
SIEN (Student Internatioanl Exchange Network) Foundation

National Network

7633 Pécs, Esztergár L. str. 8/2. HUNGARY

+ 36 72 522 625
+ 36 72 522 624
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The SIEN Foundation (in Hungarian: SIEN Nemzetközi Diákcseréért Alapítvány) was established in 1999 with the aim of providing a financial background for the future activities of the Network. It is an independent non-governmental, non-profit organisation with its centre located in Pécs. One of the original aims of the foundation was to provide financial support for the active participation of students in international mobility projects and to promote and develop international co-operation and intercultural dialogue. The most significant long-term project of SIEN Foundation is the annual International Culture Week in Pécs (ICWiP). Active partner countries of the foundation include Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Russia and Romania, together with intensively developing links with associations in other Central European countries, such as Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Austria and the Ukraine. The foundation offers services to youth communities, such as sending volunteers for the European Voluntary Service, organising journalism and communication trainings, offering language practice opportunities, developing organisational and administrative skills and providing information on all sorts of issues of international student life.
Mission and Objectives

We are committed towards cultural diversity an international co-operation. Through our projects, we would like to contribute proactively to the development of professional and cultural knowledge of youth and support their participation in social life and working as active citizens. These events provide opportunity to center our international relationships in Pécs, and thus be involved in the circles of European networks of youth associations. Our main aim is to promote youth communities to become able to realise their initiatives and plans by this means contributing to ideas of the European integration, cultural understanding and diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

The most significant and important long term project of our Foundation is the International Culture Week in Pécs (ICWiP). Each year, nearly 300 people between the age of 18 and 35 take part representing 70 different countries from all over the world. They arrive initially from Europe, but many people come from, for example, Mexico, Lebanon, Congo, India or the United States of America and the Far East. The Culture Week is comprised of a high-standard summer school discussing highly topical youth issues, diverse intercultural activities, and an inspiring festival presenting the values of various cultures and diverse branches of arts providing opporortunity to discover, learn, exchange thoughts, and build lasting contacts. In accordance with the priorities of international organisations, the thematic topic of the confence, highlighted by the motto of the years, are dedicated to examine topics of world-wide relevance affecting thelives of young people, for examlpe the institution of democracy (2003), or the reunion of Europe by integration (2004).

Contact (1) Full Name
István Tarrósy
Head of the organisation
István Tarrósy
Contact (2) Full Name
Anita Böröcz

Social Impact Management Toolkit

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Social Innovation Center Foundation/ Társadalmi Innovációs Központ Alapítvány

National Network

Bokréta utca 28.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Research
General Information

Our foundation is a public benefit non-governmental organization. We do not have employed staff, our activists carry out the projects of the Association. Last year, our budget was around €28 000, which we spent on our projects and on the development of the organization. Our organization was founded in 2018, but the key members have decades long experience relating to research,  project generation and project realization. Last year, we started to build an international partnership. We have partner organizations from Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and we are looking for to expand our partnerships. In cooperation with these organizations, we planned several international projects, which focus on social innovation and research.

Mission and Objectives

The aim of the Foundation is to support social innovations in the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation in the social sciences, technology and natural sciences. Social innovation is an approach that helps to find answers to complex and urgent societal challenges. It simultaneously relies on new scientific findings and the experience and local knowledge of local actors, so that well-founded, new responses to social problems and challenges are best suited to local specificities. In the case of social innovation, the newly established domestic and international co-operations and partnerships play a particularly important role. The goal of social innovation is to create new services, change and reorganize the content of existing services.

Main Projects / Activities

Social innovation projects and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking for partnerships along the common values and aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Péter Berczeli
Job Title
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Péter Berczeli

Spiritusz Egyesület

National Network

Pongrác köz 5.

00 36 20-934-0972
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Our association is concerned about cultural and community activities. We provide economic background to many theatrical company and we are participants in many family programs. We operate a theater and music center in Budapest. We release the Spiritusz journal for children's and for the youth theater area, which is the most professional journal on this area. As a host of activities we would like to set up an opportunity to add more talented theatrical, dance and musical creative team and the pursuit of cultural space operated by us safer ground. At the same place in a family, a complex series of programs to operate with low ticket prices or even free participation once a month ,depicting the various stations of prosperity for children and adults alike.

