
An exclusive opportunity for social businesses!

The event is organized by the Lithuanian Social Business Association in cooperation with "BNI Vakaris"

💡Why is this event being organized?
The event is organized to promote the development of social procurement and to include social businesses in the wider business world. Social procurement is a way in which companies can contribute to solving social and environmental problems by supporting and collaborating with social businesses. Through these purchases, not only economic, but also social value is created, contributing to the creation of common wealth.
🎯Who is this event for?
The event is intended for both social and "traditional" businesses that seek to expand their activities and are looking for new opportunities for cooperation. It is a great opportunity for representatives of social businesses to meet with traditional businesses, learn about their needs and offer their solutions. At the same time, representatives of traditional businesses can discover new suppliers and partners who will not only meet their business needs, but also contribute to increasing social responsibility.
📝Why is this important?
Cooperation between social and traditional businesses can create new opportunities and mutual benefits. By including social businesses in their supply chain, traditional businesses can contribute to solving social problems, improve their image and increase competitiveness. Social businesses, in turn, can expand their activities and strengthen their market positions.
📌This event is not only an opportunity to get to know each other, but also a unique opportunity to establish long-term and meaningful cooperation relationships. Take advantage of this great opportunity - participate and develop your business with us!

Annual meeting of Lithuanian Network: "Without us there will be no us"

Members of LT ALF

On February 24th in Vilnius, the ALF Lithuanian Network celebrated its annual meeting, in which 31 network members participated. 

The meeting started with a discussion about the ALF situation in brief, followed by an introduction of new members and a lecture on Humanitarian crises of the 21st century: can I change something? by Ina Kiseliova-El Marassy. Then, a co-creation session was held titled World Café, during which participants had the opportunity to move freely between six tables to speak about the six following topics: 

1. ALF values
2. Common priorities
3. Visibility
4. Events
5. Wishes
6. Suggestions

Afterwards, there was an election of the ALF Lithuanian Network Council, during which the following representatives were elected: 

  • Jurgita Vilmantė Jazbutytė
  • Auksė Kapočiūtė Vaitkuvienė
  • Veslava Skusėnienė
  • Loreta Kaltauskienė
  • Akvilė Kubrečenkaitė

This election was followed by an evaluation of the event and self-evaluation, before the meeting ended with a social dinner. 

Anyksciai Education Assistance Authority

National Network

Sviesos g.7
29147 Anyksciai

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Anyksciai Education Assistance Authority is the institution in the region providing informal adult education. The main objectives of Anyksciai Education Assistance Authority are: to organize the qualification improvement work of the members of educational institutions and other communities, to initiate active participation in the educational reform and to help teachers who work with pupils having special needs: to provide information, consultation and recomendations. The spheres of the activities are: • the advancement of teachers’ qualification • informal adult education • helping pupils, schools, teachers. The Authority has been organizing all kind of activities: seminars (about 100 every year), courses (computer literacy and foreign languages, art workshops), exhibitions, projects, educational trips. Education Assistance Authority has been organizing all kind of courses and seminars for various people: teachers, unemployed, volunteers from Community Centres of the region, seniors, people with disabilities or for everyone who is interested in acquiring new skills. The Authority is co-operating with all educational institutions in the district. Education Assistance Authority has lots of experiences organizing the international workshops and lots of skills in managing local and international  projects. The Authority aims at providing the possibility for adults to continue learning all their life, be flexible and be ready to adapt in the changing world. Learning on the background of the competences is the main purpose of informal education. Participants not only have to learn on theoretical level, but also they have to use the tools and skills which are offered in the practical part of the program. It is impossible to define the number of adult learners since the number is changing constantly as some courses and seminars are not long term learning activities. During one year more than 2.000 participants attend the activities of the Authority. There are only 6 employees working constantly in the Education Assistance Authority. The central values of institution is  need of clients, human-centred; freedom to choose our own way; know-how, development; balance between financial resources and needs; responsible workforce.
Mission and Objectives

To organize the qualification improvement work of the members of educational institutions and other communities, to initiate active participation in the educational reform.
To help teachers who work with pupils having special needs: to provide information, consultation and recomendations.

