
MEDIAWAVE International Visual Art Foundation

National Network

45 Soproni St.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information
We are a non-profit NGO that has been organising various cultural and community building activities both on the national and international level for three decades.  We have had EU and transnational cooperation projects both as leaders and partners. The Foundation has got one or two full-time employees depending on the actual projects. 
Mission and Objectives

The foundation encourages smaller Hungarian and international organisations with similar motivations to strengthen the role of small art and environmentally conscious communities. Establishing formal or informal networks of such initiatives on different levels is necessary to exchange ideas and share good practices. Our organisation with its extended national, crossborder and international connections and three decades of experiences on the cultural field is able and willing to coordinate such actions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation's main project, the 30-year-old MEDIAWAVE Film and Music Gathering is a free spirit artistic and community-oriented festival that prefers original views independent of fashion streams reflected in films as well as in jazz, improvised, ethno and folk music performances, film, photo, music workshops and exhibitions. We tend to establish real communities and connections by announcing and giving place to different actions. The other regular activity of us is our Summer Art and Community Camp. It has been running for 25 years at different places but for years we moved to a nature conservation area, Somogyfajsz. The place has got its gift that offers us the opportunity to freely experiment with our different community and environment-conscious ideas and goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Violetta Vajda
Head of the organisation
György durst, Head of Board of Trustees

Menedék - Hungarian Association for Migrants

National Network

Népszínház u. 16

+36 1 322 1502
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Menedék – Hungarian Association for Migrants (Menedék) has been supporting the integration of migrants arriving in Hungary from 1995. The Association plays a central role amongst the organizations working with migrants/refugees in Hungary. Besides the support of migrants, it is very important for us to make the Hungarian society more open toward and accepting of foreigners arriving in our country.
We pursue our objectives as a not-for-profit association independent from politics. We are not involved in direct political activities and do not receive funds or give financial support to political parties. Our projects are founded by UNHCR and EU grants.  Many volunteers support our work. We are working with 22 staff members and more than 100 volunteers.

Mission and Objectives

Menedék fulfills four key functions: 
1) providing migrant-specific support, 
2) training professionals who work with migrants, 
3) raising awareness amongst the majority society, 
4) advocacy.

Our main mission is  supporting the integration of migrants arriving in Hungary. The target group and also our constituencies are the clients (migrants and refugees) themselves, professionals working with migrants/refugees, and members of the general public who are dedicated to our mission. 

Main Projects / Activities

In the course of our work, we have established a complex system of services, through which we have supported and continue to support refugees and other foreigners in finding a new
home in our country.

We also run training courses for professionals who deal with immigrants in the course of their work (social workers, teachers, police officers or armed security guards working in immigration detention centres).

Besides the support of immigrants and professionals, it is very important for us to make the majority society more open toward and accepting of foreigners arriving in our country, as this is an indispensable condition for the successful integration of migrants. In order to achieve this, we try to build a bridge between the host society and immigrants by realizing various educational programs in schools and cultural projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zsuzsa Laszlo
Head of the organisation
András Kováts
Contact (2) Full Name
Katalin Bognar

Merlin International Theatre

National Network

Budapest, H-1052
Gerlóczy u. 4.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Public Utility Foundation, where the Advisory Board is commissioned to proceed as the operative and executive organ of the Foundation, and it is responsible for the trust management. The number of full time employees is 13, of part time employees is 8. 2. City Council funding, box office income 3. National and international grants (eg. European Comission, Visegrad Fund, National Cultural Fund) 4. Hosting guest performances, organising theatre and new drama writing workshops, creating international coproductions, supporting international theatre networks 5. Hungarian and foreign theatres, directors, playwrights, cultural institutes and networks.
Mission and Objectives

Merlin is an open cultural institution that believes that the notion “culture” cannot be reduced to merely theater, dance, fine arts or music. Other areas of our lives must also be included, and what determines us the most: the world around us. Strictly speaking the social realities of Budapest, Hungary and on a larger scale, Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

– Organising cross-border cultural cooperations
– Participating in and organising international coproductions
– Receiving Hungarian and foreign guest performances
– Creating English language performances
– Organising workshops for theatre people and young playwrights
– Supporting alternative theatre initiatives from Hungary and abroad

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. László Magács
Head of the organisation
Mr. László Magács
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Fanni Nánay

Middle East Research Centre, Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University

National Network

H-1117 Budapest Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A

(36-1) 4855206
(36-1) 4855206
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Department of Political Sciences and its Middle East Research Centre work in institutional framework. The staff consists of 5 teachers. The university is mainly a state supported educational institution, but the different projects, scientific conferences etc. are financed by tenders, foundations or sponsoring. For instance, the international conference of the Middle East Research Centre in November last year on the Barcelona Process was completely financed by sponsors.
Mission and Objectives

The Middle East Research Centre takes part in the teaching and scientific work of the Faculty, conducts and helps Hungarian and foreign students in preparing their theses about Middle East topics, fosters interrelations and co-operation with similarly focused institutions abroad and in Hungary. It organizes lectures, workshops, conferences, its experts offer analysis and commentary for television, radio, and printed media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Gyula Gazdik
Head of the organisation
Dr. Gyula Gazdik

Ministry of Education and Culture – Department of European Union Relations

National Network

H-1055, Szalay u. 10-14.

+361 4737136
+361 3317575
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure: Minister - state secretaries – departments – other institutions, with a staff of around 200. 3. Source: state budget
Mission and Objectives

The Minister and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage ensures the freedom of artistic life and the continued evolution of national culture, maintains and protects the nation’s cultural heritage and historical monuments, coordinates these duties and provides professional leadership for the sector and operates supervisory and professional organisations. The Minister’s and the ministry’s duties include, among other things, the registration, preservation and protection of cultural goods and making these treasures available to the public, and to provide guidance for activities related to public education and collections and for the works of creative and performing artists. Further activities: drawing up drafts of legislation on the subject, adopting decisions for placing historical monuments and archaeological sites under protection, the surveillance of museums, libraries, and archives, the preparation of international agreements on cultural subjects, the overseeing of the operations of foreign

Main Projects / Activities

in the field of European issues, education and culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Veronika TÓTH (Counsellor)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Zoltán LOBODA ( Head of Dept.)


National Network

Kabar u. 6. IV/19.

0036 1 6056567
Telephone (other)
0036 70 5836588
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 36 30 255 54 64
Mobile Phone (other)
00 36 70 583 65 88
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

1. The organisation is a national organisation, which has 1 staff members and up to 10 volunteers working on projects. 2. The organisation is supported by National and European Funds, and members' contribution. 4.The organisation runs leisure time activities for children and young people, host and sends volunteers in EVS programme. Also takes part in international youth activities, such as: seminars, youth exchanges, and youth networking projects. 5.Non-governamental and youth organisations in Europe and MEDA region. 

Mission and Objectives

Our missionis to support less privilege youths living in Hungary. We organise cultural events to encourage tolerance in our society. Also, we offer the opportunity for young people regardless of their background the possibility to take part in intercultural activities both in and outside Hungary.
Our objectives are:
Publishing information brochures and organizing forums to properly inform the Hungarian society about the ethnic minorities and foreigners living in Hungary.
Making network with non-profit organizations, governmental bodies and other authorities, institutions with the purpose of exchanging knowledge and co-operation in youth and cultural fields.
Giving the possibility to young people to take part in intercultural activities, such as youth exxchanges, voluntary services, trainings, both inside and outside of Hungary
Promoting the culture of non-Hungarians living in Hungary in the frame of festivals and other programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Leisure time programmes offered for migrant children and young people European Voluntary Service ( sending, coordianting and hosting; 2007-HU-26) Youth Exchanges with European and MEDA countries Cultural Festivals Internship for University students about non-formal education Tolerance and mutual understanding campaigns in Secondary Schools

Contact (1) Full Name
Fafore Adebowale Abiodun
Head of the organisation
Ildiko Schmidt

Notars (Womanmate) Foundation

National Network

1088 Brody S. u. 9. IV./31.

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Structure of the organization: 3 curators, 50-60 learners, 20-30 volunteers Budgetary resources available in a year: EUR 4-500 Sources of funding: grants, fees, donations Modalities of action: workshops, clubs, networks, trainings, lectures, conferences Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: women ngo's, other ngo's, business women, volunteers
Mission and Objectives

Notars (Womanmate) Foundation’s goal is to make the women’s equality come about in the societal and economic practice by self-conscious, well-informed, gender-dimensioned women and men.
Notars (Womanmate) Foundation’s mission is to strengthen and continually develop women’s enterprises by cooperating with non-governmental organizations, firms and volunteers by means of trainings, programmes, publications, partnerships, consultancy, running networks and through the publicity for enterpreneur and civil women in Hungary and the European Union, together with participating in the establishment and development of
self-conscious women’s networks, who are capable of validating themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

Women NGO's Workshop, Women Business Workshop, Handicarft Women Club, Business English Club, You Can Do It project, Women Teach Women Network in EU project

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build a network of women ngo's and a network of business women, especially handicraft women

Contact (1) Full Name
Ildiko Sarkozy
Head of the organisation
Ildiko Sarkozy

Palantír Film Visual and Anthropological Foundation

National Network

Katóka u. 46

+36 20 543 5639
Telephone (other)
+36 20 957 8499
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

1. Only the director is employed of the Foundation, which works with losts of volunteers and external cooperators. 2. 16 808 000 HUF – in 2007 3. 2 770 000 HUF – in 2007 4. The Foundation is to: - organize Dialektus Documentary Film Festival each year; - develop a non-profit video library in DocuArt; - search new ways of documentary-distribution. 5. Dialektus Festival has international partners every year, mainly other film festivals and organizations, for example: Jihlava Doc Film Fest, Eyes and Lenses, BuSho, Tranzit House (Cluj), Regence (Kosice)

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation aims to increase the utilization of the documentary in the society. Our organization is dedicated to the preservation of cultural diversity and interest. Our projects with the documentary use are promoting social awareness, the need and responsibility of forming an opinion. To achieve this: the development and realization of alternative film distribution strategies, organizing professional events, workshops, publishing film making publications, database management and providing information, archiving, education, fostering young talent, film making. The Foundation has also the profile to organize documentary film festivals and make film collections about the actual social questions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation’s main projects are documentary film festivals and film collections in reference of the actual social questions, like the “Faces of Poverty” Film Festival , “Faces of Volunteering Film Festival” , the “Bouquet and a bicycle chain Ethnographic Documentary Film Festival or the „Strangers in My Garden” collection of documentary films about integration strategies. The Foundation biggest festival was the Dialëktus European Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival (2002-2010). We run Taiwan Dox, Taiwan Documentary Film Days since 2014.
Developing our film collection we realised that our film from the Strangers in my Garden filmcollection or the other documentaries in the DocuArt filmcollection have very positive feedback on the use of them. To measure the real impact of that documentaries and the work we begun 18 years before we invented a method how to measure the impact of our films.
We have 3 paid colleagues and during different projects we work with around 25 people , they all have other professions (film makers, communication experts, on-line marketing managers, project managers). We work with voluntaries also in case of bigger events like festivals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Orsolya Komlósi
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Ms. Orsolya Komlósi
Contact (2) Full Name
Orsolya Komlósi
Job Title (2)
Coordinator, Hungarian Network of the ALF

Paulina test

National Network

ALF Alexandria

+20102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
This is only a test.   Dear Orsolya,   I have created this application in order to check, if the online system is working correctly. Kindly please send me an e-mail, once you receive the automatic e-mail from the website, notifying you about this application.   Best, Paulina
Mission and Objectives

Dear Orsolya,
I have created this application in order to check, if the online system is working correctly. Kindly please send me an e-mail, once you receive the automatic e-mail from the website, notifying you about this application.

Main Projects / Activities

Dear Orsolya,
I have created this application in order to check, if the online system is working correctly. Kindly please send me an e-mail, once you receive the automatic e-mail from the website, notifying you about this application.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation

Paulina test

National Network


002 0102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
General Information
Dear Orsi,   This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail. Thanks! Paulina
Mission and Objectives

Dear Orsi,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Main Projects / Activities

Dear Orsi,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dear Orsi,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation