
Interkulti Association

National Network

Szent Laszlo utca 8

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners no staff employed
Budgetary resources available in a year 2019: 4000 USD
Sources of funding. Donations Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) weekly Radio show (Caravan) on Radio Tilos (90.3 FM Budapest) since 1999 , yearly art residency project (Masters of Palestinian Art) since 2016, yearly exhibitions, yearly film production about the art residencies. (Since 2016)
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Radio Tilos Budapest (not for profit NGO), Károlyi Palace (Fehérvárcsurgó), Bartók1 Gallery (Budapest), Barjeel Art Foundation (UAE), Arabelle Association (Israel), Municipality of Csókakő (Hungary), Centre For Cultural Heritage Preservation (Palestine), Palestine Museum USA

Mission and Objectives

Promotion of intercultural dialogue through art, film and music.

Main Projects / Activities

1. INTERNATIONAL ART COLONY: organization of special focus art residencies for selected and curated leading visual artists, organization of visual art exhibitions at the end of the art residencies, documentary film making about the art residencies and the participating visual artists. Since 2016 held 3 art residencies dedicated to introducing the very masters of contemporary Palestinian art, and held 5 major exhibitions presenting more than 120 artworks. The 4th art residency for 2020 has been postponed to 2021.

2. Caravan - weekly world music radio show on Radio Tilos (Saturdays 12:30 - 13:30) since 1999, introducing and propagating music tracks  mainly from India, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America through 60 minutes of uninterrupted mix.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Amir Abdi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Amir Abdi

Jakab Glaser Memorial Foundation

National Network

Apt. 13, 2nd floor, 23 Práter Str., Budapest, H-1082, Hungary

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Organization is the non-profit organization of the last Shtiebel of Budapest, Hungary. A shtiebel is a traditional centre of learning, worship and community of Eastern European Jewry. This place keeps its own traditions, customs and tones, as well as – uniquely in Hungary – a Sephardic liturgy since its establishmentbefore WWI. The shtiebel is saved and operated by a small number of deeply engaged young adults, with no experience or positions in any other Jewish establishments. We established the organization in 2010and named it after the late JakabGláser who had kept the shtiebel alive for decades until his death in 2006, when he was 95. Since then community has been maintaining the shtiebel. JakabGláser was the last of the old generation, and his long life,dedication and hard work made it possible for the shtiebel to survive. By the end of the 1990s the community shrank to 8 or 9, mostly elderly members (most of whom are also gone by now) so without the community building activities of the young and devoted “newcomers”, this place would not exist today. At our organization there is 5 person working as a staff in a voluntary way. Our main partners are: MAOIH (Hungarian Autonomic Orthodox Community),MAZSIHISZ(Federation of Hungarian Jewish Congregations) ,Beyond Budapest Sightseeingand BálintHáz Budapest ,CHABAD Lubavitch,Past and Future” Publishing House. Our budgetary resorurces: 3800euro/year. Our sources of founding: from members through tenders, government support, Jewish organizations (eg Mazsihisz) 1% of the end of the eligibility period of collection organizing volunteer work for the community. Main activities: research and documentation of History of the shtiebel Community events,Publishing ,Women’s club and education, Participating in Jewish street festivals.
Mission and Objectives

Jewish religion and traditions
education, raising culture awareness, the Jewish religion and culture, organizing community programs fostering of religious and cultural heritage of the Jiddishkeit facilitate the exercise of religion organize and conduct religious services editing and publishing of Jewish religional, and educational publications.
The rehabilitation and operation of the Teleki Tér Shtiebel
To make The Teleki Tér Shtiebel suitable to prayer and community activities
Guarding and invigorating the traditions of oratory of the Shtiebel
Restoration, conservation, exhibition, -if possible- making suitable for use of the original devotional objects (Torah, Torah, jewelry, candle holders, wall plaques, etc) equipment (benches, cabinets, Torah, etc) and use of objects (prayer books, tefilim, etc),
Operation of the Shtiebel, development
Organizing community life of the Shtiebel, programs
social support (financial and material) of the community members
Creating community space, and operating it
Organization of religious ceremonies
Organizing community and cultural programs
Collecting, archiving, publishing
Guarding and invigorating the traditions of oratory of the Shtiebel
Searching for memories, reconstructing and documenting of the area’s prewar vibrant cultural and Jewish community life,
The typical neighborhood, homes operating in prayer houses (lakásimaházak) cultures, traditions, memories of exploring Archive
Review, Summarizing and documenting ofJakab Gláser’s life and pro community activities
Summarizing the results of research and publication of the outcome
publishing, book publishing