Main Projects / Activities

The Authority has been organizing all kind of activities: seminars (about 100 every year), courses (computer literacy and foreign languages, art workshops), exhibitions, projects, educational trips. Education Assistance Authority has been organizing all kind of courses and seminars for various people: teachers, unemployed, volunteers from Community Centres of the region, seniors, people with disabilities or for everyone who is interested in acquiring new skills. The Authority is co-operating with all educational institutions in the district. Education Assistance Authority has lots of experiences organizing the international workshops and lots of skills in managing local and international  projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to develop cooperation with the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to introduce our institution to the members of Anna Lindh foundation and share the ideas and good practise of human rights and democracy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva Ziogiene
Job Title
Methodologist/ project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Jolanta Baksiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Jolanta Baksiene
Job Title (2)

Arabic Culture Forum

National Network

Nugaletoju g. 1 J
10105 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Arab culture forum is a platform for building a foundation for mutual cooperation and exchanging knowledge about Arabic culture.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to develop a peaceful cultural dialogue by promoting a critical approach to the opinions and stereotypes formed in the public space. We aim to change viewing perspectives and show a different face of Middle East, that is, in fact,  colourful, aesthetic and greatly unique. Our goal will be achieved through various aesthetic, visual and written means such as the dissemination of arabic literature, various educational programmes, language courses, exhibitions of famous artists from the Arab world, travel impressions and other discoveries. At the same time, we will provide an opportunity for the people from Arab countries to understand the Western world and , more specifically us – Lithuanians, better. So we join our efforts to contribute to a development of a global, peaceful and bright world

Main Projects / Activities

Youth education, exhibitions, literature events, integration, academic events

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote cutural, interactive, educational activities by fostering mutual communication, education and integration of peope from Arab countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To exchange ideas and experience, to organize common events and to promote cultural cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maritana Larbi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maritana Larbi

Arabic Culture Forum

National Network

Nugaletoju 1
10105 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Direktor: Maritana Larbi Manager of Relations with Arabic Countries: Feisal Ali Alshamakh Projekt Manager: Milda Petkauskaite and Veceslav Konovalov Main Partners: Vilnius University
Mission and Objectives

To foster intercultural cooperation among Lithuanian and Arab countries, to perform public occupancy, artistic self-expression, racist activity prevention, functions of providing possibilities for the development of creative and social capacities and their realization in carrying out the following activities:
To intermediate for cooperating organizations, institutions, enterprises and companies of Lithuanian and Arab countries according to agreements with other  natural or legal persons, public or non-public organizations and agencies.
To expand education of the Lithuanian society on the Arab culture and critical view to information disseminated in society on Arab culture.
To familiarize the Arab Cultural areal with Lithuania and its culture as well as the Lithuanian language in fostering the development of education and critical attitude on Lithuania in Arab countries.
To foster international involvement and cooperation of other counties in developing common projects associated with educational and cultural activity on the Arab world and Lithuania.

Main Projects / Activities

translation of arabic literatur to lithuanian language and lithuanian literatur to arabic language;
publisching article about arabic and lithuanien culture on our website;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To conclude agreements with other public institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies, institutions, communities, agencies assisting in the fostering of closer international cooperation among the countries. To cooperate with specialists in other fields at the time of educational programmes and common projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maritana Larbi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maritana Larbi

Art Agency Artscape

Join us in celebrating global music, creative workshops, art installations, and community vibes at the CULTURAL RHYTHMS festival dedicated to #WordlRefugeeDay!Date: June 20th, starting at 12 PM for volunteers  🟢 Location: Bernardinų Kiemas, Vilnius 🟢 Activities: Open-air music festival featuring music, workshops, and more. DEADLINE: June 14th, 2024 Registration here: #Kultūrųritmu  #RefugeeWeek #pabėgėliųsavaitė Funded by the European Union.

