
Oloop Ljubljana

National Network

Šmartinska c. 24

++386 1 620 91 87
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 41 325 569
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
OLOOP - institution for contemporary textile art and design - is non-profit organization - nobody is employed, but three people working regulary on the projects - source of founding: European Social Foundation, Slovene Ministerium of Culture, smaller Slovenian foundations - Modalities of action: seminars, artistic urban actions, art exhibitions, workshops, projects with vournerable groups - main partners: partners from social field
Mission and Objectives

our mission is to use texile art, craft, design as a way to connect with different people, to connect different people between each other, to connect different cultures, religions into collective action.
We’ve been researching and developing projects, activities and products under a common theme – Super Hands. By doing this we are raising awareness on the importance of handicraft and its effects on the well-being of individuals and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

2011/12 Revealed Hands - creating intercultural connections, socialisation and education with textile handicraft,
2012 Re-connected, textile space installation, Eurpean Capitale of Culture, Maribor, Slovenia
2012 Waiting Room Project, research of waiting time, BIO 23, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011/12 Silent Revolutions, Exhibition of Contemporary Slovene Design
2011 Space of Silence, public textile space installation; Aksioma, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dray Walk Gallery, London, UK
2011 Home at home, community art project, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2011 Recycling Design – laboratory of cleaner world; international exhibition; Gallery SINGIDUNUM ULUPUDS, Beograd, Serbia
2010/11 Re-start - L'arte di trasformare le cose, international exhibition; Palazzo Frisacco, Tolmezzo, Italia
2010 Bake Love, Eat & Drink Design. Month of Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2010 Openwear, exhibition; Ljubljana, Milano, Istanbul /Slovenia, Italy, Turkey/

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmina Ferček
Head of the organisation
Jasmina Ferček
Contact (2) Full Name
Katja Burger

Online Networking Event for EuroMed cooperation

Text : Online Networking Event  for EuroMed cooperation

Unleash the potential of ALF in motion grants for CSOs in the Mediterranean region for innovative intercultural exchanges!

Povod Institute invites members of the Anna Lindh Foundation for EuroMed dialogue in Slovenia and in the EuroMed region to join an online networking event to meet with potential partners who are artists, cultural associations, NGOs, research institutes and other Civil Society Organizations who are members of the Anna Lindh Foundation network.

This online networking event aims to:

1. Learn more about the ALF in Motion program's valuable opportunities to facilitate innovative exchanges between culture, art, and civil society institutions in the EuroMed region.

2. Create new partnerships between CSOs in the North and South of the Mediterranean.

Therefore, if you are based in Slovenia and would like to find a partner based in the southern Mediterranean region to host them or be hosted by them through the ALF in Motion grants, we encourage you to join our online event to learn more about the ALF in Motion grant program and to find a partner in the southern Mediterranean region.

To join the online networking, you need to register here:


Find out all the information about the #alfinmotion program via the Anna Lindh Foundation Website here:

See less

Open call for youth in Slovenia: “The Climate Ambassadors”

In door meeting, people sitting around the table

PiNA - Association for Culture and Education, is organising two workshops titled “Why become a climate ambassador?” which will take place on the 31st of May and 7th of June at 17.00, on the premises of Zavod Bob.

The two workshops are intended for young people aged up to 30 who want to be actively involved in the fight against climate change.

Find out more and apply until the 30th of May here.

Organisation for sports, youth, research and culture K.N.O.F.

National Network

ŠMRK društvo K.N.O.F., Ob gozdu 11, 8290 SEVNICA

00386 51 309 063
Telephone (other)
00386 7 814 11 24
00386 7 814 11 24
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Organization K.N.O.F. is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization run by volunteers from the year 2007, who are realizing different activities like youth entertainment, youth education and youth culture for people aged 16 to 30 from local areas. In the organization there are 30 active members, everyone of them is a volunteer. Besides organizing projects (2-3 per month) we gather every week per 3 hours. At the moment we don’t have any employees, but we often get help from external coworkers.
Mission and Objectives

Goals of our activities are:
- offering the means to the young people from local area so they can realize their own ideas, whether they are from the field of entertainment, education or art.
- support and encourage volunteer work and gaining experience and knowledge from autonomous organization and leadership of projects.
- encouraging personal growth of young people and mutual understanding of young people (also from different cultures)
- encourage inclusion and participation of young people in the society, from shaping public life to youth policies.