Main Projects / Activities

Research and documentation of History of the shtiebel,Community events, Publishing ,Women’s club and education,Participating in Jewish street festivals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to be partners of some Hungarian ALF members, so we imagine a cooperation with ALF inside our country and also having new projects and being partners with international ALF members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We started to improve the capacity of our organization. For our future plans we need international contacts. The euro-mediterran region is the best for our partnerships.In Hungary we have heard about ALF as some of our new partners are members. They also suggested that if we are interested in intercultural dialogues this network is one of the bests for it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gábor Mayer
Head of the organisation
Gábor Mayer
Contact (2) Full Name
András Mayer

Jody Jensen

Jody Jensen is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Political Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and assistant professor in international economics at the Corvinus University of Budapest. She is also the founder of the Institute of...


Jody Jensen

Jody Jensen est chargée de recherche principale à l'Institut des sciences politiques de l'Académie Hongroise des Sciences et professeure adjointe en économie internationale à l'Université Corvinus de Budapest. Elle est également la fondatrice de l'Institut d'Etudes Sociales et Européennes, elle...

Kistarcsa Cultural Association

National Network

Bercsenyi u. 18.

+36 28 470 926
+36 28 470 926
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 30 349 0300
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Presidency (6 persons), board of trustees (6 persons).All members are volunteers. Budgetary in a year is about 50 000 Euro. Main sources are: proposal grants, contribution of local government, donations. We often participate in international exchanges, and organise seminars. Our main partners are from  Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, France.

Mission and Objectives

The civic association, which has a membership of 60, is committed to contribute to the improvement of the cultural life of our settlement.
The members of the association meet once a week, when educational lectures are held.
We annually organize show evenings when local amateur and professional artists perform. There are show evenings for talenred local children too.
We offer yearly award prizes for which local inhabitants may apply.
Every autumn is held a cultural week.
Since 1998 we have published a local calendar yearly.
We are active in researching local history, saving traditions and hand them to the youth.
For us is important our heritage and the European integration too. So we keep in mind and prefer the cultural diversity of diferent nations in our activity.
Our method of community building is via cultural programs like organizing courses, study visits, cooperation with partner organizations in transnational level.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication of printed publications connected to our town, handycraft courses, Europe for Citizens and Erasmus+ projects, making creations for local public places, exhibitions of special objects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute the network with our communication tools, with giving information to media.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to make more in the field of cultural diversity. We are looking for partners from countries outside the European Union too.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ferenc Kereszti
Head of the organisation
Ferenc Kereszti
Contact (2) Full Name
Csaba Csonka

L'ora alternativa - The Alternative Hour Project


When we talk about the second generation and the participation of people from immigrant backgrounds, the perspective too often remains external, partial, and there is a strong risk of stereotypes and extremes of thought being expressed. The story of the web series "L'ora alternativa" - The Alternative Hour, produced in Italy, focuses not on the background of the characters but on the participants themselves. That is why we decided to entrust the entire project to a team of professionals with an immigrant background, who know these events, have lived them and were able to bring to life a story without borders, in which the characters are boys and girls from all over the world who can identify with the characters and feel less alone in their situation, on a delicate path of growth and self-discovery.  #ShapeTheSocietyWeWant  

Watch the full series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3mA7UEoOwLDIdBUHZFzLCLdn8wrHbNe4


The series is offered by our member, the Artemisszió Foundation:


Leaders of Change - Training opportunity

leaders of change

Leaders of Change (LoC) is organised by two Anna Lindh Foundation members: Egyesek Youth Association form Hungary and INEX Association, Czech Republci. It is an 8 days training course for those leading either groups or volunteers, who want to improve their performance, based upon the principles of self-awareness, resourcefulness, and accountability. The main methodology used will be personal development and self-reflection, which means that we will be focusing mainly on your mindset/attitudes rather than providing you practical skills or models. The training course will take place in Hollókő, Hungary, from 6th to 15th November 2023 (travel days included). 

