
Kadri Jōgi

National Network

Köleri 15a-2
10150 Tallinn

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
General Information

I am an Orientalist who has studied the Middle East and would like to contribute to the ALF organisation

Mission and Objectives

My mission is to spread knowledge about ALF in Estonia. I have also tried to link Europe with the Middle East

Main Projects / Activities

My main actitity is to expla in Estonia the reasons of the Middle East as well as reasons for refugee crises in Europe. I have and continuously worked with the International Red Cross and bring in the middle of the crises in Greece and Italy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I shall continue essence of ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to join the ALF Network as I think that I have a great part to continue as I have experience in Estonia and Middle East.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kadri Jogi
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Let`s Do It Foundation

National Network

Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn

+ 372 552 6063
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 552 6063
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Let`s Do It Foundation is a NGO with one board member, acting as CEO. Organisation works mainly in volunteer basis and has formed several teams, like PR & marketing team, regional coordinators team, IT team. A separate branch, called Let`s Do It! Mediterranean (LDIM), was developed on 2013 as a 5-year campaign. The objective of LDIM is to stop waste inflow to the Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea so that in five years’ time the Mediterranean Sea would be a clean and biologically diverse environment where every citizen takes full responsibility for the environmental state of the area. In 2015 LDIM is planned to activate more and give a full speed start to this campaign as an independent network of organisations in Mediterranean countries. LDIM has national teams in 15 Mediterranean countries and in 2015 the number is planned to grow into 20. Main partner for this campaign so far has been Unit for the Mediterranean. As LDIF is a project-based NGO,  the funding depends on grants and applications mainly. On 2013 the budget was 102 426 EUR.
Mission and Objectives

Let`s Do It Foundation (Teeme Ära SA) is a NGO with the objective to promote and carry out projects solving social and community issues through actions directed to nature and environment protection, rising social awareness in this area by teaching and media work. The citizen initiative Teeme Ära was started in 2008, when on the 3rd of May 2008 50 000 people came together and cleaned the territory of Estonia from 10 000 tons of illegal garbage ( Since then the idea of one-day country clean ups has spread all over the world, became an initiative called Let´s Do It! World and in 2014 112 countries and more than 10 million people all over the world have participated in country clean ups ( Day of civil actions has been organised every year since 2008 in Estonia (, several conferences, media campaigns and other events are carried out. The foundation was officially registered in 2011, former actions were carried out under the umbrella of Estonian Fund for Nature ( and Estonian Civil Society (

Main Projects / Activities

Let`s Do It! World clean up: by 2014 112 countries and more than 10 million volunteers have participated in country-wide clean up events.
Let`s Do It! Mediterranean: first clean up event was carried out on the 11th and 11th of May 2014, in which 15 Mediterranean countries and 77 000 volunteers took part. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LDIM has a lot of member organisations in many Mediterranean countries, which in cooperation with other organisations in ALF network can create bigger synergy and contribute to the overal development of the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

LDIM project is directly directed into Mediterranean region. The primary goal of LDIM is to bring about a change in attitudes and in peoples minds, and to encourage public support for international cooperation. To support the development of European public to be informed about environmental and global issues, understanding of the relevance of these issues to create a change in their own lives, and able to engage critically with global developments. Project seeks to foster attitudes of solidarity, sustainable ways of living, managing the natural resources and an understanding of one’s connection to a global community. The specific objective of the project is also to develop European citizens' awareness and critical understanding of the interdependent world and of their role, responsibility and lifestyles in relation to a globalised society. 
To encourage cooperation in Mediterranean countries the ALF network organisations can also contribute to the objectives of LDIM.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Agni Kaldma
Job Title
Head of partners team
Head of the organisation
Ms Eva Truuverk

Med Baltic Organiation MTÜ

National Network

Linda tn 2
20309 Narva Estonia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Med Baltic Organisation is a youth organisation that was established in Estonia in 2019 by two young people under the age of 23 years, one from Northern Sinai in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the other from Narva in the Republic of Estonia to promote cultural and social cooperation between the Baltic countries and the Mediterranean countries, especially the southern Mediterranean countries. The organisation based in Estonia and focuses on promoting youth and cultural activities. The organisation's structure includes a board of directors, staff members, and volunteers who work together to organise and implement various projects and activities. The budgetary resources available in a year also vary and are typically funded by a combination of private donations, grants, and sponsorships. The organisation also raises funds through membership fees and various events. The Med Baltic organisation targets mainly youth and cultural Activities that operates through various modalities of action, including concrete projects, cultural exchanges, seminars, scholarships, and other initiatives that promote youth and cultural activities. These programs and projects aim to foster cross-cultural understanding, promote artistic and cultural expression, and support the development of youth leadership skills.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision: We seek to make The Med Baltic Organization a leading organization in the field of international cultural cooperation and have representation in the Baltic and Mediterranean countries. Our message: We should promote cultural and youth cooperation between the Baltic and the Mediterranean countries and exchange international experiences and good practices in the field of youth work. Our goals: • Promoting cultural and youth cooperation between the Mediterranean countries and the Baltic states and creating communication channels between them. • Raising awareness and involving youth in facing environmental and climatic challenges. • Exchanging good practices and international experiences in the field of youth work. • Promote the participation of young men and women in achieving peace and security (2250), the human fraternity document and the sixteenth goal of the sustainable development goals. • Building youth technological capabilities and supporting and encouraging young men and women in solving societal problems through entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

Capacity Building Activities Cultural Exchange programs Activities Gender Equality & Entrepreneurship Activities Sports & Healthy lifestyles Activities Coding/Programming and Media Literacy Activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Host intercultural events: Our organization can contribute by hosting intercultural events that bring people from different cultures together to share their experiences and perspectives. This can help to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding in the Euro Med region. - Participate in the ALF Network programs and calls: The Anna Lindh Foundation Network offers various programs, such as training and funding opportunities. Our organization can contribute by participating in these programs and sharing the knowledge gained with others. - Collaborate with other organisations: By collaborating with other organisations in the network, our organisation can contribute to joint initiatives that promote intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALN for the following reasons: - To collaborate with other organisations: By joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, our organisation would have the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded organisations to develop joint initiatives and projects. This can help to build stronger networks and partnerships in support of shared goals. - To gain access to resources and support: The Anna Lindh Foundation Network offers various resources, funding opportunities, and training programs to support the work of member organisations. Joining the network can provide access to these resources and support, which can help our organisation to advance their work more effectively. - To learn from and share best practices: Being part of a network of organisations focused on intercultural dialogue can provide opportunities for learning and sharing best practices. Our organisation would have the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, which can help to strengthen our work and contribute to more effective approaches to promoting intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Belal Elsayed Elsayed Motawea
Head of the organisation
Alaa Motawaa

MTU Andalus Institute for tolerance and anti-violence studies

National Network

Tornamae 5
10145 Tallinn

+372 5305 0102
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
our staff is 14 member in our offices in Egypt and Tallinn and the organization structure is the following: a. A Board of Directors, responsible for legal and academic consultation. b. A General Manager, responsible for the overall strategy of the organization c. An Executive Director, responsible for specific strategies, implementation of projects and daily management of the organization. d. A Fundraising and Marketing Officer, responsible for public relations and funding. e. A Financial and Administrative Department composed of a Financial Manager, an Accountant and a Secretary Our main funding sources coming from recieving grants currently we have grants from National Endowment for democracy, EU, euro-med human rights network, euro-med human rights defenders.   We have 5 main programs in which all our activities are distributed :  a. Human Rights Education b. Media Monitoring c. Election and Democracy Campaigning and Lobbying d.  Alternative/ community Media Development  e. Advocacy and Legal aid
Mission and Objectives

MTU Andalus Institute for tolerance and Anti-violence studies is a mirror organization for the same organization in Egypt and its mission is to spread the culture of tolerance through educating the younger generation; employing the media to promote respect for human rights and the value of tolerance; and strengthening the rule of law by ensuring that national legislation and governmental behavior is non-discriminative or violent.
our objectives are : 
1- Spread the culture of tolerance.
2- Ensure that national legislation is non-discriminative or violent and strengthen the rule of law.
3- promote for and support community media that  respect human rights and promote values of tolerance.
4- Educate youth to be less violent and more tolerant.
5- enhance youth politica participation in the democratic process. 
6- Raising awareness with human rights conventions and declarations. 

Main Projects / Activities

we have key projects that fits in our prgrams : 
1- Human rights education: deomcratic parliment simulation model, Youman rights, tolerance academy, Andalus Internship for young activists and journalists. 
2- media monitoring: Eye on press, election media monitoring. 
3- Democracy and elections: Vawet website; alternative online voting and election observation tool. 
4- Advocacy and legal aid: Minorties rights and refugees reports, UPR follow up reports, advocacy mission to different international entities like UNHRC , EP, American congress and so on. 
5- Alternative and community media development:: Horytna internet radio, Aswatona fund for community media development. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

as a well-established organization that has been working since 2004 till now on many aspects of Human rights education and supporting deomcratization process and improving minorties situation and being involved in many international networks through which we have build many partnership and cooperation with a widescope of organizations. these partnership and our activities gave us a very good experience that we believe we can share within the network and this membersip will enable us to actively participated in the network activities and our input as an organization coming from different context based on youth efforts will help us provide a different aspect and prospective that may be needed in the network currently due to the new wave of immigration to europe due to the turmoil in the middle east.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

though the organization is just regirsted in 2016 but it's a mirror organization for Andalus Institute in Egypt - which memeber in Egypt network- but MTU Andalus needs to build a wider range of partnership and get know and participated effectively in activities that benefits the local community here in Estonia. 
we believe that this membership will enable us to be a positive part for human rights organizations community in Estonia and will help us plan mutual events and activities with network memebers that could benefits different groups of the estonian community. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Samih
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Samih
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Executive director

MTÜ Köömen

National Network

Lutsu tn 3, 51006 Tartu linn, Tartu maakond
51006 Tartu

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

MTÜ Köömen is a NGO, we are a social enterprise, in 2023, around 70% of our budget is generated from our services. We are an ESE model social enterprise, our aim is to help refugees & migrants enter to the local labor market. We run an ethnic food business and employ refugees & migrants and help with learning Estonian, orienting in the local job culture as well as learn the food industry employment skill - all while being employed in our social enterprise. We are active all over Estonia.

Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to help refugees & migrants enter to the local labor market and at the same time alleviate the stereotypes about migrants among the local population in Estonia

Main Projects / Activities

We offer a comprehensive 8 month development program for all our employed migrants & refugees, covering the areas of cultural orientation, language skills and work skills, as well as helping with networking.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networking, sharing ideas, collaborating.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exactly for the same reason, find like-minded partners both locally and globally, among Anna Lindh members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dan Prits
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dan Prits

MTÜ Oma Tuba

National Network

80317604 Telliskivi 60a/3 (mailbox nr 71)
10412 Tallinn Estonia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

NGO Oma Tuba is a feminist organization that runs the independent web magazine Feministeerium, arranges community events for the feminist community, and promotes solidarity, emancipation & social justice through gender equality advocacy in Estonia.

Mission and Objectives

Since 2015, Oma Tuba / Feministeerium works actively with community-building mainly through web magazine, but also through organising events such as feminist reading groups, writing workshops, mental health workshops for activists, feminist festivals, open lectures and roundtables on feminist issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Web magazine Feministeerium offers a platform for feminist writers in Estonia and abroad, representing a variety of feminist perspectives. Current focus is to raise awareness in Estonia that an important part of human rights is bodily autonomy, i.e. the right to make independent decisions about one’s body, sexuality and reproduction.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kaimai Kuldkepp
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Aet Kuusik

MTÜ Pagula

National Network

Karja 27a
90502 Haapsalu

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
NGO Pagula is founded by two people who are also members of the board. The third boardmember is executice manager. In addition to board member two more persons work in Pagula (communication manager and coordinator of volunteer network). Pagula also has an advisory board which consisting of representatives from local goverments and education facilities.  Pagulas current work has been funded by one of the founders but the aim is to fund our activities on projectbase. Facilitating volunteers and supportpersons, organizing seminars to people whos line of work is conncted to refugees, organizing cultural learning events and classes to refugees etc. Main partners are Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, local governments, local schools and as advisors other organizations working on the same field.
Mission and Objectives

NGO Pagula is an organization built to welcome refugees to Estonia, Läänemaa. To help refugees to integrate fast and effectively, our everyday job is to provide them with supportpersons, help them in finding a job, a place to live and guarantee language classes and cultural learning through volunteer work.
Pagula works towards the idea that it is importants to involve refugees as part of the community as fast as possible for the sake of peace and security.
Pagula connects different local organizations, volunteers and supportpersons to build a whole package for welcoming refugees so they wouldn't feel alone and overwhelmed in this new situation and culture.
Our aim is also to raise awarness of the refugee crisis in Europe and in the source countries among local community and prepare them for the situation ahead.

Main Projects / Activities

Prepare local organizations to welcome refugees (employment office, GP-s, local government etc.);

Find and prepare accomodation;

Facilitate supportpersons;

Activate volunteers and raising awareness among them about the situation, the religions and cultures refugees come from;

Share information about the overall crisis, situation in Estonia and clarify our actions to local community (via FB and smaller gatherings for different interestgroups).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since NGO Pagula is quite young our contribution at the moment can be only as an active participator in different initiatives. It is hard to define our strengths compared to organizations that have operated for much longer.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a new organization, finding new contacts and partners is very important to us. Also tips and suggestions from older organizations are very well welcomed. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Maarja Pikkmets
Job Title
executive manager
Head of the organisation
Maarja Pikkmets

MTU Rahvusvaheline Maja (International House Tartu)

National Network

Narva mnt 9
51013 Tartu Estonia

+372 51 32891
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

International House Tartu is independent non-governmental organization that works in community building and social cohesion, decreasing intergroup stereotyping, stigmatizing and xenophopbia in Estonia. We do so through creating intercultural connections in the community, through arts and education (including teacher trainings), and through our social enterprise (giving refugees and other vulnerable groups a chance to get on the labour market). In addition, we are also often involved in hybrid initiatives that entail applied research and hands-on activities. 

Mission and Objectives

To develop Estonia´s integration capacity and intercultural competence; to strengthen ties between new and old migrants and native inhabitants of Estonia and to provide space for personal encounters between people of different groups; to support adaptation of new immigrants in Estonia, including labour market adaptation. 

Main Projects / Activities

  Activities: Intercultural spaces, trainings, development of materials to different target audiences-

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing our competence on integration and ICC, providing contacts to experts in our partner countries; organizing events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF work is very much overlapping our everyday activities and is consistent with our objectives.


Contact (1) Full Name
Anastasia Pertsjonok
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Anastasia Pertsjonok

MTÜ Satu Dialoog

National Network

Pärnu mnt 139/C
11317 Tallinn Tondi

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

MTÜ Satu Dialoog is a voluntary organization that was founded in Tallinn in 2010. The purpose of the organization is to work to promote social harmonization. We want to establish meeting places in the local community, to strengthen the responsibility and involvement of individuals. We practice inclusion, dialogue and creating a sense of community. It is important for us to contribute to the development of skills. We do this by inviting people to discussions, seminars and organizing conferences and courses. We also do activities for children and young people. The focus of MTÜ Satu Dialoog is to bring together people with different views. With the projects, we hope to involve children, young people, adults and the elderly in order to increase their sense of belonging in Estonia. Our activities focus on people, and the goal is a better quality of life for everyone. We are an open organization for everyone who wants to participate and be with us. The aim is to create a basis for dialogue related to social difficulties, such as skin colour, ethnicity, gender orientation and religion. We promote democracy, human rights, equality and freedom of expression. However, we are not a religious or ethnic organization. We are a non-profit organization in Tallinn. The main organizers of events and activities are local people of Turkish origin, whose activities are inspired by the thoughts of Fethullah Gülen. However, our doors are open to everyone who has similar views and is in favor of democracy. The MTÜ is financed through donations, which support the continuation of organizing activities. Also, our active volunteers help us to continue our activities, who work constantly to create various events. We are also occasionally supported by sponsors.

Mission and Objectives

MTÜ Satu Dialoog is a voluntary organization that was founded in Tallinn in 2010. The purpose of the organization is to work to promote social harmonization. We want to establish meeting places in the local community, to strengthen the responsibility and involvement of individuals. We practice inclusion, dialogue and creating a sense of community. It is important for us to contribute to the development of skills. We do this by inviting people to discussions, seminars and organizing conferences and courses. We also do activities for children and young people. The focus of MTÜ Satu Dialoog is to bring together people with different views. With the projects, we hope to involve children, young people, adults and the elderly in order to increase their sense of belonging in Estonia. Our activities focus on people, and the goal is a better quality of life for everyone. We are an open organization for everyone who wants to participate and be with us. The aim is to create a basis for dialogue related to social difficulties, such as skin colour, ethnicity, gender orientation and religion. We promote democracy, human rights, equality and freedom of expression. However, we are not a religious or ethnic organization. We are a non-profit organization in Tallinn. The main organizers of events and activities are local people of Turkish origin, whose activities are inspired by the thoughts of Fethullah Gülen. However, our doors are open to everyone who has similar views and is in favor of democracy. The NGO is financed through donations, which support the continuation of organizing activities. Also, our active volunteers help us to continue our activities, who work constantly to create various events. We are also occasionally supported by sponsors.

Main Projects / Activities

MTÜ Satu Dialoog is a voluntary organization that was founded in Tallinn in 2010. The purpose of the organization is to work to promote social harmonization. We want to establish meeting places in the local community, to strengthen the responsibility and involvement of individuals. We practice inclusion, dialogue and creating a sense of community. It is important for us to contribute to the development of skills. We do this by inviting people to discussions, seminars and organizing conferences and courses. We also do activities for children and young people. The focus of MTÜ Satu Dialoog is to bring together people with different views. With the projects, we hope to involve children, young people, adults and the elderly in order to increase their sense of belonging in Estonia. Our activities focus on people, and the goal is a better quality of life for everyone. We are an open organization for everyone who wants to participate and be with us. The aim is to create a basis for dialogue related to social difficulties, such as skin colour, ethnicity, gender orientation and religion. We promote democracy, human rights, equality and freedom of expression. However, we are not a religious or ethnic organization. We are a non-profit organization in Tallinn. The main organizers of events and activities are local people of Turkish origin, whose activities are inspired by the thoughts of Fethullah Gülen. However, our doors are open to everyone who has similar views and is in favor of democracy. The NGO is financed through donations, which support the continuation of organizing activities. Also, our active volunteers help us to continue our activities, who work constantly to create various events. We are also occasionally supported by sponsors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Celal Yildirim
Head of the organisation
Anuarbek Sagymbay and Celal Yildirim

MTÜ U-Pööre (U-Turn NGO)

National Network

Kase 4-3, Otepää 67405
67405 Otepää

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
5 Members, 2 Board Members. No salaried staff. Annual Budget (2012): 4000 EUR. Funding: Membership fees, grants (for implementing projects).
Mission and Objectives

U-Turn NGO aims to realize humanistic ideals through concrete projects and actions. Currently, U-Turn is focused in two areas: 1) participation in the international Finno-Ugric movement, 2) Moderation of Estonia-Palestine Support Group on Facebook.

Main Projects / Activities

U-Turn NGO represents Estonia in MAFUN (Youth Association of Finno-Ugric peoples). In MAFUN, U-Turn has initiated several new international projects such as Finno-Ugric Branding Conference and Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture and is spearheading reforms in the Finno-Ugric movement. U-Turn is also involved in advocacy for the pursuit of independence of the Palestinian people in Estonia. As part of this, U-Turn moderates an Estonia-Palestine Support Group on Facebook.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Whenever U-Turn joins a network, it is always an active participant. We would like to raise awareness of the Arab world and the Middle East in Estonia, including by showing the similarities and commonalities that our peoples possess. We are ready to (co-)organize conferences, seminars, exchange programs, work with the media and schools/universities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

U-Turn appreciates and supports the overall objectives of ALF in conducting a dialogue between Europe and the Middle East / Arab World. This kind of dialogue is crucial for ensuring a more tolerant and peaceful society in our lifetime.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oliver Loode
Head of the organisation
Urmas Jaagusoo
Contact (2) Full Name
Urmas Jaagusoo