Main Projects / Activities

Our regular activities are:
- concerts: they appear on monthly basis, we mostly host young, amateur groups, from classic to alternative music.
- arts: they appear on monthly basis, we mostly organize exhibitions of young amateur artists.
- education: they appear on a weekly basis, we organize computer courses for beginners and followers
- informing: info point about European and other opportunities for young people, once a month we also publish a magazine for young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Mojca Metelko

Organization for help and self-help of homeless people Kings of the Street

National Network

Pražakova 6
1000 Ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure of the organization: president, program leaders, proffesional workers, contract co-workers. Together 10 employes. Budgetary resource in 2011 was 519.000 eur. We have different sources of funding, we apply for different project on state (Ministry of work and social affairs, Culture ministry, Office for equal opportunities, Office for youth work, FIHO-fundation for invalid and humanitarian organization ... and on municipality level. We also have our own resources from social economy project (publishing first Slovenian Street paper, leading first Slovenian thrift store with used goods). We have different permanent programs and we organize different events: international, national conferences, workshops, seminars, exchanges of best practices from abroad, theater shows (theater of excluded), music performance ... We cooperate a lot with different related organizations and we are also members of INSP (International network of Street papers) and EAPN (European anti-poverty network).
Mission and Objectives

We are non-governmental organization which primary works in the field of homelessnes and social inclusion on practical and theoretical level. Our basic principle is empowerment (help for self-help). From symbolicall and physical point of view we offer a safe space for marginal people to gather their strength and improve their life situation. We use methods from different fields: socio-pedagogic, sociologic, anthropologic, philosophic ... and offer different kinds of activities: cultural, sports, education.

Main Projects / Activities

We started on the basis of publishing first Slovenian Street paper kings of the Street in cooperation with homeless people, till today we have developed different programs: street paper, day center, ressetlement program, University under the stars (informal education for social excluded), socio-economic project Thrift store uf used goods). In Slovenia we are known by developing innovative practices of working together with marginal groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network in our country with our own experiences developed throug the years of working with marginal groups on practical and theoretical level. On the wider level we can contribute to strengthening on NGO sector and civil society in Slovenia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF network because we could widen and improve our international activities, get more useful knowledge for our work, exchange the best practices from abroad. Joining ALF network will empower our organization and help us to develop even better and more projects for users of our association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luna Jurančič Šribar
Head of the organisation
Bojan Kuljanac
Contact (2) Full Name
Monika Cerar


National Network

F. Pintarića 31

00385 43 231-400
Telephone (other)
0038543 246-414
00385 43 231-400
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 91 162-2627
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
66 members , 0 employed, 4 international partners 10.000 eura in a year project , local community Portal with an NPO database for the Town of Bjelovar • Information point (showcase) • Education for anticorruption portal • Stop to corruption • Portal with an NPO database for the County Bjelovarsko-bilogorska • English courses for adults, basic, intermediate and advanced levels Partners: local community BBŽ, Embassy of Neatherland, private sector
Mission and Objectives

To stimulate and promote cooperation in local communities with the aim of long-term development.
Our vision is a balanced society with developed local communities for the benefit of present and future generations.Our values are:Openness, being involved, fairness, trust, partnership, innovation

Main Projects / Activities

- Participation in workshops:
Managing the Project Cycle
Strategic Planning
Financing from EU Funds
Democracy and the Media
Arion Visit Study - Global Learning – EU
Portal with an NPO database
Information point (showcase)
Education for anti-corruption portal
Stop to corruption

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies

National Network

Metelkova 6

+386 1 234 77 20
Telephone (other)
+386 1 234 77 23
+386 1 234 77 22
Mobile Phone
+386 31 652 999
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information
Peace Institute is organized in project groups which belong to one of the thematic fields (Human Rights and Minorities, Cultural Policy, Media, Politics, Gender), and special programs which include publications, events, seminars, internships, library and other secondary dissemination programs. Being both an independent private non-profit institute and NGO, its budgetary resources change from year to year, and include state and local subsidies, different EU programs, and OSI grant. Our partners include NGOs from Slovenia and abroad (EU, Western Balkans etc.), research institutes and international networks.
Mission and Objectives

From its inception, the Institute has remained dedicated to dealing with marginalized social and political themes that are usually neglected in the activities of other institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

