Stereotyped but Liked? A Content Analysis of the Presence and Stereotypical Portrayal of Minority Groups in Award-Winning Commercials


Stereotyped but Liked? A Content Analysis of the Presence and Stereotypical Portrayal of Minority Groups in Award-Winning Commercials

Daalmans, Serena.
Communication Research Reports - Routledge
Type de publication
Academic article
Année de publication

The present study examined stereotyping in the representation of gender, age and ethnicity in positive and negative award-winning commercials. Commercials were coded for the presence of males and female, different age groups and different ethnic groups, as well as for stereotyped portrayals of these groups. Overall results indicated that women and the elderly are underrepresented in both types of commercials, while ethnic minorities are represented in both types of commercials comparable to their proportions in society. Generally, negative award-winning commercials show less stereotyping in the representation of women, and there are no differences in the degree of stereotyping present regarding the elderly and ethnic minorities in both types of commercials.