CALL for volunteers of #CULTURALRHYTHMS festival is OPEN!

Join us in celebrating global music, creative workshops, art installations, and community vibes at the CULTURAL RHYTHMS festival dedicated to #WordlRefugeeDay!

Image removed. Date: June 20th, starting at 12 PM for volunteers

Image removed. Location: Bernardinų Kiemas, Vilnius

Image removed. Activities: Open-air music festival featuring music, workshops, and more.

DEADLINE: June 14th, 2024

Registration here:

#Kultūrųritmu #RefugeeWeek #pabėgėliųsavaitė

Funded by the European Union.

 -organized by the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania and the arts agency ARTSCAPE. Major partner: United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Partners: Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuanian Culture Council. Media partner: LRT.

Asian Art Centre

National Network

Kriviu st. 12
01209 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Asian Art Centre is an organization dedicated to promoting the various types of arts and cultures of Asia in Lithuania. The Centre operates as a non-profit organization with a team of 2 staff members and two main partners - Vilnius University and Vilnius Municipality. The Centre's budgetary resources are primarily obtained through funding from Vilnius Municipality, grants for the projects, sponsorships from other organisations/foundations. The Centre operates on an annual budget of 9000 Eur but is expecting to expand its capacities in the nearest future. The Centre's activities are centered around a variety of modalities, including exhibitions, lectures, seminars, workshops, and cultural exchanges. These initiatives aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Asian art and culture among different Lithuanian audiences. The Centre works closely with a number of partners, including museums, galleries, academic institutions, and cultural organizations. These partnerships facilitate the development and implementation of various projects and activities, and help to further the Centre's mission of promoting cross-cultural exchange.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote the understanding and appreciation of Asian arts and culture in Lithuania by organizing events that showcase the diversity and richness of Asia's cultural heritage, and by fostering intercultural dialogue and tolerance. Objectives: -To organize cultural events that showcase the traditions, arts, and customs of Asia, with the aim of promoting mutual understanding and appreciation among different cultures and increasing awareness of the diversity and richness of Asian culture. -To provide opportunities for the Asian community to share their cultural heritage and experiences with the local society, thereby fostering social cohesion and integration, and increasing tolerance towards different cultures. -To organize cultural workshops, seminars, and educational programs that provide insights into Asian arts, culture, and history, promoting cross-cultural learning and understanding. -To promote Asian art forms such as film, dance, music, and visual arts, by organizing professional and hobby type events, exhibitions, and performances, thereby fostering creativity, talent development, and cultural diversity. -To collaborate with other organizations and institutions to develop and implement cultural projects and initiatives that promote intercultural dialogue, understanding, and harmony, and contribute to the enrichment of Lithuania's cultural landscape.

Main Projects / Activities

Film screenings that showcases Asian cinema, providing an opportunity for audiences to experience the diversity and richness of Asian cultures, providing a platform for filmmakers and audiences to connect and exchange ideas. (Project ,,Lost Taiwanese Cinema'', ''Independent Taiwanese Documentary'') Classical Indian dance and music performances by renowned artists and groups from India, showcasing the beauty and intricacy of Indian classical dance and music. (''My India'', ''Sursadhana'', etc ) Crafts workshops: These workshops provide opportunities for participants to learn about traditional Asian crafts (henna drawing, ikebana, origami, etc.) Educational programs: The Centre offers educational programs that provide insights into Asian art, culture, and history, including lectures, seminars. Art exhibitions featuring contemporary and traditional arts produced by Asian or local artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a small organization but we could still contribute by actively participating in Network activities to learn from others and share our experiences; by engaging with local communities through outreach, cultural events and volunteering.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because it provides a unique opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations across different countries, promote intercultural dialogue and understanding, and work towards building a more peaceful and inclusive society. By joining the network, we can learn from others, share our experiences, and develop joint projects that aim to foster greater mutual understanding and respect between different cultures and communities.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Nomeda Gabija Vosyliūtė
Job Title
Acting Director
Head of the organisation
Nomeda Gabija Vosyliūtė