Mission and Objectives

The Association aims to theater performances , create , distribute , conditions related to the theatrical activity and create narrower or wider vicinity of helping the represented associations and civic and professional formation of cultural communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Bögrefónia project - Trambulin Theater - Spiritusz online journal - S8 underground club and community center -

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with free children programmes, network activites in the topic of education and interculturalism.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join you because we think that our missions are the same.

Contact (1) Full Name
Csák György
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Csák György

Stroll Walking in the City

On the 30th of March the Artemisszió Foundation launched an extraordinary experiment, together with the University of Thessaly, the Complutense University of Madrid and Interkulturális Pszichológiai és Pedagógiai Intézet. Inspired by the recent migration of higher education to the online...

Szembenézés Alapítvány

National Network

Igmándi u. 33. 2/2

+36 30 9316210
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The aim of our organisation is very simple: we want to help people talk to each other. To this end, we organise "Discussion Circles", a dialogue based on the fourfold principle of cognition-understanding-acceptance-compassion, respecting each other and respecting the facts. In these dialogues, scholars, scientists and experts of great credibility and knowledge help us to gain a deeper understanding of our common historical and cultural heritage and to acquire a sensitivity to the facts we have learned. With a wide range of civil society and institutional partnerships behind them, our discussion circles are characterised by authenticity, expertise, collaboration, interactive and experiential knowledge transfer, play and humour.

Mission and Objectives

Non-formal education and awareness-raising to promote knowledge, understanding, acceptance and compassion for our common historical and cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Castle Project

Contact (1) Full Name
Ágnes Pap
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ágnes Pap

Szembenézés Alapítvány (Facing the Past for the Future Foundation)

National Network

Igmándi utca 33.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Szembenézés Foundation is a Hungarian non-govenmental organisation existing since 2007. Our staff consists of volunteers (cca. 20 ppl.) and one employee who are all committed to the values, missions and objectives of the foundation. Our yearly budgetary resource is cca. 3.500.000-4.000.000 Forints and our main sources of funding are grants such as the HET Ireland and EU and donations as well as benefits in kind. The foundation has a board of trustees and a supervisory board – their members are all volunteers.
Our partners are renowned institutions such as the Budapest History Museum Castle Museum, the Kiscelli Museum, universities (CEU, ELTE PPK), elementary and high schools as well as with non-governmental organizations including Amnesty International, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the Palantír Film Foundation and the UCCU Roma Informal Educational Foundation. Our projects include the Crocus Holocaust Remembrance Project for students, several trainings for tour guides and thematic walking tours. Besides that we organize several unique history lessons and sensivity and anti-prejudice trainings for a broad audience.

Mission and Objectives

The Szembenézés Foundation has been implementing projects since 2007 in the spirit of our core values of recognition, understanding, acceptance and compassion. Our staff and volunteers, who have a key-role in our foundation, wish to live in a world where everyone can choose their identities freely and everyone is accepting towards themselves and the others as well.
The values arising from cooperation and community learning are also of great importance for us in creating and implementing projects. That is why we are constantly collaborating with professionals from a wide range of disciplines: historians, archaeologists, art historians, anthropologists, lawyers, educators, artists.
Our main goal is simple: we would like to help people to be open to discussions with each other. Our programs provide opportunities for the participants to have inclusive conversations based on the values of democracy and mutual understanding, acceptance and open-mindedness.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Unknown Medieval Buda Castle: trainings, presentations, consultations and fieldwork for tour guides led by the experts of the most current facts
2. Light and Shadow - 1000 years of Budapest: training for tour guides
3. 'Empty Places' - guided thematic historic walks and biking tours ('1956 - Myths and Facts' – a biking tour along the important places of the revolution of 1956 and a walking tour to remember a young martyr of the revolution, 'Medieval Jewish Relics in the Buda Castle' - a walking tour in the Buda Castle, 'Sinful City, Sinful Girls' - biking tour about the underground life of the turn of the century)
4. 'Common Voice' - historical performances, art projects and guided tours
5. Conferences - organized once every year in a current and important topic involving young people and consisting of presentations and debates
6. Crocus Project - an innovative and non-formal Holocaust remembrance project for students to remember the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. The aim of the project is to tackle prejudices and discrimination.
7. Non-formal History Lessons - history lessons involving contemporaries at universities and in high schools
8. Researchers' Night, Cultural Heritage Days - raising awareness to our historical and cultural heritage involving researchers and scientists

