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En décembre 2011, les membres du réseau autrichien de la FAL ont élu pour chef de réseau (CdR) l’Austrian Institute for International Affairs (Institut autrichien des affaires internationales, OIIP), un groupe de réflexion indépendant et à but non lucratif.

Depuis lors, son travail a principalement consisté à soutenir et à renforcer les échanges intellectuels, culturels et de la société civile des organisations membres autrichiennes, en plus de les conseiller et de les aider à participer aux appels de la Fondation Anna Lindh.

Actuellement, le réseau autrichien compte plus de 60 membres ; la plupart sont des organisations de la société civile, des organisations publiques ou des particuliers travaillant dans les secteurs politique, culturel et éducatif. 

En principe, le réseau est ouvert à toutes les ONG, aux acteurs publics, locaux et régionaux, aux entrepreneurs sociaux, aux fondations publiques et privées sans but lucratif, aux organisations à but lucratif ayant des objectifs socialement durables, ainsi qu’aux particuliers qui adhèrent aux principes et à la mission de la Fondation Anna Lindh et dont le travail est fondé sur des valeurs pluralistes, démocratiques et multilatérales.

Outre la coordination du réseau autrichien, le chef de réseau s’engage à établir des partenariats avec les membres de la FAL dans d’autres pays. En promouvant le dialogue entre les membres du réseau autrichien et ceux des autres réseaux de la FAL, le CdR vise à renforcer la reconnaissance, la connaissance et le respect mutuel entre les différentes cultures, communautés de foi et valeurs des pays euro-méditerranéens.

Being a Child in Times of Crisis

Being a Child in times of crises

On the International Day of Children's Rights, young individuals from the age of ten presented their
action plans developed during the "Being a Child in Times of Crisis" research project. Hosted by the
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights and the Human Rights Space, this
final event took place on 20 November 2023, in Vienna's Ceremonial Hall of the Directorate of
Education. Funded by the Open Innovation in Science Center, the project emphasized the rights and
voices of children, fostering their awareness of international children's rights. The event provided a
platform for young participants to discuss their action plans with child rights experts and political

More information can be found here.

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Bettina Kolb

Maître de conférences à l'Institut de sociologie de l'Université de Vienne. Bettina Kolb est experte en sociologie visuelle appliquant la méthode des entretiens photographiques participatifs comme outil sociologique pour la recherche inter et transdisciplinaire. Elle travaille dans des domaines incluant...

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Bettina Kolb

Lecturer at the Institute for Sociology at the University of Vienna. Kolb is an expert in visual sociology applying the method of participatory photo interviews as a sociological tool for inter and transdisciplinary research, working in fields including socio-cultural representation...

Bianna - Zentrum für Bildung und Kunst

National Network

1683245274 Davidgasse 7 1100 Wien
1100 Vienna

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Bianna is a Non-Profit Organization in Vienna. We work with children, youth and adults. In our organization, we provide
Training is provided in areas such as Aramotic Plant Cultivation, Sapling Breeding, and Hobby Garden Design.
Additionally ; 1- People
2- Theater
3- Chorus
4- Handicrafts
5- Sewing embroidery
6- Painting
7- Guitar
8- Saz
9- Piano
10- Rhythm
11- Side flute
12- Children's academy
14- Aerobic
15- Robotic coding training is provided.
A total of 250-300 trainees are participating. One-to-one and group lessons are given. Trainees are generally immigrants. The courses offered at Bianna facilitate the integration of immigrant people into Austria and enable them to become better-equipped individuals.
Music, art, dance, private lessons, afternoon childcare, choir and theatre. We also organize free sports activities.
We also organize seminars and workshops on various topics.
We have undertaken many projects such as Dance Festivals and concerts in different countries. Young people generally participate in organizations where dances are introduced and cultural interaction increases.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide a platform for artistic expression, education, and community engagement. We aim to foster creativity and personal growth among individuals of all ages by offering diverse programs and opportunities. Through our initiatives, we strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages artistic exploration, skill development, and collaboration.

At Bianna Art Association, we are dedicated to nurturing talent, promoting artistic excellence, and instilling a lifelong appreciation for the arts. We believe in the transformative power of art and its ability to create meaningful connections, bridge cultural divides, and promote positive social change.

To promote the harmonious and inclusive integration of immigrants into society through the fascinating power of art, To strengthen society by revealing the multifaceted dimensions of its core values, To eliminate cultural divides and increase respect for diversity, To promote immigrants' sense of belonging and empowerment through artistic expression.
To enable young people to realize themselves and socialize,
Making a difference in issues such as environmental protection, digitalization and integration in all areas are some of the goals of the association.

Main Projects / Activities

Bianna association carries out erasmus projects and makes partnerships. It gathers immigrants, young people, disadvantaged groups and everyone who wants to improve themselves and is interested in art under its roof. The association organizes various training programs, workshops and events to meet the needs of these different groups. In this way, participating young people can both support their personal development and step into business life in a better equipped way by acquiring new skills.
Within the scope of the Ka220-YOU Immigrant Health and Integration project, of which we are a partner in 2022, we included our young volunteers in projects to observe and participate in good practices in Sarajevo, Norway, Portugal and France. We also send our young volunteers to youth exchanges organized in Turkey and Italy, and enable our young volunteers to benefit from European opportunities through various projects. We also take care to increase young people's interest in art and sports by organizing events such as bicycle tours, ski tours, dance festivals, song and theater competitions.
As Bianna Association, we organize breakfast programs to strengthen young people's relationships with their peers and enable them to socialize. We try to do this regularly every month. The work carried out by the Bianna Association for young people and immigrants is of great importance. The basis of our association's mission is to help our young people, who are the guarantee of our future, reveal their talents and use their potential at the maximum level.
With Erasmus projects, our young volunteers have the opportunity to get to know different cultures, improve their language skills and establish international relations. In this way, young people and disadvantaged groups can improve themselves both personally and professionally and look at the world with a broader perspective.
It increases cooperation and harmony in Europe. With these projects, the Bianna association brings together local communities in Vienna and similar organizations across Europe to develop joint projects. Thus, an important step is taken towards understanding the cultural, social and economic differences between different countries and overcoming these differences.
Bianna association also offers internship programs and work experience opportunities to support young people in preparing for business life and to enable them to connect with employers. In this way, young people can both improve their professional skills and increase their employability by interacting directly with employers.
Bianna association wants to do more Erasmus projects and is looking for new opportunities. Thanks to these projects, the association aims to reach a wider audience and support immigrants, young people, disadvantaged groups and everyone who is interested in art.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work in the field of immigration. We carry out activities on issues such as advocacy, youth activities and adult education. We have a large network of instructors and volunteers. We can provide support in the areas of human resources, dissemination and advocacy. In particular, integration with art is one of our general activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to carry out our association activities as part of an international network. We want to be a part of this network, interact with different institutions and be visible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sultan Köksal
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Halil Bulut
Contact (2) Full Name
Halil Bulut
Job Title (2)

BRUNO KREISKY Forum For International Dialogue

National Network

Armbrustergasse 15
A – 1190 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 318 82 60
+ 43 (0)1 318 82 60 10
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 831 00 60
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. The staff is composed of 3 persons, the board of directors and the secretary general are defining and executing the program. 3. The Bruno Kreisky Forum is incorporated as an independent, not-for-profit association and it finances its activities through contributions and donations.
Mission and Objectives

The Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue was founded in 1991, in pursuit of the international activities of Bruno Kreisky and in an endeavour to carry on what had always been of special concern to the statesman Kreisky.

Main Projects / Activities

The Kreisky Forum regularly invites internationally recognised politicians, opinion leaders, representatives of the business community and academics to panel discussions, symposia, lectures, and seminars. It also organises meetings with such guests that provide representatives and friends of the Forum with an opportunity to meet and discuss in small groups with actors and experts in world politics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gertraud Borea d’Olmo, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Rudolf Scholten, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Melitta Campostrini, administration / Karin Mendel, administration

Building a Peace Narrative at a Time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Religion

Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Religion

On February 2, 2024, the Vienna International Center will host an event titled "Building a Peace Narrative at a time of Global Crisis: The Contribution of Religion." This conference will focus on the role of religion in shaping peace narratives during times of global crisis. It features speakers from diverse backgrounds, including UN diplomats, academics, and faith leaders, who will engage in two sessions discussing the construction of a peace narrative and the specific contributions of religion to this narrative. The event emphasizes the importance of religious perspectives in addressing contemporary global challenges. Registration ends on January 30th.

More information can be found here.

Büro für PerspektivenManagement

National Network

Nibelungengasse 40 / II
A-8010 Graz

+43 660 30 40 500
Telephone (other)
+ 43 676 300 91 82
+43 316 368 316
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Small Business; 2 persons; focussing on organisational development, coaching an psychotherapy; special topics: psychodynamic organisational developmemt, economics and culture; realisation of projects corresponding with these topics (for example: "UN/FAIR TRADE", an exhibition in the "Neue Galerie Graz" 2007; the Büro für PerspektivenManagement acted as sicentific curator / another example: development of an East-West Center for the Styrian Government in 2008)
Mission and Objectives

establishing psychotherapy in a broad field of cultural and economical activities as an essential force helping people to get togehter; establishing transcultural work in psychotherapy

Main Projects / Activities

Psychotherapeutical Dimensions of Islam. Basic principles and elements of a transcultural language for emotional and psychological well-being
Concept for a European project towards improving work with immigrants and promoting cultural exchange between the
Orient and the Occident. (see additional project paper!)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Christian Eigner
Head of the organisation
Mag. Christian Eigner, Dr. Michaela Ritter
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Michaela Ritter

Call for Applications | Intercultural Achievement Award


The Intercultural Achievement Award is a yearly award for successful and innovative best practice civil society projects in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, honouring organisations that make a difference.

Deadline: 15 March 2023

For further information on how to apply, see the attached file or click here


Cengiz Günay

Is the Deputy Director of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), and a lecturer at the University of Vienna and the University of Graz. In 2018/19 he was an Austrian Marshall Plan Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at...