It is for you if you…

  • are planning to lead a project or a workcamp in 2023/24 and ideally have been to or are planning to go to regular skills-oriented project or workcamp leaders trainings,
  • have ideally participated in at least one workcamp as participants, previous experiences with leading a workcamp or other type of project are welcome, but not required,
  • are at least 18 years old and can communicate in English,
  • are willing to work on their personal and professional development,
  • are able to participate fully in the programme from the beginning till the end.

Applications until the 30th of september!

See the info kit here:


Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organisation

National Network

Bán u. 1/A. 2.em./1.

+36 30 996 35 67
Mobile Phone
+36 30 996 35 67
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The main aim of the organisation is to protect asylum seekers and refugees and try to shape a more tolerant and friendly atmospehere. Therefore we provide legal and administrative aid to foreigners, mainly refugees. Furthemore we have integration projects such as Sport against racism, consultation about possibilities of studying in Hungary and "Show the Red Card to racism". 

Mission and Objectives

Our organisation is not supported/founded by the government therefore out of the 6 member of staff who are working here 4 are volunteers. Since 2009 the president of our organisation is member of the Hungarian Football Federation's (MLSZ) Minority Commitee, enabling fight against racism through sport more efficiently with the projects mentioned above.

Main Projects / Activities

The main aim of the organisation is to protect asylum seekers and refugees and to try to shape a more tolerant and friendly social atmosphere.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Internet access, media campaign

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Gibril Deen
Head of the organisation
Mr. Gibril Deen

Marom Budapest

National Network

1083, Szigetvari u. 6.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Marom has a chair, a director and vize-director, who create the board. There are three employees and ca. 30 volunteers. Marom had ca. 80 000 Euro income in 2008. Main financial supporters were: JDC Hungary, Hungarian Jewish Cultural Heritage Foundation, Chais Family Foundation, Gruntvig Foundation and the Rothschild Foundation. Marom operates part of a cultural- and civic community center in Budapest, called Siraly (www.siraly.co.hu) where we organise concerts, discussions, theatre plays, movie showings and further alterative activities for the promotion of contemporary Jewish culture and intercultural dialogue. We organise one big festival yearly outside of Budapest, in 2009 between 6-8. August. We have online projects such as the Alternative Jewish Life style magazine www.pilpul.net and a videosharing project www.jewave.com . We are also active in the protection of the Jewish district, environmental consciousness, and gender issues. Our main partners are the City Theatre, the JDC, Judapest.org and Masorti Olami.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Marom Budapest is to re-interpret the Jewish cultural heritage, to promote and create contemporary Jewish culture and to facilitate intercultural dialogue through the means of culture and art. We encourage people to realise their own projects and to contribute to positive social changes through their voluntary work. Our aims are also to represent the right of women, sexual and ethnical minorities and promote tolerance. We are fighting against Anti-semitism and all kinds of discrimination. Our aim is to support other civic intiatives and to co-operate with them.
Besides multuculturalism, diversity and progressivity our main value is environmental consciousness.
Our objective is to have a constantly growing number of young adults involved in projects facilitated by us on the fields above.

Main Projects / Activities

Marom Budapest has been residing and working within a unique non-profit cultural center (squat) in the heart of the Jewish district of Budapest, called Sirály, Since 2006. (www.siraly.co.hu)
Here our main programs are the New Year of the Trees (Tubishvath), Purim, The day of civic culture, Hanuka-Christmas-Eid El Adha and further films, discussions, exhibitions.
We support an egalitarian prayer group, called New Generation (Dor Chadash) and we celebrate together Jewish holidays, like Seder night. We have one bigger festival yearly outside of Budapest (Jewstock), in 2009 between 6-8. August.
Our online projects are: www.pilpul.net - an alternative Jewish life style and academic magazine and www.jewave.com video-sharing website. Once a year we have the Marom -roof on the occasion of the Jewish holiday "Sukkot".
We support artistic and cultural initiatives for re-creating Jewish culture, such us the Hungarian music bands Hagesher or Skayach.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adam Schonberger
Head of the organisation
Adam Schonberger