Asociacija "Aktyvus jaunimas"

National Network

Lygybes g. 21-86
51379 Kaunas

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

“Active Youth” Association (Asociacija “Aktyvus jaunimas”) is a non-profit organization based in Kaunas that unites young leaders from Lithuania willing to work on a voluntary basis to facilitate an intercultural dialogue and enhance competence of the European youth. We cooperate with organizations of similar profile from all over Europe (more than 50 partnerships) to organize events and trainings using non-formal education as a powerful instrument to encourage youth to take an active part in a society. By doing this we help young people to improve their skills and social awareness, share experiences and ideas, integrate them within the multinational environment of the EU, facilitate cooperation, create new joint initiatives, increase their social awareness, and promote healthy lifestyle. In particular, we concentrate on youth (18-30 years old) that have fewer opportunities and/or disadvantaged backgrounds.

Mission and Objectives

Generally, our aims are to: (1) enhance entrepreneurial, social, leadership, communication skills, self-esteem, as well as multilingualism of youth through non-formal education; (2) help youth increase their social awareness, be tolerant towards others, be aware of the persisting social and environmental problems and help solve them; (3) educate youth workers and youth on how to  join volunteering initiatives, cooperate with each other, and get employed more easily;  (4) organize joint campaigns, projects and activities, where young people and youth workers can get involved in an intercultural dialogue, be a part of the decision making process, develop the spirit of volunteerism, facilitate youth cooperation and social values; (5) raise awareness about EU citizenship among young people, educate about social responsibility and work towards reducing youth unemployment in the EU; (6) organize youth seminars, exchanges, trainings for youth workers, conferences and discussions on relevant social topics, promote healthy,  active, and ecologically friendly lifestyle in order to increase the well-being of youth. Inform about similar actions organized by others in Europe; (7) defend and promote human rights, universal values of tolerance, active citizenship, democracy, equal opportunities and work towards the elimination of discrimination in order to build a better integrated society; (8) organise Erasmus+ projects and spread information about the opportunities that lie behind it in order to further facilitate youth development.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from other activities, we have also hosted Erasmus+ youth exchanges and youth worker mobility in Lithuania addressing key social topics for youth. Firstly, we organised a youth exchange on tolerance for minorities ("Let's Turn Discrimination into Tolerance"), where young people gathered to help the minorities across Europe integrate easier to the society and get better opportunities both in social and work life. Secondly, we have organised both youth worker mobility and a youth exchange on the topic of Social Entrepreneurship ("More than Money: Social Entrepreneurship Heroes"). Here youth workers have shared their experiences, learned about social entrepreneurship and the ways to teach it to young people; whereas, unemployed have gained important knowledge on the topic and increased their chances of getting employed or create their own social enterprises. Since then we have hosted 12 more Erasmus+ projects (as of February 2017).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Recently, we have started working on refugee integration to youth work. We're implementing a 2 year international project "Together: Refugees & Youth" (TRY). In essence, TRY aims to create a special programme in which youth workers would include refugees in their work with youth.This way, youth would get a chance to develop in a multicultural environment; thus building up their tolerance and increasing multilingualism. Meanwhile, the refugees would integrate into the society faster, since the youth would help them with the local language, culture and traditions. We would incorporate these activities to the whole Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Lithuania. More information on the project: 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to cooperate with other organiastions in the Network on refugee integration initiatives, as well as promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Inga Vederyte
Head of the organisation
Gediminas Kondrackis


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+370 678 13788
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1) Our organization are created just 2013 April, so we are new and small like organization. But 9 founders of the association has a different yet useful experience which, we are sure, will contribute to our success and good results. We work like volunteers, no staff employed. Partners are city municipality, universities, schools and a lot of different organizations. 2) Depends on idea and project, can be very huge, because some members are good businessmans, so they can support (lets say till 100000 Eur) 3) Municipality, government support in some support programs, various funds of support,private money. 4) We are new, for now we applied for 4 projects, 2 funds, some answers are negative, for some still waiting. Every year, through our big contact network we send about 60-80 people to different international projects, exchanges, seminar in all world. For so young organization its big number, because in Lithuania international meetings its just starting to be more popular.A lot of people do not know about these big opportunities. 5) Partners are city municipality, universities, schools and a lot of different organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of AKTYVISTAI is to gather a company which would not only realize itself and its ideas but would also spend their free time. The association is open not only for the youth but everyone who likes an active lifestyle, is positive, looks for friends or wants to teach or learn something new. It is also possible to test yourself in various activities, find new friends, have a good time and even to earn some experience. Our attitude involves being ACTIVE, POSITIVE and ENJOYING life. We are trying not to limit our activities to one direction, allowing people of different ideas to express themselves freely. For this reason, we will encourage people to implement their own or their friends’ ideas. This will help to perform our tasks more effectively; our members will be better motivated and active and the internal atmosphere of the association will be more balanced.

Main Projects / Activities

For a few years when AKTYVISTAI association was being found, its founders, their friends, acquaintances and recommended people were actively participating in international projects and meetings. Our members represented Lithuania in over 40 various international events which created plenty of opportunities. At the end of 2013, together with experienced organisations from foreign countries we are about to establish a worldwide network of organisations, which will be designed to educate people using our experience and time-tested practical trainings. We want to encourage our young people to get involved into these activities or at least to try this type of projects as it might give them a chance to travel, get acquainted with other countries and their cultures and get some interesting experience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The founders of the association are nine good friends and colleagues who earned each other’s trust over the years in various events, projects and other activities. Each of them has a different yet useful experience which, we are sure, will contribute to our success and good results. Some of them are entrepreneurs (businessman) so for good idea should be not difficult to get some support. Also they can help with contacts and their friends. It is very important in such small country like Lithuania. In our City Kaunas, we like organization,like people, have close contact with city municipality.If You need, we can be Your information distributor (source) for Lithuania or Kaunas city, because we know and have good contacts with a lot of organizations. By the way, in 5-7 years or our experience we have many different contacts in all Europe, so we believe that we can be really useful for this network too, with our contacts, our good and positive energy, our big experience and huge activity or energy ;) If You have any question please write.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We get good recommendations and review about your network from our international friends and organizations. we believe that this network are perspective and most organizations are active. More active organizations, more active network, more good and useful aims or ideas we can make real. In 5-7 years or our experience we have many different contacts in all Europe (some world countries), so we believe that we can be really useful for this network too, with our contacts, our good and positive energy, our big experience and huge activity or energy ;)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association of Lithuanian County Public Libraries (further AVBA)

National Network

Aušros al. 62

(8~41) 523750
(8~41) 523750
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association incorporates all five county libraries in major Lithuanian Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Šiauliai, and Vilnius cities. In accordance with an annual approved activity plan the AVBA runs meetings, workshops, and conferences for the representatives of member libraries. During the meetings the most important county library issues, problems and activities are discussed and solutions sought to.  The Association prepares joint statements and resolutions to current issues concerning their own and likewise other libraries. These activities facilitate access to employees, enable them to exchange experiences, to consult, to develop joint projects.
Mission and Objectives

The AVBA is a voluntary association of county public member libraries that are directly subject to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Its objectives are:
By cooperation to unite intellectual and financial resources of member libraries in order to facilitate solving relevant library running problems;
Represent and defend the interests of the county public libraries in Lithuanian and foreign institutions.
Coordination of activities performed with the framework of implementation to protect county public library rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Conference "The Library Partnership for development: experiences and opportunities" (2013).
Publication of  Lithuanian Public Libraries: Preserving, Creating, Cooperating (2012).
The International conference The Promotion of Cultural Heritage and New Challenges for the County Public Libraries (2012).

Contact (1) Full Name
Jolita Rimeikienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rūta Žirgulytė