become an important part of the society. The openness, the creativity and the trust are confessed to common values by the participants of the association. In our community these values are realized through assistances and teamwork. We provide supports to informal organizations structurally, within associational limits. Moreover, we consider the volunteer network operation to our mission, in the North Plain regions. Those young, who are in connection with us, get a several experiences, which will be normative in their further life.

Main Projects / Activities

• volunteering: we ensure volunteering possibilities to the youth : e.g. at animal shelters, nursing homes, children’s homes, oncology, and even environmental protection • community space: we ensure space and possibility to the young in communal program organizing, meetings and in social appearances • talent search: we are an accredited talent searcher center, we search the talented young and we ensure them to perform at events or at exhibitions • trainings: we organizes different trainings for young • international youth facilities: we work on international cooperation, we organize and take place in international changes, moreover we are members of the cross-bordered social network • European Volunteering Service: we work as a sending and host organization • sports, health education: we organize youth and sport programs e.g. mass sports, amateur sports • student government: we ensure help and professional background to both primary and high school “student governments” • youth events: we organize sport and mental competitions, gala parties and voluntary festivals • environment protection: garbage collection, tree planting and landscaping • drug prevention

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In our opinion, the partner relations among the association and the schools are substantially contributed to the national system in Hungary. Furthermore, the experiences came by the juvenile exercises are really significant. We can use our complex media connections, and the extensive domestic and international network of contacts, from which we have to mention the EVS. Through the European Voluntary Service out target that the Hungarian young could be also able to be trainee abroad, broaden their horizons, meet and learn the acceptance of multiculturalism, acknowledge the other, and practice the tolerance. Now, we have several volunteers abroad, and at our Association there are 2 Turkish and one Italian girls work as volunteers. By the reception of volunteers the association has lot fine practice, and in 2011 we earned the price “Év önkéntese program” (The voluntary of the year), which means a serious recognition. We organize trainings and special programs for the students at 150 schools of the North Plain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our viewpoint, providing a wide range of vision and accept the multiculturalism is become more important in the youth education. We believe that the improvement of the youth’s social and lifestyle competencies are really important e.g. tolerance, empathy, communication. Internationally, we would like to evolve more partner connections, and take part in projects which are for the development of the youth, and which provide non-formal learning possibilities, with or within Europe. In our opinion the targets of Anna Lindh Foundation are largely as same as our mission and our goals, so we believe that the cooperation with the members of the system is possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
János Bálega
Head of the organisation
Mr János Bálega


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Community Building Through Art

"Nyári Berek" by MEDIAWAVE

Community building through art

Hungarian network member MEDIAWAVE Film & Music Festival had their summer camp for art, architecture and environment, in Somogyfajsz, Hungary.

This camp of MEDIAWAVE took place in collaboration with Simorág DanCircus and serves as a great example of community building where art prevails and creativity can be freely encouraged and practiced. 

The camp was a great success, showcasing many community building activities like juggling plums, improvised cooking activities resulting in a delicious zucchini stew. The camp also served as a moment for muscial collaborations invoking the accordionist Bertolucci and a taste of the album recorded by Kaptza band during their US fellowship.

The participants could learn more about different kinds of arts from the invited artists in workshops and enjoy the nights long live music.

Learn more about the camp and the activities of these two ALF members here:


Facebook of MEDIAWAVE: https://www.facebook.com/mediawavefestival

Webpage of MEDIAWAVE: http://www.mediawave.hu/?nyelv=eng 

Facebook of Simorág DanCircus: https://www.facebook.com/simorag.hu

Webpage of Simorág DanCircus: http://simorag.hu/en


Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute for International Studies

National Network

Budapest - 1093
Fovam tér 8.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Institute is funded by the government and approximately 30 professors are employed and PhD students are also involved. Occassionally experts are invited to hold lectures from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from other professional organizations. The Institute consists of three centres: 1. Centre for Civilizational and Regional Studies; 2. European Studies Centre; 3. Centre for International Relations. We organize several conferences, workshops and seminars in every year. The lecturers of the Institute appear frequently in the media, they publicated several studies and edited many books. They are often invited to national and international conferences.
Mission and Objectives

The special research area of the Institute is the Islamic World, the Mediterraneum and the dialogue between civilizations. Our aim is to analyze the international system using multidisciplinar methodology. The following areas are of special interests:
• Democratization and the evolution of civil society in the MENA region;
• Human rights in the Islamic World;
• arm conflits (Arab-Israeli, Afghanistan, Iraq);
• the euro-mediterran partnership;
• Turkey and the EU;
• Oil and economic development in the MENA region;
• Islam and modernity.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organizing conferences, workshops, seminars;
• Analyzing current world politics;
• Research project on “failed states”
• Organizing lectures;
• Training course for Iraqi diplomats.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Zsolt Rostovanyi
Head of the organisation
Prof. Zsolt Rostovanyi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Laszlo Csicsmann