All our programs – be it trainings, city walks, special guided tours, conferences or school lessons – are planned and implemented together with the participants to reflect their needs. Our goal is to educate people to be more curious and open-minded towards each other and the historical facts as well. Our methods are non-formal and interactive, our most important values are expertise, kindness, friendship and humor.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to invite partners to join us in our programs and projects and we would also like to get to know the activities of others to bulid the NGO sector as a community. Joining the network would be a great opportunity to share know-how and to learn from each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we wholeheartedly agree with the aims and objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation and we would like to contribute to them. We would also like to apply to potential fundings if we get the chance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ágnes Pap
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ágnes Pap
Contact (2) Full Name
Zsófia Tillinger
Job Title (2)

Teleki Laszlo Institute

National Network

1125 Budapest
Szilagyi E. fasor 22/c

+36 1 391 5724
Telephone (other)
+36 1 391 5753
+36 1 391 5746
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+36 20 9735308
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
Teleki Laszlo Institute studies the place and role of Hungary in a broader international context and within the region, analyzes the global and Central European social, political, economical and cultural trends and processes. Within the Institute there are two research units, the Centre for Foreign Policy Studies and the Centre for Central European Studies. The Teleki L?szl? Institute is operated by the Teleki L?szl? Foundation. Research at the Institute is conducted along research programmers covering the main fields of Hungary's international relations and analyzing regional processes in Central Europe and Hungary's bilateral relations to its neighbours . To promote government activities the Institute prepares medium-term analyses in harmony with the demands of the foreign policy and cultural establishment, provides regular forum for high-ranking foreign policy officials and diplomats, it helps foreign policy analyses and relations, participates in the strategic planning activitie
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Institute is to conduct research, be engaged in networking and to help the administration by its academic analyses. At the same time the staff is engaged in higher education (lecturing at universities) and offer their analyses and expertise to the media as well.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre for Foreign Policy Studies:
- Security Policy in a changing European environment,
• From Europe to EU-rope. National and community policies,
• Regions out of Europe: the Far East, the Middle East, the Mediterranean
• Russia and Central Europe,
• Hungary and its Neighbours,
• National identity and foreign policy,
• Culture as a dimension of foreign policy - cultural foreign policy and its options after the East-West conflict
Centre for Central European Studies:
Cultural foreign policy and national identity
• Transition and ethnicity
• New frameworks in the interpretation of national and ethnic identity in Central Europe
• Settlements and regions populated by minority Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin in the 20th century
• Discourses of the Hungarian political and economic elite in 19th and 20th centuries
• The concept of civil society in the Romanian press after 1989
• Quality concepts in Hungarian education in Romania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Erzsébet N. Rozsa
Head of the organisation
Dr. Gyorgy Granasztoi

The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies

National Network

2087 Fo ut 2/a

36 20 224 1595
Telephone (other)
36 26 375 329/413
36 26 375 329/413
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
36 20 224 1595
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
General Information
The Avicenna Institute is a non-profit research centre with the objectives of promoting scholarship in the field of Middle Eastern studies. The budget being strongly reliable on the variation of state’s and private funding is very limited. In this framework, several senior and junior researchers, and fellows are assuming and pursuing our aims. Among our projects are organizing public and international scientific workshops and conferences, publishing scientific monographs, conferences’ proceedings, granting scholarship for junior researches. We have solid connections with Hungarian and international research centres, such as Pazmany Peter Catholic University, University of Saint Joseph, Beirut and Instituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli
Mission and Objectives

The Institute was founded to fulfil threefold objectives: to conduct research for thorough understanding of Arabic, Persian and Turkish cultures, to advise decision-makers, media-actors and businessmen interested in Middle-East issues, to disseminate knowledge on current topics in on-going public debates to avoid misunderstandings in intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

The institute works on several projects:
- study the factors of continuity and discontinuity in Islamic legacy in the perspective of understanding the current development in the Islamic world, mainly in philosophy, theology, political sciences and literature, classical and modern,
- organizing public and international scientific workshops and conferences to disseminate knowledge,
- publishing scientific monographs, conferences’ proceedings,
- granting scholarship for junior researches in PhD or post-doctoral dissertations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Laszlo Tuske
Head of the organisation
Prof. Miklos Maroth M. of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences