
NGO Mondo

National Network

Telliskivi 60a-5
10412 Tallinn Estonia

00372677 5445
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD,  is a foundation/non-profit institution with an objective to promote theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of international relations, European integration, diplomacy and public administration reform. In this framework ESD organizes: •scholarship programs •management of international consultancy/training projects •advanced tailor-made training courses •scientific research and development •publishing. Over the years ESD has carried out several projects focusing on sharing Estonia’s reform experience and integration into the EU and NATO, foreign service formation, international relations, cooperation and diplomacy, international negotiations, state and democracy building, public administration reform. A number of tailor-made training projects have been launched for diplomats and civil servants from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Palestine.

Mission and Objectives

The Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD,  is a foundation/non-profit institution with an objective to promote theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of international relations, European integration, diplomacy and public administration reform. In this framework ESD organizes: •scholarship programs •management of international consultancy/training projects •advanced tailor-made training courses •scientific research and development •publishing. Over the years ESD has carried out several projects focusing on sharing Estonia’s reform experience and integration into the EU and NATO, foreign service formation, international relations, cooperation and diplomacy, international negotiations, state and democracy building, public administration reform. A number of tailor-made training projects have been launched for diplomats and civil servants from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

•scholarship programs •management of international consultancy/training projects •advanced tailor-made training courses •scientific research and development •publishing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristi Ockba
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Head of Network Kristi Ockba
Contact (2) Full Name
Triinu Ossinovski
Job Title (2)
Board member

NGO Mondo

National Network

Telliskivi 60 a/5
10412 Tallinn Estonia

+372 6775445
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

NGO Mondo is an Estonian civil society organization established in 2007. Our organization works in three different fields: development cooperation, humanitarian aid and global citizenship education, with the main activities focused on improving health, education, and livelihood for the most vulnerable communities in the world. 

In development cooperation we focus on education and the economic empowerment of women and disabled people. In humanitarian aid we help in reconstruction work in crisis zones, support displaced communities, and take initiative in disaster risk reduction. In Estonia, we educate the public, school teachers and pupils about global issues by providing materials, arranging school visits, and holding public campaigns.

In addition to that, we deploy expert volunteers in development projects and promote social entrepreneurship and responsible consumption in order to support our main goals.  Mondo is a project-based organization with about 20 employees in Estonia and at least one local partner in each of our target countries.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support vulnerable persons and communities for self-subsistance and to raise the awareness of Estonian public about global problems and their possible solutions. Our vision is stable and caring world, where every person has the opportunity for dignified life.

Main Projects / Activities

Our work consists of: 1. organizing and delivering humanitarian aid (including rescue missions, post-disaster reconstruction activities and transition to development cooperation): latest humanitarian aid project in Jordania for Syrian refugees 2. managing and intermediating development cooperation: projects in Afghanistan, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda 3. public education and development education: Global Education Centre with materials and trainings for schools and youth organisations, school linking partnerships, youth film clubs etc. 4. educating its members and the general public on the issues of humanitarian aid and development cooperation: training centre

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our expertise and knowledge in development cooperation, global education and humanitarian aid to other members of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Network provides information about Mediterranean region and opportunities for joint projects. One of our activities has been workshops on Islam and Arab world in Estonian schools which could benefit from the network. We have also organised friendship schools for Estonian schools in Africa and Afghanistan and would like to do that also in Egypt and Palestine.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristi Ockba
Head of the organisation
Kristi Ockba

Paulina test

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
General Information
Dear Mari- Liis,   This is a test to check if everything is working correctly. Please decline this application and let Paulina know when you have done so succeffully :)   Best, Paulina
Mission and Objectives

test test

Main Projects / Activities

test test

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation
Paulina test

Peace and Love Vector Handbook

The project Peace & Love Vector represents an ambition to build a metaphorical link across geo — political borders, cultural differences, formal disciplines and imbalance of experience. The aim of the project is empowering youth leaders and youth workers in...

Peace Child Estonia

National Network

Võru 16-46

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Peace Child Estonia is a youth- led non-governmental organisation. Peace Child Estonia is an official representative of UK organisation Peacechild International and operates on the international level as well as on the local level. PCE works in cooperation with governmental institutions, other private or public institutions, takes part in joint projects and programs with them and organises seminars, training-courses and informative events on topics varying from intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, and project management to gender empowerment.Peace Child Estonia staff inludes 3 employed persons and 10 volunteers who helps run Peae Child Estonia activities. Peace Child Estonia is a growing organisation with a developing program and many supportive members. The organisation’s leaders are motivated and active in regional development, state-led initiatives as well as working in conjunction with other organisations in developing projects on the international level. They can add a strong youth work element to the project, in spite of being a young organisation and they have been working well knonwn Estonian NGOs like Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, Tallinn City Sport and Youth Department and Estonian Union for Child Welfare since their inception. Peace Child Estonia sources of funding are State foundations, European Commission and various of companies donations. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) - concrete projects. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities - Peace Child International (UK), SIllamäe Society for Child Welfare (Estonia), Tallinn Sport and Youth Department (Estonia) and of course various of local NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Organisation is to include and empower the children and young people, developing child welfare and youth initiatives, taking part in designing and implementing youth policy and standing for the joint rights of the Organisation’s members.

Main Projects / Activities

Intercultural Dialogue, Youth work and youth issues related projects on various topics like for example gender empowerment, advocacy, active citizenship or sustainable development. Our day to day activities are divided on 2 levels: local and international.
Our main activities are project based, but additionally we provide different services depending of needs (consultation, webadministration, project management etc).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At the moment the situation with Estonian ALF Network requires approvement. As we already have contacts with other members of the Network and are aware of the situation and willing to contribute we can be an active force in revitalising the Network. We are ready to contribute and especially in promotion of intercultural (citizenship education) dialogue, human rights and mutual understanding of both regions Europe and Mediteraneann. We`re ready to conduct a seminars, trainings, to do a cultural and educational cooperation events in Estonia with other members of ALF Estonia like Sillamae Society for Child Welfare, Ethicalinks, Trajectoria etc and take an active role in Euro Arab cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be more integrated in ALF network and possibilities that ALF provides to its members. We are presently already planning a joint project between Baltic and Medditerranean countries who are also ALF member states and the project itself is line with Anna Lindh Foundation’s ‘4D’ Strategy. Our team is very interested in building on that experience and becoming more involved in ALF missiion and acitivities. We work with different NGO across the world, but being a member of ALF and ALF's Estonian network will be a big incentive going forward as well as the benefits provided for members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Anton Reingoldt
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Angelina Pinnonen

Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ (Black Nights Film festival NGO)

National Network

Telliskivi 60a
10412 Tallinn

+372 631 4640
+ 372 631 4644
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Black Nights Film Festival was launched in 1997 and screened 25 full length films at the first festival to 4500 cinema visitors. The festival started to grow rapidly doubling the visitor numbers every year reaching out beyond the Nordic-Baltic region to discover the cinema of faraway countries. Within 10 years Black Nights Film Festival had increased the number of films nearly tenfold and the number of cinema visits even more. From the first focus on Nordic cinema the festival has grown to present all continents and many genres.
Mission and Objectives

Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival is a unique event combining a feature film festival with the sub-festivals of animated films, student films and children/youth films. The festival aims to present Estonian audiences a comprehensive selection of world cinema in all its diversity, providing a friendly atmosphere for interaction between the audience and filmmakers from all around the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Traditionally two festivals are held yearly  one being Black Night Film Festival (PÖFF) and an other Tartu Love Film Festival (tARTuFF). There is a number of minor festivals and programs inside, that reflect topics important in the society - for instance, documentaries (this year focusing on migration, refugees, wars or relations between cultures and relations in societies)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are always trying to work on topics that are important in the society - it is not only chosing and showing films, it is also organizing discussions, side-events as exhibitions etc). We can provide space for this, and include networks suggestions and Networks competence in our work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Currently issues about clash of cultures and refugees, freedom of speech etc are currently much tied up to Southern Mediterranean. We are looking forward to both get suggestions on how to approach the topics, and also suggestions on what is happening in film production area in this part of the world, to be better able to provide a high-quality program for Estonian public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnes Nurme
Job Title
project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mikk Granström

SA Rohetiiger

National Network

Valukoja 8/1
11415 Tallinn Estonia

+372 552 6063
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Rohetiiger (The Green Tiger) is a cross-sector collaboration platform started in 2020, the purpose of which is to devise, teach and implement a plan for a balanced economy. The Green Tiger is a representative organization that unites over 80 Estonian companies. The idea of the representative organization of the Green Tiger is to share knowledge and tools to implement sustainable changes and to provide a collaborative platform for sharing experiences, successes and lessons learned.

Mission and Objectives

Green Tiger’s mission is to create and implement nature-friendly practices in all sectors and develop a balanced economy. Green Tiger dreams of a sustainable world that preserves the well-being of society while preserving and restoring nature. Green Tiger is committed to making his dream come true!

Main Projects / Activities

To reach a balanced economy, Green Tiger prepares roadmaps in five different areas. The creation of the roadmaps involves companies operating in the sector, professional associations, researchers and state representatives. In order to monitor the progress of Green Tiger’s activities, we prepare a progress book every year. It is the voice of the Green Tiger member organizations, the aggregator of the social order, the definer of a balanced economy and the unifier of sectors, and a tool for all parties to successfully complete the green revolution. The Green Tiger Academy is a management competence development program for companies and organizations that want to implement green innovation in their organization.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through sharing the knowledge and our experiences of sustainable development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see that ALF has a strong network with similar values and we believe that together we can achive more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helen Aavisto
Job Title
International Relations Manager
Head of the organisation
Eva Truuverk
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Truuverk
Job Title (2)

Seiklejate Vennaskond

National Network

Tiigi 1-14
51003 Tartu

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Seiklejate Vennaskond is youth and civil society organization working on local, national and international level. Organization is leaded by 2 board members (president and vice president) and coordinated by voluntary coordinators and supported by large number of volunteers (100-200) nationwide. Organization had around 200 partners from local level (local NGOs) to European level and worldwide. Organization only received funds from projects and has no regular funding. Our budget per year is between 60 000 - 100 000 .€. Main funder: Erasmus+ programme.  We organize youth exchanges, seminars and trainigs. 
Mission and Objectives

Seiklejate Vennaskond is youth and civil society organization, which connects active adventurous people together. We work mainly with young people, but also with youth workers, trainers and teachers and organizations active in non-formal education field and life long learning. Our members have participated and organized different youth exchanges, seminars and training courses concerning equality, media impact, innovation, fight against racism & xenophobia, human rights, mobility and migration, HIV prevention, environment protection and other issues. Our volunteers gather every month to take up new ideas and think how to put them into practice. We sincerely believe that young people today can make a difference and we all work for this purpose.

Main Projects / Activities

First activities of the organization date back to the year 2003 when group of active young people got together to organize a youth exchange. After that there have been many local regional activities concerning integration, adventure tourism and different interest specific activities.  Since 2010 Seiklejate Vennaskond has become from non-formal youth group to a registered non-profit organization. Seiklejate Vennaskond has been active in the framework of Youth in Action (before 2007 in “Youth”): 2004 youth exchange “Environment and Nature: What Can Youth Do To Make World Better?” was organized, in 2005: “Integration: Nations and Ethnic Groups: Conflict or Cooperation?”, 2008: “ From North to South, From East to West: All Unique – Yet So Similar!” , in 2010 regional branch Saaremaa Seiklejad organized youth exchange “One World – Our World! (2010 Estonian winner or Charlemagne youth prize competition) and in 2011 Hiiumaa branch Hiiumaa Seiklejad organized youth exchange: “Catch the Opportunity!" and in 2012 Valgamaa Seiklejad organized youth exchange "Active Caring!". In 2013 several youth exchanges were held. Valgamaa Seiklejad organized project about healthy lifestyle "Life in Action!", Tartumaa Seiklejad organized exchange on topic of safe party "(Safe) sex, (No) Drugs and Rock n' roll(?)" and Põlvamaa Seiklejad took up project on identity called "Explore Yourself!".
Seiklejate Vennaskond has carried out training courses “I share, I care!” (2011) and “Stop Labeling Yourself!” (2012) (nominated for one of the best projects promoting intercultural learning by Estonian national agency in 2010-2012), PBA "Partnership Building Seminar in Estonia: think rural, feel global, act international!" (2012), PBA "Ten Steps from Idea To Application!" (2013) and study visit "Discover the Youth Work in South-Estonia!". 
In 2013-2014 Seiklejate Vennaskond coordinates EVS project "Voices of Creativity - From Youth to Youth!" which involved 12 volunteers from Estonia, Turkey and Spain and takes place in Indonesia, Nepal and Mozambique.
In framework Erasmus+ Seiklejate Vennaskond coordinates capacity building project in the field of youth “Use your creativity, take initiative and be the change!“.
Valgamaa Seiklejad received funding for youth exchange „Overcome your fears, be self-confident!“ and PõVa Seiklejad received funding for KA1 project „Health is Wealth!“ which consists of training course and 2 youth exchanges.  Both projects will be realized in 2015.
Members of Seiklejate Vennaskond have taken part in several projects in programme countries, neighboring regions and also in Africa and Asia (Seiklejate Vennaskond has been partner for action 3.2).
Seiklejate Vennaskond is one of the biggest sending organizations in Estonia.
Seiklejate Vennaskond is a sending and coordinating organization for European Voluntary Service.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are able to share our knowledge and experience we have gained over previous years. We are able to contribute to the network in various ways, depending on the aims and needs of the network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to strenghten our partnetships in Southern Mediterranean region and through this raise the capacity our our organization to work with intercultural topics and human rights. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Heleri Alles
Head of the organisation
Heleri Alles

Shokkin Group

National Network

Raua 23
10124 Tallinn Harju

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Shokkin Group is a youth organization composed of young people 16-30 years of age based in or connected to Estonia. The organization was founded in October 2011 in Tallinn, with the main aim of empowering young people of Estonia to live a pro-active lifestyle by providing them with opportunities to develop competencies for personal, professional and social growth. The organization’s motto is imagine, inspire, act! And it describes the whole idea of Shokkin Group in the best possible way. In the organization we hope that modern youth will imagine, be inspired and inspire others to act for a stronger society! The organization consists of 4 youth leaders and professional youth workers forming the core group of project based professionals collaborating part time; 14 Level 2 members aged 16 to 30 involved on a monthly basis as project leaders, club managers, volunteer SMM & project based staff; a Level 1 member base of 15-30 youth leaders aged 15-25.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Shokkin Group Estonia is to empower young people from different backgrounds living in Estonia to lead a pro-active lifestyle by providing them with opportunities to develop competencies for personal, professional and social growth.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2013 we actively work in the field of game-based learning developing educational board games, escape rooms & other concepts. We have been involved in developing various innovative educational approaches under the funding of Erasmus+, Council of Europe, KYSK, Education Department. Most note-worthy activities of Shokkin Group: “Critical Escape” – transnational youth initiative for developing educational escape games. “Breakout Box” – international strategic partnership on exploring the use of escape boxes on social topics. “Bright Colors” – international youth exchange on expression through street art in public spaces of Tallinn’s disadvantaged neighborhoods. “Get Involved” – a series of local youth leader trainings, “Jalatalla” – a program for raising social skills of youth at risk. More activity examples and yearly reports are here:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide game-based learning solutions in various projects. We can develop educational escape games, board games, facilitate game design processes, facilitate educational game sessions. As part of the network we can also deliver training session on game-based methodologies. If needed we are open to join brainstorming events, map interests and needs of young people from our community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are curious to explore new partnerships and local collaborations with CSOs from Estonia and abroad. We are interested in expanding our network of partners to be able to co-develop international youth events and training courses for CSOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pavel Vassiljev
Job Title
Chief of board
Head of the organisation
Pavel Vassiljev
Contact (2) Full Name
Olalla Gonzalez
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare

National Network

Viru str 22/1-11

+372 5560 2993
Telephone (other)
+372 3972 226
+372 631 1735
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 5341 7810
Mobile Phone (other)
+372 55550303
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare (SSCW) is a part of national organisation Estonian Union for Child Welfare ( the SSCW are 20 active members and more than 100 members participating not constantly in different projects and campaigns. The organisation is run by a 3-membered management and has an elected board of trustees. The budget consists from organisation’s own membership fees, state support, foundational support for project based activities, independent donations and other own resources. The budget in a year is approximately 100.000€. Organisation main programmes: 1. Children and youth welfare (Human rights and development of civil society). 2. Intercultural and Interregional Dialog 3. Integration in East Europe. 4. UN Millennium Development Goals achievement and supporting them 5. Social exclusion of young and adult people. 6. Policy development and participation in children and youth affairs SSCW main partners: Peace Child international, Estonian Youth Council, Local Governments, other local and regional NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare empowers children to take responsibility for peace, human rights and the environment through education, leadership development and direct participation in the events that shape our world community.
Our organisation is against nationalism, discrimination and other issue what can provide antidemocratic processes. The SSCW is an organization with a long-term tradition and experience in the work for creating a safe environment and possibilities for full development of children with the participation and assistance of all members of the society.
For better fulfilment of its objectives SSCW undertakes activities in cooperation with public sector institutions, other NGO- s and other interested bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

For all history of SSCW we have done more than 46 projects around the county, country and also on the international level. The main projects were: „ Language schools „Sipsik, Vestlus”, ”Small Lady”, „Men`s games”, „Festival of Cultures”, “My Home – is My Future!” Art campuses, „History and researches” , „Health of big family”, „HELP ME”, „Telephone of Trust – Psychology help line”, „Debates campus”, „All different all equal”, World Youth Congress: 2005 Scotland, in Canada”, „Pay attention on the child”, “World Youth Forum 2006 Bucharest, “Faith in Europe”, ”1st and 2nd international meetings Water and Youth in Buenos –Aires 2007, Zaragoza 2008 ”, “European - African Youth Summit in Lisbon 2007”, “European Conference on the participation of young people with fewer opportunities.”, “Active Ida-Virumaa Citizen”, “Gender empowerment”, “Young active citizens in action”, “Deep 2 in Europe –youth exchange”, “Peace Child Alpha Omega international project – musical performances”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vassili Golikov
Head of the organisation
Irina Golikova
Contact (2) Full Name
Taisi Valdlo