In the more recent period, these included the problems te?ated to the “erased” (inhabitants not given residence), the position of the Roma, the visibility of ethnic and other minorities in the media, the position of new unrecognized minorities, intimate citizenship, contradictions within cultural policy, the relationship between the EU and the USA, the constitutional process in the EU, EU enlargement (the Balkan states, Turkey, Ukraine), the accomplishment of the Hague Tribunal (ICTY), and other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lev Kreft
Head of the organisation
Lev Kreft, executive director
Contact (2) Full Name
Franja Arlic, managing director

Perot - Društvo za sobivanje človeškega (The Perot Society for the Coexistence of Humanness)

National Network

Karlovška 19
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has around 20 active members, all volunteers, no employees. Due to its recent establishment, it has no funds yet. We plan to get funding from government and local authorities, donors and, to small extent, from the users of our activities. We are in the process of setting up a web page, creating presentation material, and making contact with possible partners. We organize group activities for children, adolescents and volunteers (short-term project groups, camps), long-term individual support for children and parents; training seminars, study groups and mentorship for volunteers; seminars for schoolteachers and parents.
Mission and Objectives

The central aim is implementation of group and pair activities, which are organized by a diverse (in age and occupation) community of highly motivated volunteers with the aim to support children and adolescents. There is considerable diversity among the children and adolescents as well. Our approach is to promote and explore this diversity, in order for the group and its members to subsist and grow. In the context of everyday activities and living together, often in natural habitat, we are exploring alternative ways of understanding individual mental and interpersonal patterns, as well as group dynamics. As the adults let their own vulnerability and fallibility show, a community is created in which the young are not instructed, but rather respected and led to see the growth of people of all ages and walks of life. Regular training activities aim to support the volunteers in their work and personal experience.

Main Projects / Activities

The group activities mainly take the form of camps, workshops, seminars and project groups. A major project is a sociotherapeutic (summer and winter) camp for children and adolescents with psychosocial problems. Membership in groups is assisted by regular individual support of a child or adolescent, as well as the volunteer. Mentorship, several study groups and team work promote and guarantee continuous orientation to research and learning about the practices which are being explored and developed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasna Solarović
Head of the organisation
Jasna Solarović
Contact (2) Full Name
Manca Kaliman

Photon Association & Gallery

National Network

Poljanska 1

00386 1 2302071
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00386 31 354843
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 40 168023
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Photon Association & Gallery consists of three regular members, Dejan Sluga, Miha Colner, Metka Zupani? and few partner collaborators. We are founded through the domestic institutions: Ministry of Culture and City government of Ljubljana; private sponsors and international sources. Photon Association & Gallery is collaborating in various international exhibition, theoretical or networking projects. Main partners of Photon Gallery are: CCN Graz, ULUPUBiH Sarajevo, ProArtOrg Beograd...
Mission and Objectives

Objective of Photon Association & Gallery is broad collaboration within the CEE region, popularization and promotion of contemporary photography within the visual art sphere.

Main Projects / Activities

exhibition & events production

Contact (1) Full Name
Miha Colner
Head of the organisation
Dejan Sluga
Contact (2) Full Name
Dejan Sluga

PIFF, društvo preoblikovanja komunikacij

National Network

Glavarjeva ulica 49

+386 30 368 631
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
PIFF Association for Transformation of Social Communication is promoting independent and creative artistic ways and means of communicating important political aspects of our society especially to young and also to the general public. Contextualising the content, PIFF is promoting access to multicultural realities and relations, educating on diverse film and media subjects and providing unique film and event programming.
Mission and Objectives

PIFF Association for Transformation of Social Communication is dedicated to promote active citizenship and political responsibility through film and audiovisual projects, especially focused on young people and using different media and art forms.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentaries in Maribor - DokMa International Documentary Film Festival
DokMa festival, one of our main events, was established as independent art and social project for preserving cultural heritage of the Maribor city cinemas and promoting documentary filmmaking as creative visions of our reality in Slovenia and abroad.
Dokus - Documentary Workshop for Autonomous Expression of Active Citizenship
Docs on the Sofa - Professional Documentary Masterclass
Politically Incorrect Film Festival - PI-FF
Videobox - one year educational documentary programme for high school students
Istanbul Express: Exploring Multilingualism Across Europe
Corruption is not necessary! - anticorruption youth education and film screenings project
Member of NISI MASA - European Network for Young Cinema
Member of EDN - European Documentary Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Goropevšek